
Malaysia, the king and the de facto king

(Bloomberg) -- Malaysian lawmakers from across the political spectrum blasted Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad for calling on parliament to vote on a new leader, saying the move disrespected the country’s monarch.

Parliament won’t convene the special meeting on March 2 as the letter sent by the premier breached procedure, house speaker Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof said in a statement. The meeting should only be called after a decree from the king, he said. Mahathir said Thursday the king had failed to find a candidate with a clear majority in the 222-member parliament, and an election would be called if lawmakers couldn’t decide on a leader in the special meeting. The king had appointed Mahathir as interim prime minister following his surprise resignation this week....

The backlash raises questions about whether Mahathir, 94, miscalculated in abandoning a coalition that pulled off a shock election win in 2018, taking down a government that ruled consecutively for six decades....  Yahoo News

Mahathir is fighting his last battle at the age of 94. The last time when he announced his shock resignation as PM while in UMNO, the UMNO top leaders spared no time to accept his resignation immediately to his horror. They could not wait to remove him as the PM and put another aspiring and ambitious UMNO leader in his place. This time round the play was the same. Mahathir thought he was the de facto king and is still calling the shot, the indispensable leader Malaysia could not do without. Then came the news that PKR and DAP again changed their position, from supporting Anwar to supporting Mahathir and Mahathir said he had enough support to be the PM.

Then the Palace made the announcement that Muhyiddin would be sworn in as the PM, meaning Bersatu had backed out from supporting Mahathir.

When the chips are down, everyone is abandoning him. Anwar put himself up as the candidate for PM but changed in the last minute when he could not muster enough numbers to be the PM. His former foe, UMNO would have nothing to do with him, and his own party Bersatu has put up Muhyiddin as their PM candidate. The errant PKR break away 11 MPs also turned against him.

And worse, for announcing that the PM would be chosen at the next Parliamentary sitting in 2 Mar, he seemed to have forgotten who is the King of Malaysia and offended the royalties and the loyal Malaysians that loved their King. They are accusing him of showing disrespect to the King and promptly the Palace announced that there would be no Parliamentary sitting to elect the PM, a slap on Mahathir's face.

Just a few days ago, after resigning and reappointed as the interim PM, Mahathir seemed to be the one to be the PM again and calling for the formation of a unity govt. This is not going to be. Muhyiddin won. Looks like his last gambit has gone with the wind. Mahathir's final battle with the royalties ended with the royalties as the winner.

At 94, it is unlikely that Mahathir is going to be given another chance to stage a comeback.


Anonymous said...

Madhater is as good as Gone With The Wind lah. The age tide and timings r all against him. Looks like Matland politics r going to be in another rough tide for now.

jjgg said...

Good morning all..kudos to the speaker n the king for preserving the sanctity of parliament..!!!! Recalling a somewhat similar situation here..did our speaker of parliament do anything when parliament was used to discuss familee affairs? Especially when all the other parties were not given the right of reply??

Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB. NOT yet!

Before they sworn in that Mudding.

Mahathair proclaimed that he has now the support of the Majority.

Still one day to claim the Throne.

He is visting the King Again to put up his case of PM.

Anyway, better to have Anwar then that Mathair and Mudding.

Both extremists in their thinking. One with Pancreatic Cancer and all power crazy still wants to be PM.

Anwar, safer bet for Sinkies


Virgo 49 said...

Actually DAP had the most seats in the Coalition.

And yet the Best cannnot be the PM.

What's nonsense.

Good for the Country whether Yellow or NOT still the BEST for the Country.

All for the Country

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Surprising part is that East Malaysia parties joined the new coalition. Did they not suffered enough under the predecessor of this new govt?

It would be very interesting if Mahathir could turn the tide. This wily old fox is looking like he would not die and will live forever.

Anonymous said...

Muhyiddin becomes Prime Minister.
- AG Tommy Thomas already resigned

So what happens to all the corruption cases?

Was it just one big wayang?
- did money changed hands?

Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB. Today RTM and all Malaysian Media will go berserk with the latest and breaking news.

Full of drama.


imho said...

The more they fight among themselves - the better for others.
Sit back and watch the drama unfold.
Maybe turning matiland into commieland is the best solution.
All the sultans can go to the chopping board.

SSO said...

The king is dead. Long live the King!

Parliament is not PM's play-ground to settle personal and family fueds. Parliament's sanctity is violated if PM used Parliament as his own One-Man Highest Court with no Prosecutors, No Judges, No Jury, No Accusers, No Witnesses.

Parliament's sessions cannot be carried if it's sanctity has been violated.

The Speaker of the House and all those Members of Parliament who did not protect the Parliament's sanctity have all been guilty of CONspiracy to subvert the legality of Parliament and the Constitution. All should be taken to tasks by a future legal government.

The due respect for the Electorate and the People has been clearly and consciously trampled and thrown into the gutter. This is gutter politics of the highest order!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Dr M's famous multi-decade feuding with the sultans and agongs is now biting him in the ass.

He was consistently slapping the fuck out of them telling them that "Malaysia is a democracy, so fuck you all, legitimacy comes from PARLIAMENT not from royalty" (not the exact words, but the general idea)...knn make them lose face.

Threatened to arrest royal family members who break laws, no panchan one, no give chance. Wah, action borak.

So now it's unsurprising that they'll fuck him right back.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if Dr M wins or loses now. He's been a very successful population, amassed a huge family fortune, put Malaysia on the map and has been a constant pain-in-the-arse of Singapore's ruling Lee family.

Dr M has entertained us well with his antics. We know he can change alliances like we change our underwear lah.

One time, hantam English ed Chinese. Everything in school must be taught in Bahasa.

Then later. Change. Become more friendly with Chinese, especially business community. (For a cut, anything is possible).

One time #1 UMNO leader. Then go against UMNO. Treat Anwar like a scion. Then slam him in jail. Then friends again. Then not friends.... This fucker, like Vladimir Putin, is one of the world's BEST modern political operators

Dr M, you rock lah!

Anonymous said...

Malaysians Boleh! Singaporeans Bodoh!

Anonymous said...

Easy to predict lah. No matter who win, matland will become more pro-bumi.

If your cock not circumcised you better have backup plans to run road (too bad, immovable things like property etc have to give up & write off lah).

Virgo 49 said...

Hi Anon 9.34

Not to worry, the Drama not ended as yet.

Now, just like the Mats, can be overturned and be bitten back like boomerang.

Trying to silence closest kins and now in open court, dirty linen gonna be washed for all to see and hear.

They would not be beaten lying down like the rest of the daft Sinkies.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Singapore's political narratives are broing compared to the Malay Wayang up north.

The Wayang is full of intrigue, alliances and disloyalty, HOMO-EROTICISM (UMNO got plenty assfuckers and cock suckers), kleptocracy, murder, massive backstabbing and filthy-dirty corruption, RIOTS, and a whole lot of FREE SPEECH which if you tried in Singapore PAP su-su you until bankrupt....in Singapore politics you can hear the crickets...same-o same-o for the last half-century. No surprises. Once in a while got 'scandal', but in Malaysia 'scandal' is a day-to-day affair.

Dr M is like Donald Trump. A nationalist. He is fearless when it comes to slapping other world leaders. He's slapped the USA. And Israel claiming that he is "openly anti-Semitic". He's been slapping the PAP for decades...purposely enacting policies to thwart them, and to "kachau" Singapore's close ties to Israel. Dr M is still energetic at his advanced age, and can certainly "entertain" the masses.

Is he really out? I don't think so. This fucker, given his history, will give it another try...even if he doesn't succeed, he'll be writing screeds of venom against the govt on his blog...and NO ONE will dare touch him.

I reckon he has a shot...the Chinese like him, he is very much pro-China and outspokenly anti-US, which could mean that if he played those cards to the masses, they might just support him, one more time. IMO the masses are jaded at their politicians, which is why Dr M with all his faults seems to them that he's is fiercely NATONALISTIC with the interests of Malaysia...compared to the rest of the assholes who have proven to be kleptocrats and power-hungry Feudal Lords.

Virgo 49 said...

Still safe for Sinkies to have safe havens in Matland lah.

They, with their never ending feuds and politicking will leave you in peace lah.

No time like the Papies who had it easier to screw you.

That's a misconception by Sinkies that they pro-bumis will discriminate you.

Not there to take their rice bowls. Instead contributed to their economies, they welcome you.

That's why Genting Paradise kept prodding us to go there and be their guests.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I agree with Virgo. Matland oso can "Mat Rock".

We have our particular favorites. Virgo likes Melaka & Genting.

For me, my "rocking destinations" are

1. Bukit Bintang, KL
2. Bangsar, KL
3. Iskandar, Johor
4. Ipoh, Perak

Malaysia boleh? Boleh Bagus Sekali! 👍🏆👍

Virgo 49 said...

Just too bad. The Sultan pulled a fast one and Mahathair no chance to appeal.

His plans backfired. He thought played this ploy and once and for all shut all their mouths clamouring for the PM post.

Now, kena plucked by his own antics. The Royalty awaiting for chance to screw his arse.

Anyway, drama might NOT stop here.

There's a Parliament to contend to. Muffin might get sacked again.. With No confidence.Or kena sodomy or soto mee.

Wonder will they believe that he commits soto mee. May be just eat soto mee. Already kueh.dada.

Viagra also.cannot help.


Anonymous said...

One time #1 UMNO leader. Then go against UMNO. Treat Anwar like a scion. Then slam him in jail. Then friends again. Then not friends.... This fucker, like Vladimir Putin, is one of the world's BEST modern political operators. Matilah.

After being exposed as an American agent by RB, Matilah now pretends that he is not and staying away from attacking China. But he needs to be paid so he now attacks Putin.

But Putin is not the main agenda and before long he would start his usual attack on China if he wants to be paid and doing his job.

Anonymous said...

Mahathir could yet be pulling the strings behind the scene. His objective was initially to get rid of Anwar forever, using Azmin and Muhyiddin as his chessboard pawn. The persistence of Anwar and his followers to ascend the PMs seat must have forced him to take this gamble. He may have miscalculated, but he will not just fade away. This old snake will just shake off his old skin, but is still a snake under that skin.

Mahathir knows that Anwar's family, particularly his daughter, harbour deep hatred of him, having called him a dictator openly. And Anwar, suffering indignity under the hands of the old snake, could not have forgiven him that easily. All that show of solidarity on the surface are just political showmanship. Flip flop, flip flop, like flipping prata is the forte of the sly old snake in trying to pacify Anwar and his supporters clamouring for power. That worked for a time, but cannot last forever.

Giving his PM seat to Anwar means his son has little chance of rising among the ranks of the coalition. That is the reason they both left UMNO. That is why he has been trying to recruit ex UMNO politicians into his party to shore up the numbers. But with Anwar and his followers getting more vocal in demanding that he hand over power, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

What portends the future for Malaysia? With same old same old racial politics becoming more intense, that means it will chug along, overtaken by all of ASEAN. It does not augur well for the minority races for sure!

Anonymous said...


Now you know the true colour of Malaysia!

This is Malaysia! Malaysia is like that. You don't know meh?

That's why there is Malaysia Boleh!

Let the show goes on........


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


You really need to go for a remedial English comprehension class. 😂

>> After being exposed as an American agent by RB, Matilah now pretends that he is not and staying away from attacking China. But he needs to be paid so he now attacks Putin. <<

In point form:

1. "Exposed"? by who exactly. surely you don't mean the "great cyber detective" Redbean do you?

2. "Pretend"? Err..no, I don't pretend. Why? what for? I write here as a personal notebook and for sheer selfish pleasure. Why the fuck do I need to "pretend" where in fact in real life, I will just suka suka speak my mind anyway and fuck anyone who needs a good fucking. I'm in y mid-60s lah...as an "oldie", you get a PASS for scolding people.🖕👍🏻👍🏻

3. Read again, I say again: I don't attack China. I love the place. I go there frequently. I adore chinese women! 😍 I am LONG China, and will always be But I will mercilessly attack the PRESENT Chinese leadership. I would not attack the leadership if it was Jiang Zemin in charge with his "Shanghai clique" running the show. hey were GREAT! And there is "factional politics" in the party. Maybe Jiang wll seizes the opportunity and topple the incumbent. I can only hope.

4. why in the fuck would I attack Putin? He is one of my favorite politicians. The guy is AWESOME lah.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. You wires are seriously crossed lah 😂 and your ability to understand basic English, SUCKS DONKEY BALLS!😝

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Bilahari Kausikan calls Malaysia’s leadership crisis a waste of time, believes it’s bad news for Singapore

Speak Truth To Power! Like you always do! Onya Bilahari-san!


Anonymous said...

@ matilah

Sad to hear of your crippling car accident next week.
Get well soon.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 543

Please don't be "fake sad", because I'm *really* happy your children and entire family are slowly dying of cancer. Oh how I love hearing then scream in hopelessness. Makes my dick hard, mate. 👍

Should donate their bodies science. Except your mother's vagina. That should be turned into a bus shelter, to protect people from the weather. 🤣🖕🖕⚰️⚰️⚰️☠️☠️

Anonymous said...

Quite ridiculous but it looks, from several angles, this blog is not owned by RB. This blog is already owned by Matilah. RB simply maintains the blog and contribute an article a day (sometimes 2 articles a day, but very rare). And Matilah has the last say most of the time, if he feels like it. Is this a joke?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 543

Please don't be "fake sad", because I'm *really* happy your children and entire family are slowly dying of cancer. Oh how I love hearing then scream in hopelessness. Makes my dick hard, mate. 👍

Should donate their bodies science. Except your mother's vagina. That should be turned into a bus shelter, to protect people from the weather. 🤣🖕🖕⚰️⚰️⚰️☠️☠️

March 01, 2020 7:51 pm

From the above you can see how agitated Matilah was, very hurt that he could not control himself and had to furiously bang a reply with all the typo errors included . It must be painful.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

3. Read again, I say again: I don't attack China. I love the place. I go there frequently. I adore chinese women! 😍 I am LONG China, and will always be But I will mercilessly attack the PRESENT Chinese leadership. I would not attack the leadership if it was Jiang Zemin in charge with his "Shanghai clique" running the show. hey were GREAT! And there is "factional politics" in the party. Maybe Jiang wll seizes the opportunity and topple the incumbent. I can only hope.

This comment by Matilah is another giveaway that he is peddling the American propaganda against China, oh I am not against the Chinese people, like they were not against the North Koreans, but keep on attacking their leadership and parties and imposing economic sanctions that would hurt the Chinese and North Koreans.

This is the American lie that is being used daily for decades, and Matilah is being paid to post such lies and deception.

Anonymous said...

This Matilah Singapura is exactly like the evil Americans, pretending to be good but always doing evil things. He is a perfect example of evil Americans, evil nature, fucking around and pretending to be innocent and good.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Redbean, his kaki and my other adoring fans,

Thank you for all your support and attention. You really are a fun bunch. You're not by any stretch "funny" (actually you're pretty sad) but you're FUN nonetheless.

Keep in doing what you're doing! Once it's up on the internet, it's there forever. Immortalize yourselves, so future generations can enjoy you too! 😆🤟

Anonymous said...

Matilar u be careful lar if not if u go to Malaysia u may kena tangkat and overthere the don't use the white or black agirican tuakee to sodomize u. They useing babu singh there equally strong and big very jialat for u

Anonymous said...

Matilar u motherfucker all the place u mentioned have plenty of cheap girls for sale

Anonymous said...

Matilar u needed to be sodomized lar

Anonymous said...

The royalties have cheated on the snake. The snake is going to bite back, real bad.

More actions coming.

Anonymous said...

Fast and furious....what sequel?