
Covid19 - Still believing that this virus started in Wuhan, China?

So far we have found that this Covid19 is an exceptionally clean virus. It has displayed very special characteristics that are different from other viruses. Why did I say that it is a clean virus? Look at the chart below, only clean and rich countries are more badly affected by this virus than dirty filthy and polluted third world countries. This virus does not stand a chance to survive in third world polluted environment, rivers, drains and rubbish dumps.

European countries are their favourites, clean air, clean environment, can go to church, travel in cruises, eat in nice restaurants and shopping belts. 

South Korea7,75560
United States1,30238
Cruise ship (Diamond Princess)6967
United Kingdom4608
As of 10:32am Mar 12, 2020
Back to the question whether this virus started its life in Wuhan, China. When it first started in Wuhan, no one knew about this virus until the Chinese identified and isolated it and reported to WHO.  And one good thing, when it was spreading furiously the Chinese govt thought it necessary to impose an immediate lockdown to prevent it from spreading across China and also to the rest of the world. 

China did this very effectively and it is now under control in China and new cases are getting lesser and lesser. China is confident that by end of Mar or April this virus would be contained and no more new cases originating from China.

Remember that the virus hit Wuhan, China just as the Chinese were preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year and were returning home. Some who were working in Wuhan were returning to their provinces. Chinese around the world were returning to China to roost, to be with their families. It was more a one way traffic, inflow rather than outflow though some Chinese were preparing to go overseas for holidays. This is a small minority.

China was able to contain the spread of the virus to its other provinces very quickly with very few cases reported and quickly stumped out. If this virus originated from Wuhan, China, then the spread to Chinese provinces would be big and quite widespread and those working in Wuhan would have brought them to their respective provinces. This was not the case, though some did.

If the virus could not spread widely across China, how did the virus spread to the rest of the world in such a short period of time if they originated from Wuhan, China? From recent experience and reports, the virus was found in every corner of the earth with many places that were not visited by anyone from China or people who had been to China especially in the USA, Europe and far corners of the earth. Does this ring a bell, that the viruses in these places did not come from China, very likely indigenous? The case in point are the nursing homes in the USA and many corners of America where people are infected with different variants of this virus. It cannot be that these viruses came from Wuhan, China.

The Americans and many countries did not know the existence of this virus and many infected persons were treated as flu or common cold. As they said, ignorance is bliss. Only when they are specifically tested for this virus with the new test kits that they are found to have it. The Wuhan virus might have affected some countries when there were people visiting both places. For countries far far away where no one from Wuhan, or visited Wuhan and returned, and still found the virus affecting their people, where did the virus come from? Many cases in the USA and Europe have absolutely no connection with Wuhan.

So, are the evil and mischievous Americans still smearing China, insisting that the virus originated from Wuhan, China and spread to them and to the rest of the world? Who is lying? Would the unthinking still stick to this white lie and blame China and Chinese for this virus?

There are empirical evidence that the virus in many countries did not come from China. And there are many cases of virus infections in the USA that did not come from China. How many would still believe in the American white lie?

Thus USA, stop playing the mischievous blame game! Your evil deeds are coming back to you.

PS. Western media continue to trumpet the Trump Administration lie that the virus came from Wuhan in today's Yahoo News by AP.

Members of the Trump administration — on the defensive about how they have handled the coronavirus outbreak — are seeking to remind Americans that the coronavirus outbreak originated in China. They have repeatedly reminded people that the virus started in Wuhan, a city in China’s Hubei province, and they have faulted China's initial handling of the outbreak. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called it the “Wuhan coronavirus.” China stresses that it is trying to help the international community battle the virus, sending medical teams to countries that need help now that the crisis at home is waning.


Pan Dora said...

Donald Trump is the most evil among all the US Presidents, especially from the Republicans. He has no moral, ethics, principles and laws. He fears nothing. Not even the God he pretends to believe in (in order to garner votes). He stops at nothing in order to win. He is most evil yet. No doubt.

Anonymous said...

A new cluster has just started. However, it will only be detected in 12 to 14 days time. Similar to the PA's Grassroots CNY Party held on 15 Feb at SAFRA-Jurong, the Women's Day Party held by PAP activists and members, led by Josephine Teo (who professed having sex in a small space), will soon be exposed.

Stupidity has no cure!

What does Con Oranges mean to these PAP leaders?

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha...@ 837am, uncle DT must had offended you! No doubt.

Virgo49 said...

Posted as received:-


WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus visited China, praising the Chinese government for showing strong political determination and taking timely and effective measures to respond to the epidemic, This is really surprising. China's response to this pandemic has institutional advantages and is worth studying by all countries. His speech obviously made Western countries very unhappy.

The main points of Tedros' speech are:

First, the Chinese government has shown strong political will.
Second, Chinese national leaders have demonstrated extraordinary leadership.
Third, Chinese scientists have demonstrated extraordinary capabilities. He expressed deep gratitude to China, because China's fight against this epidemic protected not only the Chinese people, but also the people of the world.
WHO Director-General Tedros stands at the height of disaster or human well-being and praises China for its rapid and large-scale action, which is rare in the world and shows China's speed, scale and efficiency. As the leader of a world-class interstate organization, this is the first time in 70 years. Someone has said clearly that this is the advantage of the Chinese system, and this relevant experience is worth learning in other countries. This is a deafening event. If the assessment was widely known, he would feel something.

More interestingly, Tedros makes clear that WHO insists on scientific and factual judgement of China's epidemic situation, and opposes overreaction and unrealistic news.

The rise of China has envied the developing countries, breaking the stereotype of the state arrangement system formed in Europe and the United States. The advantages of this system are as follows:

1. A common goal is to unite all people and restore China to common prosperity.

2. There is a ruling team that holds the most national elites, and its purpose is to serve the people.

3. There are trusted leaders in the center, making 1.4 billion people like super-cohesive concentric galaxies. Wuhan once released the song "Concentric Circles", this time it will be even more profound.

4. The tradition of this country has been humiliated for hundreds of years, and whenever the crisis comes, it will produce extraordinary vitality. This is no secret, so the national anthem was sung.

5. The bloody parties have a spirit. Whenever danger occurs, they always stand up in front of soldiers and set an example.

6. Strive to modernize national governance and join the world.

20 provinces supported Wuhan. Medical supplies were moved around. Hubei prepared 100,000 special beds and 10,000 special beds. . Wuhan Which country can do it quickly?

Only China, only the Chinese system. The turning point will appear around the Lantern Festival, and the day to overcome this epidemic will come! Come to Wuhan, come to China!

All workers set up by the government in the hospital in Wuhan received 1,500 yuan a day, but they refused. And said:
Our motherland faces difficulties / difficulties.
We don't deserve this payment.

The Chinese people are truly loyal and committed to the country. great....

Increasingly under control. Separated in only one city in Wuhan. Other provinces are zero.

Wuhan is as big as Jakarta, with a population of 10 million. Wuhan's quarantine work continues.

After 1 month, all Wuhan residents were unable to leave the house. All needs are borne by the military.

China contributed 1 million masks to Japan.

China provides medical assistance worldwide. Ready to dispatch doctors and nurses. ��

WHO calls on the world to learn from China.


Sinkies Land giving out Bonuses and patting themselves silly compared to the PRCs.


Virgo 49 said...

Now CUMO on CNN criticising Dotard Trump of his ignorance and indifferent and nonchalant manner in handling the crisis.

Just a short time and so many DEATHS.

Also, Sky News That equally DT half bro also kanang kabok in U.K.

See the chow ang mohs deemed Superior Race in sixs and sevens.

Ir now happened in India. At least a few hundred thousand DEATHS.

Anonymous said...

Over the past 15 years, China has been trying very hard to eradicate corruption.

Sinland, on the other extreme end, has been trying very hard to legalize and institutionalized greed and rationalized corruption.

Both countries are run by Chinese leaders, albeit Sinland Chinese have been eating too much potatoes and bananas.

Anonymous said...

There is a some possibility that the current new type of virus could come from Aliens source. Some kind of an Aliens race came, they cough and sneeze or even shot on this planet and then later on flew away with an alien space ship stealthily without a single human detecting it. Aliens could come in camouflage and merge with humans beings, they try to leave without a single trace but eventually they gave in to humans unhygienic behaviours or they found our eart to be highly contaminated once they remove their camouflage space suit juz to cough or pee, so they came here pick some humans samples for their research & left here, but unfortunately they can't left without a single trace undetected, its juz tat simple & no one discover it, probably some fictions writer or some earthlings might hv mistakenly spotted them unknowingly, or perhaps some kind of a small comets or meteorite which carried viruses hit earth, its jus tat simple, so lets not jump the gun to say its Wuhan or China tat spread this virus.

Anonymous said...

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Thursday (March 12) that the US military might have brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

Pandemics can originate from anywhere, and can quickly spread and multiply anywhere.

Nature never gives any warning of the next Black Swan Event.

Humans have a mythical belief that they're so smart. They believe that they can PREDICT effects, and they don't understand RANDOMNESS & UNCERTAINTY.

They certainly don't understand COMPLEXITY which is why they're always exposing shit AFTER THE EVENT HAS OCCURRED into simplistic narratives.

Humans like simple stories they can understand. They like life to be predictable, so they can "feel safe and secure".

I ♥️ coronavirus because Black Swans make humans gabrak, which I find entertaining , not only in the way they react, but the way they try (and fail) to explain the Black Swan inn simple narratives, after the fact! Dumb cunts.

Anonymous said...

The “US owe us an explanation,” Zhao added.

That message was then taken up by Chinese diplomats overseas. For example, the Chinese ambassador to South Africa, repeated that line, insinuating that the United States military had a role in bringing COVID-19 to Wuhan.

On February 27, Zhong Nashan, a Chinese scientist involved in Beijing’s national response, suggested the following: “Though the COVID-19 was first discovered in China, it does not mean that it originated from China.”

Anonymous said...

@ 8.52am

I hope high ranking PAP Ministers and grassroot leaders are infected.

Anonymous said...

The United States military is under rising scrutiny for its role in bringing the COVID-19 coronavirus to Wuhan just after China celebrated in October its 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The timing of the vicious implantation of the virus in Wuhan is meant to exact maximum embarrassment on Chinese President Xi Jinping, who promised during the celebration that “no force can shake the status of this great nation”, said an observer.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 11.47

Latest News:-

War of Words between USA and China of the COVID-19 or Wuhan Virus as propagated by the UAssA.

China in suggesting the Role of the USA Military in bringing the Virus to Wuhan.

Out of the Blue, the Video was blacked out in CNA News and reported technical issues.

If the Whole World know that the UAssA is the Culprit, Good Shows Dramas coming up.

But think many nations were keep their mouths shut for fear of the Dotard Trump insane reprisals.

Anonymous said...

PM Lee says Covid-19 will stay around for 1 more year.

Hooray !!

PM Lee has one whole year to try and get himself infected.

Let's pray for his success.

Anonymous said...

Why CNA pulled out news? USAss complained so must pull out? Thot independent press can talk loudly on grounds of principles and freedom of expression?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

BEIJING: A Chinese official has suggested that the US army may have brought the deadly coronavirus into China, without providing any evidence for his eyebrow-raising claim.

Zhao Lijian, a foreign ministry spokesman, made the assertion on Twitter late Thursday (Mar 12), echoing similar conspiracy theories proliferating on Chinese social media that blame the US for the pandemic....

But in recent days, Chinese officials and a prominent health expert have claimed that the virus may have originated elsewhere as Beijing has angrily hit back at US officials for calling the disease the "Wuhan virus".

In his tweet, Zhao posted a video of the head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention testifying before Congress that some Americans who were believed to have died from the flu were posthumously diagnosed with the COVID-19 illness.

"CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals?" Zhao tweeted.

"It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owes us an explanation!"

This report is still there on CNA online

Hermanisgod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


LOL!!! This wuhan virus has finally given me LOTS OF DISCOUNTS!!!

Have used up $200K of my warchest in the past few days. Now left $450K warchest to be deployed over next few months strategically, particularly on BIG -10% or -15% down days.

I must say that I have been one of the "Great Patriots of China" in buying china stocks & ETFs ... in addition to US War Stocks! LOL!!!

A lot of people on wechat, weibo, tencent QQ & other social media are exhorting to buy china stocks. Many weak hands will lose money over the next 1 month to 1 year. But those holding for longer term are building the foundations of recurring wealth i.e. snowballing dividends & capital gains.

US & Europe are at the stage China was at back in January. Don't be surprised that over the next 2 months, even US & UK will resort to whole-city & whole-state lockdowns, as well as martial law & curfews, with National Guard & army battalions patrolling the streets & manning checkpoints.

That'll be the time when I move most of my remaining warchest back into stocks.

Got balls?!?!?!??

Hermanisgod said...

Missions of the Corona-Virus:

It has been said that Covid19 virus kills those who have existing medical conditions, such asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart-attack and stroke. And it just loves to enter the bodies of those in high positions. Is it true?

Looks like it is true. Just check how many Ministers, Law-makers, Senators and Congressmen have been infected in the UK, USA, Italy, Germany, France, Iran and China.

What about Singapore? Was the latest parliament session attendance any indication of MPs having been infected? No news?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I predict that in the future, pathogens which lead to a pandemic are going to be of the "synthetic biology" variety.

The BIO-HACKING movement has been growing steadily. You can now sequence genomes at home in your bedroom, use software to "design" new DNA and RNA, then email your specs to a synthesizing company (there are a few online) who will produce your self-designed genome, which you can then insert into a bacterial or viral shell. even if the success rate is 1 in 1,000, sooner or later someone will "strike the lottery" with a pathogen that works and can replicate itself.

Future pandemics are going likely result from teenagers fucking around with DIY genetics...because why? Create "life" that's why. It is an awesome feeling to create a brand new species. Desktop genetic sequences have dropped to around $1000. You can already buy DIY kits you can use to "cut and paste" genetic code.

All this nation-state chest-beating is going to look like small potatoes when the next threats emanate from some unknown teenager's bedrooms...and are DELIBERATELY put into the wild which is simple to do. All you have to do is to inject pets and captured wildlife in your neighbourhood, and turn them loose. Some pathogens will be able to infect humans.

Never underestimate the destructive power of a teenager who has access to the same technology Biolabs have today. 😜☠️

Since the genetics are COMPLETELY SYNTHETIC, ALL THE SCIENTISTS WILL BE STARTING FROM SCRATCH, as probably nothing will be in existence for them to even begin looking for similarities.

Danger Ahead!

Anonymous said...

The head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards claimed that Covid-19 could possibly be “a product of a biological attack by America which initially spread to China and then to Iran and the rest of the world.”

Anonymous said...

Out of 195 countries in the world, the 2 countries that are the biggest victims of the coronavirus, China and Iran, are geographically far apart, and both are avowed enemies of the USA.

It is therefore conceivable that the US military attacked biologically both Iran and China, with the Italians accidentally catching the virus to be among the top 3 victims.

Anonymous said...

Trump and his evil men are also infected by Covid19.

Anyone meeting Trump will be infected.

Anonymous said...

Hi all

GE very Very VERY soon?

With Covid19, pap smelly smelly at least 80%, possible?


Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: Australian home affairs minister Peter Dutton tested positive for coronavirus just days after meeting with Ivanka Trump

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Nature's Uncertainty & Randomness:

>> Australian home affairs minister Peter Dutton tested positive for coronavirus <<

Wah. Now they might have to quarantine the WHOLE Parliament!

I ♥️ Coronavirus☣️‼️... because the Daily Wayang keeps getting better and taking all manner of twists and turns! 👍🤟👯‍♀️

Anonymous said...

@ matilah

Die you piece of PAP shit

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 704

Don't worry girlie, everyone dies eventually.

May your death be spectacular as to give others some "free entertainment" 🤓

I ♥️ Coronavirus☣️‼️... because it triggers cry babies and makes them mad at me. Mission Accomplished 👍🤟👯‍♀️

Virgo 49 said...

They already gerry meangering the Electoral Boundaries.

Knew East and West Coasts vulnerable. Alreday regrouped them.

Also, with this heavens send COVID, most sinkies afraid of their jobs, properties,shares etc they won't take a bet on the Opposition.

With fears their best weapons. They will throw a GE soon to swap all seats.

Daft sinkies are too frightened and also kia soo to lose their pants they will vote all the fark faces again.

Also, with a fee hundred thousands new supporters that are beholden to them. At least 80 percent if not 90%.

Somemore rallies, sinkies won't dare to attend. So Opposition no chance to wash their dirty linen.

Anonymous said...

@Virgo, @All,

You're wrong if you think all rich sinkies or those sinkies owning plenty of capital assets always vote for PAPies.

I for one have always voted for Oppo --- just to help create some tiny competition for PAPies. Not that the Oppo in my constituency has ANY HOPE IN HELL of winning. Even though I praise PAPies for things that they got right -- they also fucked up many other things.

Some of my richer investor friends don't even bother to vote. They have been struck off the voters list for many decades already.

Those richer Sinkies who vote for PAPies tend to need the status quo to be maintained e.g. they get most of their wealth from local businesses & local properties.

People like myself & my friends have 80++% of our wealth in overseas assets, so we don't really give a shit.

It just happens that PAPies so far are quite competent, more right than cockups.

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 Wreaking Havoc Around The World - Act Now!

From the way the present situation is being handled, France, Germany, Spain are going to suffer like Italy and Iran very soon, sooner than expected. Canada and USA will follow suit.

Europe and North America will soon become like China more than two months ago. Their situations are under control, but not by humans. The Covid-19 virus has set a foothold and is effectively in control.

Europe and North America are the most developed regions in the world, yet they seem unprepared, despite at least two months lead time. From available data of the new virus, lessons from China have not been digested well, and applied whole-heartedly.

1. At the beginning, many countries did not take real and effective precautions but instead lowered their guard, thinking that the Virus could be handled the way SARS was handled. Big Mistake!

2. Many countries have failed to take preemptive actions in epidemic prevention and control. Instead, like a buffalo led by the nose, they follow one step behind the COVID-19 virus. Reactionary!

3. Based on economic and political considerations, many leaders put the COVID-19 infection as just a "pain-in-the-ass" like The common flu, that can be easily controlled by washing hands frequently and taking temperatures. Some even advised their citizens not to wear clinical face masks! Shocking!

4. The overall degree of mobilization in many countries has been slow and low, or non-existent. Their governments have been giving in to their people's wish of not giving up their interests in daily life, and therefore failed to attach more importance to stop the advance of the COVID-19 Virus.

5. Even today, when explaining why they are NOT taking stricter measures, governments of some countries stated that it is not yet time. However, the situation in severely affected countries is showing it would be too late to take further steps when "it is time" to do so! Don't gamble with Time!

6. If there is a vaccine available and death rate can be minimised, a slacken way of coping with the COVID-19 infections, without disrupting a society's normal economic activities, might be a feasible public health approach. However, the COVID-19 death rate is high in Iran and Italy and the pandemic has fueled social panic and severely disrupted the world financial order. Whether a relaxed approach of "wait-and-see" in the fight against the virus is feasible is highly questionable, and the uncertainty may turn into a deliberate time-bomb. Wake Up!

7. The WHO has provided several advice and guidelines on what to do. Yet these were not taken seriously by some countries. It is respective interactions between governments and public opinion in some countries that have shaped their present halfway strategy. Half-baked beans!

8. Viruses do not stop at borders. Closing borders only encouraged a false sense of security. That being said, countries across the globe should enhance cooperation and form a unified system to fight the epidemic. Different interests and geopolitical factors should be excluded during this process. Unity is Strength!

9. Experience sharing should transcend competition amongst countries so as to help the entire world become more progressive and far-sighted in the fight against COVID-29. Love, Care, Share!

10. All countries should show a more proactive attitude in promoting collaboration among countries to fight the pandemic. So far, some countrie's performances are found wanting, which have in turn impacted their own interests. Proactive, not Reactive!

11. The need for All affected countries to put in a sense of urgency and real seriousness is of paramount importance. ACT NOW!


P/S: I just woke up from a prophetic dream and can't sleep any more

Virgo 49 said...

Meant Few hundred Thousands newly minted Sinkies that are beholden and protected by them.

They will definitely VOTE for them to have status quo.

Just like that blackie Neh in marriage of convenience to a local Sinkie. Wonder whether she also blackie or yellow banana?

Shame can even warned local Sinkies NOT to dox or criticise him for screwing our kena Screwty Uncle.

So with Daft Sinkies and these their God Children Pay And Pay will rule again.

Sinkies, sia suay, with just some chicken rice treat as said by Ah Sing will die die vote for them.

Virgo 49 said...

Hi Anon

You may be right. NOT all rich Sinkies voted the PAP.

NOT to boast. My relatives in businesses do not vote for them.
Only those por lam pars businesses who wants to have their bigger slices of cakes carry their balls.

Also even their Evil Serpents.

My retired bro-in-law and siblings as retired and even whilst in their Service had never voted for the PAP even though they were in some high appointments.

For they knew the Papies dirty linen that never been really washes to the public.

The daft sinkies be shocked of their underhand antics.

Anyway, daft Sinkies are mostly blinded and have no minds of their own been brainwashed for so long under their taking people's backsides for their faces rule.

Ironically, the lower incomes and the poor masses voted for them as majority as they are already been leashed by them to depend on them for alms.

Not knowing that they are in these scenario due to the Papies agenda.

Virgo 49 said...

Hi Frog Outside Well.

In true crisis and disasters, human beans of all colours will really show their true colours of competence.

No other human races other than the yellow i.e. the Chinese Race will show to be the Superior Race.

The Rest are just myths to be believed by themselves and the dafts to be superior than the Chinese..

The Whites, together with the rest with the exception of the Yellow are the most easy going and lazy beans.

The Whites prosperities came from plunderings and piracies.

The Rest thru the hard work and enterprises of the Yellow and they chained credits for them.

Most are parasites like the Mats. Their Chinese are the main prime movers in their country and yet they scorned them.

Without the Chinese, most would be chia sais. They still think that they are the Sins, oops Sons of their Land and are Superior to their benefactors.

Likewise the Nehs. Empty vessels made the most noises.

One drawback is that the Chinese Race, especially the Overseas Chinese are too diverse themselves and tend to fight and kill each other and is disunited.

If all are United. The Chinese will RULE the World.

Anonymous said...
