
Uzbekistan - Target of western smear campaign

Uzbekistan, like all the central landlocked Asian countries are enjoying an unusual economic growth that brought increasing wealth to its people, thanks to the BRI. But such news would not be welcome in the western media. I just saw a brief documentary in CNA, produced by a western reporter by the name of Julia Chapman, highlighting what? Of course not the economic well being and growing prosperity of the Uzbekistanis but the plight of a few rundown villages being resettled and the land being redeveloped.

The main point of the report was that the govt was ruthless and resettled the villages, demolished their dilapidated homes without due care and compensation to them. Is this true? Would any govt moved out their own villagers, demolished their homes without compensation? Even China would compensate its affected residents except that some die die refused to move and had to be moved by minimal force. China must have learnt from Singapore which has been practising resettlement of old settlements in the name of progress. Uzbekistan would only do the same.

Can such resettlements be worse than what is happening in the West Bank, in Golan Height, in Jerusalem? Where were the reports in CNA and western media on the ruthless expulsion of the Palestinians from their historical homeland? Did the Israelis compensate them or care about the welfare of the Palestinians?

Or should the world follow the great examples of the white Europeans when they invaded the Americas and forcefully evicted the natives by killing them and taking over their land, their countries and sent the survivors of their genocide to the wildest land, the poorest land called reservations? How did the Americans conduct their resettlement of the native Indians in America? With tender loving care? Compensating rich fertile land with uninhabitable land, and killing all those that refused to move?

Where were the white conscience, where were the human rights protectors and the crocodile tears?


  1. Any country that is aligned to China, is now subject to the Evil US Empire's CIA covert operations, smear campaigns, sabotage and subversive activities, with the aim of toppling the present government and replacing it with US lackeys, like in South Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s, like Japan and South Korea, and like Singapore and Indonesia

  2. CNA, ST and Tody are all Fake News and Propaganda sites. Read with lots of salts in both hands.

  3. Where were the reports in CNA and western media on the ruthless expulsion of the Palestinians from their historical homeland? Did the Israelis compensate them or care about the welfare of the Palestinians?

    Sinkieland is very friendly with Israel because long time ago Israel had helped Sinkieland to train and build up the SAF when no country wanted to.

    So like that ah, how to expect CNA to report on the ruthless expulsion of the Palestinians from their historical homeland by the Israelis?

    And Israel also has a very powerful political lobby in the US, that's why US is so pro Israel. And Sinkieland also host US aircraft carriers at Changi Naval Base to warn bigger neighours not to suka suka attack Sinkieland. If not ah, maybe Sinkieland could have become part of Malaysia or Indonesia already, and despite the SAF.

  4. How can Singapore compromise on principles and rule of law? Our big mouths said one.

  5. If not ah, maybe Sinkieland could have become part of Malaysia or Indonesia already, and despite the SAF.
    10:22 am

    I think the SAF exist not to fight (or else Sinkie soldiers all sure die because they will be greatly outnumbered by the enemy soldiers) but rather to show that Sinkies are ready to fight and die to defend Sinkieland. Hopefully this will serve as a deterrent against attack. LOL

    Just as I think the Sinkie opposition exist not to win election (see how they lost big every election) but rather for PAP to show that there is democracy in Sinkieland with "free and fair" elections. So it is their fault that the Sinkie opposition cannot win, despite having election.

  6. @All,

    Don't worry. 50 years later the mullahs ooops the uzbeks will KPKB about losing their freehold land for 99yr public flats that is even worse than 99yr leasehold becoz cannot enbloc.

    But that's 2 generations down the road, so the current mullah ooops uzbek rulers can just enjoy their bribes & profits (BRI projects, resettlement projects, construction projects).

    Wonder how many boards of directors those mullah ooops uzbek politicians & leaders are sitting on?!?!??

    Whether good or bad depends on which side of the fence you or your descendants land up in. ;) ;) ;)

  7. @10:35am

    ///I think the SAF exist not to fight (or else Sinkie soldiers all sure die because they will be greatly outnumbered by the enemy soldiers)///

    Actually in terms of "trained" personnel, SAF is about the same as both Mat & Indo combined:

    SG: 70,000 active + 1.4M reservists

    Mat: 100,000 active + 300,000 reservists

    Indo: 400,000 active + 400,000 reservists

    Plus half of Mat & Indo troops are paramilitary trained i.e. only small arms such as pistols, submachine guns, automatic rifles & section automatic weapons or light caliber machine guns.

    They don't have the full army training in jungle warfare, conventional warfare, FIBUA, OBUA, MOUT, UO, directional mines & booby-traps, use of guided missiles (both anti-tank & anti-aircraft), coordinated operations with armor & airforce, or even basic LAWs & GPMGs.

  8. What about the forceful expulsion of Singaporeans from their jobs ... and replacing the Singaporeans with PAP's foreigners?

  9. Sinkieland, if you think properly and deeply, you will come to realise that everything is through use or threats of force. It is just like the US. In the surface, talk about rule of law. In reality, there is no law. It is rule of muscles, guns and force (both subtle and blatant naked force).

  10. People say GCT will not be fielded in coming GE. He replied that political ambition will not make him happy at this stage of his (kicking the bucket) life.

    He is right. He should be preparing to join his Mentor, LKY, instead of still playing with political toys and peanut and butter toasted bread.

    He should join Frog in Nepal to do meditation practice to get ready for next great leap upwards.

  11. If cannot beat them then have to join them.
    This is how many empires were being formed in history.


  12. No point kpkb about pap lah! What for?

    If u think they are really NG please vote them out at the next GE!


  13. If u think they are really NG please vote them out at the next GE!
    1:39 pm

    PAP is NG but the Sinkie opposition is even worse because they are not ready to be govt.

    That's why majority Sinkies voted for PAP, despite PAP NG.

    Some more PAP is VG (Very good) to foreigners, that's why PAP will sure win by making many foreigners into new citizens so that they can vote for PAP.

    That's why smart Sinkies don't join the Sinkie opposition to fight PAP because sure lose to PAP one.

    Maybe the Sinkie opposition (which exist) is even sponsored by PAP for reasons as mentioned by Anon 10:35 am? What do u think?


  14. Hi anonymous 2.09pm

    Hahaha......so pap is going to win big big at the next GE!

    What is your prediction? 75% highly possible? All parliamentary seats?

    1. @ 2.35pm
      Diu lei lo mo.

      You little Lee Hsien Loong cock-sucker.

    2. HahahAhahahAhaha.......

  15. Very well said.
    CNA doubtlessly is a main propaganda machine for the Ruling PAP Regime
    as well as for
    the PAP Regime to carry the US Agenda World-wide.
    The PRC and Other Righteous Regimes must be wary of the Role the Sin PAP Regime is playing.
    Even the Reportings of the Hongkong Protests were biased toward the Rioter and Mobster.

  16. Put it sinply,fate shall decide the Destiny of any entities.
    The Day of Reckoning is not far for Sin. And the Fate for Sinkies is much nearer.
    A disastrous disease outbreak shall befall upon the Little Red Dot.

    1. HK news reports at 2pm with 11 infected with the Wuhan virus.

      Close proximity of the Worse Kind

      Now Sinkieland 6.9M will be the same.

      No disclosures of where the girl and her parents stay.

      AMK? ?


  17. Don't pray for wealth.

    Pray for safety/health.

    Remember it can infect anyone including our loved ones.

    Hope everything will be fine.


  18. The 3 year-old toddler is quarantined. But her parents are not. Her parents could probably be infected also, because they are in close contact with the child. Or worst, they are the ones who infected their child.

    Why is MOH so careless again. Never take the necessary measures to prevent an outbreak of this new pneumonia!???

    1. Hey bro this virus unlike Sars does not jump from human to human so don't be an idiot and get paranoid and start arresting every one. U need to be sodomized lar knn

    2. If this virus does not spread humans to humans, why take the troubles to have surveillance at the Airports and quarantined and isolated?

      Just let it be. This is a new strain they testing more deadly than.SARs.

      Saw so many Sinkies and Foreigners wearing masks

      So be the first to get infected then you be the new guinea pig to be tested.

      Anyway, Sinkieland researchers and doctors would want to be the first to identify the strain and find a cure to claim number one.

      If able to find the right cure will be recognised by WHO in their recognition.

      And boom time monies making.

  19. Virgo font be an idiot lar. If spread this is a human disaster so don't talk about being no. 1. Think u also need to be sodomized.

  20. MOH says the Chinese girl who visited Wuhan with her parents did not get the virus from the cluster at the wet market in Wuhan.

    This is even more scaring.

    That means there are other places that also have the same virus. Where? The kid got it in Singapore?

    The virus already travelled to Hongkong, Taiwan and Malaysia, other than Singapore. So better be careful. Better don't visit airports or hospitals and clinics unnecessarily.

    China is still not sure how the new strain of pneumonia-causing virus are being spread.

    Perhaps by CIA agents or by Trump's military drones.

    But there is a self-appointed expert virilogist here in RB's blog. He knows how the virus spreads. He said not jump from human to human. But never say jump from what to human. That means he is not a full expert. But half-bake expert. That means he needs sodomy until jia-lat jia-lat. LOL!

  21. Hongkong got hit by earthquakes tremors for second time in two months. Maybe this is the beginning or warning that bigger disasters are going to hit Hongkong. Natural attrition? Typhoons or tsunami?

  22. 5.50am anon why post so early in the morning? Can not sleep is it? What nonsense and lies are u spreading to cause panic? Since Morning is still cool just goand enjoy your screw lar. Or u wanted to be sodomized jialat jialat at this hour which is a bit tough. May be u use a dodo to sodomize yourself lor instead of talking nonsense here.

    1. This Anon 6.34 must be a PAP MOH lackey that needed to cover their incompetence by downing down any criticisms and concerns by the netizens.

      What's spreading panic?

      Want to shut the digging a hole to shit like in old Maju Camp?

      You must be prepared for any eventuality that may caused more sufferings and panic later.

      You think all authorities will always tell the truths?

      Just like Japan secretly may letting go their nuclear waste water into the seas and oceans.

      You are too naive and simplistic like Ah Q

  23. To:
    Anonymous @ January 06, 2020 6:34 am:

    "5.50am anon why post so early in the morning? Can not sleep is it? What nonsense and lies are u spreading to cause panic? Since Morning is still cool just goand enjoy your screw lar. Or u wanted to be sodomized jialat jialat at this hour which is a bit tough. May be u use a dodo to sodomize yourself lor instead of talking nonsense here."

    Hey, motherfucker! What's wrong with waking up at 5:30 am - one hour earlier than you do? Have you never heard of 5 BX? U wake early to do my 5 Basic Physical Exercises.

    Your idiotic brain is so obsessed with sex that he can't think straight anymore. From your irresponsible behaviour, refusing to take precautions for greater good, probably you are already suffering from AIDS! Going around sodomizing people, you are No Cure anymore. LOL!

  24. 7.29am anon. But I support him leh. Why cause a panic when not needed. I think u should also be sodomized leh. God bless
