
Be As Good As We Would

Be As Good As We Would

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Ugliness is in the mind of the perceiver.
One man's meat is another's poison.
One man's pleasure is another's fearful prison.

One person's wealth derives from others' toil.
The food you eat comes from the Earth's soil.
One person's life derives from parents' hardship.
The efforts of your walk comes from the labour of your hip.

The blood-suckers, like mosquitoes, don't just suck blood,
They also spread diseases like malaria and dengue fever.
The ugly women do not think themselves ugly nor dud.
It's your own mind that harbours ugliness, whatsoever.

If your mind is pure, by nature or determined training,
You only perceive as pure and beautiful in everything.
Even the ugliest of the ugly appears beautiful in your mind.
So, be positive, generous, compassionate and kind.

Observe the children, see how innocent they are,
To the innocent children, their minds are still pure,
And everything to them is just simply wonderful!
They have neither the concept of ugly nor beautiful!

Be like an adult in your behaviour and thinking,
But be like children in your perception and living.
Like this, you will be very happy and successful,
And you will be open-minded and always grateful.

Those are what the wise have thought us to do,
And I can say I am as guilty as you, too.
Though no one is perfect in this imperfect world,
Still we can strive to make it as good as we would.

FOG -- 22 December, 2019.


  1. So, be positive, generous, compassionate and kind.
    FOG -- 22 December, 2019.

    U hope lah. HOPE is a 4 letter word.

    1. 《So, be positive, generous, compassionate and kind.》
      FOG -- 22 December, 2019

      PAP where got "positive, generous, compassionate and kind" to Singaporeans?

      PAP only knows how to bully and take money from Singaporeans.

    2. Hope springs eternal from the Human breast;
      Man never is, but always is to be blessed.
      Ridicule springs from a heart full of hatred,
      A heart of goodness is not at all perturbed!

  2. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
    FOG -- 22 December, 2019

    Also depends who is the beholder lah.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. PAP only knows how to bully and take money from Singaporeans.
    12:58 pm

    That's why Sinkies have to be smart not to let PAP bully them lah.

    That's why Sinkies need to have a lot of money for PAP to take lah.

    Fear not PAP taking your money, but fear not having a lot of money.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The sickness of the IBs here speaks for their masters. Same kind of shit and unkindness.

  5. "Fear not PAP taking your money, but fear not having a lot of money"
    - PAP Cocksucker

    Fear not PAP taking your money, but fear not having a lot of money ... to give to PAP.

    1. Donate to Charity called Pay and Pay, they r good at safekeeping & helping to spend on poor, also help them to go on year end HoLeday ho boh.

  6. Hey FOG, ur poem above may be turn into a Christmas Song, sound like " U better watch out. u better watch out ..Cos Santa's Claus is coming to town!"

    1. Sorry. It doesn't fit in well.

      Better to superimpose with the tune of "Amazing Grace".


  7. Be Kind To Others, Always!

    1. Yes.
      Be kind to PAP.

      Please vote PAP in 2020.

  8. RedBean & ALL

    In a few more day it will be Christmas than follow New Year and before I forget may I wish everyone happy Christmas and a safe New Year.

    To the Americunts I hope they end the 18-yrs Afghan war and stops the endless sanctions..

    Kindness Regards



  9. Hi 228pm

    U are indeed very very very talented! ������!

  10. @Anon 2.28pm

    Holi Shit, Maybe that's how HoLeeDay (holiday) word comes about?
    After tat when they come back continue 'sucking' the sillyzens, all sillyzens (at least 70%) must hv owed these 2 buggers in their past lives.

  11. @ 12:58 pm

    《PAP only knows how to bully and take money from Singaporeans.》

    This is true.

    So please vote Oppo if you want to stop being bullied.

    Please vote Oppo if you want to stop PAP from taking your money away from you.
