
Traitor is meaningless in Singapore

The word 'traitor' has been hurled frequently in the social media to condemn some individuals for doing wrong to country and people in Singapore. And rightly, these condemnations went nowhere, affected no one and were really meaningless in Singapore.

Singapore is a unique little piece of rock that belongs to everyone here, whether you are citizens or foreigners. Now they even have a new term called 'locals' to include foreigners who are PRs as 'locals'. What does this mean? No difference between citizens and PRs, all locals, enjoying and sharing the same rights and privileges as citizens. Who is trying to bluff who? Who is cheating who?

Singapore does not only belong to anyone here. Singapore belongs to the citizens of the whole world. Anyone can come in and work and given citizenship quite easily. One can come in as a tourist, applies for a job and get employed within weeks while daft Singaporeans could take months or years to find a job. There are now more foreigners in Singapore than citizens. In fact all those outside Singapore can claim a share of Singapore by coming here and work and be called 'locals', or simply being here. Singapore is theirs and daft Singaporeans are not complaining, getting use to it.

In many countries with some length of history, the words like motherland, home country, loyalty, pride of their citizenship, are common parlance and meant something very dear to their people. In Singapore, such terms are meaningless, just like the term 'traitor'. When there is no country, when the people are not proud of their own country or did not think or believe the country belongs to them, some even resigned to the fate that their country belongs to other people, to non citizens, what then is the meaning of a country, motherland, citizenship, loyalty, and what is wrong with giving the country away?

When giving the country away to foreigners, when inviting foreigners freely to take a share of the country, a big share of the country, do not evoke any sense of loss, any sense of guilt, then the word 'traitor' does not apply anymore. It is meaningless, irrelevant. No one cares whether one is a traitor or otherwise.

No Singaporean feels any misgiving or sense of guilt or loss of their country when the foreigners came flooding in. To these daft Singaporeans it is a natural thing, a good thing, an even better thing if the foreigners are here to take their jobs, steal their lunch, take over their country and to replace them. To the daft Singaporeans there is nothing wrong with displacing and replacing them with foreigners in their country. That is why no Singaporean would utter the world 'motherland'. The little piece of rock is not their motherland, not their country, can be given away freely.

When this is accepted as normal, then the word 'traitor' has no meaning anymore. If something belongs to you can be given away freely, no one thinking it is right to protect it, then it should be given away freely. The only time the word 'traitor' has some meaning is when one belongs to a political party and starts to go against the interest of a party. One then can be condemned as a traitor because the party has clear lines of what is theirs and what is not theirs. Being loyal to a political party can mean given million dollar jobs. Being loyal to a country means nothing, seen as kpkb by the unthinking and people with no country.

As for the general Singaporeans, nothing is theirs anymore, not this piece of rock, not the jobs and the good life. Thus, for those spouting the word 'traitor' they are spouting nonsense as the word has no meaningful meaning in this piece of rock. No one cares. Motherland, what motherland, we don't have one. This piece of rock belongs to everyone who wants it and who comes here and takes it.

When there is no ownership, there is no country and no pride to be a citizen. Singaporeans would soon be extinct or driven out of their own country by the 'traitors'. The new owners of this piece of rock are coming in by the plane loads everyday, and no one cares! No one bothers to ask if this is the right thing.


Anonymous said...

Rb, gd morning, it's a Sunday lah. The word Traitor is really meaningless to the dafts Sinkies here where some go to places to worship their Faiths in the Heavens lah in the Sunday, to them by trusting their faith to the One Upthere is better than the one white party down here in a piece of rock. These dafts Sinkies will give watever they had to their Heavenly Father as they already lost hope to those who ask them to trust on their party but once resurrected the dafts r betrayed by these Traitors were in white robes to chew on them everything the daftians possessed.

Anonymous said...

Traitors? Never heard of in Singapore. Treacherous acts, yes. Traitorous, yes. Unconscionable, yes. However, all these terms are dissipated when the terms "pragmatism" and "meritocracy" come into play. So, you see, how clever the Pioneer Leaders were? They discovered and made used of the two terms to subsume all sins. How clever!

Anonymous said...

I thought china is your motherland, is it not???

Anonymous said...

Singapore belongs to LHL & PAP.

Singapore does not belong to Singaporeans.

If you want to help Singaporeans, you have to vote Opposition.

Anonymous said...

No traitors? Lim Yew Hock must be the biggest traitor of Singapore. He sold Christmas Island to the Aussies. How and why it came about nobody is the wiser.

But, who sold Singapore to the Indians?

Now, voting opposition also too late and meaningless! As they say, asking someone else to close the stable door when all the horses have bolted is an exercise in futility. The timeframe has gone, just like Goal 2010.

Anonymous said...

No host country in the world would ever sign an agreement allowing freely any foreign country's citizens to take up jobs in the host country, without a care for its own citizen's plight.

Even the US, a vast country, is denying unlimited immigration into it's own territory. There will always arise issues like terrorism, racism, clan disputes, and of course depriving citizens of their livelihood. Of course there will be jobs available to immigrants, but 'generally' only in those jobs that the locals shun, like cleaning, collecting refuse and mundane factory jobs.

But in Sinkieland, it looks like the best jobs 'generally' go to the foreigners. Foreign graduates of local universities, subsidised at taxpayer's expense, even have the luxury of taking up jobs here and stay on, depriving a equally qualified local of a job placement.

Virgo 49 said...

Aiyo. The PAP and their cronies had been taking the people's backside skins for their faces, why got they feel any shames even you called them worse names than Traitors.

Bananas do not know the meaning of traitors and the Chinese code of Honour, Chivalry and Love of their Motherland.

Just have lots of monies on other miseries and they can called us what they want.

Many lunatics posting their comments are just like them.

With wealth anyone will kow tow to them and just scorned the rest losers.

The Chinese Saying: You can put on an Emperor's Robe but still you won't look like an Emperor is very apt.

So those lunatic idiots who kept harping now rich they are rich are just empty boasts.

Only when others look at you and say you are Rich not only in WEALTH but other Human Traits than you are Rich in Realities.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Uncle Redbean has been very critical of the Singaporeans. Singapore is unique. Singaporeans are a different breed of people. You have been moulded since independence into this special tribe. Singaporeans have different priorities in life. As long as their days pass without hiccups, the children are obedient and have schools to go to, food on the table, HDB flats liveable, annual holidays achievable and a job to bring in the salary, they will think no deeper or further. They always go for status quo. Voting in GEs always result in same outcome. Singaporeans kpkb loads, but with a few candies and goodies they soon forget all the kpkb issues.

This is the Singaporean way of life. This will never change. If you cannot live under this system, you know what to do......

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...



Lose your out-dated ideas, get with the program or become extinct and irrelevant very soon!

So many opportunities to PROFIT and PROSPER, and yet there are those who remain UNGRATEFUL and NEGATIVE. πŸ€‘πŸ‘πŸ»

Oh well...they die, ⚰️πŸ’€ their problem. If you live, you have the choice to extract the MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF PROFIT for yourself, to enjoy in focused, uncompromising self-interest whilst enjoying the "free show" of tragic comedies being performed by passion-less losers who are unable to moderate their negative emotions and actually take responsibility for themselves. (It's a GREAT show...SPECTACULAR entertainment!) 🀑

Lee Kuan Yew spurs have been stuck in your arses...it's GAME ON!

Got Majullah?

Anonymous said...

What is Traitor means?

In the dictionary, TRAITOR literally means : ' The word origin says it all: traditorem is the Latin word for "betrayer." Liar? Yes. Backstabber? Yes. True friend? Heavens, no. Traitors betray the trust of those who have faith in them or believe their promises. Traitor also applies to a person who betrays his country by committing treason: turning against his own government, perhaps by selling secret information..."
Think that the word Traitor is not in the dictionary of the PAPies, why? Becos the white party think they got the mandate (70% voted for them & hv entrusted them) therefore they got the rite & traitor is being obliterated in their vocab or decorum or dictionary. To these whites party asking the dafts to trust them prior to erection is an indication that traitor shall not be in their code anymore once they got erected. So the coming election better cast yr vote wisely, look at HK they r voting their own leader now after tat Lam tried to betray them, HK have woken up, how bout Sinkies still sleeping ?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1001

Another example of outdated ideas waiting to disappear when "up lorry time" arrives.

Society changes one funeral at a time.

>> As long as their days pass without hiccups, the children are obedient and have schools to go to, food on the table, HDB flats liveable, annual holidays achievable and a job to bring in the salary, they will think no deeper or further. <<

You are kidding right? Have you seen the world come to Singapore? What about all those exhibitions at Art Science Museum and our own National Museum? I BET MONEY you haven't seen the Singapore History & Modern Colony exhibits at the National Museum...at least learn something about your cuntry so you don't write sill nonsense on the net.

Singaporeans are amongst the best-traveled people in the world. They are also some of the WEALTHIEST not in the world, but in all of human history.

Theatre shows...sold out. Concerts at Esplanade...sold out. Our National Library....better than "world class" lah. You can study ANYTHING there, pick up new knowledge, new skills.

Just because you are a "boring wallflower", don't assume everyone else in Singapore is too! Singaporeans can name wine, they know about things culinary, they are sophisticated consumers, they write books, consume books like mad (bookshops all crowded), they're hip, up-to-the-minute and GLOBALIZED.

...and you still think they're a bunch of goondoos? Shame on you lah.

The Losers with Their Unswerving NEGATIVITY Are the REAL Traitors....always putting their cuntrymen down and pulling their cuntry backwards...MATILAH SINGAPURA!

Create value and Majullah! PASSION MADE POSSIBLE!

Anonymous said...

Whenever there is an Empress Dowager in a country, controlling the weak Emperor from behind and in the bedroom, the citizens suffer.

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous 1001am good morning sir......

Yes! You are 1o8% correct!

The masses will DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE vote for pap under ANY ALL conditions! You are correct!!!

Yes! The masses will only TCSSssssssss and kpkbssssssssss when they are not happy!

The masses are all kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai peace loving people!

The above is not broken record.....is a fact... Everyone knows! Pap knows!

Hahaha Hahahahahaha.....

Anonymous said...

Hi broken record. A little late today? Like an echo chamber of yesterday? Long on words but short on substance.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ cooperation

Republicans and Democrats working together? Amazing...common enemy: The CCP. Trump? The "wild card"...will he sign the bill into law, or will he not sign and use that as "leverage" on Xi ("Eh, I didn't sign ok? You OWE me!"...typical Trump "negotiation" tactic)

The Support HK Bill aka "fuck the CCP Bill"

Anonymous said...

As for the general Singaporeans, nothing is theirs anymore, not this piece of rock, not the jobs and the good life.

Not all general Singaporeans lah.

There are a lot of Singaporeans who have jobs and the good life, u know. Maybe they are even the majority, that's why PAP can get 70% votes or at least win big every election.

PAP looks at the big overall picture and concluded that it is not too bad. And PAP winning big every election is testimony to this.

Uncle RB, I hope you will also look at the big overall picture and perhaps write something positive the next time.

It's not all gloom and doom, for heaven sake.

Virgo 49 said...

Have you ever seen the cycle of Singapore 65 years of Independence?

We had been thru this.

You living in your just present mirage imaginary good years of forever existence.

You think good times are forever?

In just a matter of months if not years your 70% So called GOOD Lives could be refugees and vagrants if the country is been run down by others taken over.

So, wet behind the years still have long years of sufferings ahead better wake up to realities.

Just a few strands of pubic hair and like Ostriches with heads in the sand with arses sticking up to be screwed till in Dreamland.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of Singaporeans who have jobs and the good life, u know.
10:51 am

Could that be why not enough Sinkies want to protest even legally in Hong Lim Park, let alone illegally in the streets like in Hong Kong?

Or why smart Sinkies do not want to join the Sinkie opposition to fight PAP for real to take over as govt from PAP?

And why those in Sinkie opposition are like clowns, I mean politically lah.

Anonymous said...

And why those in Sinkie opposition are like clowns, I mean politically lah.
10:59 am


U remind me of Harbans Singh long time ago.

After election which he lost of course, he said, "I am not happy when I win and not sad when I lose." LOL

Anonymous said...

Every country will have some citizens who have good life and some do not.

As long as majority, say 60%, have good life, then the govt will not be too worried, even if there are protests on the streets. Better still, if there are no protests like in Singapore.

That's why sometimes I wish I were Lee Hsien Loong.

I mean, where else in the world u can rule a country where the opposition is not ready to take over as govt? LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi 1047am

A bit late today because having breakfast with my usual weekend kakis before visiting this blog..... thanks for looking up!


Anonymous said...

{{There are a lot of Singaporeans who have jobs and the good life, u know. Maybe they are even the majority, that's why PAP can get 70% votes or at least win big every election. }}

Why PAP gets 70% votes?

50% from women, auntie, amah and granny voters.

20% from Civil servants, NTUC, Temasek, GIC, GLCs, Army, Police, Civil Defence, Nurses and other uniform groups

Anonymous said...

//..That's why sometimes I wish I were Lee Hsien Loong. 

I mean, where else in the world u can rule a country where the opposition is not ready to take over as govt? ..//

Don't envy that Dishonorable Son, he might be going to hell to answer to his Dad many questions.

U could go to rule in any Communist country also no opposition also can mah. But also don't envy these communists rulers because u got to be born there.

Anonymous said...

Traitors are everywhere. That's why there are protests and unrests all over the world - Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, France, Italy, Iran, Spain, Syria, UK and even Israel.

How come Singaporeans so obedient and meek - no protests? Afraid of PAP government? Scared to get arrested by the Police and charged in court?

After 65 years of mental conditioning, through daily news propaganda bombardments and schools, national service training and "national education", Singaporean brains must have transformed into unthinking brains, lazy-to-think brains or only-hear-the-good-news pea brains.

Pathetic lot - no spine, no balls and no brain (the three No's).

Anonymous said...

No point complaining and focus making more money. Since stopping work I enjoy morning exercise and occasionally with friends we went to do pumping at night with some sweet China Mei Mei.


Anonymous said...

Hi 1232pm

So......all kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai peace loving!????

Hahaha �� Hahahahahaha....

Anonymous said...

Hi 12.32

"How come Singaporeans so obedient and meek - no protests? Afraid of PAP government? Scared to get arrested by the Police and charged in court?"

Because Singaporeans are HAPPY under the PAP. That is why they are obedient.

Anonymous said...

Don't belittle Harbans Singh of 'Once Upon a Time in Red Dot'. He was always ready to take over the Government. He claimed to have a shadow cabinet ready to take over. That man should have been given all the credit. Give that man a belated Tiger!

But, then hor, under all the big accolades, there were little whispers that he was the creation of the PAP to embarrass the Oppo.

Of course he does not mind losing, because those election deposits confiscated will be reimbursed by Somebolee.

Those were the days!

Anonymous said...

No Singaporean feels any misgiving or sense of guilt or loss of their country when the foreigners came flooding in.

Aiya, feel or don't feel, what's the difference and how to tell?

Protest in the streets or vote PAP out?

Protest got use or not if PAP can still win big in election?

And how to vote PAP out when the opposition is not even ready to take over?

Anonymous said...

// And how to vote PAP out when the opposition is not even ready to take over? //

Simple lah.

just anyhow vote Opposition can already.

Don't care whether Oppo is ready to be government.

Anonymous said...

Do you think PMD Minister Lam Pin Min (Lampar Min) is ready to be Minister?

Anonymous said...

Do you think PMD Minister Lam Pin Min (Lampar Min) is ready to be Minister?
2:57 pm

That's not for u or me to say lah.

Wait until u become PM then u say lah.

Anonymous said...

No one bothers to ask if this is the right thing.

But no Sinkie opposition party also bother to be ready to be govt to replace the PAP and to do the right thing which PAP did not.

Anonymous said...

But no Sinkie opposition party also bother to be ready to be govt to replace the PAP and to do the right thing which PAP did not.
3:24 pm

I think TCB is trying hard to unite the Sinkie opposition to take over PAP as govt.

Just that he is not ready to announce it yet. So wait and see lah.

I hope TCB can become the Sinkie "Mahathir" and more successful than Mahathir. PM Mahathir now in trouble after his Bersatu's devastating loss in the Tanjong Piai BE. Even Bumis also reject his Bersatu in favour of MCA. Jialat lah.

Anonymous said...


How was yesterday protest at HLP regarding PMD?

HEARD many many attending!?


Anonymous said...

If the PAP did not do the right thing does not mean you cannot vote opposition to form the govt or not. That is a lame excuse.

If you always say the opposition is not ready to be the govt, how can the opposition ever be the govt when you always denigrate the opposition and presumably voted the PAP with your mentality?

If Sinkies are not ready to vote for the opposition, how can there ever be any opposition party in a position to from the govt?

imho said...

PAP not bad lah.
At least sinkies still have half or one million flats.
Many in this world cannot even imagine that.
Just be content and try to get as many lobangs as possible.

imho said...

There are also many poor people in europe, american, australia or any first world cuntries. These people even fought for their homeland and ended up poor.
PAP not even send any sinkies to fight any war.

Anonymous said...

Hi imho

So pap is world best lah?

What say you?

Anonymous said...

///I think TCB is trying hard to unite the Sinkie opposition to take over PAP as govt///

TCB long time ago give up on united Oppo already.

That's why he setup his own party & fill it up with a bunch of unknowns.

Everybody below the age of 55 in Singapore doesn't know who the hell is TCB & doesn't care.

In other words only a smaller dying minority of old sinkies even recognise him.

Even if TCB is the govt, don't expect much change from him. He is old school PAPpy. That means TCB's policies are 80% same as current PAPies.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4.27

Since TCB and everyone in the opposition is below your expectation, I think you are the best bet. Why not stand for election since you are well known and recognised in writing on this blog, and do the right thing that the PAP did not do!

You can continue talking like Harban Singh version 2. We over here will support you to lead the govt, but make sure you have a shadow cabinet ready to take over. I recommend that you induct some people here of quality, that can be part of the new revolution. Simple as that!

imho said...


pap may not be world best but also not bad lah.

at least most sinkies have $500k or more flats.

where to find this kind of gov?

Anonymous said...

PAP can invite and welcome foreigners here and bend over backwards for them. But we, the rightful owners of this land need not behave as the Pappies do. By our behavior we can show the foreigners here who is host and put them in their place if they become swell-headed. BTW it's still peaceful and quiet in my condo although a few CECA Indians have ventured out in the common areas, usually after dark.

Anonymous said...

Protests In The Evil Empire USA While HK Protests Rest

While protesters in Hongkong are taking a break in the six months' long unrests, hundreds of students have disrupted the annual Harvard-Yale football game in a Climate Change Protest.

They invaded the field in New Haven, Connecticut, at half-time, demanding that the two elite US universities stop investing in fossil fuels.

US media reported that when officials appealed for them to leave, spectators and players also joined in the protest.

About 50 people were escorted from the field by police, while others left voluntarily.

More protests should be forthcoming in the USA. Karma and retribution are turning their heads upon the Evil Empire that caused, instigated and supported protests all over the world to topple their governments.

Let millions of flowers bloom in USA!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5:28pm

In USA kids protest becoz life is so shiok, their starting salary is $12K a month (for these 2 elite unis), they're planning to become millionaires by 30, and basically jia pa bo sai pang.

In HK kids protest becoz they got no jobs or only shitty jobs, cannot afford a $1.5M studio flat, cannot afford to get married, cannot afford to have babies, and future kana sai.

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous 508pm

Ya.....$500k now....

But at end 99 yrs = $0.00!


Anonymous said...

Hong Kong students that holed up at the University have meekly surrendered themselves. The Western media put it as 'called off' the standoff.

Laughable that they were earlier proclaiming that they will fight to the death for democracy rather than live under Chinese rule. A video of their exit, ashamed and covering their heads with clothing, walking like Zombies being led to the gas chamber is really a sight to behold.

A few days without proper food perhaps, and they gave up. What kind of Cantonese heroes fighting for freedom are these supposed to tell the world. They want to emulate Wong Fei Hong and Ipman? My big foot.

If Trump is to be believed, Xi already wanted to send in troops to Hong Kong to end the protest and he talked Xi out of it. Wonder which way these two oldies are getting on. One day very good friend, next day my bitter enemy and now back to good friends again. It will never last. It is all for the stock market and cronies to make money.

If Xi knows Trump, he must never give in. Trump will try to find a way to end the standoff to sweeten the ground for his coming re-election, perhaps even giving Xi some advantage. But it will just be a ruse and he will be back to square one confrontation if he is elected. Trump can never be trusted.

Anonymous said...

@ imho November 24, 2019 5:08 pm

/// pap may not be world best but also not bad lah.

at least most sinkies have $500k or more flats.

where to find this kind of gov ///


1. No country's political parties can claim to be the world's best. And there is no best political system nor political party. So you point is mute.

2. Sinkies' $500 K or $1 million lousy HDB GOVERNMENT OWNED Flats are leased (long-term rent) for 99 years. When expiry date is reached, according to Minister Wong (MND), the value is ZERO. Therefore, leasing a HDB flat, at exorbitant cost paying advanced rental for 30 years to cover 99 years, is a loss of 69 years of interests which could have been earned by you instead of HDB. (Cost Accounting: present value vs future value).

3. Yes. Agree with you where to find this kind of government that short-changed you by telling you that your HDB flat is an asset - with asset enhancement (GCT) and value will never go down(LKY) - when in reality it is a liability, not an asset.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:05pm

$500K or $1M HDB?

Who ask you to buy resale HDB from greedy fellow assfucker sinkies or PRs?!?!

Buy BTO direct from HDB!!

4rm flat $300K.

If you & spouse combined salaries less than $10K .... then can also get extra grants up to $80K.

Let's say around $40K grant for $5K household income. Hence the 4rm BTO now only $260K.

No other international city in the same class as S'pore can you get a same-size apartment for $260K. Try looking in NY, London, San Francisco, Sydney, Vancouver, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Paris --- you cannot!!!

You think still too expensive?!?!

Then go rent lorr ... See whether you can really rent same size flat in same estate for cheaper. Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

// No other international city in the same class as S'pore can you get a same-size apartment for $260K. Try looking in NY, London, San Francisco, Sydney, Vancouver, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Paris --- you cannot!!! //

November 24, 2019 8:34 pm

HDB flat is a lease.
Where in the world (Tokyo, Paris, London etc) got any government dare to ask you to pay 99 years of rent in advance?

When you pay $260K ... you are paying 99 years rent in advance to HDB.

Anonymous said...

Curse Lam Pin Min
Curse PAP
Curse Lee Hsien Loong
Curse Heng Swee Keat

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous
November 24, 2019 8:34 pm
@Anon 8:05pm:

/// $500K or $1M HDB?

Who ask you to buy resale HDB from greedy fellow assfucker sinkies or PRs?!?!

Buy BTO direct from HDB!!

4rm flat $300K.

If you & spouse combined salaries less than $10K .... then can also get extra grants up to $80K.

Let's say around $40K grant for $5K household income. Hence the 4rm BTO now only $260K.

No other international city in the same class as S'pore can you get a same-size apartment for $260K. Try looking in NY, London, San Francisco, Sydney, Vancouver, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Paris --- you cannot!!!

You think still too expensive?!?!

Then go rent lorr ... See whether you can really rent same size flat in same estate for cheaper. Good luck with that! ///

An example of stupidity has no cure. Either he is an idiot who try to act smart or he is a con man helping the government to con others.

Anonymous said...

Traitors! Traitors! Traitors!
Who are they? Do they know that they are traitors? Or they think they are winners and we are losers?

alak said...

Singaporeans are very simple-minded people, happy to share the little rock with anyone from any country, thrilled to give up their job to any foreigner, whether a professional, talent or some trash, and are easily contended with three meals at the hawker centre, not food court, let alone restaurant. Singaporeans detest any change, so they choose the same political party to govern them every five years.

Anonymous said...

Why go so far to look for expensive housing.
Johore, Batam, Bintan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Kalimantan and Brunei, at $200k, U shall get a freehold landed property of 200 sq metre or larger.
The Property shall be abt 10% of that in Sg.
Utilities cost could be 70% cheaper as well n U probably can own n park 3 cars.

Anonymous said...

The Property Tax shall be abt 10% of that in Sg.
Amend to Comment above.
Sincere Apology.

Anonymous said...

The biggest mistake Singaporeans make is believing that PAP is working hard to serve Singaporeans.

PAP is working hard to make PAP richer.

True or not?
You tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

///Johore, Batam, Bintan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Kalimantan and Brunei,///

Why compare elite city like S'pore with shithole places like above?!?!

Somalia & Timbuktu got even cheaper bungalows -- you shld migrate there.

Stupidity got no cure for you!

///When you pay $260K ... you are paying 99 years rent in advance to HDB///

Correct. If you want freehold in an elite city like S'pore then be prepared to pay $1.5++M for a nice freehold condo. Same price as freehold apartments in other elite cities like Shanghai, London, New York, San Francisco & Sydney.

If you're renting in those other elite cities, you're gonna be paying much more than $260K for 99 yrs of rent. Somemore in those other elite cities you cannot sell your rental apartment for $500K to $1M to other stupid sinkies.

If you're a loser who can't afford freehold in elite city but still want freehold ... then you can only go to shithole cities like JB, Batam & Malacca.

Anonymous said...


Who says Singapore is an elite city?

With so many CECA Indians, Singapore is more like a shit hole city like Mumbai or Islamabad.

Anonymous said...

Singapore elite city?
Singaporeans are shitty elites, they are slaves masquerading as advanced species that eat more preserved shits than fresh foods.
Slog like buffaloes but dress like artistes.
Speak like lawyers but get bully by wildlife.
Yayapapaya but are slaves to their Leeders.
Cannot cure the stupid indeed.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is now a shithole city. Even have people shitting outside MRT Station instead of using toilets.

Singapore is now a shithole city. Even continues to allow more and more shithole people from shithole countries to come and shit in their faces by robbing their jobs in broadday light.

Singapore is now a shithole city. Even have to pay like shit for a car that is worth only one-third the price they pay

Singapore is now a shit hole city. Even though when ministers legalized themselves to become millionaires overnight at their expense, the Sinkies just lan lan. Cannot do anything about it.

Singapore is now a shit hole city. Even though shit is pouring into their mouths, the daft Sinkies think it's good for them.

Outside looks nice, inside is rotting like a sick, diseased, pests infested Banyan tree.

Anonymous said...

Sg is not shit,
the Sinkies themselves are shits.
Get invaded by aliens yet feel happy and secured.
Stupidly doing national service and get enslave by the aristocrat and his kakinangs yet feel proud like peacock and peahen but are like ostriches that burries their head pretending there are no more threat and danger.
Smart leeders with stupid people for the former to play around.

Anonymous said...

for mistake.
burries in above comment to be corrected to bury.

Anonymous said...

A v Gd Morning Folks.

From Daft to Shit is a Vast Promotion

Congratulation and Cheers !!!

Anonymous said...

what happened if people throw shit into the face of their ministers?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 911 Shit Throwing Monkey! aka "normal behaviour":

>> what happened if people throw shit into the face of their ministers? <<

I would say the video would go viral. 1 billion likes on YouTube! 🀟🍻

OTOH, that would be a waste of good shit and probably would leave the minister's face CLEANER 😜πŸ₯‚

Anonymous said...

Matilah Singapurnangs(Singaporeans).
in the boiling pot and enjoy the hot bath.

Hurray !

Anonymous said...

If there is no such thing as traitor, why is there such thing as National Service? Why do our boys and our boys only still need to waste their time and risk their limbs?

NS is a joke. lol.

Anonymous said...

Food smell nice at coffee shop.

And it's loo smells even stronger!

Anonymous said...

// what happened if people throw shit into the face of their ministers? //
- @ 9.11am

Throwing shit at PAP Ministers is a waste of shit.

Just vote Opposition and sack the bastard Ministers from their million dollar salaries.


Anonymous said...


Losers will feel elite cities like S'pore, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, New York, London, San Francisco are shitholes.

Coz the cost of living is beyond their ability & they can't afford even the basic low-income lifestyle in these elite cities. A low-level lifestyle in these cities often cost $100-$150 a day per pax.

But losers feel shithole cities in places like M'sia, Indo, Burma, Africa are paradise becoz they can live like village chieftains on $10-$20 a day.

Anonymous said...

Daft Sinkies fighting amongst thrmselves
aliens quietly take over the Space.
Stupid Sinkies beyond salvation.