
Thank you Singapore, for being so generous and kind

Thank you Singapore for giving jobs to more than 1m Indians that would be jobless and unemployed in India.

Thank you for helping to support our poorly managed telco companies by the billions and to pay for their upgrades and employees.

Thank you for investing in the US$5 billion Amaravati City Project in Andhra Pradesh. Sorry that we have to terminate the project and the millions that you have lost, a mere drop in your pocket, no big deal. Come try again next time, we have many such billion dollar projects waiting for Singapore to pump money in. Thank you very much.

As for the displaced Singaporean PMETs due to our 2m unemployed being employed in Singapore, please send them to India. We will provide the with good jobs and good environment for growth. India is a very big country and have plenty of jobs for unemployed Singaporeans. But we can only pay in rupees.

India still have a few hundred millions of unemployed and jobless talented and armed with many degrees available. Just open your legs and we will send them to you.  Thank you CECA.

And thank you for creating so many jobs here and all the investments in India and the billions pumped into our economy. We hope you are making money in India and not losing money as a result of your faith in India.

Singapore is such a wonderful place, with wonderful and generous people, so kind, so daft, so easily conned. We are coming to buy over Singapore, any land or properties that you can sell India and Indians will buy up.

Thank you Singapore. You are so nice.

PS. India has the money to buy up all the properties in Singapore, starting with the condos in the East.


  1. Four Lessons To Learn In Tanjong Piai By-Election

    The Tanjung Piai by-election saw MCA's Datuk Seri Dr Wee Jeck Seng win with an overwhelming 15,086-vote majority.

    Wee, a former two-term Tanjung Piai MP, garnered a total of 25,466 votes against Pakatan candidate Karmaine Sardini who obtained 10,380 votes; Gerakan's Wendy Subramaniam (1,707), followed by Datuk Dr Badhrulhisham Abdul Aziz of Berjasa (850) and two independents, Dr Ang Chuan Lock (380) and Faridah Aryani Abdul Ghaffar (32).

    The Four Lessons:

    1. If one of the MPs died or became President, by hook or by crook, do not hold a By-Election. This is to ensure that the voters will never have a chance to turn against you due to their anger caused by your arrogance and elite-uncaring heart, signing CECA to provide lucrative well-paying jobs for Indian Nationals instead of protecting Singaporeans' rice bowls.

    2. Don't be over-confident, egoistic and cocky, always boasting of your pathetic un-outstanding "outstanding" performance and keep thinking that the voters are forever daft and beholden to you. And you will continuously get 60-70% of the votes.

    For, like the voting results in Tanjong Piai, you may suddenly find your party gets less than 30% of the total votes!

    3. Even if PAP is voted out, don't worry. Be prepared to make a comeback if your party is suddenly trounced and you suddenly lost all your powers. And may be some of your leaders have to go to court to answer numerous charges, fake or otherwise. Don't be disheartened by such things. Nothing is insurmountable. Even Mount Everest can be conquered. Take one step at a time.

    4. Money is the best motivating factor in influencing voters to vote for you again. So keep a huge reserves. We know PAP is very rich now, unlike the early days when we activists used our own money for everything.

    And during the next GE, go house to house - go all out - to "bribe" the voters and buy their tiny greedy hearts and pea-brains. Also follow-up with sweet-talks, fake or not nevermind. Just ensure you get back their votes. Money spent can be earned back by increasing taxes when you resume power again. This is nothing new. It's already in your little red book.

    Moral of the four lessons:

    Even if PAP gets kicked out in the next GE, it's alright. You can always make a comeback. Anyway, after 49 long years in power, working so hard for foreigners, it's good to take a well-deserved rest for five years and go for holidays to spend your amassed wealth from taxpayer's money with your spouses and concubines (if you have one, if not then it's good to find one).

    So, voters don't need to worry what would happen if PAP is voted out! Just let them take a well-deserved long holidays. After working so hard for you people for 49 long years, THEY DESERVE IT!

  2. Dream on...... PAP will NEVER be voted out!!!!!!!

  3. All the new citizens will vote for PAP to make sure there are more CECAs and more foreigners allowed to come here to replace the daft sinkies. In the meantime the daft sinkies will continue to believe that the PAP is looking after them and giving them good jobs.

    PAP sure win.

  4. Yes thank you


    1. So one of the PAP IB's name is Muti! A CECA imported Indian turned New Citizen?

      /// Anonymous November 19, 2019 9:22 am:

      Yes thank you

      Muti. ///


  5. Hi 900am+910am

    Good morning.......

    Both of you are 1o8% correct!

    YesYes! The masses will DIE DIE DIE DIE die die die die vote for pap under ANY ALL conditions!

    Said many many many many times here before, the masses will only TCSSssssssss and kpkbssssssssss when they are unhappy!

    Everyone TOTALLY bo-chup cheng-hu!

    This is Sg! Correct? You don't know meh? Wake-up!

    Majulah Singapura!

  6. So quick ah! Three IBs quickly come out to shoot $2 per post arrows ah# LOL!


    1. Times are bad! $2 can buy simple breakfast!


  7. UMNO, ruled Malaysia under the Alliance, since 1963 and under Barisan Nasional later, was so cocksure they will never lose. But they lost in 2018 and shocked! Maybe they will make a comeback. They Rakyat are not happy with Dr Mahathir's dirty politics.

    Japanese LDP rules Japan since 1955 and was so confident that they will never lose. They lost in 2009 and shocked! But made a comeback in 2013.

    So, read lesson number 2: Don't be over-confident, arrogant and cocky!

    Pride comes befall the fall. Never say never!

    1. But Sg is very very very very very different!

      The masses basically bo-chup cheng-hu!

      There are more than enough happy people to vote for pap lah! They know! They know!

      This is Sg!

  8. @ doom and gloom sells media, cannot fail! $$$:

    If Singapore is so wealthy, why do its citizens feel stuck?

    You can go to any first world cuntry, and you'll get similar stories. This article by the SCMP suffers from the availibility and recency COGNITIVE BIASES/ HEURISTICS.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Availability_heuristic | https://www.davemanuel.com/investor-dictionary/recency-bias/

    The method of gathering "evidence" for the above article suffers from the selection bias https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_bias by not having a broad enough data set with a lot more data points. They just interviewed a few people and, voila....they arrive at a conclusion.

    This, of course, doesn't invalidate the opinions and feelings of those interviewed. However to cast judgment over the whole cuntry and blame govt policies...is stretching the "logic" a bit far.

    Examples in cognitive biases at work:

    If you ask a jobless PMET why they are jobless, they say "CECA" It's not my fault. It's the bloody PAP!". What simplistic nonsense.

  9. Getting very interesting. Cats simply love to jump out of the bags. You just can't control them effectively.

    If in a clean election, anything can happen. The past results cannot ensure the future.

    However, it is not difficult to FIX election results. Many countries have done it. Even in the US Presidential Race!

    Therefore, if someone dares to arrogantly says this:

    /// Anonymous November 19, 2019 9:00 am:

    Dream on...... PAP will NEVER be voted out!!!!!!! ///


  10. And if you read this, which follows up 10 mins after the above, doesn't it rings a bell?

    /// Anonymous November 19, 2019 9:10 am:

    All the new citizens will vote for PAP to make sure there are more CECAs and more foreigners allowed to come here to replace the daft sinkies. In the meantime the daft sinkies will continue to believe that the PAP is looking after them and giving them good jobs.

    PAP sure win. ///

  11. "All the new citizens will vote for PAP to make sure there are more CECAs and more foreigners allowed to come here to replace the daft sinkies."

    After replacing the daft sinkies, what will the CECA New Citizens do next?

    Logically, they will also replace the daft PAP!


  12. What are the issues for next GE?

    Many big ones and even more small ones.

    I will compile a list and put up just before the hastings.

  13. Anyway no use lah.

    Don't waste time. Sg is no My or HK.

    Sg is very very very very very kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai.......


    1. Congratulations YEW GET $6 today so far. KAKAKAKAKAKA....

  14. Air Quality In Sydney Is Worse Than New Delhi, which is worse than Beijing.

    People in Sydney woke up to a city shrouded in smoke on Tuesday, as scores of bushfires rage across the region.

    Strong winds overnight brought smoke from fires inland, pushing the air quality in Australia's largest city to beyond "hazardous" levels at times.

    On social media, locals have described hazy skies and the stench of smoke in their homes.

    About five million people live in the state capital of New South Wales, which has been affected for weeks by fires.

    At least six people have died in bushfires in the state's north since October.

  15. @All,

    I've been speculating in Ahneh stocks since 1999 during the dotcom boom & bust. And then again during the Emerging Markets boom of the mid-2000s. Win some, lose some. But luckily win more.

    20-year chart of ahneh stocks: http://schrts.co/dQiMKbMX

    I started investing seriously into ahneh stocks from 2013 onwards. Now ahneh stocks take up 15% of my portfolio & sitting near all-time highs (thanks to dividends as well).

    Thank You Ahnehs!!!


    ///PS. India has the money to buy up all the properties in Singapore, starting with the condos in the East.///

    Ehhh, it's the PRCs & the Mats who are doing the buying lah!

    PRCs dominating the buying of luxury properties.

    In the last decade, PRCs, Mats & Indos have always been the largest group of foreigners buying SG property.


  16. i have been speculating in HK and Shanghai stocks since 2001.

    Last week managed to buy $50,000 Alibaba HK shares. Sure make big money one.

    Actually, I don't how-lian one. But since WSG how-lian all the time, I think I also join in lah.

    GSW (Opposite of WSG)

    P/S: GSW = Global Sovereign Wealth.


  17. Hi GSW -- Congrats!

    Wah! RB blog many HUAT guys!


  18. @Anon 2:32pm

    LOL!!!! You should call yourself TCK --- talk cock king!!! Hahaha!!!!

    QFII only started in 2002.

    HKSE-SSE stock connect only started end-2014.

    Baba stock??? Good choice .... but you'll need to wait long long ... somemore they don't pay dividends while you wait.

    But no problem for you larrr .... since you don't even own a single stock of alibaba or any other company!!! LOL!!!!

    OK, what other stock you want to talk cock about??!?! Tencent?? Luckin Coffee?? Baozun?? New Oriental Education??? JD.com??? BYD??? ZTO?? Pinduoduo??? Netease??? Baidu??? iQiyi??? China Mobile??? All the big SOE banks???? Hikvision????


    Too bad Zhezhiang Dahua is still fully private!!!


  19. I've known of Singaporeans losing their jobs to foreigners and ending up working in Malaysia, Taiwan, China, Vietnam and Myanmar because they couldn't find another job here. India not yet. And yet we have hundreds of thousands of people from these very countries holding good jobs with good pay here. Talk of irony!

  20. Facts:

    Shanghai Stock Exchange (started operation in Deec 1990)

    GSW owns shares from the following:



    China Life

    China Petroleum & Chemical

    Ping An Insurance

    China Merchants Bank

    China Shenhua Energy Company

    Citic Securities

    Hongkong Stock Exchange (founded in Feb 1914)

    GSW owns shares from the following:


    China Construction Bank

    HSBC Holdings

    China Mobile

    Bank of Communications

    Postal Savings Bank of China

    China National Offshore Oil Corporation

    China Minsheng Bank

    BOC Hong Kong

    China Pacific Insurance Company

    CK Hutchison Holdings

    CITIC Bank International

    A littlr bit of this and that. Mostly medium and long-term.


  21. @Anon 5:56pm

    To buy china stocks in Shanghai before 2002, you need to be a chinaman.

    So you new citizen???

    Or still a chinaman??? LOL!!!

    And to buy before November 2014 as a Sinkie, you need to be a financial institution --- Which I seriously doubt!!! LOL!!!

    Anyway most of the China stocks are hopeless medium to long term holdings --- you need to hold for 30+ to 50 years ... and hope that China improves in political governance, corporate governance & shareholder governance to see meaningful gains. LOL!!!

    Either that or do swing trading using monthly charts.

    From your timing & list of companies, you're sitting on many BIG LOSER stocks if you didn't do swing trading.

    All of which tells me you own ZERO STOCKS!!!! LOL!!!

    You need to be careful what china companies to buy & when to buy & WHEN TO SELL.

    Sad to say but Ahneh stocks so far beat china stocks for returns.

  22. PAP is doing ahneh a favor. By making their guys work here, they cannot reproduce and over time ahneh population will go down lah.

  23. imho, not true leh. When they work here, they brought the baby making factory here as well.

  24. some website gave negative info and some gave positive. outsiders pretty confused with this dilemma.

  25. This is one of the reason why Singapore is the richest country take love from New Zealand ❤️❤️❤️
