
Lessons to be learnt from Hong Kong's riot and lawlessness? Do we know what is happening to Singapore?

What do you think Singapore can learn from the rioting and vandalism in Hong Kong?  Why is the rioting going on for so long and who and which country is supporting and protecting the rioters? What is the game plan of the rioters? Who are they fighting against? The answers to these questions would give us a clear understanding of what is happening and what Singapore can learn and to avoid.

One, they are anti China and anti mainland Chinese. Two, they want a western democracy to the extent that they would not mine becoming another colony of the British or Americans. Three, they can count on the West, especially the Americans, for support, financially, politically and even how to riot, how to vandalise, how to attack the police with the support of the western govt and media.

The answers are very plain and clear. If Singapore is to avoid becoming another Hong Kong, it must continue to be anti China and anti mainland Chinese. These are easy given the presence of so many bananas and their anti China and anti Chinese mentality. Hong Kong's 5m or so anti mainland Chinese think they are big and strong enough to beat up 1.4b Chinese. Singapore's 1m or so bananas may also think they are strong enough to be anti mainland Chinese and can beat them up too like the stupid Hongkongers with American and western backers. Singapore in this sense is safe.

And becoming a western colony is something quite pleasant. Singaporeans had a good time living under colonial rule, just like the Hongkongers and becoming a colony of the British would allow the old Singaporeans to reminisce singing God Save the Queen again. It is second nature. They love that. And the Queen of England could come visiting every now and then to grace this island and make the anglophiles very happy. If not becoming an English colony,  an American colony would be equally desirable. After all this is not a country for Singaporeans but for anyone that come here, invited here to make a living. The more foreigners the better. Singaporeans don't mind, did not know what is happening, did not know what it is like to lose their country and to be exiled from their once homeland.

As long as Singapore maintains an anti China and anti mainland Chinese policy Singapore would never become like a lawless Hong Kong. The Americans and the West would love Singapore dearly and would not instigate and support Singaporeans to go against the govt of the day.

Have no fear, Singapore would not become Hong Kong. But never try to break away from the American control and influence. Doing so would mean Singapore would become another lawless Hong Kong.
PS. important lessons, make sure the judges are Singaporeans, not new citizens. Also make sure the university professors are Singaporeans not foreigners whose loyalties are somewhere else. The education system and syllabus must be written by Singaporeans and for Singapore, not by foreigners, not by new citizens.

Only foolish govt would allow the judiciary and education systems to be controlled by foreigners.  Hong Kong is a painful lesson to learn from. Allow our IT, banking and financial systems to be controlled by foreigners ok?  Allow our employment and hiring system to be controlled by foreigners ok?

Still sleeping and living in ignorant bliss?


Anonymous said...

Aiyah, Sinkieland will not be like HKongers lah. Why? Becos majority r Kiasi Kiasu KiaChengHu & KiaBor lah. Thru the years of brainwashing & dog training, Sinkies r a timid selfish gutless lot lah. Look at the numbers of grab, screwty, cabbies, hawkies, bookies, pookies, Rockies, cleankies in Sinkieland, all kuai kuai diam diam kena whacked also never mind lah, it's like Stupidity is no cure in Sinkieland, the most likely cause will be Sinkieland is like the NKoreans ..going very near that once it ditched the Americuns & be more closer to PRC.s

Anonymous said...

Comparing Singaporeans to the Hongkies is similar to comparing apples to oranges.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ The devil is in the differences,

The main lesson to learn is that you have to have good government to avert such anarchy. Singapore's PAP does a much better job than Carrie Lam and her people. The PAP govt will never allow youth discontent to grow unchecked to the "tipping point" where a cascade of "bad stuff" starts to happen, and gathers momentum.

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone.....

What to learn from Hk?

Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!

Here the masses are peace loving people.

Here the masses bo-chup cheng-hu! Yes! Bo-chup cheng-hu!

Here the masses super super super super super kwai kwai kwai kwai kwai .........

Here the masses will at most TCSSsssssssssss and kpkbssssssssss only even they are very very VERY VERY very unhappy!

So... what to learn? You tell me lah!

Hahaha Hahahahahaha......

Anonymous said...

Yes! Nothing nothing to worry about!

Anonymous said...

Hi 918am,....Have your breakfast?

Virgo 49 said...

Hello Anon 9.18

You are absolutely right!

Sinkies would NOT riots like the Hongkies.

BUT.... In time to come the Riots would be caused by the scavengers, locusts,leeches, hygenas and many many others.

To them, it's the norm in their countries.

Not like Sinkies who are been always kena tamed kwai kwai.

Bringing disasters to your own by their stupidity been unthinking and pretending to be maganimous.

MOT. Disasters will strike Sinkies if there are major events affecting their liviehoods and also events that happened in their countries of birth.

Many, had still strong affiliations to their homelands and many are hysteria of their own countries politics and happenings.

Aiyo, tried NOT to get myself these few days in controversies with some jokers here as will lose my concentration in winning monies from Genting whilst here.

But, still cannnot missed Mr RB Great Blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi V49 937am

In Genting now?

Virgo 49 said...

Yes Sir,

Good morning to you.

How's life,


Anonymous said...

V49 good morning......

All the best to you!

Huat! Huat! Huat!

Enjoy yourself!


Anonymous said...

The Hongkong Gang of Four is not only backed by the US and UK. It is also backed by Taiwan and the HK government.

Carrie Lam is playing a very dangerous game. She is the main culprit - the biggest traitor of the Chinese government. It is so clear is broad daylight, yet Xi Jinping is so blind and foolish to continue to trust her.

The situation in Hongkong, short of using military force, it will go on and on, escalating to even more dangerous situations, when a civil war will start and many more people will die.....

Singapore will become like Malaysia, possible.

Singapore will become like Hongkong, may be. When pushed against the economic stomach-growling WALL, even a lame dog or cornered mouse will fight back.

Once there are too many Indians throwing their weights around, trying to impose their caste system, language and Hinduism upon the Chinese and Malay, there will be troubles.

Once the LKY aura of leadership wanes and resting on past laurels by the incompetent, undeserved and shameless, bookworm scholars is clearly understood by the masses, there will be a shocking awakening. Slowly but surely, the signs are beginning to appear. The writing is on the wall!

Anonymous said...

The young people of Hong Kong woke up 6 months ago.
And realized there is no point in being so obedient because only the rich Hong Kong families are benefitting from their obefience.

One day.
Young Singaporeans will also wake up.
And realize only rich Singaporean families are benefitting from their obedience and National Service.
- when that day of awakening comes
- we will see massive civil disobedience in Singapore

Anonymous said...

//One day.
Young Singaporeans will also wake up.
And realize only rich Singaporean families are benefitting from their obedience and National Service.
- when that day of awakening comes
- we will see massive civil disobedience in Singapore//

Judging by the recent cases of the condo security officer case & e scooters Delivery riders case, all kwai kwai lan lan or kpkb to their MP but could not do anything. To envision a massive civil disobedience in the near future is almost very very unlikely or tan ku ku. But a massive unrest by the foreigners is a very high possibility based on the past Little India riots & PRC bus drivers cases, it will juz come back again probably in a different way in a bit so distant future (the G is trying to plan for this disaster by practicing the SG ceecure drills, but no amount of drills will b enough, expect the unexpected cud be diseases or other zoombie~like phenomenon or kiasi kiasu KiaChengHu kiawatever systems, climate disasters or apocalyptic kind)

Anonymous said...

Top military strategist award-receiver (from Highest US Military College) boyish-looking Chan Chun Sing warns that "what happens in Hongkong can also easily happen to Singapore, if not careful...."

Any PAP IB here dares to challenge his assertion and prove that you are more clever or more stupid than him?

Anonymous said...

If the PAP IBs are singing an opposite tune to the PAP top dogs, than there must be a Great Divide within the PAP. The top doesn't feel the pulse at the bottom, and the bottom no hue to what the top is saying.

This is the day the people are waiting for!

Pip pip, hooray!

Anonymous said...


Been thinking aloud should I start gofundme target US$200K or more for his wife and 2 school children? I'm prepare to donate seed money US$5K. But... I'm unwilling and afraid to use my name or email. Any suggestion?


According to SCMP.... "Lee Chi-cheung, 57, was left fighting for his life after the attack, which occurred on November 11 after a dispute with a group of masked people who had vandalised an MTR station in Ma On Shan in Hong Kong’s New Territories......Hong Kong police said they had arrested one woman and one man suspected of being at the scene of the attack for “illegal assembly”. Both suspects remained in custody."


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1108

You so happy. Good for you.

So next GE, pap = ??.?%.....

What say you?

Anonymous said...

What happens in Hongkong will not ever happen in Sin.
Young Sinkies are brainwashed like their forebears and even more. Their forebears sent them to PAP Childcare and Kindergarten and from there onward, it is all the PAP Culture.
Okay, some forebears in the Pioneer and Merdeka regret and try to repent by becoming activist and or becoming Opposition Politician. However,
it is all too late. Most PG have died or too old and abandoned.
Most Merdeka Generation Folks are hardly having good communication with their offsprings, many wallow in loneliness and struggle to survive.
Those porlanpas in the Past are now going to be in remorse till they die.
The Worst Scenario shall be the Offsprings of the PG and MG shall be deployed to suppress any uprising by the Older Generations, if they ever dare, which is not going to happen.
As for younger Sinkies,
they would rather commit suicides than to do any revolution.
There is never the Need to Worry about Political Uprising in Sin.
Sin falling into the Hands of lmported Citizen is as sure as the Sin setting into the West.

Anonymous said...


The last band of anti-government protesters trapped inside a besieged Hong Kong university were weighing a narrowing range of options early on Wednesday (Nov 20) as police outside appeared ready to simply wait them out.

Witnesses said fewer than 100 protesters remained inside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University after more than 1,000 were arrested since late on Monday.

Some simply surrendered, while others were arrested in escape attempts that included trying to climb down ropes to waiting motorbikes outside, or sneak through underground sewer system.

Police searched for potential escapees at night with spotlights rather than using the tear gas and rubber bullets that had marked clashes in recent days, heeding calls from Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam for a humane end to a siege that saw the most intense clashes since the protests escalated more than five months ago.

They also tightened barricades in the streets surrounding the university, making them secure enough to be visited late on Tuesday night by the force's new commissioner, Chris Tang, at the end of his first day on the job.

A new commissioner of police, a new dawn for Hongkong.

A new replacement for the Chief Executive Carrie Lam (Lamb), a new Hongkong for China and the Chinese People.

Will it happen?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC, good to want to help others in trouble.

This Hong Kong tragedy is brought about by their own stupidity.

Life was so good to the Hongkongers but they chose to destroy it.

Anonymous said...

@ 1119 am.

Hey, PAP IB.

Next GE PAP Kena trounced jia lat jia lat lah! Do many bread and butter issues. Asshole s sure kena butter lah. Otherwise how to make those happy-go-lucky millionaire ministers wake up their barking ideas?

Opposition = 70%
Puppies = 28%
Spoilt Votes = 2%

Anonymous said...

Thanks RB

Found CGTN interviewed Lee Chi-cheung's wife please view help me GoFundMe target over USD$200K. Even if help woke up he'll never able to work again... Thanks bless you!


Exclusive on HK: Wife of man set on fire explains her family's pain

"On November 11, a 57-year-old construction worker was set on fire following a heated argument with protesters in Hong Kong. He had the first skin graft surgery on November 15 and is still in critical condition. CGTN reporter Zhu Dan spoke with his wife about the pain he and his whole family have suffered since the attack in this exclusive interview"


Anonymous said...

@anon 11.19am

Estimate of coming Sinkieland election results:

PAPies= 75%
OppiePSP= 10%

The PAPies is win ho boh.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1141am+1152am

The predictions seem reasonable! Great!


Wild Wild Guess Crystal Ball said...

Predition For GE 2020 Results:

God willing,

PSP, Dr Tan Cheng Bock = 1 GRC.
PSP, Lee Hsien Yang = 1 GRC.

SingFirst, Tan Jee Say = 1 GRC
SingFirst, Dr Ang Yong Guan = 1 GRC.

PVP, Lim Tean = 1 GRC

WP, Pritam Singh = 1 GRC
WP, Silver Lim = 1 GRC
WP, Low Thia Khiang = 1 GRC
WP, Png Eng Huat = 1 GRC
WP, Lee Bee Lian = 1 GRC
WP, Young Turks = 3 SMCs

SDP, Dr Chee Soon Chuan = 1 GRC
SDP, Prof Paul Thambyia = 1 GRC
SDP, Pwee and Aliyas = 1 GRC
SDP, Young Turks = 3 SMCs.

SPP, Mrs Chiam See Tong, Lena = 1 GRC

NSP = 1 SMC.


PPP = 1 SMC.

Tan Kin Loan = 1 SMC.

Total Sears won by OppoSing Coalition Party:

14 GRCs
10 SMCs

Total Sears won by PAP:

2 GRCs
3 SMCs

Anonymous said...

WWG Crystal Ball,

Your prediction seems far fetched. But if God is willing it, anything is possible. Karma rippens very swiftly. Never say never. Too arrogant for those who say "Never"!

Arrogance and Pride, cockiness and over-confidence go hand in glove, and always come before the big downfall!....

Anonymous said...

// Life was so good to the Hongkongers but they chose to destroy it. //
- redbean

Life was so good to the PAPigs, but they chose to destroy it with CECA and investments in India.

Wild Wild Guess Crystal Ball said...

Amendmented Version (due to auto-correction typing errors) in

@November 20, 2019 12:43 pm

Predition For GE 2020 Results:

God willing,

PSP, Dr Tan Cheng Bock = 1 GRC.
PSP, Lee Hsien Yang = 1 GRC.

SingFirst, Tan Jee Say = 1 GRC
SingFirst, Dr Ang Yong Guan = 1 GRC.

PVP, Lim Tean = 1 GRC

WP, Pritam Singh = 1 GRC
WP, Silver Lim = 1 GRC
WP, Low Thia Khiang = 1 GRC
WP, Png Eng Huat = 1 GRC
WP, Lee Bee Lian = 1 GRC
WP, Young Turks = 3 SMCs

SDP, Dr Chee Soon Chuan = 1 GRC
SDP, Prof Paul Thambyia = 1 GRC
SDP, Pwee and Aliyas = 1 GRC
SDP, Young Turks = 3 SMCs.

SPP, Mrs Chiam See Tong, Lena = 1 GRC

NSP = 1 SMC.


PPP = 1 SMC.

Tan Kin Lian = 1 SMC.

Total Seats won by OppoSing Coalition Party:

14 GRCs
10 SMCs

Total Seats won by PAP:

2 GRCs
3 SMCs

Anonymous said...

PAP IBs, quick quick quick, come and counter the predictions that PAP SURE LOST! Another $2 for you!

Quickly come and earn your $2.....


Anonymous said...


Like that the STI=5000!


Anonymous said...

China condemned the passage of the

Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, and vowed strong countermeasures to safeguard its sovereignty and security.

Human Rights - my rights or your rights?

Majority rights or minority rights.

USA right or China right?

Whose right is right?

Only Might is Right?

Anonymous said...


In fact the lessons to be learnt are NOT for S'pore, but in fact for HK & Beijing!!!

HK & Beijing will learn from S'pore, and in fact have been learning hard over the past few months.

Previously HK always said it cannot follow S'pore-style regulations --- the unspoken truth is this is due to the control of HK by their local tycoons, as well as the billionaire PRC oligarchs (many of whom are high ranking officials & ministers in the Politburo themselves).

This has been changing in the past 4 months, with orders coming from Beijing. And the lan-lan cooperation by the tycoons & oligarchs.

Certain aspects of HK will become more & more like S'pore over the next 10 years.

All this means that HK will continue to be a FUCKING SHIOK financial & investment centre, and one of the main key investable cities of the Great Bay Area of southeastern China, as well as the eastern seaboard of China.


Anonymous said...

@anon 1.11pm

Another Scenario in a not so distance future..

When CeCA persists in Sinkapore, all the parties will be Wipe Out! And Sinkapura will be rename as Indiapura.
When all the FTA signed by the G,also all the parties will be Wipe Out! & Sinkapura will be renamed as Rojakpura.
Worse, with yr by yr poor economic growth, Sinkapura will really Sink lah (no monie yo tackle climate change) etc..

Anonymous said...

Walk The Talk, Not Talk Don't Walk

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a speech to civil service leaders in 2013:

“The Government must change its approach to policymaking as the environment has tremendously changed today.··· The Government’s policy process must adapt to this new landscape and policies must undergo market-test and be adjusted if needed, as well as acquire a better feel of how our (Government) policies impact different groups, and what their likely reactions and concerns will be."

Had the government (PM himself) put into practice what PM Lee Hsien Loong said, CECA would not have been signed in the way it is now!

Had the government (Ministers and MPs) put into practice what PM Lee Hsien Loong had said, the careless, callous, sudden ban on PMDs would not have taken place shamelessly the way it had!

So, please kindly walk the Talk, not talk but don't walk.


imho said...

History indicated that unless police and soldiers on the side of people then a rebel will win. Otherwise just forget it. Migrating is easier.

Anonymous said...

This is another example of the top talked but the bottom no hue, don't care, just carry on as usual. Why change? So troublesome, don't care what PM say lah. As long as we continue to collect our $millions salary okay already mah!

For the PAP IBs: Hiyah, don't need change lah! As long as we continue to collect $2 per post okay liao! Why need to change?

Anonymous said...

KNN, I found out to my horror that this one tiny piece of rock got 43 registered political parties!

Now, there are 13 parties active and semi-active. Another 9 were registered just for fun, never contested in any election.

Like that how to have political progress? So splintered. No wonder PAP always win.

Anonymous said...

Korean-American employee claims Intel discriminates in favor of Indian workers


Another example of CECA Indians discriminating against locals

Anonymous said...


Temasek still investing BIG in US.

Since 2016, 40% of new investments have gone into US.

Currently 15% of Temasek's overall portfolio is in North America.

From their latest July annual report, Temasek's 10-year annualised returns is 9%.
20-year CAGR is 7%.

Not too bad.

Ordinary Sinkies can create their own "Temasek" simply by investing into extremely low cost global ETFs e.g. Vanguard Total World Stock ETF:-

10-year performance: 9.1% ($100,000 in 2009 will be worth $238,900 today)
20-year performance: 6.2% ($100,000 in 1999 will be worth $333,000 today)


Anonymous said...

Hi Anon 10.30

You wrote " One day.
Young Singaporeans will also wake up.
And realize only rich Singaporean families are benefitting from their obedience and National Service.
- when that day of awakening comes
- we will see massive civil disobedience in Singapore"

Have you been living under a rock all your life ?????

Anonymous said...

"Currently 15% of Temasek's overall portfolio is in North America.

From their latest July annual report, Temasek's 10-year annualised returns is 9%.
20-year CAGR is 7%."

Something is not right, isn't it?

The longer the term, the higher should be the returns. Not the other way round.

If it is the other way round, it means in some of the years, they made a much lesser returns or made big losses.

That means there was no consistency. Like that you don't need experts to be paid by the $millions to be specialist investment managers and CEOs. Any Charlie also can do. One eye Jack also can do.

I think WSG can do better than Temasek jia leow bees.

No wonder CPF Savings retirees get pittance in interest rates, therefore having insufficient funds to retire comfortably.

One day someone must dig into the secrets of Temasek and GIC to find out if any skeletons have been locked in the cupboard?

Anonymous said...

I listened to LKY, invest in HDB flat. After 30 years, from $30,000 to $600,000.
KNN where can find better investment product? Now waiting for a sucker to buy it from me fast or else.

Anonymous said...

Yes! The WSG smelly smelly can be the top top management
of Temasek!

Anonymous said...

Adapted from The Straits Times:

Mega church New Creation has acquired The Star Vista mall for almost $300 million "to protect the interest of the church", it announced on Wednesday (Nov 20).

While the church previously owned only The Star Performing Arts Centre (PAC) - a space for the church's services that doubles as a concert venue - it now owns the entire building.

The purchase, costing the church $296 million, was secured on Oct 30 from CapitaLand, after the church got wind that CapitaLand was in talks with other buyers for a potential sale of the mall.

"While we had expressed our hope that CapitaLand would remain as the owner and operator of the retail space, we understood that CapitaLand had also initiated a sale process for The Star Vista," the church said on Wednesday.

Its council chairman, Deacon Yong Chee Ram, said the church did not want the unpredictability of the space going to another buyer, since the PAC also serves as a place of worship for New Creation on service days.

"Given that The Star Vista and The Star PAC are inextricably linked, our immediate objective... is both to protect the interest of the church and to preserve the good experience for all who come to The Star PAC," he said.

New Creation chairman added that in accordance with zoning guidelines, The Star Vista's commercial space will be maintained, and that the church was exploring possibilities for CapitaLand to continue operating and managing the mall on its behalf.

Beginning in a flat in Holland Drive in 1983, the independent church today also has other service venues that include the Marina Bay Sands Ballrooms, Cathay Cineplex Causeway Point and GV Grand (Great World City).

In a separate statements from CapitaLand, the handover is expected to be completed by the end of the year, generating for the company net proceeds of about $145 million.

CapitaLand president Jason Leow said The Star Vista's sale is part of its "asset recycling strategy", giving the company greater financial flexibility to "seize new growth opportunities".

NUS and New Creation Church among top 10 richest fund-raisers in Singapore.

NUS, NTU and three mega churches are Singapore’s largest charities with business units.

New Creation Church says it never meant to go into business but it did. Talk is talk. Do us do. Talk and do are different.

In the past year, CapitaLand has divested close to $5.7 billion worth of assets, far over-stretching its annual $3 Billion budget for divestment.

New Creation Church, through its business arm Rock Productions, bought The Star PAC for $500 million in 2007 in order to accommodate its then fast-expanding congregation. Buying the whole building of The Star Vista for only $296 must be a fantastic bargain. Why did CapitalLand sold it so cheaply? Desperate for money - cash flow problem? Poor planning, budgeting, management, leadership?

New Creation pastor boasted 31,000 members in 2016, and made headlines when it raised $21.1 million in a day in 2010, largely through contributions by its members. This is very scary. The power and influence the Church has over its members must be tremendously overwhelming. Internal Security Department must monitor this group closely.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:52pm

///After 30 years, from $30,000 to $600,000.///

(1) First of all, by 1989 you cannot buy a new 4-rm or 5-rm HDB for only $30k. It would have cost around $80k-$100k based on location.

$80k to $600k is annualised return of 6.95% over 30 years.

(2) A simple investment in a global stock index fund over 30 years will have generated annualised returns of 7.1%. This would have turned $100,000 into $782,800 today.

There's power in long term investing. It's just that most people cannot wait.

@Anon 9:17pm

///The longer the term, the higher should be the returns. Not the other way round.///

Not necessarily. It depends on the economic conditions in the past decades. The last 10 years have been terrific for stocks (especially in US).

However if you extend to 20 years, you have the horrible recessions in 2000-2002 & 2007-2009 ... Both of which saw stocks & many other risk assets get cut into half.

The problem is that both Temasek & GIC are not able to significantly outperform a cheap index investing, even though both have many $10M and $20M investing gurus on their staffing getting Singapore's taxpayer monies.

I.e. A VERY expensive method for relatively mediocre results.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Boeing 737 Max - The Max-Killer

While Boeing continues trying to repair its 737 Max plane and its image with the World, there is one group of people it has certainly not been able to win back their trust and confidence: airlines' flight attendants.

Flight attendants all over the World are "very fearful" of flying in the 737 Max again. They do not want to get killed in a death trap. Even if the plane is approved to fly again by the regulatory authorities in the United States, they still are not comfortable about their safety.

All the 737 Max planes have been grounded for many months now, following two fatal crashes that left over 340 people (pilots, crew and passengers) suffered instant death, without any chance of survival.

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) says they want to be fully versed on what has changed with the plane and why it is safe to fly in again. The union is seeking information from Boeing, US regulators, Airlines, the carrier’s pilots and others in order to make a final decision.

APFA President, Lori Bassani said: “I hear from flight attendants every day and they are begging me to not make them go back up in that airplane. We want to know WITHOUT A DOUBT that it’s SAFE to fly.”

Boeing has indicated that the FAA is on track to certify its redesigned flight-control software by the middle of December 2019, at which point it could start delivering new 737 planes to all the airlines in the world. However, the flight-control software is only secondary issue, not the main fault. Boeing is trying to save money and is barking up the wrong tree deliberately. They know fully well that the most critical safety problems are the over-large engines that caused imbalance and the unsafe overall design of the Max itself. Until and unless the aircraft is redesigned and refitted with the correct engines, the problems that killed those 340 hapless people are still unresolved.

Last week, American Airlines said it was going to keep the 737 Max off its schedules until at least March 2020. Previously, the company had said it was going to resume flights by January. American Airlines plans on making safety "exhibition flights" to prove to customers the jets are safe, with executives, workers and reporters on board, before returning the Max to commercial service.

The FAA Chief, Stephen Dickson, who was personally lobbied (another term for bribery) by Boeing's CEO to clear the plane on an accelerated timeline, put out a video, to cover his ass, last Friday where he told his staff to resist "pressure" to clear the plane quickly.

"I know there's a lot of pressure to return this aircraft to service quickly. But I want you to know that I want you to take the time you need and focus solely on safety. In this process, the only driving force is safety. I've got your back," he said.

American Airline's President, Robert Isom, says that the company's employees must be comfortable with the plane before it will fly again. He said, “After the FAA has given their approval, after our pilots have said ‘Yes we’re ready to go,’ we intend to fly that aircraft so that our team is comfortable. So our pilots, our flight attendants, our partners, media – you name it – all of us as executives; we intend to fly that aircraft before it goes into commercial service.”

Rightly, the people who must be on board the first "exhibition flight" should be the politicians in power, the safety regulators, Boeing owners and key shareholders, Boeing's Board of Directors, CEOs (past and present) and Boeing's Chief Engineer and Software Company Owners and CEO.

If you are a passenger (customer), are you ready to put your life in jeopardy in the hands of all those strangers?

Virgo 49 said...

Flight attendants should know better.

The CRUEL MONEY GRABBERS just for the sake of bullshits installing what's confidence will bullshits their ways that they are SAFE.

Luckily their Unions unlike Sinkieland's Sai Kar unions woulf NOT put their members safety in danger.

They KL wan. Their demands that Safety must be proven till they fly.

Anonymous said...

"If you are a passenger (customer), are you ready to put your life in jeopardy in the hands of all those strangers?"

I, of course, am not ready to die needlessly, especially for a filthy rich company like Boeing to become richer by short-changing on safety in order to make more profits. This is criminal!

I can never trust the 737 Max aircraft, no matter how they assure me that it is safe. I will ensure whenever I buy an air ticket that the plane I am going to fly in is not a 737 Max or any related planes.

Whoever approved of the 737 Max aircraft's safety must either be mad of bribed. Not honesty and sincerity.

Anonymous said...

$80k to $600k is annualised return of 6.95% over 30 years.

(2) A simple investment in a global stock index fund over 30 years will have generated annualised returns of 7.1%. This would have turned $100,000 into $782,800 today.

Wrong lah. It is $30k to $600k not $80k.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Mega rich, megachurch

New Creation acquires Star Vista: I say over and again, that Joseph Prince is a mover and shaker lah. What a brilliant guy.


@ Fear of flying:

Your chances of dying in a traffic accident are orders of magnitude greater than flying. Flying is one of the safest activities.


@ Make money from HDB

If you bought early---like many of the uncles and aunties here ( OK BOOMER! ), you would have done ok, even though your lease has been eaten up by 30 or so years.

Comparing with stocks is comparing chikkus to durians lah...they are not the same. HDB has utility...you are using it to live in. Stocks are pieces of public companies which are viable businesses, thus they have cashflows, profits, dividends or reinvested cash to grow the business.

The best you get from HDB is "asset enhancement" usually before or after an election. Still, even if the market crashes, you still have your HDB which has "existential value" because you live in it. If the market for stock crashes, you could suffer permanent impairment of capital. HDB & stocks---different risk profile lah!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:55am,

///Wrong lah. It is $30k to $600k not $80k.///

Ehhh pondek ... $30K to $600K is NOT 30 years ... it is 40 years

Annualised returns of 7.8%

Global stocks returned 9+% annualised over past 40 years --- Stocks still win lah.

$30k in global stocks 40 years ago will be $942,300 today!!!

The good thing is that global stocks will still provide the same kind of returns over the long run .... Becoz of human ingenuity & human NEED TO SUCCEED.

However, you can forget about the big returns from S'pore property from now on .... Becoz of the matured property market & the high base now. And also people have been educated on the concept of lease decay LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

You so clever, you win lah.

Virgo 49 said...

Men proposed, Heaven Disposed.

All these bulshits forecasts and plannings can go KAPUT!

Anonymous said...


Stupid virgo lol!!!

This is not bullshit forecast.

It has already happened for me.

Why do you think since age 44 I can shake leg on weekdays & yet support my family & have a nice relaxing lifestyle?!?!

Silly sinkies can have the same lifestyle IF ONLY they can have discipline, self-control & open mind. Luckily most can't so I can continue laughing at sinkie worker rats rushing to work in the mornings & chao bin in the evening rush.

While I sip my kopi-C or long black LOL!!!