
CECA - what is real and what is fake news

'Among these was the claim that CECA has allowed Indian nationals to take PMET (professional, managerial, executive and technician) jobs away from Singaporeans.

Mr Chan clarified that all FTAs, including CECA, place no obligations on Singapore with regard to immigration.

"Indian professionals, like any other professionals from other countries, have to meet MOM's (Ministry of Manpower's) existing qualifying criteria to work in Singapore. This applies to Employment Pass, S Pass, and work permit.

"Second, CECA does not give Indian nationals privileged immigration access. Anyone applying for Singapore citizenship must qualify according to our existing criteria," said Mr Chan....

While Mr Chan acknowledged that economic uncertainties have created anxieties over job security, he asserted that perpetuating fear, is not the right response.

"We understand, and we share Singaporeans' concerns with competition and job prospects in the current uncertain economic environment. But the way to help Singaporeans is not to mislead them and create fear and anger," said Mr Chan....

Mr Chan said that MOM is aware of companies that have breached fair hiring practices and will weed them out to protect Singaporean workers and businesses.  
Source: CNA/hs
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/chan-chun-sing-clarifies-ceca-ramesh-erramalli-12078768

In the above report Chan Chun Sing explained that while Singapore allows Indian nationals to work in Singapore under CECA terms, Singapore's Immigration rules still  override the terms in the CECA to protect the interests of Singaporeans. What about the special clauses that allow 127 Indian professions to come in with no need to check their qualifications, in a way recognising every and any shit institutions in India?

In 2017, the Indian govt threatened to sue the Singapore govt for tightening the immigration rules to regulate the free flow of Indian nationals under the CECA terms. 

India had signed its first ever CECA with Singapore in August, 2005, under which both sides have a preferential tariff arrangement for over 80 product lines. Besides, India and Singapore enjoy greater access in services and investment under CECA.

The CECA's second review was launched in May, 2010, but since then the review had been held up mainly on two important issues. One is allowing Indian banks to Singapore and second the free movement of Indian professionals. I think this has been enhanced since to make it easier for the Indian professionals to come in, unchecked.

The Singapore government, in its effort to reduce reliance on foreign workers, passed the ‘Employment Pass Framework’ in 2010 under which the foreign share of the total workforce has to be brought down to around one-third by the companies located there, while encouraging employers to invest in productivity in return for incentives in the form of tax breaks.  Is this being practised in Singapore's 'Chennai' Business Park in Changi? There have been so many eyewitnesses claiming that on entering these offices they are shocked to see at least 80% of the workers are Indians.

However, India has argued that while Singapore has done this to address its own domestic concerns, it had committed a separate provision under CECA, exempting India from such a rule. The matter has taken a political colour now….’

Since then there was no more threats of India suing Singapore. Maybe some agreements had been reached that satisfied India's demand for more free flow of Indian nationals or some relaxation on the part of Singapore's immigration rules. Whatever, if the Indian govt is not complaining, it means they are very happy with the arrangement. On the Singapore side, everything very quiet except that the unemployment of PMETs and young Singaporean graduates get worse by the days.

Now it is exploding and everyone is talking about it. The opposition parties are also raising this as a major issue in the coming GE. What is real or fake can only be judged by the numbers of Indian PMETs here versus the sad and miserable stories of Singaporean graduates losing their jobs or unable to get a decent job, not half baked part time jobs or as Grab drivers or Grab delivery boys and girls.

In the past there was this policy of allowing foreign graduates to work in Singapore if they came from recognised and reputtable universities. Today this is forgotten and with CECA, any rubbish universities, real or fake also can, and their dubious and funny graduates are now in top positions in Singapore's economy, bossing around and ridiculing our local graduates from the world's best universities overseas and our NUS and NTU.

It is time to reintroduce the practice of only recognising the degrees of good and reputable universities, not karang guni universities and back lane degree mills.How would this affect the unbelieveable loose conditions in the CECA if it is implemented?

PS. Thanks Frog Outside Glass for the below extracts from CECA.

CECA Article 9.3 Para 3 states:

"Neither Party shall require labour market testing, economic needs testing or other procedures of similar effects as a condition for temporary entry in respect of natural persons upon whom the benefits of this Chapter are conferred.”

Article 9.5: Long-Term Temporary Entry:

"Intra-Corporate Transferees:

1. Unless there has been a breach of any of the conditions governing temporary entry, or an application for an extension of an immigration visa has been refused on such grounds of national security or public order by the granting Party as it deems fit, each Party shall grant temporary entry to an intra-corporate transferee of the other Party, who otherwise meets its criteria for the grant of an immigration visa, for an initial period of up to two years or the period of the contract, whichever is less. The period of stay may be extended for period of up to three years at a time for a total term not exceeding eight years.


2. Each Party shall grant temporary entry and stay for up to one year or the duration of contract, whichever is less, to a natural person seeking to engage in a business activity as a professional, or to perform training functions related to a particular profession, including conducting seminars, if the professional otherwise complies with immigration measures applicable to temporary entry, on presentation by the natural person concerned of:

(a) Proof of nationality of the other Party;

(b) Documentation demonstrating that he or she will be so engaged and describing the purpose of entry, including the letter of contract from the party engaging the services of the natural person in the host Party; and

(c) Documentation demonstrating the attainment of the relevant minimum educational requirements or alternative credentials.”

3. Each Party shall process expeditiously applications for temporary entry from natural persons of the other Party, including requests for further extensions. Each Party shall notify applicants for temporary entry, either directly or through their prospective employers, of the outcome of their applications, including the period of stay and other conditions.”

Unless there are valid reasons concerning National Security, Public Order or Public Health, all applications for the 127 listed industries and fields should be approved without delay. That means approval is just a formality.

CECA also provides spouses and dependents of Indian PMETs granted employment pass in Singapore to be employable in Singapore. This is stated in Article 9.6:

"For natural persons of a Party who have been granted the right to long term temporary entry and have been allowed to bring in their spouses or dependants, a Party shall, upon application, grant the accompanying spouses or dependants of the other Party the right to work as managers, executives or specialists (as defined in paragraphs 2(f)(i) to (iii) of Article 9.2), subject to its relevant licensing, administrative and registration requirements. Such spouses or dependants can apply independently in their own capacity (and not necessarily as accompanying spouses or dependants) and shall not be barred by the Party granting them the right to work from taking up employment in a category other than that of managers, executives, or specialists solely on the ground that they as the accompanying spouses or dependants are already employed in its territory as managers, executives or specialists.”


Reading the relevant critical details, one can’t help but conclude that CECA has basically given Indian Nationals (including their dependents) unlimited access to Singapore's jobs markets on a No-delay fast-track approval channel and, therefore, many Singaporeans' rice bowls have literally been handed over by the PAP elites to India Nationals.


Anonymous said...

Indian IT Companies Exploiting CECA Loophole

Thanks to CECA, large numbers of Indian IT workers were moved into Singapore as “intra-corporate transferees”, because CECA did not set any quotas, thereby allow unlimited numbers of Indians to work in Singapore as "transferees (a magical multiplier).

Many of these Indian IT companies reside in Changi Business Park. As most of them came from Chenai, local taxi uncles have been referring to this place as Chenai Business Park. More than 80% of workforce there are invaded and infested by Indians. The other less than 20% are Malaysians, Philippinos and Vietnamese. Only a very few are Singaporeans and Ang Mohs. Even the restaurants and food courts now sell only Indian foods.

Last few years, with many Singaporean PMETs complaining about discriminatory hiring practices as well as an increase in unemployment rates among Singaporean PMETs, the Singapore government started to slow down the approvals of Indian professionals working here.

Times of India reported in 2017 (‘Singapore blocks visas for Indian IT professionals‘) that work visas for Indian IT professionals to work in Singapore have dropped “to a trickle”, prompting the Indian government to complain to Singaporean government citing violation of the trade pact. Some of the Indian IT companies affected include: HCL, TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant and L&T Infotech.

“This (visa problem) has been lingering for a while but since early-2016, visas are down to a trickle. All Indian companies have received communication on fair consideration, which basically means hiring local people,” the president of Nasscom, the IT association of India, complained.

That means in the ten years or so from 2005 to about 2015, these companies have been gladly receiving work visas “happily given” to them by the Singapore government for their staff to work in Singapore under CECA, since no complaints were publicly ever heard from these companies in those “happier times”. In any case, the damage has been done. Displaced Singaporeans who ended up driving taxi would have a hard time getting back to a working career again.

In retaliation, the Indian government decided against expanding the scope of goods where import duties for Singapore goods would be cut unless the concerns of Indian industry are addressed, the report added.

In particular, the Indian government is against Singapore using the “fair consideration framework” to regulate the employment of Indian professionals in Singapore. “They (Singapore) are doing it despite the CECA clearly stating that there will be no ENT (economic needs test) or quotas on agreed services. This is a violation of the agreement,” warned an Indian official.

The Indian government threaten to sue the Singapore government and brought the matter up at WTO.

After that, everything become quiet. What has been going on behind the scene? Why is the public kept in the dark?

Anonymous said...

I don't trust Chan Chun Sing.

I will be voting Opposition to find out the truth about CECA in parliament.

Anonymous said...

Fuck PAP
Fuck Chan Chun Sing

imho said...

This blood sucking gov will trade the wellbeing of sinkies to get more money for themselves. All along, how come moe did not prepare the people for the right jobs but they ended up doing deliveries instead of highly paid it jobs? Sack all the useless civil serpants.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

CECA is embedded in contract law lah. The Singapore team was caught napping when the savvy Indians struck the deal...which is monumentally skewed in their favour.

Once you've squeezed out the toothpaste, you can't put it back in the tube.

Which means, you're probably better off finding your own solutions to WIN than to expect any political solution to arise which would be in your favour.

Protesting at Hong Lim Park is a losing proposition. But you're lucky...you live in Singapore where opportunities for WINNING abound.

Matilah or Majulah, is a CHOICE!πŸ€ŸπŸ†πŸ†πŸ»πŸ₯‚

Anonymous said...

Very very hot!!!

Dec this year ge, possible???

Anonymous said...


"Intra-corporate transferees" is also a NON-SEQUITUR. All along for E-Pass there is no quota or limitations. Even up till today.

And during the time of the 1st CECA negotiations in 2004/2005, MOM already allowed intra-corporate transferees for ALL nationalities including China. In those days intra-corporate transferees were given 6-month to 1-year approvals for most, or 2-year approvals for high value jobscopes like doctors or senior management of large MNCs.

This intra-corporate transferees "backdoor" became more strict after the 2011 GE, but couldn't be suppressed in the CECA contract.


Anonymous said...

@All, @RB,

Oh BTW, DBS just reported their highest ever quarterly profits & revenues of $1.65B and $3.55B respectively. Profitability as measured by ROE (14%) is their highest in over 10 years.

No wonder DBS recognised as world's Best Bank. LOL!!!

Good companies & strong management know when to throw out obsolete staff & stuff, and pivot to higher yielding business models & higher potential fintech.

No wonder DBS's indian chief got $20M salary last year, and PAPies rolled out the red carpet for him to become new citizen.


jjgg said...

the government got themselves into a big big hole n frankly there's no way out.. because of ceca.. glcs have pumped in billions of dollars into India.. these money are not trading money u can recoup overnight.. these money can't be flipped..if ceca is not renewed..goodbye money!!!! Look what happened to the smart city venture..would that money be invested if not for ceca? So..expect the brigades of indians to continue charging in!! Turning disaster into opportunity.. which companies invested in India heavily.. buy buy!! Can't see how big brother can avoid taking these companies private.

Anonymous said...

The Shocking Facts About CECA Mr Chan Chun Sing Has Selectively Chosen Not To Address

CECA Article 9.3 Para 3 states:

"Neither Party shall require labour market testing, economic needs testing or other procedures of similar effects as a condition for temporary entry in respect of natural persons upon whom the benefits of this Chapter are conferred.”

Article 9.5: Long-Term Temporary Entry:

"Intra-Corporate Transferees:

1. Unless there has been a breach of any of the conditions governing temporary entry, or an application for an extension of an immigration visa has been refused on such grounds of national security or public order by the granting Party as it deems fit, each Party shall grant temporary entry to an intra-corporate transferee of the other Party, who otherwise meets its criteria for the grant of an immigration visa, for an initial period of up to two years or the period of the contract, whichever is less. The period of stay may be extended for period of up to three years at a time for a total term not exceeding eight years.


2. Each Party shall grant temporary entry and stay for up to one year or the duration of contract, whichever is less, to a natural person seeking to engage in a business activity as a professional, or to perform training functions related to a particular profession, including conducting seminars, if the professional otherwise complies with immigration measures applicable to temporary entry, on presentation by the natural person concerned of:

(a) Proof of nationality of the other Party;

(b) Documentation demonstrating that he or she will be so engaged and describing the purpose of entry, including the letter of contract from the party engaging the services of the natural person in the host Party; and

(c) Documentation demonstrating the attainment of the relevant minimum educational requirements or alternative credentials.”

3. Each Party shall process expeditiously applications for temporary entry from natural persons of the other Party, including requests for further extensions. Each Party shall notify applicants for temporary entry, either directly or through their prospective employers, of the outcome of their applications, including the period of stay and other conditions.”

Unless there are valid reasons concerning National Security, Public Order or Public Health, all applications for the 127 listed industries and fields should be approved without delay. That means approval is just a formality.

CECA also provides spouses and dependents of Indian PMETs granted employment pass in Singapore to be employable in Singapore. This is stated in Article 9.6:

"For natural persons of a Party who have been granted the right to long term temporary entry and have been allowed to bring in their spouses or dependants, a Party shall, upon application, grant the accompanying spouses or dependants of the other Party the right to work as managers, executives or specialists (as defined in paragraphs 2(f)(i) to (iii) of Article 9.2), subject to its relevant licensing, administrative and registration requirements. Such spouses or dependants can apply independently in their own capacity (and not necessarily as accompanying spouses or dependants) and shall not be barred by the Party granting them the right to work from taking up employment in a category other than that of managers, executives, or specialists solely on the ground that they as the accompanying spouses or dependants are already employed in its territory as managers, executives or specialists.”


Reading the relevant critical details, one can’t help but conclude that CECA has basically given Indian Nationals (including their dependents) unlimited access to Singapore's jobs markets on a No-delay fast-track approval channel and, therefore, many Singaporeans' rice bowls have literally been handed over by the PAP elites to India Nationals.

There are facts, not falsehoods, Mr Chan Chun Sing.

Anonymous said...

CECA is what prostitution is in Geylang. Selling flesh for money!

Anonymous said...

Rolling out the red carpet for CECA Indian Piyush Gupta is one issue.

Rolling out the red carpet for Piyush Gupta's entire Indian village is a different issue.

How much profit is coming from DBS' India operations?

Anonymous said...

PAP's prostitution treaty with India.

Anonymous said...

What happened in Mandarin Garden is a prelude to what would happen to Singapore when the Indians take over the country. They have taken over Mandarin Garden by 40%, could be more by now. How many condos in the East have already been taken over?

Anonymous said...

Do you think Chan Chun Sing is a pimp?
- prostituting Singapore to India

Anonymous said...

Many condos have been taken over.
- just visit the condo swimming pool in the weekend, in the evening

Anonymous said...

Can anybody tell me how to remove the Indian smell after the Indian tenant moves out?

Anonymous said...


That is very very good!!

Virgo 49 said...

Mandarins Gardens Sinkies boh chap boh hew, management committee taken over by the Indians suffered nearly comatose DEATH.

Sinkieland will in MOT suffer the same fate if Ainlies also boh chiap boh hew.

Later, got to hew their balls.

Virgo 49 said...

If Sinkies also.


Anonymous said...

B49 1040am

Not only MG boh chap big hew, the whole Sg is sama sama boh chap boh hew!

This is why pap 75%-80% with 100% seats.

So.. don't waste time GE!

Anonymous said...

Heng (the stroke) Swee Keat

Anonymous said...

After the Ramesh saga my condo is now very peaceful and quiet. Before, the common areas were all taken over by them - their whole families in and around the swimming pool, kids running around in the children's playground and everywhere else, elderly members lounging in the chairs. It was hard to find a non CECA Indian in the condo grounds. Yesterday, on a Sunday morning, there was not a single one of them anywhere around. Cockroaches hide when the light is shone on them. But they will swarm out again once the light is off.

Anonymous said...

But how do you remove the smell after the Indian tenant moves out?

Virgo 49 said...

Later, MOT they lose their Country with their Boh Chap Boh Hiew attitude.

Think Sinkies need to be colonised again and be slapped by the Japs and GET OUT by the Brits. Kena kicked out by the Mats.

Now to be sprew with vulgarites by the Indians.

Sinkies deserved their fates.

To be Sinkies and Sinking.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1232

Easy. Cut off your nose. πŸ˜‚

What a douchebag you are. If you don't like em, why did you rent your property out to them?

Virgo 49 said...

Wah, lucky staying at Cheng Hoo Choo public housings at the South. NOT East.

At one time, East the choice of elites after Bukit Timah and Orchard.

Now East become the Sick Place of Southern Asia.

At least have any problems, let the Cheng Hoo Lans or Lan pars settle for you.

Condos, aiyo, if the Management Committee comprises of one kind of their own, God Help You.

Paying so much for services charges and like Chew Chee's cartoons, the owners have to slot days and nights just to service their mortages.

No even time to make use of any of their facility.

Let others who brought in their friends and kakis to fully use their facilities on their behalf.


Whole pool or pools swarmed with outsiders and some even drown on them. Some more no one dared to fark them off.

Cheng Hoo Choos. The most go swim at SAFRA or pubic pools.

There lifeguards can fark the unruly to behave.

Go SGactive gyms. Many as posh as pte gyms. Some more got supervisors to control the gym goers..just one dollar and fifty cts.

Or.joined P.A. gym only at 150 per year. Whole gym.to yourself like pte gym. Most times empty.

See papers reports even condoms owners some never paid their fees and can owed as much as 10K.

Wah piang low kueh can.afford 1.5M but can pay A few hundreds per month.

This is the true picture of Elites sinkies in Singapore.


Virgo 49 said...

Wah, recently some prostitution cases happened in public flats.

My gian png immediate neighbour rented out for decades ago and never see his fark face suddenly came over and inspect.

If you rented out, smell like pigs stys still ok. But your flat became Orr Kue brothels, your next three generations gonna be cursed.

Some of your darling daughters may have to take these professions to atone your sins.


Anonymous said...

I like the smell of the CECA Indian money.

But not the CECA Indian.

Anonymous said...

Very soon.
Singapore will smell like an Indian village.

Anonymous said...

Family members of the 4th generation have witness the impact of CECA.
Go figure out if the 5th generation will be any better.

Some wise man already said even if you have a university degree, so what?

Fake news or not, you decide for your children and grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

In DBS the Singaporeans have started to slang like the foreign Indians, not slang like the Mat Sallehs like before.

Anonymous said...

DBS = Delhi Bank of Singapore

Anonymous said...

Then how do I get rid of the Northern Indian smell?

Is a Northern Indian willing to rent a condo that smells of a southern Indian?

Anonymous said...

Alibaba, China's eCommerce, has set a world's record of sales of more than $30 Billion and climbung, in a Singles Day Sale. Congratulations, Jack Ma!

Anonymous said...

Politics is a competition of ideas, there has to be justice for all....We cannot use the power to steal money, make life easy for certain groups or do what is not right... there is no tolerance for corruption and power abuse,” Anwar said. (November 11, 2019)

Malaysian PM-to-be, Anwar Ibrahim, lectured his party members in a convention in Malacca not to be power-hungry because politics should not be a tussle for power but a competition of ideas to help the people live better.

Speaking to at least 500 delegates, the Justice Party (PKR) President said politicians should focus on the country’s development, but if the politicians are not steered by the right attitude, it will lead to greed among members. (sounds familiar in Singapore?)

Anonymous said...

“Singapore belongs to Singaporeans and not to any political party. If indeed a capable team B comes up, it should be good for Singapore.”

Anonymous said...

A Lesson For All To Learn In Earnest

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Greed for money is the root of all evils. Greed for power is even worse than the greed for money. For the greed for power leads to untold miseries and sufferings of humanity.

The following on-going trials of the ex-PM of Malaysia, Najib Razak, should be a good lesson for all to earnestly learn, even if he is found not guilty:

"Former prime minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been ordered by the High Court to enter his defence for seven charges in the SRC International trial involving the misappropriation of RM42 million in SRC funds.

High Court judge Justice Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali made the order after ruling that the prosecution had proven a prima facie case against the Pekan MP.

Najib, 66, has chosen to give sworn evidence in his defence trial. This means Najib Will be subjected to cross-examination by the prosecution.

The prosecution trial lasted 58 days with 57 witnesses called to the stand.

During the trial, the prosecution tendered more than 750 exhibits, including bank documents relating to Najib's bank accounts, cash transactions, minutes of meetings and Blackberry Messenger chats over Najib's transactions.

The defence trial is expected to commence on Dec 3, 2019.

Najib was accused of using his positions as the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister to receive a RM42million gratification when he took part in the Government's decision in providing a guarantee for a loan of RM4billion from the Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP) to SRC International Sdn Bhd, a unit of 1MDB.

He allegedly committed the offence at the Prime Minister's Office in Putrajaya between Aug 17, 2011 and Feb 8, 2012.

He was charged under Section 23 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) 2009 which provides for imprisonment of up to 20 years and a fine of up to five times the sum or value of the bribe, or RM10,000, whichever is higher, upon conviction.

Najib was also charged with three counts of CBT under Section 409 of the Penal Code.

According to the charge sheets, as the Prime Minister, Finance Minister and the Advisor Emeritus of SRC International, Najib was entrusted with SRC's monies amounting to RM4billion, and he allegedly misappropriated RM27million and RM5million in two transactions between Dec 24 and Dec 29, 2014.

In the third CBT charge, he was accused of misappropriating RM10million between Feb 10 and March 2, 2015 from the same RM4billion entrusted to him.

All of the CBT offences were allegedly committed at AmIslamic Bank Berhad, Bangunan Ambank Group, No. 55, Jalan Raja Chulan here.

The charges under Section 409 of the Penal Code are punishable by up to 20 years in prison, whipping and a fine, if convicted."

For those who are non-corrupt and honourable, they should not fear anything. For those who have done, doing, or will be doing, one day the law may catch up with you. No amounts of cover-up or cunning explanation may be sufficient to prevent detection and revelation. The forces of nature work in mysterious ways.

Anonymous said...


From 2005 to 2019, what have the "free-fall, parachute jumpers" in NTUC done with regards to CECA, that robs thousands, if not million, jobs from Singaporeans in broad day light under their noses?

Every year that past means huge annual bonuses transferred into their bank accounts and happily accepted without even making a squeak about the unfair labour market advantage willingly handed over to invading foreigners (Indians) in a golden .handshake between our clueless book-worm leaders and the cunning street-smart Indian leaders?

It is time to wake up and earn your pay and bonuses by the $millions every year, don't you think so?

Anonymous said...

Good morning, NTUC Chief, it is time to go to work.

Get up, brush your teeth, take a shower, shave and dress up. Take your sumptuous breakfast and drive to your office early today.

We know you only start your day at 10 am, Mondays to Fridays. But the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Your seat in your office is also getting hotter and hotter, even though the air-conditioners have been over-worked.

So, why don't you start work early for a change? You know what is 5BX?
Of course you know. You did NS, right? You were from the Army right?

Life must be good for you over the years. Please do something to make life a little bit better for others who are not as fortunate as you. Is that too much to ask? Is that too difficult for you to do? They said in the Army,

"Nothing is impossible. Miracles take a little longer!"

Virgo 49 said...

NTUC Chief wayang only lah!

What's Tripartite?

Tripartite means Tri- means Sar Kar means carry legs or carry balls.

Carry balls the Employers NOT Employees. ERs NOT EEs.

Even your farking branch officials also wayang lah. Employees just like you and appointed to committe easily brought over by Management lah.
Just promise promotions and increments and even extra gratia bonuses, you think they fight for you.

Your AOs or Arbitration Officers also Wayang Lah.

Medications also Mangement Side lah.

See the DFS case good enough. Paid pittance and later bluff bluff better benefits.

Now Employers hire and fire at their mercies.

Why got jobs security one month per year of service Collective Agreements???

One month or two weeks or even 24 hours in lieu of Notice of Terminations.

PAP have to carry the Employers Balls. Let them have free rein to get even their whole Kampong and villages down.

What's farking requirements that they must employ Sinkies first?

At least 14 days after after finding no suitable candidates can employ their own.

What cock you believe them?

Can always put Sinkies. Applications into shredders and said no suitable Sinkies candidates and get their own with dubious qualifications in.

Same colour,same village, same country.

What's the fark you can do.

NTUC Chief and MOM or mummy Joe sleeping.

You think they give you a hoots?

You paid protection fees into the longkangs.

Daft Sinkies

Virgo 49 said...

Hey cock.

Wake up you take wrong medicines?

What's the fark I antagonize you?

You farking kuching kurap one man employed one man company?

Pay for jan only pay in Dec ah?

Go to your appointment in IMH and collect your free medications.

See you PAP skunks or 20cts per post IB.

Virgo 49 said...

Should be say you Papies dogs, oops Dogs too dignified for you.

Say you PAP skunks.

Virgo 49 said...


Poor fucker, you have the luxury like me to everyday EAT full and talk cock or NOT?

Have to earn 20cts per post for your PAP masters.

Soon they abandoned you and you have to scavenge like beggars looking for scraps in the landfills.

Young Punks don't see coffins no shed tears.

Suffer at your own leisure. Or displeasure.

IMH mad men don't need pay for any medications.

Go and collect and said you no monies. Or take back the medications and I go to Pinnacle and sky dive for you.