
Kiasu, kiasi, kia chenghu Singaporean's self defeating logic

Matilah Singapura said this:

'This is a global trend lah. Not just in Singapore. Working life is tilting towards The Gig Economy in most developed cuntries. You can blame the govt all your life, and even think that the "solution" is massive political intervention...but you would be wrong.

The business environment is so fucking competitive now. If you are a CEO---THE PERSON WHO ALLOCATES CAPITAL---your job has never been tougher, which is why, if you are successful, you will be compensated with 100's of millions, if not billions of dollars. And if you fail, you are fired IMMEDIATELY.

So if the competition is so stiff at the top, how do you think it would be for the general salaried worker who has to go thru a rigid HR process just to earn a paycheck? Plus you have ChIndians coming online competing toe-to-toe for jobs, and those folks are HIGHLY MOTIVATED.

As a total China + India make up about a third of the world's population. If you take away the borders and group together all of humanity, One in three people will be either China Chinese or India Indian. You cannot escape the REALITY of NUMBERS....

 #1 Rule is: if you want to earn more, be able to create MORE value. If you cannot, someone else will, and they will eat, and you will starve.

 Life is UNFAIR. People will let you down. The government will bullshit you....'

While Matilah Singapura is used to blabbing about his own theories of what is good for Singapore as a non living entity, he is happy that Singapore continues as a state even if all the Singaporeans are chased out of this island country they built and once called home.To him the existence of a non living entity is more important than the people in it.

His first point is about high competition at CEO level. Really, what kind of businesses are facing such fierce competition? Running a chicken rice chain in Singapore, a super market or a train system or a GLC or stats board? What kind of foreign or international competition is there or was there that they needed to pay millions to a sales woman to run a public transport company? There are many businesses in Singapore that are domestic in nature and do not need to be paid in the millions as if they are facing international competition or needing rocket science theories. And even need to employ a foreigner with foreign experience to be CEO. Think of the million dollar ministers, facing international competition running rocket science ministries? Or any degree or non graduate also can?

Workers needing to go through rigid HR processes for average mediocre jobs? Of the 2m jobs given to foreigners, bank managers jobs that serviced local residents and HDB dwellers need foreign talents and Singaporeans cannot do them? Look at the number of middle management jobs in MBFC and Raffles Place, need foreign talents and Singaporeans got replaced because foreign talents from little villages are better educated and can do a better job? Please lah, if that is the case, then NUS, NTU and all the local universities should close down. Some idiots even suggested sending our undergrads to do interns in India! Head full of shit.

The real reason is because India and China have more than a billion beans each. Should we replace all the Singaporeans with Indians and Chinese from these two states? We are only 3m Singaporeans and we want to replace them with 2 billions Chinese and Indians?

The more I talk about this, the clearer it becomes, stupidity has no cure. It is not just defeatist Singaporean mentality, it is worse than that, trying to explain why replacing Singaporeans with foreigners is a good thing and the govt is doing the right thing. Singaporeans better wake up and vote out any govt that sells your interest to foreigners and wanting to replace you with foreigners.

PS. Happy Deepavali to our Indian brothers and sisters.


  1. Gig Economy?

    Gila Economy more appropriate.

    Soulless creatures in a Soulless World.

    What have the World have become?

    Missed the Good Old Days even though we are not so well off.

    Human beans driving thru their own destruction.

    No souls no feelings towards their own creatures.


  2. Actually the companies in Sinkieland here wan foreigners mainly due to business costs, total control & skills/experiences. Majority of Sinkies here lack the skills/experiences, some here qualifications but lacks experiences, some got both but r down away due to costs etc.

    1. You mean to say Singaporeans from age 3 to 4 already in kindergartens and up to the College and Unis till age twenty plus lacked the qualifications and experience in their jobs scopes.

      Whereas the Foreign Trashes with their ambiguous and conned gifts of the gabs qualifications are better than Singaporeans.??

      The Govt must have failed miserably

      Where are you from Trashes? ?


  3. "Singaporeans better wake up and vote out any govt that sells your interest to foreigners and wanting to replace you with foreigners."

    PAP can never be voted out.

    All 3.5 million original Singaporeans must pray together to curse PAP, and their families and supporters.

    Pray that serious illness and death will visit all PAP members.

  4. The situation in Singapore is dire, very bad, for Singaporeans who are born, bred and stay here. Those who were born here and used to stay here but are now living in other countries, simply do not speak on behalf of those who stay. They are known as traitors or disloyal or quitters. They come back to Singapore, whether once in a while or regularly, not for the sake of Singapore but for the sake of themselves, their own selfish desires, objectives, entertainment. They should be treated as foreigners, not Singaporeans.

    In fact, as far as this issue about influx of foreigners into Singapore to create jobs for Singaporeans is concerned. It is pure bull-shit. That is called reversed-engineered logic. Or illogical logic.

    How can foreigners create jobs for Singaporeans? Only foreign investors create jobs. Not all foreigners who come here to get jobs create jobs. They come because their own countries either have no jobs for them or jobs that pay them very low wages.

  5. // Not all foreigners who come here to get jobs, create jobs. They come because their own countries either have no jobs for them or jobs that pay them very low wages. //

    Is it true?
    Piyush Gupta (CEO of DBS) is a CECA Indian.
    And Piyush Gupta created a lot of high salaried jobs for CECA Indians in DBS.

    Especially the DBS office at Changi Business Park.
    - 90% of DBS employees there are CECA Indians.

    Is it true?

  6. CECA Indians are not here for liw paying jobs.

    CECA Indians are here to work in high paying jobs.

    Only Singaporeans are working in low pay jobs.

  7. The Singapore IT industry pays very high salaries.
    - the CECA Indians bosses working there will only hire CECA Indians
    - Singaporeans will not be hired

    That's why no young Singaporeans want to work in IT.

    True or not.

  8. The more I talk about this, the clearer it becomes, stupidity has no cure.

    U talking about those money no enough Sinkies who suffer in high cost Singapore?

    Yes, they are stupid, that's why they suffer lah.

    And they will really continue to suffer if their stupidity has no cure. LOL

    And those Sinkies who make lots of money and have good life in high cost Singapore under PAP cannot be stupid, right?

    1. Hi Anon

      Read about that farking Neh who shouted at the Security Guards at the Condom?

      Sinkies are daft that their forefathers and mothers built up the Country from a Third World to the First and allowed the Incompetent New chai sai leaders brought in these farking trashes to screw and farked them.

      What's si grand of paying a 1.5M condom and cannot afford to pay a few cents parking fees.

      KNNCCB, these Bastards are actually penniless and just wants to live like Princes wheras they are farking Paupers.

      Sinkies should be the Masters of their own Country. Instead they voted traitors WHO betrayed them and have these trashes to screw them.

      So better wake up and Fark them out this coming GE.

    2. Forget to answer your last statement.

      Sinkies who made lots of monies cannot be stupid right?

      Just a MOT when the trashes overran your farking Sinkieland see whether the Rich will be also under their Mercy

      When you lost your Country, you are FARKED.


  9. Hi good morning everyone...

    For those who are hoping for a big win by opposition parties at the next GE please continue to dream!

    Very very very very very sorry. You will be disappointed!

    Many many many many many people are predicting PAP 75%-80% with 1oo% parliament seats at the next GE!

    No point! Don't waste time! People will at most TCSSssss and KPKBSSSSS but when come to voting die-die-die-die pap!

    People just bo-chup cheng-hu. Everyone is so busy busy busy trying to 3Ms! You die your business! No money no talk!

    SG is like that loong loong loong loong time ago liao! You don't know meh? Can U-turn? Very very very very very very difficult!

    This is Sg!

    Sg boleh! Majulah Singapura!

  10. Singaporeans better wake up and vote out any govt that sells your interest to foreigners and wanting to replace you with foreigners.

    Tell Chee Soon Juan to get his SDP ready to be govt lah.

    Seriously, I would think Chee Soon Juan is better PM material than LHL or HSK but then his party SDP is not ready to be govt. So wasted.

    Like that ah, Chee Soon Juan and SDP will never win election one and PAP will not be voted out.

  11. In social media, a CECA indian was filmed verbally scolding a Singaporean security guard.

    The CECA Indian is a director at JP Morgan in Singapore.
    - yes, it's a high paying job

    The Singaporean was a security guard
    - yes, it's a low paying job

    Do you think the CECA Indians have taken over all the good jobs in Singapore?

    Do you still want to vote for PAP and their pro CECA Indian policies?

  12. @ 10.22am

    We no need SDP to be government.

    We just want Chee Soon Juan to be in parliament.
    - to ask questions until LHL get cancer again

    1. Hi Anon

      SDP Rally -Shake It Up



  13. ///Piyush Gupta (CEO of DBS) is a CECA Indian.
    And Piyush Gupta created a lot of high salaried jobs for CECA Indians in DBS.///

    That is warped/skewed thinking.

    A CEO is an employee himself. Employees don't create jobs. They themselves need jobs. It is the company (owner, shareholders and investors) that creates jobs. The CEO merely "creates" jobs in behalf of the company. The final approval rests on the shoulders of the Board of Directors, on behalf of the OWNER.

    In the case of Piyah Gupta, it is DBS that creates the jobs, not the CEO. Whatever he has done is done on behalf of DBS. Therefore, DBS is responsible for the hiring of So many India Indians. The CEO comes and go, on hire and fire basis. DBS is ultimately responsible to its shareholders, the customers and the public (represented by the Singapore Government).

    1. // DBS is ultimately responsible to its shareholders, the customers and the public ..//

      Since DBS got no hands and legs.
      A human must act on DBS behalf.

      That human is the CECA Indian called Piyush Gupta.

    2. Piyush Gupta is the CEO of DBS.
      Chief Executive Officer.

      The CEO acts on behalf of DBS since DBS is company.

      Do you think Piyush Gupta has imported his entire Indian village into DBS bank?

  14. Everyone is so busy busy busy trying to 3Ms!
    10:20 am

    Ya lor, so seriously where got time and energy to join Sinkie opposition to fight PAP to win election to become govt?

    Unless they are earning a living by fighting PAP, whether election or no election.

    Or they may even be paid moles to make the Sinkie opposition look stupid so PAP can win. LOL

  15. We just want Chee Soon Juan to be in parliament.
    10:28 am

    We??? U belong to the 30% who voted opposition in last election?

    If so, sorry lah, Chee Soon Juan will not be in Parliament, let alone ask questions in Parliament.

    1. Wah! You so good at predicting the future.

      Are you Desmond Quek who is very good at predicting the future of train breakdowns at SMRT?

    2. Hi Anon.

      When CSJ got into Parliament, this PAP Ball sucker gonna pressed his balls to DEATH or goes Insane.

  16. Ok ok ok ok ok ok lah....

    PAP 100%!

    PAP 100%!

    PAP 100%!


  17. The Singaporean was a security guard
    - yes, it's a low paying job
    10:24 am

    But how many Singaporeans are security guards?

    Do u know?

    70%? 30%?

  18. Is it true?

    PAP's CECA Indian import, Piyush Gupta has created a new bank in Singapore.

    DBS Bank = Delhi Bank of Singapore.

  19. The Singaporean was a security guard
    - yes, it's a low paying job
    10:24 am

    There are many foreigners who are security guards.

    Even CISCO has a lot of auxiliary police officers who are foreigners recruited off the streets of Matland.

    They have recruitment banners hanging in the streets of Matland, u know.

  20. // There are many foreigners who are security guards.//

    There are also many CECA Indians working as Directors and CEOs in Singapore.

    1.Piyush Gupta, CECA Indian, CEO of DBS Bank.
    - famous for hiring so many CECA Indians that 80% of employees at DBS @ Changi Business Park are CECA Indians

    2.Ramesh Erramalli, CECA Indian, Director of JP Morgan in Singapore
    - famous for shouting at Singaporean Security guard at a condo

    Please check the above statements.
    They may not be true.


  21. Hi all

    We should be very very very very very grateful and very very very very very thankful that we have security guards while we sleep!

    Please be very very very very very humble!

    Yes! Love❤️ yourself.. but please Be kind to others!


  22. Hi all

    We should be very grateful and thankful that we have CECA Indians to be our bosses ... while we continue to sleep and vote for PAP's pro Indian policies.


    1. Hahaha Hahahahahaha!

      Good for you!

    2. Yes! Love❤️ yourself.. but please Be kind to CECA Indians!


  23. Why should people be kind to the unkind, unscrupulous, uncouth and unlimited CECA Indians who come and rob, steal, and take over our well-paying lucrative jobs, at all levels?


    1. Then what should we/can we do?

      Please suggest lah!

      Don't just TCSSssssssssss!

  24. /// Since DBS got no hands and legs.
    A human must act on DBS behalf.

    That human is the CECA Indian called Piyush Gupta. ///

    That is not true. That human is the Board of Directors of DBS.
    Even the Board of Directors answer to the Owner, which is the Ministry of Finance.
    Since the MOF got no hands and legs, and a human must act on behalf of MOF, that human is the Minister of Finance.

    So, are you now clear in your head, without hands and legs?

    1. @ 11.54am @ shit for brains

      The Minister of Finance hired the CECA Indian, Piyush Gupta.

      Piyush Gupta then hired and imported his entire Indian village into DBS Bank.

      When you hire one Indian chief into a Singapore company.
      - the Indian chief will very quickly turn the entire Singapore company into an Indian village.

    2. And this is how DBS Bank became the Delhi Bank of Singapore.


  25. There are some very very fierce discussions/comments at the edmw blog regarding the security guard incident.

    Huat Ah!


    Chile's President Sebastian PiΓ±era has dismissed his whole cabinet in order to form a new government and introduce social reforms demanded by protesters.

    "I have put all my ministers on notice in order to restructure my cabinet to confront these new demands," he said.

    It is not yet clear what form the reshuffle will take.
    More than a million people joined a peaceful rally on Friday in the capital Santiago, calling for social justice.

    Mr PiΓ±era said he had heard the demands from the streets.
    "We are in a new reality," he said. "Chile is different from what it was a week ago."

    The president also announced that a curfew imposed in cities across Chile a week ago had been lifted.
    The opposition has called for an ongoing state of emergency to end too.

    What's driving Chile's protests?

    Fearlessness and anger drive Chile protesters. At least 20 people have been killed and hundreds injured since the anti-inequality protests began just over a week ago.

    Friday's march came at the end of a week of violent clashes between activists and riot police.

    Why protesters are on the streets worldwide?

    From Hongkong to Chile, from Russia to USA, from France to South Africa, the protests are happening almost everyday. Why?

    And why is Singapore so quiet? Still so peaceful when Singaporeans are being replaced by Indians from India in almost every industry, institute of higher learning, and even in low paying jobs? Why? Why? Why?

    Is it because Singapore has a fantastic government composed of fantastic ruling elites, for the past 50 years and counting?

    Or, is it because of the kiasu, kiasi and kia chenghu populace?

    Or, is it because very few people actually can be bothered about this tiny island - whether it sinks or floats?

    Or, is it because making money is the only pre-occupation of all Singaporeans?

    And the bottom line is: Will the Singapore President ever dream of sacking the whole Cabinet like the Chile President?

    What do you all think?

  27. Professor Talk LittleOctober 27, 2019 12:33 pm

    /// "Will the Singapore President ever dream of sacking the whole Cabinet like the Chile President?" ///


    It depends on who the President is lah?

    If it was Mr Ong Teng Cheong, I think he not only dreamt of sacking the whole Cabinet, he would have carried it out if he had stayed on for the second term.

    If it is the present President, I think she would rather dream of counting how much money she now have in her bank accounts and how much more she will be getting in the next few years. May be she dreams of serving the second term for another six years? Who knows?

    If it is Dr Tan Cheng Bock, I think he would certainly dream of sacking the whole Cabinet and replace with new blood. But I think he would just dream but not actually carry it out. He does not have the political clout to do so yet.

    If it is Dr Chee Soon Juan, I think he had dreamt of it long long ago. But his luck in getting into the Parliament is not there yet. So, his dreams are totally irrelevant.

    If it is Mr Chiam See Tong, or Low Thia Kiang, or Pritam Singh, they dare not dream of sacking the Cabinet lah. They know their respective places in life. They are more down-to-earth, more realistic. They are just co-drivers forever, never will they be ever to be the driver lah.

    Have I answered your bottom-line question?

  28. Will the Singapore President ever dream of sacking the whole Cabinet like the Chile President?
    12:15 pm

    Do u know how the Singapore President became President?

    If u know and yet u ask "Will the Singapore President ever dream of sacking the whole Cabinet like the Chile President", then either u r stupid or u TCSS.

    TCSS Ok lah, but stupidity not OK because like RB said, stupidity has no cure.

  29. The Minister of Finance hired the CECA Indian, Piyush Gupta.
    12:34 pm

    "In 2008, Gupta was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of Citibank in South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In 2009, he left Citigroup to join DBS Group as Chief Executive Officer." Wikipedia

    If American Citibank can hire Gupta, why not Singapore Minister of Finance?

    Actually it is not Singapore Minister of Finance who hired Gupta. It is the DBS board of directors whose Chairman is a Singaporean.

    1. So what?
      - what's your point?

      Are you a dumb PAP cunt?

  30. @ responding to Redbean who responded to me:

    >> While Matilah Singapura is used to blabbing about his own theories of what is good for Singapore as a non-living entity, he is happy that Singapore continues as a state even if all the Singaporeans are chased out of this island country they built and once called home.

    >>> To him the existence of a non living entity is more important than the people in it.<<<

    Correct. Except for the last sentence.

    Good that you reminded people that I babble about "theories", It cautions them to never take me seriously or anything they come across on the net.

    It's not that I think the cuntry (just a fucking abstract which only exists in human minds, and on human-made maps, separated by abstract imaginary lines called "borders")...it is the FACT that machinations of the Nation-State (the absolute WORST political idea EVER) ensure that IT perpetuates and that The People are just grist for the mill , useful and fundamental, but ultimately temporary and disposable. (fuck you, you cry-baby cunts, life is unfair, no one gives a shit about you or your feelings and problems, your life is your business...people are too busy staying alive to concern themselves with your "happiness" or your sense of "entitlement")

    Of course, this is a HORRIBLE idea, which I resoundingly reject. But it is true. It is the MAIN REASON why I treat Singapore as an awesome Hotel, which is one of the most rockin' places on God's Green Earth in 2019.

    I will proudly wear and sincerely mean this but that doesn't mean "I ❤️ Singapore"---the CUNTRY. It could also mean "I ❤️ Singapore"---the PLACE---with no association to specific people, govt, history, culture---no, just THE PLACE, the physical, geographical location and the existential experience I create from being PHYSICALLY PRESENT there.

    As far as I observed the Nation-State administered by the never-can-be-voted-out, permanent PAP government (made up of Wiley, savvy, amoral and HIGHLY INTELLIGENT Singaporeans) of Singapore STOLE THE CUNTRY FROM THE HALF-ASLEEP, DOCILE, CLUELESS, NARROWLY-SELFISH, MATERIALISTICALLY-PETTY, PASSIVE PEOPLE and have "owned" the place ever since.

    So after several "kanninabuchowcibais" I decided to "fuck that shit"---FUCK THE GOVERNMENT and FUCK THE SHEEPLE of Singapore---both sides are bat-shit INSANE, and REFUSE to participate in any of this nonsense...hence HOTEL SINGAPORE. I come and go as I please like a paying Hotel guest on a life-time "loyalty program". I have a PLATINUM KEYCARD to the Hotel.

    For over 40years, the arrangement has been wonderful. And I don't intend it to stop until I stop breathing, for good.

    That said, and as a "permanent tourist", I want to praise the PAP for being The Very Best PERMANENT Government (aka "Hotel Management") for Hotel Singapore. Their work is tip-top. If you want to make money as a "foreigner", I can't find enough good things to say about making your home-base, Hotel Majulah Singapura! You can make money. You get to keep a big chunk of your money as taxes for foreigners can approach ZERO percent. Unfortunately, your outgoing expenses can eat your profits. Living in Singapore ain't cheap, but if you pay, you'll live very well.

    You have to decide if you want to "majullah" πŸ†πŸ† or "matilah".πŸ’€⚰️ As they say in Thailand: Up to you!

  31. @ 12:38 pm

    Who is the stupid one?

    The question did not specify which President, whether present or future. The qualifying word is "WILL":

    "Will the Singapore President ever dream of sacking the whole Cabinet like the Chile President?"

  32. SDP Rally -Shake It Up
    Virgo 49 11:13 am

    Hahahahaha. SDP Rally??? But Video unavailable leh.

    They organised pre-election rallies before, u know.

    After election, u know what happened? LOL

    Even by election also can lose, and not even near to winning, still got hope meh?

    1. Aiya old uncles also know just simply click Youtube and type SDP rally of Prof Chee Soon Juan and there you have it.

      Or alternatively go and register at HDB malls and signed up for Sponsored Courses as paid by the Daft Papies.

      Later can also surfed Porn sites by Pornshark

  33. If it is Dr Chee Soon Juan, I think he had dreamt of it long long ago. But his luck in getting into the Parliament is not there yet. So, his dreams are totally irrelevant.
    12:33 pm

    KNN, Chee Soon Juan kena collateral damage again.

    Is it from the same cockroach?

    1. This cockroach will go insane if CSJ is elected

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. @ continuing responding to redbean's response to me

    >> His first point is about high competition at CEO level. Really, what kind of businesses are facing such fierce competition? <<

    We live in a market of ideas. Every profit-seeking enterprise is about ideas they bring into reality for some stated objectives. It's causal chain lah...one thing leads to others.

    Since it is all about the competition of ideas, you can expect any market where there's a DEMAND will be COMPETITIVE. The degree of competition varies, as does the intensity...but competition will be there because there's BUCKS to be made.

    Eh, economic reality lah.

    >> Workers needing to go through rigid HR processes for average mediocre jobs? <<

    No. I'm merely stating a reality. Job markets for wage-hungry shit-kickers is BRUTAL...that is reality. If you are poor, you probably don't have a lot of "influential and valuable" CONTACTS. So you have to eat shit and humble yourself. I had to do this when I was a broke-ass student. I worked weekends whilst my friends were getting high and having sex. Name a shit-kicker job, I've probably done it. I sunk wells, I drove courier, I worked in kitchens, housekeeping, handyman, relief teacher, office admin...even for the (local) Mafia in their illegal gambling clubs serving coffee. After a while...MAGIC! I had money, and my friends were still BROKE! πŸ† Winning! πŸ†

    I would proudly say my "shit-kicker" resume can beat most people here who think that such jobs are "beneath their dignity". Good for you.πŸ‘πŸ» Enjoy your dire financial states and wallow😰 in your sorrow. Far be it from me to tell you what to do with your life. Continue to be the temorary and expendable tool for the PERMANENT government! 🀣

    >> Should we replace all the Singaporeans with Indians and Chinese from these two states? <<

    No need for any "policy". Just leave it alone and allow the market (nature) to take care of it. Singaporeans can rise to the challenge and meet the foreign competition by producing MORE VALUE than the Chinese and Indian (collective) majority are able to.

    The problem is not: wah, kannina, so many bladdy Chinese and Indians, I cannot compete. OK, I complain to govt, and vote opposition!! PROBLEM SOLVED. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

    The REAL problem is: I cannot produce MORE VALUE than the competition from India and China. I need to IMPROVE myself and make me and what I do a BETTER VALUE-PROPOSITION to the employer. I will respect THE GOLDEN RULE---'He Who Has The Gold, Makes The Rules'"

    >> Singaporeans better wake up and vote out any govt that sells your interest to foreigners and wanting to replace you with foreigners. <<

    To me, the above is the TRUE DEFEATIST ATTITUDE. Why?
    Because even if the most improbable/ unlikely/ statistical-outlier thing happened and the PAP lost the mandate to govern to opposition contenders---THE REAL PROBLEM STILL REMAINS: You are still unable to produce MORE VALUE Should that be the case: Which INVESTOR will give you CAPITAL when it is clear you are uncompetitive and likely to lose the poor sucker his money.

    Think beyond your own lack of motivation to improve, and to think you can solve a problem by "VOTING".

    The PAP---Lee Kuan Yew's legacy of evaluating Singapore as "not driven enough", so they "better wake up their ideas cos' we're introducing INTERNATIONAL market competition" can be taken in the right spirit by those who choose to; those who are "ok" with enduring temporary discomfort, sacrifice, "personal value enhancement" and delayed gratification .

    If not, make sure you turn up at Hong Lim's next event, hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome". 😜🀑

  36. Happy DeepavaLee to all our CECA friends.

    Or is is DiwaLee?

  37. CECA Indian stays in $1.5 million dollar condo.

    Singaporean uncle stay in HDB flat, valued at $0.00 after 99 years.

    You Voted For This

  38. I wonder if the security guard uncle will vote for PAP again?

  39. @All,

    Like I said before, 99% of losers here are double-headed forked-tongue hypocrites δΌͺ君子!!! LOL!!!

    Those who have maids --- no Sinkie will hire another Sinkie to be maid & salary of $3K or even $2K. Instead ALL will hire foreigners & pay them $600-$700.


    You *MAY* be able to do the job. But if somebody else does it cheaper or do better at same salary, bosses will hire them instead of you. Simple as that.



  40. @ 947

    For fuck's sake grow some balls and call me out by name lah. Passive-aggressive shit is for babies who lack the well-developed character of responsible adults.

    >> Those who were born here and used to stay here but are now living in other countries, simply do not speak on behalf of those who stay. They are known as traitors or disloyal or quitters. They come back to Singapore, whether once in a while or regularly, not for the sake of Singapore but for the sake of themselves, their own selfish desires, objectives, entertainment. They should be treated as foreigners, not Singaporeans. <<

    I'm quite happy to be treated as a foreigner...even though I have an NRIC, Singapore Passport (only one) and in the recent past, a Singapore "Passion" pensioner card. But if it pleases you, you can consider me "foreign".

    If you think being "local" affords you some form of the elevated position, that's fine. Please share with us the rights and prividleges YOU THINK you enjoy being a local, born and bred, die-die-stand-up-and sing"Majullah Singapura" type of true-blue Singaporean.

    "My rights and privileges are:" What? Go ahead, list them...if you can. ;-) I want you to SHOW ME, objectively, how as a local who is stuck in his own prison of a cuntry has rights and privileges which distinguishes yourself, from ME. It's not possible. πŸ˜‚

    I also support your right to cast me as a "traitor" or a "quitter". Doesn't bother me ONE BIT.

    I consider myself, as a regular guest of Hotel Singapore, a CUSTOMER, and a very loyal one at that.

    As a customer, I will let my money do the talking, and you can continue to conjure up as many nasty labels as you like to hang on me. I prefer REALITY.

    Money talks Bullshit walks....away, in shame. 😜

  41. The message is very clearly disseminated through various channels and at various levels. That message is:


  42. @ 311 pm,

    Have you heard of:

    "If the hat fits, put it on if you like"?

    Looks like you have not?

    You think you are the only smart ass around here in Singapore?

  43. The Curse of CECA

    CECA is the curse casts upon the people of Singapore.

    The ink has been set and the dye has dried up.

    There will be no escape for the masses, the loyals and royals .

    Even the upper-most echelon will not be spared, whether rich or powerful.

    The curse is the ripening of karma caused by unsatisfiable and unlimited greed.

    Yes, greed is good: what's wrong with collecting more money?

    In the devil's heart, greed is even better; in the evil's mind greed is best.

    Whether good, better or best, the curse is the reward for all the deeds of greed.

    Once casts, the curse cannot be undone. It is stucked.

    Just wait for the ripening of the curse.

    Then a multitude of sins will also ripen.

    Then self-destructions will manifest across the board in all directions, in all walks of life.

    Especially so when the time bomb of 99-year lease explodes.

    The ending shall be the same as the beginning.

    And all will go back to square one, one by one.

  44. @Frog,

    If you learn to think for yourself & not just listen to authorities or other people ... and then when things don't turn out right .... start blaming those people instead of looking at yourself & taking responsibility.

    If you exercised critical thinking, you won't be affected by your hdb flat going to zero. You'll also have built up enough globally diversified liquid investments & savings such that you can easily start life in another country if worse comes to worst.

    However I doubt that S'pore will collapse soon. This city will do very well till at least 2050.

  45. @ Frog Outside Glass

    >> There will be no escape for the masses, [...] <<

    Exactly. That is by design, intention and the whole purpose of social engineering to ensure that The Nation State continues to perpetuity, and "the masses" (aka SHEEPLE) are there simply as useable tools to be used to realize the objectives of the Nation State.

    Once you "wake up" (i.e. get enlightened) to that you will realize what every spiritual discipline was trying to tell you in the first place:

    You have to strive to be a Personally Responsible Individual (an ongoing process) and take command of your own mind, then decisions and eventually actions---which wouold include learning how to think as an individual (critical thinking skills) and learning how to create value for other individuals---as many as possible, consistently and reliably.

    There are problems in Singapore, like there are everywhere on the planet. However, there are also MASSIVE opportunies waiting to be exploited by INDIVIDUALS who can see what others cannot,and who are motivated (and passionate) enough to take action and realise "gains".

    As I said before whther you "majullah" or "matilah" is ultimately your choice, derivrd from what your mind is feeding you.

    Good luck!

  46. It will not be long that uas will kick out all the ahneh it staff back and allies like singapoor will do the same. Uas finally learnt that no one can be trusted. Why make them rich at the expense of their own people. They are not running a charity. They can always use whateverpox as a weapon to depopulate others.

  47. MASSive Opportunities:

    1. Get President or SAF Scholarship, or both (like LHL) and become General and then Minister (diamond rice bowls).

    2. Join the civil service (iron rice bowl) or admin service (golden rice bowl).

    3. Join the SAF or Police and become Officer (iron rice bowl).

    4. Become Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Architects, Engineers or IT Professionals (iron rice bowl).

    5. Become Real Estate agents, Insurance Agents, Human Resource Agents or OO7 James Bond Agents.

    6. Become Bus, Train or Taxi Drivers and Delivery Men.

    7. Become Screwity Guards and prison Wardens.

    8. Become Toilet Cleaners, Dish Washers, Window Cleaners, House or Building Cleaners or Longkang Cleaners.

    9. Become cardboards, cans and bottles collectors (for exercise only).

    10. Become Businessmen - any business: Gigolos or Prostitutes or PAP Grasshoppers, Locusts or Cockroaches.

    11. Become PAP's IB Brigades members and TCSS all day long and get paid by the PA with taxpayers' money.

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