
Evil American Empire finding new excuses to keep soldiers in Syria

Trump declared he is pulling American soldiers out of Syria, at least the Northeastern Syria where they were training and arming the ISIS aka SDF aka the Kurds. The troops being pulled out were not going home, They were deployed in other parts of Syria. The evil Empire would not move out of Syria, would not move out of the Middle East. They are there to protect the interest of the evil Empire, not the rubbish claim of fighting ISIS. They bred ISIS, trained ISIS, funded ISIS and armed ISIS.

Now with the war in Syria losing to the Russians, they wanted out, not wanting to be driven out by the Russians. But they just cannot leave. Protecting the ISIS aka Kurds is failing and futile. But they can regroup in other parts of Syria in American strongholds. They are looking for new reasons to stay back.

They have found a new reason. Though they have claimed that ISIS has been defeated, they are claiming that the ISIS would attack Syria oil fields, so they must stay to protect Syrian oil fields! What is wrong with this claim?  What the hell do the Syrians need the Americans to protect their oil fields? Is Syria a state of the USA, a protectorate? Did Syria ask the Americans to stay and protect their oil fields?

No, the Americans unilaterally invited themselves into Syria, into Iraq and other Arab states under the fake claims of fighting ISIS, a monster created by them and to be used as the reason to be there. The Americans did not respect the rights of the Arab states. They run wild in the region, invading these countries at will. They run around like these states belong to them. They went around bombing and killing the Arabs like subhuman beans. They don't care a damn what the Arabs think or feel. They own the Arab countries and their land. They are the Empire, the evil Empire that would not go away.

And the Arabs have got use to the invading American forces but unable to do anything about it. Yes, the whole of the Middle East belongs to the evil American Empire. They are staying in Syria to protect not the Syrian oil fields, but the Empire's oil fields. The Syrians and Syrian govt and soldiers did not exist. The Iraqis and Iraqi govt do not exist.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Trump's Blunder

    Trump has made a wrong move by telling Turkey that he is pulling out US troops from Syria - a strategic blunder, from the military, political, diplomacy and economic factors.

    He is now under tremendous.pressures from without (foreign countries) and within (USA), from the Democrats as well as the Republicans.

    At the same time, his impeachment investigation is going full steam along at least ten different angles of attack:

    1. Abuse of power.
    2. Tax Evasion.
    3. With-holding information.
    4. Corruption.
    5. Obstruction of justice.
    6. Obstruction of the legal process.
    7. Abuse of campaign funds.
    8. Working or collaborating with foreign powers.
    9. Failure to declare income tax.
    10. Insider trading.
    11. Criminal breach of trust.

    The 1000 or so troops caught in between the Kurds and the Invasion Force of Turkey are actually personnel from the CIA operation centre, the Military Intelligence Centres, the Drone Operation Base, the Biological and Chemical weapons operating base, and the special forces forward operating base, and logistics.

    These are the forces Trump is trying to relocate to Iraq. However, the Iraqi government refuses to acede. So Trump is desperate to find another location to put these forces within the Syrian-Iraq-Jordon area of operation.

    "Protecting the Syrian oil fields" is entirely false.

  3. When would Trump say he is going to put troops into Malaysia and Indonesia to protect their oil fields from ISIS? No need permission or approval from Malaysia and Indonesia.

    Or when would he put troops into Singapore to protect Changi Airport or Tuas Port, no permission or approval needed. No need for consultation with any government.

  4. @ no choice

    Trump had no choice lah. He's being accused of "letting allies down" from everyone from the international media to the Pentagon

  5. No choice so Americans can put their troops in any country they want?

  6. @ 1013

    Yes, since the end of WW2 they've shown everyone that they can. However Trump, IMO is genuine about not spending US taxpayer's money being "policeman of the world". I think he genuinely wantys prosperity and for americans to keep more of what they earn. Trump is a nasty-so-and-so on many fronts, but one thing he's consistent is that he DISLIKES looking after other cuntries security.

    Even Israel got worried that Trump pulled out from the area and left the Kurds with their balls hanging out. 1st thing Erdogan did: HE ATTACKED THEM!

  7. Not
    surprising that
    shall wipe live on Earth
    with their own inventions.
    enjoy living to the Fullest.

  8. @All,

    All these talk of Trump, Xi, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Middle East, Huawei, 5G, 6G, 999G, etc etc are ALL specks of dust on the pathways of History. They are merely props & symptoms of human nature.

    In 1-5 years I can guarantee all or most of the above will be long forgotten in your memory, as you stumble on to your next mental masturbation topic of the day for your dopamine fix.

    I can also guarantee that in 10, 20, 30 years time, War Stocks will rising up to the moon!


  9. I can guarantee that in 50 years time most of you here will be dead.
    I can also guarantee that in 100 years time, all of you here will be dead and turned to dust. And all the money you made from war stocks of mental masturbating stocks will be spent by others.

  10. @Anon 3:50pm

    From your writing & attitude, I can guarantee you'll be dead in 20 years. 😉

    I'll likely still be alive as old man enjoying life in 2040. 😁

    But the real fun is FROM 2020 TO 2040!!

    In fact life is pretty damn good TODAY!!!

    Just the fact that I don't need to work & just had a good 1 hour swim & relax at the pool earlier & still have incoming streams of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to support my family lifestyle for the next 50+ years ...... means ALL IS GOOD!!! LOL!!!


    1. WSG please do not shoot aeroplane in pool and let go the whatever limited solders still in your two balls lar as very disgusting keh

  11. Evil PAP empire finding new excuses to keep defeated PAP candidates in Aljunied grassroots organizations.

    True or not?

  12. After what the evil empire did to the Kurds, that should be a lesson for the Japanese, South Koreans and the other poodles. It looks like the Saudis are now also putting on their thinking caps by moving closer to Russia. By then Israel will be more important to the evil empire, should the Saudis embrace Russia. Israel is the extended arm of the evil doer's long reach.

    What China did for North Korea during the Korean War and the North Vietnamese during the war with the Americans, shows they do not indulge in idle talk and abandon their commitments to North Korea and North Vietnam in times of need. Will the evil empire do the same for Japan and South Korea under similar circumstances?

    Right now, Trump appears nonchalant over North Korea's continued testing of short range ballistic missiles, which even though unable to reach continental America, will be a significant threat to Japan and South Korea. This invariably shows Trump placing less importance of protecting these two allies and more concerned with his home base. One day, should relations with China and Russia turn for the better, he may just say goodbye to spending so much money on keeping his base on Japanese soil. Nobody can predict what is on Trump's mind! Betting on the wrong horse may land these two poodles under the horse carriage for good.

    Anyway, the days of relying less on fossil fuel is moving forward, albeit still in its infancy stage. Electric buses and other vehicles are flooding the South American market. It has been reported that running a vehicle on fossil fuel costs five times more than an electric vehicle in a year. But the maintenance cost of an electric vehicle may be more costly. But further progress will make that a lesser issue. We have to see.

  13. WSG,

    From your writings, your boastings and self-praising, your total disrespect for old people (which include your parents, and grandparents and ancestors) and total disregard for retributions. Your behaviour is worst than animal's.

    You are now 51 years old. I guarantee that you will not live past your 60th birthday.

    I am now 28. Chances are I will be alive for another 40 years or at least longer than you.

    One good turn deserves another. Cheers.

    1. Don't waste your time with this WSG he just like matilar. For all you know may be he sama sama like matilar also practise incest and his mother sisters and daughters very jialat cause this type of people very selfish and believe that good things are not to be shared so he makan everythng

  14. @Anon 6:41pm

    LOL!!! Even if ur 28 ... IF ur mentality is like 99% of the people here ... you're not going to have much of a life for the next 40 years. And chances are that your years above 45 will be in bad health.

    Respect must be earned irrespective of age & in this blog's case .... it's actually more of disrespect that has been proven & earned. LOL!!!

    I've tried to be civil & helpful in the past, but apparently people here prefer to TCSS & mental masturbate their brains. Also not my fault that most of the people here are old fuckers. LOL!!!!


    PS: You haven't even gone thru a recession as a main breadwinner supporting a family & paying mortgage for your home .... wait till the FUN starts in the next couple of years!!! LOL!!!

  15. @ RB


    For your info and no doubt, comments.

    I tend to agree with him. I'm no fan of the Morrison govt or the ATO.

  16. Anonymous said...


    From your writings, your boastings and self-praising, your total disrespect for old people (which include your parents, and grandparents and ancestors) and total disregard for retributions. Your behaviour is worst than animal's.

    You are now 51 years old. I guarantee that you will not live past your 60th birthday.

    I am now 28. Chances are I will be alive for another 40 years or at least longer than you.

    One good turn deserves another. Cheers.
    October 23, 2019 6:41 pm

    Today's paper, one nature lover, green environmentalist died yesterday. He was 56.
    Would this WSG live pass 51?

  17. @ just sayin'

    Toxic people are JEALOUS about the success of others and tend to blame everyone and everything else when they don't get their "unfulfilled needs" attended to, expecting the whole fucking world to change, just so they can be "happy".

    Everyone dies... the question is, what and HOW are you doing in the meantime?

    TOXIC PEOPLE: https://qr.ae/TWFVv4

    Good luck, fuckers 🤡

  18. Generations born before and during the war generally live longer. It is this group of people that are prodding up the national statistics showing that Sinkies can live up to 81 years for males and 85 years for females. They may eat sparingly, sweat more profusely, enjoy less comfortable lifestyles compared to their off-springs, who have air-conditioning from home, on the road and in the office, and even eating in airconditioned comfort. Those who came after them have it all!

    Statistically, those born after the war and in the early 50's, few, if ever, can or will live to 81 or 85 years old. That is the ugly truth, despite the advancement and availability of medical science enhancement, screenings etc. What is the prognosis for those born during the instant noodles, fast food and internet era? I fear for their well-being!

    Genetically modified food, more and more radiation in play, living habits like whining when walking longer distances to the MRT stations or bus stops, longer working hours to get the bonus points, eating habits etc, all have a toll on human lives. I am not telling stories here, but during my Primary School days, I had to walk two miles to school and two miles back home, rain or shine, with floods and muddy ground thrown in. Ask kids nowadays to walk half a mile a day and they will protest vehemently.

    Just look around among friends and relatives and you will be sceptical of living up to the 81 to 85 year old age pronouncement. Of course such statistics serves a very useful purpose for CPF in particular, and the retirement age in general. When citizens are told they live longer, the message is obvious, the reality is obscure. Of course statistics is not for us to dictate nor to argue with! They are gathered for study and formulate policies!

    1. Hi Anon

      My mother till 93 years.

      Father 83. See the Oldied Koreans and Japanese.

      Double bent still so strong.

      Henderson PA Gym mostly above 70 years and bit younger.

      Still physique of INCREDIBLE Hulk and SAFRA oldies also better physique.

      Now youngsters as early as late 40s and 50s up Black Mercedes.


    2. NOT forgetting Mr RB.

      Up to 100 and one


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