
Will subject based banding mean more social mixing in schools

I read somewhere in paradise the lions and the sheep will play in the same field, probably the lion will also be eating grass to survive. This kind of reality is not going to happen on earth. The sheep or smaller animals are just food for the lion. Likewise the cats and dogs, or cats and mice, would not be seen playing together. It is by nature and instinct that they would go against each other. They would be some exceptions but a unnatural thing. Or should one put the rottweilers and bull terriers with the pomeranians and chihuahuas in the same pet schools? Would that be nice?

In the Singapore context, in Singapore schools, this is called social mixing, where the rich or better off students are made to mix with the lesser rich students, the academically more inclined to mix with the academically less inclined. The idea is good, very good, very touching, very sensitive or insensitive depending on which side of the camp one is sitting. How can we let the rich live on their own turf and remain aloof and scorn at their lesser citizens? They must be made to live and mix with the lesser halves to understand them, to empathise with them and vice versa. It is unhealthy to have a school where all the children are chauffered to schools in limousines and schools with students either walk or take buses or trains to schools. This kind of stark differences in society is unhealthy and undesirable. We do not want to breed elitism, get out of my elite face!

So there is now this big movement, big disruption as they chose to call it, institutionalised social mixing in schools. There is no need for me to elaborate on all the good things that could come about in this social engineering. When one chose to just look only on the bright side, on the good side, everything is so glorious and beautiful, just like the sick mass immigration of people from the slum countries with their diseases to share with us. They have natural immunity, our greenhouse citizens did not.

This reminds me of the story when Einstein was invited to present the prize in the Miss World Contest. Miss World was so beautiful and also crowned for her intelligence in providing clever answers. She was so elated to meet Einstein in person and shared here intimate thoughts with Einstein. She told Einstein that if they were to be married, their children would be so beautiful and so smart. Einstein looked at her for a moment and thoughtfully replied. What if they turned out the other way?

The mixing of children of different social classes is nice and good and things can turn out nice and good or the way Einstein put it, the other way. Is there really a need for the rich and affluent to mix with the lesser beings to achieve a balance, or would their income or intellect eventually be averaged, with the rich getting lesser scores and the lesser rich improving their scores? The result can vary depending on the permutations, not necessarily only good.

In real life, the rich would not want to be living with the lesser beings. Why would they want to be so? If not, there would be no enclaves in district 9, 10 and 11. Socially, financially and in many ways they are incompatible. This is the reality of life. Why the pretence to force young children to mix socially when they would be living separate lives eventually according to their financial resources and blessing?

Or it is ok for the lesser beings to be forced to live with the slightly better beings while the really superior beings can continue to isolate themselves in their own pristine precincts?  It is nice to mix kopi or tea with milk and get kopi susu or teh susu, but leave the champagnes alone? It is ok to bring the wildlife from the slums of the world to live with the HDB dwellers as long as the landed property residents are safe from them?  And they can exchange all their bacteria and diseases in the train cabins.

This is a controversial subject and there will be the socialists that would love to level the playing field and make everyone more equal or look alike. But the elites will remain the elites and at most they would offer some lip service on such a project but would not live it out for sure. They would never change the landscape of districts 9, 10 and 11 and their privileged residents.

What do you think? Is this really a good thing? Try living with some wildlife as your neighbours for a start. Try to put your little angels and darlings in the same schools as the untouchables if you believe this is a good thing. What about dismantling the elite schools and mix their cohorts evenly with the neighbourhood schools?


  1. Hahaha......

    Worry not! Worry not!

    In sg....Every School A Good School!


  2. In Sinkieland, the education system is for the G to select the best scholars to join their elite class so as to milk the ordinary sillyzens class & to segregate any dissenters or opponents to threaten the Leegime aristocracy class & its juz tat. All the tweeting the sys here & there is to benefit the elite ahlongcracy class. Chinese says 换汤不换药 or changing the soup by not changing the medicine it will not work lah.


    @ What Young People TODAY are and what they are up to:

    1. They’ve grown up with network connectivity and computers. They do not know, and can only imagine, a day-to-day life without tech...i.e. how all us “oldies” used to live, quite satisfactorily BTW.

    2. They are into social media 24/7/365. That is where most of the social connections and activities happen.

    3. They play games, games and gamification is part of their culture. e-Sports are fast becoming “legitimate” forms of competition, i.e. “Olympic” level

    4. Stocks are expensive, Bonds are yielding near-zero, zero or negative numbers, real estate is way too expensive ...so these youngsters (millennials, Gen Z) love cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum.

    5. Fewer of them are buying cars and getting drivers’ licenses.

    6. Fewer of them are considering buying property

    7. More of them are engaging in “doing their own thing” in their various startups, online e-commerce ventures, and the “Gig Economy”.

    8. If they go into corporate life, the enterprise they work for has to be ”WOKE”, or it’s “see ya later”. (To be “woke” is to be aware of social justice issues and to take a stand---usually socialist i.e. “tax the rich”---to deal with them)

    “MeatSpace” is a term for the real,physical world we all live in. “Cyber Space” or “VR” are the digital versions of “possible worlds” inhabited by “avatars”---some human, but not necessarily so.

    See: Decentraland
    Address: https://decentraland.org

    This (and others like it) have serious venture cap money and private equity behind them. Already their virtual “real estate” markets are skyrocketing. People will be starting businesses and all value created can be bought and sold, using of course, crypto currency.

    Decentraland is build on the Ethereum blockchain, so digital assets, currency, markets etc are all “secured” as if...in fact better than meatspace, because it is near impossible to hack the blockchain and “cheat” the system.

    Millenials who love their games and VR are flocking to Virtual Worlds like this. IT’S A BIG DEAL AND A GAME CHANGER

    VR Spaces are being touted as “places for discovery and learning” apart from obvious entertainment and less obvious SOCIAL aspects they’re already known for.

    ** The world’s forward-thinking educators are already preparing PROGRAMS and COURSES for students in Virtual Space.

    If any of you adults are still clueless about what millenials are and what they are up to, I suggest you get yourself up to speed.

  4. Mixing is also useless. Sinkieland is too tiny. People must get out of their cocoon to see the jungle out there. Then, you have lived.

  5. True or not?

    If PAP government really wants more social mixing between the rich and the poor
    - JUST fucking increase the salaries of the poor people
    - legislate a minimum wage

  6. Do not trust men wearing white uniforms who like to marry fuglies (fucking ugly women).

    Who is the #1 fuglie in Singapore?

  7. @All, @RB,

    Ehhh RB, I'm surprised you wasted 1 blog post about this.



    Elites don't live near & don't go to neighbourhood schools.

    And humans ALWAYS want to progress up the ladder --- low or mid-lifes who manage to get into high-life schools will eventually become like high-life elites.

    E.g. KeeChiu who went to neighbourhood primary, but went on to RI and RJC & then President scholarship plus SAF scholarship to UK.

    E.g. LawWong who went to neighbourhood schools for both Pri & Sec, but went on to VJC & then PSC scholarship to US.

    BTW Xi & China really want to lower trade tensions. Figures out this morning from China's National Bureau Of Statistics show things are getting worse.

    Industrial Production is almost back down to 2009 GFC lows.

    Retail Sales are even lower than the lows in 2008/2009 & during the yuan devaluation shock in 2015.

    Unemployment Rate remains near the highest in 20 years.

  8. Aliyah, no need tat so called subject based branding mah, juz follow the Mumbai primary students learning coding from young, those perform well might become technopreneurs & no need any exams, juz coding ( with some skills of maths, english or science), or send our kids there to learn Mumbai edu sys & graduate come back be part of smart nation or AI or cybernauts la.

  9. Social mixing.

    When your PAP MP visit you at home just before general elections.
    - this is also social mixing

    Does it do any good?
    - can social mixing with PAP people make your family richer?

  10. This social mixing is akin to a feudal idea, relevant only in the past. Today ease of communication, internet, TV, social media, easy travelling, the idea is old and obsolete.

    Even the stupid idea that universities must have foreign students, or our students must go for exchange programme, a very expensive and wasteful programme that caters to the rich that do not need them.

    The lack of ideas, the lack of thinking stick out like a sore thumb. Just continue with the old ways, like playing marbles and fighting spiders are great stuff.

    This is the digital age, internet age, cyber space, mobile phones etc etc. Still to encourage social mixing, exchange programmes?

  11. RB, probably your idea of a smart digital age for the youngsters r too advance topic for the garmen to understand. U know to hv this social mixing is to promote procreation or u might say "sex in a small space" as one Chio Bu Millionsteress said already, yah, promote more social interaction by physical means so as to boost the low tFR of Sinkieland mah, get it ? It's all bout tat ok?

  12. Gahmen will promote social mixing until a HDB boy makes a fugly PAP girl pregnant.

    After that ... no more social mixing.

  13. @anon 5.23pm

    Wat happens tis HDB boy is a top scholar? The Garmen r open minded with elitist mindset. They can't used the old fart method of the Graduate mum policy in the 80s so they pretty smart liao using social mixing to find their potential scholastic modern day 'Romeo & Juliet' cos the duo will definitely die die serve the elitist alicetocracy.

  14. How many Sinkies think about the 99 year lease when upgrading was the rage and were bought over during each election by the promise that HDB flats will continue to increase in value with each upgrading.

    Then the realisation that after 99 years, HDB flat owners are left with a big fat zero. That was the time the elites knew they could not use upgrading to buy votes anymore, and during the last election, not a squeak about upgrading while discreetly and quietly they announced the end of the upgrading programme. Otherwise, I think this vote buying scam will continue until kingdom come.

  15. I hope the social mixing does not result in more children of elites telling the lesser beings to get out of their elitist faces.

    I also hope the elites would take up the idea of sending their children to schools with social mixing. And that calls for the PAP elites to start the ball rolling by setting the example with their children. Do you really think they will do that? I think it is a fat hope and a pipe dream.

  16. //..And that calls for the PAP elites to start the ball rolling by setting the example with their children. Do you really think they will do that? I think it is a fat hope and a pipe dream.//

    There r PAPies went to Pri or Sec school neighborhood school on heartland. One of them is PM himself who went to Catholic High (later become elite school) & went on to National JC & also Kee Chiu, Lawrence, OYK so on ..see their r many examples & akan datang..

  17. I heard the reason why Merc

    Lady drove against traffic is

    Because she is on CROSS STREET!

    1. Hi, she is crossed after been crossed by boyfriend or by husband or by someone's here or him infidelity that she is so crossed that she drove against traffic in Cross Street.

      You will expect more if these incidents Akan datang.

      When monsters got richer and richer and with monies they thought that they are invincible and that the lives of other poor beings are cheap.

      Also, that joker from the Tuas checkpoints against the tariff and caused accidents and think a life.

      Just like our Great Terry Luo of Fuxconn Taiwan.

      Insisted that he is the Chosen One to be the President of Taiwan. Just because he had his millions.

      Sinkieland elites with the influx of their also favoured elites will never ever be mixed with the poor.

      Like Sea and River Waters and Oil and water.

      Humans especially the Rich Chinkees behaved always like Feudal Lords.

      Their children and grandchildren will have their snobbish rubbed on them.

      The only karma punishments is from Heaven.

      They took away their lives early or tragically due to their abuse of their wealth.

      Cheers time to catch my City Above the Clouds coach.

  18. Virgo why cursed people Everyday.? U need to be sodomized like many anons said.😀

  19. @ Chua Chin Leng aka redbean September 16, 2019 3:30 pm
    ///This social mixing is akin to a feudal idea, relevant only in the past. Today ease of communication, internet, TV, social media, easy travelling, the idea is old and obsolete.

    Even the stupid idea that universities must have foreign students, or our students must go for exchange programme, a very expensive and wasteful programme that caters to the rich that do not need them.

    The lack of ideas, the lack of thinking stick out like a sore thumb. Just continue with the old ways, like playing marbles and fighting spiders are great stuff.///

    Uncle Chua,

    In the past, SDP had come out several times to voice concern about several shortcomings?

    Last month, PSP also made it clear the problems school children and in turn their parents faced?

    In the Indo haze problem since the 1990s, a lot of GDP is generated?

    SomboLEE starts the fire?

    Then after the fire caught on and burned wildly, "BRAVE, GALLANT AND HEROIC RESCUERS and FIREFIGHTERS" are sent in to put out a problem that shouldn't have existed in the first place?

    After 3 decades, the problem is NOWHERE near to be solved, much less eradicated?

    Social mixing?

    When a handful or tens of PROMINENT politicians can't even gather together for some "political mixing" to solve such basic problems of haze and environmental Damage, it shows how clueless some people are in this world?

    Let's put it this way.

    How old are you now?

    How old are your grandchildren?

    When they reach your current age, do you think the haze problem would be anywhere near being solved?

    Countless parents who have experienced the deep pains should know better?

    It is NOT TOO LATE for some of the more responsible opposition members who are GENUINELY concerned to raise EDUCATION ISSUES going forward?

    If parents still tidak apa and continue to adopt hack care attitude and simply borchap, then when the rotting fish has spread from its head downwards, whatever they try to do would be TOO LITTLE TOO LATE le?

    Coming weeks maybe the last chance to solve the root cause and underlying problems our children are facing?

    If the more responsible members in the opposition camp don't take up such issue, the last chance may be lost and there is no turning back le?

    This is similar to the widening and worsening inequality problems? It is like cancer spreading? When cancer spreads to the vital organs and into the blood stream, still got hope meh?

    The problems in education is worst than cancer?

    It is a brain tumor type of time bomb?

    When it implodes or explodes, the effects on patients have been shown to be DEVASTATING?

    Let's NOT wait till then?


    PSP and SDP, are you listening in?


    Forget about those DEAF FROGS?

    Raise the awareness of the EDUCATION ISSUES (in the coming GE)

    Let the parents decide

    If they still borchap, tidak apa, hack care, not their problems, then TOO BAD?

    Let the sampan rot and sink to the bottom of the Melaka Strait bah?

    At least someoLEE will be DELIGHTED?

    No prize for the correct guess.

    Hint : More than 90-yo. Name start with a "M". He is known to be the SMARTEST man in his own country.

    PS: Virgo, how is the ride to the cloud (so far)?

    The exchange rate still the same?

    Great DEALS?


    1. Wah bro, after school holidays. Our operator 707 at Chinatown centre had five buses up.

      Wah piang, thought old uncles and aunties avoid the haze cum smog but still many up due to hen kia sin happiness.

      That's why you have so many singles and same sex staying together in Singapore.

      Caused they do not want to carry unnecessary burdens of having children.

      Why made yourselves suffer unnecessarily.


  20. Anonymous said...

    RB, probably your idea of a smart digital age for the youngsters r too advance topic for the garmen to understand. U know to hv this social mixing is to promote procreation or u might say "sex in a small space" as one Chio Bu Millionsteress said already, yah, promote more social interaction by physical means so as to boost the low tFR of Sinkieland mah, get it ? It's all bout tat ok?
    September 16, 2019 5:08 pm

    With more than 2m foreigners here, many behaving like wildlife, procreation is not a problem. Just tell them to go forth and multiply. And this is the highest form of social mixing, many kopi susu and teh susu in the end.

  21. Our education system does not need to produce graduates for the market. Spend more effort to do social mixing will do. This is very important goal of our education system. Make the smart less smart, make the less smart pull down the grades of the smart.

    Forget about graduates marry graduates. Make graduates marry non graduates, better still, make them marry the foreign workers. Social mixing is more important than education and a good marketable degree.

  22. # ..With more than 2m foreigners here, many behaving like wildlife, procreation is not a problem. Just tell them to go forth and multiply. And this is the highest form of social mixing, many kopi susu and teh susu in the end.#

    How many of the 2m+ become Poreans after that? Most r ere as economic parasites bringing their parents or grandparents here. Some r marriage of convenience,some do the national service of relieving "their masters stresses", to tell these wildlife procreation they rather "tang rui" & remit back to their home cuntry better.

    1. See many reports when sons reaching NS call ups, they faster faster renounced PRs or citizenships and scurried back to homeland with all sorts of excuses.

  23. Should ve denounced PRs and citizenships and away they go.

    Daughters ok. No denouements.
