
Periscopic Insights: USA monstrous Crimes

     USA monstrous crimes against other people and countries knew no ends.

To escape persecution from the then almighty Catholics the Anglo-Saxon protestants then set sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to found a new colony in America. Like the Spaniards and the Portuguese they were initially welcomed, giving food and lodgings by the friendly native Americans. The natives taught them how to hunt and grow crops like potatoes, maize and tomatoes. But within one year or two as hundreds of thousands of new Anglo-Saxons immigrants came from England the social climate changed. The European settlers began to terrorise the natives by stealing their lands and crops and their cattles. They kidnapped their wives and daughters, rape them and destroyed whole native villages. When the natives tried to escape from the burning villages they were shot and killed. The natives discovered too late that their generosity and benevolence to the 'pale face' ( natives referring to European immigrants ) were repaid with hatred, killings and murder by the newcomers who claimed that the rich and resourceful lands of America were destined by their Christian God for white European christians and that the savage natives ( that's how they ironically referred to the generous and civilize natives ) did not deserve such beautiful well endowed resourceful land. The white invaders were intent right from the first day to dispossess the native Americans of their lands and they justified this robbing of native lands with their evil militant religious doctrine, ' The Doctrine of Christian Discovery'. The natives realized that too late and when they resisted, their  tomahawks or axes and arrows were no match for the savage invaders great fire power in their guns and cannons. The persecution of native Americans persisted in the last few hundred years and continues to this day in the United States where few native survivors are put in  "Native Reservations" euphemism for their evil slave labour concentration camps. In the slave labour camps the American government and white supremacists hope to kill all natives thus eventually leaving no trace of them in history. 

Fast forward from the first day of the Independence of the United States on 4th July 1775, the US government had lay down broad visions for the conquest of the whole of North America. This evil design was reinforced and fortified with the later more aggressive bellicose doctrine of conquest, "The Doctrine of the Manifest Destiny of America." Having killed and genocided almost a hundred million native Americans or almost 98 percent of native population and taken over all of North America except Canada ( similarly under the rule of savage European invaders ) the evil white Americans proceed to the next phase of expansion for worldwide domination.

American grand design for world domination started with the 'Monroe Doctrine' . Under the doctrine the United States will not allow any other foreign country to have or hold a dominant interest in the economic and political affairs of all the countries in South America and Central America. All economic and political affairs of the region must go through Washington DC for prior approval. This monstrous policy and doctrine immensely enriched the United States but tremendously impoverished all the countries in South and Central America. Thus the US has always been able to have a strangle hold on the region. Nevertheless the South American and the Central American countries are fighting back now and hopefully with the help of Russia and China and the whole world they will be able to free themselves from the evil dictatorship and ditrimental hegemony of the Evil Empire, the United States.

We will return to discourse on  how the United States evil design has greatly devastated the economy and people of Central and South America ( also known as Latin America ) later . In the meantime USA had expanded its American Manifest Destiny across the Pacific Ocean to invade and conquer Hawaii, Guam and many other smaller Pacific Ocean islands. In the invasion of Hawaii US had killed and genocided not less than 300, 000 patriotic Hawaii resistant fighters. US illegally annexed Hawaii in the 1950s against the will of the native Hawaiians.

To take advantage of other countries and to deal with international relations to its undue advantage the US has propounded the policy of American Essentialism. Under this doctrine US arrogantly  claims that America will not submit to international laws and regulations of the United Nations , rules of which they were in the forefront to formulate. In other words international rules do not apply to US for they are meant to hamstrung other countries and enhance US aggression, dictatorship and hegemony of the whole wide world. Thus US has never signed the United Nations Conventions of the Laws of the Seas 1982, but demands others to follow. Also again on rules against militarising space, cyber, the internet and UN rules and regulations regarding declaration of war against another country under false and fake excuses as seen in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia.

Descriptions of USA monstrous crimes will continue in subsequent articles.


Monday , 9th September, 2019


  1. USA will eventually destroy itself through its unrestrained wars of aggression and conquest. There are already clear signs US will implode and break up into several states sooner than later.

  2. Every country in the free world must get rid of CIA and USA NGOs. CIA and its NGOs infiltrate into all organisations especially the military and police departments to subvert other countries with its toxic propaganda to destabilise and create choas and violent road demonstrations to topple governments which do not subscribe to USA's hawkish bellicose policies. USA is so evil it must be destroyed by god, that is if there is any.

  3. Exactly the same kind of developments are happening in Singapore.

    At first, the foreigners were welcomed with open arms and open legs. Then they come in hordes. As they stayed longer and their numbers increased. They formed networks. Once they have their networking established, they started to curve out turfs only for their own kinds from their original homeland. And ostracise the locals. Mext, they took over all the top and key positions. Once that is in place, they start to hatch a plan to decimate the local majority. They will tackle one group at a time. Starting with the largest group. After reducing the largest group to about equal their size, the next step is to grab political power to rule forever.....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @ southernglory

    >> To take advantage of other countries and to deal with international relations to its undue advantage the US has propounded the policy of American Essentialism. Under this doctrine US arrogantly claims that America will not submit to international laws and regulations of the United Nations , [...] Also again on rules against militarising space, cyber, the internet and UN rules and regulations regarding declaration of war against another country under false and fake excuses as seen in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. <<

    I would say that it's one helluva strategy. And appears to work as intended, even though there are a few hiccups now and then, and the occasional "scorched earth" policy...but hey, nothing is perfect and if there is to be a tasty omelet, then stop being so bloody sentimental 🎻🎻 and break some fucking eggs already!!. 🤓

    And the world moves on... There are numerous benefits to American imperialism. You just have t get on the "right side" of the "trade", and you'll be smiling from all the wealth and FREEDOM envied by all those "anti Amerian elements". (aka losers) 👍🏻


  6. Matilah said:

    'I would say that it's one helluva strategy. And appears to work as intended, even though there are a few hiccups now and then, and the occasional "scorched earth" policy...but hey, nothing is perfect and if there is to be a tasty omelet, then stop being so bloody sentimental 🎻🎻 and break some fucking eggs already!!.'

    Why don't you say this is the work of genius, as brilliant as God? Or Trump is another Sun Tsu or Clauswitz?

    The whole damn shit American so called strategy is gangsterism. No need any thinking. They carry the biggest clout and prepare to knock down who ever dares to oppose them.

    You call that clever strategy? Any thugs can do that with no education. It can only succeed until someone carries a bigger clout to knock the daylight out of the evil Americans.

  7. Mr. Glory, how do u explain that in Hawaii 5 O most of the detectives are not white?

  8. @ RB

    Here's an enlightening fact. Take it or lump it according to your own tastes and desires...nonetheless, it remains a fact, immune from your opinions and feelings:

    No one and no cuntry in the ENTIRE WORLD is going to change sothat you can be "happy". 🤡

    One man's gangster is another man's entrepreneur.

  9. Can't disagree with you. To many countries, the USA is a terrorist country, international gangsters, thugs, bullies, violating all international laws, warmongers etc etc

    But to some countries, it is a law abiding country, peace loving, best policeman in the world.

  10. Not only angmos lah, read history and every culture has committed horrible crimes.

  11. @ RB

    Please lah. You're talking about dealing with members of the species homo sapiens, aka "human beings" with "human nature", which is complex, multifaceted and QUIRKY.

    Sometimes you are civil, agreeable and conciliatory. At other times to win you have to be a gangster, terrorist and if needed, a murderer.

    Even China knows this. They put on an "air" of "civility", but they are just as dirty as their #1 adversary, the USA. Although they don't say it loud, they have their own game of "Chinese Exceptionalism", to them they call it "Socialism withhh Chinese Characteristics".

    Although they are both not exactly the same, there are similarities

  12. Matilar, please lar don't mixed up the concepts lar. It's chicken and duck talk. It's like if u are chicken u Kena fuck but if u are a duck u Kena sodomized so Matilar do u want to be a chicken or duck? My Guess either way u Kena screwed but likely u will choose to be a duck. 😀
