
More gay sex scandal - Mahathir keeping mum

Mahathir was instrumental in putting Anwar behind bars for gay sex, sodomy, when Anwar was his deputy PM and supposedly to take over as PM from him. Today Anwar is waiting to take over from him as promised by him in two years after he took office as PM in a deal with PKR. Mahathir is dragging his feet and very evasive as to when he is willing to hand over power to Anwar, with his position changed to 3 years and could be the whole term.

There is now another sodomy case involving a minister of Economic Affairs, Azmin Ali, someone closed to Mahathir and being groomed by Mahathir as the next PM. Anwar has been alleged to be behind this sodomy scandal that he vehemently denied to be involved. Azmin on his part also denied he was the other person in the dozens of video clips being distributed freely and widely in Malaysia.

Why is Mahathir keeping mum now when he found it irresistible to throw the book at Anwar and even dragged a hotel room mattress to court to prove Anwar’s guilt? The other question is, irrespective of whether Anwar is involved in spreading the video clips, a crime is a crime and if Azmin was the man, then he had committed sodomy like Anwar. Is there double standard?

Perhaps Mahathir could change the sodomy law like the law on drugs. Since it is so prevalent in Malaysia, why not decriminalize it and no one needs to be charged? In Malaysia anything can happen. Malaysia boleh. With Mahathir in the PM seat, Malaysia lagi boleh.

Mahathir had taken on the rulers of Malaysia, taken on China, what else is he afraid to take on when it is just a passing of a new law for the good of Malaysia?


  1. Singapore General Elections coming soon.

    After disappearing for 5 years since GE 2015 ... the Millionaire White Rat in charge of my GRC is making home visits again.

    1. That's why the forecasted date is Dec 14th 2019.

      Huat ah to the bro WHO shouted 1412 earlier.

      Had reserved 50K for that.

      Aiyo, nowadays the new generation studied too much until their screws mostly loose and under the decadent influence of the West preferred their own sex.

      Let them be lah! Don't waste your breath to change them.

      So manu gay marriages with one very fine example of one of our Great Leader's grandson being one.

      Life too short to mind their business.

      Better spend the balance precious life and time for yourselves.

      Alreday slotted thru the years for this moment.

      World destroying itself thru their own too smart homo sapiens.


  2. Do you think gay and lesbian people are more likely to vote Opposition?

  3. Hi V49 908am

    Thank you once again for the hole-head number 1412!

    Hope that it is not one of the red numbers!

    You not buying to huat chye a bit? Today! Morning! Quickly!!!


    1. Bro, already 10/10. Just 50K cheque from Sinpools.

      Last Thurs at Vitaron Medical Hall brought Ordinary NOT Sys 7 escaped 4.567M.


  4. @ 922

    I don't think so. I don't think sexuality has anything to do with the individual's political compass. There are MANY MANY gay people ("gay" means both homosexual men AND women) who work for the govt. Lee Kuan Yew was quite understanding about homosexuality.

    The push back you get in Singapore against homosexuality comes mainly from asshole-type Christians, generally speaking. Thankfully they are a minority. Most "modern" Christians are quite accepting of homosexuality, especially the younger ones.

  5. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

    It is only a "scandal" because o be gay if you are a Mlay Muslim is a big no-no, thanks to the backward-thinking, medieval, superstitious culture.

    But you might argue that "Not all Malay Muslims think that way", and you'd be 1000% correct BUT what happens is a smart operator like Mahathir can use this anachronous cultural fixture to his ADVANTAGE by going back on his promise using "gay sex scandal" as an excuse.

    If gay sex as "ok"...NO SCANDAL and thus NO POLITICAL LEVERAGE.

    Dr M is a Master of The Game when it comes time to play the RACE card, and the RELIGIOUS card...or combine them both for a hard-hitting "double whammy"
    September 14, 2019 9:22 am

    PS. I have deleted one line from Matilah's post and repost it here. Redbean

  6. Is there double standard?

    Aiyo, it's power standard lah.

    Got power, any standard he want also can.

    No power, no standard lah.

    Just look at the Sinkie opposition. Where got standard? Kpkb standard? LOL

  7. Just look at the Sinkie opposition. Where got standard?
    9:42 am

    No wonder every time lose one. Really no standard lah.

    Better go to Matland and ask Mahathir to teach them some standard. But mush pay money to learn lah. No free lesson one.

    1. Singapore oppo no standard or Singapore electorate no standard ah!!! You been overtaxed.. government gone back on their words on cpf.. made Singapore pmets the most maligned grouping in the work force n every election still vote in the people who will give them more of the same..geezzzz!!!

  8. @ Gay and OK in China

    If Mahathir was the Chinese leader and he pulled an "anti-gay" stunt, he would have been roundly ridiculed and probably laughed out of office. No one cares if you're gay in China. It's your RIGHT.

    Despite the many criticisms, China gets, no one criticizes it for gay rights. Even in ancient China, homosexuality was accepted as "part of nature", and through thousands of years girls and boys in China have had lots of hot, wild homo sex, until the Europeans arrived with RELIGION, and fucked the whole thing up.

    1. Agreed that part ancient china isn't anti homo - Liu Bang founder of Han, and later his offsprings on the throne were well known to keep pretty boys around them, as did a few Ming emperors; when jesuit priests arrived in Ming china, they were "shocked" to find sodomy rather common. Those are rarely discussed facts so you are not brain washed to think only the educated youths today are gay. Maybe its biological in some percentage of people, maybe its culture. but its none of our business what others do in their private life, just like some of us are vegetarian, some like big boobs, fat dicks etc what do u think?

  9. "He is a true statesman, an inspirator, a scientist who believes that without love, intelligence is dangerous,"

    - Widodo said in a farewell speech to Dr Habibe

    But what about PAP?
    - is PAP any good without LKY?

  10. “It’s immoral!” – FCBC Senior Pastor Nina Khong denounces Lee Hsien Yang’s attendance at Pink Dot


    All you homosexual sinners are probably going to hell.

  11. Anonymous 1020am

    The very very very honest answer is yes!

    Not only Good but BEST-est!


  12. Pastor Lawrence Khong:
    ‘We will wear white until the pink is gone’

    Faith Community Baptist Church takes oppositional stance against Pink Dot movement.


  13. Do gay people smell each other's ass holes?

    Do PAP people smell each other's wallets?

  14. @10.41am

    Wallets? Wake-up lah! Now cashless! Cashless!

    You don't know meh?

  15. UMNO and PAS have joined hands going into the next election. Racial politics is even more evident in Malaysia, with DAP now the whipping dog.

    The racial thing is so ridiculous now that they are calling on the Malays to boycott buying non Muslim things. This is going to be even more divisive if such ideas take root. As Mariam Mokhtar said, next they will ask the Malays to boycott blood donated by non Muslims. That I do not know whether they will do, but with such mentality, the Malays can easily be manipulated. Non Muslims eat pork, so their blood also contaminated by pig's blood, so that is even more un halal than other things made by non Muslims. Isn't that so?

    Anwar will not ever be PM from the looks of things. First of all Mahathir is grooming his son for that job, with his attempt to shore up the membership of Bersatu to have more influence in the coalition and dilute the other component parties. Second, with the alliance of PAS and UMNO, going for a second term for Harapan seems difficult, with racial politics so prevalent. With the playing of the racial cards so arrogantly displayed by PAS, another racial riot is on the cards sooner or later. What with the Indian preacher sowing the seeds of racial hatred among Malaysians, the road ahead is not rosy.

  16. PM Lee’s endearing speech at the Jubilee Day of Prayer 2015 punctuated by rapturous applause from 51,000 Christians at the Singapore Sports Hub.


    Will PAP's anti gay Christian warriors come out to vote in this general elections?

  17. Second, with the alliance of PAS and UMNO, going for a second term for Harapan seems difficult, with racial politics so prevalent.
    11:21 am

    Even if alliance of PAS and UMNO can win, they will not have non Mat MPs without DAP. MCA is a gone case with non Mat voters.

    Unless they form a all Mat govt which UMNO And PAS also do not want that.

    And that's why Dr M and even Anwar need to cooperate with DAP for power even though Dr M does not like DAP.

    As for racial riots, I don't think it will happen simply because the Mats, especially the rich elite ones will also be badly affected if there is one. This is one reason why there were no riots after UMNO lost in GE 2018. Najib himself said riots is a NO NO.

  18. Riots happen not because the rich did not participate or political leaders do not want it. It happens because circumstances breed such happenings. Any riot or revolution starts with the common people under stress. Just look at Hong Kong. The rich can do nothing.

  19. @ 12.22pm

    So what solution can the PAP offer Hong Kong?

    1.Hong Kong people must learn to enjoy sex in small places.

    2.Increase GST to 20% so that more poor people will be helped.

    3.Increase water tax so that Hong Kong people can enjoy and better appreciate their water.

    4.Bring in more PMETs from India to enhance Hong Kong's workforce

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @ Gay Jesus and the denial of Christians

    The Gay Jesus Hypothesis--- 3 trusted sources

    1. The Guardian Newspaper Online

    2. Vice dot com

    3. Christian Apologetics


    It's good that some readers have picked up the baton on my "asshole anti-gay Christian" comment. The likes of the mega-church pastors who need to "stimulate the masses cos' they bring lots of money $$$ to Jesus"---and to the pastors themselves....and their wives...ah, it's not a "racket" if you give willingly and freely ok?

    So I dun have problem with these mega-church charlatans who manage to pry out the Big Bucks from their "flock of sheeple", all dutifully following the wise and holy words, like the billions over the last 2 thousand years.

    I dun have a problem with them exercising their free speech either...to "hate on" the LGBTQ community aka "Pink Dotters" in Singapore.

    What I do find baffling is why would anyone want to judge, condemn, damn to hell:

    a) People who have no choice in their sexual orientation (that means everyone, including the accusers)
    b) LBGTQs going about their business not disturbing anyone else aka 'in peace"
    c) What happens during intimacy between 2 consenting adults is NO ONE ELSE'S BUSINESS, especially nosey pastors of mega-churches
    d) Making an unnecessary BIG DEAL about something which is frequently observed in Nature.

    Was Jesus gay? Probably. πŸ€“πŸ‘πŸ»

    Just the thought of asshole-Christians falling on their knees and praying for "salvation" thru their The Saviour, who was fond of sucking dick and licking balls...


  22. Hi

    Off topic....the haze is really really bad.....siong!

  23. Just look at Hong Kong. The rich can do nothing.
    12:22 pm

    Hong Kong is different from Malaysia lah.

    In Hong Kong, the rich don't lead the ordinary people. They exploit the ordinary people through high property prices and cramped living conditions.

    In Matland, the Mat leaders lead and control the ordinary Mats. If the Mat leaders said no riots, there will be no riots.

  24. @ 1252

    Re: the fucking haze, same-o same-o for nearly 30 fucking years, and the government just brushes it aside.

    Olam---huge agribusiness company HQ'd in Singapore, listed on SGX, and Temasek owns over 5% (the CPF which is not yours but in your name working for the elite, but wait...there's more....you get 2% 🀣)

    "Deforestation" aka BURNING the motherfucking forests in Indonesia to plant palm oil

    WHICH CUNTRY is Indonesia's TOP foreign investor?

    Got N-90 mask?

  25. Political Joke:

    Q: Why are all the homosexuals in PAP still virgins?

    A: Like other PAP people, the PAP homos are so anal retentive, nobody is able to penetrate their ass holes.

  26. We can complain about the haze until kingdom come and nothing will change. We can also complain about CPF until the cows come home and nothing will change. We have to live with it.

    In the past, Red Dot took up the issue of haze with Indonesia. Now Matland and Indonesia are slugging it out over the haze and blaming each other. I do not think Indonesia will be able to solve the haze problem. It is more complicated than just above ground burning. Unless they dig out all the underground peat, which is well nigh impossible, we either live with it or die from it eventually.

    Once in a while we see some wayanging. Then it dies off. Then it comes back again. Tired really!

  27. @ Anonymous aka CI, September 14, 2019 1:57 pm
    ///We can complain about the haze until kingdom come and nothing will change. We can also complain
    about CPF until the cows come home and nothing will change. We have to live with it.
    In the past, Red Dot took up the issue of haze with Indonesia. Now Matland and Indonesia are slugging it
    out over the haze and blaming each other. I do not think Indonesia will be able to solve the haze problem.
    It is more complicated than just above ground burning. Unless they dig out all the underground peat,
    which is well nigh impossible, we either live with it or die from it eventually.
    Once in a while we see some wayanging. Then it dies off. Then it comes back again. Tired really!///

    Hi Cynical Investor,

    Ya agree, very tired really.

    The severe haze often will lead to cancelling or postponing of a lot of meetings, appointments and other economics activities.

    Many schools in some countries often have to shut down to safeguard the kids' health and well-being.

    Such bad haze will certainly worsen the current economic downturn further.

    Won't be surprised red dot economy has already slipped into the red for almost 2 consecutive quarters and technically that is a recession.

    It is not to the incumbent's advantage to delay the GE till next year?

    1. Right you are.

      Also, Sinkies will vote OVERwhembling for the Papies as they fear recession and lost of their jobs.

      To them, they are the only Saviours.

      If NOT, the Papies would be seen so early in the market as one Anon posted today.

      Tomorrow you see more of them out canvassing.


    2. You are right!

      Singaporeans will overwhelmingly Voted the PAP in times of recession.

      Out of fear as they thought safer bet on them than the Oppo.

      That's why you see them already canvassing as one bro anon said.

      Tomorrow more of them will be every where.

      Just like in some previous elections they chose correct timings.


  28. Political joke

    Q: How do you comfortably seat 3 gay PAP Ministers on a small stool?

    A: Turn the 3-legged stool upside down.

  29. @Anonymous September 14, 2019 12:47 pm
    ///So what solution can the PAP offer Hong Kong?///




  30. PAP thrive on Sinkie's greed and fear. The chicken wings and lollipops have been given out, hence this is about the right time to call an election.

    Now that the boundaries are being tinkered with, tomorrow maybe you will see the white ants crawling around food courts, markets and shopping malls.

    Many are betting on an election soon, very soon!

  31. Dodo, are u the extinct bird.? I can not let your comment passed without further comment. It's not as much as its private, we let the homo screwed each other asses in private it's okay? Is it really ok when u look at the big picture of humanity that may go extinct. It may be ok to let a few to screw the asses but for the sake of humanity, we should only encourage screwing the pussy. May be you are one of the ass lover and if so please keep this to yourself and not push this to a wider audience. God bkessπŸ˜€

    Michael Tan
    Press Secretary
    Singapore Kuda riding club
