
Wildlife molested 6 young girls at Hougang Swimming Complex

An Indian national Job Mathew Panakkal molested 6 young girls between the age of 10-12 that were taking swimming lessons at Hougang Swimming Complex. He was jailed for 20 weeks after pleading guilty to charges of outraging the modesty of the girls.

Such cases of sexual offences by wildlife is a bit rare in Singapore despite the fact that India was notorious for more serious sexual offences. And this Panakkal is an active community and church workers involving children and has not received any complaints before. And according to his lawyer, ‘Pannikkal was deeply remorseful for what was a one off incident that was completely outside of his character and nature.

I have written a piece earlier on this and the rather clean record of Indian nationals here, with probably half a million in the island, you rarely heard of sexual offences committed by them. I concluded that it must be the Newater that they were drinking that kept them away from sexual crimes here.

In this case the chlorine in the swimming pool might have negated or neutralized the effect of Newater for the short period he was in the pool and resulted in him behaving not his normal self. Once out of the pool and away from the effect of chlorine and with consumption of more Newater, everything will be fine and he would be back to his normal self and would not be tempted while doing community activities involving children. Parents with young children under Panakkal's charge can feel very safe that by nature, when Pannakkal is in his normal self. Nothing to worry about with such good people taking care of their children.

This is the power of Newater, perhaps, an incidental phenomenal cleansing effect that was not established or proven yet.


  1. This happening is just the tip of an iceberg. Or just a perlude to bigger things to come.

    Akan datang with the Tsunami. Sinkieland cardboard police. Only action after crimes committed.

    What's the slogan Prevention is better than cure platitude been thrown away.

    Brace for more such crimes

  2. More of the same are coming - towards 10 million population !

  3. Indian nationals like Job Mathew Panakkal are a minority lah, maybe 30% or even much less of all Indian nationals here.

    U can't have 100% are all good people what, correct or not?

    Most important is good people are a majority, and a big majority of the people.

    Just as employed and having good life Sinkie PMETs are a majority of Sinkie PMETs. Or else how could PAP have got 70% of the votes? Unless unemployed and money no enough Sinkie PMETs also voted PAP lah, which for PAP is wonderful, isn't it?

  4. Just as employed and having good life Sinkie PMETs are a majority of Sinkie PMETs. Or else how could PAP have got 70% of the votes? Unless unemployed and money no enough Sinkie PMETs also voted PAP lah, which for PAP is wonderful, isn't it?
    9:33 am

    Wah, looks like it is win win for PAP lah, whatever the state of the Sinkie PMETs, be they majority employed or unemployed.

    No wonder not enough smart Sinkies want to join the Sinkie opposition to fight PAP, save for weird ones like Chee Soon Juan. Or maybe there is more to it than meets the eye for Chee Soon Juan? Maybe he is sponsored by some parties to fight PAP as a job and for a living? Because I was wondering how he and his family can survive without him or even his wife having a proper job, an issue which PAP also raised during the BB by election.

  5. What so surprising?

    Early early already like that liao! More Akan datang! As we march towards 10M!

    We have to *pay* a price for it!


  6. These two PAP stooges or parrots are echoing their same template comments day in and day out in Mr RB's blog.

    Or maybe it is just one PAP paid IB on payroll of a dollar for each comment.

    NOT enough even for a cup of kopi.Great Enemy of CSJ. Kept criticising him for Chee's perseverance in bringing justice to Sinkies.

    CSJ no need work like you PAP stooge.He already strike Toto Group I and II.

    When next GE comes, Chee is elected he has to bang his balls and die a horrible death.

  7. Maybe he is sponsored by some parties to fight PAP as a job and for a living?
    9:47 am

    There may be sponsors out there but there must also be takers. I guess not many Sinkies want to be takers for such a thing as fighting PAP for a living. Even if there is, the sponsors may also screen them for suitability. Perhaps Chee Soon Juan is a taker who passed the screening.

  8. Molesters are in every race not only one particular race.

  9. Hi 947am

    For your information, CSJ recruited a big batch of young people.

    All looking very veryvery smart!

    So CSJ got hope at next GE?

    What say you?

  10. I agree that foreigners create jobs for Sinkies.

    We need more policemen to arrest foreigners who commit crimes.

    More drivers and mechanics to service more trains and buses to accommodate those foreigners. More construction workers to build more roads and rail lines to spread out the overcrowded trains, hence more people to man the stations and logistics.

    Wow, I can go on and on. Like what Trump used to say, we never had it so good.

  11. CSJ no need work like you PAP stooge.He already strike Toto Group I and II.
    Virgo 49 9:55 am


    CSJ strike Toto Group I and II?

    This one u said one lah, and being old and senile, what u said cannot be taken seriously lah.

    U can call me a PAP stooge but I am not paid lah. I TCSS for the fun of it, or for shiok lah. U so angry for what? Senile is it?

    1. You better pray hard that your wife, if you have one and daughters if you also have.Grandmother,I am sure you have not be like the little girls kena molested by the Nehs.
      Or worse rape by them.These creatures will go for every bean even the choosy dogs don't want them.

      I always called those who praised the Pay And Pay stooges.

      Lastly, hope that you can live as long as me.Not cut off when no one has the chance to even call you senile.

      Senile, cannot screw you like this.

  12. If u google "gang rape" and select "images" tab, the pictures displayed is mostly India !

  13. For your information, CSJ recruited a big batch of young people.....What say you?
    10:05 am


    What so surprising, when like what one anon said, there are sponsors for the $$$$? With $$$$, it is just a matter of getting takers.

    But can CSJ win a GE, when he could not even win a BE in a straight fight?

    And for the BE, he was not even anywhere near to winning.

    1. CSJ did NOT win the BE because the Sinkies are Real dafts not to vote for him.

      They prefer parrots than real talents.

      Stupidty got No Cure.

  14. Senile, cannot screw you like this.
    Virgo 49 10:18 am

    Aiyo, senile not only talk rubbish but also can curse people, u know. Even worse.

    This one I not bluffing, as I had seen the real life ones myself.

  15. Hi 1022am

    So you think CSJ got no chance at next GE?

    Poor thing!

    All the best to CSJ!

  16. Poor thing!
    10:46 am

    What poor thing, CSJ made his choice as a matured adult to be like that what.

    He asked for it, or like what one anon above said, maybe even did it for a living.

    And if true, I would not want to vote for such a character, more so when his party can only contest a couple of seats. Sure get wiped out one.

  17. Remember the Little India riots in 2013?

    More than 300 workers were arrested, including 57 deported and banned from returning to Singapore.

    6 vehicles overturned and 4 set on fire.

    The riot that left 54 officers and 8 civilians hurt.

  18. Remember the Little India riots in 2013?
    10:57 am

    Only in 2013 what. And almost 6 years over already, and very peaceful since then.

    Based on this, I think the risk of it happening again is very low lah.

    Even if happen again, just deal with it lah, maybe deal better than in 2013 after the experience.

    So life goes on, smart Sinkies good life goes on.

    1. Calm before A storm.

      Hope you not caught in the storm.

      Talk too soon.

      When Sinkieland with half the POP roaming the streets, see whether any calamity on the way.

      Telcos next to retrench staff.Starhub already previous destructing 300 employees.

      Sinkies land businesses losing steam.

  19. Hi all....Hahaha...

    For Little India riots....can only remembered the very very very nice breakfast party they had!

  20. I think the dude that humiliate csj daily in this blog need to be sodomizd lar, u agree or not?

  21. I think the dude that humiliate csj daily in this blog need to be sodomizd lar, u agree or not?
    11:30 am

    Sodomized him/her for all u want lah, but seriously there is also some truth and sense in what the dude is saying about csj lah, humiliating to csj it may be.

    csj also owe a duty to explain to voters how he, with wife also not working and 3 children, managed to survive without a proper job. Don't tell people that he earn his living by selling his books only, that's insulting to voters. No wonder he did not win.

    1. CSJ must report to you without work he can support his family.

      You can or not? Dumbskull.

      One sale of his books can last him and his family three year workout work.You can or not?

      Hokkien said Pua tank sai or Half bucket of shits.

      Dare him to report why he can carry on life without work.

      Hokkienn said Tee Kong Kia you beh siong?

      Then squeeze your balls.

  22. Hi 1200pm

    You think CSJ got no chance at all at the next GE?

    Pls tell him lah!

    Ask him don't waste his and others time!

    Tell him, Can?

  23. CSJ did NOT win the BE because the Sinkies are Real dafts not to vote for him.
    Virgo 49 12:12 pm

    Aiyo, the more u talked, looks like your senility is getting worse.

    Got seek treatment or not? Wu jia yo bo?

    1. Senile beans are not able to wake you idiots up with his sound reasonings.

      Condemned CSJ who are the balance few good men to put their hearts and souls for your daft sinkies.

      Left to be seen whether the next GE he be elected.

      Then you dafty ducks will have to squeeze your balls and drown in your own saliva of your own condemnation.

      Cock, half bucket shits wanted to condemn a Prof. One time a lecturer.

      It's only the Papies dirty tactics that had made him aa such.

      You idiots who condemned him are accomplices to the Blue Murder of a Good Man

  24. Pls tell him lah!
    12:15 pm

    Told him already lah.

    But also must tell others mah, since CSJ may be asking for your vote.

    Waste time? Who ask you to read?

    U don't want to read but others may want to read, maybe even CSJ himself, u know.

  25. Yum Yummier Yummiest

    2 egg prata for bf and teh tarik


    1 mushroom cheese prata and 1 butter chicken with 2 naan for lunch

    The lunch so nice


    Hmmmmmm ...

    What to choose for dinner?

    So many choices?

    Perhaps Nasi Kandar near Mustafa

    Can flood the tasty Indian super long grain GIANT PORTION rice on a HUGE plate with many different varieties of curry. And countless meat and vegetables dishes. To eat, savour and really enjoy it, there is only one way - use your bare hand (ONLY right hand, no left hand pls for those not familiar with their culture. Using fork and spoon no kick at all. Using hand can feel the hot rice and curry sauce burning on the fingers. Then use the thumb scoop the rice from the other three fingers into the mouth. Wah... Heaven..... Damn shiok sia. Those never try must try. For those uncles whose mouth already watering and tak boleh tahan liao, near Everton and Spottiswood Park got one stretch of Indian food shops, just off Cantonment Rd. Near MBFC also have many Indian food outlets catering to our foreign talent abang working there. Can try during lunch in the coming week if your mouth already watering uncontrollably ...)




    PS: Any oldies (including many MSN blogger and many commentators wishing to join in to limkopi and tcss together are all welcome.) Have many other food as well. Normal tosai, chocolate chips, rainbow, fried rice, yummy Indian fried noodles, Indian rojak, muturbak, coin prata with fish curry, tandoori chicken, pannipuri, dal makhani, many mouth-watering South Indian food, delicious Northern Indian cuisine, tikka masala, delectable Indian Street Food and of course the irresistible Indian Teh Tarik).

    Everyday learning many new words in Tamil.

    So far so good :)))

  26. He asked for it, or like what one anon above said, maybe even did it for a living.
    10:55 am

    Then don't disturb CSJ lah, let him earn his living fighting PAP.

    And if he can win, he will also be fighting for Sinkies in Parliament, correct or not?

    And let this be the last time talking about CSJ in RB blog lah. Tired of it already.

  27. More About The Evil US Hegemonic Empire Under Trump Administration - Part 1/2

    UK's ambassador in the United States has described President Donald Trump and his administration as "inept" and "uniquely dysfunctional", according to leaked diplomatic memos published by the Mail on Sunday.

    Ambassador Kim Darroch reportedly said Mr Trump's presidency could "crash and burn" and "end in disgrace", in the cache of secret cables and briefing notes sent back to Britain seen by the newspaper.

    "We don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept," Mr Darroch allegedly wrote in one dispatch.

    The paper said the most damning comments by Mr Darroch described Mr Trump, who was received by Queen Elizabeth II during a state visit to Britain just last month, as "insecure" and "incompetent".

    A memo sent following the controversial visit said the president and his team had been "dazzled" by the visit but warned Britain might not remain "flavour of the month" because "this is still the land of America First".

    He reportedly wrote that the "vicious infighting and chaos" inside the White House - widely reported in the US but dismissed by Mr Trump as "fake news" - was "mostly true".

    Mr Darroch is one of Britain's most experienced diplomats whose posting in Washington D.C. began in January, 2016, prior to Mr Trump winning the presidency.

  28. More About The Evil US Hegemonic Empire Under Trump Administration - Part 2/2

    The Mail on Sunday said the memos, likely leaked by someone within UK's sprawling civil service, cover a period beginning in 2017.

    In one of the most recently reported dispatches filed on 22 June, Ambassador Darroch criticised President Trump's fraught foreign policy on Iran, which has prompted fears in global capitals of a military conflict, as "incoherent" and "chaotic".

    He allegedly said the US President's assertion, that he called off retaliatory missile strikes against the Iranian regime after a US drone was shot down because it risked killing 150 Iranians, "doesn't stand up" to scrutiny.

    "It's more likely that he was never fully on board and that he was worried about how this apparent reversal of his 2016 campaign promises would look come 2020," Ambassador Darroch reportedly stated, referring to the coming US presidential election.

    Britain's Foreign Office did not dispute the veracity of the memos.

    "The British public would expect our ambassadors to provide ministers with an honest, unvarnished assessment of the politics in their country," a spokeswoman said.

    "Their views are not necessarily the views of ministers or indeed the government," she added, noting "we pay them to be candid".

    To be candid means to be truthful, accurate and direct, opposite from being politically correct.

  29. This case is not and cannot be an isolated case. I am quite sure that for every case that is made publicly known, there are at least 100 cases went unreported or unpublished.
    6:12 pm

    I suspect too.

    And it also depends on whether the police want to pursue the case, even if police report is made. And if the police is overwhelmed with too many cases, it may also perhaps affect their decision whether to pursue the cases, unless there is publicity in the case.

    It's like an illegal protest on the streets. The police can arrest a few illegal protesters but what happen if there are tens of thousands? How to arrest all?

  30. @All,

    Many ahnehs are assholes & many ahnehs have taken high-paying jobs from Sinkie pmets.

    So what you gonna do about it?!?!

    For me, I just see how I can profit with the least amount of risk.

    India has been in a long-term economic uptrend for 20+ years already. http://schrts.co/xcCynCVY

    It's potential for the next 20-30 years is actually higher than China due to China's aging & declining population. China has to work twice as hard in order to achieve same rate of growth as India.

    I've invested about 20% of my portfolio into Ahneh stocks since 2012 --- late to the party liao. Should have been braver and invested during SARS, or at least in 2008/2009.


  31. @ Chua Chin Leng aka redbeanJune 03, 2019 12:00 pm:
    /////Suggestion, keep it in small amount. It is an educational process for those who want to learn without being toostressful and overwhelmed.

    Sure :)))

    Below a small dose of the few hundred words learned in the past week starting from the most basic (as you suggested, for educational purpose) :

    One ஒன்று (pronounced as "Onedrill")

    Two இரண்டு (pronounced as "Iranthe")

    Three மூன்று (pronounced as "moondrill")

    Four நான்கு (pronounced as "nungal"

    Five ஐந்து (pronounced as "ironthe")

    Next 5 other basic words:

    Clothes ஆடைகளை (pronounced as "ah-day-gal-lay")

    Food உணவு (pronounced as "woo-na-bo")

    Father தந்தை (pronounced as "sundae")

    Mother அம்மா (pronounced as "arm-ma")

    Foreign talent வெளிநாட்டு திறமை (pronounced as "vanilla-tit-tee-ra-make")

    If memory not wrong, some years back SM Tharman (or was it another minister) said something along the line that "foreigners create jobs for locals"?

    In Chinese, there is a phrase "衣食父母"

    Literally means "clothes food father mother "

    Translated it could mean "providers of food and clothing not unlike the roles of parents"

    So what SM Tharman supposedly said made sense?

    When "foreigners create jobs for locals", in a way they are providers of "food and clothing" aka "clothes food father mother " (as in "衣食父母" in Chinese)?


    To practise (the words learnt), next time when you want to order 2 pieces of prata, you can try out your newly learnt Tamil by saying "Iranthe" meaning "Two (2)".

    Sounds good?

  32. Virgo don't get upset with him lar. Just go sodomize him jialat jialat then he knows better not to Attack you next time. 😀

  33. The wild life dude gets only twenty weeks jail time cause he touches the less sensitive parts of the body. With good behaviour he will be out after 13 weeks or about 3 months. Don't know whether they will deport him after that or he can continue to work here to contribute to the economy as foreign talent. But in sg jail, this type of prisoner normally get special treatment from other inmates who are stuff of sex. They normally will sodomize him for both pleasure and kind of punishment. Hope after Kena sodomize jialat jialat, he can still walk properly after 13 weeks. 😀

  34. As US shuns skilled Indian staff, China opens arms

    Indian workers are the largest group of applicants for H1Bs, a US visa category for skilled immigrant workers. US President Donald Trump's tweaks in the H1B visa program could undercut the professional careers of nearly every Indian engineer in Silicon Valley.

    The US is Indian engineers' dream destination, but chasing the Silicon Valley dream is much harder than before. The whole value chain in India that delivers engineers to Silicon Valley now needs a plan B: Helping Indian engineers get visas to work in China.

    China wants to make itself an attractive destination for Indian engineers. For many Indians who have never been to China, it's hard to imagine that many Chinese companies have become first-class enterprises, standing shoulder to shoulder with famed US technology giants such as Google. Chinese tech leaders including Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent really did it.

    Some statistics show China has become the world's second-largest digital economy behind the US. The country's booming digital economy creates new employment opportunities for overseas engineers. The average salary for an engineer in China is lower than what workers accept in Silicon Valley, but much higher than for engineers in Bangalore.

    Southwest China's Guizhou Province has opened its doors to Indian engineers. Official data showed more than 9,500 big data-related enterprises including Alibaba, Tencent, Google and Apple operate in Guizhou, which aims to become a hub for big data and cloud services. Some companies in Guizhou provide convenience for overseas engineers in terms of housing, insurance and transportation. Engineers live a much more comfortable life in Guiyang, capital of Guizhou, than in Bangalore. What's more, Guiyang is much closer to India than Silicon Valley.

    China's digital economy deserves more attention from Indian engineers, but only top-ranking talent will be hired with high salaries. China isn't a sanctuary for Indian workers who can't get H1B visas as the US tightens the controls. What China needs is real talent.

  35. India has been in a long-term economic uptrend for 20+ years already. http://schrts.co/xcCynCVY

    It's potential for the next 20-30 years is actually higher than China due to China's aging & declining population. China has to work twice as hard in order to achieve same rate of growth as India.

    I've invested about 20% of my portfolio into Ahneh stocks since 2012 --- late to the party liao. Should have been braver and invested during SARS, or at least in 2008/2009.

    July 07, 2019 8:17 pm

    What utter rubbish. After 20 years of growth still a shitty 3rd world country. What potential? Maybe potential for Singapore to sell them more toilets and to employ their jobless workers and to provide more high paying jobs to them at the expense of our PMETS.

  36. @Anonymous July 07, 2019 8:17 pm
    ///For me, I just see how I can profit with the least amount of risk.///

    That fits quite well into Southern China Guangdong province Teochew saying: "Ti Kor Liang Ti Kor Chor"?

    In fact, at least the maternal ancestory of Li Kaching is of Teochew lineage?

    So make sense to follow behind the richest ethnic Chinese?

    Unlikely to go wrong?

    /////It's potential for the next 20-30 years is actually higher than China due to China's aging & declining population. China has to work twice as hard in order to achieve same rate of growth as India./////


    China's population is aging but NOT declining yet! Pls counter check your data source PROPERLY. What is declining is China's labour force? (It is backed up by data published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China)

    Moving forward, China faces many obstacles in the years ahead?

    One (ஒன்று), its HuKou system formulated during Mao's era in the early 1950s. It is complicating the issue of labour mobility in the face of a declining labour force?

    Two (இரண்டு), avoiding the "Middle Income Trap". Just as China moved into the lower range of the middle income group as categorized by many international organisations such as IMF, World Bank and other globally renowned institutions such as the McKinsey Global Institute, its aging population (partially due to DXP's OCP - One-Child Policy in the early 1980s) is causing its retirees to exceed new job entrants since the mid-2010s? With that, many short, medium and long term economic issues emerge which are too lengthy to be dealt here (and probably might end up 对牛弹琴 (in a blog such as this))?

    Three (மூன்று), the economic model that led China to grow (on the average) in double-digit from 1978 to 2013 is no longer feasible. In 1980, only 20 per cent are city dwellers. By 2018, almost 60 per cent lives in the city. Growth due to urbanisation and investment spending cannot be sustained. Where are the other engines of growth?

    Four (நான்கு), can growth come from boosting domestic demand via higher consumer spending as well as higher demand for services in a maturing economy? The short answer is unlikely? Why? Well, according to some recent posts, there are a lot of critical thinkers amongst the oldies? Let's see any of them can come out with some sound reasons backed by evidence why there is considerable head wind to hope for domestic demand and the service sector to drive the Chinese economy forward given the previous economic growth model (from 1978-2013) is no longer viable?

    Five (ஐந்து), increasing labour cost coupled with weak external demand &/ or trade protectionism.

    Elaborating on point (2), China would need to grow unhindered at or near present rate till 2030 to surpass the US in its nominal GDP or GNI (assuming the US grows at the same rate on average over the next decade)? Of course if the RMB strengthened against the USD, then the number of years needed would be lesser. However, what would China per capita GDP or GNI be like assuming that it materialises (which is not cast in stone given the lack of visibility over the next decade as well as the considerable headwinds it faces in many dimensions)? USD20,000.00? What would that implies for an economy to be stuck at that income level with a largely aging population by then and worsening?

    Thus, based on the above-mentioned Southern China Guangdong province Teochew phrase, India is likely a "more liang" place?

  37. @Anon 1138pm

    To make the story short, your "essay" just supports my experience so far.

    I base facts on $$$$$$$$$$ performance --- as borne out by overall Ahneh stocks over past 20+ years, as well as my own Ahneh investments over last 7 yrs.

    India is similar to US in that you can invest in the whole country and get decent long-term results. The same cannot be said of China where you can't just invest in the whole country but instead have to be a very astute & coldblooded investor in selective companies.


    Even if I show you proven methods to grow money from $10k to $100k, you also won't be able to earn a single cent. You're just that type of people.


  38. WSG.

    My 100 to 200K not what's nonsense profits from stocks.

    Hard work businesses.

    100 to 200K and even as Peacocks bullshiters claimed can made from stocks can be KAPUT in a just one time.

    Fine example the Flux into drains Hiflux.Some more not even stocks.

    Deemed "FD" Bonds Investments.

    Better to have your monies in the Banks or biscuit tins than just an extra 1 to 2 percent interests and what's dividends.

    For a few thousands get a few hundreds
    When the Companies collapsed there goes your few thousands or even hundred thousands.

    Putting monies into the hands of these charlatan Mad Dogs or what's nonsense CEOs.

    Living the high lives upon shareholders monies with chauffer driven limousines.

    Stay in bungalows with rental thousands of dollars every month. Draw enormous salaries and bonuses and dividends if companies not doing well.

    What's auditing with their Auditors been paid millions to certify that in our fair knowledge everything OK?

    Ok my foot until exposed by Courts to be false accounting.

    That's why I don't believe in Stocks and shares.

    Seen my kakis with withdrawals CPFs few hundred thousands been wrottle into few hundreds. Some at the old age still have to seek survival employments.


  39. Companies fundmentals sound but their shares like dancing cha cha.

    One foot up and two feet down.

    Dotard Trump and Sorros or Sorrows and those charltans manipulating the markets.

    One day bad news shares dropped buy.nex day announced good news Shares up SELL.

    Making fools of retail MN investors.Pui

  40. Now on the way to City Above The Clouds and even no positings on Mr RB today's article.

    But you tickled my asrse so got to reply to you.

    Reaching Soon.Huat Ah

    Five days worries free.

    Sinkies better prepare for bad times soon.

    DT and Xi are not concluding their Trade War soon.
