
Hong Kong’s days are numbered

The current insanity in Hong Kong’s youth taken to the street to challenge the authority has reached a point of no return. It is only days to a declaration of a state of emergency in Hong Kong and the island be locked down. Blood may spill on the streets if this is so desired by the Hongkongers. Hong Kong is dispensable and so are Hongkongers. They are just a tiny blip in the big scheme of things in China.

In 1983, Margaret Thatcher visited China to talk to Deng Xiaoping about the return of Hong Kong after the 150 year lease expired. Actually she was there to talk about not returning Hong Kong to China and wanted to continue to occupy and rule Hong Kong under the British Empire. She threatened Deng about disorder and demonstration on the streets of Hong Kong if China insisted on taking over Hong Kong. She even threatened to use force.

Deng Xiaoping told her national sovereignty was not negotiable and China would take the disorder in her stride. If Hong Kong would be ruined, so be it. Deng gave Thatcher an ultimatum, two years of talks and if both sides could not reach an agreement, China would take unilateral decision to take over Hong Kong. Deng also threatened to take Hong Kong before 1997, saying China could take Hong Kong the same day if China wanted to.

The Hongkongers today have forgotten this message of Deng Xiaoping, that Hong Kong is an integral part of China, not a British colony, and would not be separated. The current public demonstration and defiance of law and order would be put down, by force if necessary. This is rioting and lawlessness. The Hongkongers must not have the idea that China would allow them to run wild and destabilize the country.

Xi Jinping would have to decide to act very soon. The G20 is over, the nonsense must stop before it gets out of hand. If blood has to be shed, it would be done. Hong Kong could be shut down from the rest of the world for weeks, for months, and the rest of China would go on as normal. China can afford to let Hong Kong die and rebuild Hong Kong from the ashes, minus the pro British and anti China elements. They can be locked up for good or allowed to migrate to Britain or anywhere of their own choosing.

The unthinking youths of Hong Kong would have to pay the price for their follies.


  1. AnonymousJuly 02, 2019 6:09 pm
    @Frog Outside Glass July 02, 2019 5:38 pm
    //Under pressures from US companies and EU leaders, Trump has lifted the ban on Huawei.//

    The HK opposition said the HK student protesters walked right into a trap

    The story line is quite predictable after this?

    (Likely) Act 1:

    The HK public opinion ("made" to) swing against the protesters?

    (Likely) Act 2:

    With the trade truce and the window period gained, they will likely turn against the protesters.

    (Likely) Act 3:

    Sooner of later, the Act will likely be passed into law?


    Just watch what happen in the coming days, weeks and months?

  2. HK protesters are traitors to Chinese.

    They ignored that the British robbed Hong Kong from a weak China after the Opium Wars.

  3. It is no secret that the West is the hidden hand behind this so called protest in Hong Kong.

    Those Hong Kongers on the streets and those vandalizing the Legco building are being made use of and yet they still feel a sense of accomplishment. Idiots!

    Now that they have done the unspeakable, retribution will come.

    The next time there is violence, the Hong Kong Police will step aside and let the PLA garrison take over. Then we'll witness a bloodbath that these anarchist brought upon themselves. I can't wait to see this happening.

    China should just take over the running of Hong Kong minus the one country two system model. It is China's sovereign right.

    Jeremy Hunt can go f%$k himself.

  4. US Speaker Senator Nancy Pelosi says: "For weeks, the people of Hong Kong have inspired the world as they stand up in protest against the reprehensible extradition bill. Neither the G-20 nor the world should ignore their courage as we mark 22 years since the start of China's so-called "One Country, Two Systems."

    If people violently storm Capitol Hill and smash things inside, would she praise them for "inspiring the world" ??

  5. //..
    Xi Jinping would have to decide to act very soon. The G20 is over, the nonsense must stop before it gets out of hand. If blood has to be shed, it would be done. Hong Kong could be shut down from the rest of the world for weeks, for months, and the rest of China would go on as normal. //

    There is no need for blood to be shed juz like the 80s Tiananmen square. All that Xi to do is to capture some of the Heads or Leaders of the HK protesters & maybe shut down/ban or monitor those social media websites or activists. The brainwashing of HK youngsters need to be addressed thru education programs, those can't be re educated may be ask some some kind of an exodus overseas or be put in a camp like the show on "Rise of the planet Apes". Gradually, the issues will get under control like that of Xinjiang or Tibet, sure that China CCP can do better than jus shedding blood ( the West shall used this as an evidence towards inhumane acts just like the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingyas in Myanmar, China's 5000+ yrs of history has all the wisdom & intelligent to do better than by force thru shedding blood).

    1. No need lah bro.

      Hong Kong will be deeply affected by the Great Recession if the Trade War between UssA and China persisted.

      Just let them be. Shut off trade like what they do to Taiwan.

      HK just like Sinkieland are also mainly middle men obsolete businesses. Die, MOT.

      No one needs these type of services anymore.

      Let the Hongkies have their pains.Slow own death

      Shanghai will overtake China as the main financial or business centre.


    2. No need to do anything & the problem get solve? Wow, that is Sunzi Art of War, winning opponents without hv a battle is best strategy.
      Let tat small island rot better while China go forward full steam ahead.

  6. US Speaker Senator Nancy Pelosi says: "For weeks, the people of Hong Kong have inspired the world as they stand up in protest against the reprehensible extradition bill. Neither the G-20 nor the world should ignore their courage as we mark 22 years since the start of China's so-called "One Country, Two Systems."

    Nancy Pelosi is too desperate. She knows her party will not be able to challenge Trump in the next Presidential Election in 2020. Therefore, she is clinging at any straw or straw-man to exploit public opinions and swing it to her party's advantage.

    In this case, her action has done her party a regretable and irreconcilable damage.

    China and Russia will help Trump to get re-elected because US politics is basically money-politics that turns direct corruption into legalized lobbying and fund-raising from rich corporations and businessmen. China will use money and Russia will use cyber-infiltration to steer the US electorate in favour of Trump, less of the two evils.

    Just watch.

    1. Right you are.

      The Democrats are worse war mongers and instigators than that Dotard Trump.

      DT is just a pompous and crazy man but he is as what's Matilah said a more business like and peaceful man.

      Only instigated by his running skunks war hawks.


  7. Will this happens in SG?

    Hope not!

    Feel sorry for HK.

    1. This wudn't happen in Sinkieland lah.
      The kiasu kiasi kiachenghu & kiaBor nature of Sinkies r like that mah that's why got 69.9 dafts Sinkies r with their Pay masters mah. The coming Ge will be more or less the same like.
      But with the demographics changes & year by year Foreigners citizens replacing true blue Sinkies, things will be a bit different next time as Lau Goa speculated a 20 to 30% oppo in about 10 to 20 yrs time or may be higher, by that time the papies regime might be a challenge.

  8. Chinese
    wherever they are should feel happy and proud that historically, China has attain prosperity led and is currently lead by a most Enlighten Stateman in Comrade Xi Jinping.
    Since Comrade Mao Zedong united the PRC,
    the Hardworking Chinese has being UNITED AND STRIVING.

    The Other Nations can do as well through peace and co-operation to make the World a BETTER PLACE.


  9. Comrade Heng gunning for 10-million population in Singapore - old wine in new bottle . . .

  10. @All,

    Don't worry --- HK will do better than SG in the long run. HK today is already very very different from HK of 1997 ... much more of a Cheena city, but with focus on international finance.

    Hongkies are not stupid. They still want just enough autonomy & separation of govt / judicial powers so that they can continue earning $$$$$$ and be easily accepted & plugged into international frameworks and contracts. That's why most ordinary Hongkies & business leaders supported the initial demonstrations to prevent the passing of the pro-Cheena laws.

    Hongkies are not interested in demonstrations for the sake of demonstrations, especially if there's rioting & violence --- bad for business!! That's why many ordinary Hongkies & business leaders are against the latest actions by protestors, when the pro-Cheena laws have already been put on hold. Those protestors will also quickly recognise this.

    Becoming too much like any other Cheena city TODAY will be bad business for HK. Everybody knows it --- ordinary citizens, Li Ka Shing, businessmen, politicians, judges, lawyers, police, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang etc etc. All know it.

    For the pro-Cheenas, it is about more control. They don't care about HK economy or business. This is why they failed this round. They are too impatient & self-centred ... focusing only on what they want & not how this will really benefit the ordinary people making a living.

    So is a question of timing & peoples' benefits. Xi & the rest of top Cheena govt now recognise this. They will use wiser & more nuanced tactics in the future.

    1. Honkies took this opportunity trying to go independent.

      Been too long under the Brits and the yuppies are mostly brainwashed bananas.

      Think ���� China after 100 years of lease to the Brits will let them do so.

      Hong Kong under these bananas will be Pro West and a threat to Mainland China.

      Liewise the young Taiwanese. Thinking that China is a Dictatorial Nation and feared for their what's nonsense freedom.

      Taiwanese and Honkies had more chaos than the PRC.

      Think they survived on their own. Idiots with China as Mountains behind will not have to be bullied by Japan and the Whites.

      Now follow PAP stooges style. NOT happy then migrate lah.

      See which Whites welcome you. With their White Supremacists on the loose.

  11. Canadian PM Trudeau said he had spoken to China's Xi Jinping about the detained Canadians - ex-diplomat Michael Kovrig and consultant Michael Spavor - during brief, informal exchanges on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan last week.

    Mr. Xi said to Trudeau in Mandarin: "Wat? No understand. My interpreter not around."

  12. HTTPS://www.facebook.com/100005337073180/posts/10777790853408807?s=644821798&sfns=mo

    Stupid HK girl trying to throw drainage blocker corrosive liquid at the police.
    She slipped and spilled it all over herself.

    Her compatriots running away.The police instead helped her.

  13. @ RB

    >> "Hong Kong’s days are numbered" <<

    Yup. The one's with money have already started transferring assets out of the territory, and many more are making plans to emigrate.

    Once the PLA is activated, it's all over. Martial Law. Parliament shut down, Legislative Council kicked out and stripped of their roles, Constitution suspended, parliament building barricaded, 24/7 armed guards posted. Police are relieved of their roles, weapons surrendered, authority suspended. It's all PLA now.

    The End

  14. Instead of allowing HK to continue as it was, the Chinese Government can convert it into a military outpost instead.

  15. The Presences and behaviourstt of a group of Europeans in the Hongkong Legislative Building whence it was opened to the Presses, seems to indicate that the Angmos are involved and playing a big part in the Demonstration. There were many Europeans aka Whites in the Demonstration and also the Use of the Union Jack Flag.
    lt is said that Britain has been training some at London for years to do demonstration specifically.
    I surmise the Once Empire Nation is bend on destabilizing others to keep itself afloat.
    The Hongkies as a whole got to be responsible for their behaviours.
    The Elderly Hongkies have raised a younger generation running wild. These youngsters are westernised by the Upbringings of their Forebears who are to some extend westernised, read not as modernised, themselves. 重洋/Angmo worship is common to many, including most Sinkies.
    lt is especially lamentable about the Chinese Tribe which is the Largest and Earliest in Civilization. lt has resulted in lots of bananas. The Youngish Hongkies are typical of bananas. They are easy preys for angmos to instigate to create crack and trouble to upset the Unity of the Tribe.
    Anyway anyone looking at the PRC today shall see its Peace, Progress and Stability. The PRC is now extending and sharing their progress with the World at large. Many are able to have power supply via cheap solar panel and advanced electronic gadgets to keep up with all livelihoods.
    Anyone refusing to see and acknowledge the Contributions of the PRC, is simply foolhardy PRC Hater.
    Hongkies must know that they are PRCs and their fate are in Good Hands now.
    Do know the Blessings.

  16. Hong Kong’s days are numbered. Sinkies to follow.


  17. REPOST as earlier typed manually at Dental Clinic:-

    Afraid might be wrong as unavble to open URL


    Stupid Hong Kong girl trying to throw drainage blocker corrosive liquid at the police. She slipped and spilled it all over herself. In the end it was the police, the people she's attacking, helping her. Where are her compatriots?

    You can hear her screaming in pain. Nobody is going to feel sorry for her. She deserves it.


  18. They have opened an opportunity for the CCP to terminate the 2 Systems doctrine. As HK is no longer serves as a gateway to western resources, they might as well liberlise the city to lower down the land prices and eventually the cost of living for the islanders! See how did they liberalise Peking in 1948 without causing much physical damages to the historical and treasured properties!

  19. Hello Anon 3.16

    This is Malam Kam or Rende??

    Don't post a dialect or Language even our Great LKY cannot even able to learn or understand.

    The Greatest Top Secret Code on earth even the KGB and CIA cannot discipler.

    No nwed follow HK code language in revolt and mponcajes messages to rebel.

    This will be used they are ready to conquer the Universe.

  20. Hi, I would like the author of the Tamil language, I presume, or Indian language to explain what it means. Without knowing its meaning, it could be something vulgar.

    If there is no explanation in the next 24 hours I would delete it. I would not risk something vulgar being posted here.


  21. Mr RB. This guy must be the Infrastructure Engineer who molested six little girls at Hougang Swimming Complex. Just 20 weeks and NO CANING?

    Matland would be paddled hit buttocks till cried Fathers and Mothers.

    Wow, professional bastards that Sinkieland loved them to be here.

    Frankly, those manual Indian Laborers who are been exploited and scorned by their own kind what's nonsense high class Nehs are more congenial and harmless than these beasts.

    Posted some strange language that no one can rebuts to his nonsense.

    What's the use when the other party cannot even understand what you uttered?

  22. Chua Chin Leng aka redbeanJuly 03, 2019 9:56 pm
    ///Hi, I would like the author of the Tamil language, I presume, or Indian language to explain what it means. Without knowing its meaning, it could be something vulgar.

    If there is no explanation in the next 24 hours I would delete it. I would not risk something vulgar being posted here.///


    Now already way passed 24 hours.

    Are you a hypocrite?
