
American songs of delusion

The trade war between China and the US is one sided. The Americans are calling all the shots and winning. The Americans are telling the world and themselves that China’s economy is suffering but the American economy is doing just as well, very well in fact, not affected by the trade war at all. If you believe in the American rhetoric, Chinese economy is going to crumble and China would go down on its knees to beg for mercy.

Is this the truth? Look at the numbers. Yes the Americans are putting more tariffs on Chinese exports to the US. So China must be selling less to the Americans and worse, China is paying for the tariff hike imposed by Trump. However, the statistics said otherwise. China US trade balance in favour of China has increased in the last 6 months, ie China is selling a lot more to the US or at least in value terms. Should this be negative or positive to the Chinese economy?

Next, American companies are not allowed to sell the Huawei, their biggest customers and losing billions in revenue. Is this positive or negative to China’s economy or to the American economy? Not selling to Huawei means no revenue for the Americans.

And China has stopped buying the soya beans, meat, poultry, sea food, wines and many other things from their American suppliers. So, is this good or bad for the American economy? Produces not selling, rotting away in the warehouses.

Just on these 3 points alone, whose economy is suffering more? Whose economy is more affected by the trade war? Yes, the Chinese economy has shrunk by 0.3%, from 6.5% to 6.2%. The American economy not affected at all, but getting better!

Really? What happened to the farmers, the food producers, the electronic component manufacturers? What happened to the billions of revenue that are not coming in? Why are the farmers and electronic/computer companies petitioning the US govt to lift the ban, lift the tariff, if the American economy is doing so well?
Don’t trust the Chinese trade figures, trust the American trade figures and rhetoric. The Americans are winning the trade war!

What you should trust is what is real. What is real is that if the American economy is so good, why are they going to cut interest rate towards zero? Does this ring a bell that something bad is happening to the American economy? When the American economy is doing so well, should not they be raising interest rate? What kind of economy would live precariously on the edge of zero interest rate? Healthy or sick economy in the intensive care unit?

What do you think?


  1. What is real is that if the American economy is so good, why are they going to cut interest rate towards zero?

    Please lah, the Americans ever cut interest rate to zero before what, and even stayed at almost zero for a long time.

    And during that time the American economy was also very good u know, despite the rates at almost zero.

  2. The whole US and World narative is being churned out by Desperado Trump and his lackeys. The professional liar's lies continue unabated unabashed insanely unashamedly ridiculous.

    The Art Of The Deal is basically based upon falsehoods, deceits, intimidation, frauds and lies. The man himself has proven his own scams again and again.

  3. What kind of economy would live precariously on the edge of zero interest rate?

    Economy which depend on property and stock speculation lah.

    When interest rates are zero, property will be very hot, correct or not? Because a lot of Sinkies will be buying property due to the low interest rate for loans mah.

    When interest rates go down, stock prices go up, correct or not?

    So this is what the Sinkie economy was when the interest rate is low, isn'it?

  4. The Art Of The Deal is basically based upon falsehoods, deceits, intimidation, frauds and lies. The man himself has proven his own scams again and again.
    Frog Outside Glass 9:06 am

    But even if it is falsehoods, deceits, intimidation, frauds and lies, Trump is still the US President and the world will still want to deal with the US mah.

    People will still want to migrate to US, study in US universities or use US products like Microsoft and Google mah.

    Even if PAP screwed Sinkies, PAP will still win mah, and a lot of foreigners will still come to Sinkieland to work and live mah and contributing to GDP mah, even though much harder for GDP to grow now.

  5. ...a lot of foreigners will still come to Sinkieland to work and live mah and contributing to GDP mah, even though much harder for GDP to grow now.
    9:20 am

    Because if there is no or not enough foreigners coming, GDP will be negative and negative growing, which is even worse. And PAP and their elites will also suffer, not just Sinkies.

    But if there is some GDP growth, even if it is only 1%, PAP and their eliites can continue to enjoy high salaries and good life although some Sinkies may suffer a lot, but luckily for PAP, these Sinkies are a minority.

  6. Why are the farmers and electronic/computer companies petitioning the US govt to lift the ban, lift the tariff, if the American economy is doing so well?

    So that the farmers and electronic/computer companies can do better mah, and the American economy can also do better mah, even though it is doing well now.

    Who don't want to do better, u tell me lah.

    Even a billionaire will also want to become richer, u know. Never be satisfied even if things are good. And that's the attitude if you want to become billionaire or succeed in business.

  7. Uass should impose a foreign staff levy to level the playing field. Anyone employing foreigners must pay heavy levy so corporations will hire and train locals to be ceo or md or in top jobs. This is a win win for gov and locals. This will stop migrants flow if they know they cannot find employment.

  8. USA shld follow Singapore and hire more foreigners to replace the locals in order to progress, especially in top positions. The locals are daft and no longer useful to the country. Foreigners are the best, even with fake papers and qualifications.

  9. Thought that the American Media and BBC and Sky News are predicting that the Americans economy is going into a RECESSION soon?

  10. USA shld follow Singapore and hire more foreigners to replace the locals in order to progress, especially in top positions.
    10:40 am

    USA will not follow lah because USA is great, big and rich in technology and resources mah.

    Singapore hire foreigners because PAP got no better choice in order to grow the GDP and grow it fast.

    If PAP depend only on numbers not enough and low fertility Sinkies, where got hope?

    And if need be, PAP will also sacrifice Sinkies without hesitation because majority Sinkies will still vote for PAP.

    In USA, Trump campaigned "Americans First" and Trump won the election.

    In Sinkieland, Tan Jee Say campaigned "Singaporeans First" and got only 22% votes! LOL

    So like that how can USA learn from Sinkies, u tell me lah? Learn to be a loser? LOL
