
Let’s talk massacres Part III

The following is a list of massacres that had occurred in Vietnam: (Wikipedia – These are the reported cases only, some by French, some by South Koreans and the rest by the Americans.)

Sài Gòn massacre (Cité Héraud massacre) September 24–26, 1945 Đa Kao of Sài Gòn Province, Vietnam 300–400 Việt Minh

Hàng Bún Street Massacre December 17, 1946 Hàng Bún Street, Hanoi, Vietnam At least over 20 French Armed Forces

Mỹ Trạch massacre November 29, 1947 Mỹ Trạch village, Mỹ Thủy commune, Lệ Thủy District, Quảng Bình Province 300, more than French Armed Forces

Châu Đốc massacre July 11, 1957 Châu Đốc in An Giang Province, South Vietnam 17 Anti-government insurgents

Bình An/Tây Vinh massacre (disputed) February 12, 1966 – March 17, 1966 Tây Sơn District of Bình Định Province, South Vietnam 1,004 Republic of Korea Armed Forces

Binh Tai massacre (disputed) October 9, 1966 Binh Tai village, Phước Bình, Sông Bé Province, South Vietnam 168 Republic of Korea Armed Forces

Bình Hòa massacre (disputed) December 3, 1966 to December 6, 1966 Bình Hòa village, Quảng Ngãi Province, South Vietnam 430 Republic of Korea Armed Forces

Thuy Bo incident (disputed) January 31, 1967 to February 1st, 1967 Thuy Bo, Điện Bàn District, Quảng Nam Province, South Vietnam 145 United States Marine Corps

Đắk Sơn massacre December 5, 1967 Đắk Sơn, Đắk Lắk Province, South Vietnam 114–252 Viet Cong

Massacre at Huế January 31, 1968 to February 28, 1968 Huế 2,800–6,000 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army

Phong Nhị and Phong Nhất massacre February 12, 1968 Phong Nhị and Phong Nhất hamlets, Điện Bàn District of Quảng Nam Province, South Vietnam 69–79 Republic of Korea Armed Forces

Hà My massacre (disputed) February 25, 1968 Hà Mỹ village, Quảng Nam Province, South Vietnam 135 Republic of Korea Armed Forces

My Lai Massacre March 16, 1968 Mỹ Lai and My Khê hamlets, Sơn Mỹ, Quảng Ngãi, South Vietnam 504 U.S. Army

Thanh Phong massacre February 25, 1969 Thanh Phong village of Bến Tre Province, South Vietnam 21 U.S. Navy

Son Thang massacre February 19, 1970 Son Thang, South Vietnam 16 U.S. Marine Corps

Duc Duc massacre March 29, 1971 Duc Duc Village, Quảng Nam Province, South Vietnam 250 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army

Ba Chúc massacre April 18, 1978 Ba Chúc, Tri Tôn, An Giang province, South Vietnam 3,157 Khmer Rouge Forces

Surprise, surprise…The white American angels also committed massacres in Vietnam you know.


  1. GOD forbids anyone to kill in all religions. Thou shall not kill. When human beings kill one another, they shall be meet with the Rage & Acts of Gods. No humans in tis world hv all the rights to take away the lives of another beings.
    Be it US, China, Vietnam or Russians, once they committed the killings crimes sins shall all be dealt with by the Acts of the Gods.

  2. No killer is afraid of gods.
    by the theory of the faithful, the killer is also the creation of gods who created the victim of the killer.

    Sounds funny.

  3. @anon 9.34am

    //No killer is afraid of gods.//

    Who say u?

    Sinkieland Sinkies r the exceptional species as most r KiaSu KiaSi KiaChengHu KiaBor mentality or even NIMBY syndrome or no u turn symptom.
    They cud "kill" their own kind by letting in many foreigners imports, gradually the true blue ones will be gone forever, as silent as a sheep, the smart & rich ones already migrated or had standby plan elsewhere.

    1. You have just shown that the Evil is not god fearing.

  4. American beast Brendt Christensen charged with raping and beheading beautiful Chinese scholar Zhang Yingying

    Prosecutors tell jurors Zhang fought for her life as accused hit her with baseball bat, raped her and stabbed her in the neck before cutting off her head

  5. There is so much blood on the American hands. And not only them, the British as well in India and not forgetting the massacre of the Aborigines in Australia and the stealing of the continent as well by the Brits.

  6. Uncle Virgo69,

    Below a poetic view/ opinion of (some) "living organisms" (aka "animal beans" in this world) in Chinese and English:

    The pain
    The suffering
    Should be without尽头,
    Even then, it cannot atone
    And fully redeem the
    The excesses.
    Just (pry) open its mouth,
    And empty the entire baygon into it.

    What do you think? (Feel free to give/ write your (poetic) version/ view/ opinion).


  7. Anyone who used the name of God to frighten the murderrs, killers, rapists, robbers, thieves and other henious criminal's, are weak, lame, pathetic, desperate and losers. Because God said "Don't use My Name in vain!"

    God also said: "God helps only those who help themselves!"

    And now, look at the White Supremacists, disguised as Americans, Australians, British, Canadians, Europeans, Irish, Israelis, New Zealanders, Scottish and Welsh. These are the criminals Apr descendants of criminals who have committed all those heinous crimes. Yet they are still enjoying life the best they can, better than you and I. Has any God punished them? Have they bother to stop committing those crimes? No! No! No! The build more armies, navies, air forces, marines, seal teams, and now space force. The make more weapons of mass destruction, more nuclear aircraft carriers, more submarines, more killer drones, and even deploy nuclear missiles on satelites in space. They continue to wage wars and invasions with impunity. They just don't care two hoots about your fever, vain threats of "God will punish then!"

    So how?

    You have to help yourselves. So fight back to stop or at least make it very costly for those criminals to inflict deaths and sufferings to others. For every one person they murdered, you make sure they cannot get away with it. You hit back ever harder - the end justify the means. Ida whatever means - law or no law. This is the only language those criminals understand. If you are a non-violent type, use non-violent means. Most importantly, make use of your brains. God have you brains so that you can think of solutions to your problems, so that you don't keep bothering Him. He has gazillion galaxies, universes, and living beings to take care of.......

    Think. Plan. Act. Focus.

  8. @anon 11.59am

    Probably the Evils have not seen Gods yet, only when they up the lorry lah.

  9. @anon 2.26pm

    What goes around comes around.
    Even if no Gods or disbelievers, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect (or Karma) still applies ( Newtons already found the law of action n reactions, even Einstein didn't deny ). Those that did bad things shall bear their own consequences.

  10. //..Has any God punished them? Have they bother to stop committing those crimes? No! No! No! The build more armies, navies, air forces, marines, seal teams, and ..//
    The rage of Heavens already come into them in the form of natural disasters ( eg. Hurricanes or Tornadoes, plane suddenly malfunction...) , when these "killers" continued to do bad things, more bad things will come into them in the future.


  11. Below by Nathan Rich's Youtube commentary video of the Debate between Tricia of Fox and Liu Xin of CGTN:-


    Should get our Ah Lian aka Barbarella aka Michelle Chong to debate that cunning Fox Tricia instead of Liu Xin which is too soft spoken and polite.

    Our Lian will start by yelling: Siow ah!,limbo kia lee knon, you bitch mei kwa chee"

    LimBO boh piang chance. You ready to quarrel???

    Who said PRC Chinese are smelly. dirty and obnoxious?? And hated by the HongKies??

    Matilah is it??

  12. Uncle Virgin69,

    Heard about "COWARDS "?

    When troubles come, just "push the soldiers in front of the battlefield to shield them from the bullets"?


    Got CREDIT first ONE cheong in front to claim.

    The soldiers (rank and file) did all the work but some SCUMS cheong in front take (ALL THE) credit.

    Problems come "just push all the soldiers in front of them to kena the bullets"?

    Not just COWARDS?

    They are SCUMS?

    WORST than 人渣?

    Or even PARASITES?

  13. Ask that Tricia to debate with Liu Xin in Mandarin and see what happens.

  14. Chua Chin Leng aka redbeanJune 13, 2019 3:55 pm
    //Ask that Tricia to debate with Liu Xin in Mandarin and see what happens.//

    A lot of people including MANY "bananas" will NOT understand!


  15. Many JLBs' written Chinese and spoken Mandarin maciam the twee bah in the wet mkt?

    Jit Tay Jit Teh

    One piece one piece

    Some worst?

    Not even Jit Tay Jit Teh (One piece one piece)?

    Maciam minced meat?

    Ever heard the spoken "Mandarin" of the lanky "TALL ORDER" wooden block?

    Think this ANG MOH DOTARD POTUS 5-yo grand daughter can speak Mandarin better (than ChaTao)?

  16. @ Patriatarch
    Anonymous June 09, 2019 12:04 am
    ///lt is fair for Authority to take money due to it for purchase made by the People, be it good and or service.
    ln the Case of Medishield Life which is implemented by the Power of the Day as a compulsory scheme, citizens are forced to submit. Many are not clear and certain how the Scheme work. Or how it even benefits the Insured.
    ln a normal situation, one will not buy if one is not affordable for a non tangible item.

    ln Sin,
    there were cases of suicides due to sickness and other problems due to lack of fund to serk treatment and not wanting to burden others.

    There was a Facebook Post that narrated a sole breadwinner with spouse abd kids been told that his Medisave was only for him a night or two in the Hospital and this happenned after Medishield Life was in effect for years. Why Medishield Life not covering his shortfall in his Medisave. What are the Technicality involving its purpose and use ?
    There was no information made available.

    lf there is a downturn in the Job Market, more shall be unable to pay for the Medishield Life, how to live under that circumstances for those with no money in the pocket, not to mention in bank ?///

    @ Patriatarch
    Anonymous June 08, 2019 8:50 am
    ///The Day Of Reckoning should have arrived in 2011.
    the Daft Sinkies stayed in their slumber in 2015, thus sealing their own fate.
    the Dafts shall go blaming each other while the Perpetrators enjoy the Spoil of their Ploy.
    They shall be in Paradises elsewhere while the Streets shall be awash with blood.
    Daft Sinkies play into the hands of the Deceitful Sinkies most willingly. Hence, they deserve what is befalling them.
    lt is retribution, which the Daft Sinkies have been staring at knowingly all the Time.///


    Your above 2 posts very cheem leh

    Can explain in simple lay man term?

    In Ingrish or Jiang Zua Zzz, can. Np.


    Ps: How is your beer drinking / lakopi session at the tampon-ese coffee shop with your IMH escapee idol?

  17. You meant tenpenis kopitiam?

  18. Lanky = "Wooden"?

    How about shortie?

    "Short order" or "Low order "?

    What do you think?

    In hokkien call what?

    Aye Kia?

    Cantonese said "Ai Chai Tor Kai "?

    Translated it literally means "Shorties many evil plots (up their sleeves ")?

    If short and ugly and plumb and (a lot of) gray hairs and kiam PAH bin (and very "evil inside")?

    How ah?

  19. Since the 15th century, the Urinpins killed many natives and occupied their land?

    No karma?

    Then during a big war alone more than 35 million Huns (蛮夷戎狄) died fighting the advancing bliekrig?

    Then the other side tens of millions perished, not mentioning subsequently the HUNS took revenge by raping countless of the bliekrig women?

    The Viking side also countless perished?

    Not mentioning the entire continent Kena bombed and their homeland turned into rubble and stone age?

    According to ancient China historical records, The offspring (and clan) of the Qin dynasty and their eunuchs and henchmen and imperial court officials whole clan kena executed and persecuted after the dynasty collapsed?

    Even the ex (Qin Dynasty) Premier (Li Si 李斯) tried to retire to the countryside also a bit too late? Before he could flee, he was framed by the eunuch Zhao Gao (赵高) and before he could set foot in his journey to countryside, his whole family was intercepted and taken prisoner and subsequently whole clan kena exterminated?

    Premier Li Si (李斯) and his eldest beloved son were executed in the Qin Dynasty market open area via the most cruel punishment (腰暂 which literally means slicing the body into half) which ironically was formulated by Premier Li Si himself during his reign as Premier under the first and second Qin Emperor and enacted into law?

    In a separate matter, in modern time, for many in the southern ocean during the Japenis era, many women folks also kena raped?

    Many (boys and gals) born between 1942 to 1946 could have Japenis sperm inside?

    Then they grew up and married and their offspring also possibly carry Japenis sperm?

    Same same many Urinpins?

    Their parents or grandparents kena raped by the advancing HUNS in 1945?

    Then many born in 1946 to 1947 to 1950 have HUNS sperm inside them and subsequently inside their children and grandchildren?

    No wonder many Urinpins have HUNS look etc?

    How come many in the midst got bow legs?

    Did they do DNA test to chk got Japenis sperm or not?

    Back to the Qin Dynasty, many of his clans and subordinates didn't run/ flee fast enough before its collapse in bc206 and thus many kena hauled up or arrested, charged and imprisoned or executed?

    Throughout ancient history, this was repeated many times in subsequent dynasties?

    History repeats itself, so they say?

  20. Heard some conversation recently in the HDB heartland between some shopkeepers and their customers: (some words spoken are mostly not in Ingrish and content thus "edited slightly" but meaning about there to make it into like some kind of a mini-soap opera and neither meant to be any news or fake news. Just kind of a story or "residential small talk, conversation "...)

    Shopkeeper (1): Abang, this tinkie how? Suma "uncle" (angkak)?

    Customer (1): Tak mao.

    Shopkeeper (1): Aiyo, why this year like that huh?

    Customer (1): Last time in 2000s still not too bad, can even afford eat extra prata and Mutarbak. ..

    Shopkeeper (1): Ya I heard. Then in early to mid 2010s, many Abang eat so many fried chicken. Still quite ok ...

    Customer (1): Dunno lah ... What is happening.... Some frens said nowadays they even find Nasi Lemak a bit expensive and not that affordable. Where got extra $$$ eat prata or fried chicken. Those were the good old days...

    Shopkeeper (1): Aiyo... Like that Jiat Lat ... No wonder this year very less customers.

    Customer (1): True. This year more quiet. Suma pocket tidak kaching lah ... Ha ha ha ... But bro... 4D outlets very long queue ...

    Shopkeeper (2): Halo... Why u keep talking there... Come help carry this box lah...

    Shopkeeper (2): OK OK... (turning to customer (1)) sori sori ... Old woman grumbling already... Talk to u next time.. So today how, dun wan buy anything?

    Customer (2): We see see first... Thank you.

    Customer (1) (turning to Customer (2)): OK lah... Anything to buy?

    Customer (2) (shaking her head) : Tidak.

    Uncle Virgo49,

    Your side there how?

    Very vibrant or also quite quiet?

    That day passed by your area shop houses many F&B outlets evening peak hours quite quiet leh

    The small open space car park so many empty lots...

    You got see or not?

    (or your eyes also pasted stamps)

    Mean while from "past experience sensing", there seemed to be "....... ......" (behind the scene)?

    Uncle Virgo49,

    These are some personal observations and opinions/ views, what are yours?

    Lately, have you seen anything interesting on the ground?

    Btw, nowadays you no more walking your doggies to peepooh peepooh (in the morning)?

    (Sometimes have breakfast noodles and kopi there around 8am+ at the corner outlet near main road/ overhead bridge/ traffic crossing. So far "no luck" leh, haven't bumped into you and your doggies.)

  21. Almost
    all prata stalls in Sg act like cartel and are not selling only one piece.
    Minimun order is two pieces at Sgd$2. Most refuse to sell a piece for a dollar.
    At Johor Bahru Town,
    it is 1 Ringgit per piece and usually larger in size.
    For 2 pieces, it cost Sgd$ 0.60 cents in Jb Town and maybe cheaper into the North of Malaysia.
    lmagine 2 pieces of pratas in Sg cost 6 over Ringgits.

    1 Ruler proclaimed no dead poor in Sg.
    there shall be Sinkies starve to death.

  22. Virgo49 June 14, 2019 11:13 am
    ///See Everton Coffee shop 2 pm all food already sold out.///

    Your side probably a market aberration?

    Like all aberration it won't last?

    Sinkieland many bortakchay desperate for biz?

    In (micro) Economics (under the topic Market Structure) , coffee shop and hawker/ street food business belongs to "Monopolistic Market Structure".

    Many (slightly differentiated) sellers, many buyers.

    This is time tested theory over space meaning sama sama even in other countries.

    You go Chong Pang and neighbouring areas?

    Enough (street) food (unsold at even 5pm) to feed all the poor in Matland & East Tumour below extreme poverty?

    No worries no food left at your side at 2pm.

    Economic theory will prove it wrong very soon cos new entrants will go there recce see true or not and if true will enter the market and compete away all the supernormal profits until become subnormal profit.

    If u not lazy go Chinatown or New Park hawker centre, just the soy sauce chicken so many hanging behind the stall glass panel UNSOLD. To be frank many probably unsold from previous day?

    Across your side is the Tg Pgr fed car and plaza.

    The coffee shop at TP plaza yesterday passed by at 3pm the stall holders all waiting for customers and the food piling up to the brim.

    Your side 2pm sold out?

    Your eyes pasted stamps or day dreaming?

    Bluff the lao ah pek in MSN?


  23. This Virgo49 lao ah pek no expurt in economics lah?

    He kena gong gong sien tao by BOTAKNOMICS liao think outside business doing ROARING biz lah

    That's why he (Bodo) still hold on to the myth botak number 1 choice?

    Virgo only know every Mth pole off peak he peak go gents ... Oops... Genting lah?

    Poo the bird bird ... oops ... Pull the jack pop tiger machine lah

    And his favorite soviet Union USSR roulette?

  24. This Virgo449 bortakchay eCONomics?

    He only tak BOTAKNOMICS? (gong gong listen to botak very very long 5 hours lecture per lesson?)

    NO wonder his eCONomics CANNOT make it?

    (Aka CMI)?

    chio Si Long?

    At least he expurt mathematics?

    Virgo ezpurt what?

  25. Aiya this Virgo44449 economics sama sama same std DOTARD lah?

    Kishore already said at suntec city speech that one renowned Harvard Professor Lawrence said this DOTARD if go into university sit for first year economics 1101F will fail his exam straight away lah.

    U think virgo4449 go nus take the ec1101e (intro to economics) exam can pass?

    Like that how to proceed to the ec2101 micro1?

    And ec2102 macro1?

    Much less the 4000 mod ec4101 (micro3) and ec4102 (macro3)?

    Confirm fail or not qualify bc do NOT have prerequisite NEVER pass ec1101e to even (qualify) to take ec2101 and ec2102, much less ec4101 and ec4102?

    But better standby metal helmet?

    Later he curse and swear like that very jiat lat?

  26. Virgo49, 2.32pm
    //Compared to the HongKongers who are even not an independent Nation and are so politically active//

    This is an interesting observation.

    More than a million in the streets. More than 10% of their population. That means almost every other family has a member involved?

    They are (much) closer to mainland and shared the same first written language (though different pronunciation in spoken Mandarin and Cantonese and quite nuance in their written form too but probably still could be understood by all).

    That means they know mainland (much) better than sinkies?

    Besides the over 10% on the street, there are probably many more who are of the same sentiment?

    Take for example (Sinkieland) HLP participation. Usually it ranges from a few hundred to few thousand. But behind them the "silent minority" as well (if we utilise the 2015 results) translating into 29.01% of about 2.5 million?

    That is about 750,000 in all. So the participation ratio vs silent minority could be say 1,500/ 750,000 or 1:500. Using that figure, that means for every HLP participant, there is (another) 500 silent minority "supporters"?

    In HK case, the turnout is already so high. So the ratio cannot be using Sinkieland's case otherwise the silent majority would work out to more than 500 million (which is larger than the entire Americunt population of 340 million)?

    If we "dilute" it by 150 times, then the ratio could come out to 1: 3.5 which is about 50% or half the population?

    Now this is a fairly large (understatement?) figure and statistically (extremely) significant?

    Which would make an interesting observation?

    Why would abt 50% hold that sentiment?

    Do they know something more about mainland (intimately) that outsiders (especially sinkies) do not have privy to?

    Should the shared sentiment of 50% be brushed aside (lightly)?

    Could the sentiment of more than 1 million or abt 15% who are willing to bear the onus to take to the street be discounted (lightly)?

    What makes them do that?

    That is where sinkies are at the weakest?

    They are daft and as Redbean aka Chua Chin Leng labelled them often: "Stupidity has no cure"?

    Many CANNOT think (critically)?

    Despite the IHL (institutions) in every open house claiming they trained undergrads to be critical thinkers (but how many actually are and trained that way)?

    (So one cannot help but cringed every time each year during varsity open houses in late Feb/ early March when some lecturers/ A Prof "claim" during speeches in different faculties/ schools briefing ("aka marketing sessions") that they train undergrads to be "CRITICAL THINKERS"?)

    Over the years have met many Hong Kongers up to recent times including young graduates and most if not all of them are as bright if not better than our compatriots (aka fellow sinkies).

    They are also extremely practical and hard driving. They often know what is a good deal (when they see one)?

    Which leads to why this "MASSIVE" demonstration?

    Are they mad?

    Certainly not?

    Are they nuts?

    Certainly not?

    Then why?

    Never mind.

    As Uncle RB said: "(Sinkies) Stupidity has NO cure! "

    No point trying to educate them on anything?

    Just let them be led like sheep (to the abbatoiur (and be slaughtered for (frozen) lamb like in New Zealand cattle industry and exported for foreign exchange revenue) )?

    Sigh :(((((

    The Cantonese have a saying : "Tor Kong Mo Wai "

    Talk (further) more also no use de?

    (To paraphrase Uncle RB: "Sinkies 太ben le"?)

  27. Sinkies (majority) are condemned to a life of subservient servitude. The elite class in Sinkieland is very fortunate. I will inculcate my three children to work their way into the elite class.

  28. Using statistics to explain what is happening in Singapore is often unreal. More than 50 % of Singaporeans are new citizens. The original Singaporeans are a dying breed, a minority in Singapore. Singapore has in many ways been taken over by foreigners. Soon the original Singaporeans would become a minority outcast here.

  29. Mao mission also killed many chinese. Politics are just dirty, nothing to do with race.
