
Chinapore versus Indiapore

Below is a post I read in theindependent.sg about a Singapore venting his anger at a foreign import salesperson in Mustafa Centre. He was incensed, furious, unable to tolerate the foreign import for not able to converse in English. He recommended that the govt should import only people that can speak English and prevent Singapore from becoming a Chinapore.

I think I can agree with him. Let's import more English speaking foreigners from India and the Philippines. Never mind if we become Indiapore. At least everyone can speak English, Singlish and Inglish.

How many of you prefer Singapore to be a Chinapore or Indiapore? Those that support CECA as a good thing must also agree that Singapore should become Indiapore. Here is the post by this Raguvaran Naidu who claimed that he is not racist.

'A Singaporean vented his frustrations online after a sour experience with Mustafa Centre staff who were unable to assist him because they do not understand English.

Revealing that he was exasperated by staff from China who could not answer his question about where a particular product is located, Facebook user Raguvaran Naidu recounted his experience on social media. In a play-by-play style post, he wrote:
“Me: Hi do you have charcoal pills?
“PRC staff: Semor?
“Me: I’m looking for charcoal pills.
“PRC staff: Wo bu zi dao
“And then he just stood there ignoring me.
“Me again: Do you have any staff here who speaks English?
“PRC staff: Semor?
“Me: English English! Speak English!
“And he just stands there ignoring me.
“I asked him again loudly and this time, the customers turned to see what was happening and some even gave that annoyed look at the staff. He then replies something in Chinese which I couldn’t understand and points to the counter staff.
“Me: You’re working in Singapore and you don’t know English. Well done!
“Approached the counter staff and she angrily directed me to the cosmetics department to look for a Sales staff to get charcoal pills. I had to go a few rounds to find for a Sales staff who brought me back to the pharmacy side to get the pill for me.”
Asserting that he is not racist or against Chinese nationals, Raguvaran urged the Singapore Government to “hire people who can speak English at the very least!” Raguvaran is not racist but he said this,

He added: “From ordering food at a coffee shop to this, it’s getting worse by the day! We Singapore or Chinapore? What’s our first language?!

“Nowadays, I see a lot of non-Chinese kids taking Mandarin as their second language just because it’s the majority and so that they can get a job in companies who hire “CHINESE SPEAKING ONLY”. Shame on you!”'

Let ask all make this Raguvaran a happy man by turning Singapore into Indiapore, stop importing China Chinese who cannot speak English, and stop non Chinese parents from sending their kids to learn Mandarin.


  1. Ask Bilahari Kausikan .

  2. Aiyoh, what a waste of oxygen this idiot is.

    If he didn't like the lack of service at Mustafa, leave lah and spend his money somewhere else. But oh, no. This piece of defective DNA wants to shop at Mustafa why? Because of cheap lah. πŸ˜‚ Nothing wrong with wanting to save money, however, this fella forgot and his belief is: Ai pee, ai chee, ai tua liap nee "give him the prettiest girl with the biggest tits, for the lowest price".

    As far as immigration goes, I think a reasonable "open borders" policy is the best. That way businesses can get their labour without causing the local salaries to shoot up to ridiculous levels.

  3. No point kpkbsssss now lah!

    Ask him who did he voted at the last GE?


  4. "What is our first language?" he asked.

    He does not know that our first language is National Language. And our National Language is MALAY.

    SO, shall we import more people who can speak MALAY instead of more people who can speak English, Singlish and Inglish? Based on his logic, we should therefore import more people who can speak MALAY!

  5. A snake is a snake.

  6. Hi 943am

    They said snake blood is very very nice to drink!


  7. Its call Singapura. Dunno when the Singa the cartoon character ready to pu la only. We must queue up take turn to get sodomise. When your life is suay, the this policy that policy does not apply to you, than you know you are the cartoon character, times up, your queue is up. Get ready to get sodomise. Wah seh. Is it a feng shui issue ah? There is the cartoon character call Singa, and people always like to say sodomise, and this country can be call Singapura also leh. Woo hoo. Raguvaran just get sodomise. Song Boh Tai Lo?

  8. This Indian takes after the warped characteristics of Bilahari Kausikan. Just read all his articles in the main media and between the lines of his articles you can detect subtle insinuations and innuendos very prejudice against the Chinese.

  9. @ 1989 Tiananmen State Power Forever!, 916

    >> Probably don't blame the China Chinese imports here la, u got to pity them u know some of them don't like their garmen especially some of their kins were bulldozed by their garmen during the Tiananmen sq massacre <<

    Yes yes! I remember Aussie PM Bob Hawke cry like a baby on TV! Chinese students in Australia given immediate amnesty, if they chose to stay after studies.

    Today even is marking the 1989 Pro Democracy Student Protests, and in a creatively entertaining way. πŸ˜‚

    Some cuntries can have democrazy, and some cuntries having democrazy will be a total disaster. Cuntries like Singapore and China function much better and prosper under benign dictatorships.

    Lesson from Tianamen '89: don't be an idiot and try this shit again, or the PLA will fuck you up. 🀣

  10. Billy Harry's no racist @ 1028

    Please lah. You don't know what you're talking about, and you don't know the man. His mother is CHINESE. His children have CHINESE names. Bilahari speaks his mind lah, but he's not "anti Chinese". He does, however, remain suspicious of the CCP; i.e. the Chinese govt, not China as a cuntry.

    If you know his family, you'll know that the parents always encouraged their children to speak their minds. Back then, everyone spoke their minds: David Marshall, Alex Josey, P.S. Raman (Bili's father), Goh Kheng Swee, of course, LKY (frequently insulted Singapore's neighbours)...those days non-PC. Just speak your mind, damn the consequences...exactly how Trump is conducting his Presidency now. If you are young and never heard of these people, head over to to the National Archives.

  11. @ 1050

    >> Its commemorates the China Chinese way of solving foreign influence. <<

    Although there was some "foreign influence", as you put it, it wasn't all that.

    Young people throughout history have ALWAYS BEEN anti authoritarian. This is both normal and natural. Singapore's various tertiary institutions have had occasional bouts of trouble from the students...usually the same theme: protesting the govt and demanding "democracy". I remember Dr Toh Chin Chye, at the time Chancellor of NUS chiding the students, reminding them that is is their job TO STUDY AND LEARN and not to protest things they're ignorant about. i.e. "Shut up and study, leave the governing to us because you don't know shit".

    In 1970, 4 students from Kent State University in the USA were shot and killed by National Guardsmen for protesting the Vietnam War.

    Young people have the propensity to protest. I came to Australia as a young man straight after NS ORD. In a few months, I was an active union member and my mentor at the time was Secretary to The Australian Communist Party. I attended several protests, even threw eggs and tomatoes at then PM Malcolm Fraser who we viewed as a fascist asshole. If I stayed in Singapore, I would have never had the chance to be VIOLENTLY politically active. Have to admit, it was fun.

    But governments everywhere and in every era have systematically sent their troops and police to CRUSH protests and demonstrations by young people.

    So I don't single out China as the "bad guy" in this case, except for the fact that the numbers involved are large...why? Because the population of China is large, that's why.

    In our own history, student protests in Singapore have escalated into full-blown riots where people have been KILLED. (Chinese Middle School riots mid-1950s). So yah, it is easy to understand why governments take this shit seriously and are bound to occasionally respond with a heavy hand.

  12. Firstly, someone should file a police report against him for uttering racial taunts although he is careful to keep saying he isn't one. He can always request nicely for english speaking staff instead of starting a scene.

    Secondly, this petty man does not know that about 80% of the stuff he finds in Mustaffa comes from the PRC.

    Thirdly, if Mustaffa can have all their staff come from Indiapore under CECA, they certainly would but they can't because we want diversity of labour source. Notice that some PRC workers are employed in Indian restaurants and roti prata shops?

    Fourthly, I would advise this pee brain to start learning mandarin because in the not too distant future, even his grandmother will need to understand the global language of a sole superpower. Small children as young as 6 are learning chinese in the west because their parents have foresight and see the writing on the wall, albeit invisible to some like this idiot.

    Once, not too long ago, when a bank departmental head is an Indian, almost all staff recruited thereafter will be from his own village. Not anymore. It is unacceptable and intolerable in our Singapore culture.

  13. @ 1233

    >> Small children as young as 6 are learning chinese in the west because their parents have foresight and see the writing on the wall, albeit invisible to some like this idiot. <<

    Too right! Have a look:
    Jim Roger's kid. I'm amazed by her accent. Very "educated" Mandarin. That is "broadcast quality" speech, even thru those braces. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  14. @All,

    From 1980 till today, my stance has always been that those who want to migrate to Sinkeland, or want to work here as executive (S pass or E pass), or in service line interacting with public --- then being able to converse in basic Primary 1 english should be ONE of the BASIC qualifications. This is the responsibility of the govt as well as those who voted for the govt.

    That being said, in this particular case, Mustafa being a private profit-maximising entity is within full rights to exploit current Sinkie laws to hire the cheapest possible staff from AhNeh or Cheena villages & jungle farms. Same as other companies doing NO WRONG in hiring foreigners over Sinkies --- they break no laws & are simply maximising profits for themselves & shareholders as this is what they are LEGALLY BOUND to do under Companies Act.

    If you're pissed at the service standards or quality of the companies (Mustafa in this case) either you boycott the company, or you bring it up directly to the management of the company, OR you address the govt policies that may promote such things directly with those who matter e.g. PMO, PM, senior ministers, MOM, National Population & Talent Division, etc etc.

    No point just KPKB on social media. Mustafa bosses will be laughing their ass off when reading the FB post, while enjoying their teh tarik, briyani & murtabak, and counting the few million dollars their shops collected over the weekend.

  15. @ capitalism 101 ,126

    >> Mustafa being a private profit-maximising entity is within full rights to exploit current Sinkie laws to hire the cheapest possible staff from AhNeh or Cheena villages & jungle farms. <<

    Fuck yeah! Retail spending in Singapore down nearly 2%. Plus brick-and-mortar retailers have to compete with the Lazadas, Bangoods and that behemoth AMAZON...which is eating everyone's lunch. Retail business is getting thinner and more competitive.

    >> Mustafa bosses will be laughing their ass off when reading the FB post, while enjoying their teh tarik, briyani & murtabak, and counting the few million dollars their shops collected over the weekend. <<

    Yes, the shop opposite Mustafa has awesome Indian Muslim cuisine. I'd say Mustafa is still printing money. I've never seen it empty, not even in the early mornings. BTW as a frugal fella, I'm a regular customer. The money changer has the best rate in town. Mustafa is a textbook example of Capitalism 101: keep costs especially labour costs super low, have a huge turnover, be strategically located, open shop when others are closed, rely mainly on word of mouth advertising.

  16. That dude is racist and a bit retarted cause the charcoal pills u know u go to phamacy no need to ask lar. This dude needs to be sodomized to wake up lar.πŸ˜€

  17. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️June 04, 2019 2:07 pm
    /////>> Mustafa being a private profit-maximising entity is within full rights to exploit current Sinkie laws to hire the cheapest possible staff from AhNeh or Cheena villages & jungle farms. <<
    >> Mustafa bosses will be laughing their ass off when reading the FB post, while enjoying their teh tarik, briyani & murtabak, and counting the few million dollars their shops collected over the weekend. <<

    Yes, the shop opposite Mustafa has awesome Indian Muslim cuisine./////


    Previously didn't you said you VEGAN?

    Is this a FREUDIAN SLIP?


    UG (will laugh): "KAKAKAKAKAKA...... "


  18. That fella is a scum lah?

    Like some people, talks whatever he likes?

    Think other people all stupid, dunno BUT it is THEM, THEY who are the real TING TONG?

  19. The PROBLEMS are not just about charcoal pills?

    They are much more DEEP seated?

    The writings are (ALL OVER) on the wall?

    Tiok BOR?


    It is not "IF" but "WHEN"?

  20. This morning in town area saw one sky and ocean color (NUTC) taxi kena stopped in a single lane traffic for about 15 mins by some tourists from one dunno what to say cuntry.

    Dunno 6 person want to sit in the same taxi or what?

    The taxi driver also damn "bad" luck?

    Want to drive off oso cannot

    Blocked the single lane and quite bz traffic some more

    So many cars stuck behind had to go past in the opposite single lane

    After about 10 mins "lucky" another same color (and CUMPONY) taxi came from behind and also Kena waved down.

    After another 5 mins of "commotion", finally the 6 tourists from this dunno what to say cuntry finally boarded in the 2 taxis and drove off

    As the first taxi drove past, saw the taxi driver's face already like maciam want to "explode" ...

    Pity the poor taxi driver

    Kena held up 15 mins of precious time by some dunno what to say tourists for nothing

    Take taxi (so simple thing) also can (make it and) become so problematic?

    Want to take, take?

    Dun want take, fark off?

    Tiok bor?

    Where got 6 person sit one taxi or must wait until another taxi come then 6 person can go off same time in 2 taxis?

    The first taxi driver must be very pek chek (want to "vomit blood") ?

    Early early in the morning kena this type of "passengers "?

    No wonder some taxi drivers on the road little little bit will honk other drivers?

    Most likely must be every now and then kena "passengers" like those mentioned above (and inside want to "vomit blood")?

    So very frustrated and thus honk at other people (for the slightest reasons) to let out the "gas" so that emotionally (and mentally) they will feel more balanced?

    The above are just some personal observations (and opinion).

    You can form yours.

    To share share

    And be more in touch what is happening on the ground

    Especially for those who are often desk bound and might not have much time during office hours to see what is happening on the ground?


    BTW, past few weeks passed by several F&B outlets in town area during peak hours

    Quite a number renovated until very atas but ZERO patron inside (during peak hours)

    Never seen such situation before in the past.

    So many "unusual" (not sustainable) happening on the ground but some people eyes pasted stamps?

  21. Last month before the start of the recent Jun school holidays on one of the weekdays was working on the laptop rushing out some materials in a drink cafe.

    Mid way, a group of JC students in their PE attire came and sat at a big table beside

    At first was not paying attention to what they were talking.

    Half way suddenly noticed one of students broke down and was crying

    That was when started to listen to what they were talking among themselves

    Apparently they seemed to be talking about their recent common test results and about their teachers and school teaching etc.

    They seemed frustrated about what was going on in their school life

    They talked on many things

    Apparently they were from the same CCA but some in JC1 and some JC2.

    From what they talked, seemed like the JC2 were handing over to the JC1

    But mainly their conversation revolved around the frustration they were experiencing in their school work.

    One junior was asking his senior about certain subject and for his study advice.

    Apparently that senior was taking tuition during a week day night for his GP (general paper).

    His advice to his junior was that he thought it was a waste of his time and his parents' hard earned $$$.

    The junior asked him why?

    He said during weekdays every night after rushing the next day school assignments he often slept between 12 midnight to 2am and every morning got to wake up before 6am, otherwise he would be late for school. He said so far this year already late quite a few times and it was very demoralizing and at times nerve racking when he tried to rush to school to avoid being late.

    At times he had no choice but to grab to school then would run out of pocket money at the end of the week for his meals. He said sometimes he had to skip meals to avoid depleting his own savings.

    The other students concurred with him they also facing similar problems. One said she forced herself up every morning and so far never late for school but she also paid "heavy price" for it.

    Her friends asked her why?

    She said she also not super woman where can get by with 3 to 4 hours of sleep every night?

    She said usually during most of the second half of the school days she could not help but dozed off in many of the lecture classes.

    At this junction, the senior who was talking about his GP tuition during weekday nights interjected that at least if sleep during school lessons still not so bad financially cos school fees officially only $30+ per month.

    He said his parents paying a few hundred $ for his GP tuition alone every month for every 4 lessons. He felt very bad and guilty for wasting his parents hard earned $ but his parents insisted that he should go for the GP tuition.

    He continued that he didn't dare to tell his parents that by each evening after dinner and being constantly lack and deprived of sleep how to keep awake during the 7.30pm to 9.30pm GP tuition?

    He said most of the time during the GP tuition from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm he just couldn't focus and either day dreaming or half dozing off.

    Also he thought the tuition centre kind of "scamming " his parent's hardearned $ because the way the GP being taught each lesson mostly not effective at all.

    He told his junior best avoid weekday nights tuition lessons because during day time in school often already hardly able to stay awake throughout lectures and tutorials so by late evening almost impossible humanly to stay awake or concentrate during the tuition lessons.

    In their conversation, the students said a lot more but didn't really paid attention to everything they said as was still working on the laptop and not totally listening to their conversation.

    While on the way home that night, was wondering in the mind whether the situation that the group of JC students were facing were playing out throughout all the schools or just an anomaly?

    Any reader out there had similar experience or heard similar happening?

  22. @ 925,

    >> Previously didn't you said you VEGAN?

    Is this a FREUDIAN SLIP? <<

    No, not at all. I am vegan when in Australia. On my visits to Singapore, I have tried being vegan but it is too fucking difficult...and EXPENSIVE. Plus, what the fuck, when in Singapore embrace your inner foodie πŸ˜‚ , fire up the Makan Sutra app and just go lah.

    Actually, I use the word "vegan" just as a shortcut. What I mean is plant-based food. The word "vegan" has become loaded politically and now means that one is against killing animals for food. i.e. "Meat is Murder". I hold no such position. Some types of animals are best slaughtered and their flesh burnt crispy over an open flame, whilst the inside stays moist and sometimes bloody., and always delicious.
    However, the data shows that a plant-based diet correlates with less medical issues and longevity, and for anyone over 40 or 50, putting on weight is very easy to do...especially if you just eat anything suka suka.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @ 1157

    If students have to take extra tuition (paid for by themselves) on subjects taught in school, that means the school is not doing its job properly or the education system, in general, is failing to deliver.

    Young people need plenty of sleep---9-10 hrs. Sleep depriving young people is going to PERMANENTLY AFFECT the biological-physical development of their brains....which might not show up until one is in their advanced years (dementia, etc)

    If you are a young person or if you are a parent, please take sleep hygeine seriously. Use the internet to find studies and the conclusions on sleep deprivation in young people. This is serious shit and can affect their WHOLE LIFE. MAke some noise with MoE. Those govt motherfuckers might be killing your children by loading their days up with IMPOSSIBLE objectives.

  25. @ Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️June 05, 2019 12:57 am
    ///@ 925,

    >> Previously didn't you said you VEGAN?

    Is this a FREUDIAN SLIP? <<

    No, not at all. I am vegan when in Australia. On my visits to Singapore, I have tried being vegan but it is too fucking difficult...and EXPENSIVE. Plus, what the fuck, when in Singapore embrace your inner foodie �� , fire up the Makan Sutra app and just go lah///


    Ha ha ha

    Not true leh?

    That is NOT what you wrote (in black and white previously)

    You were talking about the food in little red dot previously, no?

    More specifically the cheapest briyani in Little red dot?

    Ahem... (remember you yourself said the briyani sold in the siao lang keng aka IMH on certain weekday is the cheapest?)

    How come you know ah?

    UG would have (reacted and) laughed "KaKaKaKaKaKa...... "


    Should be


    MALTILDA, previously after telling everyone about the cheapest bryani at imh on certain weekday then u backtracked said you are vegan.

    Now you said u only vegan in Arsetrailie ?

    And u eat meat while in red dot.


    "Some types of animals are best slaughtered and their flesh burnt crispy over an open flame, whilst the inside stays moist and sometimes bloody., and always delicious."


    So are you Vegan or not Vegan while in red dot?

    If you are not Vegan, why you claimed previously you are Vegan and thus could not have eaten the cheap bryani at imh?

    How come you know so well imh which day sell which dishes the cheapest including bryani on certain weekday?

    Go retrieve what you wrote in MSN a couple of weeks ago...


    UG (typical laugh) : "KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA "

  26. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️June 05, 2019 1:08 am
    /////Young people need plenty of sleep---9-10 hrs. Sleep depriving young people is going to PERMANENTLY AFFECT the biological-physical development of their brains....which might not show up until one is in their advanced years (dementia, etc)/////

    Living proof Maltilda also sleep deprived during his teenage years and now having dementia (and easily forget what he wrote or eat even in recent past)?

    Even though at 63 he is NOT considered so advanced in his age?

    Dementia set in early?

  27. (There are) 10 Observations (to validate and confirm) Why Old Man is Right Sinkies are Daft.

    Also likely it is a myth scholars are very smart human beans and fast learners?

    Here is why:

    Observation #1

    Simple daily matters such as buying good quality durians and NOT be ripped off.

    Recent weeks observations at durian stalls (as it is now in the season) confirmed old man is right many sinkies are daft

    Actually knowing how to choose good quality durians with Very thick flesh, tiny seeds as small as a 20-cent or 10-cent coin with about 2mm thickness (or rather thin-ness) and strong flagrant is NOT rocket science but just the ability to recognize a few simple basic pattern?

    Also how to know which one sweet tasting, which one bitter tasting, which one sweet and bitter?

    Which one what colour flesh?

    Recently was at a durian stall and happened one group of what appeared to be scholars and their colleagues gathering around a durian stall.

    Chose and bought finished already (and almost kena chased out by the angry ah beng durian stall assistant cos he said can tell know how to cherry pick all the best durians while he was grudgingly opening up the chosen durians and packing into the styrofoam boxes.)

    When this group of what appeared to be scholars and their colleagues came, was about to leave but decided to observe how they buy the durians.

    The pile of durians they were gathering around earlier already went through and many were with very thick husks and big seeds and also many not so flagrant.

    Obviously naked eyes cannot see the flesh etc inside lah but the patterns of durians shells are NOT difficult to recognise.

    Saw the durian assistant just picked those with thick husks and BIG seeds and offered to the so called book smart scholars.

    Alas, 1 kg $20 and the book smart scholars are paying for the thick husks and BIG seeds "chosen and recommended" by the durian assistant. Common sense will tell even a 3-yo that the thick husks and BIG seeds will add many kg to the total weight and thus costs a lot more $$$ but can the husks and seeds be eaten?

    Many of such durian assistants are just primary school education and some not even sinkies but neighbouring countries ah beng temporarily "roped in" during peak season to cope with the increased demand in durians?

    So who do you think is cleverer?

    The scholars and their colleagues?

    Or the botakchay or primary education durian sellers?

    If choosing durian is rocket science, how come all these bortakchay durian sellers are able to easily pick up how to tell which durian good which one is a rip off?

    Scholars despite scoring so many straight As in exam dunno how to tell or recognize which durian is good?

    Dunno how to learn also?

    It makes one wonder whether are they really smart or just plain book "mugger"?

    And it could be the durian sellers WHO are the really smart one genetically but that they were NOT given the chance when in their youth to have more education?

    PS: Uncle RB, since u expurt in cameras and video and photo taking, perhaps next time when buying durian again can help video it and post on YouTube titled:

    "The Art of Choosing Durians Revealed "?

    Hopefully by then many sinkies can shake off the "Daft " label tagged by old man?

    The other 9 observations shall be revealed next time.....

  28. I get all my durians from NTUC if available. They place them in boxes for you to examine and check till your heart's content. They offer whatever they have without having to hide or cheat like the roadside durian stalls. No need to hustle with the botak cheh Ah Beng pretending to be durian experts.

    The prices at NTUC are more reasonable especially during this season of abundance.

    Don't waste time with the Ah Bengs and thugs selling durians.

  29. @ 134

    Aiyoh, kaypoh kia. I never wrote anything about briyani lah. Show me where? It's not even my favourite Indian Muslim dish.

    In Singapore, I am a "flexitarian" --- I'll eat plant-based or whatever...but it must be delicious. I don't touch all that Buddhist "vegetarian" mock meat stuff---full of oil and sugar.

    >> Living proof Maltilda also sleep deprived during his teenage years and now having dementia (and easily forget what he wrote or eat even in recent past)?

    Even though at 63 he is NOT considered so advanced in his age?

    Dementia set in early? <<

    Not early enough apparently for you . πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Seeing what you just wrote, you better go and get checked out for dementia or cancer. BTW, the chance of getting cancer is 40% , early onset demetia 5%. So place your bets lah. πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

  30. @ kaypoh 134 & 144

    I like to place bets when I think I have a good grasp on the odds. So I am betting that you are people/ person who falls within the 1/3 to 1/2 of ALL Singaporeans who are sleep deprived and therefore have placed yourselves in a situation where your life expectancy is REDUCED and the likelihood of catastrophic health problems INCREASE.

    Yes, I would make that bet. πŸ€‘πŸ’€πŸ’°πŸ’°




  31. @ Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️June 05, 2019 11:49 am
    /////@ 134

    Aiyoh, kaypoh kia. I never wrote anything about briyani lah. Show me where? It's not even my favourite Indian Muslim dish./////


    ///Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
    @ don't try to be funny, you suck at it 901

    Eh kotek, I'm vegetarian lah. You eat the dead sheep lah, enjoy! ����

    April 01, 2019 10:55 pm///

  32. @ 319

    >>> πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ ... <<


    You need to take a remedial course in English comprehension. Seriously, your reasoning skills and logic are pretty damn poor.

  33. /////Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️June 06, 2019 9:20 am
    @ 319

    >>> πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ ... <<


    You need to take a remedial course in English comprehension. Seriously, your reasoning skills and logic are pretty damn poor./////

    Ha ha ha ha ha

    You are talking about yourself?

    By now many (MSN) readers are probably familiar with your (lousy, unsophisticated and cheap) "tricks"

    Whenever you are out of (any logical) argument, you resort to ad hominen (personal) attack.

    Like this DOTARD, instead of fair and open competition, move for move, argument for argument, resorted to underhand means, first got Huawei Meng Wan Zhou arrested last year, then last month tried to cripple Huawei business by invoking National Emergency law (during peace time?) to prevent business entities from providing basic supplies.

    DOTARD is now arguably one of the most unpopular (disliked) human bean in history (in absolute number or percentage of the global population) and even shunned by many in the UK. Next UK PM front runner Boris Johnson even avoided meeting Dotard in London this week (by saying he is busy) despite POTUS flying all the way there? (Alamak, in the past, is there anything more important and cannot be postponed or missed than meeting the most powerful man on earth? Imagine POTUS flew to sinkieland and invited someone for lunch then the invited party said he got another (more) important lunch meeting thus unable to cancel last minute?)

    As Uncle RB, Southernglory and many others have wrote, DOTARD has been flip-flopping and tearing apart many agreements signed previously. Too many, DOTARD may not have much credibility left trying to get his way (like an infant?)

    Other than one blindox patraitic fan (in tampanese who claimed he idolises u)😌 , am not sure others in MSN like uncle rb, southernglory, Virgo 49 etc are your fans too😳😡😷?

    From the way and what they wrote, quite sure DOTARD is far from being their idol.

  34. We dont want them shitting in the streets here too
