
NTUC helping out in lowering the cost of living

At least the Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation can look forward to some financial relief in July till June next year. They could get their kopi or teh fixes every Wednesday for 50 cents per cup in NTUC foodcourts and Kopitiams. And for Union Members, this privilege comes earlier, in May. According to the media report, 1.7m people are going to benefit from this. If one person is to pay $1 less, that would be $1.7m less to pay every Wednesday.

The NTUC has responded to the fears and concerns of workers’ anxieties about the cost of living. With this discounted kopi and teh, including Kopi O, Kopi C, teh O and teh C, all at 50 cents a cup and one can drink as many cuppas as one like on every Wednesday, the whole day.

Think of the savings from drinking kopi or teh for the whole day, it would come to quite a substantial sum. If one just takes a cup of kopi or the each for 3 meals, it would cost only $1.50 a day. And given the price of Kopi/teh at $1.60, that is more than $3 savings a day. OK, for those millionaires and billionaires, please do not take advantage of this privilege just because there is no mean testing, go for your designer drinks at $5 or $20 a cup in the branded coffee joints. This is for workers in the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations. I will still stick to my 3 in 1 at 20 cents a pack. Hopefully they will look into the 3 in 1s and reduce the price to 10 cents per pack. Then it will be some savings for me to count on.

Would be nice if every Monday or Friday ‘chap chye png’ would be $1 for two veg and a meat meal. Keeping my fingers crossed that this would be next in the list to lower the cost of living for the oldie workers.

Thank you NTUC, you are most kind. Oops, must thank Mary Liew and Ng Chee Meng for this initiative. Every cent counts. It is heartwarming that millionaires could be caring and still think of helping the poor to save a few cents per cuppa.


  1. "At least the Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation can look forward to some financial relief in July till June next year. They could get their kopi or teh fixes every Wednesday for 50 cents per cup in NTUC foodcourts and Kopitiams."

    I get 50 cents per cup from Monday to Friday at Yishun. Not just for Seniors but everybody.

    NTUC is a cheapskate paying only cursory importance to "helping" the poor. It's "let go - scared it flies away; caged - scared it will die" mentality has not changed a little bit since 30 years ago!

  2. @All,

    War stocks lah!!!

    Becoz of my plans & actions starting from 20 yrs ago, everyday now is a holiday for me. Who cares about 50 cents here or $1 there, or $10 here and $20 there?

    Frankly such news is irrelevant for 99% of sinkies -- it doesn't improve their lives one bit. I don't even know about this 50 cents kopi unti I read it here. Meaningless.

    Well I suppose it's something for losers who fucked up their lives (and probably fucked up their next generation too) -- and still fucking up their lives.

  3. Whoa......what great savings for me a pioneer generation and my better half a merdeka generation. My middle aged children will probably be called Sacrifice generation a few years down the road before the next election after the impending one and offered great savings as well.

    Now, we saved a ton of money because to take advantage of the magnanimous gesture courtesy of the two value added MPs foresight and brainwave, we only drink kopi on Wednesdays and in typical kiasi Sinkie fashion, many many cups so as not to lose out.

    OK, joke over, can we concentrate on more pressing issues besides this kopi stuff?

    For instance, paying attention to the thoughts of POTUS wannabe Andrew Yang, how about getting the labour movement to think what happens when automation and AI locks out jobs because by then, Grab won't even need drivers.

    Cheap kopi on Wednesdays.....Jeez

  4. Hi

    Sg is long long long time ago already like that liao!

    Only on Wednesday?



  5. All these bullshits! Slaughtered all untill most ai see beh si. Then said give you special discounts beverages at $0.50 cts.

    Wah, these dafts so thankful and beholden to them.

    Now, they will exclaim. Next Erection Vote Who?

    The Dafts replied PAP or Pay And Pay of course.

    These are evil plans just like some maganimous religions to con you.

  6. Cheap coffee on hump days.. u really want to know to fnb scene on hump days? Just walk walk along orchard rd or visit the shopping malls la... want to know all about bustling fnb scene? Go look around on hump day 3rd week...how come latest nightspot opening at mbs only open Friday and Saturday evenings ah.. so much hype etc etc.. NTUC give discount on hump day is to help oldies or themselves.. was at boon tat street@830pm on Saturday evening..lest u say I'm exaggerating..why not take a trip on dtl and see all the shuttered restaurants on a weekend evening.. Is Jewel real or just paste..well know soon enough ..)))

  7. Gov in this world only care about the rich and making the rich richer by screwing the notrich. Try to be rich so they care about you.

  8. NTUC by now should be known as CUNT by all the old folks!

    CUNT = Con Until Nobody Trust.

  9. Haha...
    Minister Ng Chee Ming and his Fellow Cabinet Members really see Sinkies no up.
    50 cent longkang chwee and hoping for votes to go to them.

    They really think that Sinkies are cheapskates.

  10. Hi all

    NTUC is vvv good and vvv kind!

    Not to worry. To save more, what you can do is to drink 28 cups in one day on every Wednesday and don't drink from every Thrusday to Tuesday.


  11. Happened to switch on CNA and saw Pinky having an interview with Kim Imp in Chinese Langauge about what's must have laws on what's Fake News especially this coming Erection.

    Pinky can said in Shit Times that No country will allow Free Speech. Have not see Tawian CTI TV channels spouting their Free Speeches.

    Wah piang, this Kim Imp been mermerised by him and so many times CLIMAXED by responding Mmmy myyh myyy I am coming.

    Clamped down on Truths that can hurt them.


  12. Is this Real news or fake new.. 1160 needy folks given ntuc vouchers in yishun grc giveaways.. how many constituencies in Singapore ah.. where got so many needy people in the richest country in the Universe? I think this is fake event n fake fake newsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  13. Hello Loan Shark, s8nce you have so much money, why don't you give some to charityl? For example, give $1 million for me to start a charitable organization?

  14. Chang Jiat Luk, came home, suddenly found out a black box screen already mounted inside hdb lift. Another level of good f u brain washing is coming to you.

  15. Government planning longer-term measures while addressing immediate concerns of workers: Josephine Teo (Straits Times April 29 2019)

    For the longer term, the retirement and re-employment ages will be gradually raised beyond 62 and 67 respectively.

    Looks like CPF withdrawal age going to be raised to 70 !!

  16. @ all

    I wonder who comes up with these ideas...and I wonder who actually allows these ideas to PASS into some form of "policy" or action.

    This either a joke, or insult lah. As WSG says, this is just irrelevant. And I agree with @1052, they're a pack of CUNTs.

  17. Dr. Plus, is your Friend a loan shark?

  18. I think both Mrs. Sharon and dr. Plus need to be sodomized lar as loan sharks. πŸ˜€

  19. "Not to worry. To save more, what you can do is to drink 28 cups in one day on every Wednesday and don't drink from every Thrusday to Tuesday."

    Like that, pack 1000 cups home every Wed. Thank NTUC for saving you $1000 every week.

    Will NTUC slap this as a promotion expense and make the food sellers pay?

  20. Why loan sharks love to come and advertise at this blog? Is it because there are too many people here playing shares (gambling)?

  21. Loan shark business also affected, desperate, blogs also don't give up.

    OK, posts deleted.

  22. "Anonymous Anonymous said...April 29, 2019 8:29 am

    .........I get 50 cents per cup from Monday to Friday at Yishun. Not just for Seniors but everybody."

    Hi, writer of the above texts. Good things must be shared with all readers, right ? So, perhaps, you can furnish us the name and the F&B outlet address at Yishun, and help to spread the news around. You will be doing a good deed. Thanks.
