
CPF - A sordid and sorry state of affair

The saddest day on the CPF issue was when a NMP happily declared in Parliament that CPF was not the contributors money. But this is not the sad part. The saddest part was when the majority of MPs and ministers clapped in approval, that this was indeed the sordid state of affair concerning the CPF savings, the people’s life time savings. No one other than the opposition MPs disagreed with this false claim but in fact supported this misleading myth. No one in Parliament has the courtesy or responsibility to tell this NMP that she was wrong, that the money, the people’s life savings in the CPF belonged to the people. How bad can things be, when the people slogged and saved for a whole life time only to wake up, like a bad dream, to be told that their savings were not their money?

And some, including Matilah Singapura in this blog, are gloating, ‘See, I told you, CPF is not your money’. And they quoted many valid examples to prove that CPF is not your money anymore. And they are ‘right’ in their own perceptions and interpretations of the situation today based on reality, on how the CPF money could be taken away from their rightful owners without their consent, to be spent against their will, in compulsory insurance schemes and in many other schemes.

I put the ‘right’ within inverted commas because this interpretation of right is misleading and controversial, unethical and immoral in many ways. What I want to point out is that is this all these people could say, CPF is not your money, and so be it? Are these people contented that their life savings no longer belong to them, willing to accept this fait accompli, and resign to the fate that nothing else can be done to this bad situation?

Put it in another way, many daft Singaporeans are accepting the fact that many foreigners are brought here to steal their lunch, good jobs going to foreigners, and with the foreigners becoming Singaporeans in large numbers that eventually their country would belong to the foreigners. Never mind, meritocracy, globalization, it is good that foreigners come here to create jobs for daft Singaporeans?

What is the meaning of being Singaporeans in this case? Where is ownership of the country and the CPF savings? Meekly give them away? What is the point of serving NS? What is the point of saving for a life time?

Have Singaporeans degenerated to such an extent that they do not know how to fight for their rights, their belongings, their money, their country? Just give up? If this is what Singaporeans are made of, then Singaporeans deserve to lose their life savings and their country. Why so stupid doing NS when nothing is yours?

CPF is not your money. This is not your country. This country is for everyone here. Not happy move out. How sad. Singaporeans are not only daft but hopeless, to be told by new citizens and foreigners to move out of the country they built, and some willingly accepted this sad fate and really moved out.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

RB, I agreed with you. The situation is very disgusting but then with Merdeka package coming for 500,000 people, these people will vote the same party in again. 😰

Anonymous said...

Merdeka package ? - seniors won't be fooled a second time ! Many complain that the cards are useless on many occasions and feel kena cheated !

Anonymous said...

Not happy move out. How sad.

Not Happy? Who? 70%?

Move out? Who? 30%?

Sad? Who? 50%?

But then hor, happy or not, sad or not, what matters (to PAP lah) is the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt. And majority Sinkies for sure will not vote for the opposition which is not ready to be govt.

And best of all (to PAP lah), Tan Cheng Bock dare not announce his new party is ready to be govt, even with the high possibility of Lee Hsien Yang joining.

Anonymous said...

Would any minister or MP dare to say like what Lawrence said about HDB price becoming zero at the end of the lease, in this case telling the people that the money is not theirs?

Anonymous said...

If Tan Cheng Bock dare not announce his new party is ready to be govt, do you think he or even Lee Hsien Yang (assuming he join Cheng Bock's new party) will become another Tan Jee Say if they contest coming election?

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure that tis is not ur Cuntry that it once used to be.
If u claim coffin monies is yours, the G ask u to get lost. If u leave it as it is, then u r a daft goons. Only way is VTO & claim back ur money & cuntry otherwise it's useless liao.

Anonymous said...

Would any minister or MP dare to say like what Lawrence said about HDB price becoming zero at the end of the lease, in this case telling the people that the money is not theirs?
9:17 am

Lawrence already said what. So what for say again?

Anyway, say or no say, PAP will still win lah, as long as the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt.

Even Presidential candidate like Tan Jee Say also could lose so badly, so what chance does Tan Cheng Bock or even Lee Hsien Yang has, if their party is not ready to be govt? Sinkies will see them just like they see Chee Soon Juan, every time lose one, even in by election.

Anonymous said...

9.31am anon, why u need to keep pouring cold water repeatedly. Are u a pap stooge to come here to disturb others.i hope the sodomy guy will come to sodomize u

Anonymous said...

Any Sinkie candidate who wants to win election must know the Sinkie voters lah.

The majority Sinkie voters will see the candidate "no up" if his or her party is not ready to be govt, or be united with other parties to form a coalition govt if they win.

Even Tan Cheng Bock also dare not say his new party will form coalition govt with other parties if they win. So looks like Cheng Bock's new party will go alone. Like that ah, sure lose one lah, if they are also not ready to be govt alone.

Anonymous said...

9.31am anon, why u need to keep pouring cold water repeatedly.
9:39 am

I hope Tan Cheng Bock or Lee Hsien Yang will read it lah, and try hard to make their new party ready to be govt, even though not much time left.

By the way, I am not paid lah, even if you see me as a PAP stooge. I just want to say it as it is lah. It's that simple.

virgo49 said...

Why these Stupidties Got No Cure or Papies IB kept harping that TCB and Company must be the Govt???

Why need to be the Govt and let them go Scott Free and Scooted to their Paradise when you can grilled them slowly in Parliament with enough Oppostion Members to backtrack all their Wrong Policies.

Slowly, unmasked all their Past Policies of Blunders and Deceits. We need Brave Articulate Oppo MPs to probe and bring those responsible to account for their plunders, blunders and or otherwise.

Do not kept sounding like broken down radio, What's the use. What for with the PAP Dumb and Deaf MPs together with their selected wayang NMPs as window dressings and wallflowers.

You have one pak kar NMP telling you that just because they just credit a few hundred of your own monies into your CPF's account, the Rest of your monies is all theirs.

So, better do not forcefully as given by them a few hundreds, your few hundred thousands became theirs.
More garang and daylight robberies than the TaiYeeLongs.

CPF'Life payouts at aged 65 with the sprinking minisule amount of a few hundreds a month for most with average incomes are your own savings till about age 82 plus. Afterwhich, then maybe you can just benefit a few months or years supposely on their account.That's also is your interest monies when they give you a better return.

Now pushed back to 75 it you lepak lepak, boh chap most sinkies and dont opt out, how many of you can live up to 100 just to wriggle some extras from them?

They had evil serpents that are paid well just everyday to devise schemes of how to con the dafts.

So, if you do not take a chance this coming GE to have more Opposition MPs representations, then be prepared for doomsday for you and your children and children's children if we are still not overrun and overwhelmed by the Foreign invaders.

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans are hopeless. No spine. No guts. No brain. No balls.
Try to draw a picture of a man without brain, spine, guts, balls and see what you get: Singaporeans!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I always say, if the intent is good for the people, genuinely to help the people, make it voluntary. Any money to be retained in the CPF after 55 must be voluntary, not by compulsion. Maybe we can consider the new realities of longer life expectancy and higher retirement age, 60 years old is the limit to push back.

After this age, everyone shall be free from the CPF, all money returned except for those who voluntarily choose to keep them in the CPF. This is not only about democracy, about human rights, about rights to your own money and assets but also about ethics and morality. No govt is allowed to steal or rob the people's money by legislation.

Anonymous said...

Any money to be retained in the CPF after 55 must be voluntary, not by compulsion.
RB 10:15 am

Provided PAP can be voted out lah.

But as long as the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt, it is hard or even impossible to vote PAP out lah.

That's why one anon here keep repeating this to hope that Tan Cheng Bock, Sinkie's best hope for a Sinkie Mahathir, will hear it and do something about it, difficult or even impossible this may be to achieve.

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans are hopeless.
10:12 am

But a lot have good life, u know. So how hopeless can that be?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I also agree that Cheng Bock could be another hopeless case unless he can muster a bigger team of good candidates to take over the govt. I will post another piece on this later.

Anonymous said...

...Tan Cheng Bock, Sinkie's best hope for a Sinkie Mahathir,...
10:35 am

LOL. My 24 year old Sinkie neighbour does not know who is Tan Cheng Bock.

U go Malaysia, ask and everybody will know who is Mahathir.

Anonymous said...

I also agree that Cheng Bock could be another hopeless case unless he can muster a bigger team of good candidates to take over the govt.
RB 10:41 am

Oh, now u are also supporting that so called "broken down radio" and PAP IB here?

So looks like that PAP IB has a serious point for thought, and not to be condemned as IB, although sounds like IB with his/her so called "pour cold water" and "broken down radio" message.

Anonymous said...


Singaporeans are not hopeless and stupid!

I think basically many many have given up!

They are now.....bo-chap! Yes bo-chap cheng-hu!

What for chap? You die your own business!

Many many have ended up 3Ms! Making sure they con't to live comfortably!

You seriously think can change the 70%?

Please don't dream lah! Please don't waste your time lah!

People will just tcss tcss and kpkb kpkb, but when come to voting......PAP!

This is a SAD case! But it is very very REAL!

Sg is now like that liao! Sg is now like that liao! Correct?

Happy CNY.........

Anonymous said...

Now to add insult to injury for being a citizen, CPF money put in by foreigners is the foreigner's money right or not? When they leave for good everything in their CPF account can be taken out. This is the greatest injustice that I can think of for being a citizen.

We can kpkb until the cows come home, but until we do something at the ballot box, it is all hot air, nothing more.

And I can bet the last dollar, more than 70% will still vote for lightning to strike them harder. Sinkies are one of a kind!

Anonymous said...

anon 1113am, you are 1oo% correct!

"And I can bet the last dollar, more than 70% will still vote for lightning to strike them harder. Sinkies are one of a kind!"

Yes! Sg is like that now!

Anyway, please don't feel sad. Sg is like that now!


Anonymous said...

If u owe poor old people money and don't return the poor old people their money - that's EVIL !!

Anonymous said...

Hi 11.27am.

I sincerely hope that the poor old people you are referring to, belonged to the 30%!

What say you?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Alamak, call me a cunt or arse hole of I'm being one.

But please don't accuse me of doing something I'm not. I'm definitely not “gloating” as you put it.

You make a good argument. However I deal in REALITY , not “ought to” or “should be”.
, or wishful thinking. The reality has always been that CPF isn't ours in the strict understanding of what true OWNERSHIP really means.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Like Anon 11:13 said, CPF of foreigners are their money. CPF of Singaporeans is not their money. How bad can it be? Eat Singaporeans but foreigners can come and go as they pleased, with their CPF money protected for them to take home.

What say you the NMP that said CPF is not the people's money? Any minister or MP dare to open their big mouth on this? It affects the people's life saving, for goodness sake say somthing if you really believe that you are there to protect the people's interest, representing the people's interest.

By keeping quiet about this, it speaks a lot about you and where your interest lies, definitely not with the people and their money.

Just repeat after me, CPF is the people's money. So simple but so difficult to say.

Virgo49 said...

Mr RB, for all you know, there's a opt out option for non-singaporeans that it's not compulsory for CPF's contributions

Retired years ago, think Malaysians not PRs can opted no or lesser CPF's contributions but lost out on Employer's part contributions.

Not known whether still in place for them.


Anonymous said...

I fully agree with "Anon 03 Feb 11.30am" saying here: Now to add insult to injury for being a citizen, CPF money put in by foreigners is the foreigner's money right or not? When they leave for good everything in their CPF account can be taken out. This is the greatest injustice that I can think of for being a citizen. Unquote. The G is practising double standards (one for sinkapooreans & one for (FTs) foreign trashes).

I think the G is hinting at us (sinkapooreans), if you r unhappy, leave the country permanently, and you'll get all your coffin money.

I refer to write-up stating that one female NMP saying in pariahment that CPF is not the ppl money, and the majority of MIW MPs clapped. The reasons they clapped in approval is bcos they are guaranteed to be paid $$$millions plus bonuses. They dont depend much on cpf to survive like us. They are like birds of the same feathers supporting that dishourable one sitting in the centre of front row in pariahment.

Anonymous said...

Yes! CPF is the people's money!

Yes! CPF is the people's money!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

>> CPF of foreigners are their money. CPF of Singaporeans is not their money. <<

Foreigners are not likely to stay, so they won't be drawing down the annuity in their retirement. If they pull out their CPF when they leave, it's OK as long as they don't come back to work. If they do, my understanding is they have to "put back" the money from their original CPF.

The "P" and "F" in CPF stand for Provident Fund. Provident aka "money for retirement". "Fund" as in "building fund" or "special fund" in a club of which you are a member. You pay into the fund from your fees, but the money in there is not "yours". The CONTRIBUTION is yours, but the money is for the collective benefit of the club.

So CPF is a huge collective fund of retirement money (also MediSave...but I'll keep it simple) which is apportioned to you at ~9-10% when you retire, and the amount received is proportionate you what you contribution is.

Australia is phasing out the aged pension. They have followed the much-admired Singapore CPF model. If you have a good job --- say in govt or a top company, your contribution is 17% and employer contribution is 24% = 41% forced savings in wages earned. This is like the original system of CPF. CPF decreases the employer contribution as workers get older to ensure "competitiveness". Not so in Australia. You can be nearly 70 years old, and if you are still working for a TOP employer (like govt), you still get a massive injection of forced savings as the 41% rate.

The difference is the Aussie version of CPF (known as Superannuation or just "Super") is mostly privatised, and if you're a high earner, you can have your own portfolio, known as "self-,managed Super Fund" which allows you greater scope, and FLEXIBILITY. For e.g. you can buy commercial and residential property as long as it qualifies as "investment" under the rules.

Anonymous said...

This is sheer injustice and outright hooliganism. One day something got to give. It cannot go on forever like this.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

>> Just repeat after me, CPF is the people's money. So simple but so difficult to say. <<

Repeating or chanting something over and over doesn't make what you saying TRUE.

There is no recourse for CPF, unless the govt itself makes the changes. Whatever is in place is LAWFUL, backed by the constitution and the president.

Virgo49 said...

Matilah, NOT constitution lah.

CONSTITUTION just the Basic Laws/Tenets that are Unshrines
On the Rights And Justice for all Races in Singapore.

Agreed in Principle as the Backbone Tenets whence Independence.

CPF's are just Parliamentary Laws been passed with the consent of the MPs and can be rescinded,revoked and amended when needed.

President nothing to do with the Chia People's Fund Scheme.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ virgo

It is all constitutional. PAP made sure of this so no onde can make legal challenge.

@ Responsibility of President:

The President also possesses personal discretion to withhold assent to any bill in Parliament providing directly or indirectly for the direct or indirect variation, changing or increase in powers of the Central Provident Fund Board to invest moneys belonging to it;[32] and the borrowing of money, the giving of any guarantee or the raising of any loan by the Government if in the President's opinion the bill is likely to draw on reserves not accumulated by the Government during its current term of office
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Singapore

Virgo49 said...

Any Ruling Government of the Day can repeal, abolish, amend with consent of the Majority of the House.

President, just collect your 8M no need capital Toto monies and sign lah.

You think they so wise to reject?

For Show lah.


Anonymous said...

You have to read what Chia Yong Yong said in its entirety and context. You are taking it out of context and oversimplifying by paraphrasing what was said into one line which she didn't say. This is from Hansard, the official record of what was said in Parliament:

In relation to the issue of CPF, this was just mentioned barely in passing. And the Workers' Party has also spoken about that. I believe that we have the right to spend our money anyway we want it, whenever we want it. I believe also that we can do anything we want, whenever we want. But when what we do is going to have a foreseeable effect or will cause foreseeable loss or injury to another person, there is merit for us to argue that that right has got to be circumscribed.

And so, in relation to the use of CPF monies, we have heard people who say, or proponents who argue that CPF money is theirs. It is our money; it is in our account; it is our retirement money; I want it out; I will spend it anyway I want.

Fine. Is it our money? I am not sure if I want to go into legalese, but I certainly do not want to argue about ownership rights. Our CPF savings are enhanced, enforced savings which are accumulated through our own deferred consumption, through co-payment by our employers and through top-ups from public funds. Is it really my private money? Do I have the right to spend it the way that I would spend my own salary? I am not entirely sure, but I know at the end of the day that because I am not the only person contributing to that fund, I cannot be the only person to call the shots as to how I am going to spend it. At the very least, I have a moral obligation to spend it wisely.

Why do I say that? Because if I am not judicious in my spending, at the end of the day, who is going to maintain me in my twilight years? The State? Who? Ultimately, it means someone else is bearing it, right? Another taxpayer. So, if I am not judicious and I am arguing, "This is my money," I am not going to be responsible in my use. And, if I argue, "This is your money; you use it anyway you want". I am not responsible as a citizen.

There is also the role of the family too. We talk a lot about educating the members as to how they can withdraw their money, how they should use or should not use. But there must be a lot more education on whether or not the families should support their retirees, support their parents in their retirement. Is that going to feature when we allow the flexibility in the withdrawal?

Madam, I have great unease, and I cannot support this recommendation that we allow such flexibility to the people. I have unease because I think we are placing a very great fiscal obligation upon our future generations, living off what our forefathers have built for us.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


As I've indicated before. Singapore social security is fully funded, by every individual throughout their productive lives. From MoM:

>> What is CPF. The CPF is a mandatory social security savings scheme funded by contributions from employers and employees. The CPF is a key pillar of Singapore's social security system, and serves to meet our retirement, housing and healthcare needs. <<

Anonymous said...


No point kPkB about CPF.

Why kPkB when 7o% already ok-ed!

Why? Eat full too free is it?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo:

The people get the govt they deserve. If they get a super majority to amend CPF so that everyone can have "their" money, so be it lah. You know what is going to happen: MANY will blow the lot. Some will be financially wise. Next step: welfare state --- rob the productive to pay the unproductive. Habis. Become like Australia/ Canada/ UK/ EU, free money for mooching bums! 🤡

...which is ok lah because That's what The People Deserve lah!

Anonymous said...

Rob the productive (workers) to pay the unproductive (ministers) by the millions $$$.

That is the existing welfare state of Singapore. It is called Reversed Welfare.

Virgo49 said...

Chia Yong Yong, please don't preach Ya Soh lah.

Moral obligation to spend my own monies wisely ?

You think you virtous person, that is your perogrative or choice.Others want to spend on wine song and burrake that is their choices.After all it's their monies.

If not all the casinos, brothels bars and those who need to also support their families will have to starve.

Anyway, you together with your hypocritically kind with tons of monies also cannot show your faces in these places. Had to pretend to be virtuous when you all yearn for them. It's be a hassle for you in the wheelchair.

Maybe have Toy Boys in your home to entertain you. Exciting on the wheels.

Most will not want to just squander their monies to be beggars. Know how humiliating to beg for alms. That's why old aunties and uncles still worked not due to theit spendthrift ways but bean sucked dry by your kind to pay you all so called elites undeserved millions.

It's the Government responsibility to take care of those who had fallen in the cracks as they had in their youths contributed to the economy of the country one way or the other.

So don't have to act pious for your kind are the worst kind.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ virgo

>> It's the Government responsibility to take care of those who had fallen in the cracks as they had in their youths contributed to the economy of the country one way or the other. <<

It is also the govt's responsibility and DUTY to ensure that those who've worked hard and produced to JUSTLY enjoy the fruits of their life-long labour and enterprise.

Anonymous said...

If one think carefully, CeePeeFxx is indirect tax monies or Ah Kong Monies, u only contributed a portion of it. It's the Ah Kong tat brought in these investors so that u all can hv jobs to do & contribute to cpf. It's for Ah Kong to keep, schedule the time frame for monies to be return to u lah...that's a typical daft Ah Gong said in coffee shops, & he so afraid the moment u mention the G thing. Sad lah, as wat KJ said u got the G u deserved, even next erection the whites still might win 70% or more of votes pants down.

Anonymous said...

Chia YY was so wrong to say that "I am NOT the only person contributing to that (CPF) fund". My CPF is my fund; a deduction from my salary and my employer also contributed into MY account ON MY BEHALF. My CPF belongs to me, and me alone, YY. And only I alone should decide how to spend it after withdrawal @ 55 years old. IT MUST BE MY CHOICE ALONE WHETHER TO LEAVE IT IN THE CPF after 55 TO EARN MORE INTERESTS!


Same illogical reasoning seems to apply to MY CPF money!

Anonymous said...

The govt uses our CPF to lend it to HDB and other agencies, and make lots of profits. At least 50% of the profits earned by CPF from our money should be shared with CPF account holders. Should immediately calculate backward at least 45+ years and refund to previous and current CPF account holders our 50+% share of CPF profits!

Anonymous said...

Many of u like to talk about CPF.

Don't waste time.

Talk to the 69.9% first.

Then come and talk about CPF.

Otherwise waste time.

Anonymous said...

CPF rules will only get harder & harder becoz it's something that PAPies cannot afford to let go. Annual CPF contributions form 50% of the money collected by PAPies --- the other 50% is all your taxes e.g. income, GST, COE, corporate, stamp duties etc.

CPF is basically a cheap loan to PAPies. So they will try to delay paying back as long as possible. Unlike when you O$P$ to banks or loansharks, the PAPies can change the loan payback & conditions anytime.

Not happy?!? Vote them out lah!!!

The problem is that Sinkies see this as a very big Risky Sacrifice. So most Sinkies will NOT vote them out. As long got jobs & good salaries, they don't mind paying CPF tax to PAPies.

At most Sinkies will max out their CPF-OA to buy expensive properties. And use their Medisave to buy gold-plated Shield plans so that they can go see personal professor specialists at Mt Elizabeth or Novena Hospital or Raffles Hospital every month for coughs & colds, and cancer marker tests & MRI every 6 months.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3.04

Tan Ku Ku for them to share the profits of the CPF investments. Sinkies do not even have a say about CPF matters.

With all the information kept under secrecy, we do not even know What is the status of the CPF financial position vis a vis its ability to pay its members.

If, like those pension funds in the USA, those who contributed years of their earnings into those pension funds are now toast, because the funds are insolvent. This is a time bomb about to explode big time.

What the Government thinks you should know and to their advantage they will tell you. What is not so advantageous to them they will withhold, like the data leaks. So, keep guessing and praying that the CPF pyramid does not collapse or the reserves are indeed there, not to say that the latter is of any concern to us directly.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ "not well informed" 258


2 things here:

1. No one has "absolute rights" in law or in fact. We (if we're lucky to be living in such cuntries) have rights protected by and in law. But laws can change, and "rights" are only IDEAS...not actual "things"

2. You down OWN your HDB (regardless of whatever bullshit the govt tells you). You OWN a time-sensitive lease to occupy those premises. When you buy and sell, you actually trade THE LEASE, not the actual property. The building and physical units are owned (in trust) by HBD. That's why you are limited in actually altering the physical aspects of the unit you occupy.

Anonymous said...

Fine. Is it our money? I am not sure if I want to go into legalese, but I certainly do not want to argue about ownership rights. Our CPF savings are enhanced, enforced savings which are accumulated through our own deferred consumption, through co-payment by our employers and through top-ups from public funds. Is it really my private money? Do I have the right to spend it the way that I would spend my own salary? I am not entirely sure, but I know at the end of the day that because I am not the only person contributing to that fund, I cannot be the only person to call the shots as to how I am going to spend it. At the very least, I have a moral obligation to spend it wisely.

The above is written by Anon 1:17pm

I can only conclude that the stupidity of some Singaporeans is beyond redemption. They have the moral obligation to spend their own money wisely? If I have a million and I wish to spend like a duke in Batam and Bintan, can I do that? You mean I can't?

My God, please help these daft to wake up and start using their brains to think.

Anonymous said...

Wah! Anon 3.58pm.

Don't anyhow spread fear here leh!

If like what you had said.... very very siong!

Better ask them to return us all our CPF!

Like that very very siong!

b said...

Its karma because the older generation cried for merdeka and voted out the British in favor of PAP. Otherwise, all old people will have pensions and free healthcare instead of collecting garbage as food. Maybe we should vote to be in angmo rule again.

Anonymous said...

To make a monopoly cheaper n not overpriced n over powerful or over arrogant or over incompetent, we can simply introduce more effective competition. Every 5 yrs the majority can exercise that, whatever the enticement, whatever the pressure. The end outcome is the reflection of the majority. Matilah is right its a deep rooted culture of most of the people. Only when they suffered enough n their self interests are clearly n obviously taken then the switch will definitely come.
Has it come, is it soon?
Will 30% of the 69.9% switched n checked the self serving powerful n rich monopoly?
Heading that direction clearly, but timing not clear yet.

b said...

Naturally, every man in this world is GREEDY. So if greedy men become in charge of people cpf, they will try to take it away from people by imposing awful laws, increase retirement age, force ínsurance etc.

Anonymous said...

One day somebody will have to pay very dearly for this MASS CHEATING.
Making use of laws to cheat and con the people just because you are smarter than the average Joe. God gives you the brain to help others. Instead you use your brain to cheat and con.

Anonymous said...

Hello b 4.26pm

........but they still got 69.9%!

What can u say?


b said...

In the street of the blind, the one-eyed man is called the Guiding Light. Hear of that before? THats why the first thing pap did was to control what they people can read.

b said...

Can someone daring enough throw some shoes at this NMP?
Sinkies are so cow that no one dares anymore.


Anonymous said...

Please remember this 434pm.

Someone is very very lucky.

Able to escape two CAs!

The person must be a very good person.

God is very very good and kind to the person!


Anonymous said...

'Better ask them to return us all our CPF' unquote Anon 4.15

Just ask lor! Where do you live? Ask your MP!

Anonymous said...

b, please throw the first shoe, since you are not cow. You will be the hero of the downtrodden! But make sure you pad your buttocks with a thick pillow! This is my good advice!

Unknown said...

Hopeless never mind, worst of all, Singaporeans kill Singaporeans 🤗

Anonymous said...

4.54 pm anon, Thick pillow also no use lar when they let the Tua Kee sodomized b. It may provide some comfort after the act lor

Anonymous said...

The Elderlies ay Yeck Ghee are very grateful to the Prime Minister. According to one LNY Hongbao recipient, she receives the goodies every year and is very grateful.

Anonymous said...

When people realize they are heartlessly rejected of what they suppose to own in order to survive, they fear no more, they become the change agent themselves.

Anonymous said...

CPF Board of Directors and CEO of CPF are directly responsible to the CPF Contributors singularly and severally.

They are supposed to manage and grow the fund in order to benefit the members. In the early years, they did their job diligently and members were able to get higher interest returns. But since 1990, they relegated their duties and responsibilities to GIC and Temasek Holdings, as well as the Finance Ministry.

As a result, members have been shortchanged, manipulated, forced to pay money to fatten the insurance companies. The public are still not making much noise. This is really fantastic. Where in the world can you find such a bunch of idiots?

Anonymous said...

Daylight armed robbery.
Armed not with guns but with frivolous laws pointing at your heads. Each and everyone of you.

Anonymous said...

11.50pm but they like it mah so what to do. The more they screwed the sinkies, the more sinkies feel shiok leh

Anonymous said...

After hearing everyone here..........

The final conclsion is that.........

A massive 69.9% did voted "OK-ed" at the last GE.........

Difficult to change! So dont waste time....better 3 Ms!..............

Anyway......it is good that we can still kpkb kpkb and kpkb here........

Happy CNY! Yam Seng! Yam Seng! Yam! YAM! Yam Seng!

Anonymous said...

7.48 pm, happy new year lar and in this new year I wanted to sodomize u lor

Anonymous said...

When people realize they are unable to survive with dignity, that is the ending of their fear, they become the change agent themselves.

Borrowed from the undertaker:
"So understand this, fear is useful…it can be channeled towards a positive end."