
White liars and gangsters - State Terrorism at works

Photo credit to YahooNews online

These are the thugs that fabricated charges against an innocent woman executive and wanting to jail her for life. How atrocious. Look at them carefully, each and everyone of them, pretending to be so upright and so legal but abusing the power of the evil Empire to persecute citizens of other countries.  All the serious commercial crime in the US were at worse ended with a heavy fine on the organisations. Not a single top executive were jailed for their commercial crimes.

Why would these gangsters think it is alright to want to jail a woman executive that is out of their jurisdiction, a non American citizen? Countries with extradition treaty with the evil Empire must think again or they would suffer the same fate as the daft Canadians or becoming willing partners to become international gangsters. The Americans are using these extradition treaties to arrest and persecute citizens of other states not within their jurisdiction and using cronies and little USAs to do the dirty work for them.

The charges are as fake as the charges against Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Un, and Maduro of Venezuela. Before the Trump Kim Summit, Kim was smeared as a heartless and cruel dictator, a womaniser that only know how to flaunt his wealth and killing his people. Today all the nonsense and misinformation has stopped after Trump called him a good friend.

These white liars and thugs are up to no good everywhere. When would they face their own injustice against countries of the world and their crimes against humanity?

PS. Trump needs a victory badly after losing the Great Wall of America push. China would oblige him with a sweet trade deal but Meng Wanzhou and Huawei will be part of the deal. Trump can then claim victory and success and probably withdraw all charges against Meng and Huawei. I could be wrong but these are highly likely to be part of the trade deal. Xi cannot conclude a deal without the release of Meng.


  1. International court judge resigns, citing ‘shocking’ interference from ‘above the law’ US

    A senior judge has resigned from the UN International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, after the United States threatened judges investigating alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan.

    The judge, Christoph Flügge, told German newspaper Zeit that he handed in his resignation after open threats from US officials, including a speech by hawkish national security adviser John Bolton last September, where Bolton “wished death” on the Court.

    “If these judges ever interfere in the domestic concerns of the US or investigate an American citizen, he said the American government would do all it could to ensure that these judges would no longer be allowed to travel to the United States – and that they would perhaps even be criminally prosecuted,” Flügge told Zeit.

  2. In order to make a trade deal, the Americans are churning up all kinds of threats and accusations against China, claiming that China and Russia are a security threat to them.

    The truth, the evil American Empire is a threat to the security of all the countries in the world, including its allies, cronies and little USAs.

  3. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 31, 2019 8:56 am

    The Canadian court has 30 days to decide if it wants to proceed with extradition hearings. Her next court appearance is scheduled on March 6th. Uncle Sam and his partner in crime, Canada have decided to hold China to ransom. Trump wants a favourable trade deal and Sabrina Meng is his bargaining chips. Initiately, Canadian officials had said Sabrina Meng was accused of tricking financial institutions into making transactions that violated Uncle Sam's sanctions on Iran.

    On Tuesday new charges unveiled in Washington include having misled Uncle Sam about its business in Iran, obstructing a criminal investigation and stealing Uncle Sam's industrial secrets.

  4. The ICC is part of the UN and official international organisation.

    This is different from the back lane Hague court that ruled against China on the SCS islands that some idiots kept claiming that it was a UN backed court. That court was just a commercial court for hire by willing parties, not a neutral UN institution with neutrality appointed judges appointed and paid by the UN.

  5. Only one in five Venezuelans had heard of Juan Guaidó. A few months ago, the 35-year-old was an obscure character closely associated with gruesome acts of street violence. Uncle Sam's endorsement of this thug with a single phone call from from Vice President Mike Pence was enough to cause Guaidó to proclaim himself as president of Venezuela, a nation with the world’s largest oil reserves.

    Guaidó was selected by Washington not because he is expected to lead Venezuela towards democracy but to collapse a nation which for the past two decades has been a bulwark of resistance to Uncle Sam's hegemony. Uncle Sam would love to drag current president, Nicolás Maduro through the streets and sodomized with a bayonet just like Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi.

  6. The white thugs are treating Venezuela as a colony of the Empire, dictating what and how it should be run. After applying all kinds of sanctions and restrictions to destroy its economy, they now put the blame on Maduro when the white thugs are the devil behind all the economic woes in Venezuela.

    It is like lighting a fire and blame it on someone else for the fire.

  7. The Americans are seizing the money of Venezeula in American banks. The British are seizing the gold belonging to Venezuela in London.

    The stupid leaders of countries around the world must take note of this and withdraw all their gold and money in American and western countries and put them in safer countries. This story of the Americans and western countries seizing the money and assets of other countries has been repeated over and over again. Unfortunately silly world leaders refuse to learn from these ugly precedents and continue to put their money and gold at risks. The Arabs, the Latin Americans and Asian and SE Asian countries are the victims and potential victims of American and western aggression and willingly commit treason against the interests of their countries by putting their money, gold and assets in western countries.

    Get your money and gold out of these western mafia countries immediately! You can be allies and cronies today but enemies of the American and western mafia tomorrow.

  8. Don't have to look at the US, Canada or Venezeula! We are already facing state terrorism when Malaysia sends their ships into Singapore waters, without any provocations, to terrorise commercial shipping with uncertainties and anxieties, creating fears of war between Singapore and Malaysia being provoked by a Malaysian ship MV Pedoman who sits stubbornly inside Singapore waters, waiting to be sunk ... and then, war!

  9. NSman Aloysius Pang, and other NSmen who perished during NS training, should not have died in vain over the past 55+ years ... The Malaysian MV Pedoman presence in Singapore waters is a blatant mark of utter disrespect and insult to our NSman Aloysius Pang on the day of his funeral last Sunday. We need to eliminate this terrrorist threat NOW!
    Read more here - https://miko-wisdom.blogspot.com/2019/01/in-memoriam-for-aloysius-et-al.html

  10. Micky, there u go again inciting hatred and wanted to start a war. I think you are really mad if not crazy. We have Vietnam and Philippines occupying China islands and China did not start a war. U have one unarmed vessel in our water and u wanted to start a war. U really need to check in to IMH or seek alternate treatment by inviting Matilar to do his Favourite that is so do mi or dor re mi 😀

  11. MV Pedoman is like a fearless pig sitting inside Singapore waters who is surrounded by the lions and tigers of the mighty Singapore Navy, Police Coast Guards and on the radars of our inescapable missiles ... it certainly takes superhuman restraint by the SAF not to serve bacon and BBQ meat for the next quick meal!

    Pedoman’s continual presence in Singapore waters is an affront to the SAF and it humiliates our NSmen who have sworn to protect and defend Singapore’s sovereignty (which INCLUDE our waters) from foreign threats.

  12. No intention to "incite hatred and wanting a war", Anon 11:44.
    The war is already upon us - wake up! have you not noticed that?
    We did not provoke or start it, BUT let's end it VICTORIOUSLY and DECISIVELY, man!

  13. Lau Gor said ignore these Pedophiles idiots lah. Bala said we hv sharp elbows so dun play play with us...Ah Chan never said anything same as Ah Heng ...it's like telling Matland ur method is lame O or simply so gross & retard lah.

  14. Matilah thinking that kiasi Sinkies soldiers will not dare to take any action.
    So send his cheap buoy repairs boat, just in case got sunk.
    Dare not send your more expensive ships, Mat dollah?
    Whatever, still die .. matter of time only!

  15. Warmonger Michael Heng, you are no different from Uncle Sam.

    You have shown yourself to be an opportunist who seizes at every opportunity and turns it in your favour. Shark!

    Stop exploiting the death of Aloysius Pang, which is a bad political issue for National Service, Ministry of Defence and the SAF.

    Yet you so crudely turned it around to distract and soften the political damage by directing Aloysius Pang's death towards an "external threat"!

    Elections are coming, we know. But don't have to stoop so low. You can simply attack the Malaysian authorities without using the name of Aloysius Pang.

    By linking Aloysius Pang's name to the Pedoman incident, are bringing it up repeatedly, you are actually telling others how insensitive disrespectful and unscrupulous you are!

    Yes, I know your IBs kakis will come and defend you and say I need to be sodomized. Nevertheless, I will still say what I have said.

    Leave Aloysius Pang alone. Let him rest in peace!

  16. The Evil Empire thrives on wars and instabilities in other countries. Wars and instabilities are the life line of the Evil Empire military industrial complex. Once a war starts the Pentagon will start selling huge arms to the conflicting parties at tremendous profits to enrich the Evil Empire. So do not fall into the trap and stratagem of the Evil Empire. Mahatir is now under the spell of the Evil Empire. Malaysia's economy is in deep shit and Mahatir may try to start a little scuffle to distract from its trouble. But that scuffle may have unforseen circumstances resulting in a conflagation of a huge conflict in South East Asia which is exactly what the Evil Empire wants to have. Mahatir should know that a straw fire may end up in a prairie fire in which Asean countries and China will suffer except the Evil Empire. So instead of falling into the war trap of the Evil Empire, the Asean countries should live and let live and help one another to live in peace. Asean countries leaders must imperatively get rid of their silly little ego to achieve harmony.


  17. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 31, 2019 12:44 pm

    Jingoists are stoking the flame of war. Any war between Singapore and Malaysia is MAD. Singapore has no strategic depth nor width. Malaysian artillery can flatten any part of the tiny red dot within hours. Singapore will need more than that. The Imperial Japanese Army took more than 50 days to overrun Malaya before it overran Singapore. The British believed Singapore was an impregnable fortress. It was a myth. War hawks believe Singapore can punch above its weight. That's another myth.

  18. Send the man that praised Mahathir sky high for being instrumental in building good relations between Singapore and Malaysia to see Mahathir again. This is how Mahathir repay this nut for his stupidity.

    A devil is always a devil in whatever clothing.

  19. @ State Terrorism

    Under Lee Kuan Yew, many unlucky characters --- political opponents and critics of LKY --- were arrested, imprisoned, banished and sued.

    ...and the world, and our cuntry moved on.

    This is a bit of a media spectacle, but it'll soon fade away too. The govt shutdown has so far cost more than the money required by the Dems to sign off on. And BTW, the private sector has rallied to take up some of the slack, adding weight to the idea that less government is usually better, and cheaper.

    Trump will probably get his hated wall, and it'll do fuck all to stop brown people from coming over. In the meantime, people can amuse themselves by playing The Game. Ah capitalism --- where there's an opportunity, exploit it! 🤑 (Probably made in China)

  20. Can send the PBM with scuba gear & demolition charges to sink the pedoman tonight. No need involve the rest of sinkies who are too busy trying to survive on $5 a day.

    PBM will get Star Of Temasek medal and have a new entry in Wikipedia that will outshine Operation Jaywick in WW2.

    If you read the Jaywick story carefully, the moral of the story is that the military operation resulted in far more civilian deaths & torture compared to a very small & inconsequential military results.

  21. How stupid can sinkies get? Allowing MV Pedoman to re-supply under the guise of the Johor mentri besar's visit! Did Sinpore give the mb permission to enter our waters?
    Matiland already see us no up ... we still waiting for WHAT?
    Agree to sink the stupid boat now!

  22. The Matilah who is "instrumental in building good relations between Singapore and Malaysia" decided to enter your house and chope your bedroom ... then get his poor relative to stay in there while you claim your house back. For sure, he will take your daughters, rape them and sell them ... what you dare do? NOTHING!
    You better get out and give up your house if got no guts to fight for it!

  23. anyone wants to give rewards to sink the pedoman?
    maybe life-time supply of big mac? unlimited grab rides? free shopping in JB?
    a proton saga? a matiland house? free matilah women?
    one big Matilah photo? a million ringgits?
    ... pleese add on more free gifts for the pedoman!

  24. @ warmongers:

    Eh fellas. Please go to Geylang and fuck some pretty cheebye lah, get all that agro out of your system. Lucky our expensive government has got more good sense, and thank Allah bin Jehovah you're not running Singapore's defences.

    We can't do any of those violent things you suggest. For starters, under International Law, it is illegal. Pedoman is a civilian unarmed vessel, owned by the state, deployed by an asshole Mentri Besar who is behaving like a budak kecik. The idea is to make us lose our cool. The play is not to lose our cool...be the "bigger person" in this "annoyance".

    That's Mahathir's play --- to be a fucking nuisance. So we have to be cool. What do you do when a 2 year old throws a tantrum...Ignore the little piece of shit.

  25. "Agree to sink the stupid boat now!"

    That's why I support PBM going commando tonight to blow up the pedoman!!!

    We will prepare 5am beach party to welcome back the Commando PBM!!!

  26. @ "over reaction" 127

    >> enter your house and chope your bedroom ... then get his poor relative to stay in there while you claim your house back. For sure, he will take your daughters, rape them and sell them ... what you dare do? NOTHING! <<

    Wah, you damn clever to GORENG story one lah. Nothing even close has happened. They just parked their sampan in our side of a small pond.

    In this case, doing "nothing" might be the smarter play. Please go to Geylang and fuck some delicious cheebye lah. Get a rim job while you are at it. You'll feel much better, and be able to think a lot more clearer afterwards.



    Where are you?? Wah piang, all these brave warriors want to fight with Matland.

    Bak Seow Boh Kow!! Drop their specs shoot and killed own comrades.

    This PAPies Mouth Organ at it again?? Inche Tiger Hong and Samsusdin just gave a shout and all start peeing at the pants.

    Bullets fired above heads and shits come out.

    Want to fight with Matland Kampong Soldiers.


    Just discharged from National Service, go to City Square. Confront by a penknife welding druggie in full view of all shoppers including ten year old giggling Tudang clad female students and they surrendered their wallets to him.

    Two years, oops now less than two years of training to defend the country and they afraid of a penknife welding druggie robber. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRg??

    Better i go and hide in my Melaka run down sanctuary apartment. More deaths in training than in actual operations. Wah piang, actual operations, how many want to be slaughtered???

    Ah Nehs just welding bottles and rubbish and oit SOC hide in drains scattering like Rats.

    SCDF supposed to fight fires and save lives but instead ragging and killed their own kind.ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR???? UG- same or not.?????????

    Hello, better get your Vivi ex SNES to have our servicemen operated for Myopia and can see better and don't killed our own kind. Nine out of ten sinkies soldiers wore specs.

    Inche said hello specky, specky!! Pioneer batches CAS men maybe can fight but today??? ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR??? Last time Indon Kronfatsi, all not scared. Now?ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?? All Ah Gua Commanders and Kernels. Coconut kernels.

    Pen pushers soldiers and officers. Well trained NCOs are the backbones of the armies and the ones that can saved your lives, NOT chiak Liao Bee scholar Officers.

    Like the SIRs in the 60s and 70s. Colonel good enough to be Commander. Now so many useless Paper Generals in a Little Red Dot. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGG- UG- you made my day.

    Aiyo, stomach ache now, got to go and poo.

    They want to capitalize on Pang's Death. They shooting their own feet. So many parents now worried their sons going NS. Go in Die or Not??? Better vote TCB and Lim Tean,


  28. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 31, 2019 3:57 pm

    Singapore's economy wiĺl tank once a war breaks out between Singapore and Malaysia. Investors flee. The rich flee. Capital flee. Before long the carcasses of burnt-out 99-year HDB flats will stand starkly in the background. Starvation stares at the faces of those who are still alive. Diseases and illnesses will soon take their toll on survivors as all hospitals are likely to be bombed out of existence. MV Pedoman must never be allowed to become the casus belli.

  29. Typical kiasi/kiasu thinking Matilah is counting on, Titiana!
    Actually, Matilah knows the brief Sinpor-matiland war will be over in less than 10 hours, with our soldiers occupying JB and Johor! SinJohor will become many times richer than all the rest of remaining Matiland! No more port or water or air flight issues anymore for Matilah to choe-cho ...! There is no other outcome for Matilah in the war with Spor he began in November 2018!

  30. Hi 357om

    Don't anyhow spread fear here leh!


  31. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 31, 2019 6:08 pm

    Malaysia will never allow Singapore army to capture its water works. It will put cyanide into the water. That is why negotiations are still ongoing. Malaysia is not keeping quiet. Using debt as an excuse, it is cancelling all high speed rail projects so that Singapore will never be connected to BRI. Peace brings stability and prosperity but war brings destruction and misery. Wise leaders choose peace.

  32. Sinpor DID NOT start his, Titiana!
    The bully Matilah began the fight, now we will finish it!
    That's how we deal with bullies and dictators.
    Show your weakness or dare not engage them, they will just eat you up.
    Choose peace, choose victory!

  33. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 31, 2019 6:55 pm

    There is no fight. There is no bloodshed. There is only disagreement. Wise leaders do not use young men as cannon fodder. War hawks go for glory. They do not care if a son, a brother, a husband or a father return home in a body bag.

    To start a war because of illegal parking by a foreign boat shows a lack of maturity. A good example happened in 1969 when El Salvador and Honduras went to war over soccer. Both Singapore and Malaysia will become the laughing stock of the world if a war breaks out over a boat parking in disputed waters.

  34. Hi Titiana.

    Wise words. These young punks think war is fun.

    Their grandparents, parents and even their older siblings if they have any do not tell them of theis sufferings in WWII and the Japs Occupation.

    How lian, a bit of muscle and some half past six military training want to fight.

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

    For all you know that's might be previously Malaysian Waters.

    Our reclaimations encroached their limits.

    Malaysian armies are regular professional soldiers.

    Even IPPTT many also failed. Civily soldiers cannot beat professional soldiers.

  35. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 31, 2019 8:05 pm

    Hi Virgo, I am totally in agreement with you. War is not fun and game. It is all about shedding blood and tears. The wisdom of the leaders on both sides of the Straits must prevail.

  36. All NSmen know that "war is not fun and game", Titiana. We know how deadly and lethal our SAF is, and how well-trained killers we all are. When Mahatil sent his ships to violate our waters, it's like he decided to push you onto the bed! Do you say "please declare your intentions?" or just kick him between his legs? He is now unzipping his fly; do you wonder about his intentions? Let's not be naive; you are about to be raped ... your Mahatil options are simple: just open your legs and let him in OR kick his b**ls again and bloody his nose? Like war, being RAPED is not fun too; like war, RAPE is painful and bloody too! Just don't just say "please, don't!".

  37. Singapore is being raped, slowly and surely.
    MV Pedoman already enter and sits inside our waters.
    There is no difference between a little penetration or a full insertion in rape; rape is rape.
    Agreed fully with Anon8:32 and Anon6:25.

  38. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 31, 2019 9:00 pm

    Credit to the leaders of both countries. They do not have the mentality of Neanderthals. They have acted rationally and in a civilised manner. No mention of war. No empty boast of their army prowess. No threats issued. The BGs are so different in behaviour from the low ranking ah bengs who only know how to NATO. For those who think they must lay down their lives to show how patriotic they are, just try to organise a protest outside the Malaysian High Commission. All the talk about war with Malaysia is brainless hogwash and fake bravado.

  39. Titiana
    the Warmongers are just like the 70+ Ah Pek who offered to go to war over the Border Disputes.
    Anyone have faith that he will last an hour sea journey with combat gears ?
    the Disputes is with our most friendly neighbour. Anybody else could result in calamity.
    Singapore has great weaponry, unfortunately, some of its people sorely lack sensibility.

  40. Aiyo these 2 Anon 8.32pm & Anon 6.25pm really need to be sodmize lar.

  41. Titiana Ann XavierJanuary 31, 2019 10:20 pm

    @ 9.59pm. Hahaha. I can imagine the ah peks going to fight a sea battle to drive away MV Pedoman. So cool man..

  42. @ Tatiana,

    Hahahaaaa. Maybe half-way pancet liao

  43. Just lay back and enjoy, Titiana!
    Mahtil will be back for more .... u got sisters and gerfrends?

  44. Titiana Ann XavierFebruary 01, 2019 12:01 am

    Dr M has an axe to grind with the PAP leaders not the people. So he will not be after your daughters and wife. But if you are paranoid about their having to enjoy laying back, that's your funeral. Better mind your own business and leave others alone to mind theirs.

  45. It's only the American elites, politicians stirring trouble over China for political capital. A number of polls showed the American public generally held a less confrontational view of China.

    A 2018 Gallop poll about American people overall opinion of China shows 53% held a favorable attitude toward China versus 45% unfavorable and 2% no opinion.

    Also, Pew in a recent survey found Americans not worked up at all about China: “Reducing China’s power and influence is not a leading goal for either party.” Fears about China were particularly muted among younger respondents. Across the board, however, Pew found that fears about China trailed concerns about Russia, North Korea and Iran.

    The Chicago Council on Global Affairs’s 2018 polling reveals a similar finding of minimal U.S. fear of China. Only about 4 in 10 Americans (39 percent) said the development of China as a world power is a critical threat facing the United States. That placed it an underwhelming eighth out of 12 potential threats included in the survey. Furthermore, that number has essentially been unchanged for the past decade or so.

  46. Wah seh. Clap clap clap. MV Pedoman anchor so long can drop until all the way below till the sea bed until it cannot move and cannot be tow is it? If so it is very li hai man. What brand one ah? Can invent it on car so that no money pay installment, wont get tow ah?

    Virgo49, your level of talking is way too li hai liao. I cannot get some. Your Melaka run down sanctuary apartment can let you shout Merdeka a not? Will go "peh" a not if you too excited reading some Singapore news from there and accidentally shout Merdeka?
    Yih Sai Boh Kow maybe sound the same ah? Never mind. It okay. No blame culture. Let move on. Tee Hee. Chinese New Year coming. Lai lai lai, enjoy some bak kwa and kum. Put on the smiling face. Thum all salary on Toto and Charity for good karma. Army die than die cos human will die. Mrt spoil than spoil cos things will spoil. Just thum all salary on Toto and Charity for good karma. Charity is to gain karma to win Toto. Than you go buy Toto. Win liao use all money thum on landed property consider doing good deed and improving Singapore economy a not ah? Win liao rem is not to thum back to charity, is to thum on landed property. Buy more and rent to foreigners. Going how many millions? 10 millions? See which area the minister thum money on the property, follow them. Follow minister is correct. PAP PAP PAP. Follow WP also can. See Low Thia Khiang property where. Follow. See TCB property where. Follow. See Sylvia Lim property where. Follow. Maybe got chance to be MP cos the Feng Shui might be good. Eh, WP got people be MP also leh. Win GRC. Maybe now tide change must follow WP feng shui better. WP WP WP.


  47. UG-ARrrrrrrrr?

    Wah, how lian wet behind the years young punks boasted our SAF li hai and lethal.

    My God, don't make my toes laugh.
    Just for show only. Have they even fight against the Real terrorists and Chin Peng? Ever aginast Gangs of the Southern Philipines bandits?

    Only Wayang exercises having the own actors to act on the script with cameras rolling to con the dafts.

    Real action whether they scattered like rats like in Little India's mini riots.

    Real courage in warfare NOT what's superior glittering arsenals you have but the COURAGE and instinct behaviours of True bred soldiers.

    Go to Genting New Indoor Theme Park and practicise your myopic shootings on their Amusement games before you opened your mouths want to fight!

    Foreign trashes here to bash your fellowmen now and then and even nobody dared intervene, want to fight wuth professiinal soldiers.

    My Foot! Old lady with just waving a kitchen knife already kena tasered.

    Want to fight with Real Bullets.
    Only knows how to check and bully own meek daft sinkies.

    This Mouth Organ Propaganda Por Lam Par PAP PBM or PMB is playing a BOEYMAN of threats for his Masters just like in the 60s cheng hoo lan to frighten the masses and blindly supported their Masters till today.

    Conning Today's still dafts.

  48. What is PBM huh? Some big award? By whom and for what? Anyone know? If like that also can get award, walau don't know what to say.

  49. Pbm is Plp lar.

  50. Some so proud to publish in Shitimes awarded PBM... .Hahaha official eunuch Por Lam Par award.. .. Chio Si Lan.

  51. Say u I think for the few posters that advocate for war, they obviously never thought of the economic consequences as well as people lives cost. As there are quite a number of them, I don't think Matilar by himself is able to sodomize all of them may be max he can sodomize 2 fellas a day. One suggestion will be if they can sodomize each other to wake up. What say u 10.19 pm anon? 😀

  52. Singapore's biggest war experience is a platoon or less soldiers defending Kranji Beach against the Japanese. In military terms this is as good as a skirmish, not even a battle.

  53. 8.19 am anon, I look at his photo he looks so chubby so I have to urge to pinch his face or slap him leh

  54. 8.19am Anon, agree lah with your suggestion. Those 2 fellas, obviously cannot think very well. Got a bird brain. Like I said, they really need to be sodomize hard enough to wake up.

  55. wake up everyday, being f**ked by pedoman ... really shiok lah!
    more pedomans coming!
    powerful saf, so waht? cannot even get the pedoman pig out of our waters, useless!
    continue enjoy being f**ked, sinkies!

  56. agreed. trained so hard all the time! but when time come, cannot even get rid of a silly stupid terrorist boat floating on our waters!?
    trained for what?

  57. Where got trained so hard? Dont you heard most reservists said about Ict...WOT. Buy a lot of expensive weapons yes. Knn paper generals go Glcs lah...trained hard to go Glcs yes lah. Sampan not terrorist boat lah. Dont kong kum lah.

  58. Why not everyone admit it, if the world belongs to one wise and selfless man and the world will be in peace. No need wars and battles. Everyone build houses and roads and cars and live in harmony. Unfortunately, this one wise n selfless man does not exists. Evil exists long in this world before God came here. God merely added some light but not enough to destroy it.

  59. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-02-04/huawei-sting-offers-rare-glimpse-of-u-s-targeting-chinese-giant?srnd=premium-asia
