
Political change - Abandoning a sinking ship

The once dull, placid and uneventful political scene of Singapore where the PAP dominates and controls everything is showing signs of life, excitement and suspense. Cheng Bock just announced that he is forming a new party, Progress Singapore Party. There are many aspects of this party that are going to change the status quo. Cheng Bock's party would have many members coming from the PAP, a chip of the old block.

In a way this is what Singaporeans are waiting for, have been waiting for this to happen, yes, a split within the PAP. This may not be technically correct in the sense that Cheng Bock's members are likely to be ex PAP and not serving MPs/ministers or card carrying members. A split would be a case of current members breaking away to form a new party to challenge the PAP. I may be saying this a bit too early as this is just the beginning. When things gather momentum, there is always a likelihood that PAP members and cadres could switch camp before the next GE.

People are speculating as to who are the 12 founding members of Cheng Bock's new party. Big names have been thrown into the ring with some mentioning Hsien Yang and even George Yeo may make a comeback. People are anticipating surprises, hoping for surprises, wishing for surprises. And what could they look for, would there be current MPs and ministers switching camps?

The premature retiring of some ministers in the recent PAP reelection must have made some ministers not very happy or even disgruntled. The two DPMs that are standing down are very young, at the prime of their life and have many good years to contribute to the country and people. Would they be happy to be retired so early and be cast into the wilderness?

Then there is the possibility of some wanting to jump ship, abandoning a sinking ship. Though the PAP is still look formidable, just like UMNO was in the last GE before they were defeated. No one would expect UMNO to become a sinking ship once the result was final. This incident would provide fruit for thought in the Singapore context. Is the PAP a sinking ship like UMNO but not showing sign that it is sinking? Would it be prudent to jump ship before it is too late, like the case of UMNO when it was too late once the rice is cooked?

The new Progress Singapore Party can prove to be an attractive proposition if more big wigs join the bandwagon and start a rush for safety, or if there is a strong and attractive pipe piper taking the lead.

Everyone is making his own assessment of the health of the PAP. There are many factors and developments recently that may be read as bad signs for the PAP. Is the PAP still as strong as it was or is it at the terminal stage of cancer and it is better to jump ship before it is too late? If the decision is to jump, Cheng Bock's new party is a good and easy choice to make the switch.

The new party is giving hopes to many that change is coming, change is now before the curtain falls on the PAP. If there are enough people believing in change, change it will be.


Anonymous said...

Doubt if any minister or ex-minister will jump ship. It is well known among PAP cadres that you don't bite the hand that feeds you (or has fed you well with 10s of millions for your children & children's children).

At most some former senior civil servants, former academics, former GIC economist, and Inderjit Singh.

Virgo 49 said...

Chinese saying: Big Tree Fall, the Monkeys will Scattered.

PAP strongman LKY and now weakling son fallen,the PAP monkeys scattered.

Some seemed Other Big Tree for Safety and others slighted and disgruntled of not been promised the Golden Peaches as they thought should be theirs.

Smiling when been step sided and now making other comebacks.

Humans are just crazy for Powers.

UG said...

Jiuh Toh Lau Kau Suah

80 20 rule

80 is the tree

20 is the monkey

Tree fall, monkey find new tree. I am the tree. I cannot choose. Only monkey can choose. So election time I must stay at home. Those leaders are not the tree, they are monkey, monkey are smarter than tree. Peasants than are the tree. That why the world is ki siao. Because I realize things are opposite. That why I say old leaders Chio Si Lang. Still in your dream. We are Strawberry Cao Mei, cao liao fah mei because we are awake. You all are still sleeping.


But Jiuh Toh Lau Kau Suah is still right. The Jiuh kena harvested until no coconut, unhealthy tree, fall, of course the Lau Kau Suah. The Lau Kau need more coconuts. But one day Lau Kau will also die.

Thru out history ah, when the peasants is not strawberry cao mei, cao liao fah mei? LOL. But if the monkey do one wrong things ah, the brain maybe eaten alive. KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA. So be Gorilla better. LKY LKY LKY. Ong Teng Cheong Ong Teng Cheong Ong Teng Cheong.

UG said...


So can the Ang Moh peasants blame China?

Advente said...

If PAP cadres and bulwarks really have the 3 C's - Courage, Conscience and Conviction - to care for the country and serve the people, then they should take this opportune time to switch allegiance.

The long-term interests of the country and her people are of paramount importance, much more important than that of a ruling political party like PAP, much much more important than the personal interests of Hsien Loong and his Family.

Singapore has been under the tight and restrictive control of the Lee Family for far too long - more than 50 years. That is very unhealthy.

Not only that, the fact is that more and more things are getting seriously out of hand in recent years, especially the last two years.

While the ruling elites are glorifying themselves and enjoying their windfall monthly salaries and annual bonuses, the commoners are increasingly shouldering the heavy burden of the annual National Budget Requirements, for both short and long-term.

We cannot allow such a situation to continue. The various critical issues have become too glaringly personal and self-centred. It is quite clear that only one person is calling all the shorts. It is also clear that the benevolent dictatorship has started to turn ugly, towards a more tyrannical modus operandi What will we, as common citizens, experience next?

Should Singaporeans remain silent, apolitical, apologetic and refusing to jump out of the boiling pot and allow themselves to be burnt to death? Or, more importantly, should Singaporeans take proactive actions now before it is too late?

UG said...

If PAP cadres and bulwarks really have the 3 C's - Courage, Conscience and Conviction - to care for the country and serve the people, then they should take this opportune time to switch allegiance.

Must change to they must donate money to me so that I can buy property under my name and rent out to foreigner and shake leg. Rotate donate to different poor people in Singapore. Start from me. Start tmr. No need wait 5 years for elections. Help the poor can start anytime one especially the salary is millions. Why only blame Lee Family? Than so many people work in PAP do not know the Lee Family got problem long ago after 1999 and start their own underground network to help people when Li Ning got free education?



Anonymous said...

UG really stands for Utter Garbage. Nothing else.

Anonymous said...

That UG dude is mentally not very stable often posting around 2 to 4 am. He always asked others for money or give him a cushy jobs all he wanted to do is he wanted to shake legs at home. Seriously he needed treatment and Counselling. If can not afford, then go to Jalan Besar to be sodomized so that the pain would wake him up. I hope Matilar can offer his sodomy expertise to save this soul.😀

Anonymous said...

UG the way u wrote very dangerous and may offend that u Kena invited to lim Kopi and then detained for questioning. That may not deter u as look like u don't need to sleep but don't forget lagi worst they invite African Tua Kee to stay with you. If u view the porn with African Tua Kee u will be frightened cause sometime 10 inches Long. If u Kena sodomized by them I doubt you can walk as your ass Kena pechai. But again it may just be the treatment u needed.

Anonymous said...

PAP elites now nervous . . .

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

UG is likely to be posting from UK. In UK it is morning hours.

virgo49 said...

Right Mr RB.

UG or Arrrug, many thought he mentally deranged.

But actually these UGs are nutty professors who expressed themselves in their Nutty ways.

Thet had studied brillantly that their brains, Cantonese said chee sins- crossed or mangled minds.

Read carefully what's he is trying to convey his frustrations with things in Sinkieland.

For example, our comrade Dominique
who died due to the negilences of the SAF officers without justice been meted properly to those concerned. Just demotion and pay docks and later promotions.

How he served NS and still remained jobless due to the wrong policies of the PAP.

His father slept at void decks. If the PAP were to harvest his talents, they can downsized at least twenty of their chiak liao bee MPs.

TCB and LT no chance in coming GE.

Have seen many of these overstudy brillant professors in the wilderness as they are not spotted for Governing Roles.

Likewise, our Matliah and the Sing Song Dynasty Scholars.


Anonymous said...


A good start!

Is it strong enough?

The pary not only needs ex.pap members.

Best if present pap members can jump ship!

Anyway, a good start!

A Sg Harapan.....possible?

Many many are waiting for PSP details!

Indeed what a surprising CNY ang pow!

Yes! A surprising CNY ang pow!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

PSP is nothing more than a PAP ver. upgrade or to use a Linux metaphor, the PSP is a "fork" of the PAP.

Anonymous said...

Is the PAP a sinking ship like UMNO but not showing sign that it is sinking?

But then hor, can Dr Tan Cheng Bock become a Sinkie Mahathir?

Is Tan Cheng Bock as famous and well known in Singapore as Dr Mahathir is in Malaysia? How many seats can his new party contest?

Is his new party ready to be govt? This one Tan Cheng Bock never say or dare not say. Why ah?

Hope Tan Cheng Bock won't end up like Tan Jee Say. LOL

Anonymous said...

This is the seed for Sinkies to take back their Singapore of 3.4 million, not 5.7 million.

Anonymous said...

Tan Cheng Bock cannot even unite the existing Sinkie opposition parties as a strong coalition. Which means the Sinkie opposition leaders show no respect for him to be their leader, unlike for Dr Mahathir in Malaysia.

He also cannot make SDP Chee Soon Juan to be on speaking terms with WP's Low Thia Khiang or even Pritam Singh.

Which means his new party will most likely go alone lah to fight PAP. Like that ah, I don't see much hope unless his new party contest 100% seats and announce they are ready to be govt and Tan Cheng Bock will become PM if they win.

Anonymous said...

dont cold water leh

this is indeed a very very very good start lah

with this foundation, maybe more will jump ship sOOn

hope is sustainable

best wishes......all the best......cheers!

Anonymous said...

Tan Cheng Bock can win big last time is because he is from PAP, the ruling party(govt)

If Chee Soon Juan is from PAP, I am sure he would have become a MP long ago.

Once Tan Cheng Bock is not from PAP, Sinkies will see him no up because he will not be a govt MP if elected. And if he is not govt MP, PAP will "tekan" him and his residents. So why ask for trouble by voting Tan Cheng Bock's new party, majority Sinkies must be thinking.

Anonymous said...

Trust Tan Cheng Bock will ask uncomfortable questions in Parliament, eg Temasek salaries, etc

Anonymous said...

And if he is not govt MP, PAP will "tekan" him and his residents.
11:03 am

Hahahaha. U may be right.

Just look at how PAP "tekan" Tan Cheng Bock when he tried to contest as President in 2017.

Don't say Tan Cheng Bock, even Lee Hsien Yang, wife and son were "tekan" when they spoke against their own blood, so what more Tan Cheng Bock.

Anonymous said...


You may be correct.

Based on your theory there is no need to have any GE.

You may be correct

Maybe that's why pap got 70% at last GE

Is Sg like that liao?

Anonymous said...

Daft shall
stay daft.

Anonymous said...

10.53 am please don't pour cold water lar. If like that I need to sodomize u leh😀

Anonymous said...

PAP elites panicking, PAP internet brigades all out to suppress fire!

Anonymous said...

Toooookoo many opposition parties.

The voters also confused!

How they vote?

People will vote for the old brand.


Anonymous said...

2.22pm anon, are u able to think or not? U daft or what? Knn u need to be sodomized also😀

Anonymous said...

What if all or most big wigs come from PAP? A leopard, born a leopard cannot change into a tiger. Please, we do not need sequels!

Anonymous said...

Cheng Bock better watch his back if most are ex-PAP cadres! Tang Liang Hong was betrayed by his good friend in PAP. If you can say PAP cannot be trusted, can you trust the people from the PAP?

Anonymous said...

Hi 236pm

You always like to sodomise others....

Hahaha....think you kena AIDS!

Not afraid?

Better go for check-up.

Anonymous said...

Rats will leave a sinking ship! It happens all the time and every time, even among the opposition. Haha, what are rats anyway?

Anonymous said...

The only way to challenge the PAP is for all small farts opposition Red Indian Chiefs to cooperate, unite and subordinate themselves to one strong and charismatic leader, with money and influence.

As it is, the opposition parties are too fragmented and not united. Some even cannot see eye to eye with each other.

If Dr Tan Cheng Bock cannot unite the opposition parties and as a result has to form his own newbie party, starting from scratch like the Singapore First Party, then it is not going to make much headway.

At the very most, the newbie party can hold a few lunch and dinner parties to sing song and talk cock as a small club to massage their own ego.

My family members have been voting for the opposition for the last few elections. This time round I think we will throw our votes into the dust bin.

The situation is totally hopeless. That is the signal the newbie PSP is giving to the voters. A far cry from Dr Mahathir's Harapan, the PSP is a symbol of regress not progress!

Anonymous said...

Haha. Not say I want to say.

The only way pap will fall is when there is an internal split!

Otherwise, no chance, at least the next two/three GEs.

I m not a fortune teller but it is a fact.

Anonymous said...

TCB at most can only win 1 SMC. Life is ok-to-very good for most sinkies today. Only less than 20% sinkies really suffering. Unlike in 2011 when at least 50% of young sinkies (20-35 yrs old) had no hope for future, no hope for housing.

Anonymous said...

I think the opposition is not in to form the next Government. Not by a long shot, that some are hoping for. And that scenario, I think, most people already know for a fact.

Moreover, Sinkies are known to embrace kiasism to a fault, and fear the situation without the PAP in Government, so let them have the cake and eat it. I know this will hurt. We must temper our expectations.

But, is it not a good sign to have someone around to tickle the Government now and then, however ineffective, but enough to keep them in line and on their toes, rather than letting the Government do all the slapping and screwing without recourse? That is just pure logic.

For this I say, go for it PSP!

Anonymous said...


Which SMC?

Sorry I think NO chance.You are v kind.

Anonymous said...

With Low and Company almost game over, TCB remains a viable alternative.

We cannot have a Harapan without the benefit of racial politics to play with.

But I hope this is not just a split within the PAP, otherwise what is the difference?

b said...

Whether LSL or TCB become next pm, sinkies will still stay in small flats, take public tpt, have low paying jobs. Nothing much will change and sinkies will still remain poor and expats having all the high life and high pay. Sinkies better spend more time and effort to try move to other greener pastures such as oz where houses and cars are cheap and treat sg like a hotel like matilah.

Anonymous said...

After so many years under the PAP's dictatorship, Singapore needs a drastic shake-up in order to jolt the subservient and apathetic out of their self-enslaved slumbering mood, mentality and mind.

No single opposition political party, new or old, Dr or Prof led, ex-PAP or not, will be able to perform such a shake-up. Only a massive people's rebellion can do that. And under the present conditions, a massive people's rebellion will not happen, mainly because the majority of the people have not suffered enough. Moreover, there is no capable and viable leadership available. LKY had seen to it that no opposition parties would be able to attract really good quality leaders comparable with those of PAP MPs. The resources where such leaders are available have all been tapped and obstructed by the PAP Government for its own advantage, serving its own political strategic objectives. (which is abuse of power).

Anonymous said...

After reading the above comments, we can easily conclude that pap 75% vs 25% opp at next GE.


Dao Jin Professor said...

Go where find PSP ah? Now is NSMPGBSC liao leh. NINTENDO SUPER MARIO PARTY GREY BUNDLE SWITCH CONSOLE. PSP still got game to play?

Unlike in 2011 when at least 50% of young sinkies (20-35 yrs old) had no hope for future, no hope for housing.

Wah seh. So not only me lah. What is going on ah? Anyone can tell me? I serve army for this country leh. Cheap cheap some more. Can go Lucky Plaza join people outside dancing a not ah? The effect kena in 2011, will like Cambridge O Level follow you forever one a not ah?

What 20%? Not 80 20 rule meh? Now no one ask CPF, 99 years, minimum wage?

Anonymous said...

1.18am, I think u are UG disguise as professor. Same tone of writing Knn wasting time. U really needed to be sodomized😰

virgo49 said...

No need the Opposition to have what's One-Third One Party members if all of them are Aa Kow or Dumbos in Parliament.

Also, no need to have them overnight as the Ruling Government as most are fremented like loose sand.

It's be also a nightmare as a Ruling Coalition Government.

Just simply vote in garang, maverick intelligent Opposition MPs like Lim Tean, TCB and CSJ and some same minded like members in and you will have a more Robust and debatable Parliment where the Ruling Party MPs and Ministers are taken tasks and accountable for their ministeries anf roles

Previously, we only have One JBJ and even LKY and Ministers are kept on their toes putting out the fires from JBJ's incessant questionings

Singaporeans must give these Opposition MPs an opportunity to have debates and take the PAP to tasks of their Accountability and also stop gap any adverse policies affecting the People.

In time, these Oppo members gained experiences and grew in strength they be able to jell and take over the Ruling Government of the day.

Need to have quality Opposition MPs who dared debate rather than seat warmers together with the PAP MPs.

Many will be sceptical when u mentioned CSJ as they think he is a washout losing so many elections.

We need MPs like him as they are REAL FIGHTERS in the real sense for the people. NOT AA KOW DUMB MPs in the House. They kept trying with preservance.

Singaporeans must wake up to have at least some Opposition Voices in Parliament.

They are not going to sell and caused havoc to the Nation. They are there as Voice for you unlike the DUMBOS PAP and some WP MPs.

Why have these useless gaji buta MPs just sitting in the House as dressings and wall flowers??

Indisputable Truth said...

It is the voters who voted the Gagi Buta Dumb-Ass Sleeping-Beauty Pa-Lee-Men-Tar-Ians into the Pa-Lee-Men.

The qualities of the Gagi-Buta Dumb-Ass Sleeping-Beauty Pa-Lee-Men-Tar-Ians reflect the qualities of the VOTERS.

It is the DAFT Dumb-Ass Slumbering Bo-Chap Greedy Kiasi Voters who are to be blamed. They are the ENEMY OF THE STATE.

Anonymous said...

Dont waste time lah.

Life is short.

Anyway it is good just to tcss tcss and kpkb kpkb here and there.

Wont be surprised 100% PAP after next GE!

We shall $ee!


Virgo49 said...

With Apathetic Voters like Anon 8.30 no wonder they with their future or no generations are going to be Slaves to the PAP forever.

Daft Sinkies are just too selfish thinking that what happened to others will not happen to them.

All these spinless apathetic sinkies will one day pay dearly for their behaviours in the future.

Sinkie voters been selfish only care about their welfare of their constituencies.

They do not care on the overall adverse effects of National Policies that will affact their lives and their children, children's children.

Thinking that only ths PAP MPs can take care of their well being.

What's with some inconvencies in your constituency when your lives are affected by their National Policies which affected all Singaporeans.

In the 50s/60s/70s and even 80s we lived with squalors around us and we are still living still around without any adverse effects.

So, the dafts bo piang better wake up to their deamland that all is well forever with the PAPies

Anonymous said...

PSP should stand alone. Coalition is out of the question. That scenario has been proven to be impossible over the years. Why?

Under a coalition, who is to be the leader, or should I say everyone wants to be the leader. The moment opposition parties come together, the first problem seems to be jockeying for position.

Let TCB start his party with him as leader, and those under him must be willing to accept the status quo as appointed. The party can evolve with new leaders as time goes on. No arguments about that.

Otherwise no peace among the opposition and still a load of rag tag fragmented opposition fighting among themselves. The PAP knows this long ago and I think they really do wish the opposition will remain like this forever. Divide and rule wins every time.

Anonymous said...

TCB already left the PAP in 2006, before his 2011 Presidential Elections contest where he lost to Dr Tony Tan. His PAP supporters also left with him then. In 2006, the PAP is not a "sinking" ship; neither is it sinking now in 2019. Without PAP support, TCB has not won anything political or social since he left the PAP; his loss in 2011 confirmed that he is, and has always been, a loser who made use of his MP position to enrich himself. Those who knew TCB in the PAP do not respect him becos of this. TCB has zero credibility from PAP leaders and supporters. There are many non-PAP opposition politicians better than TCB eg. JBJ, Chiam, Lau Thia Khiang, Sylvia, Soon Juan ... etc. That's why he was unable to unite the opposition parties - TCB has little or no exceptional leadership other than a fast mouth. TCB never became a PAP Minister or Cabinet-level appointee like Mayor or even the lowly Political Secretary. This is the person many of your readers want to be the Great Leader of the opposition .... I can hear Lau Thia Khiang, Soon Juan and others laughing already hahahehehe!

Anonymous said...

1 F35 can buy 3 or 4 Bt Timah GCB bungalows nah beh chee bye.

Now you know why I buy war stocks since 20 years ago!! :)

Go go lockheed!!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Wrong. 1 F35 can buy at least 10 GCBs. And maintenance and operation cost can buy one landed property every year.