
Beware of western media and western narratives

‘Security threats to watch this year’ by a Peter Apps, Reuters global affairs columnist appearing in thenewpaper is what one would read, unconsciously, and be poisoned by the biased and one sided view of the West, seeing the world from the interest and perspective of the West. In the article Apps talked about Russian designs on Ukraine, tension in South China Sea and conflicts in Yemen and Syria, but no American design.

The troubles in the world today are all due to other countries and not the USA or European powers. Ukraine is about Russian aggression and not about Americans pushing over the limits into once Russian influenced region that the US promised not to infringe. The South China Sea tension is about Chinese ambition and claims on the islands, not about other South East Asian countries claiming these islands and grabbing them from China. And definitely not about the highly provocative ‘freedom of navigation’ ruse advanced by the Americans that threatens war with China to protect American dominance and the American Empire.

Syria is about the Turks and Syrian govt wiping out the Kurdish rebels that were financed, trained and supported by the Americans to overthrow the Assad govt. The Americans have lost the battle in Syria and withdrawing but insisted that no one, not the Turkish govt or Syrian govt, is allowed to attack and destroy their terrorist organization aka Kurdish rebels.

The western media would not mention about the wicked and destructive designs of the Americans and the West in trying to do regime change, invasion of countries like Iran, North Korea, Syria or Venezuela. They would be silent on the American conspiracy to start another terrorist war in Xinjiang by promoting, financing and arming the Uighur terrorists in the region to cause disorder and warfare for the Chinese govt.
They would keep on harping about the provocative ‘freedom of navigation’ as if it is a natural and rightful thing for the Americans from across the Pacific Ocean to create trouble and war in the region.

They would not talk about the Americans inciting the Rohingyas to rebel against the Myanmese govt and keep pressurizing the Myanmese govt to accommodate the Rohingyas into their country, a Muslim population that is at odds to a Buddhist country instead of trying to get other Muslim states like Bangladesh to bring back the Rohingyas that could easily assimilate into the country of similar religion and race. Like it or not, Rohingyas in Myanmar would be like planting Israel in the Middle East and would end up in perpetual acrimony and hate crimes with the Buddhist Myanmese.

The western narrative would never talk about the evil and wicked designs of the Evil American Empire and the West to cause instability and war in other countries and region. They are never at fault, never the cause of trouble to the rest of the world, they are the angels of the world. It is their right, a natural state of affair to intervene and interfere in the affairs of other countries, incite and provoke wars, support and finance terrorist organizations to rebel and to conduct regime change. All this is normal to the Evil American Empire, nothing to talk about.

Innocent readers must always be on guard against one sided western narratives demonizing other countries and painting them as the evil ones while implying that the West and the Americans are the peace loving people, the good people, the peaceful people that never kill or support terrorist organizations and activities when they are the Number One Terrorist in all counts in every corner of the world. All the troubles and wars are caused by the Number One Terrorist, the Americans, supported by the western powers. This is a fact. Period.

2019, watch out for the Evil Americans what they are going to do to start more wars.


Virgo49 said...

Yesterday Yahoo News also Reuters
Article warning Asian and SEA countries to be aware of China Belt And Road Pprojects and Initative and not into go to DEBTS.

You just simply read the various comments and most are like b, our hate commie resident writer in support of Uncle SAM.

Most are mostly brainwashed to align with what the Americunts and the Western Media churned out their propaganda.

Sadly to say. Too long under theit influence became bananas.

Likewise Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

When the whites tell them to kill their fathers and mothers because they are devil worshippers, they would do so.

Anonymous said...

All Sinkingland's leasers received Western education, brainwashed from small along Western thinking and way of life, and rub shoulders with Western leaders, it therefore goes without saying which side they are more comfortable with and whose interests they are willing to uphold.

Anonymous said...

Virgo, I avise u to ignore the b dude. He is due for sodomy to wake up lar

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ no fans of the western media

Please lah, no one except the brown and yellow people of the world care about what the western media "reports" about them.

The people who rail against the western media THE MOST are white people (or people living in western democracies) themselves. For e.g. if you support Trump, the western media goes after you. Same if you hate LGBTQs or deny climate change or refuse to accept/ support 3rd wave feminism --- i.e. the anti-male brand of feminism sweeping the western world, and slowly making its way to the Far East.

Western media was giving a "free kick" when the western world morphed into liberal democracies. Their media (it started off with print media and radio) was tasked with the DUTY of being The Fourth Estate --- which had its roots during the time of the monarchy and aristocracy, and the clergy. The Fourth Estate was there to comment and monitor the goings-on of the power-structures to make sure that The Common People didn't get screwed too hard. **The Common People are always screwed --- even today although less so.

As time moved on, and technologies change to include BROADCAST tech like TV and communications satellites, The Fourth Estate grew into large corporations, and instead of being the eyes, ears and conscience of The People, they became joint venture partners of The State --- i.e. their respective states. In SIngapore, in the USA whether liberal democracy or authoritarian regime, the MEDIA and The Government work together. The Common Person is once again SCREWED.

One thing about Trump, he has been good --- in certain areas --- for The Common Person. He was the first to call out the western media as FAKE NEWS. "Fake News" is now a part of the language of the day, thanks to DJ Trump.

The western media are a "loudspeaker" of their own design, and follow no logic or narrative. For e.g.:

1. They all hate Trump, and Trump hates them --- so there's shit going on there

2. They refuse to acknowledge Radical ISLAMIC Fundamentalism or even use the word "Jihad". They will never say "Islamic Terrorist", they just say "terrorist".

3. No one can be unkind to LBGTQ. Human beings have more than the 2 binary genders "proven" by science. There are now over 20 genders

4. Anyone who denies climate change is a criminal

5. Anyone who doesn't vaccinate their children is guilty of child abuse

6. Anyone who denies evolution is criminal and a religious throwback

7. Christians are bad. Muslims need compassion and understanding

8. China is a thief

9. China is guilty of human rights violations

10. China should get out of Tibet

11. OK lah...the list is too long...you fill it in lah : CHINA IS [ --- describe the bad thing China does --- ]

On a happier note: Newspapers are DYING. People are getting their stuff from social media now, and alternative sources.

So The Fourth Estate is in deep shit, and it serves them right.

Anonymous said...

Why are local media keep publishing white lies and western narratives to feed the people? What is the agenda?

Anonymous said...

///When the whites tell them to kill their fathers and mothers because they are devil worshippers, they would do so.///

Chinks already did so when Mao told them to.

///All Sinkingland's leasers received Western education, brainwashed from small along Western thinking and way of life, ///

More & more PAPpy scholars had & are doing their scholarships in China Unis --- some 100%, some is 50% in US/Japan and 50% in China.

Many PAPpy civil servants are on 2 to 6 years rotation to Shanghai & Beijing --- We have huge offices in both cities, as well as medium offices in other 2nd tier cities.

China landlords LOVE PAPpy govt coz we always rent the top-tier offices and condos for our civil servants. I have a friend whose condo in Beijing costs Sinkie taxpayers US$8,000 per month --- and he is just a mid-level civil servant. There are many other similar condos being rented for PAPpy civil servants & their families on assignment in China.

The China service industry also loves PAPpy civil servants becoz they are not suppose to drive themselves but to hire full-time chauffeurs to drive them around. Also not to drink using tap water but have daily delivery of mineral water dispensers. As well as housekeepers to come in daily to do housework.

Also PAPpy civil servants in China are covered for private medical --- that means not using the normal hospitals or clinics for the Chinks but those meant for China elites & expatriates. A 15-min consultation with a GP will cost US$150 -- without medicine. Medicine costs another few hundred dollars. PAPpy civil servants & those who bring their families over (like my friend) are fully covered.

All the above are auto charged to Sinkie taxpayers. Hahaha!

So actually a lot of PAPies understand and are in tune with the China elites, as they live similar lifestyle and talk to them on daily basis.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Don't forget THE FACTS, please:

Our beloved SINGAPORE, like it or not with the PAP in-charge and directing the show, is part of the overall model of China's development.

Singapore has trained 20,000 - 30,000 civil servants and govt officers. Always bear that fact in mind. The LKY School For Public Policy, our tertiary institutions...all these have been used to train the people who run China at the present.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:24 you are clearly selling propaganda for PAPies. PA must have paid you very well.

One day the Chinkies and the PAPies will make you sell out your father and mother.

It is better you get sodomized now so that you can wake up your idea. Otherwise, there will be no medicine that can cure you liao.

Anonymous said...

Newspapers and the Old (Outdated) Main Media have themselves to blame for alienating their readers and supporters (advertisers). All of them have been and are still operating under a hidden self-destruct agenda (exposed by social media).

They have become the main fake news initiators and generators. .ore and more people are beginning to see through their veils. That's why some governments are enacting laws to protect their fake news generators (propaganda machines) and diverting the accusations towards social medias, blogs and alternative news outlets.

No matter how fake laws are errected by fake leaders to protect the fake news generators (government propaganda machines) their days are numbered.

Some people can be fooled all the time. All people can be fooled sometimes. BUT ALL PEOPLE CANNOT BE FOOLED ALL THE TIME!

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Western news organizations are inevitably biased. The news reflects who they work for and the readers that are targeted. Napoleon was reported to have said that 4 hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. Russia and China are the favourite punching bags for western writers. Anglo-Saxon Christian democratic countries have the world's sneakiest media and spin doctors. Once the topic is about China or Russia they spin rigorously until it makes sense. The gist of it is that Uncle Sam will always be on top and that its values and interests will prevail.

Anonymous said...

China Must Fight the Western and Japanese Bullies and Win!!

Anonymous said...

After listening, a lizard can become a dragon !

Anonymous said...

Nevertheless, majority of the people can be fooled most of the time. That's a reality and tragedy.

Anonymous said...

That applies to 69.9% of Sinkies - comprising the dafts, idiots, kiasus, kiasis, stubborns, lackeys, bootlickers, running dogs, sycophants, beholdens, eunuchs, warstockers, bloodsuckers and uncivilized civil serpents.

Anonymous said...

WA now so many people recommending sodomy to wake up๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

UG said...

Anyone paying me millions?

Anonymous said...

UG, I can pay you millions in dong but the condition is to sodomize you, hehehe๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

UG said...

Dunno the people here ka ching hole still can pang sai a not. KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA.

b said...

All systems have flaws. All countries have flaws. All races have flaws. Best is for everyone to be nice to one another and live in peace with each other. The world is enough for every family to have a landed house, a car and a job.