
Why are there so many anti China articles in the main media?

No one can walk away not noticing the amount of anti China articles or negative articles by American and pro western writers on China, depicting China as the bad guy and the Americans as the angel in the local media. On 30 Nov alone, one full page in Top of the News with three articles, two by ST’s US correspondent Nirmal Ghosh were published. One of the articles even appeared on the front page of ST. All these articles, all looking at China from the squint eyes of American/western interests come first and are good are as good as fake news or half truths, or even mischievous disinformation.

Why would reading the main media be like reading American or western media promoting western interests, presenting one sided and biased views that are mainly negative and hostile to China and China’s interests? It is understandable for western media to do so as they have been ruling the world for the last few centuries and what is right to them but bad for others are blinded to them. The constant narrative that colonialism and imperialism, western dominance and violence against the rest of the world is their normal and unquestionable truth. Is it objective reporting of news or is there a hidden agenda, a hidden hand to deride China and the rest of the world as the norm?

How would such articles be viewed by the Chinese who are obviously monitoring them and studying them closely to take stock of the thinking of the Singapore leaders? Is this good for Singapore China relations?

The govt has been telling everyone that Sino Singapore relations are very good, and Singapore is neutral vis a vis the Sino American rivalry for world supremacy and influence. Singapore has also repeatedly been sending high level delegations to China to want to establish more and better commercial and political exchanges and cooperations and these can only be fruitful if the Chinese did not have doubts in Singapore’s sincerity and neutrality towards China. If the Chinese perceive that the negative verbiage in the main media is intentional or officially sanctioned, then all the efforts and money spent sending delegations to China would be a waste of time and futile.

The Chinese are not stupid and our boys and girls must not take them for granted. If Singapore wants better relations with China, wants to participate in the BRI and jump on the Chinese economic bandwagon, the last thing it should do is to curb the spread of negative articles that put China in a bad light in the main media. The daily hammering of China is NG, no good for Sino Singapore relations. It stinks and smelt insincerity and duplicity. How could Sino Singapore relations move forward, to a higher level when this is going on in broad daylight almost daily? Would the Chinese fail to notice the kind of signals in the main media and happily work with Singapore in joint projects in the BRI or in other parts of China?

The big question is why is this allowed to go on unabated? Is it in Singapore’s interest? Or is Singapore being armed twisted by the Americans to go on painting China as the bad guy in the local media? These negative articles of China without questioning the wrongs and evilness of the Americans and the West are targeting which audience? What is the intent and purpose of looking at China from the American and western perspective and interests? The American dominance is waning and no longer the American law of the jungle rules. A new balance of international order and power is in the making and it is to Singapore’s interest to understand this reality and act and behave like it said, neutral to the powers in rivalry for world dominance.


  1. Likely we have more money in our reserve invested in western countries than in China so it's in our interest to side with the western countries. Just my guess

  2. @ free publicity

    Negative stimulus does interesting things to our brains. We've evolved to have "fear" as our main signal for survival. It works very well, but it also screws up and is easily "hacked".

    Negative signals are more powerful than the positive ones. We love "disaster porn", horror and war movies. We are more likely to curse a stranger we think who has harmed us, and less likely to thank one who has aided us or shown us a kindness. The human species are the CUNTS of the natural world, all because of the way our brains are structured, and the fact that free-will is a grand illusion.

    The MSM are huge, multinational FOR-PROFIT sales and advertising centered enterprises. They are acutely aware that negativity sells many more "units" than positive or boring neutral news. China has proven over and over that it can be milked to the max when it comes to selling newspapers or digital news. Negativity on China keeps overpaid academics in tenure and in privatelt-funded "think tanks".

    It is easy to cherry-pick the data to highlight all the bad stuff in China. Like everywhere else, there is always bad stuff going on. But if you cherry pick the stuff, and present it with video, music and colourful graphics, you attract human eyes, because human eyes and brains are naturally attracted to bright colourful and dynamic imagery.

    So follow the money trail. Bashing China is good business. Bash up the country which provides the world with affordable goods and raises the living standards of everyone on the planet. Bash up the nation of people committed to upward mobility now that the yoke of communism has been lifted---not in totality but "good enough to make a few bucks", which is characteristic in every market-based economy... Top down or bottom up... At some point this distinction really doesn't matter anymore.

    By now it should be clear to everyone that even in a command economy, you can grow an upwardly mobile middle class, as long as you grant them ECONOMIC FREEDOM, to unease every individual's potential for enterprise and personal effort, form capital to spend and invest.

    I say, keep on bashing China. It's good for selling newspapers in a dying news media industry. It is good for China too... It keeps human brains ENGAGED on WTF is going on. Pay attention, there's a lot going on...this nation is serious and they won't be letting up just because of "negative reports" in the foreign media.

    Never try to correct anyone who is hell bent on being WRONG.

  3. Rb you asked, "is Singapore being arm twisted by Americans.."
    See this, sep 2018 article,

    investments from the United States to a book value of US$274.3 billion in Singapore - more than the combined US investments in China (US$107.6 billion) and Japan (129.1 billion), the world's second and third biggest economy respectively.
    ...The us was Singapore's largest investor in 2017 (38.3%) ...China 9.6%.. Europe 28%.

    The answer is YES YES YES. Pinky indeed is having his arm twisted by uncle Sam. Unlike daddy who can stand tall and scold the Americans, pinky has nothing up his sleeves to impress Americans, so the easiest way for him just bow down and don't make them angry lor.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Actually the Whites Ang Mohs & the Bad Bananas r worried that China controls everything in the World. They got to kowtow to the China Chinese in terms of economy, science & technology, e-commerce, 5G or +++G, all trades, energy ( green or black),monies & defense or even space. They r so worried that their position r being threatened & even the Pinkie is also felt so uncomfortable in this new type of Tall Order ( not in Indie uniform of cos lah but in Chinese uniform).

  6. Negative signals are more powerful than the positive ones. We love "disaster porn", horror and war movies. We are more likely to curse a stranger we think who has harmed us, and less likely to thank one who has aided us or shown us a kindness. The human species are the CUNTS of the natural world, all because of the way our brains are structured, and the fact that free-will is a grand illusion. Matilah

    This is a myth that bananas and silly Asian countries believe in. China was a non player to this part of the world since the Opium War in 1840. China only reappear and has some say in the late 20th century, ie 20 years ago. Before this, China was semi colonised and disintegrated. So what harm had China did to the SE Asian states? Nothing.

    Instead, SE Asian states were conquered and colonised by the West. Who did more harm to the SE Asian countries? China or the West? But the foolish cuntries and bananas hated the Chinese and loved the conquerors and invaders.

    Basically they liked to be sodomised by the whites.

  7. P. S. dun worry about Singapore-China relations. They are strong.

    The relationship goes back, way back. And China is mature enough not to allow the real politik of international relations to spoil the Singapore-China "guanxi", built on decade of diplomatic back channels.

    "Guanxi" is an old idea. Thousands of years later, Western business "gurus" coined the term social capital and thought they had "discovered" a new concept.

    With strong relationships, you actually have more freedom. For e.g.: China and the US are having some issues, but Singapore---due to guanxi with both sides can be neutral or be a mediator. Contrary to beliefs from people like RB, Singapore does not have to take sides. However, it takes leadership and finesse to manage these relationships where the other parties are in some kind of "conflict". So far, Singapore is doing OK, despite the outbursts of Bilahari Kausikan et al. His words represent his own personal view. He doesn't speak for the whole country.

  8. @ RB

    What happened in the Opium War or the past doesn't really matter anymore. You may think it does, countries might think it does... But in reality, it doesn't. No one care about black slavery or white invasion/ colonisation lah. They are topics of emotional fodder, but get fucking real mate, we're in the 21 century... Everything has changed now. Except of course, human nature.

    Listen to the bananas. We fucking rock. Remember, Bruce Lee was a banana. He fucking rocked. He still rocks!

  9. Sino Singapore relations good? You believe that? Let the few silly clowns to go on attacking China and see what happens? Don't kena terrex one more time. This time would be worse than being sodomised.

    China's plan to take Singapore out of the equation is in progress. Mahathir is throwing a spanner into this plan and this is a little hope that China might want to keep Singapore in the equation, if Singapore behaves.

    If not, in another decade or so, Singapore would be history. And it would be a case of you ask for it.

    American investment here has accumulated over decades. China has just started so no comparison. But China is now Singapore's largest trading partner, bigger than the Americans. 80% of the ships using our ports are Chinese ships.

  10. It all can be explained if one sees whether their actions are meeting the vested interests of the PAP elites or the interests of ordinary Singaporeans.

  11. RB,

    Instead of writing here & talking to the wall, you should write directly to the govt for their answers.

    Or maybe someone should copy your writings to Lee Jr, Shamu, Ah Teo and see what they have to say??

  12. Not necessary. They are reading and scrutinising every word I wrote. Trust me.

  13. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 03, 2018 11:31 am

    A new Cold War is brewing. Uncle Sam is obsessed that China is leveraging on its military modernization, influential diplomacy and economic growth to collaborate with neighbouring countries to reorder the Indo-Pacific region to its advantage. The Pacific region is a key location in which the US and China may eventually collide in an inevitable showdown, though western media rarely focus on the likelihood. Instead western media constantly disparage BRI joint ventures as debt traps. Uncle Sam is clinging stubbornly to its dream of perpetual hegemony.

  14. RB,

    If you don't write to them directly, they won't bother to say anything, even if MHA / Mindef Intel are monitoring you & your blog 24/7.

    At least you will get some kind of politically correct BS non-answer from some civil servant underling.

    Or you may actually get an intelligent reply (but not necessarily to your liking).

    Then you can publish their reply here for all to read & come to their own conclusion.

    Speaking from personal experience.

  15. The West and their cronies are just too jealous of China and the Chinese People of around the World.

    They knew that the Chinese genes are smarter than most of them.

    Plus They are idustrious and practical people.

    Thait's why even the White Terminates and Black Ants loved to
    marry Chinese women.

    They knew most be able to bring up very well brought up families.

    Whereas they can still fool around. Cannot believe that the Dragons would marry the Snakes.

    Real Stupid Chinese women. Siak suay. Most scorned their own kind when the Males they thought beneath their status and wealth.

    Thinking that the Whites are gentlemen full of honour and wealthy.Most you be shocked be poorer than the aveeage hardworking Chinese Males.

    The farking Whites only lived for the day with their scandalous lifestyles and lazy working attitude.

    The Chinese main drawback is that they are afraid and too competitive against their own kind.

    They scorned you when they thought you are below their stautus and have great jealousy and envy when you are better than them.

    So they are unable do cooperate and sabo each other even on the side of other colours in their vested interests.

    Each dialact thinks they are smarter and more atas than the other. Unlike the Mats ans The terminates and black ants.

    The Others knew of this weakness and capitailsed on them with driving wedges amongst them.

    This is the cause of them been manipulated until Heavens In Turmoil and will remained as a Divided People.

    Heaven's Will that they have to suffer this Fate.

    Too selfish and Stupid Pride that
    Destroy themselves

  16. Anon 11.42

    Please lah don't be a pain in the arse.

    The Silly Serpents will acknowledge Bouquets not bricks thrown at them.

    Yours personal letters either goes into shredders or even reply to you is one to one.

    The Blog is a more constructive media that will rattled them with destructive critisims.

    That's why even the PeeAyam remarked that you can be hated by. Few hundred thousands in the Social Media.

    Mr RB's Blog is more constructive in giving them Free Valauble Feedback than their parrots Grassrots and Evil Serpents

  17. Virgo,

    ///This is the cause of them been manipulated until Heavens In Turmoil and will remained as a Divided People.///

    This is due to cultural evolution over thousands of years.

    Not easy to change in a cheena environment. China Commie Party trying to change this since 1950s till today, but limited success. Within CCP itself got various cliques, back-stabbing, self-enrichment, elitism ---- exactly like what you find in PAPies, YPAP, PA, RC, grassroots, GLCs.

    Only those 3rd generation or later cheenas growing up in non-cheena environment are able to change this DNA-rooted culture characteristic. But then will have danger of them picking up other bad habits & attitudes.

  18. As long as my naughty comments can be of some use to them, to let them see their blind spots, it would be good enough.

  19. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 03, 2018 1:20 pm

    China’s global footprint is growing and is playing an increasingly influential role in the world. This has resulted in an acrimonious relationship with Uncle Sam. China has been busy making its mark in a bid for global influence even as Uncle Sam turns increasingly protective.
    Western media which had assumed that China would become westernised as it grew richer had been proved wrong. China even now has major influence over Hollywood on how it is depicted in movies, due in large part to its growing box office market and its financing of top-tier films. To counter anti-China propaganda, President Xi Jinping has emphasized the need to tell China’s story well.

  20. @ Relac lah Big Brudder:

    RB is right. The Man is watching and noting all the vitriol and pent up frustration of The Sheeple. It helps them formulate their machinations to remain in absolute power and total control.🤣

    However no one on this blog can be viewed as a threat. If you post to Facebook, then you're inviting trouble. If you don't, no need to worry lah.

  21. "no one on this blog can be viewed as a threat". Yup !

    To the elites, they are just irritants.

    As the late Nathan said of ordinary Sinkies' complaints about his stratospheric Presidential salary - "they are just noises" .

  22. @ 207

    I don't take their fake "brush off" for one second. Of course it annoys them. That's the idea...keep annoying these motherfuckers and stay out of jail or from being sued to the poor-house.

    They hear our "noise", it pisses them off, and they can't resist to make a lame comment. 😜

  23. Today, the Straits Times published a glowing account of Bilahari Kausikan - written by Jawharilal Rajendran and V.K. Santosh Kuma.


  24. Can we not read the MSM and avoid all the negative articles that we know perpetuate a biased political perspective? We can isn't it! I have lived without reading the MSM for the last two decades and have not feel deprived of useful information.

    Before the use of internet, they know we have no means to find the truth, nor counter the negativity from only one source. The MSM holds all the cards in selective reporting and controlling all the propaganda. Countering arguments can never see the light of day.

    Now we have the internet and can choose our source of news, and that is why attempts are being made to demonise online news and brand some of that as fake news. However, some fake news may have been advertently posted online by you know who, to devalue the truthfulness of online news and muddied the waters in the hope of making online news less trustworthy.

    Of course one must be alert enough to segregate what is true and what is fake, what is possible and what is impossible to be true.

  25. Anon 3.23

    All these crows of same feathers are onmy able to survive and swagger in the Evil Or Silly Service.

    Hokkien said Chiak Nea Png. (Soft Rice) Chinese said you Chiak Nea Png means you living on prositutes.

    Silly Serpents think they are high class rubbing off the power of the PAP.

    In any Govt Depts they behaved as though they owned the Country.

    So many blunders and just wrist slapping still have one month's bonus.

    Mininium $1800 plus SG300.00

    Wah Huat Ah.

  26. Virgo,

    You shld have worked in CS --- who cares what ppl say?? Got $$$$$ can slap their faces with it. LOL!!

    This year for CS: Apr performance average 1.25mths, mid-year 0.5mths, year-end 2mths.

    So average total for normal CS is at least 3.75mths ---- those working in more atas ministries & stat boards will get more e.g. MFA, MAS, MOF, EDB etc.

    For ministers, based on what the normal CS get in 2018, will be getting average 9 mths bonus. (Don't believe the BS is parliament about the ministerial salary --- the stated salary is for those who get C grade i.e. 5-6 mths bonus. Most will get B+ or A- grade, which means 8-10 mths bonus)
