
The Real History Behind The Hypocritical And Deceptive Thanksgiving PART ONE

     Recently I watched a video presentation by Daunnette a Native American Indian and her friends who said, "What the US is telling about Thanksgiving is not true." The true story is the European invaders and settlers after killing of whole villages of natives would celebrate and called it Thanksgiving. After every killing and massacre of American Indians, the white killers and genociders would celebrate with big feasts and prayers which they called it Thanksgiving. It is a travesty of justice and fake piousness with the greatest hypocrisy in invoking the name of God for their evil deeds. So Thanksgiving is basically and truly a celebration of their wholesale wanton killings of countless numbers of innocent native lives and wholesale genocide of many native tribes.

Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, 26th November, 1863 as official National Day. He ordered 38 Dakota native American heroic resistant fighters to be hung for war crimes which they fabricated. Native American Indians all lost their lives to savage white invaders.

Daunnette and her friends are thankful for being born indigenous to America. They are thankful for still having their culture preserve alive by the native elders who kept their culture alive, and strong and stand as one united in the face of European aggression .

The first European immigrants who set sailed from England in September 1620 arrived  aboard the ship Mayflower to the shores of present day Massachusetts. These British pioneers were only being able to survive the harsh first winter on the alien continent due to the self-less assistance of the native American Indians especially those from the Squanto tribe. When the pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, present day New York their first act was to pray. With the help of the Squanto and the Wampanoag tribe they survived and began to build a new home for their families. On their first Thanksgiving they came together to rejoice after their first harvest and praise God for His provision.

The pilgrims first met the Wampanoag Nation which comprised of sixty-nine tribes. The Wampanoag was part of the one of hundreds of Tribal Nations with diverse societies that had thrived for thousands of years before the arrival of the pilgrims. So it is a fallacy for the Europeans to claim they had discovered America when the continent had been inhabited by the natives for many millenia.

In the compendium of American reinventions that attempt to diminish its legacy of brutality in the subjugation of the continent's First People, Thanksgiving  ranks high. The pilgrims had good reasons to give thanks particularly to the Wampanoag who through a treaty obligation offered protection to the British puritans.

It was doubtful whether the puritans offered thanks to the Tisquantum-Squanto tribe who helped them plant what they reaped at that 1621 harvest is unknown. But what is preserved in Wampanoag history is that Massasoit Sachem the leader of the Wampanoag arrived at Plymouth colony not to share in the pilgrim's feast but to see why they were firing canon and musket with abandon. After three days, Massasoit was satisfied that the intent was benign.

However five decades later there was no mistaking of the immigrants evil intent. The head of Massasoit's son , Metacomet also known as King Philip was displayed by the puritans at the entrance to the Plymouth in August 1676.

Metacomet's crime was to resist colonial domination and expansion. The British colonists offered "Thanksgiving" for their victory in Metacomet- "King Philip's War." and for twenty or more festivals annually what remained of the Sachem or leader's head bore silent witness to white men's crime and brutality in returning the goodness of the natives with evil satanic intent of wiping out the native American Indians. The first European immigrants and invaders had made clear they intent to take over the American continent and with it all its wealth and rich resources.

So the barbaric savage European invaders who started their invasion and plunder from the Eastern seaboard of the Atlantic coast would soon be extended to their eventual invasion and conquest of all the lands westward to the Golden Coast of the Pacific Ocean. There are too many sightless and silent witnesses in the wake of countless massacres of native tribes but each and every massacre is a cause for some tribal people to designate "Thanksgiving , a National Day of Mourning."

End of     PART     ONE


Saturday, 1st December,2018


  1. The farking Whites had their hypocriticial Thanksgiving because of their Slavery on other Races to give them a decadent good life.

    They been sucking up all the World's Resources of most nations for their selfish gains.

    That's why they have still have to impose theit Wills on Others to ensure their land whale
    McDonald and coke and KFC fried chickens goof good life.

    The Rest like they called Chinkees Yellow (chickens) are food for them.

    Our banana PeeAyam can harped
    Of Techonlogy in GE20 wheras Sinkieland does not even manfacture a single digitial chip and had frequent Tele breakdowns and Data been hacked.

    What's a JOKE?

  2. Hi Southern Glory 1

    Now its seemed that the Hallejullah ruled the World and must comply with their whims and fancies

    Even Christmas Decordations at ORchard Road needed their approvals and censure if they don't like them.

    Aiya, all the while Christmas is all BS commercialised.

    What's Holy Festival. Holy Shits.

    Even non believers in almost all companies have what's silly Gift exchanges. Forcing them to waste monies.

    What's Season of Forving and Loving.

    Whites are the most aggresive including the black ants in the Universe.

  3. It was fortunate that China and India did not end up like the American Red Indians. Otherwise the whole world would now be under the Whites.

    China succumbed to the Whites gunboat diplomacy in the mid 19th century, but the Chinese already had more advanced weaponry than the Red Indian's bow and arrows, so it was difficult to control and swallow China whole. The Chinese were not completely wiped out trying to keep out the White barbarians, otherwise their following generations would now be living on reservations far out west, maybe in Xinjiang and never allowed to progress.

    India was also colonised under the gun, and it was such a huge country and population that absolute control was difficult. But the Indians had to pay a huge price and sacrifice, struggling for independence for decades. Again, Indian civilisation, which had existed for thousands of years was able to confront the difficult days and did not succumb to the evil White regime.

    History as it is written by the Whites is just a twisted attempt to brainwash future generations, often ignoring the atrocities committed by the Whites in attaining their goals, while glorifying their exploits in seizing their ill gotten gains.

  4. Just enjoyed a huge turkey leg meal at Ikea --- shiok!!!

    Would be better if they also have buttered brussel sprouts.

    But still good lah.

    --- Bochap Sinkie

  5. People misused God names all the times.
    They did not do it for God but for their own greed.
    God said Do not Kill.
    Its quite obvious they killed and were not following God commandments.

  6. @ fake news people

    The Indians are doing a-ok lah. Have you seen how much their casinos earn? For a "conquered race", they are doing just fine. "White guilt" over the last 100 or so years ensured that a whole new "welfare industry" evolved out of a historical fact: that the native American was conquered by a better organised, better resourced and technologically SUPERIOR foreign invader.

    Many of the native American tribes (nations in their own right) we warrior races, and put up amazing resistance. So they didn't go quietly. These days they run their multi-billion dollar casinos with the same spirit. However, nartive americans are not know for their financial powress so the benefits to tribal members have been mixed---some good, some bad, most "in the middle". IMO they need a Chinese or a Jew to run their finances, because their culture is really fucked-up with money management.

    Native American Gaming earnings exceed 30 billion per year, TAX FREE...and they still can't get their finances in order. Hire a Chinaman lah. Quickly! 🤡
