
The foul stench of whites

What is good and useful would be accepted and adopted. A rose is a rose by whatever names. The 5G technology developed and perfected by Huawei is the technology of the future. All communication equipment and innovations would depend on this technology as their backbone and leapfrog from this higher base infrastructure. Not accepting 5G technology is going to be left behind, like cutting one’s nose to spite one’s face.

The whites are desperate and running out of time. They could not compete with Huawei’s 5G technology infrastructure and are digging a hole in the ground to bury their heads. Four of the 5 eyes countries are closing ranks to deny the entry of Huawei’s 5G technology into their mobile communication industries, namely USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Canada is likely to follow suit. The white Europeans are also going to join the gangs of white marauders to build a wall against China and Huawei. They have banned Huawei not because it is a bad technology but on the fake and fictitious allegation that it could compromise their national interests. So 5G is out and they chose to remain in the Stone Age of communication technology and still yakking that Huawei is stealing their antique technology.

Huawei is synonymous with the future of communication technology. Countries that welcome Huawei would run ahead in the fast lane. Those that rejected Huawei and hiding behind their own self destructive myth would be left behind, period.

Good riddance to the smelly whites. History is turning against you. Your time of glory is over.

Below is a pertinent quote from Hsien Loong posted in the TRE by Ausgustine Low.

'Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong gave this bit of advice to world leaders at the G-20 summit in Argentina last Friday: “We cannot freeze the status quo, we will not succeed in preserving out of date arrangements, because the world will leave us behind.”

He was making the point that countries have to embrace technological change instead of yielding to their anxieties and causing obstruction.'


  1. Remember Edward Snowden?

    Among his massive leaks were classified reports (available on edwardsnowden.com) about how NSA hackers breached Huawei’s networks well before 2010 by setting up back doors directly into servers located in its sealed headquarters in Shenzhen.

    Code-named Shotgiant, the operation obtained, presumably illegally by Chinese laws, detailed workings of Huawei’s routers and digital switches that it sold around the world.

    While its original aim was to establish any links between the telecom and mainland intelligence services, it enabled US agencies to hack into any computer or telecoms network around the world that used Huawei’s products. In other words, Washington has been doing for years what it has warned Huawei and the Chinese could do.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not all whites are smelly at least not the nice blonde that served me in my hotel room. Matilar will also agreed.😀

  4. Over here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/03/23/world/asia/23nsa-docs.html

    Nice PowerPoint slide show. Everyone is hacking everyone. The US spies on its allies as well.

    I was going to toss out the smartphone and buy a Blackberry (known for its superb security). Apparently the NSA can get into them as well. No escape lah.

    BTW, I received a viral message that the sg.gov is conducting mass surveillance and targeting people who talk shit about Pm Lee Hsien Loong. Anyone else got the viral message?

  5. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 08, 2018 9:30 am

    5G technology development has made China a leader in a range of industries. China has built 350,000 new cell sites to support 5G communications while Uncle Sam has built less than 30,000. The equipment required to install 5G in China is about 35% cheaper than by Uncle Sam. China is rapidly pushing ahead with its plans for commercial 5G services and accelerating the promotion of 5G. In the coming 5G era, developed countries can ill-afford to regress into 3rd world status using outdated technology.

  6. 265 New HIVs cases in Sinking Land.

    TTS CDC Resort Hotels still has vancanies for many who lover Blondes, Blond. White Heads. Red Heads and whatsoever heads to wreck havoc on their little Yul Byner Heads.

    Free creamtions after service into two special Bodies Bags.

    Reserved for those who liked Hai
    Yai Bang cock and BarThumb and Batu and Golok

  7. @ "double bag the garbage, and BURN it!" virgo49

    Yes, you are correct dun pray pray with P4P sex in Asia. It's potentially dangerous and deadly. Luckily, HIV rates in the western world are declining and now very low. Africa is the worst.

    IMO it is better to upgrade the social skills and meet prospective sex partners using apps like Tinder, where everyone plays "safe". It is not 100% safe of course (nothing is), but everyone has a "self interest" not to get infected and therefore everyone is cautious.

    Get out in the world lah. Talk to people, connect. Social skills get rusty in a digital, instantaneous world. Smile, say "hi", and buka a conversation. This morning walking the dogs I dapat 2 phone numbers lah. Who walks dogs in the morning? Women. Know your market :-)

  8. Here is the text message I received. Anyone else? Redbean?

    ----begin message----


















    ---end message---

    I have no idea if any of the allegations are true. Could be a hoax.

  9. Detailed analysis shows that the message is a hoax sent out by an Ah Tiong . . .

  10. "Good riddance to the smelly whites. History is turning against you. Your time of glory is over."

    This is the Asian century.

    The combined population of the US (326 m), EU (508 m), UK (66 m), Canada (37 m) , Australia (25 m) and NZ (5 m)is smaller than the population of China (1,386 m), or even India (1,339 m).

  11. If the West wants to be like China during Mao's era, of closing its doors to anything progressive, that may be a blessing in disguise for Asian countriess like China, Taiwan and Korea and even the lesser states of ASEAN. They can progress and move ahead and let the West stagnate. Will history repeat itself and turn the tables around? This looks like a good opportunity to see it happen.

    I believe Asian countries are now pouring more money into R & D than the West, so it is an unstoppable technological advancement that the West is obviously fearful of. They must stop it at all cost, and you can see that even the poodles are called into battle on the orders of their master, by denying the entry of Huawei into their country. In time, they will realise that this is akin to cutting their nose to spite their face.

  12. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 08, 2018 11:23 am

    The 5 Evil Eyes are leaving a trial of bad odour after the abduction of Meng by Canada at the behest of Uncle Sam. By targetting individuals, Uncle Sam hopes China will reciprocate. Trump is using a dirty tactic to force many businesses to return. China will not be tricked. In fact, China has decided to open its market and lower tariffs. The 5 Evil Eyes can trade among themselves but China will trade with the rest of the world.

  13. The Chinese market is so huge that even if the Whites decide to trade only among themselves, how large is the market of US, Canada and the EU? Moreover, I believe a developing India, with its huge population, knows in which direction the wind is blowing and will likely take advantage of the larger market at it's doorstep.

    Moreover, an even larger market looms with the belt and road initiative for China to trade, and the opening up of its market and the lowering of tariffs will do much good to China's aim to do more business with the rest of the world.

    This has obviously been planned all along for the long term, with all the infrastructure developments in Africa, South America and South Asia, which caught the West in deep slumber.

    The West has awaken to what is happening in Africa, South America and South Asia, and are scampering to keep up, by making meagre contributions in the form of aid, compared to billions already invested by China.

    The West is now desperately playing catch up in Africa, South America and South Asia, but without deep pockets they can only offer $200 million here and $400 million there as aid compared to China. it is like throwing pebbles into the deep sea trying to make the water level rise.

    The West now has to resort to the old battle tactics of threats, sanctions and cooked up arguments to thwart the rise of other countries. What else can a bankrupt country do, when the status of its currency as a world reserve currency is being slowly destabilised and its survival as such is put in doubt?

  14. Why is it that in Singapore, you can't find a 5G Huawei phone? You can only get a 4G Huawei model but not a 5G. The big outlets only sell American and Western 5G phones, but not from China's Huawei. Is there a "silent ban" on the import of the 5G Huawei phones by the LHL Administration?

  15. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 08, 2018 4:19 pm

    Canada is being dragged by Uncle Sam into the Sabrina Meng controversy. Canada certainly has a huge problem explaining itself to China. Canada could possibly be sued by Meng Wanzhou or Huawei for defaming her or Huawei’s name. There is no evidence that the Chinese CFO is violating any sanction rule. According to UN, Iran is not under sanction. China, Russia, Germany, Britain, and France still remain in the nuclear deal, except Uncle Sam that unilaterally withdrew from the deal and put sanctions on Iran. It is obviously a politically motivated plot hatched by Trump and his hawks to undermine China's 5G capability. But China will not give up on the race to lead in 5G communication technology.

  16. When debt is sky high, there will be war. Better move to safe countries far away from the big 5.

  17. 419 well explained.

  18. If there is war

    between China and US - there're hundreds of thousands of angmohs and PRCs inside Singapore

    between China and India - there're hundreds of thousands of India nationals and PRCs inside Singapore

    between Singapore and Malaysia - there're hundreds of thousands of Malaysians already inside Singapore

    won't we have a security situation with all these huge numbers of foreigners of conflicting nationalities in our midst??

  19. US and other "5 Eyes" partners could directly responsible or complicit in the "disappearance" of flight MH370 which included 20 Chinese scientists among its passenger list; in particular four would-be co-owners of a patent for cutting edge semi-conductor technology.

  20. Possible future scenario of Huawei's Meng in US prison:

    Meng: "What are you in for?"

    American prisoner: "I'm serving twenty-five years for murder. What are you in for?"

    Meng: "I'm serving thirty years for selling cellphones to Iran."

  21. The first time Xi had dinner meeting with Trump, Trump bombed Syria. In this meeting he arrested Meng Wanzhou. And Trump must be thinking he was very smart, to do such treacherous things while meeting Xi. And he thought he had the upper hand and could get away with murder and Xi was hapless and would look stupid in the eyes of the Americans.

  22. In the absence of a conviction by trial, Canadian police had put Meng Wanzhou into restraining devices - handcuffs and ankle braces - used on felons.

    Meng was immediately handcuffed by Canadian police at the airport on December 1 and taken to a detention facility. She was also cuffed on her way to and from hospital from the facility.

    After her bail hearing Friday in the British Columbia Supreme Court in Vancouver, Meng was wearing ankle braces when she was taken to the correction center.

    So far, most of the cases concerning foreign companies violating US bans on Iran have been dealt with by fines and sanctions. And it is not just one or two companies - many European companies have been involved. The EU still encourages European companies not to withdraw from Iran. No executive from these companies had been arrested and put into detention in Canada when they transit through the country?

    Meng is also the only wanted member of the board of Skycom, a company based in Hong Kong, accused by the US of violating sanctions.

    This is very clearly a politically motivated arrest, crafted by neocon John Bolton and other China hawks.

  23. See the Photo of the Meeting.

    Dotard glaring at him. XI just just smirk at him.

    Bif Bullies just like the Black Ants same features but diffrrent colour skin always glared at others like that.

    They must glared at others and put on a farking angry black black face just to show their farking imaginary stupidty.

    See our Great Shame always put on a farking fierce face.

    Thait's why lottery days I always turn away from all these farking scorning faces if not all the numbers jumble up.

    Top prizes always missed.

    Every time walked my DOG, the farking black ants will looked and scorned at you.

    One fine day, farked a black ant woman asking whats the fark you staring.

    Next morning the husband come looking for me egging for a fight.

    Better go to melaka and be with the Mats.

  24. Right, when you are challenged by foreigners at home, he best thing is to run away to another country to avoid trouble. One day you will have no country to return to when your country is taken over by the foreigners.

  25. Anon 9.21

    You lose your country. I don't give a damn as you are all apathetic.

    I have another sanctuary whereas you have HELL.

  26. Just to add.

    It's better to be with the Mats than the Black Ants.

    They are more dangerous than the Mats.


  27. Beware when they shout amok.

  28. Black Ants in Sinkieland just two to three hundred already lao sai.

    Now hundred over thousands.

    My God,.dont want to imagine whats going to happen.

    You be surprised Mats been more civilised.

    You have not live in Matland long enough.

    Been brainwashed that Sinkieland is safe with cardboard policemen.
