
Leong Sze Hian's defence fund

Leong, in the meantime, is hoping to raise at least $10,000 for his defence fund. You may contribute through the following channels:

Account Name: Leong Sze Hian
POSB Savings 064064070
Paynow S0009739Z
Paypal ecuadortrade@yahoo.com.sg"

For those who would like to donate to Leong Sze Hian's defence fund, you can use the above accounts at your convenience.


Virgo49 said...

Lim Tean, as a True Brotherhood of defending and fighting for the Rights of all True Blue Singaporeans just estimated a meagre 10K for expenses.

Unlike those elite blood suckers liars who demanded hundreds of thousands just for retainer fees.

Bravo Leong and Lim Tean

Virgo49 said...

Think LHY's contributions is more than that.

What's Leong really wants is pure supports from the masses.

He just wants 10,000 at even S1.00 contribution to show solidarity with him.


Virgo49 said...

Wah piang, DBS Internet transfer really Susah!

What's OTP token and sign in here and there with their Numeric code real headache.

BTC- Boh Tak Chek how's ah??

b said...

Want to take down LSL and wife? Better understand what they are first.
To win, better first understand your enemy. Sun Tzu.

b said...

LSL is not like his father- he was a very smart one. LSL is that type that you screw me, i screw you back. you screw me more, i screw you more back. Not sophisticated type but the spoilt and entitled type. Only can blame his father, gave him everything he NEEDs to succeed.

Anonymous said...

B, you going to get yourself into trouble by personal Attack and naming the you know who. U sure will Kena screwed. 😀

Anonymous said...

Hi b


Take care........

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

LHY needs only to donate $1 but its impact would be worth a million dollars. It is the support that matters. PM Lee has lost even before the case is heard in court. His brother's action triggered many tongues a wagging. It has fuelled much speculation that Shengwu's father is taking up cudgels against a tyrant. That would be hard for PM Lee to stomach. His reputation went down the drain the day he got Parliament instead of the court to paint him as an upright man. Obviously LSH wants him to prove it in court.

Advente said...

I have done my little part for LSH's Defence Fund.

I am sure others can chip in a little bit here and there too.

Three cheers for LSH and LT and LHY! Three cheers for Freedom from Tyranny!

Anonymous said...

My friend n me also have chip in. Happy n willing.

Anonymous said...

Tyranny can be accepted by a docile population if standards of living is good, costs of living is low, employment opportunities are great, assets retained good value, place is cost efficient n effective.
Tyranny is hard to stomach if costs of living are very high, savings are depleted, assets are dwindling in value, good employment prospects are suppressed by foreigners n big money making opportunities to selected cronies thru monopolistic power, bureaucracies are huge n costly.
Wisdom vs stupidity.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Done my part too.

UG said...


Wah seh. This one so li hai. Ask them find missing fund.

Quick. Open a fund ask people donate. Find the missing fund. Next GE everyone just vote for the person that find the missing fund? Isnt it better?

The level li hai ness of old leaders no matter which party in Singapore can see a not? Where the missing fund? Since I am strawberry cao mei, I better stay at home during election?

Donate what ah? Not wayang?

Anonymous said...

Aargh, he's back!

Anonymous said...

There is a screw-loose person running loose here. From the numerous comments he/she has made, it can be d3duced that his illnesss is probably due to prolonged bitterness against certain government policies that might have inflicted hardships and sufferings.

Virgo49 said...

Hi b

b said...
Want to take down LSL and wife? Better understand what they are first.
To win, better first understand your enemy. Sun Tzu.

December 29, 2018 11:23 am

This is what the Chinese believe:-

"There are over 1 billion of us on this earth. We are like photostat copies of each other. You get rid of one, 5 magically appears (like ballot boxes). Yes,it is scary, especially for us. We acknowledge that we are replaceable, thus we are not particularly 'special'.

If you think you are smart, there are a few thousand more people smarter than you. If you think you are strong, there are a few thousand people stronger than you."

So do not assume that LHL and that Headdress are INVINCIBLE!


Breaking Point said...

Nobody is invincible, omnipotent or unassailable in this world. When the time is ripe, karma or age, a confluence of factors will bring down the mountain. This has just happened in Indonesia. Mt Krakatua Volcano has just collapsed and three-quarters of it is now in the sea. If it can happen to a mountain, it can easily happen to a human bean or couple of beans.

Anonymous said...

Likely open n shut case, $600k damages, and uncle need to sell landed house to pay.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

PM Lee is seeking to vanquish LSH who has been a constant thorn in his flesh for the past few years. He must have been lying in wait for quite a few years to pounce and wreak vengence on LSH. PM Lee must be rubbing his hands together in glee and smacking his lips at the prospect of roasting LSH alive. Crowdfunding was a good strategy. The PM's brother has contributed to the fund. It was an act to apprise Singaporeans that he has lost all respect for his elder brother, the Prime Minister of Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Leong's compensation will not be derisory . . .

Anonymous said...

Leong has to fight. He just cannot go down without a fight, because Singaporeans have much interest in seeing someone do that against the dishonourable son. Not since JBJ have Sinkies seen someone taking the stand against the PM. Of course JBJ paid a very high price and lost everything. It is now all or nothing for LSH as well. Good luck to him.

For LSY to do that to his brother is obviously out of the question, as that may reflect negatively on his family, but by the act of supporting LSH, he is sending a very strong message of dissent to the dishonourable son.

This will be a very interesting case and most people can more or less guess what the outcome will be. Would there be a surprise ending?

Anonymous said...

Different era from JBJ. No do or died lah. Social media era cannot be too extreme, if not very very paiseh.

Anonymous said...



Surprise what?


Anonymous said...

Will dragon cut loss & withdraw, as yang sun tze is helping scholar leong?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9.32pm

What to cut?

Sorry, no U-turn!

All the way!

Anonymous said...

In the 3rd chapter of the Silver Sword vs Dragon Sabre, will YangLi the nemesis of LoongLi faceoff directly at the Merlion palace or both will retreat to improve their kungfu to the next level and fight a proxy war in the meantime?
Turn on to Rediffusion at 845pm, on Monday night as Mr Ong Dao will bring you the follow up. In the meantime keep smiling and reach for the stars. Goodnight!

Anonymous said...

Wah seh, now the battle is going into martial arts showdown. Louis Cha's masterpiece is now in the thick of battle. Soon Gu Long's masterpieces will also appear. Things in Sinkieland has never been that interesting.

Anonymous said...

YangLi stared at the dark night sky. He thought of the filial duty to do his father last will, the exile of his wife at the East Smelly Island in Cramped Harbour Hill, his beloved son in Golden Mountain among the white gorrillas ruled by the Old Playful Boy, the loss of his property, his heart is filled with sorrow.

His loud cry pierced through the deep silence of the night.

The pain was so deep, all his hair immediately turned white.


His Silver Sword rattled for 3 minutes.
He knows what he must do.
No one noticed how he disappeared into the dark night, and no one knows when he will appear in the daylight.

When will the story of Gu Long continue....wait & see?