
DEMOCRACY 2018 - The US Has Become A Failed State.

The Third American Civil War is Here.

In 2018, American democracy began its nosedive towards eventual oblivion.  The cancer of corruption, that eternal enemy of democracy, has long infected American democracy for many decades.  It has reached terminal stage.  We bear witness to the end of an American democracy that never was one from the beginning.

Over the last 20 years, systematic corruption and corrupt practices have been carefully nurtured and cultivated by members of the American power elites, now exposed as the deep state, to permeate and consume the minds of the American electorate as it works its way into every decent sectors of the community including religion, economy, family, education and everyday life.   

As American democracy struggled in its death throes grasping for some enduring relevance and purpose, it elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States on 6 November 2016.  The event represented a checkmate on the deep state. 

Donald Trump, a successful multi-billionaire businessman, had noticed (perhaps even participated in) the widespread shenanigans, fraudulent dealings, duplicity, sleaze, malfeasance, legalised misconduct and openly corrupt political practices of US politics.  He was even taunted by the 44th US President Barack Obama at a dinner reception and later publicly that Trump was incapable to do the job of US President.  

The 2016 election of President Donald Trump represents the triumph of American democracy.  His opponent (and her husband) personified and represented every corruption of the Washington establishment and its deep state.  Their “philanthropic” foundation, which promptly folded when she lost the elections, is now being investigated for selling access - “pay for play” - to senior government officers and foreign governments.  A Hillary Presidency would have embedded corrupt practices into an already corrupt US Government nurtured and nourished by the previous Obama and Clinton Presidencies.

Over the past 2 years, the forces against American democracy assaulted in organised unison to de-legitimise the duly elected 45th US President using the tools of democracy against itself by systematically unleashing a series of events to destablise the established, albeit imperfect, democratic eco-system developed over the past 215 years.

A docile and submissive Judiciary does not make for a strong democracy.  The deep state assault on Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanagh is a case in point.  Key Senators, mostly themselves lawyers and former Prosecutors, chose to deny the constitutional rights of Judge Kavanaugh to due process and hard evidence as he faced unfounded allegations of sexual misconduct from 1982.  The FBI had in fact investigated Judge Kavanaugh on more than 6 occasions as a matter of routine background checks over the past 28 years, but found not a single iota of any sexual or ethical misconduct.  Neither did any investigative journalists, and it’s not for want of effort.  

American Democracy X.0 – The Third American Civil War

With the passing of American democracy before our eyes, the Third American Civil War has begun surely, steadily and silently for some years now.  True democracy may never return to America any time soon. 

Truth is, political power has never really been in the effective hands of the American people.  Abraham Lincoln’s “… the government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” never had an even chance to grow into full maturity.  

Political power grows through concentration not by dispersion or distribution.  Democracy’s promise of popular power in the hands of the people is an illusion, an empty promise made by those in power to a permanently gullible, weak and naïve electorate.  Political power easily slipped out of their hands as they rather bask in comfortable living without participating in the process of political life through debates, discussions, confrontation and regular elections.    

Come the next US Presidential elections in 2020, Americans have to evaluate and examine critically how they have allowed the corrupt power elites to infest the Judiciary, Executive and the Congress through clever arguments, money and privileges. 

In Trump with all his idiosyncrasies and imperfections, the American have found a President who works for free on behalf of the American people and whose personal wealth has diminished by a few hundred million dollars annually.  Trump is not motivated by having more wealth or more properties.  And that’s really scary to the deep state cabal of his political opponents consisting corrupt politicians and their financial backers. 

President Trump is essentially a visionary Corporatist, who possessed great self- confidence to improve the economic and social well-being of his American people. Trump’s economic achievements in his first 20 months in Office speak for themselves.  Why would Americans not what more of the goodies that he “produced”?   Why allow Trump to be distracted by opposition politicians with various parliamentary investigations into fabricated wrongdoings and blocking the Presidential policies such as immigration, healthcare, education and infrastructural reforms?     

A Corporatist America can emerge from the 3rd American Civil War that will create good-paying jobs, put food on the table, more money in the pockets, increase 401K value, reduce homelessness, provides affordable healthcare available and a more prosperous America.   


Singapore’s corporatist democratic political model is a good starting point for America to discover an upgraded version of a better democracy.  Singapore believes that democracy and democratic processes must and should facilitate development or face irrelevance and oblivion, as we see in America today.  Governments should promote the welfare and well-being of its people, which Trump did in his early Presidency, and not the intellectual development of political concepts.  Americans in their 3rd Civil War must learn to “trade-up” the benefits of a viable democracy, instead of a “trade-off” between democracy and development. 

American political parties should become corporatist in their political orientation with the American people as their only primary political accountability, not financial backers and powerful industrial vested interests.  Continuous electoral success comes from the American electorate, not election spendings.

America is better off managing democracy as a governance tool with regular free and fair elections and in a political climate characterized by freedom from fear, freedom from want, freedom of religious beliefs and the freedom of choice. If these were what American democracy could facilitate, it would be great!  Since American democracy has failed, the current configuration of democracy should be replaced by a democratic corporatist one if the American people wish to journey toward a better, more prosperous, fairer and equal “land of the free, home of the brave”.

PS. Mike, article too long. I have chopped off a few parts to make it shorter. Readers interested in reading full story can click on the links.



  1. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 30, 2018 11:07 am

    Uncle Sam seems to be falling apart. Its political system is in deep shit. The two major political parties are constantly bickering over trivial issues like gay marriage, abortion or gun control. Its lawmakers are not talking about issues which really matter and affect the lives of the masses. They have no idea how to clear its humongous debt, to restore the middle class, to rebuild the infrastructure, and to stop government abuse and corruption. Democracy exists only on paper. The people only care about short term benefits. Trump is no visionary leader. He promised to drain the swamp. But Uncle Sam is still stuck in a morass.

    Democracy in Sinagapore cost a lot to maintain. The lawmakers are the highest paid in the world. The party in power spent much time in fixing: The regular break downs in the transport system, declining population so bring in foreigners and lastly the Opposition in order to remain in power forever and ever.

  2. The Americans are still deluding themselves with their narratives that China is collapsing, Xi is in big trouble and would be ousted, without looking at the shit of their economy and the fate of Trump and their democracy.

    Singapore a good role model for America? It was, but not in the present form that would self destruct in double quick time. The system is so top heavy, paying so much to so few that is draining the limited resources of a small economy. The top 1% is sucking the people dry. It is unsustainable.

  3. US system now more like PAP. Harder to get welfare, majority need to work until drop dead & die, and president using lawsuits & legal system to silence critics.

    The only thing US system different from PAP is allowing guns & now marijuana.

    Once PAP realises how much tax revenue & jobs the marijuana industry can bring, they will also legalise it. A*star and PAPpy scientists will declare that it is same level of harm & addictiveness as nicotine, no big deal.

    But the great thing about US system is that anything & everything goes, and constant change & improvements. Even if there is all out civil war and 50 million die, the US will still recover and be better than before.

    Higher chance to win Toto 1st prize than for S'pore to outlast US.

  4. They do not talk about important matters because they have no way of solving it. Simple as that!

    Take the US$21 trillion of debt which is just impossible to solve. Trump talks about reducing it, but it looks like he is inflating the debt at an even faster pace.

    What about the quadrillions of derivatives waiting to unwind? Whichever party or president comes into the White House, it will just be a case of either blaming the previous administration or just pushing the problem to the next President. It will never be solved.

    All these problems stem from the overspending of the US, both Government and its people. They created more and more debts so that they could spend and spend. Now the shit is there for all to see. Why would the present or future President of the US care. Two more years and this is no more his problem.

  5. Nah, bullshit. It's not that bad. The big old USA has many redundancies built in. Even with an idiot at the helm, and massive "joint partnerships" between big corporations and govt...anyone who is determined can still achieve.

    It is human nature to cherry-pick the data and come up with stories of why you cannot make it because the govt blah bah blah. Despite the whole fucking world and human civilisation being imperfect, unfair, unjust, unequal --- not new things; it's always been that way in varying degree --- the world is still ok.

    Anyway, the problems caused by govt and big special interests are beyond the control of the apolitical, non-aligned individual. It is pointless shooting the shit and complaining about the failures of society, politics, or the political economies. They are all fucked, they have never been perfect. If you go throughout history, people have been complaining about the failure of their society since humans decided to organise into cities and cuntries.

    Since I was never a big fan nor a believer in DEMOCRACY, I couldn't care less if it fails. I've always maintained the view that democracy has flaws built in that eventually it does fail. So when democracy fails, I just say: I TOLD YOU SO! 🤣😂 The I kick back and have a drink.

  6. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 30, 2018 3:07 pm

    Uncle Sam is in decline but Trump thinks otherwise. Uncle Sam believes it is the biggest economy and its military is the most powerful in the world. But, infrastructure is crumbling. Education, healthcare and housing are becoming unaffordable for many. Just like in Singapore.

    Violence, drug addiction and racial tensions are on the rise. Wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few and military expenditures are bankrupting the country. Trump presides over a country that is divided. Unless the problems are addressed expeditiously, the decline would lead to a downward spiral. Uncle Sam will then become a failed state.

  7. Communism as a system was predicted to fail miserably and fast. But Russia and China are now having a communist renaissance. And the democratic West has been waiting and pleading for their downfall, decade after decade.

    Democracy as a system was supposed to be the best bet there was, the best bet it has been and the best bet it will ever be.

    Between a all for one (top 1%) system and a one for all system, which will better survive?

  8. Communism is dead, it has evolved to State Capitalism. Democracy is dead, it has evolved to Corporate & Elite Oligopoly & Monopoly.
    Same direction...different Base...same Human Selfish Nature. Though occasionally some have a little love. Only One was crucified for pure love. Only One was hurt for pure love.
    Happy New Year.

  9. So all you patriots sit back, relax pour yourself a drink, give yourself a christian name and be Mary.

  10. @ 345:

    Right. SUPPOSED the best bet. But I don't agree it it "the best" bet.

    The soft-dictatorship, "guided democratic model" model adopted by integrating Confucianism, with Republicanism and with the Westminster parliamentary system, supported by a modified base of English Common Law is far superior to Western-style democracy. That's the system Singapore's PAP adopted, and it is working damn well --- better in the past though, it needs a "reboot".

    "Democracy" is too broad a term. Wherever it is practiced, it is always "modified" to fit the culture of the cuntry. For e.g.: American democracy is different from the UK model, or the EU model. Our "guided democratic system is a "rojak" of various political ideas, plus a few of our very own.

    Confucianism is about getting the best people into govt. They have to be smart, and of high moral character, benevolent and just...and in the old Chinese system, need to pass exams to govern. Therefore...ELITES are the best to govern.

    Democracy is about "government by the people for the people". But The Elites are also part of The People. So in Singapore, The Elites "guide" the politiy so as to attain a SUPERIOR OUTCOME than a wild and messy democracy.

    Many people don't appreciate the Singapore model of a Confucian-guided democracy. I say they are WRONG. The shit works. It os not "perfect" (no political system is) but it delivers great outcomes.

  11. Watch star wars and we will understand. USA will become new USA. The enemy who is obssesed with power will be destroyed. Who is the jedi master?

    Both communism or democracy have flaws. But people should learn and only take the best out of each system to implement in their society so that kids will have a future. Looks at sg, do the kids have a future? most wanna emigrate. Come to perth, more affordable housing and cars and only need a sensible gov who see the potential to run it well.

  12. The Best of Malaysian Indians fucking drunk and open with their colonial and racial hangups. Brilliant!

  13. Interestingly, many of you seemed to believe that America is a Democracy. Is that true? Read this story - https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/03/america-is-not-a-democracy/550931/

  14. @ MH

    No America is not a democracy --- its a republic. The word "democracy" doesn't even appear in their constitution. "Democracy" evolved out of the damn thing as a way of choosing the people to govern.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. In the old America, only owners of property could vote. No niggers, no chinks, no broads...only rich white guys. That was the system.

  17. Titiana Ann XavierDecember 30, 2018 7:23 pm

    "Demos" is Greek for people and "Cracy" is form of government. Ardent supporters of the "One Man One Vote" believe that representative democracy is the best form of government. Uncle Sam practises such a form of democracy. But with 35% of voters abstaining in recent times, democracy will soon become a farce. Today no POTUS is really endorsed by 50% of the eligible voters as absentee rate is high. In the near future, apathy will destroy representative democracy. No system of government is perfect. History, culture and education will determine how each country select its system of government.

  18. US practices 1 man 1 vote, but unlike pure Westminster system, an American's vote can carry different weight, depending on which state or electorate he/she is in. E.g. a citizen who stays in LA has a vote with more weightage than someone staying in some ulu town in the midwest.

    Singapore is also a republic, and has modified it's voting system to be similar to US i.e. a person staying in a populous GRC has a stronger vote than someone staying in an SMC. E.g. the AMK voter has the power to vote in 6 MPs from the same party with 1 vote, compared to another person whose vote can only vote in 1 MP. PAP can win those important GRCs while losing all the SMCs and 2 smaller GRCs, and still form >50% of parliament i.e. the govt.

    In Trump versus Hilary 2016, Trump actually got slightly less number of individual votes than Hilary. But Trump won becoz slightly more of his votes were from those electorates which are more powerful and carry more weight.

  19. @MH

    That's the beauty of US system --- can write, publish & criticise wholeheartedly the president, the govt & the system while still within the country.

    Try this in Singapore. LOL!

    To have a robust system, the leaders must be prepared for messiness and be able to function well & operate smoothly in disorder.

    Just like how soldiers & commanders are trained over & over to carry out their jobs while their friends & men are being blown apart & turned into pork chop & intestinal kuay chap next to them.

    This is not something that can happen overnight or thru just training --- that's why veterans of a few firefights & battles are so much better soldiers than even well trained guardsmen but have no combat experience.

    And why governments take many decades & lifetimes to evolve into something that works.
