
China should stop talking and act

Today is the 8th day of the disgusting arrest of Meng Wanzhou, CFO of Huawei, and China is still talking and asking for her immediate arrest. Are the Chinaman really that stupid? This treacherous act by the uncivil whites is part and parcel of their act to contain and attack China, planned for a long time, and they are doing this blatantly. China still thinks being nice and polite and reasonable would be able to appeal to the senses of the mischievous whites that have been using their power and force to bully China and countries of the world for centuries.

China would have to act tough, arrest a few Canadians if they want the release of Meng. Otherwise they would continue to be slapped by the West and little USAs left and right and be seen as a useless foolish country, unable to protect its citizens from rogue regimes and the savages and barbarians in suits and ties.

China cannot run away from a fight or it would lose all credibility as a rising power in the eyes of the people of the world and to its own citizens. It cannot aspire to be the world leader if little countries can belittle and humiliate China whenever they want to.

China must stop talking and return an eye for a eye if they want such mischief to end immediately. Nothing else will do. As for the provocations in the South China Sea, it is time that China drag a few intruding warships home if it wants to stop the provocations. The whites only understood might is right. Stop being civil to the barbarians.

PS. Even Singapore is standing up to Malaysia. China cannot stand up to Canada? Unreasonableness must be met with unreasonableness.


Anonymous said...

China has been talking about the hundred years of humiliation by the West and thinking that this would not happen again.

This arrest is another act of humiliation by the West. Does China want to be humiliated for another hundred years by the West by behaving like a lame duck, pleading with the barbarians to be reasonable when they have acted unreasonably?

Anonymous said...

China must arrest a few Cads, Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, Yankees to send a tough message to the alliance of Five Eyes.

b said...

China can act but a war will start. Thats what they want. Debt always leads to war.

Anonymous said...

Yup. US Owes China more than US$1.1 trillion. They think if they instigate a war, then no need to pay the debt. All the more China must liquidate its holdings of US Treasurys ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Based on western assessment, China is too weak to fight back. That is why they dare to do it. So if China diam diam, it means their assessment is correct and more shit will be coming.😭

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump had suggested in 2016 that in the event that the US economy crashed, the US should pay America’s creditors less than full value on the US Treasurys they hold.

So in the event of war with China, they can don't pay at all !

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

China has put diplomatic pressure on Canada. A strong protest and warning of consequences had been conveyed to the Canadian Ambassador. China is also seekinģ the immediate release of Sabrina Meng. Chinese citizens are demanding strong actions against Canada. There are calls to boycott Canadian goods and services and to stop investing in Canada. In the case of Uncle Sam, Chinese citizens want the trade war to be intensified and to ram Uncle Sam's warships in the South China Sea. Turbulent times are expected in 2019. China is unlikely to go to war unless Uncle Sam starts one. China fought against Uncle Sam in the Korean and Vietnam War. China is a civilised nation unlike the western barbarians.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies already had a taste of US hegemonic action when Keppel O&M was made to pay the US about US$105.6 million in the corruption case involving Brazilian state-run oil company Petrobras.

Since 1977, the American law Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) has allowed the US to become the anticorruption policeman for the whole world, whether the total conduct has taken place outside the US, by non-US persons.

It could be a non-US company and non-US government officials, going about their business outside the US, but if any of the money transited through the US, if there was a bank account that was draw on there, or if a server based in the US was used to send an email , there is jurisdiction, according to a law expert.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China cannot find excuses to explain away its meekness when confronted by aggression and mischief. This is Ah Q mentality, always a reason to walk away meekly.

The war with the West is inevitable and it is now or later. China has to make its own assessment to see if it can take on the West militarily. If it is still incapable of fighting the West, then it must continue to be humiliated by the West. When it is time for it to stand up and fight the West, it must, to end the humiliation immediately.

Taking on the Canadians is a piece of cake, like whacking the Australians. China must whack the Canadians real hard if it wants to remain a respectable member of the international community. Or else it should retreat behind the Great Walls and shut up and stop pretending that it is the next super power to replace the Americans.

If this is to happen to India, the Indian govt would react immediately to kick the Canadian's ass. A big power must behave like a big power to be respected if not fear. It is the meekness in China that is inviting all these troubles. Every little country, especially the little USAs would think it is ok to irritate and even take pot shot at China.

Until China makes it clear that it is ready to kick asses, it would always be humiliated like this case and in the South China Sea. Once it started to kick asses, every little country and little USA would learn and stay away from mischief when dealing with China.

China has been quoting '无事不找事, 有事不怕事'. When is China going to live by what it preaches and stop behaving like Ah Q?

Anonymous said...


you said......"Even Singapore is standing up to Malaysia".......

ask yourself.....you tell me.....what have sg done so far?...........


Anonymous said...

Now u know why I buy war stocks. Things like Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, DBS, OCBC, Capitaland, UOB, CDL, Singtel, Starhub, condo, HDB, Apple, Huawei, Lenovo, IBM, Nokia, Samsung, Xiaomi, can come & go but war is eternal.

Anonymous said...

Because of China's inaction and meekness, Japan has found the courage to ban Huawei's 5G from entering its market. China deserves to be whacked by behaving like a weak country. They have not learn the lesson of being weak and was invaded by Japan.

Now all the American allies would be closing ranks to whack China knowing that China is weak and cannot hit back.

Anonymous said...

Hi 1019am

Very good and very happy for U!

Huat Ah!

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

China takes the long term view and weighs the pros and cons carefully. Chinese companies have started pulling out to avoid being targetted by Uncle Sam. It will hurt the economy of Uncle Sam in the long run as investors stay away. China will suffer the same fate if it targets foreign companies like Uncle Sam. The red line for China is its core interests. China will not sacrifice the lives of millions of its people in adventurous wars unless its territorial integrity and sovereignty are violated. Loss of businesses and banning Huawei do not justify China going to war. Chinese leaders are wise and Chinese businessmen are smart.

Virgo49 said...

Chinese Philisophy: Channel Big Troubles into Small Troubles. Small Troubles into No Troubles have the Others looked down as Meek,Timid and Yellow like Chickens.

They do not want to pick fights with Others wantonly. But among their Own,they can scorned, maimed and kill without mercy.

This is the weakness of the Chinese Race.

See in Sinkieland majority. Their owned sued until pants dropped but not others. They so kay poh treated other immigrants with such loving care and scorned even.their own fellow citizens.

Lau Angkors and Unties begging and selling tissue papers also scorned.

Old man want to share table with empty seat also kena whacked.

Whereas they organised parties and makan besar for others.

Taiwanese fighting among themselves.Hong Kies protesting their owm.

Others laughing and sniggering away.

We have one Anon laughing and making big big monies on his war stocks. Got War Stocks meh?

Chinese like Ann said smart and wise people where making fortunes are more important.

Monies only true belief in them. REST IS NONSENSE.

Have one or two of their own killed or humilated, aiya nothing lah. We have billions in POP and that's a meagre number.

Anyway,.that's their fates and lives. Monies more important.

As with riches,.you have the Respect and Honour of those who thinks alike like you.

Monies is POWER.They will suck up to you. That's why I have to invest so heavily in Sinpools,Magnum,SportsToto and PMP and Genting when.you still have resources to hope and win.

So dont expect the.Chinese to die for you.

They just deserved their fate to be as disunited and scorned by the Rest.

Anonymous said...

War is what the West wants, particularly the US.

Firstly, the US really have no avenues out of the debt burden. How could they ever pay back their debts with deficits mounting year in and year out? It is an unsolvable problem. War is the answer.

Secondly, the US dollar hegemony is under threat, which means it's global relevance, if followed by eventual demise, will no longer allow the US to accumulate more debts, because once that happens, countries no longer need to continue buying US treasuries to fund the US unlimited deficit spending. How then could the US continue to borrow to finance their deficit spending? War is the answer.

Thirdly, the US is losing it's technological edge in military R & D to Russia and China, but the US now still has the largest and most potent military hardware and able to counter any confrontation with Russia or China. If Russia and China come together, and continue to innovate with military R & D, it will be a different scenario for the US going further down the road. Hence it is now or never for the US and the West to put whatever little advantage it has to the test, with the temperamental Trump in charge. War is the answer.

But it is all still a very calculated tactical move by the US and Canada with the arrest of Meng. China is still calculating how to respond, but you can be sure there will be a response. Just like the tariffs, the response has to be damaging, like targeting farmers in US. You can be sure Canada will also figure prominently in China's response when it comes.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Wars bankrupt nations. Uncle Sam is up to its ears in debts. Banning Huawei will not bankrupt China. Arresting a Chinese business woman reflects badly on Uncle Sam. It is an admission that it is no longer competitive and fear of China has driven Uncle Sam to resort to political intimidation and protectionism. China and her partners must stay focused and not become distracted by the 5 Evil Eyes and their poodles trying to sabotage Huawei, BRI, BRICS or AIIB.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There are times when China has to stand up and defend its rights. When China appears to be weak, it invites more attacks. The Taiwanese just arrested 3 Chinese fishing boats and China did nothing.

When the Pinoys arrested Taiwanese boats, the Taiwanese meekly paid ransoms to the Pinoys to have their fishermen and boats back.

Pinoy is a small country and Taiwan is afraid of them, but not afraid of China. Why? Because China is afraid to act, so deserves to be bullied.

Now more and more countries would ban Huawei from their market. This time China miscalculated. I am terribly disappointed with the Chinese leadership. They could simply arrest one or two Canadian top execs in China or Hongkong to reciprocate. It is unimaginable if Meng is sentenced to 30 years in American jail.

Al said...

The Evil Empires r trying all their might in provoking China for a duet. China will not give in to this as they wud find ways & means to resolve this both diplomatically & economically. Revenge is their last resort after engaging them in a peaceful way. If a fight is inevitable, China will not hesitate to go battle with the Evil Empires & they will teach these Whites Barbarians a painful lesson. However, we just keep our finger cross that it will not escalate into a World War again, becos if it happen it's the end of world, that's why scientists r exploring humans migration to other planet in the galaxy.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

The Chinese know that it takes 10 years to train a soldier but only a day to use him. Wars are to be avoided and unleashed only as a last resort. The Chinese were furious over the Sabrina Meng saga. But it did not pose an existential threat to China. So Chinese response will be calm and measured. It will hit Canada where it hurts most. Just like Trump's trade war. China's strategy is simple: Know yourself, know your enemy. A hundred battles, a hundred victories.

Anonymous said...

Canada has treated Meng as a dangerous criminal, handcuffing her at the airport and making her wear ankle restraints after her first bail hearing.

Meng is a middle-aged woman who had surgery in May to remove her thyroid gland and also has high blood pressure which requires daily medication, yet she is being treated as a violent offender. It is hard to escape the conclusion that her treatment is something of a show trial intended to humiliate her and China.

Anonymous said...

Migration to other planet in the galaxy may be just science fiction. Of the nine planets (or eight now) only earth is hospitable.

If we are talking about other galaxies, the distance to travel is beyond a human lifetime, possibly in magnitudes of light years. Maybe science can overcome that too.

One possibility is time travel, but humans have yet to embark seriously into such research. Maybe there is some progress in this field that no one know yet. Can scientist really do it?

But the timeline for another war looks short and fast interplanetary travel has yet to materialise. Moreover, such mode of travel will be reserved for the special breed and certainly not for the rest of the billions that now inhabit earth. Being nuclearized to dust may be less of a suffering than migrating to another unknown planet to start life anew, progress, innovate and kill each other all over again.

Fact or fantasy, it is up to you to wait if you believe.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? I am luffing at old leaders. KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA. 6 smoke bomb promote Major? Chinese kill Chinese? Who cares what Malaysia or China? Our on top no Penang or Perak? Ask those take the most money from Cheng Hu to maintain their fitness and be activated anytime. Little India Riot? Mas Selamat? $600K is peanuts? Power plant is Japan, China, Malaysia? Are we America Alliance or China Alliance?

Anonymous said...

Who cares what Workers Party or PAP? I li hai is my problem. Go Bangkok also got clean water drink. Not li hai, stay in Singapore, no money, electricity also must use card? Old leaders are so cute and adorable. I feel like pinching their face. So cute.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Jeane Dixon's predictions:

'For a long period of time, the Soviet Union and the United States will be at a standoff and compete militarily, but in the end, they will build an alliance to fight against communist China.”

Roosevelt then said: “Communist China? This is impossible! We absolutely have no conflict with China. Our coalition with the Soviet Union is to maintain our status in the world.”

Dixon, with deep concentration, said: “I can see the Communist Party seizing the power in China, the present regime will be exiled to a leafy island (Taiwan), and communist China will become our second greatest diplomatic threat.”

Moment before Dixon’s death, she predicted that the hope of mankind will be in the East – China

In 1997, Dixon was in critical condition, but left behind her last words: “The United States will decline and the hope for mankind will be in the East. China will replace the United States as superpower of the world.”

Anonymous said...

Empires cannot exist forever. They decline and others rise. Same with dynasties, no matter how glorious.

The Spanish, Portuguese and the last to decline were the British. Who would have thought that the British, controlling more than half the world in its heyday, would end up as it is today, even struggling with its departure from the EU. Germany and Japan tried to dominate the world and could not even succeed.

The US will suffer the same fate. Not tomorrow or the day after, but it's days will be numbered. Maybe not in our lifetime as yet. And it could even be the last empire in mankind's known existence!

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Despite conquests by Mongols and Manchurians, the Chinese civilisation was not destroyed. Despite Western and Nipponese invasions, China survives. Today, China is rich, powerful and magnanimous. MAD is the last thing on Chinese minds. It shares its technological know-how with the world. To realise the Chinese Dream, China trades with many nations so that everyone prospers. Peaceful co-existence is key to growth, progress and wealth. Uncle Sam is profligate. Building bases and going to wars have ruined a once mighty and wealthy nation. It will sink into oblivion like the Portuguese, Spanish and British Empires.

Virgo49 said...

Have a laugh and have a great day!

Pak Lah,Tun Mahathir and Najib got arrested for a severe offense in Malaysia, so for the terrible crime they are all sentenced 20 lashes each of the whip. As they were preparing for their punishment, the Judge announced "It's s my wife's birthday today, and she has asked me to allow each of you one wish before your whipping.

Pak Lah was first in line, he thought for a while and then said: Please tie a pillow to my back..This was done, but the pillow only lasted 10 lashes & Pak Lah had to be carried away bleeding and crying with pain.

Najib was next up. After watching Pak Lah in horror he said smugly: Please fix two pillows to my back. But even two pillows could only take 15 lashes & Najib was also led away whimpering loudly.

Tun M was the last one up, but before he could say anything, the Judge turned to him and said: You are the most intelligent and smartest man. For this, you may have two wishes! Thank you, your My Lord and Merciful Judge,

Tun M replied. In recognition of your kindness, my first wish is that you give me not 20, but 100 lashes. Not only are you an Honorable, handsome and powerful man, you are also very brave. The Judge said to Tun M with an admiring look on his face. If 100 lashes is what you desire, then so be it.

And what is your second wish? The Judge asked

Tun M smiled and said : "Tie Najib to my back"


Virgo49 said...

Internet Protocol
Version 9- IPv9

Great news and why Washington is harboring so much envy and hatred against China:
After watching the video "National Sovereign Network IPV9 officially unveiled", I realized why cyber security is national security and what enabled the US Government to amass so much wealth from every other country in the world. Day after day and each time we surf the internet, read our emails, WeChat, QQ, WhatsApp, etc., and use WiFi for whatever reasons including video streaming on smartphones and smart TVs, we have to use the United States Internet protocol IPV4. This is the parent server and the main root server for WWW or the worldwide Internet.

China had signed an agreement with the United States to rent the worldwide Internet for 20 years from the year 2000. Every year, China and the rest of the world have been, and currently still pay rents to the United States monopoly. The annual rents are increasing with the ever rising increase in usage, including 500 billion in 2007 and 1.8 trillion in 2017.

By the end of 2020, it is estimated to be even more which is only the rent from China alone! Every other country in the world are also paying rents for Internet usage to the US. How much is that transfer of wealth! How can a country not be rich when it possesses such a hummus monopoly? If the ordinary American people ain't receiving a share of this fabulous windfall, then their country's elites like Trump, Clinton, Bush, Wall Street banksters like Goldman Sachs, etc., can perhaps be made to divulge their secret.

Thankfully for China (also quite likely for Third World countries) by 2014, China independently developed the IPV9 parent server and the main root server with independent intellectual property rights. Having achieved this quantum leap, China tried to negotiate with the United States to introduce to the world its new IPV9 protocol.

Not surprisingly, it was rejected. Then in 2015, a team of Chinese delegation of technological experts unveiled and gave a test introduction of IPV9 to members of the UN General Assembly. The team of experts were able to prove that both the security and quality of IPV9 far exceeded that of the United States's IPV4 and IPV6. T

The two nations were then given the opportunity to present their case at the end of which the UN Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of China's IPV9. After further discussions, the UN General Assembly handed over management of the worldwide internet to China for 100 years. That is to say, when the current lease with the US expires in 2020, China will assume leadership and management of the worldwide internet with its superlative IPV9 parent server and the main root server.

All the receiving and transmitting stations in China have now been completed. To date, 25 countries have signed lease agreements with China with the rest of the world to follow. In 2019, IPV9 will be put into trial operation. When the lease with the US expires in 2020, the old and outdated American IPV4 will be closed and China's new generation Internet, namely the â Internet of Things IPV9â, will be up and running.

If Internet IPV4 and IPV6 made the United States brilliant, then the Internet of Things IPV9 will bring immense glory and blessings to China and the rest of the world for the next hundred years!

Recd as above.