
Celebrating Our Seniors

Masters Athletics have an eventful packed year in 2019

2019 would be a very eventful and power packed year for masters athletics in Singapore. There will be road runs, relays, cross country races and athletic competitions locally and overseas to keep them very busy running for the whole year.

The first event to kick off would be the Singapore Masters Athletics X Country Run/Walk/Relay at MacRitchie Reservoir on Sunday 3 Mar 19. This would be closely followed by 3 events in a weekend.

3 May 19 – Singapore Masters Athletics 40th Anniversary Track & Field at Toa Payoh Stadium

4 May 19 – The first South East Asia Masters Track & Field Meet also at Toa Payoh Stadium

5 May 19 – the Singapore Masters Athletics International All Comers Meet also at Toa Payoh

And on 6/7 July the SMTFA is also organizing its first Track and Field International Championship in Singapore. Active Singapore would also be holding its annual track and field event at end of July and beginning of August.

This is not all. There is a major event in Kuching, Sarawak, the Asia Masters Athletics Track & Field Meet in December to end the year. There are also several road races/relays and cross country being held through the year.
The toughest period for masters athletics would be the May weekend. From the point of a sprinter, if a masters athlete is to participate in all 3 Meets during that one weekend, he would have to run at least 8 races, including heats and relays. This is very punishing. Normally 3 races would be about the max for a senior masters athlete.

In the World Masters, the timing of a masters sprinter in one event eg 100m, with heats, semis and finals, would fall rapidly over the 3 days. It is thus near impossible for any masters athlete to run 8 sprint races over 3 consecutive days. I am attempting to run on two of the Meets but have no confidence to run well the next day. That is how bad it is on the legs.
With the ministers and the politicians everyday talking about living well and living healthy, keeping fit, ageing gracefully, would they be supporting such masters athletic activities and making them part of the national campaign of promoting healthy ageing? Or would they ignore these programmes because they are not organized by the govt?

It would be great for all the senior community associations and clubs to bring their seniors to watch and celebrate how other seniors compete in these races and show them what are still possible despite the age. The races would be a great motivation and encouragement for the doubtful, that they need not live a sedentary life just because of old age. This could be a national event and festival for the seniors if the govt/PA or Activesg could put their acts together.

Grace Fu could make this as big or even a bigger event than the fighting diabetes thing that is going on. Or perhaps Gan Kim Yong and Amy Khor could join forces to pitch this as part of their well meaning health campaign for the seniors.


Al said...

Events not organized or promoted by the G is considered as 'gone case' becos it won't garner any votes or brainwashing purpose at all. No minionsters will even wanto attend as it wud deem 'no face' on their part of being the elites group, so do wat it can to proof the mettle. At the end of the day, it's your own world & happiness & noboli is gonna steal away from you like a 'G'rinch.

Advente said...

Politicians are not really interested in the seniors, except their votes.

The seniors' votes can be obtained through threats, fear-mongering and a few hundred dollars sweetie from taxpayers' money. The seniors are actually so brain-washed that they are absolutely kiasu and kuasi and will not vote to topple the PAP, but to maintain the Status Quo (not to rock the boat, especially when it is sinking with flooded dirty filthy sewage water from third world cuntries.

The seniors are so scared that they, instead of running for a seat in Parliament to fight for fallow countrymen, they dared only spent their time and energy running seemingly senseless self-glorifying meaningless races.

Old habits die hard or stupidity cannot cure?

Anonymous said...

Advente 1.01

You will be surprised. Not all seniors are what you think. As a very senior senior myself, I have gone through many elections voting for the opposition. If you are talking about senior females, I may agree, but certainly not the male seniors that I know. They are more informed at coffeeshops and old folks corners, which females seldom go to. They know how and why not to vote PAP!

If you say seniors are scared, that is also a mistaken belief. Seniors are mostly retirees. They do not fear loss of jobs or livelihood unlike the younger voters. Why should they be scared?

How do you expect seniors at their age, and without higher education, stand for election and enter Parliament? That is a joke. This is not 1965. Who will vote for them? Standing for election is not a cheap adventure in Sinkieland you must understand.

Anonymous said...

1.01 pm, pls lar you don’t talk nonsense and kpkb lar. Not all seniors are like what you think.

1.22pm, I agree with you 100%

Anonymous said...

Rb, is there a qualifying time for 100m? My best time is now 30 seconds due to Aging and painful knee but I would like to compete if the rest of the ah Pek not much better?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 3:16, there is no qualifying time for the 3 meets mentioned in the post. Qualifying time is for the Asia Masters in Kuching.

I am not sure of your age group but just join and have fun. The normal 65-69 runner's time from 15 to 18 sec. For 70-74, 16.5 to above 20 sec. There are those in the 80s and 90s running the 100m with time above 30 sec.

Registration for the meets not out yet but will be sometime in Feb or Mar.

Anonymous said...

To this Advente, what the fuck are you doing here, meaningless blogging? You got nothing better to do? If you are so clever, why don't you go and run for a seat in Parliament?

Anonymous said...

You don’t always condemn all those seniors okay @ 1.01 pm. Agree with @ 4.27pm, 2.06pm and 1.22pm. I am a senior myself and I never vote PAP before.

Anonymous said...

@ 1.01pm

And calling yourself a Blogger. Pui. You have no respect for Seniors.

Advente said...

Respect is earned, not asked or demanded.

And I am not a blogger. Do not assume.

It shows how shallow and intolerable you are!

Anonymous said...

“It shows how shallow and intolerable you are” - 7.36pm

This phase definitely is best referred to your ownself.

Anonymous said...

W7.55pm anon, I think advente need to be sodomized to wake ip lar. With economic hardship, I no longer can afford to pay for Mei Mei so I don't mind volunteer to sodomize him lor 😀

Anonymous said...

10.47pm. Well, he deserve it by insulting and criticise the seniors.

Anonymous said...

This ass Advente was chased away by RB but now came back using another nick. He is such a shameless twit. After everyone told him off, he would still come back for more. And he is talking about respect when no one respects him but he would not go away.

Yes, he wants to be sodomised. If he has any grain of dignity and self respect, he would disappear from this blog forever and not return begging for attention.

Just watch this shameless asshole when he comes back for more.

Anonymous said...

Ass Advente, where are you, come back quick. Don't be shy lah. We are waiting to sodomise you.

OK, use another nick, no one will know it is you again.

Anonymous said...

8.49am and 9.50am

Very well said. Like what 10.47pm said. He deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I am not a senior yet, but I do know of many seniors who, despite no risking of losing their jobs, are super kiasu, kiasi, kia chenghu. They complain about G, but will vote for PAP in the end. We do get what we deserve.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.50

The young never complain about Government meh? Who do you think most of them voted for? How did the Government got 70% mandate without the votes of the younger voters? Are you assuming that all seniors voted PAP and the younger ones voted opposition? How do you know many seniors voted PAP? You saw the ballot papers?

You seem to suggest that only seniors complain. Just take the case of MRT breakdowns. Who made the most complaints, especially during peak hours, with the train full of younger working adults who are not seniors yet, like you. When election comes, who do you think they voted for?

Never tarnish all seniors because you know of a few that voted PAP. Maybe you know because they are your own family and friends. How else do you know other seniors voted PAP?

I am beginning to be suspicious about something that others here are insinuating. Or should I say - I smell a rat!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Advente 101,

122 said it...and let me add...many of the apeks here have lived out OUR lives, up down and sideways.

Nah, I don't need your respect or understanding. No point. By what you've written you've clearly demonstrated that your view is WAY OFF mate. Not even close!

Anyway, one day hopefully you'll be a senior too. The key is to wake up every day and keep breathing. 😂 One day there won't be any more breathing, and no waking up. As long as you can sustain those 2 simple prerequisites, you will eventually qualify as a senior.

Stay alive mate, you'll get there... hopefully

Virgo49 said...

Anon 1.41

Time and again I had asked the younger Dafts, you think the Seniors can comprises the 69.9% of the electorate?

If 69.9% are PGs and seniors, you think the PAP will have the PG ex gratia benefits?

The PGs and the Seniors had voted the previous ex PAP leaders because at that time they were the Best for the Nation in building our fragile newly independent State.

But now the young dafts voted their just as daft leaders and blamed the seniors for their own blunders.

They themselves are just too swell headed like the Present Lot of 4 or 5 G-string leaders who had blunders after blunders.

Aiya, go and watch which new model mobiles coming to the Markets and queue overnight for them.

Then later whilst walking and going in out buses also glued to their smartphones that made them looked so foolish.

Blind and deaf to the world around them leading to their demise.

Obe fine day. Many will fall into sewers and drown in their shits.

Anonymous said...

@ 1.41pm

“I am beginning to be suspicious about something that others here are insinuating”.

Yes methinks too. This ass Advente is really an idiot. He has no pity towards those seniors and think that seniors are all useless bum. And I guarantee this ass Advente will keep on changing his nick. I am not surprise he will use Anonymous to post instead.