
The Jewish Problem And Its Ominous Impact on This World. PART Two

    After the founding of the Jewish Israel State in 1948, the Jews went on a warpath of aggression and expansion against Egypt, Jordan and Syria. It seized Sinai from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria and the West Bank of the Jordan River from Jordan. The Jews main supporter and master is America which has made Israel its watch dog or sheriff to look after American interest in the Middle East.

The Jews in Israel have very strong and close connections with the Jews in America and Europe and also in Canada and Australia. In America and Europe the elite Jews always somehow manage to get themselves into positions of power in both the private and public sectors. That explains how the Jews are able to exert such great power and influence incommensurate with their small numbers in population. However the problem is that the elites Jewish influence has always been malevolent and this post an ominous outrageous impact on the rest of the world.

The Jewish insidious impacts touch on almost every aspect of human society in the sphere of politics, war and military, finance, business, stock markets, banking and insurance, transport and industries, social and culture, the mass media viz TV and newsprint that they are able to exert so much power and influence.

The troubles cause by the elite Jews are outrageously humongous. The Jewish propensity to create all the ills and evils, the choas and instabilities, insurrections , upheavals and wars and destruction is really incredible. This could be due to the Jewish elites historical and herectical tendency of misanthropic behaviour. They constantly fabricate lies and fake news to instigate choas, instabilities and wars. This is reflected in their conspired wars with the Americans and the Europeans in Middle East wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon and Iran and in Ukraine.

The influence of Jewish elites is largely malevolent and unless this malevolent Jewish influence is dissolved the world will face a human catastrophy unfolding in geopolitics. The world had saved the Jews from extermination in Hitler's Germany concentration camps in World War II. Incidentally World War II was claimed to be instigated and fomented by the Jewish aristocrats of the Rothschild family and institutions. Why do the Jews return the human kindness and saving grace of the world with ill will and deep evil intent of fomenting wars and instabilities and financial debacle for others.

Millions have died from Jewish evil influence on world affairs. "This must be stopped to avoid a cataclysm of great dimensions. That of the guilt for this comes from Jewish pressure groups in the mass media world wide in Washington Post, New York Times, Wall street Journal, The Economist, Times, Newsweek, CNN, Fox News, Bloomberg, BBC and other Jewish control newsprint, magazines, periodicals and books."

The Jewish American politicians exert a great influence in the public agenda by addressing or ignoring certain topics . Yet it is befuddling that in the West especially in America "It is really quite extraordinary that one cannot be allowed to talk or discuss the bad influence that the Jewish elites have a hold on the world." However, many open and broadminded enlightened journalists have begun to ignore this taboo, hoping the world can avoid a major catastrophy by disclosing the the evil fatalistic influence of the Jewish elites.

The evil Jewish elites wear several different labels to cover their satanic identity. At any time they can be referred to as Zionists, global elites, globalists, neo-cons, liberal interventionists, the War Party, the Israel Lobby, the Deep State, the Shadow Government, the bankers, the New World Order, the bilderbergs, the anglo-zionists, The Rothschilds, the Illuminati and the Freemasons.

The Jewish elites bear a very strong hatred for Russia and China. "The extreme Jewish hostility to Russia and China is historical especially those from UK and US. The most vitriolic and obsessive Russia and China bashing journalists in the media are mostly Jews. The publications and TV media that push these writers most enertically are all Jewish owned."

The Jewish neo-conservative movement have hijacked US Foreign Policy and are harshest foe of Russia and China. "Their trouble making extends beyond Russia and China and are responsible for America's disastrous debacle in the Middle-East. The psychotically anti-Russian and anti-Chinese UN ambassadors of US are put there by the Israel Lobby and they answer not to their presidents but to their Jewish sponsors."

The biggest anti-Russian and anti-Chinese clique in US congress and the White House administration as well as in CIA and the Pentagon are mainly Jewish both in the past and present. Some of the notorious names are Schiff, Schumer, Cardin, Blumenthal, John Bolton, Peter Narvarro, Lighthiger,Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Irving Kristol and Donald Rumsfeld just to name a few. But these numbers pale in significance compare to the huge hordes found in the mass media.

These psychopathic Jewish elites have a tendency to see the world only in binary good-evil terms and a low tolerance for diplomacy but a readiness to use military force and an emphasis on US unilateral action.

CNN a deeply Jewish company has been pushing anti-Russian and anti-Chinese propaganda fiercely. Some of America's most influential liberal political shows are Jewish and they portray all the fake negative aspects of Russia and China. The Jewish owned magazines Newsweek, The New Republic, The Atlantic, and the Rothschild owned the Economist all pumped out stories full of lies to demonize Russia and China. They all adopt a very extreme journalistic hostility towards Russia and China which carries a very dangerous geo-political instigation for war and hostilities that may result in a nuclear holocaust for humanity.

There are definitely pernicious effects of the influence of the Jewish elites on many aspects of American and European society and politics as well as on world security. It is imperative to flush out the evil influence of the Jewish elites otherwise they will have a competitive advantage in portraying and advertising their subtle message of  aggression, war and hostilities against Russia and China. In other words they will then be given a free hand to drive the world to nuclear war and eternal end of mankind.

The question of the Jewish elites malevolence influence must be brought into the open and resolved. The Jews who are causing choas and trouble are the ones at the pinnacle of political and media power. We need to find out why this pattern of Jewish elites malevolence and evil influence keep on repeating itself throughout history.

The problem of Jewish elites evil influence extends to all areas of public life . They are famous in the phenomenon of social sex scandals across the board from Hollywood to entertainment. to media, to high places of power, and to Washington. Could this be due to powerful Jewish institutions, the media, the banks, the stock market, the movie studios, the music industry and other big business being in the hands of degenerates. "Evidence suggest that mush of human enterprise dominated and shaped by Jews is a bottomless pit of trouble with a particular penchant for mendacity and cyncism, hostility to non-Jewish values and in geo-politics a clear bloodlust."

The Jews have also hijacked American Foreign Policy resulting in endless wars and violence causing an unmitigated disaster killing millions and squandering trillions of dollars of tax payers funds over the last few decades.

The Jewish state of Israel brutal treatment of Palestinians is horribly inhuman and need to be stopped. The Palestinians rightfully need the solid support of all freedom loving and righteous people in the world.

The wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Serbia, and Ukraine were all instigated by the largely Jewish dictated US Foreign Policy over the last couple of decades. In each of these cases one can see a tendency towards dishonesty.

The whole fake news phenomenon is fundamentally Jewish. It is the Jewish owned
American and European media which churned out an astonishing quantity of what can only be called lies. The Jewish dictated western foreign policy towards Russia, China, Iran Iraq, Syria, DPRK and Afghanistan will lead to nuclear warfare and the extinction of life on earth.

Sanity must prevail in order for the world to stay secure and survive. To achieve that the insanity of the evil Jewish elites malevolence influence must necessarily be demolished forever.


Wednesday, 14th November, 2018


  1. There are now so many Jewish elite snakes in Washington who are very anti-China. The prominent ones are Peter Navarro, Lighthiger, Paul Wolfowitz and John Bolton. They are the ones who initiated the Trade War against China. It is the Jewish elites evil influence in US Foreign Policy that created the sham South China Sea issue in order to lay a basis to con other South China Sea littoral states that US must remain in South East Asia to give them protection. In actual fact America just take South China Sea as part of its global strategy for its New One World Order under US domination, control and total hegemony. China and South East Asian countries should tell the ugly Americans to get out and leave Asians to solve their own problems themselves through talks and negotiations .

  2. Southern glory your history is greatly distorted. Israel was surrounded n attacked constantly lah. Pls lah 2 sides to the story. Why so manu islamist terrorists killing civilians. They very kind n docile? Pls lah.
    Again 2 sides to the story.
    When people are threatened many become ugly. Both sides are.
    Americans are warmongers. Many Chinese rulers also ill treat its people cruelly lah. This is fallen human nature. Dont promote more violence n hatred is good. Relax lah.

  3. Though Jews are few yet many are so talented. People are very jealous of them.

  4. Writer you have same ideology with Hitler. Wow! Siow bo? Everything wrong in this world from Jews? Really? Eu Yah Bo?. Its the Devil & our greed & selfish nature lah not Jews.

  5. Re: Anonymous : 12.43

    For over two thousand years the Jews and Arabs being cousins or half-brothers descended from the same ancestor Abraham. Abraham had two sons. His first son was Ishmael born to the Egyptian maid Hagar.His second son was Isaac born to his first wife Sarah of spiritual birth since Abraham and Sarah were well past the age of childbirth. The descendents of Hagar are Arabs and the descendents of Sarah are the Jews. Since ancient times the Arabs and the Jews have been living side by side in peace in Palestine. However that peace was shattered by foreign invasions first by the Romans then by the Turks and lastly by the Europeans led by England. It was the evil motive of UK and US to control the wealth and oil resources that led to the creation of a separate Jewish state of Israel out of Palestine that caused the Jews and the Arabs to go at each others throats. Yes both the Jews and the Arabs had gone their separate different ways politically, socially, religiously and spiritually since ancient times. Both have have given the world much pain and trouble on religious and political grounds especially the deceitful Arabs. However,though both have been manipulated by the evil satanic white men of Europe and America, it is the Jews that are now causing more trouble, choas instabilities and wars for the world in close collaboration with especially the evil white Americans of the Evil Empire. Actually it is alright for the Jews, the Arabs and the evil white men to fight and kill themselves. But the trouble is they are exporting all their evil influence, wars and instabilities to the world's other non whiten non Jewish and non Arabic countries.
    Now the Jews are in the forefront of influencing the United States to constrain and contain China and to build a New World Order under total American control and hegemony. For that we must not allow and so we must see that the Jews and the White Americans will not succeed.

    I hope I have made it quite clear.


  6. Jew hater leh. Based on your recommendation Jews no need to live? You more "hiong" than LKY.

  7. Boh proof luan luan kong; Not Jews lah its people like you stirring war shits & hatred.


  8. Hi! Anonymous 2:59 and 3:02
    To Re: 2:59
    I don't think or feel Southernglory1 is a Jew hater. I think he is just angry and feel unfair that the Jews should allow themselves to be manipulated and used by the evil white men to stir trouble, instabilities and wars in this world. It is just not right.

    To Re: 3:02

    You brainless shit, numbskull. The ordinary citizens of the world and that includes you. me, Southernglory1 and the workers of the world are too busy struggling to make a living. They have no time, no interest, no power and no influence at all to stir wars, shit and hatred. We all owe Southernglory1 an apology for he is only trying to wake all of us up. to the danger that the white Americans and the Europeans are driving the world to the brink of nuclear war. I sense that Southernglory1 is a widely read and well informed intellectual gentleman. He is just world civic minded to warn us of the danger that we all face now because of the wild and evil ambition of the Evil Empire.

    If you know little or have little knowledge please keep quiet.
    But if you know a lot please contribute positively to intelecctual discussion.

    Right thinking observer.

  9. S'pore govt, st eng, st kinetics, dsta still doing a lot of biz with jews leh ... So how haar?!?

  10. This article by Southernglory1 has opened my eyes. My friends and I used to think highly of the Americans and sympathise with the Jews. Now I feel very sad and angry for being deceived by all the western lies and propaganda in the mass media. Why do the Americans and white men like to create unnecessary wars and turmoils all over the world. Why do the Jews allow themselves to be made use of by them?

  11. Conspiracy theory becomes enlightenment n facts. No wonder fake news are the rage.
