
No place for empire and aggression – Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the ugliest of them all?

At the recent Asean Meeting with the big powers, this is what Mike Pence said, there is no place for ‘empire and aggression’ in the Indo Pacific region. And as usual the western media Reuters interpreted this as a message pointing a finger at China. To the Evil Empire, they are not an Empire, or only they can be the Empire. No one else can be an empire and anyone who has the capability but with no intention would be demonized as one trying to build an empire. This is like the proverbial phrase, a thief calling others as thiefs.

What is an empire? Since the end ofWW2, the Americans have been building and establishing itself as the Empire of the world, ruling and dictating to every country to do their bidding. They have more than 1,000 military bases all over the world with offensive weapons, including nuclear, in Asia, Europe, in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. They have colonies and semi colonies and little USAs to do their bidding at their becks and calls. Compare to these military bases and American vassal states, what did China have? Nothing worth mentioning.

And what about aggression? China started the Korean War, China invaded Vietnam in the Vietnam War, China invaded Afghanistan, invaded Iraq, invaded Libya and Syria? China mounting hundreds of thousands of troops and tanks and nuclear bombs in Eastern Europe to threaten Russia? China threatening Iran, threatening to invade Iran, threatening to invade North Korea? China imposing sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea and warned every country of consequences if they trade with these countries?

What about China sending provocative warships to Guam and Hawaii in the name of freedom of navigation?

Mike Pence spoke about empire and aggression to Asean leaders and thinking that they are fools, that they did not know that the Americans are the Evil empire and conducting aggression against many countries all over the world. This is the arrogance of the Empire. And he told his white lies in a straight face, apparently targeting China in his speech as Reuters would happily agree. And the hawkish spokesman of the Empire John Bolton said, the Empire will build up more forces and increase patrols in the South China Sea.

America is NOT an empire and America is a peace loving country, never conduct aggression. It is China, it is China. Of course the unthinking Asians, especially the bananas, would love to believe in this lie. They live their whole life with this lie that they would not want to know the truth.

The Evil Empire is everywhere, conducting aggression everywhere, with 1,000 military bases everywhere. The Asean leaders are no fools even if the Americans think they are fools. Duterte has pointedly told the Americans to stop provoking China into a war in the region as the people that would suffer would be the people of Asean with the Pinoys becoming the first victims.

The white lies would always be white lies. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the ugliest of them all? Who is the Empire, who is the aggressor? Who is starting wars and fighting wars everywhere?

PS. Pass that white man a mirror.


  1. The only empire up to this day is the US Empire. Before that was the British Empire and the Japanese Empire. Before that was other European Empires. China has never been an empire. It was the Mongolian Empire that conquered China with the help of Tibet.

    The only aggressor against the whole world today is the US Empire. Period.

  2. All the Ah Sian leaders excapt Durete and long ago Mat Hater are born with balls and guts.

    The Rest Eunches and Concubines.

    They dared openly told the Americunts stop your Aggression.

    Philipines even with their Rag Tag Armed Forces had a Brave Leader who is no Hypocrite.

    The Rest Similing Skunks and Stooges.

    Also, the Chinese should should their Middle Finger to the Americunts.

    Too much diplomacy and they are reckoned to be sick cats.

    See our Great Kim who is been played out by the Americunts and now they have another tacticial
    Weapon that can fight the Americans and they do not demand any further what's Second Summit.

    Must played hardball with them.

    They lime the Black Ants cannot be trusted.

  3. Pence said, only the Evil American Empire and American aggression are allowed. The rest not allowed.

  4. Titiana Ann XavierNovember 17, 2018 9:48 am

    Since the end of WW2, Uncle Sam has ceaselessly pursued a course to confront, attack, weaken and overthrow regimes in its quest to seek total global dominance. It resorted to imperial, economic and political measures to undermine its "adversaries". Uncle Sam's irrational and corrupt leaders like Trump and Pence have symbiotic relationships with its military- industrial complexes. Uncle Sam is a constant threat to world peace as it continues to wreak and inflict massive destruction in Asia, Africa, the Middle-East and Latin America in cahoot with its vassal states.

  5. Duterte speaks wisdom! Our PeeM proves he is PeeM and spoke folly of "taking side" when such a point shows a reckless opened hand of a decision maker who is poor in risk/reward management in an open arena in global n regional politics.
    RB.....like you said....no cure.

  6. Any empire will not invade others when it is weak. Any empire will invade others when strong. When china was strong long time ago, it also invaded others. Nature has its own set of rules and weakness.

  7. Titiana Ann XavierNovember 17, 2018 11:44 am

    Uncle Sam's foreign policy is based on sheer primitive tribalism and barbarism. "The Ugly American" tag is a fitting sobriquet for Uncle Sam. Its birth is founded on bloodshed. 75 million Native Americans were despatched by sword to the Happy Hunting Ground. Its wealth was acquired through the blood, sweat and toil of African slaves. Its aggressive quest for hegemony gave rise to the Evil Empire. Uncle Sam now re-enacts thousands of 9/11s on others. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are victims of imperialist aggression by the white supremacists.

  8. Not only having more than a thousand military bases all over the world, the evil empire controls the UN, IMF, World Bank, dictates the agenda of other world bodies and conducts false flag operations and regime changes if countries do not tow the line.

    If such world bodies cannot fulfil their ambitions, they withdraw and issue threats and sanctions.

    Can you believe the evil empire telling others not to do what they have been doing for decades? They are truly hypocrites through and through.

  9. B, study your history lar. I think you need Matilar to help you. You need to be sodomized by Matilar to wake u up. Hope u will wake up and enjoy the ride At the same time 😀

  10. China must have built the Great Wall so that it would not invade other countries. b must have thought of this before he made his comments. Taking wrong medicine is very dangerous.

  11. This b has a sick mind, believing that the Americans are his fathers. Maybe he has American blood in him, just like the descendants of American slaves. This is why he is unhappy when you people told the ugly truth about the Americans and his real blood line.

  12. USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia - the Axis of Evil

  13. Don't worry, China soon absorb ASEAN into 1 indo-pacific empire. Face off against Indian empire & US empire. What Sinkies worry about is whether can retire with minimum $3K monthly pension & whether children can easily get jobs with minimum $5K a month or not?!?!

  14. Pence said he United States will continue to sail and fly wherever international law allows.

    But, the United States has to date not yet ratify and abide by the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS).

    Strength is all that matters to Washington. Rules and morality will be respected only if beneficial to the US. Otherwise they will be abandoned.

  15. International rules were written by Western powers at a time when China and many other countries were too weak to stand up for their interests and rights.

  16. Titiana Ann XavierNovember 17, 2018 3:04 pm

    Uncle Sam holds an inverted mirror or puts on tinted glasses when looking at the world. Mike Pence's boorish and disgraceful behaviour illustrates why Uncle Sam can never play a constructive role in fostering world peace. His speeches were designed to incite animosity and prevent progress towards lasting peace and to justify Uncle Sam's aggressive behaviour. ASEAN and China are working together to come up with a Code of Conduct vis-a-vis the South China Sea but Uncle Sam still insists on its FONs. Dr M told Uncle Sam that its warships are not welcome but patrol boats to combat piracy are ok. It was his sarcastic way of telling Uncle Sam to stop being a trouble-maker.

  17. South China Sea is rich in oil to be explored. That is why the evil empire wants a piece of the pie on the pretext of FON. Stirring the shit gives them a reason to stay and moreover most claimants are its poodles and is also part of their strategy to contain China. Even Australia's Turnbull is calling for US presence to counter China.

    As I said before, the next conflict will pit the Whites against China and the coloured people. The Whites will gang up together when it matters. The UN used to be their rubber stamping ground in any invasion of other countries. With Russia and China having veto powers, they can no longer control the seal of approval. That is why Trump wants out of UN.

  18. @ China fan-bois & galz

    One thing I am is LONG China, in the long term, but now SHORT China in the immediate term. That's ok---their economy goes up and down and up some more, then down...and then up again. That is the natural "frequency" of their evolution.

    Another thing is that I am not an "apologist" for China's "bad behaviour" to combat the western media and its champions---usually western governments. China has a deadline to meet: 2049, and so they must do whatever it is they have to do. The harder they push, the more resistance they encounter from the "democratic" west. So they have NO CHOICE but to play The Game as hard as they need to, and keep focused on the 2049 deadline.

    China is not going to achieve their goals by purely "peaceful" means. C'mon, get off the fucking grass...this GAME is hi-stakes, long-term and commits an entire CIVILIZATION to attain the stated objective. It is a SOFT war of sorts, and can turn into a HOT war at a moment's notice. China says it won't fire the first shot, but they can be tricked into doing so. China's "rivals" (and potential enemies) are no slouches---they are seasoned, well-resourced and GLOBAL. Plus China is the darling whipping boy of the western press.

    Every western cuntry with blue water navies and standing armies have done what China is doing. The British GCHQ was probably the first to tap into people's communications and spy on enemies and friends. The the USA took the shit to new levels with the NSA, CIA, and whatever "alphabet agency" we don't even know about. Now there are 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes and 14 Eyes...al western cuntries and their allies....and these folks accuse China of "hacking" and "surveillance". Got double standard much??

    The US Fed, EU and Bank of Japan manipulate their currencies. Everybody says "Good! We need that!". But when China starts printing they become "Bad! Unfair trade practices!!" Again, double standard. And of course the list of double standards goes on and on.

    Corporate Welfare. The MSM accuse China's govt of meddling with the private economy. (At present, the Chinese govt is buying up struggling private businesses which are suffering due to Trump's tariffs.) However you look to the west and you see corporate welfare of unimaginable scale. Plus, those fuckers who should be in jail get BONUSES instead, as a nice touch to say "fuck you" to democracy.

    The western powers have corrupted and broken their democracies, and yet China is accused of not being democratic. Motherfucker, this shit is HILARIOUS lah. 🤣😂

    China is playing the long hard game. Nothing is off the table. They'll do EXACTLY what they have to do...and fuck anyone who doesn't agree. 👍🏻👍🏻 It is "peaceful" WAR. Stop trying to make it seem like something else.

  19. Pence's remarks show the US is the real troublemaker.

    His bid to pit China against its Asia-Pacific neighbors found no takers, because it was so out of sync with what the annual ASEAN summit and its related meetings were focusing on — enhanced trade, and peace and security in the region.

    While Pence intimated that China was a hostile presence in the region - a threat to both sovereignty and values - his view was at odds with both the views of leaders in the region and with the reality.

    Philippine President Duterte said at the summit that relations between China and its Southeast Asian neighbors were "excellent". And despite the maritime territorial disputes that exist between China and some of the ASEAN members, the two sides have agreed to finalize a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea in three years to maintain peace and security in the region.

    Indeed, the ASEAN meetings in Singapore have highlighted who the real troublemaker is, as, on his way from Tokyo to Singapore, the US vice-president saw fit to conduct a so-called freedom of navigation mission by flying some 30 kilometers from Chinese islands in the South China Sea. These contentious military maneuvers merely create the risk of an incident and serve to show how ubiquitous and provocative the US military presence is in the region even though there is no threat to its interests.

    If you take away the cause, the effects cease.

    The US administration's "America first" policies are antithetical to the concerted efforts of countries in the region to uphold the common good through greater integration, free trade and dialogue.

    And its world-is-ours mindset may help people better understand where Pence's "aggression and empire" remark was coming from.

  20. At loggerheads with Trump, China focuses on preparation for war.

