
Another white lie - Every nation is free to follow their own path...

Below is a quote from Mike Pence, US Vice President as reported in CNA.

“The US seeks an Indo-Pacific where every nation is free to follow their own path, pursue its own interest, where the seas and skies are open to all engaged in a peaceful activity and where sovereign nations grow stronger together,” he added. “Our vision excludes no nation, requiring only that every nation treat their neighbours with respect.” Did the Americans respect anyone, even the UN is being ignored, the ICJ also rejected when they ruled against the Americans.

This is a typical white lie the Americans have been spreading. Every country is free to choose their path, pursue their own interest, blah blah blah. But they cannot choose communism, they cannot buy oil without using the US dollar, they must practise democracy the American way, they must buy weapons from the Americans, they must do as told by the Americans. This is what the Americans meant by being free.
If that is too difficult to understand, why can't countries choose their own forms of govt, of ideologies, why must they be dictated by the Americans?

Look at what had happened to Iraq and Libya? What were their crimes against the Evil Empire? Because they want to sell their oil using other currencies other than the American dollars. And they were invaded and the two presidents were killed.

And the Americans invaded Syria to conduct regime change to overthrow a leader chosen by the Syrians. Did the Evil Americans allow the Syrians to be free to choose their path? What about the Palestinians?

Do the Americans allow China to follow its own path in development, in development its own political system? What about North Korea? Can North Korea choose its own path to progress and development?

Do the South Koreans and Japan have a right to run their own countries and be independent of the Americans, to tell the Americans to leave their military bases in their countries?
How much more nonsense must the world be made to swallow the lies of the Americans and suck up to them and be under the control of the Evil American Empire? Would Pence dare to make the same speech to the Middle East countries they invaded and destroyed for wanting to choose their own path, do their own things, freedom to choose?

What freedom of choice is this white liar talking about?

And the USA never coerce anyone. They just do regime change. They just invade countries. They just imposed sanctions. They sent warships to provoke and intimate countries. These are the virtues of the Evil Empire. The menace of the USA is indescribable. 

Can Singapore or any Asean state choose to be closer and friendlier with China?


  1. Titiana Ann XavierNovember 20, 2018 9:16 am

    Uncle Sam's hypocrisy is self-evident. Its big lies and small lies projected the illusion of democracy and the facade of inclusivity and freedom to the world. The extensive use of the MSM and the Internet to weave a web of lies and beguile the world is to propagate white supremacy. Uncle Sam's Founding Fathers believed all men were created equal but its history is filled with the massacre, oppression and incarceration of non-whites. Uncle Sam has been putting on a sanctimonious mask to deceive and inveigle nations to do its bidding. If that doesn't work, Uncle Sam will resort to gunboat diplomacy.

  2. @ RB,

    Please stop using the adjective "white" to describe lies. A lie is a lie; a wilfull telling of something which is not objectively true. (note: in subjective truth there is no right/ wrong or good/ bad...it depends on the "beholder")

    America was founded on the freedom and liberty of The Individual. As the "theory" goes: a cuntry of free and liberated individuals is a free and liberated cuntry.

    We know that is a bit of a joke. Occasionally, flags are waved and hands placed on hearts, patriotic songs are rendered with verve and zeal...but, yeah, Hollywood is the USA's best advertising agency, bar none.

    America, after the stern warnings of Washington, Jefferson and Franklin---who all cautioned future generations and leaders about "foreign entanglements"---changed radically after the original Founders had their days in the sun. Eisenhower cautined the nation about "the military-industrial complex"...and all their warnings have been summarily tossed aside, and soon Pax Americana or "peace thru America" made our world as we know it.

    There's the other punchline to this hilarious joke: Peace Thru America---the world's policeman, elevated to judge, jury and executioner, UN-ELECTED by the world's peoples, and UNI-LATERAL in almost everyway, starting with the global reserve currency, the US Dollar.

    The irony is astounding. People hate the dominance of the USD, yet they can't seem to quell their ADDICTION for the stuff.

    US Treasuries finance cheap, low interest for American consumers and businesses (which dominate the world). This "toilet paper" is the most convertible and liquid asset...convertible to, you guessed it: US Dollars. What a great system!! Total fucking control!

    At the moment, US dollar strong, US treasuries yields up...so guess what? People are buying...to the detriment of their own currencies and commodities.

    Hey man, with this much power, you can tell all the fucking lies you like. You can insult other cuntries and their peoples. You can do whatever the fuck you like so that your own people can be (deluded into thinking they are) FREE, and the rest of the world in some kind of monetary and debt "slavery".

    Hey world, Drink The Kool Aid....and know who you're fucking with.


  3. America was founded on the freedom and liberty of The Individual. As the "theory" goes: a cuntry of free and liberated individuals is a free and liberated cuntry...Matilah

    This is the biggest white lie and if anyone cannot see it and chose to continue to believe in this lie, so be it.

    The freedom is one sided, for the whites only. Ask the red indians, the african slaves and they will tell you a different story. Ask the Arabs and the Palestinians and they will tell you a different story.

    Your freedom according to the Americans is to submit to the rule of the white supremacy Americans, as their servants in servitude.

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  6. am
    The US was never founded based on "freedom of the individual". This is a blatant lie. Whoever buys it must be an idiot or extremely misinformed.

    The US was founded based on invasion, robbery, pillage, humiliation, subjugation, slavery, mass rapes and murders, rampage, scorch-earth destruction, annihilation.and total submission of the invaded and confiscation of their land and individual rights!

  7. Arrrgh, Advente this truth is too painful to be told.

    After years of being fed with this lie, how to change the mindset to accept this truth?

    It is still better to believe in this white lie and pretend that it is the truth. At least don't have to acknowledge that one was stupid for so long, believing in a white lie when the historical facts are all there for one to see.

    Americans are for freedom and democracy, for human rights and they are there to protect you not against you.....whew, so pleasing to hear, so comforting, everyone free to choose his own path, to the unthinking.

  8. @ blind motherfuckers who can't understand subtlety

    >> The US was never founded based on freedom if the individual <<

    If you read me right, that's exactly what I said.C'mon US comdians make jokes about this. at least they are not so uptight as motherfuckers like RB who have no sense of humour

  9. Clap, clap, clap. Thank you Matilah, for being humorous.

    I read and understood, but the bananas would not. They would read one or two sentences to conclude what you said.

  10. Titiana Ann XavierNovember 20, 2018 1:04 pm

    Uncle Sam's selfish interests gave rise to its duplicitous foreign policy. Bush lied about WMD. Pompeo lied when he claimed Uncle Sam sought a constructive, results-oriented relationship with China grounded in fairness, reciprocity and respect. Mike Pence lied in the same vein. Uncle Sam's coded language to all nations is to observe its rules and to abandon sovereign rights when they are at conflicts with "America First" agenda.

  11. When Pence said US tariffs would not stop unless China 'bows'. What the fuck does he mean by 'bow' and to whom? China must 'bow' to the US? So the US thinks it is the emperor of the whole world?

    That sentence by Pence alone contradicts the whole picture of saying that every nation is free to follow their own path.

  12. The US is so evil. From today onward we will boycott USA products !!!

  13. Last week, Singapore PM Loong warns region may have to choose between China and US.

    If there's a US-China military war, wonder what would happen in Singapore if PM loong declares he choose US.

  14. Good Anon 5.21

    U Ass A on the other side of the Hemishpere and China is just miles away from Sinking Land.

    Thair Aircraft Carriers will be at Pedrca Banca to fire their cruise missles if they do not want to fire their ICBM.

    New starting Line for all or No more.


  15. Does the Evil Empire treat its neighbours with respect? What happened to the many self-governing or independent native American states. What happened to Hawaii and Guam? In each case the satanic white American invaders attacked them, killed their people mercilessly and brutally before taking over their lands and country as American property. What happened to many Central and South American countries which were attacked and brutally undermined. US is still occupying part of Cuba in Guantanamo. What happened to Chile in 1973 when the democratically elected legitimate socialist government of president Salvador Allende was hounded out of office and brutally murdered by the corrupted CIA supported and funded pro-American stooge General Augusto Pinochet. This was followed a few years of CIA organised terror of mass murder and killings of thousands of Salvador Allende's supporters.
    So what is this tongue in cheek talk of respect for neighbours. Wherever the bloody evil Americans go there goes a rampage of killings and murders to carry out regime change and instal pro-American lackeys government.

    The world has enough of the wanton American brutal aggression. It's time to put a stop to their violent aggression and destroy them forever for the sake of peace and security in this world.

    Enough of American brutality. Let the free world stand up together to crush the Evil Empire.

  16. 10.21 pm anon, lucky u never state your real name. If not a drone may be on the way to target u. Then u are toast and habis liao😰
