
Jim Rogers banned from investing in North Korea

In a live interview, Jim Rogers said he has been to North Korea several times and found great opportunities to invest in that country. He said the North Koreans practically need everything and he would want to be the first to invest in that country. The North Korean govt has given approval for  him to do the necessary.

He said he came from the land of the free, freedom of expression, of beliefs, of association, freedom to do anything. But, his country, the land of the free would not allow him to invest in North Korea. He is not free to invest in North Korea! See the irony, the hypocrisy?

The two Koreans would want to sign a peace agreement. The Chinese and Russians also supported the peace agreement. But the Americans would not want to sign a peace agreement with the North Koreans. For doing so, there would be no justification for the Americans to keep their military bases in South Korea or nuclear weapons there. There can be no peace agreement as far as the Americans are concerned. All the talks and hype are just that, for show, not to mean anything. Trump may be the only person who could be believed to want to sign a peace treaty with Kim. How much to make out of what he said is another thing. He and his gang are pushing for more sanctions on the North Koreans and demanding the North to denuclearise without the Americans doing so. Would he be doing the same stunt like calling Xi his good friend and then starts a trade war on Kim after North Korea has denuclearised? And you can bet all the other American leaders and agencies would be asking Trump to squeeze the North Koreans like an orange, and follow up with an invasion.

The two Koreans also know this. And they are going ahead with their own plan for peace and reunification without the approval of the Americans. Their actions would eventually make Trump and his USA irrelevant when the two Koreans sign a peace agreement without the Americans. When that happened, they would force a fait accompli on the Americans and it would be the Americans standing out like a sore thumb, the only evil one that is deadly against a Korean unification and peace in the Korean Peninsula.

The rest of the world and many Americans like Jim Rogers would be rushing into North Korea to take their first bite of the cherry when the Koreans open up their market. Caveat, Jim Rogers and his American investors could be left out in the cold, banned by the Americans from investing and trading with North Korea. The American's game of pretending to be the angel but really the devil behind the non ending Korean War would be exposed with horns and a tail to show.

Jim Rogers is a free man from the land of the free but has no freedom to invest in North Korea.


Anonymous said...

US will impose sanctions on Singapore if the island state invest in North Korea.

US will impose sanctions on Singapore if it buys the much cheaper but most sophisticated Russian fighter jet Sukhoi Su-57 instead of the US F-35 - world's most expensive jet.

Singapore is thus no different from South Korea, or Jim Rogers - under the thumb of the US.

Speedwing said...

It would be a day of worldwide celebration when North and South Korea become one again. The objections from the USA and Japan would not be able to stop the inevitable. It will happen, it is a matter of time. The sooner the better. USA should be ousted from Southeast Asia and Asia as a whole. The day will come when all Asian countries will want that to happen. When China overtakes the USA in everything from technology to military power, ALL asian countries, and that includes Japan, will bend with the wind towards China. Hope we oldies live to see that day.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

The unification of the 2 Koreas is long overdue. Despite the end of the Korean War, Uncle Sam's army continued to occupy South Korea. North Korea has been falsely accused of being a threat to the national security of Uncle Sam and sanctions were imposed to destroy North Korea economically. Jim Rogers will never be allowed to invest until sanctions are lifted. North Korea is prepared to denuclearise and expects Uncle Sam to reciprocate in kind. North Korea wants bread and butter but Uncle Sam prefers touting guns.

Virgo49 said...

To kick the Americunts out of South Korea, the Chinese have to mass their troops and together with the North and South gave an ultimatum to the Americunts to fark off.

Moon and Kim are in talks for this showdown and as Kim had already went to China to consult Xi.

See how bravo the Americunts and their allies were in this scenario.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Jim Rogers is a legend!

JR is a Singapore PR. There is nothing to stop him creating another “JR Index Fund” (but of course not with his name on it), hiring locals, and taking a stake in N Korea, in his inimitable style of “be early, buy cheap when others are cautious, hold long term, and keep on adding more ‘unloved’ or ‘distressed’ stuff”.

The trouble is JR is has a character beyond reproach---he doesn’t play dirty, he follows the laws to the letter and is scrupulously honest to a fault---an extremely RARE trait in the world of finance, where hapless “suckers” are cleaned out on a nanosecond to nanosecond basis. (markets evolve to help people lose money. The sharks take advantage of this and help people lose money, but profiting from it by adding a layer of fraud and deception. Most sharks don’t go to jail. Those who get caught are just unlucky).

Whenever a socialist/ communist cuntry decides to “go capitalist” by allowing markets to trade freely in their territory, there is always a long period of CHAOS as everyone adjusts to the “new reality”. In that chaos there is ALWAYS A LOT OF CHEATING AND FRAUD going on. New markets are usually under-regulated and policed, so many opportunists get attracted to “get rich quick” ideas.

We’ve seen this phenomena of human behaviour everytime the command economies “open up” and allow bourses and exchanges. We saw it in Russia, China, every emerging market when they opened up, the former Soviet states...you can rest assured, when money is flowing, many people want to drink from the tap, or collect the water in buckets. 🤣

Being relatively amoral in these matters, I’m not a fan of the cheeky “Greed Is Good” theory. I’m more inclined toward Greed is HUMAN idea, based on incentives. Human Behaviour evolves out of the incentives which happen to be present at the time. If there is “e-zy money” to be made, you can bet that humans will evolve all sorts of strategies to GET SOME.

”Cash Moves Everything Around Me,
Dolla dolla bill y’all”

(C.R.E.A.M. by Wu- Tang Klan, and others)

Another “proxy” for fast-e-zy money is the sudden prevalence of HOT WOMEN displaying their “assets” with the intent of trapping horny guys into parting with their new found largesses. This strategy has a near 100% suck-cess rate. This also confirms the “follow the money” hypothesis. 😂

Korean women are hot. When you notice that N Korean women are starting to look like Instagram models, or that hot Russian babes are “setting up shop” there, you can rest assured, The Game is ON!

Anonymous said...

USA will never allow South Korea to sign the peace treaty. Likely the Presudent will be killed by cia😰

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1012

Aiyah, please lah. Nearly signed already lah. Still, the president can be killed. Korea is no new comer to political assasinations. They've done it before...and continued as business as usual soon after.

I like their spirit! 🤡

Beway said...

Not only is North and South Korea reunification overdue, the reunification of China and Taiwan must be left to the whim and fancy of U.S and Taiwan DPP regime. It's imperative that China should build all its military force by all means, in order to deter the warmonger U.S and its allies far away from Asia. We hope the day will come sooner for all Asians to rejoice that peace has finally been achieved and fostered.

Anonymous said...

The answer is already on the wall. The DNA of the future world economic and military supremacy is the Asia north eastern economic union of China Japan Korea using just one currency.

Anonymous said...

US is really getting a bad name internationally when Duterte pinoy president said if he is to be assassinated the world knows is is US! He said it first as a preemptive move lah some say but got use mei

This is Internet of things era now, this talk about their military industrial complex, causing tensions between states making money unethically from war etc is commonplace in YouTube facebook comments unheard of in Singapore State controlled media.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Every June, North Korea marked a special day, "Struggle Against Uncle Sam's Imperialism". The citizens of DPRK feared and loathed Uncle Sam for decades. Uncle Sam dropped 635000 tons of bombs and annihilated 20% of her population. North Korea is presently in the process of strengthening ties with South Korea much to the chagrin of Uncle Sam. Washington is fearful of losing its 65 years of military stranglehold on South Korea should the 2 Koreas normalise relations. Hopefully Jim Rogers may not have to wait indefinitely to invest in North Korea.

Anonymous said...

Even if the president Trump wants to being home the troops as mentioned before by him in Singapore as least the north Korean 'threat 'must be seen as resolved by the American public if not the opposition democrates . If the deployment does not make economic sense to him then off they go back home.

But only after seventy years after the world war 2 Asian states can finally walk out US 5-finger palm.

Anonymous said...

Unity is strength whether it is between the Koreans ,between Chinese and Japanese and between Koreans and Japanese .

Asia unity is key especially in north east Asia region engine with all the tech ,capital ,talents plus a Confucius -Lao zi ideas that don't take things to the extreme and nature loving as a guiding principles.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ hopeless optimists

I disagree 1000% . My prediction is Asia will never get free from the action of sucking on the USA's teats (aka "tetek").

Even the day China finally becomes the leading super power, fucking Asia, led by their leaders will continue to fall at the feet of Big White Christian Daddy.

As long as there is Christianity in Asia, there'll be anti China sentiments. Christianity is growing in Asia. Even in China, where it is controlled by the govt.

South Korea & Philippines... huge Christian populations.

Jesus is coming. Get on your knees and OPEN YOUR MOUTH ,🤣🤡 (Bring tissues too 😜)

Anonymous said...

Jesus, the Perfect One is true & good.
Not slated white christianity, which many parts are not Jesus's, from people who love power n money but delude themselves n others they love Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Filipinos love their country and their beliefs. According to old news they told the Americans to leave Subic n Clark base's 1991/2.

Anonymous said...

Sept 1992 Philippines Senate

Rejected the treaty after an impassioned debate and assailed the base as vestiges of colonialism and affront of its sovereignty .

US military large presence since 1898 came to an end.

Anonymous said...

//US military large presence since 1898 came to an end//

And peenoi-land went into 20-year recession for the ordinary peenois.

So much so they had to export cheap maids & cheap foreign workers as their main industry.

BTW us military presence wasn't large in peenoi-land until the 1960s.

Before WW2, us military there was laughably small contingent. It was considered a punishment & condemned career for regular sign-on to be posted to peenoi-land.

Anonymous said...

The big US companies went to China in the early days to take advantage of the cheap labour and they made good money from investing in China. They encouraged their corporations to go to China and called it globalisation.

Now that Chinese wages have risen, they turned their backs on the Chinese and accused them of paying workers slave wages as they called it. Now, who were these companies setting up factories in China to take advantage of the cheap labour and paying the Chinese workers slave wages? The devil is now the angel, fighting for humanity and their rights!

You can be sure that if N Korea and US relations normalise, US companies will be flocking to N Korea to take advantage of the slave wages. Vietnam too must be paying slave wages to workers in US factories. But did the US complain about products made in Vietnam as being made by slaves paid with slave wages? I do no seem to have read anything to that effect.

Anonymous said...

"They (Chinese people) lived too well for too long." That's what US President Donald Trump told Fox News on Thursday.

Perhaps many of Trump's predecessors shared that opinion, but he is the first to say it openly.

It seems that, in the mind of Trump, and others in the US, Chinese people should not live well. To live well is a privilege reserved only for Americans.

According to the US Declaration of Independence, "the pursuit of happiness" is an "inalienable right". So why does Trump think Chinese people should not have the right to work hard and live well, just as their US counterparts do.

Anonymous said...

Because, a large proportion at least, of Chinese people have progressed and are on the verge of enjoying the same living conditions as the Whites, that does not sit well with them.

Notice that the Whites never allow most South American, African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries to progress, so that they can never rise above them, is testimony to their evil designs. All they are interested in is promoting wars and selling weapons for them to fight amongst themselves and pouring all their resources into conflicts rather progressing. Infrastructure developments in such countries were never the aim of any aid given with strings attached.

But despite all odds, the Chinese have managed to rise so fast and the Whites know that this is not good for their dominance throughout the ages. Furthermore, with China pouring so much resources into AI, robotics, space exploration and military hardware, the Whites know that the only way to remain on top is to prevent China from rising further.

Do not be taken in by the Whites, whether the EU, Canadians or Australians appearing to spar with Trump and the US. In the final analysis, the next conflict will pit the Whites from all nationalities against the Chinese. The South Koreans have wised up, the Japs are thinking and the Indians are feeling the direction of the wind.

Anonymous said...

The big Asian powers like India & Japan & Korea would be wise not to align with the Trump USA against China. If they stay united with China it will prevent any major war from breaking out in Asia. War in Asia will be very detrimental to Asians.
US is adopting a divide and conquer strategy, like they have done in the Middle East. Playing into this strategy has seen the unending wars and sufferings in many parts of Middle East.
Asia powers can prevent wars in Asian soil if the "kings of the East" stay united and resolve matters amicably. Both North & South Korea who had suffered war initiated by the Americans are keen to prevent a repeat of history in their land.
Taiwan would be foolish to sacrifice its 24 million people security by letting itself be a pawn for Uncle Sam. Its time for the Taiwanese to stay low and quiet and not invite the Beast to fight the Dragon.

Anonymous said...

“We protect Saudi Arabia. Would you say they're rich? And I love the King, King Salman. But I said 'King — we’re protecting you — you might not be there for two weeks without us — you have to pay for your military,'”, Trump said at rally recently earlier this month at south Haven .

Why is a US president talking like this ? Didn't the Saudi already promised to buy $110b US worth of arms and on top of that another 400b dollars US worth of investments according to crown prince Mbs .

Anonymous said...

With China, India and reportedly the Philippines buying arms from Russia instead of the US, Trump is obviously pushing for more than the $110B arms sales to Saudi. He wants more. The Saudis are already buying up the bulk of the US bonds while China and Japan are doing the opposite.

Trump knows that he can twist the arms of their old Saudi ally, and the Saudis can do nothing short of inviting a regime change if they misbehave. And because Trump knows the Saudis indeed need US protection, he can call the shots any way he wants. If the US is
desperate enough, the wealth of the Saudi Kingdom cannot guarantee its survival if it comes to the wire.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s $110 Billion Saudi Arms Deal Doesn’t Actually Exist

Trump last week said that it “would not be acceptable” to “stop $110 billion from being spent in this country” as a result of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s suspected murder by the Saudi government.

Trump was referring to what he initially celebrated as “a $110 billion Saudi-funded defense purchase” during a speech in Saudi Arabia last year.

On May 20, an unnamed White House official told reporters that the $110 billion deal doesn’t really exist — yet.

The $110 billion sum, the administration official said, was made up of “Letters of Offer and Acceptance and future defense capabilities under development listed in a Memorandum of Intent to support Saudi Arabia’s defense needs.”

In other words, most of the deals Trump has refused to block in response to Khashoggi’s suspected murder are nascent proposals, at best, and many may never see the light of day.

For example: The Sept. 30 deadline for a THAAD anti-missile system sale, preliminarily approved by Congress, came and went without any Saudi commitment, “despite a 20 percent price cut,” the Washington Post reported. Jared Kushner reportedly negotiated that discount himself.

Anonymous said...

China's holdings of US Treasury securities fell to US$1165.1 billions at end of August 2018 - its lowest in more than a year, according to latest US Department of the Treasury report.

That's end-August, now mid-October. Think China's US debt holdings had fallen even further, as last week it issued some dollar-denominated bonds liabilities to hedge its US Treasury holdings assets, resulting in the spike in US yields that triggered the US stock market crash last week, and Trump still has no clue . . .

Anonymous said...

The big drop in China's USD reserves is becoz PBOC is trying to stop the relentless drop in yuan. Not looking good for China. They must have already spent US$1 trillion to protect the yuan, but it still keeps dropping. In 2015 China spent US$1 trillion to support the yuan --- now they may need to burn thru $2 trillion of their reserves.

As for bonds & debts, on a relative basis China is now more indebted than US. The big problem is that China's economy doesn't seem able to generate enough revenue on its own to pay for all its debts. The Chinese people themselves know it & that's why it's reflected in their poorly performing stock markets.

Anonymous said...

Truth in between. China is only very gradually reducing US treasuries holdings. Likely no outright sales but not rolling over maturing ones, based on the numbers. China is also doing some selling of Usd to buy Yuan but not much as it can offset part of the tariffs with a weaker Yuan. So it is not burning lots of foreign reserves. This is a long game. With capital controls in placed, massive outflows are curbed. No panic.
Stock mkt has been very weak.
Likewise on a delayed basis US stocks will also be weak as the tariffs are effectively a transfer of monies from US MNCs like Apple to Uncle Sam. N later from US consumers to Uncle Sam.

Mecca Visitor said...

The True Religion Of Saudi Arabia Exposed:

"When Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Instanbul two weeks ago, his killers were already there waiting for him, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

What started out as Khashoggi thinking he was arriving for a meeting at the consulate resulted in severed fingers, a beheading and dismemberment, according to details from audio recordings published in the Turkish news media on Wednesday, the report said.
In all, the brutal attack, confirmed by a senior Turkish official in the pro-government daily newspaper Yeni Safak, was over within a few minutes, the Times reported.

The leaks, on the same day U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was visiting Turkey, reflected an escalation of pressure by the Turkish government on Saudi Arabia and the United States for answers on the Khashoggi’s fate, the report said.

In the 15 days since he entered the consulate and was never seen coming out, the Saudis have yet to give an explanation, the Times reported.

Top Saudi officials have denied any involvement in the disappearance — denials they repeated to Pompeo when he visited Saudi Arabia Tuesday.

Information known about the incident reveals a team of 15 Saudi agents, some with ties to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, were waiting for Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate the moment he arrived, at about 1:15 p.m. on Oct. 2, the Times reported.

After he was shown into the office of the Saudi consul, Mohammad al-Otaibi, the report said, the agents grabbed Khashoggi almost immediately and began to beat and torture him, eventually cutting off his fingers, the senior Turkish official said.

According to Turkish officials and the Yeni Safak report, both citing audio recordings obtained by Turkish intelligence, al-Otaibi told the agents “Do this outside. You will put me in trouble.”

According to both the official and newspaper, one of the agents told Khashoggi, “If you want to live when you come back to Arabia, shut up!”

“Horrendous tortures were committed on Khashoggi, who came to the consulate for documents,” the Yeni Safak account said.

As they cut off Khashoggi’s head and dismembered his body, a doctor of forensics who had been brought along for the dissection and disposal had some advice for the others, according to the senior Turkish official.

The Times reported the doctor told the agents, Listen to music. That was what he did to ease the tension when doing such work, the official said, describing the contents of the audio recording."

Anonymous said...

China and India were the two largest economies in the world five centuries ago.

That was before the plunder of the world by European colonialism and imperialism. Today, China and India are recouping their old economic status not to mention the position they enjoyed among world civilizations.

Washington and US elites have a hard time with this. Washington is unnerved by China's success. The recent speech by Vice President Mike Pence attacking China reflects the prevailing mind-set and policy at the highest levels of the US government.

Anonymous said...

Some say pence speech is declaration of war. Expect another hawk appointed as defence secretary. All eyes on their midterm election results