
Freedom of Navigation or provocative acts of war?

Many reading the western narratives have conveniently fell to believe that the American’s claim of freedom of navigation trips in the South China Sea are just innocent passages in the high seas without question, nothing more, nothing less. Are these trips so innocent, using warships, sailing all the way from the eastern Pacific Ocean to the South China and entering China’s 12 nm territorial seas?

What is freedom of navigation? Simply, freedom of navigation is the right for ships/boats, mostly commercial or pleasure, to travel the high seas freely, from one point to another without violating a country’s territorial sovereignty. Sending warships that would not have any reason to be in the South China, but deliberately and repeatedly entering the territorial limits of a country’s sovereignty is NOT freedom of navigation. These are deliberate acts of provocations, acts of war.

Sending warships from Europe into the South China Sea to intrude into another country’s territorial sea for no other purpose or reason is provocation and tempting war. Innocent passages by non military ships that needs to pass through a part of the sea for commercial or pleasure, sports or whatever are always protected and permitted by all countries.

The world must be accept the American and western lies of freedom of navigation when these are actually acts of provocation, acts of war. They are not innocent passage, they are deliberate passage to provoke, to instigate, to challenge another country to war.

These warmongering Americans and western gangsters must be told that their nonsensical military adventures into another country’s territorial seas are not innocent, not freedom of navigation. The American and western narratives are lies, conducting dangerous acts of war. Period. No one acting innocently would intrude into another person’s backyard or front yard carrying weapons of war and claiming to be there innocently when the provocateurs have no reason to be there. England and France sending their warships into Chinese territorial waters all the way from Europe are innocent passages? These ‘has beens’ colonial powers still cannot see the day of reckoning and waiting for China to sink their antique warships? China must sink one or two of these ships for them to wake up that the world has changed. They are now little countries, not colonial powers any more.

Asean has finally found the courage to ask the Americans what were they doing in the South China Sea and whether their provocative acts would lead to war unnecessarily.


Anonymous said...

Trump says trade wars easy to win.

Read these exasperated comments from Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, in an interview with the Financial Times:

"We gave them a detailed list of asks, regarding technology for example, which basically hasn’t changed for five or six months. The problem with the story is that they don’t respond. Nothing. Nada,” Mr Kudlow said.

“It’s really the president and the Chinese Communist party, they have to make a decision and so far they have not, or they have made a decision not to do anything, nothing. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Mr Kudlow said.

Anonymous said...

Ahead of the mid-term elections November 6, the White House is trying to stir geopolitical troubles such as the Taiwan Straits intrusion to shift US voters' bias in favor of the Republicans.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

FON operations in the South China Sea by Uncle Sam and its British, French, Australian and Japanese poodles are insidious attempts to provoke and intimidate China. Gunboat diplomacy no longer works as far as the Chinese is concerned today. With "unsinkable aircraft carriers" in the form of man-made islands, China has the upper hand. A recent incident involving USSR Decatur and a Chinese Luyang destroyer demonstrated a no-nonsense approach. The Chinese warship was ready to ram Uncle Sam's warship and forced the latter into making a hasty retreat.

Anonymous said...

The US Navy has no rights to be parading around this region. There are too many Little USA in South East Asia with US Naval bases. Japan, South Korea and one other country are just puppets with strings pulled by USA.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The puppets are very proud and claiming they are not henpecked. They are free to do as independent countries. In reality they are shameless poodles of the Evil Empire.

When the Americans said fetch, they will run like all trained little dogs, to fetch the bone thrown by the masters.

Bob said...

Hi Ann, good morning :))

Virgo49 said...

One White House Fina nickel Advisor kept harping that China is not helping the U Asses in their Trade War.

In the first place, who started the Trade War??

You whackeda guy and asked the Guy to let you be whacked further to cooperate with you. Madness.

Aby way, China is not going to be intimated by them anymore.

You are in People's Waters and they are in a better position to attack and defend themselves.

You have to have reinfornaments and supplies every now and then.

They have their Home Base.

See who suffer more.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Asia on the rise:

On the one hand you have China, a very big cuntry which has good reasons to want to protect itself. Most of China is land-locked, but they have huge exposure to the seas on its western coasts. This means potential interlopers could have an strategic and tactical advantage if they were to have designs in attacking China.

On the other hand you have the rest of South Asia and SE Asia (re: ASEAN), and the rest of the world, plus American Foreign Policy who use the “Freedom of the Seas” argument….a compact which has been generally accepted for most of the modern era.

OBR 2049 is probably the most important “project” for China. Almost every domestic and international policy is directed on attaining that objective. It is the anchor---for the Chinese population---to trust their government to do whatever it takes to achieve that objective---by any means necessary.

So I support the “Freedom of Navigation” (FoN) argument. Not because it is “morally right”---I am amoral in the realm of real politik---i.e. “it is what it is for whatever reasons, history and future consequences”. [The trick IMO is to always be on the right side of the trade, and go with whatever the trend is, disregarding the reasons or any moral argument.]

The FoN argument is the one which creates the most entropy/ uncertainty.This is important, because it forces the actors involved to strive harder to prove their case, and to duke it out, or negotiate toward a settlement, or not.

Volatility also creates vast opportunities and I’m into opportunity. 🤑 The Chinese also know this: Crisis = Danger + Opportunity, and so they try harder, and dig deeper to anchor their interests, despite mounting pressure against them. It forces them to reevaluate their strategy and IMPROVE. Just like biological evolution: if you don’t have environmental stressors, you don’t get evolution..

Those readers who are doing well from China defense industry stocks (“war stocks”) will understand where I’m coming from. 👌

But “the China market has collapsed and its getting worse”, some ay argue. IMO, they don’t observe closely enough. China’s markets tend to crash every 18 months--2 or 3 years or so. But the ALWAYS recover to new highs, and people make and lose a lot of money.

There are complex reasons for this bull-bear-bull mechanism. But I go with just one: The banking laws. China companies are forced to sell their equity to raise cash if they experience liquidity issues. The China’s govt in its wisdom doesn’t allow too much borrowing from banks---which could jeopardize the liquidity for the WHOLE NATION if they corporations to borrow like gambling addicts, fucking it up for the millions of small business owners and ordinary citizens, causing interest rates to go crazy and threatening the Yuan. China’s govt is also a big borrower (check out the growing bond market), so it doesn’t want silly interest rates which makes borrowing will be more expensive.

Anonymous said...

A dog is a dog. Period.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

On Monday, USS Curtis Wilbur and USS Antietan sailed through the Taiwan Strait in a show of force. China despatched its naval vessels to shadow Uncle Sam's warships till they exited the strait. Uncle Sam is fishing in troubled waters and hopes its 2 warships will embolden Taiwan so that it would buy more weapons from Uncle Sam to take on China. China is not taking the bait unless Taiwan foolishly declare independence.

Anonymous said...

Trump is going to re-start building new nuclear weapons.

More profits for my war stocks!! :)

Advente said...

In a war between the US and China, the Chinese War Plan must include the neutralization of US Military and Intelligence Bases that will post as a threat to the Chinese people or that provide supports to the US military operating against China.

Wherever possible, tactical nuclear weapons should be targeted against those locations, especially South Korea, Japan, Okinawa, Guam, Philippines and Singapore.

South Korea and Japan would require at least 20 tactical nuclear bombs each.

Guam and Okinawa would require 10 tactical nuclear bombs or one neutron bomb each.

Philippines would require 5 tactical nuclear bombs and Singapore would only need one.

So China should have a stockpile of at least 100 tactical nuclear weapons.

Of course, China should also have a sizeable number of long-range high-speed ICBMs to saturate the whole USA and its other military bases.

Remember, there will be no second chance! It will be a full-fledged all-out war. Any slightest sign of weakness will lead to catastrophic results.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1139

I doubt it'll come to that. The reason for a nuclear arms race is to adhere to the doctrine of MAD---Mutually Assured Destruction, meaning you nuke me, I nuke you...we both die...the ultimate Lose-Lose outcome.

USA has ~6000-7000 nukes, Russia ~7000 and China 250-300. China probably could not best the USA in such a conflict without Russia's help. Bloody France has more nukes than China! There's definitely been a reduction since the Cold War. In the 1980s USA & Russia had more than 30,000 nukes EACH.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Mad dog Matthis understand the destructive nature of a war with China and has toned down his war rhetoric against China. As a military man, he knew what he is up against.

This war hawk is now on his way out of Trump's administration as he is deemed too mild and moderate. Imagine what kind of devils Trump is surrounding himself with mad men like Bolton, Navarro, and their kinds, when war is the only option and they are bound to start a world war.

Be prepare for a nuclear holocaust soon as long as Trump is in the white house.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

No lah. Trump is not a nuke-head. He's got a few mad fucks running around in the White House, but Trump's staff changes like we change underwear...and he's given whack-jobs positions, but the world is still reasonably safe lah.

No one takes Bolton or Navarro seriously. The generals in the Pentagon and the business people who run billion or trillion dollar companies in whatever cuntry have more sense than to listen to the barkings of mad dogs like Peter and John.

Anonymous said...

Very good!!!

So far Trump is proving to be the best US president since George Washington!

Rock the world & shaking things up!!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


It is important to keep the right perspective on this, and not succumb to the "availability cascade" or availability heuristic (bias) . Don't worry, we all do them ;-)

Peter Nasvarro and John Bolton's positions on China (or the world for that matter) are not new. They've been shooting their mouths off for DECADES...from Bush ver2 and even before. They are career politicians and public academics lah---being "professional loudmouths" is their JOB. If they don't say controversial things, they don't earn any money. Simple as that. The more "bonkers" they sound, the more valuable their stock-in-trade becomes. Sell more books. Get more speaking engagements. (Follow the damn money lah)

I don't take anything they say seriously and neither do people who actually run the world. (business leaders, political leaders)

Anonymous said...

Matilar 😰😰😰

Anonymous said...

With the advances in nuclear bombs n technology, a major war between nuvlear powers mean the destruction n massive injury of billions of people. This is a most sobering matter.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Trump is undermining the "One China Policy". The Taiwan issue is flaring up. Trump and his flock of war hawks are pursuing a doctrine of direct provocation based on a fatal miscalculation that President Xi is a paper tiger. Trump is hurting China's core interest as he is using Taiwan as a valuable point of leverage over China. The narrow Taiwan Strait could become a flashpoint that sparks a war unless the 2 powerful nations can escape the Thucydides' Trap.

Anonymous said...

Fucking Americans must be taught a lesson. After losing two wars to China, still dare to provoke a new China that could take them on even terms now.

Anonymous said...

Assassins may target the bully Trump's daughter and sons for sweet revenge.

alak said...

According to John Mearsheimer, distinguished political and renowned international scholar, and author of "The Great Delusion", the foreign policy of liberal hegemony pursued by the US since the Cold War ended is doomed to fail.
It is widely believed in the West that the US should spread liberal democracy across the world, foster open international economy and build institutions. The policy of remaking the world in America's image is supposed to protect human rights, promote peace and make the world safe for democracy. But this is not what has happened.
Instead, the US has ended up as a highly militarised state fighting wars that undermine peace, harm human rights and threaten liberal values at home.

To Kill The Mocking Bird said...

Trump has been too successful as a businessman, using all sorts of dirty tactics, until he becomes over-confident. So much so he believes that wielding the highest power in the world, he can do whatever he wants. He has failed to learn from the assassination of John F Kennedy. He is too cocky and arrogant to learn from that monumental historic moment.

He must be taught a lesson to tame him sown or to be written off for good of the world.

If a few countries get together (eg. Russia, China, Cuba, Brazil, Venezuela, Iran, Syria and North Korea) to tackle him from various angles, using all sorts of tactics and strategies, in a loosely co-ordinated way, it might work wonders.

Best is to target his children's businesses and his business empire.

UG said...

Vote PAP is support Ang Moh or China ah? British approve the swoop? But Lam Pin Min meet the people session saw China people look a like but no Ang Moh?

No talent no talent need foreign talent? Those got no jobs want ask a few questions?

Ask Uncle Red Bean support China or America? Vote PAP how many times? PAP is Ang Moh or China? If PAP is America alliance, Uncle Red Bean vote PAP but support China? Ask Tan Cheng Bock also? Confuse from the start of old leaders? That why we 50 years still no talent and need foreign talent? So those kena ISA than is talented?

Maybe LHL is the ultimate good guy? LHL LHL LHL LHL. Honorable Son Honorable Son Honorable Son Honorable Son.

Election come should I stay at home? It is just a piece of paper. What I vote, will the one that count vote too tired read wrong? PAP is Ang Moh or Ah Tiong in Singapore? I am confuse. If got war, America dare to use our soldiers?

If America don't bomb Japan, what will happen now to peasants in Japan, China, Singapore or maybe other countries? Cool question right? Support America or China? Or Donald Trump is PAP A Team and Xi Jin Ping is PAP B Team?

Sagittarius54 said...

Chinese poem (written on this chilling winter early wee hour morning) "dedicated" to (Quah Cha) MS:


For the incarceration of oldies QUAH CHA $$$ (soon goal post to be changed to life imprisonment?)

Time for the oldies to taste what life was in the 1920s to 1940s ...?

Remember Ozymandias and "old fart's prophesy"

"Look at old fart's mighty works and despair"

Nothing was left except the forlorn broken leg of the Egyptian Pharoah's statue (and one multipolar MS pooh pooh and pee pee beside it)

Anonymous said...

Oops typo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4.52 am, your poem nice leh but I catch no ball leh. What are u trying to covey.

Anonymous said...

Ang moh or ah tiong? Both wrong. Ah neh is about right.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

One "Black Swan event" that everyone needs to watch are the consequences China's present upscaling of rounding up and placing Chinese Muslims into "re-education camps".

IMO, this is a very bad move. They need to seriously rethink this.

Here is a recruitment song, in Chinese, from ISIS. I must say---although it nearly breaks my teeth to admit it---it's good. Damn good in facts. Professionally made, and easily distributed with today's tech.

Beware. Bad things re very fucking possible.

ISIS song, in Chinese