
Americans do not meddle in the domestic affairs of countries

Trump and his lying gangsters have continued their barrage on China meddling in American domestic politics and trying to influence American opinions in the November election. He added that the Chinese meddling were worse than what the Russians were doing. He did not say whether the Chinese and Russian meddling in American domestic affairs were worse or less than the Americans meddling in other countries, especially Chinese and Russian affairs. The answer is no as far as the lying Americans are concerned. The Americans did not meddle in other countries’ domestic affairs or tried to influence them.

The breakup of the Soviet Union was not due to the Americans meddling in the USSR’s affair. Agents meddling in the domestic affairs of countries to try to influence nation states to be more friendly with them are very easy to be dealt with. Just send them packing home.

In the case of the Soviet Union’s breakup it was regime change, not just simple meddling or trying to influence a country’s policies. These are kid’s stuff. The Americans are more serious than that and many countries have had their bad experiences with the Americans. Just look at what is happening in Iraq, in Libya and in Syria, in Korea, in the South China Sea, in Myanmar, would tell you that the Americans did not meddle with their domestic affairs but conducted regime change, threatening invasion and wars.

The tools of the Americans are not diplomats or academics but the CIA and Special Forces and military bases. The CIA would invite themselves into countries they chose to conduct covert operations. The Special Forces could be invited or invited themselves in likes the CIA with or without the consent of the local govts. And you cannot expel them or send them home. They would not leave and may turnaround to fight, with the insurgents they recruited, trained, financed and armed as their front.

And the military bases, once in, no way would they leave. They are there to control the colonized or semi colonized countries like they are part of the USA, or part of the American Empire. Ask the Japanese and the South Koreans how they tried to rid their countries of the Americans and how difficult it was to do so.

See, the Americans did not meddle with the domestic affairs of countries nor tried to influence their policies. They are much more vicious than that.


  1. I can confidently say that there are very few foreign elections in the world that USA has not secretly meddled in. When you point your finger at others there are 3 fingers pointing at yourself. USA is the most vile country when it comes to meddling in other country's affairs.

  2. Titiana Ann XavierOctober 20, 2018 9:36 am

    After the collapse of the USSR, Uncle Sam emerged as the world's top-gun. The arrogant hegemon struts and strides round the world and bosses everyone around. The rise of China and Russia has dented Uncle Sam's ability to completely dominate the global economy, acting as jury, judge and keeper of neo-colonialism and imperialism. Uncle Sam's CV is fraught with war crimes, repression by sanctions and violations of international laws. It is currently supporting terrorists in Syria and Venezuela and attempting a regime change in Iran. Incidentally, Uncle Sam loves poking its nose in oil-rich nations that refuse to kowtow.

  3. Hi Ann, some people may not only disagree with you, may get angry and may even accuse you of posting fake news.

    What is truth to some may be fake to others. What is fake to some may be truth to others.

    It is very difficult to know what is truth and what is fake. Only primary school students know. like the child shouting the Emperor wore no clothes.

    To the adults, the cleverer they are, the more subjective is their version of truth.

  4. Uncle Redbean is correct when he says that some adults may disagree with Ann. Some governments, for self interest may even say that the USA is a peace keeper in a region and on top of idolising the USA, allow the USA Navy bases to occupy their own country. Very good example of this is Japan and South Korea, and others I do not care to mention. Well, uncle Redbean, problem may be closer to home, right?

  5. Titiana Ann XavierOctober 20, 2018 10:03 am

    Hahaha RB. I like your tongue in cheek comment. Makes my day.

  6. @ RB

    "American Exceptionalism" is real politik. "Do as I say, not as I do". So China says: "Wah, lidat ah? I oso can lah!" That's why I'm long China. 2049 is coming up very quickly. They cannot play The Game by anyone else's rules. So they run their own race, and other people better get on board, or just get out of the way. By 2049, China intends to be on the very top.

    Turkey and the House of Saud have been fighting for a long time. Their situation is not unlike Singapore and Malaysia: good economic cooperation, but politically not so friendly.

    Many people are scratching their heads: Why the fuck would Trump want to meddle in an on-going feud in this Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi business? It's got nothing to do with the US, and if the Saudis murder one of their own citizens...that is THEIR BUSINESS. It's like Duterte and Thaksin executing alleged "druggies" in the streets without legal due process...their fucking business. Or Lee Kuan Yew banishing and suing PAP dissenters...our fucking business, or Dr M throwing Deputy PM Anwar in jail as an assfucker/ cocksucker...Malaysia's bloody business. Remember US Vice President Al Gore's condemnation? None of the USA's business!

    When the USA was first founded, the old founding father's stressed the importance of America to mind its own damn business and not get "entangled" in the affairs of other cuntries. And then, things changed. America Foreign Policy was based on manifest destiny and American Exceptionalism...and so...

    ....here we are.

  7. The True Religion Of Saudi Arabia Exposed - Part 3

    "Saudi Arabia on Saturday admitted that dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside its consulate in Istanbul, state media said, two weeks after his disappearance sparked global furore.

    18 Saudis have been arrested and a top intelligence official and royal adviser have been fired, as the kingdoom expressed ‘deep regret’ over slaying.

    King Salman ordered the dismissal of Saud al-Qahtani, a royal court adviser seen as the right-hand man to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and deputy intelligence chief Ahmed Asiri, a statement on state media said.

    Khashoggi, a critic of the crown prince, went missing after entering the consulate on October 2 to obtain documents for his upcoming marriage. Days later, Turkish officials said they believed he was killed in the building, an allegation that Saudi Arabia had, until now, strenuously denied.

    In a separate statement on Friday, the Saudi public prosecutor said a fight broke out between Khashoggi and people who met him in the Consulate, leading to his death.

    The disappearance of Khashoggi, a US resident and Washington Post columnist, had led to mounting pressure from the West on Saudi Arabia to provide convincing answers.

    Before the Saudi announcements, US President Trump said he might consider sanctions, although he also appeared unwilling to distance himself from the Saudis, citing Riyadh’s role in countering Iranian influence in the Middle East and lucrative potential arms deals.

    On Saturday, he insisted the Saudi version of events was “credible” and the royals had not lied to him, adding he wanted to talk to the Crown Prince again.

    “I think we’re getting close to solving a very big problem,” Trump told reporters during a meeting with defence industry executives in Arizona. “I think it’s a good first step.”

    The White House said in a statement that it had seen the Saudi announcement and would continue to press for “justice that is timely, transparent, and in accordance with all due process”.

    Republican and Democratic lawmakers rejected Saudi Arabia’s explanation on Friday.

    “Saudi ‘explanation’ leaves most questions unanswered. Raises more questions. Makes no sense. Can’t be believed,” Republican Representative Peter King, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Twitter.

    “To say that I am sceptical of the new Saudi narrative about Mr. Khashoggi is an understatement,” said Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham, who has been sharply critical of Saudi Arabia over the incident.

    US Senator Richard Blumenthal told CNN the Saudi explanation “absolutely defies credibility” and called for an international investigation of Khashoggi’s death.

    Bob Menendez, on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the United States should pursue sanctions against Saudis involved in Khashoggi’s death.

    “Even if Khashoggi died because of an altercation, that’s no excuse for his murder,” Menendez tweeted. “This is far from the end and we need to keep up the international pressure.”

    Turkish authorities have an audio recording purportedly documenting Khashoggi’s murder inside the Saudi Consulate. Turkish pro-government newspaper Yeni Safak has published what it said were details from the audio. It said Khashoggi’s torturers had severed his fingers during an interrogation and later beheaded and dismembered him.

    The disappearance of Khashoggi has tarnished Prince Mohammed’s reputation and deepened questions about his leadership.

    King Salman has handed the day-to-day running of Saudi Arabia to his son, commonly known as MBS. But the growing crisis prompted him to intervene, five sources with links to the Saudi royal family told Reuters.

    The king has ordered the formation of a ministerial committee headed by the culpable prince to restructure the general intelligence agency, state media said on Friday. (How convenient!)"

  8. @ 1117

    I'm a fan for King Salman. I think the man is BOSS!

  9. Its not a question of 'who did' but a question of 'who did not'. All big countries kpo each other one. This is to make sure not losing power to others otherwise end up being hit left right centre.

  10. Titiana Ann XavierOctober 20, 2018 1:06 pm

    China as a capitalist nation or socialist nation with Chinese characteristics today is more of a threat to Uncle Sam's global and political dominance than Mao commies were. To stymie China's rise, the Taiwan Relations Act was passed. It was a blatant act of unwarranted intrusion by Uncle Sam into the internal affairs of China. In 2014, the elected government of pro-Russia Victor Yanukovych was overthrown by violence in which the CIA was involved. Ukraine's neo-fascist goons stoked violence as the streets while Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland worked behind the scene to set up a puppet regime sponsored by Uncle Sam.

  11. Expecting big countries not to meddle in other countries is like expecting rich people not to stay in D9, 10, 11 condos & bungalows.

    It's like expecting rich people to stay in 3-rm HDB and take bus/MRT to work.

    In fact small countries also like to meddle in other countries, if only they have money, resources & talents.

    I welcome more meddling by more countries into each others' business.

    Makes my war stocks strong! :)

  12. Trump is a blur fuck who knows nothing happening inside his own house.

    All the meddling by the US is done unofficially by the CIA or instigated by the CIA or using false flag operations lead by the CIA. The CIA is the unofficial assassination bureau of the US Government. It was set up to do all the dirty work so that the US Government remains a perfect angel in the eyes of the poodles. There is nothing that the 'Criminal Instigation Agency' cannot do. Their job is to infiltrate, instigate and carry out subterfuge, destabilise regimes and ignite conflicts.

    When nationalities of other countries meddle in other's domestic affairs, it is always the Government of that country to blame. Chemical weapons and missiles that fell into the hands of terrorist are always traced to the countries producing it and the blame always points to that country.

    The devil knows how to blame others but forgot about himself being the villain in chief!

  13. Titiana Ann XavierOctober 20, 2018 3:01 pm

    The list of interventions by Uncle Sam since its founding is too long to be enumerated. Currently, Uncle Sam is meddling in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iran and Venezuela. At this point of time, Uncle Sam is losing considerable influence in the world and falling behind in wealth. Yet Uncle Sam voted to provide an extra $74 billion in its 2019 military budget. Getting countries to dance to its tune and installing lackeys to head such countries remain the ultimate goals of Uncle Sam.

  14. 1.25 pm, u have been posting about your gain in your war stock and rejoice conflicts. But one day when conflicts landed on your door step, your gain in war stock is not going to help u from being sodomize by the invaders😰

  15. Trump is like a drum, loud and hollow. Very soon he will make a mistake and he will be kicked out of office.

  16. The US administration under Trump is like the Dynasties of ancient China in their last throes.

    Dynasties fell because of fatuous rulers listening to evil eunuchs that deliberately fed him false and misguided information. Those capable of giving him good advice can never serve long in his administration. Only those that gave him twisted information that he likes to hear will remain.

    The worst part is that Trump himself is one habitual liar and that makes it even worse when birds of a feather flock together.

    Trump will destroy the US even before he is kicked out of office. Or he may start world war 3 and that will be the end of mankind.

    Surprisingly, listening to his supporters and their comments, I have a nasty feeling that he may even win the mid term election and stay on to serve his term. Did we even expect him to beat Hillary? But he did!

  17. As he is rather popular in the USA, God help us, he could win the next term in office and stay for another 5 more year after this one.

  18. Hi Ann, I’m Bob. Can I get to know you? This is my email address. bob42@gmail.com

  19. Right Anon 7.12 and 7.22

    Trump is GOD SENT by the Whites Almighty to DESTROY America.

    HE is so sick of their hypocrisies and ruthleness that HE will allow this DOTARD to ruin the Americe the next Five years.

    The Americunts are just as daft as Sinkies. So Sinkird cannot pride themselves as One Up on them.

    Likewise, Sinking Land be destroyed by also the Papies whites the next Five years as this is in the minds of the staunch believers "GOD WILL" or "GOD WILLING".

    Put your tragic fates on these dafts who likes to quote these religious platitides.

    See the American Notes "In God We Trust"

    Sinkies Notes "In Dog we trust"
