
AWAS - Sick minds at work

The MHA has issued a statement that Thum PJ and his group have crossed the red line for inviting Mahathir to bring democracy to Singapore. My eyes are rolling. What, what? Is democracy a bad thing for Singapore? Is not Singapore being telling the world that it is a democracy and not a dictatorship or any other not too nice sounding political names?

Let me put it in a different way. Would someone be crossing the red line for asking Xi Jingping to bring more investment into Singapore, or to bring the BRI into Singapore? The question to ask, are investments and BRI good for Singapore? Or would it be the same if Thum and group called on Mahathir to support the HSR?

Oh, the key is Mahathir is a foreigner, so calling a foreigner to do anything that is good for Singapore is crossing the red line, interfering in Singapore’s domestic affairs, even if it is good for Singapore, like democracy. Ok, I am assuming, I am assuming that democracy is good for Singapore. Is it or is it not?

Oh, does Singapore want democracy, does Singapore have democracy? For Thum and group to ask Mahathir to bring democracy to Singapore implies that Singapore does not have democracy or lacking in democracy? Tiok boh?

This is indeed funny. Does Singapore have democracy? Is Singapore a democracy? Why is bringing democracy to Singapore a bad thing, that Thum and group do not wish Singapore well? Bring democracy to Singapore is not in Singapore’s interest? Bring more foreigners to take over Singapore, oops, to become Singaporean, to steal Singaporeans’ lunch is good for Singapore, no crossing of red line?

Actually what did Thum, or actually Tan Wah Piow, invite Mahathir to do? It was reported that Tan Wah Piow asked him to bring democracy or to talk about democracy in SE Asia, not Singapore in particular. Well all pegs are round pegs as long as you hammer them hard enough into a round hole. This kind of contorted logic or injustice would be turned around when political power changed hands. By then the traitors would become the angels and the angels would become traitors. That day will come, it is a matter of when, like in Malaysia or in any country or empire for that matter. Nothing is forever. The wheel of fortune would turn and pity the rascals of the last empire or regime or the last emperor.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

PAP elites already crossed the red line long time ago when they bring in hordes of foreigners (more than 2 million) to deprive Singaporeans of job opportunities.

PAP elites already crossed the red line when their pro-foreigner policies pushed the costs of living for Singaporeans to the highest in the world.

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, PAP has crossed many red lines over many issues ! Very unforgivable !

Anonymous said...

The red line for the shameless n greedy public serpents is anything even if it is good for true blue sinkies but jeapordize their ego is the REDLINE. "You are not my brother". "Mimonsters are under-paid"."Mimonsters sacrified n give salary discount". "I declared nothing wrong". " A committee will determine the race of xxxMilogirl, IC no count", "GST is to help the poor", "Higher cost of living is good", etc. Paid millions to screwed sillyzens n kong lan chau words.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

The PAP's spin doctor has started branding Dr Thum and painting him in a bad light. Dr M is taboo to the PAP and Dr Thum's close encounter with this foreigner is irksome to the authorities. Dr Thum will no doubt become an existential threat to the PAP. Democracy in Singapore is on life support. What Dr Thum and Tan Wah Piow are doing is merely to nurse it back to health. The PAP must be worried that its hold on the citizens has become increasingly tenuous.

Anonymous said...

It is goooooooood to kpkb kpkb and kpkb here!

Living in Sg is like that. You dont know meh?

Please remember, 70% masses did voted YES-ed!

So.....What can you do now......only lan-lan!

Aiya.....living in Sg is really really really like that.

Not careful, small things also can invited to lim-kopi!

What choice do you have? So dont waste time! Dont waste yime!

As I said before, it is good that we can still kpkb kpkb and kpkb!


b said...

There are two types of sinkies - those that like to be screwed and those that do not like to be screwed. Those that like to be screwed will stay in sinkies, enjoy their papies, live in tiny flats and take public transport. Those that do not like have already take action, gone elsewhere in search for freedom, face all the challenges, fight hard for their survival in a foreign country. Its not easy and not for the faint hearted. Guess what type of sinkies are you?

Whoever said...

What is a red line? Who draws the line? Who does the interpretation? Does everyone know where the red line is?

Asking a prominent foreign statesman to champion for Democracy in Southeast Asia is crossing the red line?

What about inviting US politicians to come to Shangrila Hotel to speak about Freedom of Navigation in South China Sea? Or about the Rule of Law? Aren't those subjects directly linked to Democracy or part and parcel of Democracy? Are they not crossing the red line?

What about honouring North Korea's President in Singapore and paid for his entire entourage's expenses with taxpayers' money? Is it not crossing the red line?

What about forcing CPF Savings members to pay for insurance premiums where they do not wish to buy? Is it not seriously crossing the FORBIDDEN AT ALL MEADURES RED LINE!?

b said...

I Will Survive
Gloria Gaynor

At first I was afraid, I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along

Virgo 49 said...

The MHA under that Shame is telling you that Singapore is run by them- The DICTATORS.

So if Thum and Company is trying to bring DEMOCRACY to Singapore,, then it's wrong.

They be DICATORS no more.

Simple as that.

Do not cross their DICATORIAL red line.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

I don't think an "open society, George Soros-type democracy" suits Singapore culture. We've done very well from a Roman republican-style (Asian version==> Confucianism) "soft dictatorship". That's more congruent with our nation's culture.

Anonymous said...

9.18am anon, if just Lim Kopi already bad enough but if Kena detained and share same cell with African Tua Kee lagi jialat when Kena sodomized. Tio bo?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Any type govt ok as long as key policy makers are competent n really care for citizens. Pappies have evolved n became self serving at the expense of the citizens. This is a testament of the power of million dollars pay: more, more, more...the power n seduction of love of money & big money. Love of money has no respect for earthlings. And will turn white into grey and into black.

Anonymous said...

A greedy domant heart once triggered will have a runaway madness when given lots of power & discretion. We are witnessing this SHOW.

Whoever said...

This Is Crossing The Red Line

The British Airways reported in a statement on 6 Sept that the personal and financial details of 380,000 customers, who made bookings between Aug 21 and Sept 5, were stolen in a cyber attack.

“We are investigating, as a matter of urgency, the theft of customer data from our website and our mobile app. The stolen data did not include travel or passport details.”

“The personal and financial details of customers making bookings on our website and app were compromised,”

This case is not as bad as the data breach of SingHealth recently.

Anonymous said...

The Little Red Dot is criss-crossed with red lines. The citizens don't know where they are. Only the PAP knows and they can activate them any time a lesser mortal steps out of the line drawn for them. This is the mental barbed wire around the minds of the citizens.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Merdeka Singapore.

Right right,.The MOH data as been hacked or stolen as you may said is having many many unforseen and now seen problems now and in the future.

Why the sudden Rule of no necessity of disclosing your NRICs numbers to so many Organisations which they do not bother in the past??

Because now it carry a very big and major risks of scams and cheats in the future if they do not try to do something about it.

The data may or already fall into the wrong hands.

Now practically received many unsoclited calls and mails daily.

Virgo49 said...

Just to add

Lim Tean's on Fixing Singapore's Cyber Security Debacle on YouTube as follow:-


The dire consquences.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

PM Lee's relationship with Dr M is less than cordial. To see Dr Thum and Tan Wah Piow cosying up to Dr M must have caused PM Lee to see red and a few of his blood vessels must have burst in the process. MHA's condemnation of the meeting between them is proof that the PAP government is getting paranoid. It looks like Shanmugam is bearing a personal grudge. Using the MHA to seek vengeance is highly despicable.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all potential hacking targets:

I don't believe that anyone, anywhere, govt or super-nerd can ever "fix" cybersecurity issues.

Let see what the average computer user/ legit organisation is up against:

1. Cadres of state-sponsored hackers conducting on-going cyberwarfare against other states and their citizens, as well as their own citizens---especially political dissidents.

2. Organised Cybercrime: They use "best practices" of the legit corporate world; for e.g.: employee bonus, ongoing training and skills upgrade, employee benefits like health and "pensions", tech support, customer service...you name it, they have it. Estimated business is ~$15 billion and growing. A few visits to the Dark Net sites of CyberCrime Inc will immediately let you experience how "professional" these organisations are. They have good tech, skilled people and loads of cash and other resources.

3. Black and Grey Hat "lone wolves". These are individuals who fly solo who hack for profit; usually as jobs for others. Corporations employ such people to sabotage the competition. Ver lucrative area.

4. Ad-hoc groups of hackers who hack for fun, ego and profit. Various "computer clubs" which are more organised, and groups like LulzSec and LulzRaft. Some members are busted and now serving time. But there is always fresh talent

5. Pimply-faced, anti-social, can't-get-a-date but very smart teenagers holed-up in their parents' basement or some dark room. These miscreants are wedded to their machines 24/7 and plumb the internet for opportunities to hack and "pWn" (own) hapless victims. They use readily available tools like LOIC and can wreak HAVOC on entire networks...all from their room, all on their lonesome. Fortunately, being kids...even though they are smart kids, they don't have "exit strategy", and once they are traced, SWAT teams appear at their homes and kick down doors. Nonetheless, before they are caught, they can do 100's of millions of dollars worth of damage...just by using FREE software. This one of human history's finest example is ASYMMETRIC WARFARE

So anyone who claims they can "fix" cyber security issues is talking pure SHIT. "Cyber security" is an idea...an idea made up of other ideas which have to change due to the nature of the problem, which itself changes.

See what fun is going on RIGHT NOW!...then go and tell that govt prick to shut the fuck up, before he makes a bigger fool of his IGNORANT self.

b said...

Among wealth advisors, there is a saying: the first generation makes it, the second generation spends it, and the third generation blows it.

guess which generation is current lee?

Whoever said...

Just in case anyone has forgotten exactly how our national pledge goes, here it is for your reference:

We, the citizens of Singapore,

pledge ourselves as one united people,

regardless of race, language or religion,


based on Justice and Equality

so as to achieve Happiness, Prosperity

and Progress for OUR Nation.

After 53 years of PAP Rule, have we arrived? Are we a DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY already? If no, why no? Is it because some people deliberately sabotaged our national resolve to achieve the State of a DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY by drawing too many unnecessary Red Lines?

What do we call such a saboteur?

Anonymous said...

lf Sinkies allow and accept their dictators to bully and ride roughshod over them,
why grouse and complain ?

Sinkies chose and voted for their Rulers in a democratic system.
The Rulers elected are deemed the Best.
are the Best the least evil available ?
The Others Available
will be worse yhan the lncumbents and bring Hell to Sinkies ?

The Daft deserves the Government they voted for.

Anonymous said...

1:29 pm:
Too many assumptions and half-truths!

Anonymous said...

Is this fake news? Did Tommy Koh cross the red line?

“I would encourage our gay community to bring a class action to challenge the constitutionality of Section 377A,” Koh wrote on Facebook, following India’s scrapping of the same British colonial-era legislation.

Previous legal challenges in 2014 on the constitutionality of the law failed. Reminded of this by another Facebook user, Koh said: “try again”.


Anonymous said...

Why Singaporeans Are Buying Up Real Estate In The US?

Chinese investment in US real estate in 2017 plunged 55% from 2016.

The 2017 China-US Inbound Investment Capital Watch report from real estate company Cushman & Wakefield put the estimated decline at US$7.3 billion in 2017 from US$16.2 billion in 2016.

Cushman & Wakefield said the slump was largely the result of stricter capital controls and regulations from the Chinese government.

As a result China's real estate investment fell from first position to 3rd.

Canadains became the top real estate investors (US12 billion) in the US, while Singapore rises to 3rd (US$10 billion).

Anonymous said...

Singapore must therefore be either a dictatorship or autocracy, since asking Mahathir to help bring democracy to Singapore is bad.


Anonymous said...

Singaporeans buying up real estate in the US because the millionaires are preparing to run-road.

US10 billion can buy on average about 5000 houses.

Anonymous said...

3.15 pm anon, I don't think sg society can accept same sex marriage in Singapore. Have you ever watch the homo sex via Internet? It's very disgusting whereas the normal porn is quite normal. Unless you have tried to let other sodomize you before, please do not accept the act that is against nature.

Some one has argue that in animal world, they also have homo Behavioural act and human is also part of animal kingdom. Don't think that argument stands. Just because some human and animals did it does not mean it's normal, while we can accept those who enjoy this kind of act alone in their private life, as a country we should not accept it as normal as young kids would be influenced into that lifestyle as being normal when it is not normal.๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐGod bless

Anonymous said...

India OK gay sex, Singapore sodomizers also want.

This proves the increasing influence of India on Singapore !

The red line has been crossed ! Hallelujah !! Will God punish the sinners with brimstones from heavens !!?

Anonymous said...

“I would encourage our gay community to bring a class action to challenge the constitutionality of Section 377A,” Koh wrote on Facebook, following India’s scrapping of the same British colonial-era legislation.

First, Tommy Koh is too old already. May be he is going senile.

Second, may be Tommy Koh is a gay, all the while?

Third, may be Tommy Koh's children or grandchildren are gays.

Fourth, may be Tommy Koh now wants to engage in gay sex?

Fifth, may be the Emperor ask Tommy Koh to fly a test balloon because one of the Prince is a gay?

Whatever the case may be, I think Tommy Koh has crossed the RED LINE!

Anonymous said...

Notice Tommy Koh's hairstyle like char boh. Hmmnnn . . . wondering . . .

Anonymous said...

Beastility exists amongst animals too and humans are much involved.

Will the Homos want beastiality to be allowed too ?

Virgo49 said...

At HLP, the LGBTs attendance is more than other assemblies in protest of What's other issues.

This Group has a large base of Voters.

Now they have Tommy Koh to wayang and brooched the subject. Then in accompanying the music, Shame will play the good guy to let Sinkies have a choice to repeal the Law.

This Will be repealed soon to harvest their voted.

One interesting drama of the American series "The Good Wife" with duplication from the Koreans though not thoughly the same Court cases shown how the.Americans have to wayang and canvassed these votes in order to win their seats in the Senate.

They have to be as hypoticially as in the believe to embrace the coloured people, the religius groups and also the LGBTs.

The Papies knew that there might be a Tsunami in Sinkiwland the next GE. They need to play safe and be in power or they be like Najib and accomplicies hauled to court and in jail suits

That's why they wayang to brooch the subject.

Sinkiesland now has a seizable POP of Singles of both sexes.

With the decadence lifestyle as influenced by the W hites and Dotard Trump, many in their Sexual need are Lesbians,Gays,Bisexuals.and Transsexuals.

Especially those as ever live.in.Western Countries like our Great Romeo Matilah who even banned 70 year old blond and blonde

Virgo49 said...

Should be BANGED the oldies Blond and Blonde.

Auto correct

Anonymous said...

Is sodomy crossing the red line?

Anwar no but went to jail for 5 years.

Mahathir said yes.

Najib also said yes.

Singapore courts also will say yes?

Anonymous said...

Why is Tommy Koh broaching the subject of challenging the constitutionality of section 377A? He must be senile to talk about such things at his age. Or he has an agenda to fulfil.

Anonymous said...

Tommy Koh the lntellect
nothing better
to do ?
Sex very appealing
to him at his age?

Get ready to turn to ashes brother.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Tommy Koh better spend his time repealing ISA then confused Sex.

Another (legal) Avenue for Oldies to Earn $$$? said...

Ai think aik the possible reason ...

It is so obvious?

Most women the "tinkie" after years of LaoGoanomics and Botaknomics LEGS OPEN BIG BIGGER BIGGEST policies "loose" its "intended" function le (& not easy to tighten the gap)?

So the next best thing is the women's u know where to substitute the front "tinkie" to satisfy the u know which DOMs'' primal urge?

But after years of indiscriminate "sodomising and relentless abuse", the wives' and womens' "behind there" also exacerbating the widening gap of each step when they walk and cannot close tight try as they did?

So now they are turning to the "males behind tinkie" to legalise it so that they (DOMs) can continue to satisfy their primeval LUST?

(Young) BRO Virgo49, be careful of your BS when you are out. Won't know who or whicb DOM might be salivating and eyeing it (your bs) with irrepressible and unquenchable lust?

Virgo49 said...

Actually what's you do in the bedrooms or hotel rooms whether Front, Back or Side doors and even in Deep Throats are your own business.

Many does that even the elites. They are also primates. The Cheng Hu not gonna like the Bumis Religious Police in Matland come after you.

There's no need LEE-gilse what's Section 337A or B. That's only for Same Sex Marriages.

Why the need to have undergone such troubles in same sex marriages ceremonies to have wasted so much monies.

Even Normal marriages already a hassle and the beginning of your whole life's miseries.

Daft, daft indeed.

Anonymous said...

Sick minds are easier to get concurrence from current spineless greedy Pappies.