
American’s white lie in the UN General Assembly

Without blinking an eye, Trump threatens Iran with more sanctions based on these white lies when he spoke at the UN GA in front of leaders of the world.

In a REUTERS’ report this was what Trump accused the Iranians of, ‘a “corrupt dictatorship” that is plundering its people to pay for aggression abroad, ….”Iran’s leaders sow chaos, death and destruction,” …”They do not respect their neighbours or borders or the sovereign rights of nations.”’

Trump also attacked the legitimate International Criminal Court that is fully backed by the UN a having “no jurisdiction, no legitimacy and no authority” over the Americans. Compare this court to the so called commercial arbitration court in the Hague that was set up unilaterally to hear the South China Sea dispute which the Americans and the silly little USAs claimed was UN backed and its ruling should be followed? Which one is UN backed and which one is not and which one is legitimate and which is not?

And think about all the silly Asian and SE Asian countries that willingly accepted the jurisdiction of American courts against their citizens and happily abided by their orders? Think Najib, 1MDB and his luxury yacht? Why would silly Asian and SE Asian countries subject themselves to the rulings to the American courts? Are they American colonies? The Americans have unilaterally imposed their American laws on other countries as if they owned these countries.

Coming back to what Trump accused Iran of, were they not exactly what the Americans were doing, ‘sowing chaos, death and destruction, not respecting their neighbours or borders or the sovereign rights of nations?”

What gave the Americans the rights to put their soldiers in Iraq, in Syria or in Afghanistan to fight American bred and funded, and trained ‘terrorists’?

How many of the leaders in the UN believe in this white American lie spouted by Trump? How many of you believe in this lie of Trump?

Would be more proper and appropriate for the UN to ‘ensure the American evil regime changes its behavior and never acquires a nuclear bomb instead of building more powerful and destructive bombs?’ Would it be more opportune for the UN to start to impose sanctions on the Americans for starting wars everywhere, threatening nations with sanctions and wars and supporting and training rebel and terrorist organizations to destabilize legitimate govt and countries?

The USA is a peace loving country? How many wars is it fighting today and how many wars it is going to start tomorrow?

On every count it is a rogue country, an Evil Empire.


  1. The whole world is laughing at this clown when he bragged about his achievements at the UN. But, as usual he is not ashamed of his lies. The USA is a complete joke nowadays.

    This clown has started to accuse China of meddling in the mid-term elections, presumably because China is targeting his support base, which are the farmers. This clown must be sick to expect China's retaliation to focus on helping him in his re-election. Countries don't fight a war to lose. They use strategies to win. How stupid is Trump really to expect otherwise.

    The more this guy hang on, the more people will realise he is mentally unfit to be the President. He is plainly stupid, he lies eight times a day, he brags so much that you have to listen to believe and he does not realise he is being ridiculed and made fun of by the rest of the world, including Democratic supporters.

    How did the USA end up like this?

  2. I like him. Only Trump can destroy the USA.
    He is on track doing that and getting there fast.


  3. Mr.RB,you did not mention that this Dotard now blamed China to upset his November Mid Term Elections.

    Faster blame someone first knowing you gonna lose big.

    Lessen your Ego.


  4. South Korea must have begun to realise that it is better to deal with Kim directly than risk reaching another stalemate through the US putting a gun to Kim's head and making all sorts of unilateral demand. That will be the intent of the evil empire to continue controlling South Korea with arms sales and stationing of troops.

    If Trump fails again after meeting Kim a second time, he will blame China for sure. China is not interested in North Korea's complete denuclearisation. And China does not have to instigate Kim to do its bidding. North Korea is there to act as the unknown factor against the evil empire in times of confrontation. Russia and China's support for North Vietnam and North Korea against the US was the factor that these two communist countries do not fall to the US. The US could act rashly, knowing that Russia and China were behind the N Vietnamese and North Koreans. In fact the US was considering using the nuclear option like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but fear Russia and China's response.

    With the trade war escalating and involving everyone, South Korea and Japan would be wise to think of their own interest first. They would be wise to do so, with so much at stake.

  5. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 27, 2018 9:13 am

    Trump suffers from irrational exuberance. He cannot help bragging about himself and his putative accomplishments. His boasts were met with derisive laughter from world leaders. Trump knows China is expanding its global reach and commands comprehensive and influential strategies ranging from the overt to the covert. China has realised very early that dividing Uncle Sam and the rest of the world is crucial to isolating Uncle Sam. Trump did China a great service when he lied through his teeth. Even President Macron who spoke after Trump belittled his policy of sanctions and containment .

  6. Right Anon 9.09

    Moon now chum chum with Kim. He has to be very cautious as this Dotard is wary that they might come to a Secret Pact to dispose and this Dotard might depose him.

    Moon and Kim may hatch a plan to depose the Americans. That's why this Dotard played wayang praising Kim in the U.N.

    They, as fellow blood and kin in their own Ana Le Ho and in their own Ah Neh language be in secret talks to kick this Dotard's Arse.

    China Now smart smart played with time waiting for the Mid Term Reshuffle.

    This Dotard may be clipped on his wings. That's way they cancelled all talks.

  7. UN is long under control of commie inflitrators who are all addicted to cheap labour. Its not surprise uncle sam acted this way. He will defeat them and get rid of merkel and juncker.

  8. There is talk that the second meeting between Kim and Trump will take place in the US. This is high risk for Kim and could be the trigger for calamity. Kim should be wary of what the US hawks can do. It could just be a false flag operation, leaving the US with a clean pair of hands. The CIA can take care of that. If they can do a Kennedy, nothing is impossible. To be sure, Kim should insist holding the meeting on neutral soil, like the DMZ.

    Maybe it is too simplistic thinking on my part.

  9. b, you always believe in your uncle. Can't blame you! Got uncle got nephew!

    What does cheap labour got to do with the UN? Have you taken your medicine this morning?

  10. Trump is a congenital liar, a man of loose moral, a cheat and everything you can think of. The Americans deserved to have him as their president, as they are just like him. That is why they cannot see anything wrong with him

    The Koreans have wise up to take the destiny of their nation into their own hands. They would quietly do everything possible to reunite their people and country.

    They know the Americans and Japanese would want to scuttle this plan. That is why they are talking among themselves, without the Americans.

    Moon must be very careful or he could be assassinated by the evil Empire like his predecessor Park Chung Hee.

  11. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 27, 2018 10:02 am

    China has published a 71-page White Paper, "The Facts and China's Position on China-US Trade Friction". In its foreword, paragraph 4, readers can detect China expressing a tinge of regret that "Since taking office.....the new administration........has trumpeted "America First"......impose its own interests on China through extreme pressure." The White Paper concluded with an undertaking that "China is firmly committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind."shared future for mankind." While Uncle Sam is becoming more selfish, China is magnanimous. China does not see trade as a zero-sum game. Uncle Sam uses it as a weapon to beggar thy neighbour.

  12. The trade war is to make sure the US$ remains the controlling weapon of the global economy. The US military is used to support that purpose. And the US wants to remain the only superpower for eternity. Anyone trying to upset the status quo must be eliminated.

    Any other scenario is unacceptable.


  13. Cheap labour is the foundation of all commie states.
    Democracy is not perfect but still better than dictatorship.

  14. All men are fallen. Only who fall more. Trump is a reflection of slightly more than 50% of Americans...adulterous, extremely boastful, habitual liar n big bully. They voted for him.
    He laughed now, soon he will not be laughing.

  15. Those who never fall, thinks they cannot fall.

    That was the thinking when Britannia ruled the waves, Japan ruled East Asia, and separately Hitler ruled Europe, Mao ruled China, Suharto ruled Indonesia, Marcos ruled Philippines. And all the dynasties that ruled China.

    Pride always comes before a fall and that makes it even more painful.

  16. @ all

    Frankly speaking, I was quite disappointed with Trump's UN appearance. Maybe it's me---I had higher expectations; maybe it was him---having an "off day".

    By now it's clear to most "normal" people of our species, that Trump is treating his sojourn as the planet's "Top Dog" (America being "leader of the free world" and all that rah rah fucking flag-waving shit) as a Big TV Reality Show where he has his own "new channel" courtesy of Twitter (who desperately want to cancel his account, but don't have the balls to do so).

    I was expecting...so much more. Being a TV Reality Show, which takes up my attention and time, I expect to be ENTERTAINED. Trump never fails to deliver. Everyday, without fail Trump is FIGHTING with someone, some cuntries...usually multiple "adversaries"---the most strident stoushes being with fellow Americans from every point on the political compass---who ALL want him impeached, jailed and ejected unceremoniously from the Oval Office. Yet, he is still there, still fighting and looking for fresh fights to pick with...whomever. 🤣

    His bloated self importance is already a given...no surprises there. Although the MSM made a big deal out of the laughter from the UN, if you listen carefully, the laughter was very weak...and in typical Trump style (because he has THICK SKIN) he just brushed it off, as one would expect from a TV professional. Make no mistake: Trump is a media pro...just look at the clips of him going back 30-40 years. He's always been "newsworthy" and he fucking knows it. He's never camera shy and never fumbles words. In short: he doesn't give a fuck, which gives him a sort of "strength" and command.

    I was in NY on course when Trump was facing one of his many bankruptcies. His creditors were haemorrhaging money...many going under themselves, yet he was cool as a cucumber...always armed with a phalanx of lawyers and continuing to live his billionaire lifestyle when technically flat-as-a-pancake broke.

    "See that guy? He's 8 billion dollars richer than me!", said Trump to his family as they were returning to Trump Tower when he spotted a homeless man outside the building. But no worries. At the time the younger Donald always had his dad Fred to "help", so no wonder DJ could maintain his "positive mental attitude" 🤣 and continue living like the "aristocrat" he fancies himself to be. So although technically BUST, the egomaniacal Trump still had his lavish lifestyle replete with his private jet and his super yacht The Trump Princess.

    IMO, he didn't boast enough. I was expecting him to warn the UN that he, one person was going to conquer the world and bring down the "enemies of America", so that not only will America be great again, but that America will be THE GREATEST ever, and that the UN and the rest of the world can suck his dick and get fucked.

    Telling the whole planet that he has "the biggest brain" should have been augmented by stating that his COCK was also YUGE😝.

    C'mon Trump, find your mojo and lift your game man. You're becoming too soft! 🤡

  17. To me he did not disappoint. I expected him to brag and he did. He even lied with a straight face amid the laughter. I expected him to call Kim a nice guy, and he did. And I thought he was going to accuse China of meddling in the mid term elections, and he did. I expected him to talk cock and he did.

    So, I was not disappointed. I had a good laugh, though. it was clown show and you have to laugh!

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  19. @ 1156

    >> it was clown show and you have to laugh! <<

    Absolutely. All politics is a clown show. However Trump is at present, The Greatest Clown Show On Earth...probably you can add "In All of Man's Recorded History" to that.

    Which is the reason I am persnickety about standards. I encourage Trump to keep up the standards of global ass-fuckery, and continue to raise the bar, such that any successor will have large shoes to fill. 😂

    Gotta admit, Trump's level is much higher than our own overpaid PAP elites, who have gotten slack from the lack of competition (err...meritocracy? Where got?). When Trump makes a decision---like a Tariff Trade War with a significant amount of the whole world, people shit their pants because everyone is going to lose money millions could lose their jobs, or be "downgraded" to the "service economy" (biggest con job ever. Slave-wages for no benefits, long hours, mental and physical stress).

    When the PAP makes a decision like CECA...a few thousand PMETs suffer. Yup, PAP lift your fucking game. Go and study Donald Trump, then "synthesize" with your brand of Confucianism. At the moment you are kachang puteh, and Trump is filet mignon! Motherfucker, you earn more than Trump; who only earns ONE DOLLAR. As a citizen, ex-NS man, and taxpayer, I DEMAND my money's worth! 🤡

    Got Game? 🤓

  20. It is very humiliating that Singapore has to foot a S$16 million bill when the two farkers Kim & Trump choose to hold their pow-wow in Singapore !

    S$16 million can help ease the sufferings of many poor Singaporeans.

    Guess PAP elites dare not say "No" to the Americans.

  21. Titiana Ann XavierSeptember 27, 2018 6:47 pm

    Trump has burned his bridges. In doing so, Uncle Sam has lost the Chinese market. The Chinese no longer see Uncle Sam as a sincere nor reliable trader. It may take years for Uncle Sam to re-enter the Chinese market. Meanwhile, China will diversify its exports and boost its domestic market to sustain growth. China will strive for self-sufficiency while Uncle Sam continues to pile up its mountain of debts.

  22. Trump: "Xi jilted me!"

  23. @ 2:01 pm

    PAP Elitists are cowards. Cowards only know how to bully own people but afraid of foreigners. Even foreign tiny black ants PAP also scared.

  24. @ 7:47 pm,

    Trump has screwed himself by being too arrogant, defiant, outright rude and disrespectful for international laws and international diplomatic relations. He will have very few friends. Even his loyal friends also weary of him.

  25. Hi Anon 2.01

    The PAP stooges are firstly afraid of the Americunts and secondly for their Egos and Prestige volunteered to hold this Summit in Sinking Land just to show the World their Sink Ka Pore.

    Thinking that they are the Prime Movers who built up Sink Ka Pore and not their fellow citizens.

    Just like a proud three roomer flat who renovated on the blood and sweat extravagantly of their kins and wanted just to show off.

    Wheras others have land mass and big bungalows and need time and resources to built up.

    Thus, they still have some squatter eyesores and they think that their three roomer is better than them.

    Like Rats running down in a jar and overstepping each other.

    Thus, the Rats had to scurry away on any opportunity to go away so as not be suffocated.

    The 16 millions of sweat and blood monies can be put to better use for the citizens.

    How much you want for your makan at hawker centres, cafes or restaurants asking for extra fifty dollars??

    We would prefer to spend these 16 millions for our prestige as we are Prodigal children born with golden spoons and don't have the slightest notion what is hardships to go hungry.

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  27. @ Availability Biased Sheeple

    You all seem to think that Trump's cuntiness is somehow a "recent development", because of all the attention he's getting in the media...and because he's the sitting US president.

    Nay, nay, I say. He has been well-document as a cunt for most of his life. Sure he has fans (other cunt wipes ), but also multitudes of detractors.

    Being interested in real estate, I was nearly one of those "victims" who got stitched for a shit-ton of money from paying for those "real estate courses" spruiked by the epic failure known as "Trump University".

    Trump plays the media-game like an old pro, which he is. He is a superb con artist. He can deny what he said previously (with documentation and video evidence), and people actually believe him! WTF??? And then it is "business as usual". Trump is on his "A-Game" 24/7.

    Go back to the archives: His anti-China rhetoric is 30 years old. He has been toying with the idea of running for president for over 20 years...even South Park did an episode on this idea years ago.

    Beware the "availability heuristic". All heuristics are "mental shortcuts", and most of the time they TRICK US into believing what might not be the case.

    The only real difference (a big one!) is that now Trump is the US president. Before he was a rich asshole full of the worst aspects of being a New Yorker: loud, boastful and just a fucking insufferable COCKSUCKER. Now he just happens to be the C I C (Cocksucker In-Charge)

    Hail To The Chief
