
Turkey - This is what would happen to an American crony

North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and Turkey are all victims of American coercion and sanctions. Their economies are held at ransom for not willing to do the bidding of the Americans and become their cronies or proxies or little USAs. And why are the little USAs not standing up to object to the American bullying of these countries? Because being little USAs they are being spared and so happily kept their mouths shut. Compare the harm done to these countries to 'devious' China being accused of manipulating countries to be pro China.

The Gang of 4 in Red Dot (in China when they said Gang of 4 they showed all 5 fingers) also kept very mum, not whispering a word. But they were very vocal and even took centrestage, like a great duty to warn the Singaporeans how  'devious' China was in manipulating countries to be pro China.This influencing of a country's policies is commonly done in the diplomatic circle and is something very normal, like the media publishing fake news to influence the thoughts of innocent readers. In diplomatic affairs, everyone involved is fully aware of such activities and only a very silly govt leader would be influenced without knowing it or being forced into being influenced. It is fair game that Singapore as a state also indulges in. So what is the fucking big deal about a country wanting to influence another country through diplomatic and official means that it is necessary to use the loudspeaker to tell the people? What is the real motive and agenda behind such an act?

And we have the evil Empire openly and aggressively threatening countries, imposing sanctions and coercion on countries to do its bidding, threats of war, but none of the Gang of 4 would dare make a whimper. Are such aggressive coercion acceptable to the Gang of 4 and so there is no need to warn the people about it, no need to say anything about it, and perhaps better to write love letters to the CIA like Najib hoping to be spared by the evil Empire? Or for good measures, just be a lap dog of the evil Empire, be little USA and be very safe from being attacked by the evil Empire.

The fate of Turkey, once a lap dog of the Americans but now wanting to be more independent to drive its own foreign policies, is there for all little USAs to see and to learn. Any little USA that thinks that it can change course, not to do the bidding of the evil Empire, will suffer the same fate as Turkey, North Korea, Venezuela and Iran. This is a warning that Singaporeans must take note of. Once you slept with the Devil, you cannot run free again.

Would the Gang of 4 think it necessary to warn the Singaporeans of the evil American Empire? Turkey's economy is going to be ruined. Its currency the lira is under attacked and lost 20% over a couple of days. For the year it has lost nearly 50% of its value. Turkey is at the verge of a collapse. But the pride of the Turks, not to become semi colony of the evil Empire, is seeing President Erdogan standing up to the Americans, not to be cowed or oppressed. They would turn to Russia and China for help. Erdogan is calling on Europe to stand up to the bullying of the evil Empire. He is warning them that everyone of them would suffer the same fate as Turkey. He is encouraging them to drop the American dollar and trade with other countries using their respective currencies and not be held at ransom by the evil Americans.

The evil Empire has been using all the levers of force to coerce countries to do its bidding for decades since the end of WW2. It is not going to let up. It forces little USAs to go to wars unwillingly, to fight in the Middle East and the little USAs pretend that they were doing it willingly. It forces little USAs to take sides in big power confrontation for influence and domination. And little USAs quietly just do the bidding of the evil Empire, even forced to buy super expensive war toys that they don't need, as protection money to the evil Empire.

More and more countries are standing up to the evil Empire, to break free from the clutches of the Americans. This is the new alternative to the otherwise no choice submission to the evil Empire. The evil Empire is also not going to let free its historical allies in Europe and Nato. They are all victims of the evil Empire fighting its last breath, desperate to cling on to its dominance as the unchallenged super power but not having the money to do so any more.

The countries of the world must stand united against the bullying of the evil Empire. The gang of 4 is very quiet lately. Maybe they have been gagged for causing so much harm to our relations with other countries through their stupidity and pro American views and rhetoric.


  1. Titiana Ann XavierAugust 14, 2018 9:01 am

    Turkey is at loggerheads with Uncle Sam after the arrest of American pastor, Andrew Bruno in 2016 on espionage charges. Trump recently doubled the tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminium. Erdogan has accused Uncle Sam of stabbing Turkey with Trump's threats to impose sanctions. The fall-out between the 2 NATO members will see Turkey moving towards the Russian camp. Russia will welcome Erdogan as it is happy to see NATO disintegrate and cease to be a military threat to Russia.

  2. Erh .. who is in the S'pore fucking gang of 4 ???

    1. Remember, the Secret Millionaires Committee set up by the D1 to override God's Last Will without having to go to court?

      Bypassing the legal due process and suppressing the concerns, representations and legal rights of the Estate's Administrators?

  3. This is the beginning of the collapse of NATO and the EU.

    It is not just about Turkey.

    The whole game is about USA and Trump pretending to Make America Great Again, but using this as an excuse (just like using 911 as an excuse to invade Iraq) for Global Manipulation and Domination. Trump is the Mafia Chief and the US is a Mega Mafia Organization - using all sorts of means to force, coerce, intimidate and subjugate other countries, including Brazil, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and NATO to submit to its evil design.

    The world must unite as one counter-force to deal with this Mega Mafia USA.

  4. Erdogan better resigned and let a usa boot licker take over. Only that will save the people from more hardship. All regimes better learn fast. Usa is no easy push over. It is time to restructure eu and nato.

  5. Better install usa boot lickers all over nato, eu and the world. Only that will bring peace. Hegemony does not matter so long as everyone has peace, jobs, proper houses and cars. All politicians are dirty so better choose the side that will bring peace.

    1. Hegemony is equivalent to Hitlerism. Once absolute power is achieved, the top leaders change hands or are assassinated and replaced. Then the nightmares of the commoners starts. Sufferings will be immense and indescribable!

      Anyone who championed for Hegemony must be mad!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @ all

    Moral of story:

    Dun borrow too much money such that you cannot support yourself when the geopolitical conditions move against you.

    Edrogan is an ass. Central bankers are bigger asses---especially when they take on too much debt.

    The immediate scapegoat is of course the evil US and the evil tarrif wars.

    Bull fucking shit. You borrow, you cannot pay, your fucking problem!

    May Soros (and those like him) short the fuck out of you!!

  9. More than 4,000 signatures had been collected by Monday on the White House petition website, urging US President Donald Trump to apologize for reportedly saying almost every student from China that comes over to this country is a spy.

    The event reflects not only the top US leader's individual discriminative opinion but also the policymaking elites' common voice against China and Chinese people.

    More than 350,000 Chinese students studied in the US last year, contributing US$12.55 billion to the US.

    Many condemned the president's fear-mongering comments as "regrettably irrational" and dangerous to the Chinese community residing or studying in the US.

    "I'm worried if my child would be captured by the US just because they suspect he is a spy," said one Beijing mother with a child planning on US study.

  10. There you are a USA boot-licking immediately appears.

    The evil USA is the one that borrowed and owed the most debts that it has no intention to pay.

    So don't throw stones at others while you stay in the biggest glass house.

    Please lah! Give us a break, man!

  11. Perhaps, Matilah should turn Turkey and go and replace Erdogan?

  12. @Matilar

    Can borrow, but borrow in your own currency. Erdogan mistake is borrowing too much in USD & EUR and then spend on useless & wasteful projects and stuff. Basically same as Thailand and many Southeast Asian countries during 1993-1997.

    PAPies smarter ... they borrow in SGD ... mostly from sheeple's CPF and selling overpriced HDB to sheeple and overpriced land parcels to developers. Don't owe anything to foreign countries or banks. Ownself pay ownself. Best of all, change law to minimize payback of CPF ... so can take own sweet time to return money!

  13. "Cyber criminals are planning to conduct a global Automated Teller Machine (ATM) cash-out scheme in the coming days" FBI Warning today.

  14. @ 1049

    >> Perhaps, Matilah should turn Turkey and go and replace Erdogan? <<

    No thanks. I will never have anything to do with any political party, process or anything that is political in nature. (I don't even vote any longer) .

    A month ago some young "professionals" (PhD's and fast rising young PAP "stars") tried to get me to join the People's Association. I gave them the good-ol' Groucho Marx line:

    "I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member."

    Snap! Bazinga!

  15. Matilar, don't bull shit lar. Why would all these highly educated people asking u to join? People know about your incest activities and people are wary of asking you to join lar๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

  16. Matilar, don't bull shit lar. Why would all these highly educated people asking u to join? People know about your incest activities and people are wary of asking you to join lar������

  17. Retired sniffer dog adoption programme now open to all HDB dwellers in S’pore
    - Time for them to live the lives they deserve after having served the nation.


    Do you think the dogs are treated better than our elderly poor in Singapore?

  18. The 10 Most Liveable Cities In The World:

    1. Vienna, Austria
    2. Melbourne, Australia
    3. Osaka, Japan
    4. Calgary, Canada
    5. Sydney, Australia
    6. Vancouver, Canada
    7. Tokyo, Japan
    8. Toronto, Canada
    9. Copenhagen, Denmark
    10. Adelaide, Australia.

    Singapore is THE Most Expensive City To Live In in The World, not the most liveable city.

    Singapore is nowhere near the top 35 among the 142 cities ranked.

  19. Yes, the dogs are, of course, treated and loved better than the oldies in Singapore.

    What can you expect when top leaders of Singapore lead the way to treat their own oldy parents badly?

    One dishonourable son only know how to continue milking benefits out of his parents' legacies but show total disrespect to them?

    Another unfilial son's parents can only see him once a month for 20 minutes only. And must make appointment first through his Personal Secretary.

  20. First time in history that a country purposely exacerbate another country's financial crisis.

    It shows the US no longer fit to be a leader of nations. China is the next best candidate to provide global leadership.

    If US wants to eliminate its global deficits, it should relinquish the greenback's role as currency of choice for settlement of international trade.

    Because of natural global demand for dollar for trade settlement, it keeps the dollar strong and hence, gives the US a competitive trade disadvantage.

  21. Russia and China, and even Singapore, should take this as an opportunity to help Turkey and benefit from it in the long-run. Help to prop up the lira by investing in Turkey's banks and industries, especially in the construction and maufacturing sectors.

    Transportation and tourism are also good businesses to consider.

    With this unscrupulous and vicious move by the US Administration, Erdogan is likely to move away from NATO and the US. Moreover, the coup to topple Erdogan in July 2016 was engineered and instigated by the Obama Administration through the CIA.

    The US puppet coup leader is now enjoying his life in exile in the US, while thousands of his supporters are languishing in jails in Turkey.

  22. The US is forcing Turkey to align with Syria, Iran, and Russia and China. Once this happens, the whole game in the Middle-East will change.

  23. I think this is a serious miscalculation by Trump. Such unscrupulous measures cannot make America great again. They only make more countries and people hate anything American.

    People in Turkey may start to boycott McDonsld, KFC, Coca Cola, Hollywood Movies, Esso, etc.

    Other countries may follow suit.

  24. Modern slaves are not in chains but in debts. Only few countries are not in debts. All others are slaves for bankers including usa and china. To topple them, they must join hands together and not divide by stupid ideology created by bankers to enslave them.

  25. The Biggest and Worst Banker in The World is the CPF of Singapore.

  26. It's time for China to start its own eco-trade system with Russia, North Korea, Iran, Sudan, many other African countries, Maldives, Pakistan, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, etc etc - without the US and allies, bypassing the US dollar . . . . !!!

  27. The CPF, on hindsight 20/20, it is not different from any scam. It fact, it is worse than scams. At least scams do not change the rules mid-way or when reaching maturity.

  28. Turkey: Breaking News

    Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said his country will boycott US electronic products, after Washington imposed punitive sanctions on Ankara.

    "If [the US] has the iPhone, there's Samsung on the other side," Mr Erdogan said, referring to Apple and its South Korean competitor.

    The US doubled tariffs last week over Turkey's refusal to extradite a US pastor who is imprisoned there.

    Turkey's weakened currency, the lira, plunged by a full 20% in response.
    President Erdogan said Turkey was taking measures to stabilise the economy, and should not "give in to the enemy" by investing in foreign currencies.

    Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who is visiting Ankara, branded the US sanctions an illegitimate policy at a news conference on Tuesday. He accused the US of seeking an unfair competitive advantage in global trade.

  29. The US's action has affected other countries' currencies too. The tumbles of the lira has spread to other developing countries.

    The Indian rupee has taken a big hit, to an all-time low against the dollar, while the Indian government is urging its people not to panic.

    The currencies of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico South Africa and Russia have also been falling against the US dollar since last week.

    More and more developing countries may be affected soon, if the free-fall of the lira does not stabilise quickly.

  30. Turkey deserved to be bankrupt by the US. They used to behave like little USAs to make things very difficult for China at the instigation of the US, like all little USAs do.

    When China wanted sail the scrapped aircraft carrier bought from Ukraine through Turkey waters, Turkey refused to let it pass. It only let the scrapped carrier through after many months of delay and not before extracting a huge ransom from China. This is a typical little USA, having all the similar traits like the little USAs that attacked China during the South China Sea island dispute.

    They are now having a taste of the American bitter medicine. Hope Singapore would not suffer the same fate as Turkey one day.

  31. Turkey deserved it as they also gave China missiles technology to USA. Time for China to buy the distressed assets there to take advantage of the currency drop. ๐Ÿ˜€

  32. Sinkies will suffer the same fate as the Turks.

    According to Kissinger, foreign policy is not missionary work.

  33. US President Trump signed the US$716 billion National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2019 on Monday. It authorizes another 2.3% military expenditure rise following the 13% increase of 2018, becoming the most significant investment in the US military "in modern history," as Trump said.

    Many believe the act targets Russia and China. It is an aggressive act that mentions the Taiwan Straits, the South China Sea, Chinese investment in the US and even Confucius Institutes in the US.

    Trump has further reinforced the US military, and it has become unapproachable in military modernization and strength worldwide.

    However, it would be another story were Washington to target Beijing. What Washington pursues is the destruction of China's national security, not the protection of its own national security.

    If one of the Act's purposes is to contain China, then US$716 billion would be far from enough.

    The Act mentioned deepening US defense cooperation with China's Taiwan. Is the US supporting the pro-independence Taiwan authorities and trying to split the island off from China? If so, the US must have underestimated the expenditure because Taiwan, as a part of China, is far more expensive.

    If the US thinks it can make trouble at China's doorstep by increasing military expenditures, then the Chinese people have the determination to protect their core interest and kill the US forces.

    US and China's defense spending accounts for 4.0% and 1.3% of their GDP respectively. China has the ability to increase its military expenditures anytime.

    No one should have the ambition to defeat China by using military approaches in the 21st century.

  34. Turkey has decided to stop using any construction products that come from the US.

    Turkey's environment and urbanisation minister Murat Kurum said the government had chosen to do this in response to "speculative moves in the US dollar".

    He added that Turkey is now going through an "economic siege", and this is how the government is responding.

    This is in addition to comments from Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan earlier today saying the country will boycott US electronic products such as the iPhone.

  35. Let us put the problem between China and Turkey regarding the movement of the "scrapped" aircraft carrier purchased from Ukraine in proper perspective.

    China did not purchase the "scraped" aircraft carrier from Ukraine. It was purchased by one Mr Xu Zenping from Hongkong in 1996, before Hongkong reverted back to China by the British.

    When the USSR collapsed in December 1991, Ukraine was in financial difficulty. The Ukrainian Shipyard that had been commissioned to build the carrier by Moscow in the early 1980s, was nearly bankrupt after the Soviet Union’s collapse and sought to find a buyer for the vessel. In 1992, it approached the Chinese government about purchasing the vessel, but— seeking to repair ties with the U.S. following Tiananmen Square— Beijing demurred. Unhappy with this decision, some naval officials apparently approached Xu Zenping, the head of Chinluck Construction in Hongkong.

    The carrier was later purchased, in 1996, by Mr Xu, as a private business deal for the setting up of a floating casino in Hongkong, for a mere US$20 million. What is now called the Liaoning was built on the hull of the partially completed Soviet Kuznetsov-class carrier, the Varyag.

    It took about 2 years to complete the construction and another 2 years to transfer the vessel to Hongkong, through Turkey, because of US interferences, as Hongkong changed hands from the British to China. At that time, between 1998 to 2000, Turkey was not ruled by Mr Erdogan, who became President only in 2014.

    So how can you now blame Erdogan for what has happened in the past, when Turkey's leadership was under the control of USA?

  36. Turkey betrayed USA first so USA whacked Turkey. They sell tech to commie and even want to buy weapons and jets from russia. So proud no wonder get whacked.

  37. @ all

    I keep telling you guys, time and again, that the EXORBITANT PRIVILEGE the USA has by printing or imprinting the world's reserve currency gives that one cuntry and one maniacal leader ULTIMATE POWER over everyone of us. (I'm assuming that most of us don't own millions in Bitcoin or kilo bars of gold bullion as "protection" from currency mayhem).

    Even if the USA was attacked...no point. Ultimate power comes from MONEY. If you don't believe me, just try living ONE SINGLE DAY without any money. You'll be totally screwed. You can't do anything... not Jack Shit.

    @ Virgo

    The slings and arrows directed at westernised Oriental bananas will never stop. Even Goh Kheng Swee had a go with the unflattering term WOG, aka "Westernised Oriental Gentleman" way back in around 1971/ 72. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

    So go for it lah. Keep up your vitriol and allow the toxicity of your envy poison the entire gamut of your shallow life!

    Bravo! Encore! ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿ‘ฏ‍♂️๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคฃ

  38. @ virgo

    Your vitriol only gives your psyche away more and more. I must say, it has also stimulated your wildest imagination. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Like I stated previously, to enjoy life as a westernized banana is to elicit unflattering commentary from the more "traditional" folks.

    That's all very good fun for me. Please continue. And add to already well-established "image".

