
Chinese exclusion policy of NASA turning on its head

The Chinese Space Station will be fully operational in year 2022, two years before the International Space Station will be decommissioned and close shop. Many countries are now scrambling to Beijing to want to be friendly with China to buy a ticket to the Chinese Space Station when the International Space Station is closed down permanently, may be destroyed in space.

The American scientists are also trying to make peace with China to buy their ticket to the Chinese Space Station. Whether the Americans would be welcomed and given a ticket would depend on the charity and generosity of Beijing. The likely answer from Beijing is likely to be strongly influenced by the Americans’ Chinese exclusion policy of NASA. Here is a short write up of this policy in Wikipedia.

‘Due to security concerns, all researchers from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are prohibited from working bilaterally with Chinese citizens affiliated with a Chinese state enterprise or entity. In April 2011, the 112th United States Congress banned NASA from using its funds to host Chinese visitors at NASA facilities….

Despite growing trade ties between both countries, a close scientific partnership with China has been rejected by several American politicians including Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), who in 1999 stated:

They [China] are the evil empire.

In 2010, Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) urged President Barack Obama not to allow further contact between NASA and the China National Space Administration (CNSA). In a letter addressed to the President, he wrote:

I have grave concerns about the nature and goals of China’s space program and strongly oppose any cooperation between NASA and CNSA’s human space flight programs without Congressional authorization.
In April 2011, the 112th United States Congress banned NASA from engaging in bilateral agreements and coordination with China. As stated under Public Law 112-55, SEC. 539:

None of the funds made available by this Act may be used for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) or the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to develop, design, plan, promulgate, implement, or execute a bilateral policy, program, order, or contract of any kind to participate, collaborate, or coordinate bilaterally in any way with China….’

Such anti China policy and thinking built on the premises of white supremacy and to prevent China from access to space technology would now be coming full circle. The Americans in their arrogance and pride, would never believe or expect that the Chinese would be able to acquire space technology without the assistance of the West and would always be left behind as backward a country.

The Chinese have found their way to space and would now have the monopoly of a Space Station and could now do exactly what the Americans have done to them. They would exclude the Americans from the Space Station for the very same reasons the Americans excluded them. The Chinese would have their American exclusion policy of CNSA written in the same vein as NASA’s exclusion policy.

It would be very silly of the Chinese should they do anything else to allow the Americans on board their Space Station. The evil Americans have been doing everything possible to exclude the Chinese from acquiring advanced space technology and all other technologies, treating China as enemy. It is only natural for China to return the Americans the same favour and brand them as the evil Empire.

What goes round would come around. Let the Americans die cock standing, be the outcast, the pariah of the space community of nations. This is justice and must be seen to be done, on the real evil Empire, the Americans.

Good riddance.

China can continue with its space programme with countries that are friendly to China like Russia and some European countries on the basis of quid pro quo. The International Space Station was built and financed by a group of western countries and Russia, pulling resources to make it happened. China built its space station on its own resources and technology. The Chinese did it by themselves.


  1. China must and cannot allow NASA on to their space station. No good will come out of it!

    Where the evil empire put its dirty hands on things, there is always little to benefit the world other than destruction, subterfuge and sabotage. Keep the pariah away!

  2. @ rah rah, blah blah China-cheering Redbean,

    A happy Monday Uncle!

    It is alawys a sad day when politics comes along to mess up scientific discovery. Despite all the chest-beating by their respective leaders; wayang-ing over who has the biggest cock, scientific collaboration between cuntries---even between political/ sovereign rivals has been great!

    Back in the Kennedy-Nixon era, when the USA beat the Soviets to put men on the moon, the Soviets redoubled its efforts into building space stations, and they ruled that area for a long time.

    Eventually, the USSR ran out of money and the USA---after Nixon closed the gold window and dismantled the weak gold-standard Bretton-Woods Accord---had carte blanche to print as many USDs as needed as the global reserve currency. Russia remained the undisputed king of space stations until the ISS was built (slowly).

    Space stations are incredibly expensive ventures. To keep humans alive in space for extended periods is no easy task. IMO, you get better bang for the buck" by using robots. The evidence is clear. The amount of scientific progress thru the use of unmanned space craft has been INCREDIBLE.

    Voyagers 1 & 2 are still communicating with earth, even though V1 has left our solar system and is careening through interstellar space, on the way to a faraway star.

    In the last few decades, privateers like Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and Elon Musk have upped the ante. My money is on The Amazon King and richest man in history....he's probably going to win, and make even more money from the private-sector space race.

    Xi and his CCP have to exclude the USA...to prove to the world, and the Chinese population, that China can also punch hard in the area of space exploration. It is a sense of national pride, and assertion of Chinese sovereignty and dominance. Thus China's decision to play "hard arse" is definitely understandable. I don't see how one could have expected them (the politicians) to include the USA in Chinese space-adventurism.

    This is going to cost them a fortune however, and space stations are exposed now to increased risk as the outer orbits of earth are LITTERED WITH SPACE JUNK; all flying around at high speeds, ready to collide with any objects in their paths.

    Then there is DJ Trump and his serious idea---straight out of a cartoon book, Star Wars and Star Trek---of a "Space Force", a new arm of the US military.

    Various ex-staffers of Trump conccur that this fellow loves conflict, and loves to start multi-cornered fights with and among people, just for shits and giggles. So there's no telling what and how the fuck this insanse man will do. Needless to say, the ensuing saga is going to be ENTERTAINING; Trump being the ever-ready showman that he is.

    China will have no problem building a damn fierce space station, especially if their Russian "friends" help them do it. But, it is going to cost them lots of money which could be somewhat defrayed by charging other cuntries for use of their space station.

    Whatever it is, science will progress, despite the childish flag-waving of national leaders. The pursuit of scientific discovery benefits everyone, even though military tech development leverages heavily on scientific progress.

  3. Titiana Ann XavierAugust 13, 2018 9:45 am

    China is unlikely to behave like Uncle Sam; petty and parochial. China will share with any nation who is prepared to collaborate with her to push forward the frontiers of science and technology into space. Uncle Sam's scientists will be lured into working for China which will provide all the facilities for R & D.

  4. Recently, Straits Times has a Singaporean ChinChin dresses in an Astro Nut suit waiting to be the first to be in the Space Station.

    Just as a passenger adding additional Empty Glories to our Egoistics Leaders.

    Now dont call them Shit Times as their now reform editors like Chua Mui Hoonh wrote some interesting pro Singaporean articles recently.

    LHL would now try to saddle up with China to have our First Sinkie up in Space.

    Wah piang, like having won another Olympic Gold for the unkos and aunties picking cardboards for survivals Glories.

  5. @ "good deal! leylong leylong!"

    China needs to up-scale its marketing. I propose that Xi, the CCP, aided by the titans of Chinese industry come up with a plan to offer the world (excluding the US and its lap dogs like Australia and the UK) with an array of package deals.

    "Leylong leylong! Good deals, made in China!! Come friends here, we have good package like zir char!!"

    ☑️1 x favoured cuntry status in OBOR project

    ☑️Membership to Asian Infrastructure Bank (cheap money 4-U!)

    ☑️Membership to space station (cheap science 4-U)

    Joint ventures...come one, come all to beat the fucking USA and its allies!

    No money? No problem. We can lend you money. We have plenty money, no stress. Relac lah!


  6. /// The Chinese Space Station will be fully operational in year 2022, two years before the International Space Station will be decommissioned and close shop. ///

    Will the WP Space Station be fully operational by year 2020?
    Will the PAP Millionaire Space Station be decommissioned before 2020?

    What about the TCB Space Station?

  7. /// China built its space station on its own resources and technology. The Chinese did it by themselves. ///

    Do PAPigs become millionaires by their own merits?
    Or do Singaporeans make the PAPigs into millionaires by paying million dollar salaries?

    What do you think?

  8. POLITICAL PARODY @ 9:42 am
    // Space stations are incredibly expensive ventures.
    To keep humans alive in space for extended periods is no easy task. ///

    Do you think PAP Ministers are also very expensive ventures?

    Do you think voting for a PAP Minister for extended periods of time will cost Singaporeans hundreds of millions of dollars in salaries, pensions, and medical benefits?

  9. There is always a risk if china still have to work with proud 'angmo' countries like russia and europa. There will always be infighting and jealousy. It will be a mess and complete waste of money. It is better to use those resources to build nice houses for the poor people in china lah. So many of them still living without proper drinking water and heating. My heart still pains each time I see those people especially kids suffering. All these space thingies are spinned by the bankers lah.

  10. Actually the cpc and pap leaders are quite similar. They spend the people monies to build silly things that will not improve the people livelihood and in return, the people have to live in tiny flats and used bikes or public transport and work till drop dead.

  11. You silly ass! When were you last visited China or looking at old clips or pictures of China produced by the West? Like NK is suffering from famine and beggars everywhere.

    Go and take your medicine.

  12. China better get a grip on its economy & finances fast. Singapore's economy is now 60% tied to China. If China dies, we also almost-dead.

    China stocks versus US stocks:

    RMB versus USD:

  13. Titiana Ann XavierAugust 13, 2018 11:23 am

    The Chinese have a history of coveting talent. That explained why China has the longest civilisation. When the USSR launched its first sputnik, Khrushchev was able to tell Uncle Sam that his German scientists were better than their German scientists. China will encourage scientists of any race, colour or creed to join her scientists in costly joint space exploration. China has the financial muscles and need the know-how. In time to come, China will lead the rest of the world in new discoveries and inventions. The world's best brains and talents will help China to kick-start another Great Leap Forward.

  14. Last Tuesday, at a closed-door dinner party for top U.S. business leaders at his private golf club in New Jersey, Trump said he believed that “almost every student” from China enrolled in an American university was a spy. There are about 360,000 Chinese students in the US.

  15. China has built its economy from nothing to rival the US and is now the largest economy in the world, using purchasing power parity. This is not by accident or striking lottery. It is sheer hard work and careful planning.

    The West has been smearing China and praying to their Gods for Chinese economy to crash. They have also placed a lot of obstacles to stop China's growth but all in vain.

    Have confidence in the Chinese leadership. They know what they are doing. All the western doomsayers would be very disappointed. The economies that are crashing or already crashed are in Europe. The USA is going to crash in a matter of time. They are planning their own destruction.

  16. 1/2
    @ the fan-boy needs correction, RB:

    >> China has built its economy from nothing <<

    Definitely not true. China is one of the worlds oldest continuous civilizations. It has always been productive, but of course communism mis-allocates capital, which kept them from progressing. Before Mao, the place was pumping. Shanghai rivalled Paris and New York. When Deng took over, he opened it up and unshackled the productive spirits in the economy, and the place just exploded with innovation and enterprise.

    When you say "built from nothing" you insult the PREVIOUS generations of hard working Chinese who even thru the worst of times still (generally speaking) stuck to their traditional values of hard work, enterprise and thrift, anchored in a deep respect for EDUCATION

    >> They have also placed a lot of obstacles to stop China's growth but all in vain. <<

    China has brought on many of the "obstacles" on themselves. Summer temperatures are intolerable in the North China Plain area---where they produce much of the food to feed their huge population. They've over-irrigated stressed the area so much. If climate change strikes this area (as many of the models predict---my trust in models is ~20-30%....many of them fail spectacularly), there will be food shortages.

    Look out for the adverse weather situations this and next year. China will experience agricultural mayhem, possibly leading to a spike in food prices, and maybe a few riots here and there---which the MSN won't report, but will be HOT TOPICS on WeChat...before the police come and arrest these "dissenters".

    Xi and his CCP have stymied dissenting individual expression which has, over the long run, devastating consequences---economically, socially and politically. Don't fuck with the young Chinese. They are a ballsey people. There is only so far the "grown ups" in the CCP can push them.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.


  18. >> Have confidence in the Chinese leadership. <<

    Ahem. Being of an "older generation", I suggest you lurk WeChat etc to gauge the spirit of the younger Chinese for yourself. The Chinese leadership has shown how fucking downright CHILDISH it can be by banning a fictitious children's cartoon character Winnie The Pooh. I'll leave you to your Googling skills to elucidate and update your patently WRONG beliefs.

    I prefer to put my confidence in the Chinese people, especially those unaffiliated and suspicious about their government---which is a HEALTHY SIGN in any nation. Like all leaderships, they are self-serving first, then cuntry second....and only because if they torpedo the cuntry, the leaders credibility is LOST.

    If the CCP and whoever-is-the-leader fails to deliver, and China's growth goes negative for a long time, there will be revolution and China will fracture into seperate states, as the USSR did when it collapsed.

    >> The USA is going to crash in a matter of time. They are planning their own destruction. <<

    People have been predicting that for decades already. The USA has over-spent itself several times, and continues to do so. But there is no sign of decline. Corporate America is doing nicely, thank you. They are not "clean as the driven snow" by any means. In fact, they wrote The Book on dirty tricks and multinational shenanigans.

    But commerce is "civilised warfare" where you win because you manage to stay alive as your competitors die. It's harsh and cruel, and the Americans are masters at this game. They will blow up cuntries so that their corporations record profits. They will con old ladies out of their savings so that the EBIT figures look good, and the share prices firm. Business is business; it is not personal. You want to beat the USA? Can, but not today...eventually...yes, maybe if you don't die first or before the CIA plots an overthrow of your leadership.

    If you asked me: "Who plays more dirty---China or the USA?". I would say, without a doubt, The USA. China can hack, steal IP, manipulate currency...but the USA can lead world opinion, control the global culture and economy, unseat governments, bomb cuntries, install dictators and do every manner of fuckery in the names of "global stability" and "American Exceptionalism".

    No doubt China is coming up, and it has to play The Game really hard. But it is still way behind the USA. The gap is narrowing, but the gap is also VERY VERY BIG.

  19. 1127>> 'China has built its economy from nothing'

    Not true. The papies lost a lot of sinkies monies on silly projects all over china. THe biggest one being the one in suzhou that why can only pay us 2.5% return on cpf instead of 5%. Everyone in the industry know that anything below 4% is underperformer lah. Papies only good at keeping sinkies in the dark.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. If China Wants Peace, Prepare For War With US

    China has Space Station, or not, is not important.

    China allows scientists from USA to visit the Chinese Space Station, or collaborate in Scientific Research, is not important.

    China has a lot of money, or not, is not important.

    What is important is whether China can acquire the Military Might comparable to, or exceeding that, of USA. Because a military show-down between USA and China is unavoidable. It will come. It has to come. Because the USA"s strategic objective is to dominate, control, command and rule over The Triple-Space - Space on Earth, Outer Space and Cyberspace!

    The USA has a Total War Plan against China covering the following 10 components / areas:

    1. Military Superiority, Dominance and Encirclement of China.

    2. Covert Operations, Espionage and Counter-Intelligence against China.

    3. Investment, Finance and Banking manipulation, restriction and sabotage against China.

    4. Trade, Commerce and Services Wars on three fronts against China.

    5. Propaganda and Psychological Warfare against China.

    6. Science and Technological frustration, limitation, restriction, obstruction and sabotage against China.

    7. Chemical and Biological Warfare against China - e.g. Bird Flu.

    8. Nuclear Umbrella and Nuclear Warfare against China - encircling China with nuclear submarines, warships and offensive military bases.

    9. Food, Health, Medicine and Genetic Engineering covert operations against China.

    10. Diplomatic and Political Management, Maneouvres and Offensive against China.

    To date, the USA has already launched/ executed/ covered 8 of its 10 components of this Overall Total War Plan against China.

  22. China is too ambitious. Should tone down a bit. Otherwise everyone also kena. Thats what the bankers want.

  23. Titiana Ann XavierAugust 13, 2018 3:00 pm

    China is planning to exploit the heavenly bodies. China will use her prowess in space technology to explore for minerals on the moon or planets. If found, the minerals will be mined and brought back to Earth in spaceships shuttling between them. Unlike Uncle Sam which is focused on militarisation of space, China is more focused on the economic benefits. After all space explorations are very expensive ventures. Earth's resources are depleting fast and China is looking for new sources in outer space. China believes that science should benefit mankind.

  24. Chinese,
    especially those in the mainland,
    got to be very mindfull of the American/Western Cultures of Language, Art, Food, Fashion, Behavior, religion and whatever.
    Though China and lndia are the longest civilizations and the tribes are all over the World, they have very little influence of their cultural traits over others.
    Chinese especially, are easily moulded and converted to alien cultures. This resulted in more Chinese Bananas by the day.
    Lots of Chinese have betrayed their ancestry and are completely voided of their Chineseness except the superficiality of been yellow with black hair.
    Ethnic Culture holds a tribe together and so is religion, a tool use for conversion to colonise the mentality of aliens.
    The Chinese Race is the only Race that pawn their culture in favor of others and is truly the only tribe that submit to the adage that when in Rome, behave as Romans.
    Many PRCs succumb to American Culture nowadays in the name of modernization, liberty, liberalism, democracy, progress and creativity etc.
    The Chinese got to preserve their root in order to retain their true original tribal identity to stay cohesive and strong.

  25. Rb, Knn I respect u as you damn knowledgeable.πŸ˜€

  26. Virgo49August 13, 2018 9:51 am
    //Recently, Straits Times has a Singaporean ChinChin dresses in an Astro Nut suit waiting to be the first to be in the Space Station.//

    //Now dont call them Shit Times as their now reform editors like Chua Mui Hoonh wrote some interesting pro Singaporean articles recently.//

    Wah, (Young) BRO Virgo49,

    Now so polite call "proper name", also kena (so fast) "reformed" ...?

    Mr Chua ... Good job!!! ... oops oops ... Should be (editor) Ms Chua ...

    Are yall related ...

    Ha ha ha

  27. Hi OldDragon28

    Now even ex-Chief Editor Han Fook Kwang wrote pro Singaporean articles and the erosion of what's Metro Crazy plus some letters to the Forum column of perceived wrong PAP policies.

    Think have to for Readerships subscriptions and their delayed demise as Singapore Harapan in their manifesto suggesting the closure of their publications.

    Now, maybe lax a bit for wayang of free press and also the coming GE.

    Have to be impartial to TCB in the case they created an Earth shattering Quake.

  28. Matilar, not say I wanted to say you. Your backside itchy is it posting nonsense. Why u accuse Uncle as pro china? U not Chinese meh? Knn I think it's time u receive your medicine to get sodomize lorπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  29. Matilah, Please lah, in your above comments you revealed what you tried so hard to hide, a western mentality, strongly influenced by the West and thinking and looking at China at an angmoh.

    And please go and read up more about the last few decades of Manchu China followed by the days of the warlords and early parts of the new republic and the failed KMT rule. These were the period of China in decay and then fell victims to foreign invasion, plundering, unequal treaties until the treasury was empty and still owed a lot more to the invaders. When Mao took over China, what was left was barren land and a hungry people, many uneducated, penniless and no modern industry, barely any engineers, scientists, doctors, technicians, professors etc etc.

    Mao literally started from ground zero. The thousands of years of civilisation were the past though still something to fall back on to build, but inadequate to build a modern economy based on science and technology.

  30. After so many years of reading what Madtilah Singapura have been writing, by now, you should all already know where he is coming from.

    Since few years back, I have stopped reading what he writes. No point reading. Waste of time.

    Sometimes, he may have sound logical reasoning, but usually too long and become boring, regurgitating what others said. Always same old self-ego-massage trips.

    And RUDE and VULGAR some times.

  31. @ rb

    @ RB:

    >> you revealed what you tried so hard to hide, a western mentality, [..]

    I revealed quite openly. I've never hid the fact that westernised bananas are a far superior "cultural iteration" of The Oriental. You have a deep-seated problem with "westernised Asians"---Chinese in particular. I, on the other hand maintain that it is something to be proud of, and to be taken full advantage of.

    You can fuck right off, if you don't like it mate. I'll continue to have an awesome life. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    >> And please go and read up more about the last few decades of Manchu China followed by the days of the warlords and early parts of the new republic and the failed KMT rule. <<

    Aiyah, RB dun teach your grandfather to suck eggs lah. I've been engaging in activities in China since 2005. My maternal-side uncles and aunts fled Shanghai around 1930, after the KMT's purge of the commies.

    If you look at the old pictures, the middle class were doing just fine. They were (mostly) western-educated, multilingual, enterprising and had an excellent standard of living.

    >> Mao literally started from ground zero. <<

    Ok lah, I concede the point. By "ground zero" you mean, a complete FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition) thanks to 2 civil wars, and an invasion by the meddling Japs.

    Unfortunately as valiant as he was, as nationalistic as he strived to be....General Chiang didn't quite make it. What a shame. If he did, a lot more "real Chinese" (the freedom-loving capitalist type) would be alive today, and China would be a vibrant, FREE and liberal democracy.

    Look at Dr Sun---he was very westernised. His women (Chinese and Japs) were also very westernised. He nearly "had it", if only he lived a little longer. China would have been given just the right dose (not to much) of bananafication, but still maintaining Chinese culture---like the Taiwanese, Hong Kongers.

    Get some banana in you lah. Moaning and groaning trying to champion communism...please lah. As Frank Zappa once said: communism cannot work because people want to OWN stuff. YAH, people want money to spend on themselves and on people they choose. Individuals also have dreams and aspirations they want to pursue. Fuck that shit about "allowing the govt to decide how you should live".

    That bloody Sua Teng Mao really fucked up the show. Like I said, bad luck for General Chiang. Well at least we have Taiwan. And Hong Kong πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ€˜

  32. Evil USA Screwed Its Own Strategic Partner, Turkey, Again!

    Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said on Monday that the US was seeking to "stab it in the back".

    The US last week imposed sanctions on Turkey over its refusal to extradite a US preacher imprisoned in the country.

    The sanctions caused market turmoil, which the central bank attempted - but failed - to soothe with a series of market-boosting measures.

    Mr Erdogan told a news conference in the Turkish capital, Ankara:

    "You act on one side as a strategic partner, but on the other, you fire bullets into the foot of your strategic partner.
    "We are together in Nato and then you seek to stab your strategic partner in the back."

  33. On Friday, markets were shocked when the ECB cautioned that various banks within the EU had significant exposure to the Turkish market. Now that’s a stunner. It also tells you that regulators need to stop pretending they can run, or even understand, these businesses for management. The only way to have a stable banking system is to require adequate, as in large, capital buffers. With all due respect, doing whatever it takes can’t be perpetual manipulation of the capital key. The ECB should look at the 30-basis point yield on bunds and be ashamed.

    There are indeed many lessons to be learned here. But to think this is just about Turkey would be misguided. And to think we have put the financial crisis behind us and it is back to business as usual is a convenient and dangerous narrative. We broke it and we own it. I wonder if we will have the “Courage to Act”.

  34. Matilar, I think you really need help. Please provide time date and place so all who are free and can contribute can sodomize u to cure u! πŸ˜€

  35. Learning from the West or any other civilisation and picking up the good things is itself a good thing and people should not be prejudiced in not learning from others.

    The problem with bananas is that after learning, they lost themselves, forgot who they are, lost their pride in being themselves, and worst, instead of becoming thinking beans, they lost the ability to think rationally and parroted everything fed to them, even hating themselves, their identity and their ancestry without knowing why.

    I never champion Communism. I just detest the way the West is trying to rubbish and oppress the Chinese Civilisation and the weak nations of the world and strut around like angels when they are the real devils in disguise, the warmongers, the trouble makers, looters, plunderers, the murderers of human civilisation that would not want to be ruled by them.

    And many silly bananas still shouting and swearing that the West are peace loving people, want them to protect the coloured people, to be their Gods. Listen to what Erdogan said about the Americans screwing their backs.

  36. If there is no commie, the world will already been in peace aka all under usa hegemony aka one big happy family. All will have peace, jobs, proper houses and cars. Problem starts when one becomes too ambitious.

    Erdogan is a complete nutcase. Only when one lost his mind will listen to him.

  37. @ RB,

    Aiyah please lah. You take the progressive-liberal MSM too seriously!

    The MSMis not a good source for data. So just ignore them lah. China's a favourite whipping boy because "news" is not "news" anymore---it is ENTERTAINMENT, and requires a variety of demons to make the buying public (ad revenue lah) go "ooh" and "aah" over negative news articles.

    Negativity sells. They need eyeballs on articles for this ad-revenue driven business.

    China is being slammed and maligned. But nearly every ad in the MSM sells stuff fucking made in China. Go figure the insanity of the masses. When you do, tell me---I can't figure it out. I just accept it and "bet" accordingly.

    There are many types of bananas lah. Lee Kuan Yew was a banana. He could hardly speak any Chinese. Yet he is a superhero (or super villain) in world history.

    Bruce Lee was a banana...and to top it off, a chap cheng as well. Yet he delivered untold benefits for Chinese culture.

    Dr Sun (Father of Modern China) was---IN MY OPINION---a Perankan Banana. The plans he formulated for Chinese unity was created in PENANG---fucking Straits Settlements of Malaya.

    Dr Sun was educated in an English university in Hong Kong. His wife was educated in the USA. His Jap concubines spoke fluent English. He was a follower of American economist. He believed in freedom, and that individual enterprise was an important factor in the eventual prosperity of a nation---all these BTW, are "sterling Western Values", to be integrated with Chinese culture. That was Dr Sun's original intent.

    So, RB, you better narrow your definition of banana. There is no reason not to be proud of Chinese culture. But also no reason to fear integration. It is not an "east vs west" thing lah.

    Get your banana on!!

  38. RB,
    China also banana lah - and a very big one. Communism was created by angmo KARL MARX and in uk and some more working for bankers. Bankers conned china into commie long time ago and you still in the dark. They want to create more than one hegemony so we can fight one another and we all die and they live on. Its all along a BIG CON SCHEME.
