
China is making everyone richer

Thanks to the industrious Chinese workers, they are making everyone richer by producing goods that are not only affordable, but very cheap. The goods and products produced and made in China are now made available not only to the Chinese people but to the rest of the world, the working and middle classes in the developed countries and the lower classes in the developing world.

Many of the poorer people would not be able to buy or afford to buy the goods that made life more convenient if the Chinese did not make them and sell them at a price they could afford. Think of the hundreds of millions of mobile phones, good quality phones, being sold in India and China and Africa, Asia and the rest of the world. The names like Huawei, Xiaomi and Oppo are household names all over the world. How could these people afford to pay a thousand US dollar or more for just a mobile phone? The Chinese are selling them for a fraction of that sum and hundreds of millions of people in the developing world are now proud owners of mobile phones to enjoy and benefit of the advances in science and technology.

The Chinese have made goods cheaper or in a way make money bigger, or purchasing power greater for the same monetary value. The American and European middle class and lower class would now be able to buy more luxury goods made by China that they would otherwise not be able to afford. This is applicable to everywhere in the world. The Chinese people could afford reasonably priced cars, cars costing a fraction of those made in Europe and the USA. Computers, laptops, notepads, are practically all made in China and made available to the rest of the world at a price that is really affordable even to children of developing countries.

At the country level, China not only helped to built infrastructures for many countries, China helped to send their satellites to space, high speed trains, even military hardware for a song. Without China they would have to pay for American prices and in American dollars for the same goods. Would Malaysia be able to even consider building the major ports and high speed trains at Japanese or European prices?

China is helping the rest of the world to stretch their dollars, make their money bigger and not be fleeced by the Americans and the West, dictating their prices and terms of trades with steel chains attached. It is a new freedom for the rest of the world, for the poorer nations of the world, to have the things they want at a price they could afford.

China and Chinese workers are benefitting the world with their productivity at a fraction of the cost of the Americans and the West. More will come from China in electric cars, solar energy panels, windmills to tap cheaper sources of energy. This is only the beginning of China changing the world, to make the world a better and more peaceful place to live.


  1. RB, might as well import the cheaperer politicians of China like Xi, Li & Sun of top notch quality to Sinkieland to replace the incompetent & expensive Leegime of A Long san & cronies politicians, this will help allay the suffering & cost of living here & also improve Sinkies quality of lives.

  2. "Homeless elderly poor died sleeping outside Jurong Point shopping centre"

    Read this at http://statestimesreview.com/2018/07/14/homeless-elderly-poor-died-sleeping-outside-jurong-point-shopping-centre/

  3. Titiana Ann XavierJuly 15, 2018 9:55 am

    President Xi Jingping's initiatives on innovation, interconnectivity and inclusiveness have benefitted the world much to the chagrin of the white man. The Industrial revolution which began in the west resulted in slavery and colonisation. The "beggar thy neighbour" policy of the white man is so much different from the Chinese win-win policy. Today China is creating and sharing wealth and prosperity by collaborating with many nations which share the same vision and mission. OBOR and the AIIB are beginning to bear fruit and China is indeed making poor countries become richer.

  4. Thank you hard labouring Chinese workers.

  5. The problem is that there are people who will never turn to cheaper and equally good handphones from China and S Korea. They are dead set on buying iphones for life, like voting for PAP here in Sinkieland.

    Why are iphones so expensive, even though they are mostly made in China like the others? I cannot understand, but must be the result of so much hype advertising and adverse comments about other brands. MSM tow the same agenda of putting down anything concerning China, the object being it must never rise above America.

    The fact that China is concentrating much resources into R & D must be uncomforting to the West. China already has demonstrated its prowess in developing the bullet train, electric cars, electronic devises both military and civilian and the West are worried. If they can rise from a less than 2 trillion economy to what they are today it is nothing short of a miracle. Who can bet against them going much further? That is why we have this trade war, to bring China on it knees. But Chinese civilisation has existed for thousands of years, regressed or stagnated for long periods, but never perished. How long is American history?

    The other point is that whenever references are made to goods made in China, they are always painted in negative light, be it weapons or other consumer goods and even infrastructures all over the world. Sure, most consumer goods made in China are lacking in quality, but they are available at a fraction of the price. Everyone knows this, yet they still buy them. The Chinese never put a gun to consumer's head and force them to buy, did they? So why do Americans and Europeans and others around the world still want them?

    China had stopped accepting trash from the Americans for recycling. It is time they did that rather than be the rubbish bin for American trash. That must be the reason why America owes so much to China by exporting cheap trash to China, while importing all the Chinese stuff. Can you blame the Chinese,who has to face investigations and Congress when they want to buy companies or invest in the US and are denied from doing so on the pretext of national security reasons?

  6. Ya I think al,out all my home electronics are made in China. Knn thank you

  7. Sinkies are also industrious workers, be it in blue-collar or white-collar jobs.

    But with many Sinkies displaced by the influx of more than 2 million foreign workers since 2004, many are now long-term jobless (so not included in official employment data) or driving private-hire vehicles.

  8. not true or else why so many people keep complaining, so many youth unemployment, so many homeless and hunger? china sucking all the wealth to make more weapons and military bases. house people in tiny flats and share bikes. china is not the same peaceful china ten years ago. it even threatened tiny taiwan. wake up.

  9. Titiana Ann XavierJuly 15, 2018 11:38 am

    Ever since Deng Xiaoping decided to reform China by pursuing a market economy with Chinese socialist characteristics, China has progressed by leaps and bounds. Xi Jinping's "Made in China 2025" is all about achieving the "China Dream". The American Dream fizzled out when Uncle Sam embarked on a series of costly war adventures. Poor countries are jumping on to the rich goods-laden Chinese bandwagon and hitching a ride to emulate the China Dream. China has become a catalyst and model for economic progress in 3rd world countries. The white capitalist imperalists are becoming anachronistic.

  10. b said...

    not true or else why so many people keep complaining, so many youth unemployment, so many homeless and hunger? china sucking all the wealth to make more weapons and military bases. house people in tiny flats and share bikes. china is not the same peaceful china ten years ago. it even threatened tiny taiwan. wake up....

    You are insane to post this. The people that are sucking the wealth of its citizens are you know who and turning its people from driving cars to riding bicycles. The Chinese are buying cars, cars are affordable to the Chinese like the 60s of Spore.

    Go back to Woodbridge and take your medicine.

  11. Singaporeans also worked very hard. They worked very hard to be conned by a bunch of greedy, self-important, self-glorifying, opportunistic and soul-less leeches and parasites.

  12. China is already on the road to modernization. The advance of China will not be stopped by a trade war or a change of major diplomatic relations. There is no guaranteed success for the US trying to stop the rejuvenation of a civilization as big as China.

    Before the world, the choice is of a community of shared future for mankind, advocated by a rejuvenating China, versus the US' firm grip on hegemony.

    Nothing Trump and his cabal of like-minded “firsters” can do will derail China's continuing economic growth.

    Net exports (the difference between exports and imports) account for just 2% of China's gross domestic product, down from 9% in 2007. Sales to the U.S. account for just a fifth of that. And most of the biggest exporters from China are foreign-owned multinationals. The impact of a trade war on the majority of listed Chinese companies will be quite modest, because China is not an export-driven economy.

  13. ///Kohlorector Surgeon Turned EKohnomist aka WHOLE PERSON WHOLE CHILD EDUCATION WAY TO GO HIP HIP HOOOOOOOORAYJuly 15, 2018 12:38 pm
    //Thestatestimesreview wrote this, “Senior Minister for Trade and Industry Koh Poh Koon complained in Parliament yesterday (July 11) that Singaporeans’ wages are too high and unsustainable. Referencing to the productivity growth, the S$1.1 million-a-year PAP minister threatened that businesses will downsize or shut down if wages continue to rise….In Singapore, manual labour jobs like cleaners earn as little S$900 a month after CPF deduction. At about S$5 an hour, this is a quarter of the S$20 minimum wage in Australia. Foreign workers from third world countries like Bangladesh earn much lower, taking home about S$600 a month.” //

    Ko(h)lorector surgeon has become a "wholer person" (taking the lead dreamed up in the latest thrust of the world class educators and) turned into an eko(h)nomist.

    Way to go (for the PAPiigs) ...

    As envisaged by GoaLaonomics & Takbonomics, sinkies oldies have many "MORE GOOD YEARS" and "GST HELPS THE POOR" to looooooook forwwwward to ...

    Hip Hip ... Hooooooo...ray!

    Yammmmmmmmmmmm ... SINnnnnnnnnnnnG!

    3 (gazillion) CHEERS to the golden future (of peesaisinkingland) ...///

  14. ///AnonymousJuly 15, 2018 12:58 pm
    GST is to help the poor must be the greatest lie there ever was.

    People like me who, after retirement pay no taxes because I am dirt poor, now have to pay, directly or indirectly, about a hundred dollars a month of GST at the present rate of 7%. Most come from GST mark ups on necessities charged by retailers. Do not believe when some retailers tell you they absorb the GST, because all that GST levy is already factored into the price increase hiding the element of GST.

    And remember, GST is levied even before a child is born, and will be levied even on those who passed away, on the items that families pay to remember the departed on anniversaries. Whereas with income tax, you only start paying when you start working and stop paying when you stop working.

    GST is to help the poor?///

  15. A married UK minister, Andrew Griffiths, was forced to resign after he bombarded two barmaids with 2,000 texts making sexual demands.

    Andrew Griffiths gave £700 to Imogen Treharne and her friend and even offered to rent out a flat so that they could hook up while demanding they send him something 'f****** filthy'.

    Describing himself as 'evil', the 47-year-old outlined degrading sex acts, demanding explicit pictures and videos and said he'd rather be 'licking naughty girls' instead of 'running the country'.

    This is the tip of the iceberg in the perversions of people in power for too long. Many are smarter and not so outrageously bold as to expose themselves so carelessly.

    Some are perverted in sex, like Bill Clinton and Andrew Griffiths.

    Some are pedophiles.

    Many are perverted in money.

    Even more are perverted in control, domination and power to demand obedience and respect and to inflict suffering upon the masses, e.g. increasing unreasonable taxes and introduce draconian laws.

    How many of these perverts are walking among us and working against us?

  16. Perverted or Perverse Incentive or Perversion of ...? You decide?July 15, 2018 4:22 pm

    Perverted ... can't or cannot say lah?

    Perverse incentive ...?

    Knn, think of the moving goal posts in returning the oldies their blood, tears, sweat, heart break, life risking ... etc hard earned QUAH cha png and you do a laogoa ownself arrive at ownself conclusion lor?

  17. Imagine a garment resorting to robbing the people of their life savings? They must be so desperate or so thick up there, or both.

  18. Hope The Avuncular and Respectable Prof Who Ran in 2015 Will WIN BIG in NEXT GE and BE the BEACON of HARAPAN in SINKINGLANDJuly 15, 2018 5:45 pm

    On the other hand, sinkies do have some good politicians and mostly if not all are not in the gabrament?

    One of the most respectable and avuncular among them is a Prof in the healthcare sector.

    Many peers agreed during kopitiam chit chat is that if sinkies have such leaders, life and the future would be far brighter and sinkies need not hold governing politicians in their hearts with disdain and abhorrence?

    PS: The Prof in the healthcare sector abovementioned is definitely NOT one Ko(h)lorector surgeon turned eKo(h)nomist. That Ko(h)lorector surgeon is believed to be among those intensely abhorred by many sinkies especially the low-income working class?

  19. Absolutely spot on true and correct.

    Better yet, they've been raising the quality of their manufacturing whilst keeping the prices competitive. That means people are getting richer because they are able to purchase MORE VALUE per unit of expenditure. (purchasing power increases)

    China might have some problems like debt, the future of employment (they are the largest consumers of industrial robots), Hong Kong 2040, push back for their strategy in the South China Sea, etc (no shortage of China haters out there)...but one thing is for certain, China is the GREAT DISRUPTOR . Disruption means winners and losers.

    One Belt One Road is going to disrupt. China's foray into Africa (they're militarizing over there, plus buying up resources, and building infrastructure...) is going to be extremely disruptive and might even shift Middle East Politics... no one knows. We only know it's coming.... but "it" could be anything! 😂

  20. Pay Galore not Enuf for Leeches need more! More! more! According to one eKohnomist, sinkies workers should be paid less! Less! Less!!!!July 15, 2018 6:13 pm

    @ Anonymous July 15, 2018 11:44 am
    //Singaporeans also worked very hard. They worked very hard to be conned by a bunch of greedy, self-important, self-glorifying, opportunistic and soul-less leeches and parasites.//

    If SHAMboLEEs and leeches are willing to serve the people for a smidgen pay, expect the sun to set in the east?

  21. "The citizens are poor, the garhmen is rich" . . Low Thia Khiang speaking in Teochew in past Hougang election rally.

  22. A Matter Of TimeJuly 15, 2018 8:28 pm

    Political Development In Malaysia

    "This latest is a few views on the need for me to go down to the driving ring as the President, replacing Azizah.

    I observe every sight that is spewing thoroughly.

    Seyogia is reminded, since the election of justice in 2007 I have been asked to lead justice as president. However, the restrictions that apply by the register of the organization at that time it turns out to be an obstacle, even more severe brings the implications of the dissolution of parties For the greater maslahah, I choose to retreat while azizah remains the president of justice.

    Then it's fair we look back as guidance forward, azizah driving justice as the president is over in 1999 with a variety of challenges, mehnah and tribulasi.

    But Iktikad President, Vice President, head and root of the tuber, plus the determination of the people watching us break down the history of the people's Coalition (when it) with azizah menafi two-thirds of umno-bn in the 12th Pru, grabbing popular vote at 51 On the 13th Pru, and step into putrajaya by being the largest component party in parliament through muafakat pakatan harapan may last 9th.

    Thus after talking with azizah, Vice President, and kempimpinan, and mengambilkira all the views and needs for the sake of justice, with full awareness of the principles of the Palestinian bills, I bid myself to compete for the president of justice.

    Inshaallah if the mandate is obtained from the root of the party of the entire country, I will be driving the party as president after finishing the National Congress of justice."

    Anwar Ibrahim
    15 July 2018

  23. Those who agreed that b should be sodomized, Kee Chiu 😀

  24. Just ignore this silly boy. He will never grow up. He is bordering on insanity, living in the past and refusing to face reality. Now you know why people say Singaporeans are daft. b is a perfect example of a daft Singaporean.

  25. This b guy or girl (unable to detect) is a confirmed extreme X'tians fanatic and a staunch pro-Evil Empire robotics, with the agenda to bring down China and everything Chinese, making use of Taiwan in a twisted and demented way to paint China in the bad light.

    Taiwan is Officially known as Republic of China. So no matter how anyone tries to wriggle the way through to argue otherwise, it is a big lie that they are projecting in order to influence world opinion and to justify their hidden agenda to colonise Taiwan as they did South Korea and South Vietnam.

  26. The mutilated and tortured souls of sinkies oldiesJuly 15, 2018 10:31 pm

    @ Anonymous July 15, 2018 7:05 pm
    //"The citizens are poor, the garhmen is rich" . . Low Thia Khiang speaking in Teochew in past Hougang election rally.//

    To paraphrase, many "sinkies are deeply submerged in adject poverty and severe deprivation". The "gabrament are rich in selfishness, ostentatious decadence, myopic vision" and "effectively extremely poor and below poverty level bankruptcy in moral authority to command respect" having taxed sinkies in every perceivable holes, perniciously shifted goal posts in sinkies blood, tears, sweat, heart-breaking, even life-risking toiled, hard earned retirement $$$ payout with not even single cent payout between age 55 to 65 upon retirement and after that in drips and draps till the buckets kick the oldies and the salted eggs "smashed" into their final breaths and yet still no respite and thus possibly unfulfilled wishes and stubborn eyelids that refused to close and extreme bitterness in the hearts due to unilateral change of a social compact (as alluded to by LaoGoa sometime back) that subject oldies in an invidious financial conundrum and stymie oldies ability to carry out their final wishes and live out their run-out-dates thus leading to non-rip?

    (A gazillion) SIGH ...

  27. May those who suffered under the hands of the Pigs and have already passed on, please do not rest in peace until justice is done on Earth in Singapore and in Heaven or Hell!

    May those who are now suffering under and in the hands of the Pigs be united and struggle to resist their unscrupulous, ruthless and devious actions until justice is done on Earth in Singapore and in Heaven or Hell!

  28. Gawk Eye Beans Staring In Disbelief The Twilight Road Ahead In Their Numbered Years After A Life Time of Day and Night Toil To End In Vain Having Been "BAMBOOZLED" of THEIR RETIREMENT QUAH CHA PNG by IMAGINARY BARTAN RUSE?July 16, 2018 12:02 am

    GoaLLLLLLLL! Albeit an own goal by the DAFT ... sadly the downcast hobbled dejectedly and noir into the setting sun dusk twilight bleak and cold darkness facing the unknown uncertainty without assurance of survival the day after in the most expensive absurdity in the universe?

  29. Commie are dangerous. If given the choice, people will not choose communism. Unfortunately, it was created by a jew/banker such that there is no choice. Its a way to enslave people in the name of people. Accept or send to labour camps.

  30. If you think Xi is so good, why so many prc people live in small flats and have no cars. My heart is with the chinese people not commie leaders.

  31. To understand communism, one has to understand k marx - founder of communism. Go and read the article- K marx is a double agent working for the bankers.

  32. To understand Chinese communism, read the Thoughts of Chairman Mao and Thoughts of Xi Jinping. Their deep insight and profound ideas have rejuvenated China and propelled it to becoming a world power.

  33. What the fuck does double agent and bankers have to do with communism? Does democratic America and other European countries not have double agents?

    I am beginning to think that b stand for Bidadari!

  34. Anonymous b said...

    If you think Xi is so good, why so many prc people live in small flats and have no cars. My heart is with the chinese people not commie leaders.

    Have you been to China? No more bicycles or lesser bicycles than in Singapore today. There are more Chinese buying cars and the number is growing as the price of car relative to their income is really affordable, not the kind of affordable use here to describe the price of HDB flats and cars.

    Stop taking too many hallucination drugs. Remove your blinkers and see the real China. The Communism of Karl Marx and the Communism being practised in China are two different things.

  35. 1004> Never read articles of cancer causing toys and clothings made from china? such blind follower.
