
The Americans lost another war

After Vietnam, the Americans are facing another major defeat in the battle field in Syria. The monster they created in ISIS to destabilize Syria and to remove Assad has been defeated. No longer are these rebels shouting long live the Caliphate. No more new fighters joining their ranks as their dream of a victorious Caliphate has turned to smokes. The invincible ISIS is as good as dead and gone with the few remnants being flushed out of Douma and Ghoutta, thanks to their conspirators, the Americans, working out a deal to let them depart for the little safe enclave in Idlib. Idlib would be the last stand before Assad and the Russians wipe them out for good. But it would be a tough fight against the objections of the Americans, their creator, and the western powers. The evil Americans would do anything possible, under whatever guises, to keep the amber of the dying ISIS burning, to live to terrorrise another day.

Thanks to Putin, the Russians put up a strong stand to support Assad at all cost and this has proven to be the decisive factor that saved Assad from being lynched by the Americans and join Saddam and Gaddafi in nether world.

Trump did not start this and is happy to call it a day and has announced the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. This would leave Assad and the Russians to clean out all remaining rebels in Syria and bring peace back to this unfortunate country.

Russia should not stop at Syria and should continue the offensive to bring about peace in Iraq the same way as in Syria. The American henchmen, the ISIS, are still alive in Iraq and need an all out assault to free Iraq from their clutches and the trouble maker American forces. The Middle East states must save themselves from this perpetual war created by the Americans to make them poor and hapless, to destroy their land and economies and to cripple the Arabs from ever being normal nations and people living in peace. Getting rid of the evil Americans is the only way to bring peace to the Middle East.

Russia is now the key, the white knight, to save the Arabs from killing themselves under a constant state of siege and warfare. Only then can they rebuild their countries and their lives and their people living a normal life like the peaceful nations around the world. If they are going to enjoy peace, they must seek the help of the Russians to free them from this American evil trap of perpetual warfare in their homeland. The Syrians have done it, so can the other Arab states. The Middle East must not be forever the land of instability and warfare under the dictate of the evil American Empire.

The evil Americans may have been defeated again. But war is in their DNA. They have conceded that they could not win a military war against a people that did not want to be ruled by them. So they have started another war on another front, a trade war with China and the rest of the world.

Now which idiot is still saying that the Americans are peaceful people?


  1. Knn, with strong China reaction on trade retaliations, the American cunt is chickening out

  2. Uncle Redbean "So they have started another war on another front, a trade war with China and the rest of the world.
    Now which idiot is still saying that the Americans are peaceful people?"

    In 2015 when China President Xi JinPing met the then US President Barack Obama, President Xi noted in his speech: "The US and China need to work together to avoid Thucydides Trap - destructive tensions between an emerging power and established powers: should major countries time and again make the mistakes of strategic miscalculation, they might create such traps for themselves."

    Is US President Donald Trump pouring kerosene fuel into the "fire" of Thucydides Trap to ignite in inferno bigger than the record California bush fire in Dec 2017 that they barely able to put under control and countless Hollywood stars' atas homes were burned to ashes?

  3. Extracts from CNBC:

    ///Larry Kudlow, Trump's chief economic advisor, told reporters: "He wants to solve this with the least amount of pain.... this is a growth action. I can't emphasize that enough."///

    DOW made an overnight come back from a deficit of 500 points to close 200+ up after their former presenter made the above (emotional) "plea" ...

    Is it sustainable?

    What do you think?

  4. China has a lot of levers to pull and will increase the level of pain gradually. A bankrupt economy that is heavily in debt cannot last long.

  5. People living in glass houses shuld not be throwing stones.

  6. Anon 8.51

    All these cha cha to and fro of the stocks are manipulation of the scoundrels who are our to con the Dafts.

    Cha cha steps and swings to and fro just some platitudes from the those in the know.

    These are the Greatest Co men of the Century.

  7. There Are SIXTEEN WARS Going On!

    1. Regime-Change War conducted by US Government and CIA.

    2. Diplomatic War against Russia using a False Flag poisoning of the British Double Agent Serge Skripal and his daughter. Poison is claimed by UK to be five to eight times more lethal than VX, that killed Kim Jung-nam almost immediately at KL Airport. Yet Sergei and Yulia are still alive!

    3. Currency War between the USD and Yuan.

    4. Trade War initiated by the US against the Rest of the World.

    5. Space Domination War between US and China, EU, India, Israel, Japan, and Russia.

    6. Clandestine Operations by CIA and US SEAL all over the World to destabilize, disrupt, interfere, corrupt and assassinate key leaders, diplomats and academics.

    7. Drug War conducted by CIA against all other countries, not to stop the deadly and illegal drug trade, but to accelerate illegal drug sales and use, similar to the Opium War against China 100 years ago.

    8. Arms-Race War conducted and directed by the US Government, US Military and CIA to sell weapons to Stupid Countries in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Latin America.

    9. The Information War to dominate and control the World Narrative and New World Order by controlling and subverting leaders, reporters, journalists, editors, writers, celebrities, mass media and the Internet. The recent Fake News legislation Campaign is one good example of Subversive Elements operating within governments run by weak and corrupted leaders.

    10. The Depopulation War conducted by the Shadow World Government using the US Government as the main agent to depopulate the World and reduce world population from 8 billion to 500 million, through the FOOD, DRINKS, MEDICINE and VITAMINS you take on daily basis, through Wars against Terror, through secret drone operations killing en-mass groups of innocent civilians as collateral damage.

    11. The Climate-Weather War causing unnatural natural national disasters such as tsunamis, thunderstorms, cyclones, typhoons, tornadoes and hurricanes.

    12. The On-Going Energy War since World War One.

    13. The Economic-Financial-Banking War to cause series of financial crises.

    14. The Innovation and Technology War using Intellectual Property Protection Laws to prevent, discourage, stop, eliminate and sue competitors and stiffle creativity and initiatives.

    15. The Meducal and Scientific Research War to gain the upper hand in these fields

    16. Lastly, the Political War of Total Hegemony by the US and Shadow World Government, through the excuse of being the World Police for Global Stability and Security, using and deploying more than 1000 military and clandestine operations bases all over the World.

  8. America never totally "loses" any war it fights, even if you think it appears to be the case. To go on like a schoolgirl cheering their school's sports team---a feat Redbean is ex-spurt in---is not only childish, but lacking in insight. Oh well, old dogs...news tricks...you know the saying! 😹

    Certain interested parties do very well in military conflicts, namely the financiers, the defense and logistics industry, and the govt of the day who enact new "legislation" in the name of "national security".

    Plus everytime America goes on a "military adventure" they leave the place, and often its neighbours in RUINS. Infrastructure destroyed. Families devastated for generations. Economy totally fucked. Political unrest (civil war is a common outcome). Refugees run to neighbours fucking up their societies and straining their economies. And so much more.

    So if you think America "loses", think again. Other peoples lose even more. Many of them lose everything 💩

  9. America never totally "loses" any war it fights, even if you think it appears to be the case. To go on like a schoolgirl cheering their school's sports team---a feat Redbean is ex-spurt in---is not only childish, but lacking in insight. Oh well, old dogs...news tricks...you know the saying! 😹

    Certain interested parties do very well in military conflicts, namely the financiers, the defense and logistics industry, and the govt of the day who enact new "legislation" in the name of "national security".

    Plus everytime America goes on a "military adventure" they leave the place, and often its neighbours in RUINS. Infrastructure destroyed. Families devastated for generations. Economy totally fucked. Political unrest (civil war is a common outcome). Refugees run to neighbours fucking up their societies and straining their economies. And so much more.

    So if you think America "loses", think again. Other peoples lose even more. Many of them lose everything 💩


  10. Aiyo, Mr Dotard Trump. Why so fast you want to negotiate with China?

    Gave in already?? Thought you very garang, garang.

    Trade wars lah! See whether Sinkieland effected, oops affected or not.

    Not enough pains to wake up the 69.9%.

    My good friend lost nearly 200 over K of his CPF monies want to lose more lah.

    Faceshop, oops Facebook said honest mistake like the PAP.

    But secretly, they said grow at all costs.

  11. @"Virgo49 April 05, 2018 11:49 am
    //Aiyo, Mr Dotard Trump. Why so fast you want to negotiate with China?//

    China deserves to suffer the same fate as the Japanese since 1990 if their negotiators and leaders fall for this pussy grabbing Dotard's slimmy snaky tricks/ traps laid lo(oooooooo)ng ago even before he ran for election.

    Then the humiliation 150 years ago will start all over again.

    The only language Dotard understand is hard ball, not ah gua type of softheartedness or porlanpa. Dotard will bbq such ah gua softies and give to his dogs for lunch.

  12. @ Virgo

    China already owns factories in the US.

    One way this might play out is after some wayang, dancing, name calling and sabre rattling...they strike a "deal" (which contains many smaller deals) where China is invited to increase its manufacturing presence in US territory.

    In that way, Trump can say he's solving some of the unemployment in the states, and the rust-buckets like Detroit can be re-capitalised and become productive again.

    I've always maintained the opinion that I prefer a world where China and the USA, and Russia and the USA were "global rivals". If they were "friendly" and ah ka liau, that would be very fucking dangerous for the average Joe and Jane Doe...the wage-earning populations. Imagine all their big corporations "pakat-ing" with each other. Die lah. (use your imagination lah)

    If China, Russia and the USA were buddy-buddy, every other cuntry in the world could be bullied and there will be no super power to run to to help them.

    No, hostility and mistrust is better. Power always concentrates. Enmity prevents this from happening. So fuck off lah, all you "world peace" motherfuckers. 😎

  13. Dotard Trump vs Xi Jinping - Who Is Smarter?

    China's first salvo of retaliation against Trump's tariffs on steel and aluminium was a pussy $3 billion worth of tariffs. Why? China has no balls? Xi Jinping is one of the softies? A gentleman who once lived in caves and self-educate without going to school, when he was young, dares not go against a cunning hard-selling genius of a women-pussy-grabbing adulterous Dotard Trump, who lives in golden private ivory towers when young and now lives in golden private palaces better than the White House? Alamak! What a disappointment!

    China's Xi Jinping fired his second salvo of retaliation against Trump's tariffs $50 billion on 1,300 over items of Chinese products on 2 April with an equal amount of $50 billion worth of tariffs but only a few hundred items of products. Why? Xi Jinping is pussy again?

    The list of products to be tariff-increased by 25% on import duties though not as many as what Trump had listed but the products targeted 1,800 counties in the US, of which 82% are Trump's supporters in the last US Presidential Elections.

    The American Soybean Association represents 300,000 soybean farmers

    Here's what they are saying:

    <> "The American Soybean Association (ASA) is again expressing its extreme frustration about the escalation of a trade war with the largest customer of U.S. soybeans, and calling on the White House to reconsider the tariffs that led to this retaliation."

    And that is only one group of people, the Soybean beans. What about other beans - such as the nuts beans, the corn beans, the beans beans?

    What about the car industries, such as GM?

    What about the aerospace industries, like Boeing?

    Check out the China Hustle 2018 documentary on how Chinese Companies listed on US Stock Exchanges are defrauding US Investors to the tune of BBB (Big Balloons Burst) $billions. A little loophole called reverse mergers allows fake or massively over-valued Chinese companies and their stocks to be publicly traded, the companies are a joke. The system is broken.... The tariff wars will pop the bubble even more quickly .....

    But, but, but this trade war is only 0.3% of the US Economy of US$17 Trillion. So what is the sweat? No sweat lah. Only some farmers will get hit and suffer the pain. China will also suffer the pain mah.... Oh! Yes, China will suffer the pain but Xi Jinping has just got himself President-For-Life, and Dotard Trump has to go for another Presidential Election in 2020, and there is a mid-term Election for Congress and Senate coming up this year. How?

    Never mind the mid-term elections lah. Republicans sure win again one. Fuck the farmers lah. They never read Internet news, so they don't know unless Fox News report all the sufferings of farmers lah.

    Ya, Trump must be right. I think he is smarter than Xi. He is more Chinese than the Chinese. He got German Blood and Jew's Blood in his DNA. And one more thing, he got GOLDEN Hair, whereas Xi Jinping got BLACK Hair. The Chinese are stupid lah. Don't have to go far. Just look at the Sinkies. 75% population Chinese, 70% voted again and again to be screwed in the back every five years for 50 years. Stupidity has no cure lah. Chinese people are very stupid lah. Only Ang Moh Tua Kee are clever, cunning and smart. That's why when Chinese produced gun powder, they used it for fireworks; but Marco Polo brought the gunpowder to a great height, the Ang Moh produced Guns. And Mao Tze Tung had to keep saying: "Power comes out of the barrels of a gun!" Ironic, isn't it? Otherwise, today, it would be China ruling the whole world, not the Ang Moh. Right or Wrong?

    Hahahahahaaaaa......... Orgasm, series of orgasms ........ ohhhhhhhooooo..

    KNN, Motherfuckers, stop kpkb, otherwise you are going to get sodomised in Geylang and, if not careful, Little India becomes Big India.

  14. Wah see The Hen in his Faceshop photo smiling so proud the RSAF jets just escorted the Scoot plane back to Changi Airport after one joker said got bomb on board.

    Only good for these kind of tame scenario.What's happen Real Invasions? ??

    Just like Tee Tua Bak,ex-Police Commissioner of the early 60s to 80s with those early days so called terrorists with fire crackers and kitchen knives to blackmail them.

    Just volunteered to accompany the Japanese Red Terriorist our of Singapore on a comfortable plane and awarded a Gallant Medal.

    I, also can volunteer as that time too poor to afford a plane ticket.

    Joy ride and get Gallant Medal plus praised as a HERO.

    These Papies cronies know how to reward themselves.

  15. @ Matilah Multipolar
    {Dotard Trump has to go for another Presidential Election in 2020,}

    Good for him

    Generally there is a time lag in policies, good or bad

    By 2020, the bad policies that are rolled out would have hit his pple, via the costs to adjust and the expectation to adjust to changes that have become permanent rather than transitory which was originally perceived.

    His policies to counter prescribe probably will be far from as effective as he envisaged.

    Many side effects would have emerged such as revenue shortfall which obviously means much higher taxes down the road.

    Too bad, there is no free lunch and his pple would awken to another rude deafening alarm bell in their ears ...

    Dotard probably is the best thing to happen

  16. @ 826:

    The "unknown" future is impossible to predict accurately, especially if stuff hasn't occured before. We can predict the sun will rise tomorrow and way out into the future with good accuracy because it happens same-o-same-o everyday. Nevertheless, "Black Swan" events do occur to humble the most cock-sure human minds.

    Nothing adds more entropy to the system than human behaviour. We know and are expanding our knowledge of why people do what they do, but still we can't be dead on all the time.

    Facebook and all other marketing-centric organisations implement well known psychological techniques to spark our dopamine driven reward-pleasure-learning systems, and the fear and loss mechanisms of the amygdala and older brain structures (aka the "lizard" brain). Yet, as sophisticated as these algorithms are, they can never "con" everyone, although those people who fall prey to manipulation tend to fall hook, line and sinker. Game over!

    Along with my math heroes at 528, Zero Hedge et al, I was dead wrong about Trump winning. The post-hoc analysis from self aggrandising ex-spurts and the angry anti-Trumpers flooded the internet with their "reasons", blaming the electoral system, Russian hackers, stupid people, Hillary's unpopularity...everything peoples' monkey minds could conjure, and then some. Nearly 2 years on, this shit still goes on, especially in the Femi-Nazi, AntiFa (and their bedfellows) movements. The Trump supporters are no different. Their cognitive processes are just as flawed, if not worse because they they introduce "God's Will" into the argument.

    Personally, I believe Trump is capable of being more dirty than Xi. Plus except for his massive ego, Trump has nothing to lose on a personal level. He's a wealthy man; a fake billionaire perhaps, but still bloody rich. Xi has a whole heap of butt-hurt waiting for him if he messes up. I also don't believe Trump will last the term. Although there's no sign of him weakening (except in the polls...but he's gives zero-fucks about other peoples' opinions), he is 71 years old. If he runs again, he'll be going on 75. But...I've been wrong about him before. So..I guess I'll have to wait to see if my "hypothesis" is correct.😎

    About Trade Wars and Punitive Tariffs

    If you remove all the chest-beating and dick-sizing from every argument and accepted theory, the people who will most suffer are the average fixed-wage people and the poor....which is the general majority.

    Tariffs are TAX. Chinese, like every other human, have to eat. Soybeans make food, very high-protein...soy sauce, tofu etc. Soybeans are also a part of lots of commercial and industrial products and processes. Soybeans are used in animal feed.

    So I would say the soybean market in China is fairly inelastic. So a 25% tariff is a TAX which producers and consumers have to pay...mainly consumers since they are the poor suckers at the end of the production chain.

    Same with the US. They tax Chinese steel and Chinese manufactured household goods. Who ends up paying? The already cash-strapped, over-leveraged, no job security average US consumer.

    As with every govt program, the goats always win, and get the money. Who loses? The same unlucky ones: the struggling people.

    Big Biz can always lobby the govt for "help" or for a "bailout". But who bails out the tax-paying public: NOBODY. In fact, they are the ones who invariably end up paying for bailouts, whether they fucking like it or not.

    The agricultural and auto lobbies are amongst the most powerful in Washington. It's not too hard to imagine them getting "help" from the Trump admin...led by the guy who during his election promised to "drain the swamp".

    Mr John and Ms Jane Doe citizen---screwed... YET AGAIN!

  17. Trump is smug to think US still hold all the cards and can subdue anyone US has the biggest economy, the biggest military.
    It appears he has met his match in China and could be his waterloo.
    China is not your typical Iraq or Syria, so they did not back down. 3Tc in reserves and US treasuries against US 120B and they know they can have US in bag if they insist on brinksmanship.
    Trump would confirm to be a one term kid if his support base, the farmlands of MidWest US are hit by China's reciprocal tariffs.

  18. @ Multi Matilah 9.54am
    //Tariffs are TAX.//


    The average American consumers have to pay EXTRA TAX in the form of tariffs imposed by dotard on washing machines, solar panels, steel, aluminium etc

    American importers and manufacturers at the end of the day will pass the price increase to consumers.

    Dotard cut taxes but up tariffs on imported goods, so tax burden cascade downwards to the average Joe consumer at the end of the day.

    The rich (including billionaire dotard) get richer but the middle class and the poor just got squeezed further.

    The tariffs are simply means to cover the fiscal black hole created by his tax cut and to make the average American consumers pay for it but cunningly boomerang on China and push all the blames to China while he score political points with American voters for getting tough with
    "foreign exporters" ...?

    The higher and more tariffs and protectionist measures he heaped on China imports, the more tax revenue he is collecting from the average American consumers.

    He wants to play game, China can play with him.

    The extra revenues China collected they can give back to the people or build more aircraft carriers to balance the bullying by dotard.

    The extra revenue collected by dotard probably not enough to pay the additional interest for the ballooning fiscal deficit given his tax plan is going to add billions and billions of additional national debts.

  19. @ Incested Dirty Beach Bum 9.54am
    //Personally, I believe Trump is capable of being more dirty than Xi.//

    Obviously, Xi is no match for Dotard in terms of dirtiness such as pussy grabbing, no?

    Mb the only one or two worthy to be compared to dotard in his dirty old man pussy grabbing habit is one DOM beach bum and another kongcumkia ...?

  20. 5 Apr 4.53pm //Only Ang Moh Tua Kee are clever, cunning and smart. //


    Then why they bombed each other to stone-age during WW2?

    Also, why a small bridge in the Harvard vicinity need so long and delayed so long to build? This one their own Prof (Graham Allison) said one (during a public lecture).

  21. @ Mati Economics Expurts 9.54am
    //So I would say the soybean market in China is fairly inelastic. So a 25% tariff is a TAX which producers and consumers have to pay...mainly consumers since they are the poor suckers at the end of the production chain.//

    The reason why consumers in such a market bear the bulk of the incidence of tax (read Dotard caused tariffs) is not bcos they are at the bottom of the food chain lah

    Mathematically, elasticity = dQ/dP.P/Q

    Graphically the demand curve for such a good is likely to have a relatively steep slope thus its gradient in terms of change of Q wrt P taking its absolute value would be less than 1.

    Assuming the initial mkt P is at P0.

    When tariffs say n RMB are imposed, at each and every quantity, the new equilibrium mkt price P1 is equal to RMB(P0 + n) and the soybean (upward sloping) mkt supply curve is likely to shift upwards to the left.

    Given dQ/dP.P/Q is likely less than 1 for the soybean mkt demand, after the price increase from P0 to P0+n (due to the tariffs) the percentage fall in quantity demanded of soybean is likely to be less than the percentage increase in price.

    Graphically, at the new price of RMB (P0+n), the incidence of tax would show that a larger consumers' surplus would have been converted into the tax revenue (tariffs) relative to producers' surplus, ie, consumers bearing the brunt of the tax incidence (aka Dotard induced tariffs) relative to the sellers.

    Whether consumers bear the brunt of tax incidence or producers varies from goods to goods and NOT bcos consumers are at the end of the production chain.

    Arguably, all consumers are at the end of the production chain (thus they are often known as the end users) but not necessarily they will be bearing the brunt of a tax incidence for every good when there is a price rise.

    The study of economics is not a panacea to real life problems. But if one wants to apply economics to explain real world events, then one should provide the right analytical explanation and not give misconception and (further) tarnish the practice (& perception) of economics as a tool for better policy targeting and formulation to better the lives of the average men and women on the street.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @ 1115, The Real Economist

    I appreciate your response. I'll tell you straight up that you and I are not going to agree. You obviously are formally trained, so I defer to your academic strengths. I am strictly a MICRO guy (von Mises, Hayek---Austrian School); I don't do macro.

    For explanations on the macro front, I go to people like Lacy Hunt and other successful hedge fund folks who are economists who actually MAKE TONS OF MONEY for their clients.

    >> The study of economics is not a panacea to real life problems. But if one wants to apply economics to explain real world events, then one should provide the right analytical explanation and not give misconception and (further) tarnish the practice (& perception) of economics as a tool for better policy targeting and formulation to better the lives of the average men and women on the street. <<

    To me (a rock-solid selfish individualist )the study of economics is so that one deosn't make errors due to govt policy (almost all govt policy is BAD), and to look for the mistakes people will make, and mis-pricings so that one can profit from it.

    The mainstream discredits the Austrian School, and the nascent field of Behavioural Economics, where the neuroscience of human behaviour is added to the mix. The point is whether what any ex-spurts are saying works or not. The only "metric" I care about on whether economic-thinking method works is if it MAKES MONEY and reduces the probability of LOSS for the individual---who is free to act according to their "analysis" of the environment, and deploy their capital as they choose.

    Since we all live in MIXED ECONOMIES, and our money is a paper fiat currency secured by debt (as opposed to a hard currency fixed by tangible assets), economic life gets very interesting with all this added "entropy" in the system of immense and increasing complexity. As for "the man in the street" having his life improved by the central-planning of economic policy...well, er...no. Sorry. I love free markets

    The adult "person in the street" is Free To Choose (Milton Friedman), they can do whatever the heck they want with their capital; use whatever econometric model, listen to their govt; or get stock tips from their friends, the internet or from their fee-eating "financial advisor"---I don't care---Their money, their life, their business, not mine.

    The average person is over-leveraged, and every govt carries debt, many way too much debt which today's kids and their kids will be responsible for servicing...which goes to show how "good" modern centrally-planned economic policy is.

    I've been debt free for 35 years. I got my first credit card last year (I'm in my mid 60's). The only cards I had before were charge cards which had to be paid off in full every month. I never ever ever (x 10^infinity) take on personal debt, and only borrow for investment (like the SG.GOV), and only if the deal makes sense. I got that damn credit card because if you want to buy stuff on aircraft, they don't take debit cards :-((

    As a result, I am fascinated by debt. Debt causes people and govt to FAIL. When they do, and blood is in the street, I go shopping!

    "Individualist" economics are selfish, and that's how I roll. Philosophically, I supposed I lean to Objectivism (although I read others too...I love the Stoics, and Socrates), having read Ayn Rand since I was in Pre U.
