
Budget - Generous govt giving angpows to the people

When people told me that when a govt is so desperate to scheme to keep the CPF savings from returning to the rightful owners, the poor people, and worse, even used compulsory schemes to take away the people’s life savings, it is a sign that the govt is really desperate, very short of money. Why, because the CPF savings are the people’s life savings, saved over a life time, it is SACRED. The CPF is different from the so called sacred cows. The money does not belong to the govt but the people, blood and sweat money, hard earned money.

Faced with this kind of logic, I must admit that I also agree with this assessment, that the govt is desperate. But after Heng Swee Kiat’s budget speech, I kinda change my mind a bit. I am very flicker minded and easily persuaded by good news. Now I am not sure. How can the govt be short of money when it has a budget surplus of $9.6b? This is real news from the main media, not fake news from the social media. And to support this fact that the govt has the money, it is going to give big angpows to the people. Everyone, oops, I think only citizens, they cannot be so silly to give to PRs, yes new citizens also will get this angpow as long as he/she is above 21.

The angpows are from $100 to $300, more for the lower income, ie less than $28,000 will get $300, $28,000 to $100,000 will get $200 and higher income will get $100. This is so generous, even millionaires will get $100 angpows. Where in the world got such generous govt? And more, there will also be enhancements to Edusave, housing grants as well.

I think in the next GE the percentage of votes for the PAP will go up to 80% or higher.
This is a budget of good news, a time for celebration. The 2% increase in GST will only kick in around 2012 or even 2015. Why? Because if the govt can make more money, like GIC and Temasek investments, then maybe no need to raise GST. See, better pray that the fund managers are good and lucky and make more profits. Maybe they should be encouraged to do well by paying them more bonuses in advance.

If not, the govt said, after prudent spending, saving and borrowing for infrastructure, there is still a gap. How big is this gap, I dunno. Not sure if the govt will continue to spend lavishly on big parties, on fake gardens, or F1s, on buying gold medals, on giving billions of dollars to educate foreign students? Not sure if there will be more schemes to spend the people’s life savings in the CPF.

In the meantime the govt is saying, have a prosperous new year with more angpows….when tomorrow comes, then see how. For you, with you and for everyone.

Heng ah, Huat ah!


  1. Do not be deluded by the ang pows monies given to dafts Sinkies this yr or coming yrs. Everyone knew that when PAPies 'give u a chicken drumstick, they will take back the whole chicken' when the times comes.
    Don't be too happy or carried away. Becos after that from Y2021 to Y2025, most Dafts Sinkies will cry & kbkp Liao olso no use. As one Aunty interviewed said " gst raise...aiyah...then our Washing machine don't spoil, tv dun spoil, mobile phone dun spoil ...bc if spoil we really will hv to pay n pay Liao lot.."

  2. Lao hero //when tomorrow comes, then see how.//

    Whether //Heng ah, Huat ah!//?, Botaknomics is the eCON (puppet) master?

    Alas, botak means botak (in the end)?

    Oldies sweat blood, tears, heartache $$$ (all becum) botak?

    What is $300 when it is not enough for expenditure to last one miserable week for a low income family of 4?

    What is the cost?

    Oldies life blood QUAH cha png?

    This news should bring tears to yewr eyes?


  3. It is well known that they can give you the tip of a chicken wing, but later will take back one whole chicken !

  4. $300 is chicken backside?

    No more, no less?

    It is going to stink (in time to come) in oldies mouth?

    (Time will tell?)


  5. In a Pyramid Conning Scheme, the Tontine Organisers in order to instill confidence in the suckers ought to promote a CHARADE and give some Sugars to the Investors that All's is well.

    So, they will have more confidence and invested more heavily. The remaining balance is used as chicken feeds to trap new chickens for slaughter.

    The so called Gains from the Assets Sales and whatsoever taxes from those who paid for them for example the COEs premiums CANNOT be deemed as an on going economic gains in the futures.Thus there's be a GAP in further taxations. You CANNOT just simply sell and sells all your assets forever. From Bungalows /Condos /EC/5 rooms to just in the end in an attap hut.

    One year's collection of Paper for Paper Monies sufficiently able to cover these Ang Pows. If the Reserves are sound and the Enconmy is doing well, why collects more MONIES? ?

    As for the Bullshits Grants. Majority will be paying sky high prices for their inflated prices flats. Just grant to some very small minorities who chose to live near their parents. Most parents are in the Urban, Suburban Estates with Sky High Artificially Inflated prices.These youngsters, how many can afford to buy these areas??
    So give a partly sum as subsidies to con them.As Chew Chee draws in his satirical cartoon, parents staying even one kilometre, they are a even a hassle to visit them.

    Aiyo, Edusave increase of 20 to 30 dollars.NOT enough even for Dogs food. Also for Dads increase in Tobacco tax. The Elites Children had scholarships in the Thousands and they just give you $230.00 Edusave. Also must be in Top 20%.

    Wayang lah

  6. My lakopi kaki told me 300 is actually his money.Now he know why they anyhow accuse him of littering months back.
    Come to think of it,I got an idea.
    Think I should tell and propose to my towkay to penalize staff,for lateness or whatever ,esp now always got excuse of train breakdowns etc., fine them,accumulate the fines and give as angpows.
    Staff sure happy with angpows but not feel the fine which an be deducted from their pay.
    Staff happy towkay poon peepee.
    Hosayliao,My towkay sure love my idea.

  7. Don't worry they will soon pay themselves millions of dollars for perts, bonus and high performance in the $9.6 billion budget surplus. Anyway the people must know the money for Ang Pow comes from the people and to the people. Greed is a disease and has no cure. Why collect so much from the people?

  8. Peesai building "SMART" city?


    But they also have ("daft, kongkum") "AngPow" scheme?


  9. Ahgongkia,Ahgongkia, You real joker. Made by day.

    Instead of constructive feedback to built up your Company, you give suggestions to sabo your own colleagues.With friends and co workers like you, who needs enemies.

    Must have undergone lots of Grassrots or Loots Papies courses to have these ideas.

    Should be in the PAP Think tanks. Wasted your talents.


  10. In papigs eyes, oldies are just a bunch of (super) daft (silly) kongkum (useless) beans (who can be easily "bluffed" like 3-yo toddlers with sweets ...)?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Whatever surplus is not surplus IF people's CPF savings are returned to them when they reached the age of 55.

    That means every year at least $20,000,000,000 is required to pay back. So, in fact, there is a deficit of at least $10,000,000,000 every year.


    A. 100,000 people reached 55 rec year.

    B. Their CPF savings plus interests average $200,000 each.

    Correct or wrong? What do you think?

  13. Anonymous February 20, 2018 9:45 am
    //Don't worry they will soon pay themselves millions of dollars for perts, bonus and high performance in the $9.6 billion budget surplus. //

    With a budget of $75 billion, $9.6 billion is by & large a relatively gargantuan surplus?

    According to the macroeconomics expounded by ex-IMF chief economist Professor Blanchard, a huge public saving (surplus) is often not necessarily a good thing for the pte sector?

    The fact that it occurred speaks volume of Botaknomics?

  14. As the old Einstein quote goes...insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

    Redbean, take note: CPF does not belong to the people. It is disguised as a form of "savings", but it is actually a TAX.

    The sooner you face up to the FACTS, the stronger you'll be to argue whatever case you choose to make.

    Every govt is corrupt and has no problem corrupting the voters to vote for them---i.e. VOTE BUYING. This is 100% legal, and is accepted poltical practice.

    Regards, Matilah

  15. Garment now talks about prudence, save $20 to spend $200m!
    Just look at all the wasteful spendings using public money.

    Youth Olympic how many millions overspent?
    Stupid F1, how many millions wasted?
    Fake gardens, how many millions to maintain every year?
    How many billions given to foreign students?

    What more, you people tell me lah. And paying themselves millions in bonuses and part time appointments.

  16. //The angpows are from $100 to $300, more for the lower income, ie less than $28,000 will get $300, $28,000 to $100,000 will get $200 and higher income will get $100.//

    As usual, even the metrics used in the returning a fraction of the tax excesses corrected from the oldies & masses are not encouraging?

    What is the difference of returning $100 to someone who made more than a quarter million a year?

    Why not cut off the income level at quarter million cos such pple got NO USE for a "$100" angpow unless those minionster millionaires earning at least a few million$$$ oldies & taxpayers sweat blood $$$ gian png (& die die must have)?

    To any thinking bean, a $100 "angpow" paid to billionaires Quek, Ng, Wee, Khoo, Peter etc etc is (MORE THAN) meaningless?


    Why not channel it to the needy and give them $350 instead of $300?

    Only a heartless (& ruthless) gaberment cannot see such (simple) logic?

    Need to say more?


  17. Mr Rocket at 9.55

    Straits Times: GST hike amid surplus a hard sell.

    You are absolutely right that they had calculated a figure of an amount to be paid to the CPF's contributors in XX years when they are due.

    So have to impose all these taxtions un order even to pay the Minimum. Just like at least S$50.00 for your outstanding credits. Too many delay payments also put a stop for extended credits. Meantime will try to implement as many delay or confiscated withdrawals as accordingly to Matilah and Ahgongkia as possible.

    If our population is maintained at that 3.5 Millions of Original Singaporeans, What's there to have increased three or four folds Budget Spendings in the Future??

    It's because they brought in 2 to 3 millions of trash to upset the Budget.

    Further more these Gains are not from their economic contributions but taxes that sucked from our our sinkies.

    High costs of flats,COEs, Tobacco and Petroleum, Water, Electricity excesses. Just to name a few

  18. RB //This is a budget of good news, a time for celebration. The 2% increase in GST will only kick in around 2012 or even 2015. Why?..//

    Uncle Rb, as wat the Chinese says " 放长线,钓大鱼" or let in a long bait to catch big fishes.
    To the elites r Heng Ong Huat ah! Again Ah Long & Clonnies will b bz taking selfies or wefies with knn jump shots or cunning smiles to put on social media again, it's WOLVES EAT DOGS world in little red dot! Stupidity has no cure Lah..

  19. Rb, it's the $300 by cash or cpf TOP up? I can't find the information

  20. The SG bonus of between $100 and $300 is paid to every Sporeans 21 & above y.o. in CASH payout Lah, not CeePuiFxx monies..read this


  21. Anon 12.21

    Cash lah. only end of 2018!!

    December. 300 x 3 = RM900.00 if rate still the Same.

    Lions Dance international competition in Dec.at Genting.

    Wah can book front rows. Balance for Roulette.


  22. Mai sian lah laochek
    You expect Mr.Heng to deliver cash angpow to everyone ?
    Never give you digital Angpow thru your smart phone good oredi.
    Stay fit till end of 2018 to entitle.

  23. My apologies, now I also thinking like the daft sinkies. Cannot see further than tomorrow. So I damn happy receiving angpow today. Tomorrow if I got rob is tomorrow's business. Happy for one day and die forever.

    Daft sinkies like me so easy to con and so happy to be conned.

    Thank you very much.

  24. ..ok uncle RB understand, most dafts Sinkies r pragmatic & realistic Lah, most r also kiasi kiasu & kiachenghu type, it's very understandable..don't forget to be like amnesia come erection time just vto the whites greedy fellows party Lah..don be conned by Ah Long san, as wat the NCPG said " Don't be afraid of AH LONG, We will help you "

  25. Why focus on the $100-$300 angbao???

    What is the size of bonus angpao that PM, president, ministers, perm secs, stat board CEOs getting on 10 April 2018?!?!?!

  26. Convoluted LP PL angpow rebates from the world most expensive govt per citizen. Taking much gst, high taxes on water, electricity, petrol, coe, stamp duties, car, maid levies, medical insurances, property, income, etc from your hands into their left hand n giving you a little rebates from their right hand. And majority sinkies still fall for this trick every election. Duplicity n deception indeed is powerful on the herd masses.

  27. The world most unproductive big expensive govt on a tiny island squeezing the world most hardworking citizens....and sayang with angpow rebates, a very small portion of whats taxed from them.


  28. Ahgongkia, electronic Ang pows dangerous. They can arrow you with Ang pow arrows. No worry, should be able to receive that 300 AP in Dec.

    Just having lunch after CT scan at SGH. Without Subsides and PG card, simple scans at $1083 plus plus. Now at 200 plus.

    That's why got to increase to subsidise the PGs

    Long Live PAP. Recommend GST should be 11%. Instead of just 9%.

    One joke before you feel the pains. Nurse will interview got Asthma or in Mandarin;.Yo Shaun Chuan Mah? ? Old man NOT me replied : Mei Yo, Mei You Lee San Chuan liao.


  29. Gov in this world are addicted to Milk and Milk. What they give you, can take back easily by raising all kinds of charges and fees. No free lunch -LKY.

  30. Pthis year Govt charges increased already more than $300!

  31. @VIrgo49 February 20, 2018 2:51 pm
    //Without Subsides and PG card, simple scans at $1083 plus plus. Now at 200 plus. That's why got to increase to subsidise the PGs. Long Live PAP. Recommend GST should be 11%. Instead of just 9%.//


    This is nothing new?

    It is common to hear such comments from oldies?

    What PG card?

    Salah name lah ...?

    Some oldies call it Wang Pai aka King of all cards?

    Some lagi direct ...?

    Especially those older generation +/- 80-yo PG ...?

    They nicknamed the PG card as Lee Hsien Loong Card (aka given & blessed by Lee Hsien Loong) ...?

    Huat Ah?

    Heng Ah?

    Oldies PG got Lee Hsien Loong card ... oops ... PG card ...?

    Such a kind-hearted & benevolent leader ........

    Look after the PG aka jian guo yi dai ...

    Really look after oldies ...

    In hokkien, zhao gor lao lang ...

    Mai Tang liao ...

    Cheong arh .....

    Next GE PG oldies 100% vote Lee Hsien Loong ...

    Huat ah ...

    Lee Hsien Loong wan sui wan wan sui!

    1. By 2025, the number of oldies aged 65 & above will total about 800,000 out of eligible voters of abt 2.5 million...?

      Already constitutes abt one-third of vote bank ...?

      Another 1/3 of hard core supporters vote bank will make it more than 60%?

      Before "1st bullet fired", oppo already lost the "battle" liao?

      Given next GE there will be up to 18 ncp seats allocated, not only mao show tong may lose, even ah huat may need find new job after next erection?

      Oppo only chance is the top 18 best "losers"?

      Based on last ge, even those with 20ish% percentage vote can be non-constituency?

      Ho say liao?

      Huat arh?

      "Win" even 20+% votes also can become "MP" (albeit non-constituency)?


  32. LHL, Wan Shui Wan Shui Wan Wan Sui!

    Must stir Shits a bit, let No Pai Mai angry a bit.

    Every time criticized the Pai Mais.

    Very angry not our faults.

    Just imagine NonPG pay 1063.00 with no subsidy.

    Some More not MRI scan just CT scan.

    MRI costs more.

    The other time briefing only between 521 to 583 plus plus, how come Bill now 1063??

    After Boo Get increase ? ?

  33. Singapore's 2017 budget ends the year with $9.6 billion surplus.

    Sinkies make up 3.4 million of the 5.7 million resident population in Singapore.

    So even if every single Sinkie receives the maximum $300 Ang Bao bonus, that constitutes only $1.02 billion of the $9.6 billion budget surplus.

    There's still a whoppy unused balance of $8.58 billion!

    1. Anon 5.37
      even if your imaginative balance of 8.58b is correct , doesn't mean got to finish it all.
      We should even help to reduce the amount of payout on angpow.

      Let's say 1000 PG kkk this December 2018,can save 300,000.
      And those teenager reaching 21 this December is 500,payout is 50,000 cos teenager salary high so No need pay 300.
      Can easily save 250,000 on angpow.
      Help to think of how to save money for our country and not encourage more spending.
      Best time to pay angpow or bonus is in year end.
      Agongkia,what's kkk?
      Go ask PG like Birgo.


  34. PG mostly one or two in a family. Mostly Grandpas and Grandmas already sell salted eggs. Left old Papa and Mama. Sometimes also only ONE.

    So, if one PG pays 227.40, the Rest of Family got to pay S$1063.70.

    So, who gets more???

    Same as HDB Flats, PGs brought S$46K for 5 room standard Point Block. Now sold at S$600K. Knn last time 800K don't want to sell. 200K different Man, Wasted!!! Cher Cher!!

    Wah Piang also rich rich man. But PG Family got two children and they have to buy at 800K.

    So who earns more???

    This one PGs don't understand and they think that they are Rich, Rich.

    Aiyo, don't care so more, afterall let the youngsters learnt their lessons also Voted PAP.

  35. But PG Family got two children and they have to buy at 800K.>>

    1st generation enjoy only but the future generations will have to suffer. Gov are sadistic, enjoy see people suffer.


  36. Ahgongkia, the problem is that the PAP is miserly on the Citizens and never spend on their OWN and their cronies.

    Amendment : The COEs premiums if I am not wrong is 1.2 billions and as Bro Anon calculation and the government's projection as 700 millions on the SP Bonus.So still surplus of 500 millions.

    COE premium already exceeded the SP Bonus. Besides the HDB Plus Private Properties another profits of Xxx Billions. Income and Property taxes another xxx billions. Etc etc

    All these Surplus and Gains are actually from the People and not contributed by the Excess Two to Three Millions extra workers to the Enconmy.

    So What's the point of having excess Beans to just dirty, gave extra Carbon Gas that now even we have to bear it. The Power Supply Companies will surely passed to us.

    No need S$5.00 per ton. The 3 millions already gave you 3 million Tons.

  37. Should be miserly on her citizens but splurged on themselves and their cronies.

  38. @anon 5.37pm & anon 12.44pm

    ..u all don't spread wrong info news ...go read the Straits Times , they provide more reliable news Lah..not say aku say wan its Minister Chee say wan..go check with msm for more accurate reliable Sg budget info..

  39. Lao Hero //I think in the next GE the percentage of votes for the PAP will go up to 80% or higher.//

    (Only) 80%?

    Why not make it 90% and even ah huat & mao show tong also lose their deposits?

    Then with either single digit vote % share or low 10ish% vote share, see the oppies have the gauntlet (& shame) to take up the best losing non-constituency posts?

    With last GE (2015) LaoGoa assurance that they can ownselves chk ownselves (and therefore oppo an unnecessary baggage), peesai would be on its way to achieve its yet to arrive GOLDEN AGE (as envisaged by old man in his 2010/ 2011 interview by the 154th ranked media top executives)?

    Go for broke?

    Today happy can le (as advocated by lao hero)?

    Quote (Lao Hero 1.15pm)
    "So I damn happy receiving angpow today. Tomorrow if I got rob is tomorrow's business. Happy for one day and die forever."

    Tiok lah?

    That is the best advice & teaching the oldies PG can pass down to all the youth & younger generations?

    Jiak Baey Liao?

    YOLO (Yew Only Live Once)?

    Peesai is in the BEST hands since 1959?

    Even better than the pioneer generation old guards?

    Who needs oppies when u have minionsters like chee hong, chiu kee, harakiri, tua kang, ..... not forgetting best eCONs practices encapsulated in (the form of) Botaknomics & LaoGoanomics?

    Huat arh?

    Heng Arh?

    See the cpf statement oldies so pappy every nite can sleep well & soundly knowing their QUAH cha png are in the "safest" hands since time immemorial?

  40. Anonymous February 20, 2018 8:47 am
    //Do not be deluded by the ang pows monies given to dafts Sinkies this yr or coming yrs. Everyone knew that when PAPies 'give u a chicken drumstick, they will take back the whole chicken' when the times comes.//

    Lao Hero //When people told me that when a govt is so desperate to scheme to keep the CPF savings from returning to the rightful owners, the poor people, and worse, even used compulsory schemes to take away the people’s life savings, it is a sign that the govt is really desperate, very short of money. Why, because the CPF savings are the people’s life savings, saved over a life time, it is SACRED. The CPF is different from the so called sacred cows. The money does not belong to the govt but the people, blood and sweat money, hard earned money.
    Faced with this kind of logic, I must admit that I also agree with this assessment, that the govt is desperate. //

    Anonymous February 20, 2018 9:10 am
    //It is well known that they can give you the tip of a chicken wing, but later will take back one whole chicken !//

    Virgo49 February 20, 2018 9:21 am
    //In a Pyramid Conning Scheme, the Tontine Organisers in order to instill confidence in the suckers ought to promote a CHARADE and give some Sugars to the Investors that All's is well.
    So, they will have more confidence and invested more heavily. The remaining balance is used as chicken feeds to trap new chickens for slaughter.//

    Anonymous February 20, 2018 9:45 am
    //Don't worry they will soon pay themselves millions of dollars for perts, bonus and high performance in the $9.6 billion budget surplus. Anyway the people must know the money for Ang Pow comes from the people and to the people. Greed is a disease and has no cure. Why collect so much from the people?//

  41. (Best) QUOTE of the day:

    "...now I also thinking like the daft sinkies. Cannot see further than tomorrow. So I damn happy receiving angpow today. Tomorrow if I got rob is tomorrow's business. Happy for one day and die forever. Daft sinkies like me so easy to con and so happy to be conned. Thank you very much."

    Chua Chin Leng aka redbean February 20, 2018 1:15 pm

    So disappointing that a garberment that is paid so much is perceived by many to be deep in the act of "wayang" (& "hogwash"), taxing the poor, low income & men in the streets to such excesses that in FY 2017, abt 13% budget surplus generated out of a budget of $75 billion ... & then having (legally) "robbed" the people of a "truck load of chickens' return them "bits & pieces of meat crumps left over on the chicken spine bones, rib bones, necks, chicken toes & backsides"?

  42. Sg should build a larger reserve if possible larger than China so that USA and China would be scare of us and we can punch above our weight. Please tax the dafts to the max till they can hardly breath for the good of the country and future generation.

  43. Agongkia u really should be fucked till u come to your senses and get your balls sliced off

  44. Anonymous February 21, 2018 6:27 am
    //Please tax the dafts to the max till they can hardly breath for the good of the country and future generation.//

    At 7% gst it was 70% in 2015?

    So at 9% it could be 90% in the (200th anniversary) grand erection?

    This will surpass the previous record of 89.7% in 1968?

    1. If that happens, many (if not all including ah huat's) deposits will be forfeited?

    2. To borrow an economic concept of monopoly market power, perhaps the deposits should be raised to at least $20,000 to $50,000 to raise the "barriers of entry"?

      At the same time, will be another source of revenue (from cash-strapped oppies) to fund the JLB millionaire minionsters' sky high remuneration?

      Huat arh (for the JLB parasites & leeches)?

    3. Let's all work together to make this record making feat (90%) happen in the next grand erection ..., ok?

    4. So that LaoGoa maxim of ownselves (enough) to check ownselves can be put to work & achieve max effect?

    5. With 90%, then HHH 2015 10% vote share (in Radin Mas) would have qualified her to take up one of the 12 ncmp seats (up for grab in the next ge) since there is no stipulated minimum vote share except top 12 "best" losing candidates?

    6. With 90%, give the JLB white termites free hand to grow peesai GDP (at all costs) as big as possible (even surpassing Indolan) to becum the largest in SEA?

    7. Then the JLB parasites can THINK BIG & punch above own weight?

    8. And future ANGPOW can be BIG BIG too ($3,000 instead of $300)?

    9. Thus, more gambling chips for oldies like virgo ($3,000 x 3 >>> RM9,000) assuming same exchange rate of 1 to 3 (& not 3 to 1)?

    10. Also more $$$ for ah peks to go batam (given $1 = 10,000 rupiah)?

      Then (future potential) $3,000 AP will be abt 30,000,000 rupiah?

      Huat arh .... (ah pek) Jiak (indo oysters) BAEY liao?

  45. The $100 AP will be earmarked for the needy in matland ...

  46. 8.42am, by then the reserve is so lRge that the s$ will be very strong. May be s$1 to n$30. So ah Pek can eat Indo oyster or abalone or just about any abalone in the world including white aboline

    1. Some oldies can (also) use the current ($100 & future) AP in melaka (with uncle V) to "flower sky alcohol earth) at some nite clubs/ lounges in melaka raya? area

  47. Lao hero //Generous govt giving angpows to the people//

    As peesai is chair this yr, sinkies as pple also can be generous and use the AP to spend "lavishly" in matland, tigerland & indoland such as beantan, phuket, georgietown ...?

    1. Also with RM300 or Rupiah1,000,000, can change into tokens to catch (cute) stuff toys in JB, Genting or Batam Ctr?

      One trip can finish the $100 ANGPOW liao, true?

    2. Otherwise, can spend 10 days in batam and use the $100 AP to SPEND on 20 pkts of gudang garam tobaco & 60 cans of stout beer?

      One day at least 2 pkts & 6 cans of stouts?

      Shiok shiok?


      As lao hero said:

      "So I damn happy receiving angpow today. Tomorrow if I got rob is tomorrow's business. Happy for one day and die forever."

      ------- The End ------

  48. Another way to "blow" this (wayang) AP is to go JB Jln Trus/ Segget Junction lottery outlet buy RM 150B 150S?

    1. Bef dat go to the pole above the junction at trus/ segget & kena some pigeon bird shit?

      Then go buy 4d?

      Then kena buy 10 properties in KL, JB, Penang correct rental income ...?

  49. (3-yo) Lao Ah Pek //So I damn happy receiving angpow today.//

    Even primary sch kids understand no such thing as free lunch?

    1. Even sch kids know to get even a (miserable) $2 angbao, need bring 2 mandarin oranges, take bus change mrt then take bus again from tuas to changi ...?

  50. PAP Heng with Ah Long's permission is going to give me $300 in Dec 2018 but also going to tax me GST 2 More percent for the rest of my life time. So, what shall I do?

    Shall I continue to act blur and don't care?

    Shall I continue to be daft and let them dictate each and every single action of my life?

    Shall I let them take for granted that I have no other choice and therefore will continue to vote PAP candidates no matter what they are or who they will be? Best of two Evils?

    Shall I allow the elites-infested millionaire's PAP Govt to dictate and belittle me without end?

    Shall I emigrate or stay and fight for a new (not necessarily better) government?

    What will the other daft and stupid people like me do?

  51. Hello Bros, what's you expect a poor man with No Prospects to do with $300.00??

    With this S $300.00 take a chance and convert them into Million $$$$. Alternatively, let those have their simple joys of smoking Garam and drink Crates of beer or stouts in Batam. In Sinkieland, only can buy half can and half packet with its exorbitant EXTORTION excuse, oops excise duties when she DONT even mAnufactured one.

    So, dont blame the poor man who wants to break out of the Poverty Trap to take a chance for Lottery Games. Wealthy people no need play Lotteries. They just conned the peasants to forward their monies to them.

    So, for S $300 into RM900. Many chances of SportsToto 6/58 to make you into Millionaires.Last winner of 63millions. Compared to Sinkieland miserable 5 millions.

    Some more play dirty, after 4 Cascades Draw no one win the previous draws, supposed to add the Announced Jackpot Price together, they cut down one or two millions down as promised.

    Matland Jackpot of just Sin 70cts can win you up to 25million RM.

    4D First price with 2500/3500 PRIZE.Sinkieland still 2000/3000 donkey years.

    For Roulette, my RM900 can net me RM162,000.00 if I hits the correct Single Digit that I anticipated will be the next to slot in.

    So, what's can you do with S $300?? Huat lah, take a chance to get out of Poverty Trap. So cannot blame Uncles /Aunties go Genting and line up SportsToto and PMP and Magnum and Tough Clubs.

    1. Ooyeabo?
      Kena 3 out of 58 sport toto only pay me rm 3 nia.

  52. @ 11.17am 21 Feb 2018 " ...or stay and fight for a new (not necessarily better) government?"

    Ha ha ha

    This is a dream lah ..., no?

    How to?

    Ah Hia is like a mouse seeing a cat when he deals with the JLBs?

    How to expect sinkies to vote in a frigthened mouse (to form a new gabrament)?

    1. According to Ah Hia's juniors, Ah Hia's favourite catch phrase is "Orh Chey" (blue black bruise), tiok bo?


  53. WP should be handed back to Kenneth Jeyantanam, whose Father JBJ after David Marshall did not DISGRACE the PARTY's Reputation.

    They are a credible Force in Parliament. Now under these lame ducks, as good as DEAD.

    All quiet like mices. Pritnam Singh should merge with Kenneth.

    That's be a Dream as Sinkies Opposition Parties are just as self centered and power crazy like the Papies.



    1. Laochek ah
      A candidate who can say that he dun want to hear any more complaints after losing an election shows what kind of person one is.No fighting spirit.
      The ability to take defeat graciously is the basic that what one must possess.
      Buy 4D oso no guarantee win.Tiobo?
      There's many ways to win an election but too bad,not many can think of how to do it.
      Sigh ,I go to suffer in silence for another few years.
      Go invite uncles like You,RB,Patriot,ah Ngau,oops Ah Leong SH and I am confident you all can do better than him.
      Good luck.


  54. Ahgongkia, Sportstoto.com jackpot prize up to 68 millions. Your RM 3.00 is just your betting at Sin 0.35 cts.

    How much Sin pools pay you for Sin 1.00?? Sin pool can bet 0.35cts???

    Also, Sin pools start at 1 million, there at least 10 million.

    See the difference ??? Less or same amount strike 1000 over times more.

    Some more just draw same time no hassles till 9.30 just for miserable 5 millions and just queue 5 mins the most off peak.

    Sinkieland queue for hours and in the end Kong koong.

