
Singapore, a country of retards and imbeciles

Singaporeans, despite the high education they received relative to the third world countries around them, have degenerated to a state that they have become famously branded as retards and needed all the protection from the govt. The Singaporeans of today are basically retards and imbeciles, unable to read, unable to think, unable to save their money, unable to see what is happening to their country being sold to foreigners.

The good thing is that they have a kind, compassionate and paternalistic govt made up of youngish looking immortals. Some of them even have the angelic look of little children that would do no evil. The story goes that immortals never grow old. This ever caring govt has to double their effort to look after and protect the never ever to grow up, unable to grow up, or forever growing more daft children, the Singaporeans. This job must be very daft for the govt. Oops, I mean very tough for the govt.

This world is getting so dangerous for the Singaporeans that have lost the ability to think and to look after themselves that foreigners are not only brought in in large numbers to do the work for Singaporeans, especially the hard thinking jobs like bankers, IT specialists, professors, medicine, engineers running the trains, and running the govt also, that the govt also started to bring in foreigners to protect them, guarding the immigration checkpoints to prevent bad hats from entering to harm the Singaporeans. With such measures, maybe lesser Singaporeans, especially the taxi drivers, would be beaten by foreigners here.

As for their money, especially their life savings, the govt has many schemes to make sure that the money is safe and sound and continue to grow and grow during the daft Singaporeans’ life time so that they can pass it on to their children and grand children. They are so daft that they don’t even know or want to spend the money they have saved. Some even agreed that their savings are not their money anymore. Never mind lah, they want to take, want to cheat, want to do anything with money that is no longer theirs it does not matter anymore. Now they even teach the daft Singaporeans not to give cash as angpows to their children. Put the money in the children’s CPF so that they will grow up with a lot of money in their CPF. And the govt can help their children grow the money and then pass the money to their children in due course.

Oh, there is another big danger to the Singaporeans that must be taken good care of, the fake news in the media, to be specific, social media. The main media guarantee that only real news will be reported, to educate, inform and entertain the daft. The main media is the only source of real news and good information for the daft and unthinking Singaporeans. Maybe a time will come when the poor and hapless Singaporeans would be protected from all social media for good so that no harm will come to them, when fake news are totally banned. This must sound very comforting to the poor imbecile Singaporeans.

And for all the good things the govt are doing to protect the daft Singaporeans, they happily rewarded themselves with several months of bonuses on top of their multi million dollar salaries. And the daft Singaporeans are so glad that no one is complaining about this. With such a good and caring govt, the Singaporeans are so safe and sound. And keeping cage birds is a good hobby as daft Singaporeans also believe that cage birds are very happy birds, well fed and protected from putty cats.

And they live happily together forever and ever. Thank you Papa. There is no evil in paradise island.


  1. They going to have extra Medical caregivers to help Singaporeans hold their pexxx when they pee.

    Even lost their instincts how to pee. Poo how? ? clean their backsides? ?

    Women how? ? Just like what I did for my Late Mother who is incapable at advanced age.

    One bro mentioned he noticed one PAP Elite holding the penis of her son when he wants to pee.

    Might as well as lie on bed and feed from tubes.

  2. It's just too bad Lah Mr Redbean, this little red dot Daftian in Daftland has regressed into his hobbit stage, a island city nation with no spurs stuck in their spine as wat the old man once labelled this people on this planet. The well-educated talented ones r already left Daftland and labeled by Goh Gor as Quitters & that's left only the middle-low incomers daftians that supports the white men lightning party Lah. Its wat u & many called them Stupidity has no cure Lah.

  3. With such a good and caring govt, the Singaporeans are so safe and sound.


    That's why the opposition cannot win elections simply because Singaporeans will not want to vote out such a good and caring govt.

    And also because Singaporeans strongly believe, and for good reasons, the opposition cannot do a better job of being a good and caring govt.

  4. Con men and con women are always very nice on the surface.

    When plunder is the main aim, elites in power, the world over, will enact laws to protect, glorify and enrich themselves.

    When a people has no colour, courage and concerns for others, leaving everything to superior powers to determine their lives and livelihood, the nation in which they live in is no more a nation but a con men's and con women's paradise - providing the Swiss Standards of Living only to those with a Multi-Millionaire's bank account.

    This is a clear sign that the rot has already set in. The nation is weak to the core, despite spending excessively for defence. That's why the need to depend on a super power to protect. It is only a matter of time, it will collapse from punching above its own weight. As arrogance and conceit punching against own people is not the same as punching against foreign powers. One false step and you are as good as dead.

    However much is said, the daft and imbecile will remain daft and imbecile because STUPIDITY has NO CURE!

  5. One bro mentioned he noticed one PAP Elite holding the penis of her son when he wants to pee.
    8:48 am

    Wah lau eh, how he know?

    And he dare to say he noticed some more!

  6. Read the cna news "https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/man-found-dead-in-marine-parade-flat-led-meaningful-life-9866868"

    Man died living alone in hdb flat r not left alone sadly said the man's nephew, u see how daft this people r. He said his uncle wanto be lived alone but u see no one really come to spend a time with his uncle for the past 4-5 days & only to be discovered by a good Samaritans neighbour, his nephew or relatives Don't Even Want to Contact the old man/uncle at all, isn't it pathetic or sad at all?..of course this just not the only isolate case & many more so to come due to demographics..Dafts r Dafts, Sinkies in Sinkieland r really dafts.

  7. 8.54am, he can not say which elite lar cause can get sue till pants dropped as it may be fake news. Lagi some can even say instead of little boy may be its the Husband!😀😀😀😀😀

  8. There are different types of brains in Sinkieland. They are:

    1. Those who think too much.
    2. Those who refused to think.
    3. Those who are afraid to think.
    4. Those who are brain-dead.
    5. Those who have pea-brain.
    6. Those who have bird-brain.
    7. Those who have no brain.
    8. Those who have black cobra's brain, acting like angels.
    9. Those who have crocodile's brain, lurking in high office.
    10. Those who have wolf's brain, wearing white clothes.
    11. Those who have cunning fox's brain, always pretending to take care of you.
    12. Those who have vampire's brain, sucking your blood is a natural routine affair.

  9. Stupid people are easy to con, convince and convert. It is the cowards that are the Biggest problem.

  10. Giving angpaw to cpf is a sign of distress on money. Go to statistics on world debt:
    1 sinkieland is always listed top, next to Greece.
    2 sinkieland ext debt per head is usd213k, ratio to gdp is 453%, on wiki. This is the top among the advance world: its on the way to Monaco. Ignore HK in this case as HK has china to backup.

    A common feature with HK is its expensive property. HK has demand to sustain property price. Sinkieland pop up property demand by a sudden influx of 2.5 millions immigrants. Prices shot up 300% or more for both residential and commercial rental. Now it has the cake to eat: for the elites, they have had huge increments on salary, until they as one G E to cut the salary level when it had a growth of 15.2% GDP world top number.

    Who has the last laugh? The elites get the huge pay, the NS men lost their jobs.

    CPF is job related figure. No job, no CPF. Pay angpow to CPF? U must be so low or drugged. The money will be locked up under the MS. Open your eyes, this figure is S$181k, will soon raise to $300k when the kids are at 30s.

    In other words, the money u pay to your kids as angpow will be lost in thin air. Only the figures looks ok or your kids use it to buy flat. But the flat price will shoot up to wipe off the angpow.

    Keep your angpow to pay for your kids education is the wise move. You kid will need the money to pay for a pencil or a trip on cab during rainy season so that white van men do not need to help them by asking them to "go into van". The uniform group said it was in "good intention".

    Voters must see this cpf problem in its cause.
    The root cause is NO JOB. NO JOB no cpf.
    Even u are 65, in Japan, their own govt want them to continue to work. Here in 50s, the employers will want to go on year to year contract to phase NS men out of job. Because there are plenty in waiting list under CECA, ready to fly BOM SIN flight. Swee swee will take them into silver service as top degree holders.

    Bom sin is sinkieland s fatal point. U voters asked for it, the elites deliver it for u to rest at home attend C.

    Until sinkies realize their children are desperate for jobs income, voters still think the elites will help them and some author will say nany them. How many NS men disagree the elites screw them? In NS they got it, in job market they got it.
    The old generations had their time and kept defending old fart s time. Their own kids are reading materials from media. Until their kids go to find jobs and get turn down, and their parents are dead, they begin to realize their real work is to fight the foreigners robbing their jobs through the elites employment pass and other ways like s pass, professional pass, dependent pass. Then these kids become depressed before they start families.

    Out of jobs, long term looking for jobs: these kids contribute so little CPF. The elites came out great ideas, telling parent to "angpow" cpf.
    It is selling snake oil tactic, cure all, including impotent. Tio bor? ah hiar?
    Why care who is the pee yam? No cure liao if u know the figures well, will u want to be pee yam?

  11. I really really really support giving CPF instead of ang pow to children. The money will be safeguarded for the grandchildren. HAHAHAHA

    Or until some oppo open the safe and find it em.....

  12. The Party n its leeeders have mastered the art of hypocrisy n deception based on half truths.

  13. Thank you Papa, I am also a papa now.
    Can I have my CPF money back?

    Thank you Papa, I am now a grandpapa.
    Can I have my CPF money back?

  14. If Singaporeans are not retards, how can the PAP remain in power for more than five decades?

    The PAP has indoctrinated the once sensible Singaporeans into blind obedience, like domesticated cats and dogs, from pre-school to university. Every thing is under some kind of ridiculous law or rules that cannot be any other way except what the PAP dictates. Even to the extent of having how many children and why our money is their money to keep.

    Therefore they have, over the decades and in one generation, lost their ability to think and decide what is good for them, delegating that to the PAP Government to do the thinking and making decisions for them, good or bad, reasonable or unreasonable, rational or irrational. That has now been degenerate into fear, where they are afraid to change, and do not have the courage and conviction to know that some changes will bring them a better future for their children instead of sliding down the road to perdiction.

    We can only talk about this evil indoctrinate malaise, but it will be difficult to change it. Attempting to do it will, as I always say, an excercise in futility, because the time frame for that has slip through our hands for good.


  15. don't call sg like that leh

    sg is the best-EST country in the world.

    many many many ppl want to come here,,,,,,loooooo00000ooong Qs

    so please don't call sg like that leh


  16. I say best is to give a standard of 2 dollar as a token for all angpow and extras should be put into cpf .
    Children with more money can be spoilt and fail to learn the difficulty earning money.
    I gave a standard Anglos of two dollar whether one invite me to a 5 star hotel restaurant in marina sand,sentosa or void deck.
    Many hosts days I am fair becos I dun discriminate.
    Teach those newly wed or children not to expect too much n spend their money wisely.

  17. 11:18am
    U and others are not stupid to call sinkies stupid?
    Sinkies are someones like this: call them smart or call them pragmatic.
    To avoid troubles, use some survey from other places yellow skins as majority. Non yellow skins are the opposite of yellow skins. They should not be insulted.
    Taiwan made a survey: 1. US promises to protect Taiwan, China promises not to attack, 80% want Taiwan independence. 2. US will not protect Taiwan when China attacks it s independence declaration: 14% will resist China s attack.

    Sinkies can learn about who they are. The results will be the same lah. If the north attacks sinkies only less than 20% will be the resistant forces. The others 80% over, are smart, or stupid?

    Taiwan has no foreigners robbing their jobs. Sinkies economy is worst than Taiwan now, and the elites invite foreigners from CECA, even sinkies doing self employed, hawkers, or taxi will find money losses than gains.

    U will find sinkies smart "run road" % as high as 95%, when the north or others attack sinkies. The elites have got money to buy tickets will be first at changi airport. Many PR will swamp tax department to get their CPF check 100% withdrawal.

    U stupid dont run road will not get your cpf liao.
    So 95% will run off is not surprise. Most sinkies are smart, they keep low profile. Let the elites talk corks.

  18. Virgo 49 8.48am: //One bro mentioned he noticed one PAP Elite holding the penis of her son when he wants to pee.//

    Aiyo, previously morally corrupted palmergate & Mt Buttockgate?

    How old is the son?

    Teenage boy?

  19. Lao Hero //Put the money in the children’s CPF so that they will grow up with a lot of money in their CPF.//

    Wah rao ...

    WtX ........

    Children's piggy $$$ for rainy days oso cannot "let off" ...?

  20. Part 5: The Fate of the Villain Official Jia Si Dao who caused the downfall of the Southern Song



    Google translate:
    "After Jia Sidu defeat, the main force of the Yuan Jun Shun East along the Yangtze River, quickly approaching Lin'an, Zhao Song dynasty has been on the eve of the demise.

    Jia Sidu Daoguang shameless country, the ruling and opposition shocks, the crowd angry, too students and Taiwan remonstrance, attendants have spared Jiazhu Jia Sidao, the Empress Dowager Qing not allowed, only to cut down his three-level office, ordered him to go back to Shaoxing private homes His mother mourned. Jia Sidao to Shaoxing, Shaoxing local officials from the city gate to prevent him from entering, so the court changed his fate Jia Youdao to Wuzhou (now Zhejiang Jinhua) living, Wuzhou masses heard of Jia Sidao, posted Notice, get rid of him. Visible Jia Sidao committed heinous crimes, everyone can not be tolerated. Under the strong demands of the courtiers, Mrs. Tse was forced to relegate Jia Sidao to a high militia (present-day northeast of Gaozhou in Guangdong) and sent him to custody. Shaoxing Prefecture has a small official Zheng Huchen, Jia Xuan Tao suffered persecution, in order to take revenge, he volunteered to serve as escort officer. Cheng Hu Chen Jia hum as humiliating along the way, from time to time to find opportunities for Jia Sidu died. Walked to Zhangzhou, Zheng Hu Chen cross heart, in the Jia Sidao toilet results in his life."

    1. Bing translate:
      "Jia was defeated after the army, the main force shun the Yangtze River, soon approaching Lin ' an, Zhao Song Dynasty has been on the eve of extinction.

      Jia like Road Ching, the opposition shook, the anger, too students and Taiwan, the attendants are on the Shai Daoqing to kill Jia, the Queen is not allowed, only cut down his three level office, life he back to Shaoxing home to his mother wake. Jia like the way to Shaoxing, Shaoxing, the official closed the gate to let him in, so the court changed his way to Aozhou (now Zhejiang Jinhua) Live, Aozhou people heard Jia like road, posted a notice, put him away. It can be seen that Jia seems to have committed a heinous crime. In the strong request of the courtiers, Shetai had to Gaozhou to the road (now Guangdong Gaozhou northeast) Tuanlian make, and sent custody. Shaoxing Mansion has a small official zhenghuchen, because has been persecuted by Jia, in order to avenge, he volunteered to serve as escort officer. Zhenghuchen along the way to humiliate Jia, often looking for opportunities to put Jia like road to death. Went to Zhangzhou, zhenghuchen horizontal down, in Jia like to go to toilet when the result of his life "

      ------ The End ------

  21. Straits Times poser : How to fund spending on elderly - higher taxes or tap national reserves? Singaporeans divided

    So very very stupid !

    Of course tap the reserves, or else the reserves down the road for use by new citizens , many from India!

  22. Sinkieland vans are offering foreigners kids free rides. Yet these foreign institutions sending out letters to warn their students and parents.

    Uniform group had confirmed VAN DRIVERS are of "good intention" to offer free rides.

    Parents should encourage their children to get into VANS, especially white vans. NO harm, it is assured.

    "Yet another international school - Dulwich College in Bukit Batok - has sent out a letter informing parents of an incident in which one of its students was approached by a stranger offering a lift.

    In the letter sent on Thursday (Jan 18) morning, Dulwich headmaster Nick Magnus said a senior school student heading home from school was approached in the vicinity of Farrer Road. This happened in December.

    The student, understood to be a boy, declined the offer and continued on his journey home, arriving safely."

  23. No need tap reserves n no need to hike taxes. Just make sure Jinx get the sack n cut down very bloated bureaucracy we save blns yearly lah.

  24. January 18, 2018 4:04 pm>>

    The vans will take the kids to some remote places, take nude photos of them, send them home, extort money from them later. Many such cases in some foreign countries.

  25. Originals sinkies are quite smart but under pap, they become dumb. Instead of feeding them bbc, pap feed them sbc. Sbc makes people stupid. LKY was fed bbc and so he was smart.

    Sg can be like christmas island belonging to oz but lee was a big hinder. Hope one day we can join oz. Long live the Queen.

  26. The Highly-Anticipated 2017 USA Fake News Awards:

    Below are the winners of the 2017 Fake News Awards.

    1. The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claimed on the day of President Trump’s historic, landslide victory that the economy would never recover.
    2. ABC News' Brian Ross CHOKES and sends markets in a downward spiral with false report. (about Trump and Russia)
    3. CNN FALSELY reported that candidate Donald Trump and his son Donald J. Trump, Jr. had access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks.
    4. TIME FALSELY reported that President Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office.
    5. Washington Post FALSELY reported the President’s massive sold-out rally in Pensacola, Florida was empty. Dishonest reporter showed picture of empty arena HOURS before crowd started pouring in.
    6. CNN FALSELY edited a video to make it appear President Trump defiantly overfed fish during a visit with the Japanese prime minister. Japanese prime minister actually led the way with the feeding.
    7. CNN FALSELY reported about Anthony Scaramucci’s meeting with a Russian, but retracted it due to a “significant breakdown in process.”
    9. CNN FALSELY reported that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claim that he was told he is not under investigation.
    10. The New York Times FALSELY claimed on the front page that the Trump administration had hidden a climate report.

  27. 4:10pm
    No, should hire more staff at Jingx s organization to buy more high priced stocks and sell them low. Foreigners need the money to pay for their luxuries.
    Bought stock like GIC, UBS had transferred USD 4 billions to foreigners, just on selling one batch of UBS. Foreigners need money, sinkieland dont need money. Trillions of reserves, for what if cannot lose money on stocks? NO NO NO for welfare, keichui said it for old fart to hear before the latte walked out, that was the last time for old fart: good son.
    Buy high sell low, its sinkieland s way to be generous. Give jobs priorities to sunny land citizens. That s generosity again.

  28. Anon. The boy thinks Minister or MP's son in Durians Feasting in Matland. All the oldies on durian Makan Besar Hunting Trips.

    Think cannot tahan so pee in long kang. So mommy hole penis as birdie still too small.

    Maybe Daddy also BG.So field trainings also pee in open.

    So ordered boy boy to Pee in longkang.

    That anon may also in Feast party.

  29. Karma karma,

    When time comes, it will come.

    "Why shouldn't I feel some sort of outrage that after all these years, being ignored and disbelieved and tossed aside?" Farrow added.

    Asked why people should believe her now, she replied: "I suppose that's on them, but all I can do is speak my truth and hope, hope that somebody will believe me instead of just hearing."

    The film director's agent did not immediately respond to an AFP request to comment.

    It was a devastating expose of alleged rape, assault and harassment published by Farrow's brother, Ronan, the biological son of Allen and Mia Farrow, in The New Yorker last October that helped end Weinstein's career."

  30. No wander sinkies are said to be stupid. Doctored the grades. This sinkie should learn from mumbai grad, submit master degree from no need to attend university, and got into silver service.

    Certificate grades can any how change? Buy one master degree in JB cannot cost much right?

    "Jaya had graduated from NUS in 2011 with second class honours (lower division), but doctored her certificate and transcript to read “second class honours (upper division)”.

    She also admitted she had edited her transcript to reflect better grades than she had actually received.

    Jaya was called to the Singapore Bar as an advocate and solicitor in July 2012.

    When she applied to the Singapore Legal Service in January 2013, she submitted a genuine certificate, but forged the transcript to reflect better grades for 21 out of 27 subjects, a court heard."

  31. Virgo49January 18, 2018 5:32 pm
    //Think cannot tahan so pee in long kang. So mommy hole penis as birdie still too small. //

    Whether small or big, beyond certain stage say after 2 years old or even one year old boys, woman shouldn't touch the boys' tinkie (whether to pee or otherwise) ...?

    Could give wrong upbringing and later stage he thinks normal to allow adult lau cha bor anyhow "touch"?

    Just like 1 or 2-yo onwards girl ... highly improper for biological father or any male to touch her private part.

    Doesn't mean mother then can anyhow touch the sons' birdie.

    As far as the memories can carry, which MSN male let their mothers touch their birdies once they started to understand things around them say since a few yo or 1/ 2 -yo onwards?

    Pls KEE CHIU ...

  32. Lao Hero //This ever caring govt has to double their effort to look after and protect the never ever to grow up, unable to grow up, or forever growing more daft children, the Singaporeans.//

    Virgo49January 18, 2018 5:32 pm
    //Think cannot tahan so pee in long kang. So mommy hole penis as birdie still too small. //

    Uncles RB & Virgo49,

    Hope the paternalism of a so loving & caring garberment doesn't include "holding the xxxxx of male oldies" when they need to pee or even worst to xx xxxxxx when they are with their parxtxs ...?

    Now they so caring for the oldies cpf retirement coffin $$$ already BAEY TAHAN already?

    Hope there won't ever be regulations same same cpf trapping with gigomous minimum sum imprisoned for life for oldies birdies such that pee oso need them hold then after that lock back with a metal cage?

    When a gaberment so kee siao like those in ancient China Dynasties dunno what weird, ridiculous laws they may institute agaunts the pple ...?

    Quite "scared" actually what will face next time when grow old like the uncles, aunties...

    The "THRUST" in the gaberment is so (wafer) thin that can be petrified whenever hear them want to "help", "care", "protect" the masses ...?

    No, No, No!


    No need YEWR help or care!

    Pls keep YEWR creepy crawly hands away!

  33. The cunning fox don't need to dip its paws into the reserves. All it needs to do is to mesmerize the daft and moronic Sinkies and makes them top up their CPF savings and pay more and more taxes.

    Laws and regulations will be devised to ensure compulsory compliance. This has been the precedence and trend in the past and will be continuously practiced until the buffalos and cows come home with great grand calves....

    It is so wonderful to be a fox amongst the dafts, morons and imbeciles!

    Is there a real need to understudy in order to become the next fox, when you are born into the fox family?

  34. Lao Hero //The good thing is that they have a kind, compassionate and paternalistic govt made up of youngish looking immortals. Some of them even have the angelic look of little children that would do no evil.//

    Omg ...?

    30ish angelic looking little children dishing out paternalistic policies to 70-yo uncles, aunties ...?

    (Roll eyes)

  35. Red Bean //This world is getting so dangerous for the Singaporeans that have lost the ability to think and to look after themselves that foreigners are not only brought in in large numbers to do the work for Singaporeans, especially the hard thinking jobs like bankers, IT specialists, professors, medicine, engineers running the trains, and running the govt also, that the govt also started to bring in foreigners to protect them, guarding the immigration checkpoints to prevent bad hats from entering to harm the Singaporeans.//

    Like that quite Jiat Lat leh as one anon has been commenting for the past few years sinkies consumers spending power kaput already?

    GDP as a measure of the SOL (Std of Living) of sinkies is quite fake now bc it is = W (wages) + R (rental) + P (Profits) + I (interests)?

    In the past few years, even if GDP per capita is growing does not mean real wages per capita is growing?

    The bulk of GDP growth now suck by rental, profits & interests?

    So the growth in real wages per capita is possibly negative?

    So the continued replacement of higher paid job by aliens would further kill the spending power of domestic consumers as reflected in huge decline across the board in the F&B sector.

    In Economics, food is considered a "Normal Good" in terms of Elasticity of Income whereby 0<YEDfood<1?

    Meaning if income increase, expenditure on F&B would increase but less than proportionate?

    The fact that F&B fell by about 11% across the board probably by backward deduction implies spending power per capita declined and emanating from the likely decline in real wages per capita?

  36. Singapore building a smart nation with daft people. Can you believe that?

  37. Daft leaders maketh daft citizens.

  38. AS I write this, I am using the free WiFi at The Esplanade, looking across the bay on a rainy Friday to my favourite city...rocking in awesomeness and getting better and better.

    The influx of foreigners is just fucking marvellous. This is now truly an international city. Unfortunately many local ASSHOLES are still behind the times and refuse to march lock-step to progress, a better life and more art, culture and science because of capitalism, open borders and the culture of MERITOCRACY.

    C'mon lah, we all criticise the sg.gov, but when they get the formula "right", give them a pat on the back lah. Singapore is great because the people made it so and they chose a govt who is 100% as fucked up and kiasu as they are, but also die-die must win type. The people get the cuntry and govt they deserve....

    ...so HERE WE ARE! 🤓

    Aiyah, our culture has some old cobwebs still there which are difficult to eradicate. The govt and people is SAMA-SAMA, so there still prevails a mindset that people cannot think for their INDIVIDUAL SELVES and so they need Wise Magicians with Special Powers in the govt to do the heavy lifting and heavy thinking for them.

    And there is truth in that claim I just made. Singaporeans love to eat and shop and use their $1500+ super-duper phones all day, especially in their super-duper cars which they park in their super-duper homes at night. Singaporeans have high standards and aspirations….so high they need the govt as Big Mummy and Daddy to guide them like the obedient children they are.

    Relac lah. All is well. This fucking Marina Bay is awesome: The Sands (foreign) The Art Science Museum (owned by The Sands), and the 2 Durians By The BAY.

    Shiok lah. Why you Kow Peh? NO need lah! 🤡

  39. Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️January 19, 2018 6:43 pm
    //AS I write this, I am using the free WiFi at The Esplanade, looking across the bay on a rainy Friday to my favourite city...rocking in awesomeness and getting better and better.//

    Lao Hero //Singaporeans, despite the high education they received relative to the third world countries around them, have degenerated to a state that they have become famously branded as retards and needed all the protection from the govt. The Singaporeans of today are basically retards and imbeciles, unable to read, unable to think, unable to save their money, unable to see what is happening to their country being sold to foreigners. //

    Spot the retard (who can't see beyond the surface) Uncle RB just described.

    What is Esplanade? Go to Genting Highlands lagi better? The feel good vibes is awesome. Can't even tell day from night and night from day. Spend 72 hours there and every min feel so good. Literally.

    Some retard will think they are in heaven and the paradise in the real world?

    Make them feel good and they are (EASILY) sold (& worst than 3-yo?)

    Uncle RB is spot on? Stupidity really has no cure?

  40. Right you are Matilah.

    The PAP had these parasites of dummy super conmen and women to leech on the unthinking Sinkies.

    That's heaven to you and its awesome.

    Unthinking Singaporeans who had been left a legacy by their forefathers and now been squandered and thrown away by their usless and incompetent brains in their arseholds pretentious self enriching traitous sons and daughters as imbecile leaders.


  41. Hi Anon 5.19- Good morning,

    Wow, you spot on one step before me to lambast this Super Dude Matilah who is here to help Sinkies with employment and is savouring the the blood sucking amenities that True Blue Singaporeans had built.

    Espanande just for the sua tengs who felt awesome looking at it. Compared to Genting like Heaven And Earth.

    One with clouds and mists that changed every seconds and like Immortals in The Mountains.

    Another overlooking a platform where the Slaves served their National Slavery and been praised and conned for been patriotic.

    Those who had not savoured the difference would not really taste about it.

    Oldies even with tong Kat still struggled to get a taste of the Heavens every fortnight enduring the six to seven hours of journey there.


  42. The bipolar view of some commentator (in a screwed up nationhood with some missing screws up there?):

    Anonymous January 15, 2018 12:32 am
    //Basically, all the Paper Generals reached their rank and status (and having spent millions of dollars of Taxpayers' money) were simply based on their "A" Level results, scoring at least 4 or 5 Asses. From then onwards, having given Overseas Scholarships, they were sent to the best Universities in UK or US. Then having got their degrees, with sure pass guaranteed, they returned to Sinkieland to be predestined Paper Generals through fast-track incubator environment with acceleration in promotion, protected and monitored by a "special" Mentor in the SAF whose rice bowl is inseparable from ensuring that the White Horse that he nurtures gets promoted according to a fixed schedule, baring any untowards circumstances. So, within a predetermined time-table of 10 years, they should attain their 1st Star (Brigadier General). That was how these Paper Generals basically gone through. Plain Sailing, with the blessings of the Unfair Elitist System curved out by Amos Yee's Horrible Man.//

    Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️January 19, 2018 6:43 pm
    //C'mon lah, we all criticise the sg.gov, but when they get the formula "right", give them a pat on the back lah. Singapore is great because the people made it so and they chose a govt who is 100% as fucked up and kiasu as they are, but also die-die must win type. The people get the cuntry and govt they deserve....//

    Can read (& understand) English?

    Can notice the bipolar view presented in the above 2 comments?

    Just within a space of 4 days?

  43. Virgo49January 20, 2018 5:43 am
    //Hi Anon 5.19- Good morning,......
    Oldies even with tong Kat still struggled to get a taste of the Heavens every fortnight enduring the six to seven hours of journey there.//

    Good morning Uncle Virgo49,

    True lah

    Thats why woke up so early lor ...

    Catching an early ride there to avoid the jam ...

    But no 2 weeks unfortunately (only 2 days) ... ha ha ha

    Nonetheless, (no matter what) must go and "donate" to the Genting family & stimulate angkor Majeep lah ... oops angkor Majeep's economy lah ...

    Same time going shop at Awana Station Premium Outlets lah for all the CNY clothes etc ... (yesterday) just money changer $xxxx riggit hopefully enuf ...?

    Not going sleep tonite, will probably drop in SKY or Genting ... previously topped up RMxxxx on top of the free RM30 but haven't touched yet cos too rush and no time to wait for "good game" to "play" ...

    But before that 8.30pm at the Star Arena catching the Chan Poh Chu Live Show ... parents era super star ... nvr watch before ... just try lah but probably many oldies there ... no other show on 20 Jan but good to try new things ... she 71-yo liao, can be uncles rb & virgo elder sister ...?

    Date 20 January 2018
    Time 8.30pm
    Location Arena of Stars

    Bought the tickets liao ... quite cheap ... middle tier though ... (orange seats)

    Dinner probably is the (favourite) Guan Kee Wanton Noodles and the Jap Octopus ...

    Nvr book any hotel cos leaving tmr morning & going sleep otw back ... check in hotel oso quite waste time, especially just for 1 nite (no economies of scale)

    If tired will probably find a place to nap a while, probably at the 24 hr fastfood or somewhere ...

    Actually go in for 2 days all the way there not worth it but need fresh air in matland ... too suffocating in peesai le with too many poohliticians fart fart fart too stinky le ... tak boleh tahan ... need get out ... even it is for half a day ...

    Not chkg in hotel but brought a large luggage though ... ha ha ha ... to put the barang barang lah from premium outlets ... got super weekend sales there ... previously got some big bargain quite worth it ... 1/3 price of peesai ...

    Go up genting cable need pay surcharge though (for luggage) so going store it at Awana station ... quite cheap ... think a few riggit ...

    Going to buy & buy & buy ...

    Orh-CHAK too ex le ... only go there for Don Don Donki Jap stuff other places no have ... other than that not worth go Orh-CHAK ... $$$ all go to langlor & gaberment ...

  44. Aiyo, wasted. My free 4 days stay till today but back yesterday's evening.

    If you were here yesterdaymorning can give you the one night extra.

    Hello, super deluxe triple.

    Luckily no meet the Taiwanese APOs. Think they are at cars entrances.

    Morning, my doggie missed going to pee and poo at Indranee memorial stone so brought her there.

    That's why so early. Missed me for four days.

    Enjoy your stay. Huat, Ong, Chye, -Genting War Cry- To Datuk Lim Goh Tong.


  45. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 7:39 am
    //Aiyo, wasted. My free 4 days stay till today but back yesterday's evening. If you were here yesterdaymorning can give you the one night extra.//

    Aiya no need lah ...

    Book already probably oso not going to use. Waste time. Wont have time go casino see see till probably near mid nite tonite. Tmr morning leaving le. So only left between Sun midnite to early morning to see see ... unlikely have time to sleep lah ... going sleep soon otw up ... then tmr otw back sleep oso ... just get out over weekend for fresh air ...


  46. Hi bro, don't forget keep your premium carriers in your luggage.

    Now Ho Jinxx need more monies for her casino's punting. Now gian png. See premium stores carriers tax you GST charges.

    Taiwanese APOs on lookout for these.

    Don't how lian how lian said you shop Premium Outlets.

    Hope you within three rounds have Genting Highlands sponsorship of n these goodies.

    Good luck.

  47. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 7:39 am
    //Morning, my doggie missed going to pee and poo at Indranee memorial stone so brought her there.//

    Ya lah ...

    How can let your dog prolong and hold her poo in stomach ... later fart the smell tak boleh tahan

    Someone who went to gallery watch parleemen said very smelly fart inside some poohliticians long time nvr fo pang sai keep farting a lot so stinky maciam nearly vomited & feel fainting ... the farting smell supposedly was horrendous and unprecedented ... so good to let your doggie poo poo regularly otherwise u watch tv parleemen debate she fart strong strong u tak boleh tahan later dinner come out (vomit) liao ...

  48. See the por Lum par Channel news Asia reporter Amir Yususf purposely want to pay GST for his groceries at only S $3.00 for his lot of groceries.

    This is the wayang beginning that they gonna to go all out to collect GST payments. Just to sound you first.

    Wah piang, queue going to be six hours soon.

    SINKIE shops no business

  49. Rb: //Singapore, a country of retards and imbeciles//

    Virgo49 January 20, 2018 8:30 am
    //See the por Lum par Channel news Asia reporter Amir Yususf purposely want to pay GST for his groceries at only S $3.00 for his lot of groceries.//

    When uncle rb bemoaned that //Singapore, a country of retards and imbeciles//, leepotal included lah ...?

    They so retard and imbecile just single minded por lam par mentioned last month that the red tomato sinkie resident 15-yo student $350 bursary can go cheong ... oops can go for tuition liao in her weak subjects .... siao! "O" level Math cheapest in mkt minimum $200 one month one class 20 students ... so $350 can go tuition how many months? Go for 1 month got use??? ... aung juan soon chee namesake pony chee bestest physics tuition one month alone $450 ... so $350 bursary can go for tuition real news or fake news??? this leepotal retard or imbecile or he think sinkies oldies retard or imbecile ?

    Mount Teema one pian chak "A" level econs tuition per class 50 students one month oso $350 to $420 per student minimum and many students still kena lousy grades like "U" or "E" or "D" ... this type of grades cannot get into uni one but shit times leepotal print big big "super tutor" so many parents retard nvr do due diligence or homework check properly just send their children waste $$$ waste their JC students precious time ...? As uncle rb said, "The Singaporeans of today are basically retards and imbeciles, unable to read, unable to think, ....." VERY TRUE? In JCs, the SCHOOL tutorial class size are mostly between 16 to 25 students and many ALREADY cannot follow or catch up with the lessons liao ... then some parents spend few hundred $$$ per month send their JC kids to gigomous TUITION class size of 30 to 60 students ... got use meh? The parents no brain to think? Water go inside the brain? Just bc shit time print BIG BIG "super tutor" then they retard just pay and send their children to super over sized tuition classes?

    Really retard & imbecile?


  50. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 8:30 am
    //See the por Lum par Channel news Asia reporter Amir Yususf purposely want to pay GST for his groceries at only S $3.00 for his lot of groceries.//

    Wont be surprised if leepotal go toylee bowls pretend scoop ps to eat, retard will believe oso?

    Actually can be just stunt toylee bowl can be brand new nvr use before and also can be sanitised/ sterilised thoroughly many times with 1,000 degrees boiling water then they can be they place plastic bag dabao fish ball and leepotal pretend to scoop to eat .... for stunt show but retard believe real not fake news go public toylee bowls do the same ...?

  51. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 7:56 am
    //Hi bro, don't forget keep your premium carriers in your luggage.//

    Thank you. Everytime if exceed S$150 per person will pay GST lah. Still at least more than 50% cheaper. Branded shirts at $10+ buy in peesai at least near $100 onwards ... depends on the discount bargains lah. Minus the jams, makan, rest, shop & trying out in fitting rooms for a few hours also not necessary can get suitable items so usually a few shirts + some other items still below $150 lah ... each day trip can be $200 per pax but bulk of it on makan which is already in the stomach so how to pay gst?

    Anyway trip aborted this morning cos friend's parent unwell need go hospital last min. One person too tired to drive up alone and then drive back ...

    Btw, already told u & MSN readers last year Dec in MSN that by Apr this year possible exchange rate down to 1 to 2.8-2.9 & many matlanders after cny may not come back to work in peesai or so motivated. Oil prices bouncing back & Bank Negara & Najib doing a much better job reviving the economy so rate could be heading back to the pre-2015 level ... so the riggit (already) exchanged some in last Dec at 3.03 can keep lah so in 2018 can use lor if rate dropped to 2.9 or 2.8 ...

    Recently rates quite bad though & mostly below 3 ...

    Within 2 years the rate could touch 2.6 or below if Bank Negara &/ or Najibnomics continue to outperform the JLB or Botaknomics ...?

    Jam at checkpoints may recede in coming months due to the plunging exchange rate & the peesai currency shrinking vis a vis the riggit.

    Also peesai GDP is actually not performing well at the ground level if yew examine other economic indicators not highlighted by shit times leepotal ...?

    So retail/ F&B generally should continue to head south especially after cny 2018 many shops/ biz may run road ...?

    Yew go singstat.gov.sg if u know how to use some data published then compute some other economic indicators not provided by the silver serpents yew can tell economy at ground level not doing well ...

    Uncle rb already said many sinkies retard & imbecile dunno use brand read/ think beyond what the shit times asked them to see or think or want them to know ...?

    Still the same conclusion:

    Stupidity got no cure ...?

    PS: Uncle Virgo, can bring your doggie Pee & Poo more or buy one more doggie then can Pee & Poo simultaneously at more favorite spots every morning & evening ...?

  52. Hi Anon, in time to come, exchange be one to one.

    Sinkieland Enconmy in doldrums if these clowns still in charge.

    So have to make big transfers to Matland banks and visit or stay there more b4 it's too late.

    Also, sinkies would be queuing in the opposite direction in the mornings not to shop but to work there.

    Luckily got sanctuary there.

    He who laugh last laugh best.

    Each trio to Melaka back with at least 150 to 200 doggie food and accessories.

    GST after 48 hours is allocated for S $600. and below is 150.00

    Even you brought 1K of goods, can collect only few dollars on 7%.

    That's why they just simply ignored and let practically all thru. Only this woman they knew to Paris will have lots of high value goods for sale to make monies.

    That's why they nabbed her. So all monkeys scared just because they killed a chicken.

    The Customs will find these collections a nuisance as they bw kept real busy just collecting a mere ten to twenty per person and held up traffics both passengers and vehicles.

    ONLY the media try to make a hoo ha out of these incidents.

    Collecting cash, the Customs got to balance the accounts everyday and send to HO for settlements.

    Our time, we dont go thru this hassles for a few miserable dollars.

    Now maybe gian png they will instruct to collect.

    Especially with the coming increase of GST rate and their million dollars increments.

  53. Exchange at 1 to 1 or even lower.

    So, transfer now to get $1.00 to 3 and be safe.

    Even you buy 1K of groceries or apparels, after minusing 600 relief, only taxable at 400.00 x by 7 %- ONLY $2.80 CTS

    My God. You think they take the trouble??

    Receipts cost most than that.

  54. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 10:22 pm //That's why they nabbed her. So all monkeys scared just because they killed a chicken.//

    Thats good, isn't it?

    (Oink oink)

    Dun get it?

  55. //Even you buy 1K of groceries or apparels, after minusing 600 relief, only taxable at 400.00 x by 7 %- ONLY $2.80 CTS//

    Should be $28?

    But they gian png (eng huat)?

    What to do?

    Just pay lah & clogg up the jam even more?

    Purposely go daiso & others buy those cheap cheap items packed boot to the brim then 4 pax quota $600 & purposely total just marginally below then let them search whole car lor one item by item count if they dun believe less than quota allowed ...


    (Some) Cannot find leh mb throw away aledi?


    Or accumulate 10 months receipts in plastic bags 1 by 1 chk lor ....?

    Cannot keep 10 months receipts togethee in 1 plastic bag?

  56. Even then, 4 pax more than 48 hours quota ($600×4) $2400 or (RM1800x4) RM7,200 ...?

    How to exceed even if buy & buy & buy?

    Even 3 car boots also not enough space accomodate so much?

  57. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 10:33 pm
    //Exchange at 1 to 1 or even lower.//

    After another 10 years of bonao-nomics (or retard-nomics or imbecile-nomics) ... oops botaknomics, it is possible even the other way round by 2028 S$3 to RM1 ...?

    Dun be surprised by then, Najibnomics outperform and outrun Botaknomics by miles ahead?

    By then, nutc could be swarmed with matlanders to buy grocery ...?

  58. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 10:22 pm
    //Now maybe gian png they will instruct to collect.//

    Not to worry ...

    Tmr going in JB as substitute to Genting ...

    Already chio a few lao aunties give them free transport but they wont buy much

    Total 5 pax quota $150 × 5 = $750 or riggit RM2250

    If APO very free want to search let them be ...

    Can complain to Najib AEC FTA committee peesai custom violate regulation after that ...?

    Let Najib AEC FTA committee deal with the custom pple (for any potential violation) ...?

  59. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 10:22 pm
    //Sinkieland Enconmy in doldrums if these clowns still in charge.//

    Tmr no matter what need to get out (to get {much needed} fresh air in matland) ...

    Tak Boleh Tahan the suffocating shit fart air by pang sai deprived poohliticians who keep farting non-stop?

    The air is so "foul smell" ...?

    Really tak boleh tahan?

    1 gazillion times?

  60. Aiyo,for donkey years 3/4 tanks fill up.

    Not protectionism? ? Now they dont really bother.

    Najib never make protest as ASEAN Free Trade??


  61. Virgo49 January 20, 2018 10:33 pm
    //So, transfer now to get $1.00 to 3 and be safe.//

    Uncle VIRGO,

    Now is not about sinkie transfer S$ to RM (bc mostly oso no money $$$ suck dry dry liao by a gigomous JLB brand vacuum)?

    Likely a lot of "hot$$$ inflow" since 2014 that drove up the exchange rate are from rich Matlanders?

    If by April 2018 yew go to singstat.gov.sg check the BOP (Balance of Payment) Finanical Account column sub category Other Investment, if huge difference compared 1Q 2017, then zai zai liao ...?

    Means possible massive "hot $$$" outflow withdrawals by rich matlanders cos currency trending the other direction so best time for them to "flee" liao and book in the currency gain from their $$ parked for past 3 years???

    Means during this period up to cny, possible for rates to fluctuate even more? Ding dong ding dong ding dong?

    With Retard-nomics or Imbecile-nomics or Botaknomics "using" oldies kuah cha png (coffin $$$) to intervene & try prop up the rate (but "inadvertently catching falling knives & eventually a futile & costly retard/ imbecile adventure"?)???

    With oil prices recovery from the low of USD27 per barrel in Feb 2016 to current prices of USD50+ per barrel, it is a forgone conclusion liao?

    Recently many matlanders KOW BAEY KOW BU their salary shrinking & many said if no increment after cny to make up for currency kew chui then they likely quit and jump ship liao after that...?
