
Shanmugam – China’s BRI good for China and participating countries

Minister K Shanmugam: China a “world leader” and the BRI “the most ambitious project” in human history:

“The project was bold, imaginative and ambitious, and exemplifies the vision of a country that is currently the world leader in many aspects of infrastructure technology. China has also been very strategic in the way it has been investing, linking up with other countries and building relationships, and its companies are prepared to take risks and invest in large infrastructure projects… the BRI is arguably the most ambitious infrastructure project in history with the potential to bring Eurasia, China and Southeast Asia even closer together… It’s in China’s interest – and ours too – that its rise to great power status, or even superpower status, is peaceful and is seen to be peaceful… The rise of China is likely to be the largest world economy in absolute terms, though not in per capita terms. Technologically and militarily, China will become a more significant player over the next 20 to 30 years.”.... “It must be acknowledged that the country has achieved results for its people over the last 35 years on a scale that no other country in history has – both in terms of the speed of progress and the number of people who have made the leap from poverty to prosperity. China has been showing its detractors are getting it wrong. Its success in the field of science and technology, contradict claims that its political system does not allow innovation.” thestatestimes.

Singapore has officially put it on record the importance of China’s BRI project that would benefit all the countries participating in the project as well as countries not wanting to participate, notably India, Japan and the USA. From the start China has kept the door open and invited every country to be part of the BRI. India, Japan and the USA refused to participate for political reasons. They knew how valuable is this peaceful economic initiative that would boost connectivity and trade between Asia, SE Asia and Europe.

These three countries are going to lose out due to their narrow mindedness and selfish political interests. India would be left out in the cold and be bypassed. Good riddance. Japan and the USA, both technology and engineering power house with many big companies that could participate in the massive infrastructure projects could kick their own asses for not wanting or be allowed to be part of the scheme of things by their respective govts. Now they too are left out in the cold and cursing their govts for playing the spoiler game.

It is good that these countries opted out themselves from the BRI and not be in to be trouble makers. China should just leave it that way, no need to bother to invite them in again. And if they wanted in, treat them the same way they treated China when the latter applied for membership to the IMF. Just keep them outside the door with all the barriers to let them have a taste of their own medicine.

The BRI would go ahead in full steam with or without India, Japan or the USA. Let it be and let them be. A good project that is beneficial to all countries would be beneficial to all that could see the benefits. There is no need to hard sell the project. The BRI sells by itself. Only the blind could not see how important is this BRI project. India, Japan and the USA would be the real losers for playing the bad guys.


Anonymous said...

//India, Japan and the USA would be the real losers for playing the bad guys..//Rb

Yes & No.
Yes-- these 3 countries seems to lose out when they don't take part in the Bri project economically & stragically. On the other hand, this could force them to think out of the box in terms of bziness strategy, maybe they don't use BRi they use air crafts or drones for transporting goods or create good connectivity in the aerospace arena instead of the Bri or silk tour maritime ..
Nope..meaning these 3 cuntries r in cahoots to create their on trading route or bzinesss strategy or they may just thinking of migrating to other planets by creating more wars & building more weapons of mass destruction to destroys human beings or otherwise...

Anonymous said...

Now only talk. Think is a bit too late liou. This is the no/wrong vision team who think China is still backward and dumb.

Anonymous said...

Shanmugam – China’s BRI good for China and participating countries

China's BRI.
So is Singapore a "participating" country?
Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Is old fart getting up any time soon?

Anonymous said...

Is this pee sai in or out of BRI?

How involved?

Are we welcomed!

Where will we be 20 years on?

Yes! China is the world!

Anonymous said...

@ September 04, 2017 9:18 am

What does Singapore have to offer in the BRI?

Any engineering ability?
- look at our trains ... probably not.

Any management ability?
- look at our trains ... probably not.

Any planning ability?
- look at our overcrowded trains & hospitals ... probably not.

Any financial expertise?
- look at our CPF, GIC, Temasek ... what do you think?
- look at all the foreign talent in the upper management in our banks ... what do you think?

I know.
We have the most highly educated taxi drivers in the world.
Many graduates and PMETs with many years of working experience before they were retrenched and replaced by 3rd world graduates.
I'm sure China will want to learn how we managed to do this.
So clever of us.

Anonymous said...

"Shanmugam – China’s BRI good for China and participating countries"

Even though Sinkieland may not be involved in BRI, also no harm for Shanmugam and PAP to say that, tio bo? In fact China will also be happy with what Shanmugam said.

But plenty of harm to PAP if LKYSPP Professor Huang Jing was not expelled from Sinkieland.

So Shanmugam is doing all the right things for PAP, as a smart Sinkie minister should do.

Anonymous said...

Many graduates and PMETs with many years of working experience before they were retrenched and replaced by 3rd world graduates.
10:09 am

Such graduates and PMETs are a minority lah, maybe 30% or even much less.

And with so many 3rd world graduates in Sinkieland, u also cannot expect no graduates and PMETs were retrenched and replaced by 3rd world graduates, tio bo?

So doesn't matter to PAP lah, even if they don't vote PAP.

Anonymous said...



like that Singapore got no hope liao

where you think Singapore will be in SG70?

finished? bo future liao?

Anonymous said...

K Shanmugum Makes A Better PM

Shanmugam makes a better Foreign Minister than the present one. He should not have handed over the FM post to the preset useless, Olympian of Over-spending caused by inability to forecast the budget properly.

Shanmugam would even make a better PM than the present one who is plagued by cancerous ill-health and hyper-ego syndrome, plus inability to clear his name of the abuse of power cast upon him by his own siblings, despite his desperate efforts to do so in Parliament on 3 and 4 July.

I will vote for Shanmugum to be our next PM. 101% support, no doubt. Only thing is that Racist PAP will never allow other races to be PM.

While the President can be any Tony, Dick or Pussy, as the position has been clipped of all powers, the PM post is totally different. PM is like King or Emperor in Sinkieland, while the President is just like a high-class puppet only good for entertainment, i.e. entertaining foreign dignitaries.

VIva for Shanmugum!

Anonymous said...

The Dragonfly, Yes viva Shanmugum!

K Shanmugum anytime!

I m his fan!

He has a lot of fans!

He has many many many followers!

So anytime!

Anonymous said...

K Shanmugum Makes A Better PM
10:48 am

Too bad lah, u said one lah, not PM Lee said or not even Shanumgam think he makes a better PM.

Anonymous said...

If Shanmugam really can make a better PM, I don't think he wants to be minister under PM Lee.

It is hard for good and smart people to remain good and smart under a bad and stupid boss.

Virgo49 said...

Why Article in the "State Times" instead of in "The Straits Times"???

Thought Shamu accused State Times of Flase News. Or is it Fake News??

Now they are lucky to have the loony guy to be PM and by nature, culture and upbringing to be magnanimous to others except their own kind. Unless they are exception to have other blood and cultures in their Roots to be Traitors.

You want others to be the Commander-in-Chief which in their cultures,nature and upbringing to place their kind FIRST and others last??

Once they usurped or be given that Power, you cursed yourselves been born here.
No way they will relinquish their Powers.

You cursed your parents for giving birth to you here.

Maybe, not live long enough to taste their ODOUR.

A sergeant Major will become a Major and a Major be Lieutenant General.

All others will be replaced completely by their Own Kind.

Cry Heaven and Earth No Reply.

Just like the Episode of Nanjing but in a legal way.

Dragonfly might be going to be an Aussie PR and don't have to face the consequences.

Anonymous said...

K Shanmugam is my MP. He really takes care of his constituents, unlike many of the PAP pretentious self-serving clowns who want to bluff also don't know how to bluff type, and talking cock like singing song. Best examples of the TCSS pappies are the small-boy look Kee Chiu and the one who can't even know how to comb his hair, the good, better, betterest idiot who only happy when look at his cpf statement every month.

K. Shanmugam has a heart for his people. He is a man of his words and he is down-to-earth, not like those high almighty self-proclaimed shameless aristocrats and plain-sailing fast-track paper generals, who can't even make any military plan by themselves, being helped and assisted all the way, with subordinates cleaning up all the mess they left behind, when they shifted from one post to the next in fast rotation of appointments to allow them to so-called gain experience.

K. Shanmugam was a 'farmer' like most of us. We farmers do not automatically respect the paper generals because we know they depended upon us to get up. Without us doing all the dirty works for them, they are nobody. Take away the civil service, these fast-track scholars are nothing but hot airs. This is the failure of the system of meritocracy.

What Singapore needs now and into the future is a smart farmer to lead the way, not a pseudo paper general who has been spoon-fed and protected all his life, who doesn't even know the difference between a plate of mee siam and a plate of kway teow. Only down-to-earth people like Shanmugam will be able to take Singapore into the next quantum leap forward.

The botak, Tar Man, is too timid and cowardly to be PM, though many people thinks he makes a good PM. From my perspective, Tar Man just doesn't have that extra pound of guts and iron will-power to command the respect of cunning ruthless leaders of other countries.

Anonymous said...

He really takes care of his constituents,...
11:36 am

Like what? Can u give some specific examples for readers to know and understand better?

So that I can also compare with my opposition MP in Aljunied, or for others to compare with theirs.

Anonymous said...

Dragonfly might be going to be an Aussie PR and don't have to face the consequences.

September 04, 2017 11:19 am

For your info, Virgo49, I have been an Australian PR since 1989. In two weeks' time, I will be getting my Australian Citizenship. All my CPF savings have been withdrawn. All my local bank accounts have been closed. All my six children are grown-up, married, have their own families, and living in other countries but still Singaporeans. They may come back or they may not. That depends on their own decisions. Their decisions will depend on how they see the future of Singapore and who is leading the country.

However, that does not mean I should not be as objective as possible, with regard to my assessments of personalities and leaderships, be they Singaporeans or from other countries, instead of being a bigot, racist and xenophobic.

I have been reading the comments in RB's blog and forum for donkey years. since he started, and I know who are those who are stuck in their own bigotry and racist thinking, those who are xenophobic, and those who can be open and objective enough to see things with objectivity.

Anonymous said...

He really takes care of his constituents,...
11:36 am

"Like what? Can u give some specific examples for readers to know and understand better?
So that I can also compare with my opposition MP in Aljunied, or for others to compare with theirs." by Anon @ September 04, 2017 11:51 am

Like making sure that the Town Council's accounts and constituents' conservancy fees are not messed up, or messed around with, and having to be sued in Court by a special team of external auditors. This is the most important aspect as far as the constituents' welfare are concerned. Don't you think so?

Anonymous said...

The Dragonfly,,,,,,,

Envy you! Well done!

Like to read your comments.

Best of health and Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Many ahguamen kena wooden cha tao disease le ownself praise ownself ...?

Anonymous said...

One ministry already cannot take care properly with so many problems on the ground but "either zzzg or ..."?

With two, problems on the ground got much worst ...?

Ahguamen are either cxxk suckers or plp or simply daft (as one old fart labelled them)?

The blind leading the blind (din know flies eyes oso paste stamps or pretend to?) or some daft trying to (mis)lead other daft?

Either way, stupidity of all daft got no cure ...

Anonymous said...

Because the BRI has tremendous potential, that is why lots of spanners will be thrown into the works, to ensure it does not succeed, or at least going to run into problems along the way. An example is India's deliberate standoff against China in Bhutan. The objective is clear as daylight.

The Japs may appear passive so far in the face of their non participation in the project, but China must learn a lesson from the Pearl Harbour sneak attack by the Japs. They are never to be trusted. How can they be trusted when they, up to today, have never officially admitted to committing the atrocities during WW2?

Anonymous said...

/// Like making sure that the Town Council's accounts and constituents' conservancy fees are not messed up, or messed around with, and having to be sued in Court by a special team of external auditors. This is the most important aspect as far as the constituents' welfare are concerned. Don't you think so? ///
September 04, 2017 12:28 pm

Balls lah.
You forgot about AIM is it?
You forgot the existing Managing Agent did not want to continue with WP is it?

The most important thing is that it is the MP's job to debate and legislate laws in parliament.
As the owner, it is the HDB's job to manage their own HDB estate.
It is NOT the MP's job.

Typical daft Sinkie.
Or maybe you are a PAP IB?

Virgo49 said...

Shamugan as Home Minister as what Koreans called GateKeeper in their linguo.

These Economic Matter should be from the mouth of Lim Hng Jiang as Trade Minister.

In Sinkieland, any Minister just to gain Political Points can overstepped another Ministry Role to be in the limelight.

Too ambitious.Yes, Mr Sham did a fine job in your Constituency.

Also too well in as GateKeeper for Sinkieland.

Three to four hours jams atCauseway and Tuas Checkpoint.

Very meticulous and powerful.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I always hear people praising Tharman as the potential to be PM. Today is the first time I hear so many supporters of Shanmagum. Now Tharman has a serious contender for the job.

Anonymous said...

Balls lah...
Typical daft Sinkie.
Or maybe you are a PAP IB?
1:09 pm

Hey Dragonfly, somebody scold u for your 12:28 pm post.

Actually I (11:51 am) also wanted to scold u the same thing, but 1:09 pm already scolded u earlier, so I no need to scold u again.

Quick, better respond.

Anonymous said...

Now Tharman has a serious contender for the job.
RB 1:22 pm

RB, this one Dragonfly said one lah.

Why u also said what Dragonfly said? U know Dragonfly? If so, then I can understand lah.

Anonymous said...

Shanmugan has Tharman as serious contender for the job?

Which job actual-lee?

Anonymous said...

The job for the dark side!

Virgo49 said...

Learnt a very good lesson from Matland.

This Mad Hater when the also daft Bumis like Sinkies elected him to be the PM has the Bumis in his pockets and even held their Balls.

He even pulled out the Teeth of the Malay Rulers who are the Rightful Owners of the Land.

In his own sky way, he mendes the Constitution and made even the Sultans under his Balls.

Now, we have enlightened third generation Rulers who show their middle fingers to him.

Especially the Sultan of Johore.

Nasib, is a pure Bumi and he knew how to have respects for the Royalty.

You want this to happen in Sinkie Land? ??

No chance of Reversal as Sinkies are too docile to whisper a whimper.

Anonymous said...

Whether S or T be the PM is OK lah!

Both equally GOOD!

Anyway, Singapore got future or not?

I can see everyone like very very busy leh.

So should be OK!

Anonymous said...

"In two weeks' time, I will be getting my Australian Citizenship. "

Relax. U seemed old man from own descriptions.
14 days later, u will not be entitled to cheaper hospitalization here.
U are stressing yourself, viewing from your writings. Can get strokes. Your risks are higher as a male.

B class full fees when you get strokes. U apply for PR? If not, better relax and writing about Oz.

b said...

Politics is about self interest. Politicians are all about filling their own pockets. Cannot trust anyone of them. They will sure screw up and make people poorer.

Anonymous said...


I read that if politicians do not fill their pockets in 'legalised' manner, they are presumed to be corrupt.

Either which way we descrbe them, they mean the same thing. Shit smells the same whichever name you would like to call it.

Anonymous said...

You mean tar man or sham man, they are all same same ?

Anonymous said...

Whether Damen or Shamemurugam they both not up to PeeAyam post, they r simply ball carriers of their boss Long Ah. 1 is a 'kuai kuai' fellow & the other one a tongue twister cum backstabber, when either one be a PeeAyam one day this PeeSai will sink faster..more Sinkies r leaving to save themselves ..read this


& http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/commentary-more-singaporeans-going-abroad-but-are-no-less-9134122

Anonymous said...

No choice if they, like the President Elect, wants an Indian to be PM, because they can say that for 52 years we do not have an Indian PM.

If we are not still alive by then, elections will be meaningless, when racial politics comes into the picture.

Can happen or not, I leave it to you to imagine.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is very very interesting as a singaporean!

So much so much to enjoy!

If you are financially OK, Singapore is a great and wonderful place!


Anonymous said...

/// I have been living in the San Francisco bay area, California USA for the past 26 years.
I cannot be a happier man anywhere else.
Here in California my success depends entirely on my own ability.

If I have ideas and they are viable, there is no reason why I cannot make a success of it. There is no need for me here to support any political party or receive the patronage of anyone.

There is no need for me to grovel at the feet of any Lee family member or crony.
I have my rights to be who I am and there is no need to lick anyone's boots.
Not so in Singapore island under the Lee family government. ///


Just say the word PeeAyam.
And I will have a driverless car in 18 months.
For Singaporeans. By Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Every Five-Star Hotel In The World Is Wonderful!

"If you are financially Okay, Singapore is a great and wonderful place!"

That statement is perfectly correct. But a great and wonderful place for what? For own masturbation, as some have said?

Or as a hotel? As I said and implied many times before, Singapore like Hotel California.

There again, if you have financial freedom, but don't have time freedom, you can earn millions of dollars every month, but you are still stuck. You are unable to let go. You want more and more money; more and more attention; more and more power to control more and more people. You enjoy screwing up other peoples' lives, may be. Or you simply love to see other people suffer because you have a sadistic tendency.

But if you have both Financial Freedom as well as Time Freedom, every "Five-Star Hotel" in the world is great and wonderful. New York is better than Singapore. Washington DC even better than New York, you can stay at Donald Trump's new hotel close-by to White House and meet his wonderful children, especially his daughter Ivanka.

Vancouver is best; you can buy a SUV for SG$35,000 and pay in five years installments interest free; so many Asians are there, especially Taiwanese and Hongkees - it is like East meets West (Singapore is West meets East).

Best of best is of course what suits your own taste and definition of 'Best'.

But if you are a daft Sinkie and love to be screwed again and again, Singapore is also good for you too?

Morons are morons. Ignorance is what they are good at. They cannot understand Impermanence. They are unable to grasp what is Illusion. They simply cannot let go. Worst still, they are living in a make-belief world of their own.

What is Reality? They either forgot or never heard of. They don't even know what is life any more, for they have lived under conditioned existence for far too long.

Anonymous said...

@ September 04, 2017 6:59 pm

In short.
Singaporeans are ruled by miserable human beans who think that life is to be endured rather than to be enjoyed.
And these miserable rulers make life miserable for all Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Advice to all miserable rulers.
Your wife's vagina is an organ to be used and not preserved.
Fuck more.
Mental masturbate less.

Virgo49 said...

Breaking News

Russia Planes and Warships in Face off with NATO.

NATO forces on High Alert


Virgo49 said...

NATO warship hit by Russian Guided Missile.

230 Troops killed

Virgo49 said...

You Tube Live Broadcast.

Wah see the attacks by Russia

Latvia and Baltic States

Sinkieland still sleeping no news

Anonymous said...

According to a ST report today, India national Verma Gaurav, 27, restrained a 26-year-old Myanmar maid and repeatedly kissed her in a HDB lift on Feb 24, 2017. He was sentenced to three years' jail and four strokes of the cane on today for outraging her modesty.

virgo49 said...


Anonymous said...

Very perturbed by this news: Republic of Singapore Air Force completed 3-month deployment to the Middle East to support the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

RSAF's KC-135R Stratotanker, a military aerial refuelling aircraft, supported the multi-national coalition against the extremist threat, including during the fights for Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, performing over 50 missions.


Why are Sinkies deployed to help fight others' wars which we are not involved in?

Like that, ISIS will now mark Sinkies !

Anonymous said...

Five Applications For Certificate of Eligibility For PE 2017

Elections Department, which is directly controlled by the Prime Minister, has received 5 applications for the Certificate of Eligibility to run in the upcoming Race Reserved Presidential Election (RRPE). Applications for the COE opens today and close today at 5 pm, making it extremely difficult for those who are overseas or in hospital no options.

It is noted that out of the 5 applicants, only 3 applied for the Racist Malay Community Certificate.

I wonder why is the Elections Dept given the authority to issue the Malay Community Certificate? There are so many Malay Communities in Singapore, isn't it? How can the Elections Dept represents all of them?

As this is a race-based Presidential Election, a candidate is required to prove that he is a Malay. His identity card cannot be used to prove that he or she is a Malay. Instead, only Elections Department can prove that.

In past elections, the individual applicant's Identity Card has been used to determine his or her race. The Police has also been using the Identity Card as the sole authority to determine a person's race since independence. Why the IC cannot be used in this Election?

According to ELD, one person had applied for the Chinese Community Certificate while the other “declared that he does not consider himself to be a member of the Chinese community, the Malay community, or the Indian or other minority communities". So how?

Eligible candidates will only be announced on Nomination Day – 13 September, as ELD needs nine days to determine and issue the result of their application, possibly because they are not able to work faster than that, or perhaps there is a lot of red tapes that have to be cleared?

Anonymous said...

Five Applications For Certificate of Eligibility For PE 2017

Elections Department, which is directly controlled by the Prime Minister, has received 5 applications for the Certificate of Eligibility to run in the upcoming Race Reserved Presidential Election (RRPE). Applications for the COE opens today and close today at 5 pm, making it extremely difficult for those who are overseas or in hospital no options.

It is noted that out of the 5 applicants, only 3 applied for the Racist Malay Community Certificate.

I wonder why is the Elections Dept given the authority to issue the Malay Community Certificate? There are so many Malay Communities in Singapore, isn't it? How can the Elections Dept represents all of them?

As this is a race-based Presidential Election, a candidate is required to prove that he is a Malay. His identity card cannot be used to prove that he or she is a Malay. Instead, only Elections Department can prove that.

In past elections, the individual applicant's Identity Card has been used to determine his or her race. The Police has also been using the Identity Card as the sole authority to determine a person's race since independence. Why the IC cannot be used in this Election?

According to ELD, one person had applied for the Chinese Community Certificate while the other “declared that he does not consider himself to be a member of the Chinese community, the Malay community, or the Indian or other minority communities". So how?

Eligible candidates will only be announced on Nomination Day – 13 September, as ELD needs nine days to determine and issue the result of their application, possibly because they are not able to work faster than that, or perhaps there is a lot of red tapes that have to be cleared?

Anonymous said...

Dragon fly, now that you are no longer a sinkie and your 6 children with families are all overseas and may not come back, it means u are no longer a stakeholder here. Cause u can say what u like From the safety of distant, screw up whatever here based on your influence on others to do something and bear no consequences. You should refrain from commenting further on any local issues. Otherwise you may be invited to drink coffee at extreme temperature, put in Changi resort and have your old ass sodomised. 😰😰😰😰😰

Anonymous said...

@ Virgo49 @ September 04, 2017 8:36 pm

Fake news!
Fake news!.
Warning - PAP IB detected.

Anonymous said...

@ September 05, 2017 5:48 am

If your logic is correct.
Then redbean should also not write about China.

You must be a PAP IB.
Always telling people what they cannot do.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


Is your news real or fake news? Nothing in the media today. Or has there been a black out. Russian hitting Nato ship is no joke. It is war.

Anonymous said...

I think Virgo may be talking about the battle on your blog.


patriot said...

SAF is in Guam.

Heard this report in
broadcast over FM95.8.

SAF shall be a better force as our fighting men are put into real battle trainings. lt augurs well for the Security and Safety of Sin.

May Sin flourishes and Sinkies enjoy living in peace.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Dragon fly, now that you are no longer a sinkie and your 6 children with families are all overseas and may not come back, it means u are no longer a stakeholder here. Cause u can say what u like From the safety of distant, screw up whatever here based on your influence on others to do something and bear no consequences. You should refrain from commenting further on any local issues. Otherwise you may be invited to drink coffee at extreme temperature, put in Changi resort and have your old ass sodomised. ����������

September 05, 2017 5:48 am


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ rb, making a bold claim:

>> The BRI would go ahead in full steam with or without India, Japan or the USA. <<

The BRI is just an idea at the moment. China has decided to "wait" for India who will no doubt spend years "contemplating" a role or no role in the BRI.

But not to worry. China is not a nation know for dragging its feet or getting despondent. I'll bet money that they have Plan B, Plan C etc. in case this one doesn't go soon. It might go later, next generation perhaps....no one knows.

China's long term objective is to be a first world nation. Not every idea will succeed of course, but that doesn't mean they will ever take their eyes off the objective....or "reduce the expectations." That, we can all count on. They won't stop until they succeed---as it should be the way for our very own Singapore.