
Shame on you America

Cynical Investor wrote on Amos Yee being detained in the USA for 11 months and still under detention for seeking political asylum in the US. The article is posted in TRE.

'SgDaily’s Buzzfeed story (from March) reminded me that Amos has spent 11 months in a US jail. And there’s still no end in sight....

And taz not all. In jail he kanna robbed.
What an ass to believe that America is the land of the free for scroungers. He should have tried Europe but taz the trouble with a stupid boy. He didn’t research or analyse enough the topic. No wonder he’s a hero of the TRE cybernuts. Stupid people like stupid people.'

I posted this not because of Amos Yee or neither do I agree with the disgusting tone of Cynical Investor on Amos Yee. The important point here is that Amos Yee escaped to the land of the free, the beacon of freedom called the USA. Instead of getting his freedom, he is being locked up in jail and suffering the humiliation and abuses not different from a black suspect or convict in American jail.

Why is he held for so long and what is his attorney doing? Nothing because it was pro bono or Amos Yee is not a case attractive enough to fight for? And it is ok for this young Singaporean to rot in an American jail forever, who cares?

I think Amos Yee would stand a better chance to be walking free in the streets of Toledo if he disguised himself like the terrorists as someone escaping from the wars in the Middle East.

America, where is your conscience, where is your human rights, where is your freedom and justice? Or you are just a farce?

Shame on you for treating a political asylum seeker this way.


Anonymous said...

Little USA in cahoots with Big Bro UsSshA to jail AY for as long as he get for offending the Supreme God of Sinkieland..AY will get a first taste of the Americuns hypocrisy & so called human rights r all bs, it's a learning process for this child so as to grow up..will he learn for it...

patriot said...

l recommend the Hong Kong Democrazy Activists
Joshua and his Gang to seek freedom in the US.
They can get their personal independence and the Democrazy they look for.


Anonymous said...

Are Uber drivers "employees" or "independent sub-contractors" ???
- any implications for Singapore?
Of course, the entire business model for companies like Uber hangs in the balance as adding 1,000s of employees to their own payrolls would drastically change, if not completely destroy, their business model.

For now, these employers bring on 1099 contractors to avoid paying taxes, overtime pay, benefits and workers' compensation.
But, if that were to change, the cost of that Uber trip would suddenly look a lot like your taxi fare from 10 years ago.


Anonymous said...

@ September 12, 2017 9:06 am

/// Lawson's lawyer, Shannon Liss-Riordan ... focusing on the amount of control she perceived GrubHub to have over Lawson during the time he delivered food for them.
She's trying to prove that Lawson's employment met the conditions of the Borello test, which looks at circumstances like whether the work performed is part of the company’s regular business, the skill required, payment method and whether the work is done under supervision of a manager.

The purpose of the test is to determine whether a worker is a 1099 contractor or a W-2 employee. ///


Anonymous said...

/// America, where is your conscience, where is your human rights, where is your freedom and justice? Or you are just a farce?
Shame on you for treating a political asylum seeker this way. ///

Why not you say:
Singaporeans, where is your conscience, where is your human rights, where is your freedom and justice? Or you are just a farce?

Shame on you for treating Opposition politicians this way, in GE 2015.

Anonymous said...

Decline From Democracy To Tyranny Is Inevitable
/// The concept of government is that the people grant to a small group of individuals the ability to establish and maintain controls over them.
The inherent flaw in such a concept is that any government will invariably and continually expand upon its controls, resulting in the ever-diminishing freedom of those who granted them the power.

Unfortunately, there will always be those who wish to rule, and there will always be a majority of voters who are complacent enough and naïve enough to allow their freedoms to be slowly removed.
This adverb “slowly” is the key by which the removal of freedoms is achieved. ///


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

We need a new term to describe the kind of democracy in Singapore. Indonesia has its guided democracy. What shall we call the type of democracy in Singapore, Natural Aristocrat Democracy?

patriot said...

Like to say
angmosai aka
westernised non-
whites such as
bananas shall be
lost souls as they
have no bearing and
anchor identity.

Bananas deserve to
be eaten for they
are tasty and benefit
the Eaters.
Let the Bananas be
walloped and devoured.


patriot said...

Why should the US
be ashame?

It is the Bananas
that should be
blamed and be
ashamed for begging
for pity and seeking


Anonymous said...

Nothing because it was pro bono or Amos Yee is not a case attractive enough to fight for?

I am afraid that may be the case.

And looks like America is learning from PAP and the attitude of majority Sinkies, who treated Chee Soon Juan is not a case attractive enough to vote for, not even in a by election!

So in effect this serves as a strong warning to any Sinkie, be they adults or teenagers, wanting to follow the footsteps of Amos or those who want to fight PAP.

U want to escape to America by criticising Hsien Loong?

Then better be smart and learn from Hsien Loong's nephew Li Shengwu. Go there to become a junior Fellow at Harvard, not to seek political asylum, OK?

And from there criticise Hsien Loong and his govt for all you want.

Anonymous said...

What shall we call the type of democracy in Singapore, Natural Aristocrat Democracy?

Do you think "military junta" is accurate and fair?

Anonymous said...

/// A military dictatorship (also known as a military junta) is a form of government different from civilian dictatorship for a number of reasons: ......

Often viewing itself as saving the nation from the corrupt or myopic civilian politicians, a military dictatorship justifies its position as “neutral” arbiters on the basis of their membership within the armed forces. ////


Do you think there is anything new under the sun?

Anonymous said...

This original post on tre was a reminder to those blindly believe migrating is a solution to sinkieland political differences. The boy only 17 did not have the life experience to distinguish sinkieland and usa. When some adults told them usa is the place to go. He went off with these activistes whose jobs is to do the transfer. What happen after the landing? How is he gonna get feed?

Without misinformed guidance, this 17 y old would not dare. Some posts blame the usa system for locking this boy up. Who set the laws on giving usa citizenship?

There are online messages all over misinforming readers on emigrating to escape frustration on sinkieland. This 17 y old really believed in it. He should hold till he can do it legally and with qualifications such as a degree to surive on that strange land.

A proper advise is to emigrate legally. Once investigative work on emigrating to usa is done, may be the decision is a "stay". USA asylum seeking needs grounds to prove: "because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion."

When the first thought is emigrating to usa or australia, ask: wanna live on such land like usa which cannot go far without a car, how to live the first month and first year? Sell newspapers, shop assistant, are jobs easily available on locations of traffic. How long can this boy tolerate such life? Office online jobs will require a degree for established companies. Therefore, this boy was misguided. He should have served his NS, makan and sleeping is free and legal with $500pm. Wanna be leader of sinkies, this is the starting point. Else, NS men cannot recognize sinkies as leader without NS.

Anonymous said...

That boy should be locked up to a period of NS plus reservist period equivalent of Sinkies NS men service duty to the nation on order to be fair. US is doing just that otherwise the foreign ministers of little USA will ask Big bro US Foreign Ministry why never do justice to the little boy who escape Sinkieland without doing NS & criticizing the Leeders..that little boy timed his asylum wrongly & didn't calculate that Trump dislike Chinese & illegal immigrants..jus too bad for the little boy lad..

Anonymous said...

Therefore, this boy was misguided.
11:31 am

U r right.

But I think his parents are to be blamed too, because it was reported that Amos's mother even encouraged and supported him to seek asylum.

Another thing is that Amos's parents could afford to pay for his legal fees, but chose not to do so and prefer to milk American charity.

In fact even in Singapore, his parents also refused to bail him out and Amos got a total stranger to do that and Amos in turn even accused his bailor of molest!

Perhaps they are now regretting their thinking and actions. Or maybe that's the way they wanted their son to learn, and learn the hard way?

Anonymous said...

Is Democracy Possible In The Human World?

Is there Democracy in Singapore? Or for that matter, is there Democracy in the whole World? Is Democracy at all possible in the Human World?

What is Democracy, really? Majority rule? Freedom? Choices?

After so many years of living and learning, I have come to the conclusion that there is NO TRUE Democracy in the World. There is only degrees of semblance of Democracy. What you see is not what you get.

Even USA, the one that champions Democracy, is not a true Democracy. USA is a Republic that adopted a Two-Party System. But there is always someone behind the scene that actually controls the US Government. Someone more powerful than the Elected US President, Congress and Senate combined.

Whenever a country has a Government to GOVERN, it means there is a Dictatorship of different forms, degrees, colours, shades and hues. The Government, in order to govern, needs a leader to lead.

In order to lead, the leader has to show the direction. In order to show the direction, he has to call the shots. To call the shots, he has to command and control all the rest. To command and control, he has to communicate. In order to communicate effectively and efficiently, he has to issue instructions, directives, orders, commands, edicts and decrees.

Some do it by influence, persuasion or consensus. Some do it by carrot and stick method. Some do it by force. Some instill fear into the populace in various forms, legally and illegally; morally and immorally, ethically and unethically, humanely or ruthlessly. Most will combine different degrees of everything, depending on the prevailing situation and circumstances, and depending on the overall character of the general populace.

In the name of law and order, national security, peace and harmony, for your own good, or for the future, and what nots, all sorts of demands and requirements will be imposed by the Dictator(s) "on behalf of the State". That means the Minority (Leaders, Government) has the say over the Majority (Citizens, Masses).

Likewise, in the name of this and that, Freedom will always be curtailed and restrained. Choices will always be limited and restricted. Dissent will always be opposed, put down and decimated. Elections will always be manipulated and become just a semblance of Democracy - what you see is not what it is supposed to be. It will sooner or later develop into a system to favour those in control rather than those under control; a system for those in power rather than a system of those who are powerless; a system to help the government rule over the citizens instead of a system to help the citizen (the stake-holders) to ensure the government carry out its functions and responsibilities properly, fairly, transparently, effective and efficiently.

Finally, the rightful power of the citizens will be transformed into the usurped power of a few persons. Therefore, all leaders, at certain point in time, has unavoidably been a DICTATOR in different forms, colours, shades and hues.


There will never be a TRUE Democracy as long as human beings are controlled by a single person or a group of persons.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe that's the way they wanted their son to learn, and learn the hard way?
11:58 am


If I had a son like Amos, I will also want to let him learn the hard way, as long as it doesn't kill or made him an invalid.

If I fail to teach, manage and control him, I will let society, including American society if need be, to do it for me. Of course I feel bad that it had to come to this, even though it is necessary.

Anonymous said...

Misguiding messages on kids like this 17 y old aplenty online. This kid wrote an article about how his father "ill treated" him when they disagreed on what to dress in court. The teen is highly rebellious against the father, it seems. The mother could only support him probably tear silently. If she cheers, then there is nothing other parents would want to comment.

The teen s language usage was excessively filled with vulgarity. From this point, he seems to feel less masculine than other peers needed the fk words to justify his manliness. Going into the NS will help to correct his unsure thinking. Instead, he chose to mix with those activists trying to stir up his difference in views with the political establishment.

He has his view at 17. Every man has had 17. No man wants to go too far to go against the laws. This boy sounded autistic on this ground.

Many may want to see him grow pass this difficult time and become a mature soldier. Then take up a degree to a intellectual level. He might be a shining bright leader, may be in oppo side.

Now his chance is a no U turn. Gone case. Thanks to the activists. Hopefully he survive in usa after the jailed time. The saddest of all, is the mother.

Virgo49 said...

If a renown China Activist seeking Asylum in USA, they be making hullaboolah to accuse China of what's Human Rights.

If an unknown Rebel from Sinkies Land as classified by the little USA to Big Bro USA to seek Asylum, you think Big Bro will approve???

That's shooting own feet.

Just like what now the Sembanwang Grassloot leader, Aiyo said leader lah, dont keep saying Volunteer cheat so many people and PAP kept low profile.

Did WP made any hoo Ha??

Sembanwang GRC comprises Alamak Snr, OYE and also Gate Keeper if I am not wrong. Why no hoo Ha and Harikiri from them? ?

What's farking Democracy and Free World? Bullshits.

Just like I went to an ex RC chairman to complain of our estate vice activities. Also my various calls to SPF.

He told me that in their meetings with the Superintendent of the Police, no such activities as reported.

Adding, we should know better, think you small fry that they do not really hred your reports.

Now Big Fries cheating monies.

b said...


Why is he still in jail? He is granted asylum.

Anonymous said...

Sembanwang GRC.
Second case. Earlier, there were grassloot ownselves sign claims and paid ownselves hundred over k. Swee swee said in parliament those money were in order for funeral or something. No charges. The grassloots also were directors awarding projects to their own companies. This is the best grc for Pap. Harakiri no cure.

Anonymous said...

Commuter Describes Horror from Near-Crowd Crush at Tampines this Morning; Wants Explanation from SMRT

Minister Khaw Boon Wan: Give me 7 more years to fix train system

Anonymous said...

WP is not the govt, and also not ready to be govt.

Even Ah Hia last time por lum par praised PAP is a competent govt also no use.

That's why now tiok sue left, right and centre lor. Maybe kena pants dropped some more. LOL.

Like that ah, next election sure habis liau. Where got money to contest, let alone win, u tell me lah?

patriot said...

It is time for Sinkies to admit that they have bring about tge Situation today.
Though commonsense warns the Daft not to put all eggs in one basket, the Daft Sinkies adamantly went against the Commonsense.

My Idol here says it repeatedly that the Sheeple deserves the Wolves that rule them.
Cant agree more with him.

Now, there is only one choice and only choice left for Sinkies.
that is to welcome the
Day Of Reckoning.
There is no other alternative.

There is a price to pay
for breeding and supporting traitors and despots.


Anonymous said...

RB, I sent you an email today. Please check. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

The Show With PJ Thum - Ep 1 - The Elected Presidency and the Political Economy of Race in Singapore

Dear patriot
The first 2 minutes of the video explains why Singaporeans are so Daft.

Anonymous said...

The Beauty Of Being A Misfit - Part 1/2

To those who feel like they don't belong: there is beauty in being a misfit. Perhaps, you just don't know it yet, but you have the ability to reinvent yourself endlessly. That's your beauty!

In your own wayward journey of intimate recollections of loss, pain, shame, discrimination, demonization by others, and self-un-acceptance, and even in the moment of failure, each and every one of them, you are beautiful. Just BEAUTIFUL!

I want you who are suffering from immense discrimination, self-inflicted or by others, that you are still beautiful. You are still part of this beautiful world of ours. If you had a chance to be on a spaceship looking from the outer-space at planet earth, you will behold a beautiful bluish planet with awe, inexpressible awe! Yes, the world is beautiful. It takes in everything - good and bad, perfumes and shits, love and hate, gratefulness and disgust, everything anyone can throw at it. You are just like our planet Earth, our world. You are beautiful. Just BEAUTIFUL!

I have often wished that if only I've had the courage to speak out, act and take my rightful place in the world when I was a young boy, I could have achieved so much. Here I am, an old man,, with a lifetime of missed chances, fuck ups and disasters, but a strength of character that cannot be destroyed, a positive attitude towards life, because I know things can be so much worse and have been, and still are for so many of us. However, I am grateful everyday for everything I do and everything I have, from the little old Chinese tea pot to the 20-acre piece of land in Australia, from the breakfast I ate this morning to the feeling of the comfort of having my shit into the toilet just now. Everything.

Each and everything and every moment we have must be fully enjoyed, irrespective of how it makes you feel - good and lousy, happy and sad, pleasure and pain, fairness and injustice, success and failure - have to be taken in your stride with self-awareness and self-belief that you are BEAUTIFUL, instead of withering away thinking about what you have lost, never had, or could have been. You must be grateful, most of all, for being YOU to yourself and nobody else.

It can feel pretty good to be a misfit after all. We must remind each other that we are alive and singing our weird song. And that song is not misfit but different and beautiful. I remember there were several times when I felt like a misfit, a nuisance to other people, a burden to the world - that strange empty heavy feeling that pushed me so far deep into the ground that I began to believe I was the dirt, filth, rejects. However, deep down, in my inner psyche, my deeper consciousness, my subtle awareness, my raw conscience, I knew during each and every one of those instances that there was beauty inside me, and that I must pick up myself and stand tall not for others to see but for myself to feel good, so that I can continue to go on and on and on.

Each one of us are born different and special. Outwardly we may look almost the same but inwardly we are different. Our DNA, feelings, emotions, motivations, inspirations, likes and dislikes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, ambitions, abilities, capacities, intelligence, and wisdom - all these are not the same. They varies at all levels, from person to person.

Continues in Part 2 ....

Anonymous said...

The Beauty Of Being A Misfit - Part 2/2

Each one of us are born different and special. Outwardly we may look almost the same but inwardly we are different. Our DNA, feelings, emotions, motivations, inspirations, likes and dislikes, perceptions, thoughts, dreams, ambitions, abilities, capacities, intelligence, and wisdom - all these are not the same. They varies at all levels, from person to person.

Our society may have been curved and molded the way it is, through years of social engineering, conformity, subservience, suppression, oppression and fear instilled upon all of us, for whatever reasons. But that is not your fault, not your individual fault. That is the collective, wisdom or stupidity, works of ALL - the winners and the losers, the stayers and the quitters, the haves and the have-nots, the successful and the failures. So, please don't blame yourself or any other individual you know. Blame the overall system that everyone has made possible to exist. The system is like a machine which has been built to serve you but it turns around to destroy you, because you put in artificial intelligence in the hope to develop a smart city.

Therefore, we have to love our planet and animals, and vulnerable people, differently - with our whole body, mind and soul, no others but this. We should spend the rest of our life just reaching out towards others, loving into otherness, coming out of the darkness, like some of us had to do as kids just to survive.

I know a child, my adopted youngest sister, number 13th sibling in my parent's family. She was ill-treated her parents at such a young age (one month old until my mother adopted her when she was three) until she was so scared that she sometimes choked on her own breathing in order to get a word out of her mouth. She is today a very successful business-woman in her own right. If this kid could do it, then all of us can!

I wish everyone every happiness and for you to never again doubt yourself, even if you think that you are a misfit. You are born to do what is coming our way. To step into the chaos and darkness in order to live a life as happy and beautiful as can be. There must be moments in your childhood that reflect joy, pure childish joy. Recall those moments, even if only one moment that you can remember. Use it to remind you that, misfit or not, life can be beautiful. That you can be beautiful!

And so can Amos Yee! Cheers!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Dragonfly, apologies. Replied around 5.20pm but somehow it did not get through.

Just came back from my training, preparing for the Asian Masters in China in 10 days time.

Sent you another reply, hope you get it this time.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I am very glad to have a few people who can write very well here and Dragonfly is one of the few wonderful contributors. The other contributors too know very well they write very well too and we appreciate their works here.

Thanks guys.


Anonymous said...


Thanks acknowledged.
It's my pleasure to be of service in any way possible,
especially at this time of difficulty in our country.
Your 2nd email received. Cheers!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

One of the more entertaining aspects 🤡 of the unpredictability of every human life is expressed in the old Jewish saying "Man plans, God laughs" . The "joke" is given a bonus of OOMPH when the people who experience the brunt, just happen to be ATHEISTS.

This seems to be the case with hapless young Amos. One part of me (a small part) feels sorry for him. However the schadenfreude part (the biggest part) is laughing it's fucking balls off 🤣😂 as one of God's best jokes, EVER!.... the irony being that there's no fucking god!! Fuck me...hilarious lah.

So Amos made plans to flee the clutches of evil Singapore to the "free-dumb" of America, only to be arrested and DETAINED SINCE HIS ARRIVAL 10 months ago, dashing his plans to seek asylum (which is being contested by the US govt) and frolic and savour the "free-dumb" of the US of A.

And he has been accosted whilst in detention. So far he hasn't been shanked or man-raped...but hey, the show ain't over yet.

Anyway, it is DJ Trump's America now bitches, and he has just ended DACA. I think Amos might still be considered a minor, and this no-more DACA thing could be yet another one of (imaginary) God's nails in Amos's coffin, which will be sealed if the US Federales get their wish in US Appeals Court and overturn the "asylum" status previously awarded to him by a compassionate judge.

Well, after that it is "back home to Singapore" and Amos gets to serve National Service.

Re-up your supply of beer, smokes and peanuts. The show has many more episodes to run...🤡

Kani nah, nature doesn't deliver super funny shit often, but folks, here it is...really hilarious stuff, not from Holly or Bolly Wood, from fucking Singapore lah.

patriot said...

Dear Anon 12 Sept 8:29 pm.

Thank You very much for the Video Recommendation.
However, it is not available for viewing.
