
Rohingya crackdown – Learn from the Americans

The Americans are raising alarm at the crackdown on the Rohingya as ‘ethnic cleansing’. Several thousands of Rohingya are fleeing Myanmar after violence broke out when Rohingya militants attacked police posts on 25 Aug 17. A White House statement, ‘We call on Burmese security authorities to respect the rule of law, stop the violence, and end the displacement of civilians from all communities.’

The Americans should not just make statements like this and think it will solve the Rohingya problem. The Americans have many great experiences in handling ethnic violence and are very good at solving them. They should come forward to showcase how they solved their ethnic cleansing problems in the past that today there is hardly anymore problem to talk about. The Americans have been very successful in solving their ethnic problem and the Myanmese and the countries of the world have a lot to learn from the Americans.

The Americans used to have Red Indian problem of a scale the world today cannot imagine, nearly 100m of them. How the Americans were able to solve the 100m Red Indian problem that turned violent to what it is today, only a handful left, is legendary and exemplary. The Americans should teach the world how to solve ethnic problems using the ways they knew best.

If I could recall from American history books, from Hollywood movies, the Americans were very successful in using violence to tackle violence. They decimated the Red Indian population to near zero and the problem became extinct. What ever that was left of the Red Indian tribes, be generous, offered them fertile reservation land and marched them to these God forsaken land to make the best out of them. Problem solved. QED.

The best part, keep the whole world in the dark about the violence used to solve the ethnic cleansing problem. Who cleanse who? That is history for those who want to know.

The Myanmese govt should send a delegation to Washington to ask for the secret American formula to solve the Rohingya problem. If the Americans refused to help, go to the UN and get the UN to pressure the Americans to share their successful formula in solving the Red Indian problem without being accused of ethnic cleansing, with the whole world kept in the dark of what really happened, what happened to 100m Red Indian braves and squaws and children.

Come on Americans, don’t be selfish, tell the world how you solved the Red Indian minority, or was it majority, ethnic problem? This is all about human rights and humanity isn’t it? So don’t just stop at crying out loud at Myanmar. Teach Myanmar how to do it.


Anonymous said...

///The Americans are raising alarm at the crackdown on the Rohingya as ‘ethnic cleansing’.//

It will be surprising be the headline is:

^^^^^"The Americans are raising alarm at the crackdown on the ahguamen as ‘ethnic cleansing’.^^^^^???

Anonymous said...

On home ground buLLEE ahguamen like noboLEE bizness?

Now what fark-one and the "clever" indolanders burning forest big time ...?

JLB (again uesless balless eunuch ahguagenerals) gg kena "extracted one pound of flesh (courtesy of ahguamen)?

Anonymous said...

Trump received (Malaysian Official 1) Najib in the White House.

So better learn from Trump, not USA.

In Sinkieland, better learn from PAP, not Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

Trump received (Malaysian Official 1) Najib in the White House.
9:12 am

How come Najib can go and meet Trump first?

How come Hsien Loong not yet meet Trump in the White House?

Why like that ha?

Anonymous said...

How come Hsien Loong not yet meet Trump in the White House?
9:15 am

Maybe Hsien Loong not buying any Boeing airplane worth billions?

Or don't want to stay in Trump Hotel?

Nothing to offer Trump for Trump's "American First", so meet for what?

Anonymous said...

//So don’t just stop at crying out loud at Myanmar. Teach Myanmar how to do it.//

Why not ask Aung San Shu Yi come over to Sinkieland to see how Long Gor solve the immigration & minority issue in 'Ah Long's way?
How to? ..Ans: By applying the MIWS social integration, give them jobs tat the locals shun & let them assess to pubic housings & even permanent residency. After sometime of controlling, showcase to world how the country solve the minority issue to attract investments or even make the minority race a reserved elected president & govt to lead over them...Soo Yi shud follow wat Ah Long do & receive Ah Long rule of law...

virgo49 said...

Najib now smarter than the Sinkies Current crop of Leaders. He knew how to balance both powers.

Cordial relationship with the Chinese. The other hand also must maintain a wayang relationship with the Americans.

He knew these two super powers are lobbying for support and he capitalise the opportunity to make use of them to wayang his support.

The Chinese poured in capitals and now he turned to the Americans for goodwill.

Understand that the Americans would make things difficult if not wayang wayang a bit. See even Penang Lim said they had manyinvestments from America.

They are putting preasure on Fox International to rescind their Joint venture with Resorts World Genting when Naib is too friendly with China.

So Najib be the wise lau chio politician followed LKY and GKS policies of being "friendly" to all as masquerade so as not to attract too many problems and investments from all.

Our loony tune being angmosai and no EQ is bringing disasters to Sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, my name is Paul Lam Par.

Let me share with you all.....I m very very happy!

We finally got a Malay President!


Singapore oso Boleh!


Anonymous said...

Rohingya are not Burmese. They are Banglas who illegally cross the Bangla-Burma border years ago and illegally stayed in Burmese territory. So the Burmese are right and patriotic, and have moral and legal authority to force all the Rohingya illegal settlers to return to Bangladeshi, although Sinkies cannot force India Nationals to return to India as they are let into Singapore to take away jobs by the PAP.

Anonymous said...

@anon 10.21am

So Myanmar Govt & people r patriotic but Sinkapoor govt r betrayal to its own people, is it right?

Anonymous said...

"Please do not say that Sin Leaders betray Sinkies.


So its Sinkies themselves deserverd to b fxxx by their own garmen ...isn't KJ said b4 u got the govt u deserved so don't kpkb ..shut up & diam diam & go sit in protest with GG at HLP Lah...

Anonymous said...

The Myanmar western peace prize winner is no longer a usa stooge. This fact is significant. Banagli illegal immigrants in Myanmar should be treated equally as its own citizens? US is deporting born in US kids by illegal immigrants. How US expect Myanmar to feed the illegal immigrants who: 1. harbor insurgents against the government 2. did not accept Myanmar s national identity card, according to the minister in charge of that place, over cna reports.

From Myanmar s episode, little usa is likely to face similar problem when imported immigrants from reputable sunny land re consolidate its community. This group was seen in action one night in town. How to accommodate a group s demand for president post and pm post in future is already on the tunnel.

Overall, small countries like Myanmar, north korea, are no longer stooges of bigger countries. NK named UNS council as evils brided by money countries to strangle NK own capabilities to defend its own survival. Myanmar with a powerful army know English language reports. Myanmar and NK similarly moved on their own. To defend self interests. US and China are unable to drive these small countries according to the big ones wills. This point is significant.

Small countries are no longer willing to be yes man to US or China when its own army is powerful. US has less yes man. The smallest stooge bet on rival of the current winning power. It will be naive for it to continue to bring in immigrants to build up another small group already powerful inside it, similar to the Blanglali inside Myannma. At insurgency time, the drifting out refugees can be the majority in that little super power. When small groups consolidate, as shown in past Han history, the majority Han groups lost its power to consolidated minorities groups. Its time to vote for opposition to stop the influx of groups from sunny lands to make fate for its own descendants being refugees.

patriot said...

For the Pioneers and Seniors,
Honglim Park is a good place to show remorse and to repent.
Only a handful of them have recovered their Conscience, majority in the Pioneer Generation are diehard till they die.

Must say that HLP is a nice quiet place to have coffee and discussion on normal day.


Anonymous said...

Sink, sinking, sunk ...?

It is not "if" but "when"?

By then, will RB still be alive to update the status to "SUNKENLAND"?

Anonymous said...

It will be a full circle when ahguamen (& women) crawled to matland to be labourers and aircon service workers and the gender sex as prostxxxtes ...?

That is the price for having one wooden block and many JLBs as "rogues" ...?

Anonymous said...

After what took place yesterday, today sky super gloomy

Must be verLEE omen��

Anonymous said...

hi 1201pm


Why are u st9ll here?


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ redbean

Dun worry. Myanmar's "poor judgement" in walloping an ethnic cultural group which just happens to be Islamic will soon be answered by ISIL or ISIS or whatever affiliated terror group/ cell.

In fact, among my friends....we're betting on when the terrorist shit is going to begin. So far, I've bet 200 bux and one free "session" at a JB "health" center. 💣🔪🤡

Since there'll be Jihadist activity in Burma, guess who is going to use "Jihadist activity" as the reason to poke their noses (and guns, and bombs and missiles) into the area?

The Jamaicans? No.
The Swiss? No.
I know, I know....the Greeks! Bzzzt....wrong, OUT!

Here it comes folks. Donald J Trump Commander-In-Chief will be sending his military into Burma.

What about Singapore, you might ask? Simple: Singapore will be making money from it. Guaranteed.

Anonymous said...

IB English very JiatLat

Sinking obviously still can wait lah ...?


Also can observe first hand in close distance how ahguamen are suffering?

Look at Bt Buttock ...

The general financial health there is quite obviously sinking each passing month ...?

b said...

This episode is created by soros and his minions. They have been living in peace for many years until soros sent some minions over to stir up shit. They are afraid that china and myanmar work together to improve well being of the people there and cut them off from the rich resources. Soros is very good in manipulating islam extremism for his masters.

b said...

So long as the people stay divided, soros and his masters can continue to plunder the resources and ship them overseas.

Anonymous said...

Now the sampan captain and crew many kee siao liao?

Standing by to abandon sampan ... anytime ...

b said...


The people must unite together with china to kick satan and his minions out irregardless of religions otherwise we will always be bullied.

Anonymous said...

Singapore should sell more lethal weapons to the Burmese government to help the Burmese get rid of the foreign Rohingya Jihadists from Burma. The Rohingya are not citizens of Burma. This is urgent !

Anonymous said...

Heard in coffeeshop many "La Si Ni Ma" stallholders quite worried ...

Cos many said going "protest & boycott" eating "La Si Ni Ma" between 2017 and 2023 ...?

Anonymous said...

When Myanmar was under military rule, this did not happen.

Now Aung San Suu Kyi takes over and this problem surfaced. Why? Now she must be the one to clean up the mess, since she was so keen to take over power.

Or was she just a pawn in the game of international chess? And if so, who will be the ones to benefit? I think if we relook history, we can more or less make a guess, because the usual suspeects are the ones to gain from getting a foothold in Myanmar. It is a poor country, but rich in unexplored resources and of strategic importance politically.

Myanmar was once a close ally of China, but the situation is changing. If instablity prevails, who steps in and will China be ousted as the close ally is left to be seen.

Never discount the possibility that evil is not far behind the current Rohingya unrest. Evil does not have to show its real face. What they can do is create instability under stealth, and the opportunity for them to take advantage later on.

Anonymous said...

Ex-Singapore president Tony Tan is a former Minister of Defense, but Halimah is not. Will President Halimah knows how to sell military weapons to Burma when she visits the de facto head of Burmese government Aung San Suu Kyi ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ redbean

Dun worry. Myanmar's "poor judgement" in walloping an ethnic cultural group which just happens to be Islamic will soon be answered by ISIL or ISIS or whatever affiliated terror group/ cell.

In fact, among my friends....we're betting on when the terrorist shit is going to begin. So far, I've bet 200 bux and one free "session" at a JB "health" center.

If you want to know when it will begin, ask the Americans. They are the master of the IS terrorist groups.

If you want to know how to get rid of the Rohingya, ask the Americans. The got rid of the Red Indians by massacring 100m of them from the American continent, together with the Canadians.

Anonymous said...

3.50pm "If instablity prevails, who steps in and will China be ousted as the close ally is left to be seen."

Like that Xi Jin Ping JL liao lah ...

Cos they have pipelines running from Madeira Island in Myanmar to Yun Nan Province in South Western China, which is supposed to partially circumvent any oil supply tpt issue via Melaka Strait and SCS?

80% of Xi Jin Ping oil needs transit through these regions?

patriot said...


Bangladesh Rohingyas seek refuge in Nyanmar.

Can anyone imagine refugees seeking refuge in Sin by the Hundreds of Thousands?


lt can happen and the World at Large will not intervene on humanitarian ground.

Yes, chances of it happenning is low, but it can happen.


Anonymous said...

What u tawking?

Not only hundreds of thousands but more than 2 millions "economic refugees" already amassed in ahgualand ...?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

//You won't regret.//

Make sense ...?

Wooden block only need to "open the legs wider" ...?

What difference between 2 million and 3 million ("penetration")?

Anonymous said...

hi dragonfly 941pm

you are very the tiok lah!

your suggestion to take in 1m is too little

how about 2m to 3m as 10m population target maybe just right for this pee sai

think about it, think properly and deeply, you won't regret

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Actually, LIFE is very EASY. But people make LIFE very DIFFICULT.

Everyone needs only FOUR THINGS: Food, Shelter, Clothing and Medicine.

Therefore, these four things must be cheap and easy to get.

That is called civilization - a civilised world, with people who think and people who love.

But people in power make Food, Shelter, Clothing and Medicine very expensive and hard to get. This is not civilization but UNCIVILISED - an uncivilized world, with people who don't think and people who don't love.

Anonymous said...

Would the president think of doing a noble and charitable deed for Singapore and Singaporeans and bring in the Rohingya? After all Singapore belongs to everyone and we can take in another 5m people. what is 1m Rohingya? sup sup suey.

Virgo49 said...

That's why I said in future we have to have the managnity of the Others to be magnanimous and have a Reserved President for the Chinese.

Hope not to see it too soon.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, A Rose By Any Name

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ redbean:

>> The got rid of the Red Indians by massacring 100m of them from the American continent, together with the Canadians. <<

Aiyah, conquered race/ people lah. That's the way humans have been for most of history. You judge culture from a long ago past by today's "normative standards". Tak boleh jalan lah, tambi.

Here one to hang on the wall as a reminder to pay attention to historical context, everytime you feel the need to be a self-righteous dick: Dear conquered peoples...

Also, can you blame the Buddhists for being fucking jumpy about their Islamic "dwellers"? Buddhists On Islam

One anon nailed it on the head: Singapore can profit by selling weapons to the Burmese. Nothing like a jolly good civil war to earn some money!