
Americans setting ground rules and conditions for invading the USA

Over the years the Americans have been setting and defining the conditions to invade a country. The same conditions would be the legitimate reasons for the invasion of the USA. And when other countries are able to do so, the Americans cannot cry foul, that only the Americans can use these reasons to invade other countries but other countries cannot do the same to the Americans.

One condition is to call for a regime change on grounds of a dictatorship or authoritarian govt that is not a democracy, and to add one more for good measures, when they violate the American version of human rights. Is Trump a dictator, or was George Bush/Obama a dictator in sheep’s clothing?

Another infamous reason to invade the USA is the possession of WMD. Hmmm, this one shall stick to the Americans like elephant glue. The Americans possess the most number of WMD in the world and should be a good and legitimate target for an invasion to remove the WMD.

Testing of weapon systems especially missiles and nuclear weapons are also legitimate grounds to invade a country, and the USA is no exception. When they next announced the testing of missiles or nuclear weapons, it will be for the rest of the world to decide to invade the USA to remove these weapons.

Harbouring of terrorists or supporting terrorism and terrorist activities are valid grounds to invade the USA. There are plenty of evidence and historical records of the Americans conducting terrorist activities all over the world, including the assassinations of heads of states. American support for the ISIS is well documented and attacking the Americans to restrain and cut off their support for terrorist activities is absolutely a good reason to do so.

Nuclear proliferation is another ground established by the Americans for an invasion. Should the Americans be caught for spreading nuclear weapons or nuclear knowledge, they deserved to be invaded just like anyone else without any exception. Had the Americans been spreading nuclear weapon technologies to their allies? Ask Israel and Japan.

The Americans are setting the fine examples for others to follow them. They are the guiding lights for countries intending to do justice, to defend human rights, to prevent nuclear proliferations, to do exactly what the Americans have been teaching the world to do so. Just follow the leaders. The Americans are the guiding lights of the world in invasion and regime change. Just do what the Americans are doing and you cannot be faulted by the Americans for invading the USA and to conduct regime change when there is a rogue govt or a mad leader in charge. Bad govt, mad man in charge are good reasons to invade the USA. Are Trump and his gang mad? Talking about precipitating a nuclear war?

See, the Americans said so and have done it. Just do what the Americans are doing to the Americans. American Exceptionalism? Show them the middle finger.
By the way, the Americans demonstrated and said it is ok to fly nuclear bombers along the coast of the USA, to conduct freedom of navigation with naval destroyers along American coast, deployed missile systems along the borders of the USA and also conduct major military exercises with American neighbours simulating an invasion of the USA. You name it, the Americans have done it. So everything is ok.


virgo49 said...

You want to see and hear the Real Arocties of the Americans.

Just tune in to the You Tube for Duarte, the President and Real Spokesman for Asia on the Americans.

He, the Boy who shouted that the Emperor is Naked.

Who, in this Region dared critise the Americans and not a whimper from them.

The Channel 4 Guy had to say Thank you Mr President when Duarte called Obama Son if A Whore.

The lady interviewer had to swallow her slavia when He rebutted her.

Duarte exclaimed if he is still alive and if the CIA does not put him down, he be still doing hus own human rights ways.


patriot said...

If only China, Russia and North Korea dare sail their Naval Forces in international waters bordering the US Coastlines, then only will the Americans be jittery.
As it is, not a single nation is daring enough to manoeveure anywhere near the American Coastlines, so the Americans are feeling invincible.


Anonymous said...

American s invasion appetite has faded away after Vietnam war. Bush took the chance to invade Iraq because he and Tony Blair both created fake evidence about Sadam hiding mass destruction weapons. The one who bluff at UN before the invasion was Powell. BBC commented it was "unbelievable" saying those recorded messages as hiding weapons. The biggest bluff was UN has a nuclear observation agency to monitor Iraq. So US got free hands to move with UK. The current investigation by UK revealed Tony Blair was not telling the truth.

In an internet world, US wants to lie again is impossible. DPRK if so naive to believe on denuclearization will face the same fate as Sadam: grand son sot, sons killed, himself hanged. Kim only has one life. He is smarter than Sadam being able in highest technology: missile and hydrogen bombs.

Let say US invade DPRK with Japan+SK. Japan is doing evacuation from SK in 4 stages. There is some indication of war preparation. And war starts: the likely city to get hit will be: Japan Fuchu city US army airbase H.Q.. Its about 8km from Sibuyaku and 2 stations away from Tokyo stations like Shinjuku.

According to Nukemap, within 2 km after the H bomb explosion, the crater sinks a big lobang at hit spot. Follow by air blast waves after waves to flatten almost all the houses. Sibuya is populated and Tokyo is business area. Those inhale the toxic gas will die in one day or in a week. Outside the 2 km area, those receive radiation will suffer 3rd degree burn. Tokyo will be flatten with just one H bomb.

US forces can bomb DPRK? That is a question depends on how many nuclear bombs and H bomb DPRK currently has.

US Trump now tries hard to push China to fight DPRK to have denuclearization of NK. Putin said it clearly: he objects further sanctions on NK.

Trump talked to Xi last night they both wanted to have Korea peninsula to denuclearize. If NK and China at odd, then any war when US invade NK will have something to do with China, US is not fully responsible: similar to invasion of Iraq.
Is Japan prepared?

Anonymous said...


Is this what happens when Singapore outsource all our core skills?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Americans, S Koreans and Japs think that they can strike NK and NK can only strike at their military targets. What would Kim do when his country is invaded?

Would he stick to military targets or would he go anywhere he deems fit and would hurt the enemies most, like Tokyo and Seoul and even major US cities if his ICBMs could reach them?

Why should Kim be restrained when his enemies did not restrain and initiated the attack on his country and people?

If he could reach NY or Washington why would he hold back?

Virgo49 said...

China Men and that includes any living bean with Chinese blood are a calculative lot. Any action would ran thru their brains, "any benefits for me".If not then, avoid as much as possible.

China also feared the North Koreans Nuclear arsenal as they are close to them. Today's friend can be tomorrow's enemy. They supported the US and what's US pressuring the UN sanctions for their own advantage.

Firstly, to contain North Korea and also international status as a so called Beign Superpower putting squarely that the US is.the initiator.

This good for their own Security. Selfish calculating moves.

Unlike Russia, who still clings to their Socialists Thinking of helping an ally against the Capitalists. China, long time had become a Capitalist Society after The Siow Ping learnt from the Sinkieland leaders of how to cultivate capitalism on the Sinkie slaves.

Russia, on their end facing NATO would also wants North Korea on this side to dilute the Prowess of the West. They also had disputes with Japan on the Kurille Islands.

So if they have a War with the U.S. and the Europeans, at least North Korea will divert some of their resources and attention to there.

Better to have another Ally. Cannnot depend on.China as they now only wants to make monies and catch up their years of deprivation and sufferings.

Any further Sanctions would leave the North No choice but to start a War. They are been deprived for too long and theur people are brainwashed to die for their country and Socialism.

Anonymous said...

Virgo Well said.
China is the one who do sanctions support when US table the idea in UN. US is doing the same OLD tricks, while China keep adding items to stop NK from progressing.

Today SK disclosed all 4 Thaad deployments are fully completed. The radar will monitor the 60 to 70% China s missile flying if any.
China is caught by being so pro US and US gains a lot.

Putin is cool. Eying at NK as future big customer to buy his S400 and Su35, barter trade is ok to Russia.

If China stops supplying oil to NK. Russia gains. The oil pipes will be choked by dried crude oil. In future supply, it may not work. If China does stop supply to NK, readers can see how silly is China now. Not to forget, NK has hands to press buttons and the missiles can go anywhere.

China is monitored by Thaad from 7 Sept. Trump cannot wait for a celebration today.

SK gains nothing but become the front riffle man charge shouting aloud. The aimming by China and Russia and NK will be SK. Poor Skoreans will be charcoals.

US is the biggest winner from this game so far. NK runner up.

Anonymous said...

today very quiet here

bo business

maybe the topic too "deep"

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The Korean War of 1950-1953 Has Not Ended Yet

Remember, the Korean War has not ended. The 1953 Declaration was only a Ceasefire. So, actually North Korea, China and USSR (Russia plus Ukraine, all previous USSR States) are still technically at WAR with South Korea USA, Japan and UN Forces led by USA at that time.

The US, at that time was very sore for losing the war to the combined military might of China, USSR and North Korea. They withdrew to the 38th Parallel and negotiated for a CEASEFIRE, thinking that one day, they would reunite the Korean Peninsula and make it one of the US colonies, like Japan, Hawaii, Guam, etc....

So, since 1953, the US already has designs to invade North Korean and put it under US's control, instead of China's. Until today, the US's intention has not changed a bit. The animosity is still very much alive and kicking, despite various Presidents, irrespective of whether Republicans or Democrats.

Therefore, if I were Kim Jong-Un, I would prepare a sufficient number of ICBMs with nuclear or hydrogen bombs to hit the following targets of the ENEMIES (USA, Japan and South Korea):

1. The White House and alternative Presidential Hiding Places.
2. The Pentagon and secondary Command HQ underground.
3. Key US ICBM Sites in Continental USA.
4. New York City.
5. Guam.
6. Hawaii.
7. Okinawa.
8. Tokyo and US Military Bases in Japan.
9. Seoul and US Military Bases in South Korea.
10. Singapore.
11. Diego Garcia.
12. US 7th Fleet.
13. US Submarine Forces.
14. Last but not least, Alaska.

b said...

Putting race aside, its warlords against warlords again. Hope they compromise and come to a peace agreement rather than make people suffer again. No one gain in a N war.

b said...

Any number one in power will become a tyrant. Same in usa or china e.g. all Emperors. That is the nature.

Virgo49 said...

Today ST Forum, read Mr Chan Poh Hoi's letter - North Korea's action all aimed st self protection said it all.

Also, to make your day go to YouTube latest President Rodrigo Roa Duterte -Press conference at DPWH Panacan Depot, Davao City where a white reporter had an earful from him and said Thank You.

No thank you, bodyguards fired from the Spot.

Whites, not invincible after all.


Anonymous said...

Everyone is trying very hard to put everyone out of existence and be the only one left.

Fancy the idea of ending life on earth through the decisions of a few.

The rest of mankind have no say. Even the leaders of the 'kachang puteh' countries have no say whatsoever. So, what value is our voice of reason in the wilderness.

Just don't worry and be happy!

Anonymous said...

Kim Jong-Un's Strategy of Countering The Big Bully USA - Part 1/3


Recent North Korean (NK) testing of intercontinental missiles and hydrogen bombs may be seen by some that Kim Jong-Un is a mad man, with a suicidal tendency, who wants to take on the overwhelming military might of the only superpower in the world and increasing tensions in East Asia. A deeper analysis of the issue, however, shows that Kim Jong-Un is actually on target in implementing a strategy that will prevent the repeat of the invasions of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria by US-led "coalition forces". This strategy will probably succeed in averting a disastrous war on the Korean Peninsula.

Aim of NK's Nuclear Program

NK's nuclear program has reached a critical point in July, with the firing of two missiles capable of hitting Continental USA. Last week, North Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb. This seems to be the third phase of her nuclear program. The only thing left is to miniaturize a nuclear warhead to be carried by the missiles.

The direction in which NK’s nuclear program is headed ensures an important regional deterrent against Japan and South Korea, and in some respects against the United States, which is the main reason for NK’s development of long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

US's Belligerent Bellicosity

Recent history repeatedly show the stupidity of trusting the West (the fates of Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein remain fresh in our minds) and suggests instead the building up of an arsenal that poses a serious deterrence to the US's belligerent bellicosity.

NK's Two-fold Strategy

It is not a mystery that from 2009 to date, NK's nuclear capacity has increased in direct proportion to the level of distrust visited on Pyongyang by the West. Since the six-party talks concluded in 2009, Kim Jong-un has come to realize that the continuing threats, joint military exercises and practices, and arms sales of the US to Japan and South Korea needed to be thwarted in some way in the interests of defending the sovereignty of NK. Without the ability to challenge the spending power of South Korea, Japan and the US combined, Kim Jong-Un resorted to a two-fold strategy:

1. To pursue nuclear weapons as an explicit deterrence measure;

2. To strengthen its conventional forces with massive artillery capability, tanks and well-trained infantry.

This two-fold strategy has, in less than eight years, greatly strengthened the ability of the NK to resist violation of its sovereignty. In contrast to the idea commonly projected by the Western media, Kim Jong-un has promised not to use nuclear weapons first, reserving their use only as a last resort to respond to Foreign aggressions. In the same way, a pre-emptive attack on Seoul using traditional artillery would be seen as intolerable aggression, dragging NK into a devastating war.

Nuclear Deterrence

Contrary to what some would like to believe, Kim Jong-un’s determination in developing conventional and nuclear deterrence has actually succeeded in establishing a balance of power that helps avoid a regional war and, in so doing, contributes to the strengthening of overall security in the region.

US's Real Objective

The reason the US continues to raise tensions with NK and threaten a conflict is not out of a concern for the protection of the Japanese or South Koreans, as one may initially believe. The US has a central objective in the Asia-Pacific Region that does not concern Kim Jong-un or his nuclear weapons. Instead, it is driven by the perennial necessity to increase forces in the region for the purposes of maintaining a dominating military force (Pivot to Asia) and ultimately to contain and deny the rise of the China.

This US strategy in effect endangers not only to the entire Asia-Pacific region but, in the case of a war between US and China, the entire planet Earth, given the nuclear arsenals possessed by the US and China.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

As I have written, the US would sacrifice Japan and S Korea in a war with N Korea.

Anonymous said...

Kim Jong-Un's Strategy of Countering The Big Bully USA - Part 2/3

Every Action Begets A Reaction.

The statement that China would prefer to get rid of the NK leadership is baseless. Central in the minds of Chinese leadership is the threat of a US containment that could undermine the country's economic growth and progress. This strategic thinking well understood by Kim Jong-Un. It explains why the Kim continues with actions that do not gel with President Xi. From Kim's point of view, China derives an advantage from sharing a border with NK, which offers a friendly leadership not hostile to China. Kim is aware of the economic, political, and military burden of this situation, but tolerates it, and in return receives the necessary resources from China, and also Russia, to survive and develop.

This relationship leads the NK to carry out missile tests in the hope of gaining several benefits. First of all, it hopes to gain a regional, and possibly a global, deterrence against any surprise attack. Secondly, it forces South Korea to respond carefully.

In recent years, South Korea’s response the deployment of the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, designed to intercept missiles. However, the THAAD system is useless against NK's rockets. But it poses a serious threat to the China's nuclear arsenal, because its powerful radars are able to spy on much of China's territory, and also being ideally positioned to intercept a responsive nuclear strike from China.

THAAD - Deadly Threat To China's Nuclear Capability

In short, THAAD is a deadly threat to China's strategic nuclear parity. This makes China very unhappy and will give rise to further arms race in the region.

For the US, the advantages in deploying the THAAD are:

1. It increases pressure on China;
2. It seals an arms sale which makes much money for US;
3. It gives the impression of addressing the NK nuclear 'threat'.

South Korea, however, finds itself in a difficult situation. The former president is now under arrest for corruption. The new president, Moon Jae-in, would prefer dialogue rather than the deployment of new THAAD batteries. But, after the latest NK test, Moon required an additional THAAD system in South Korea, in addition to the 4 launchers already there. With no options to conduct a diplomatic negotiation, South Korea is following the US in a spiral escalation of tensions that will certainly not help South Korea's dwindling economic growth.

China sees an increase in the number of THAAD carriers close to her territory while NK is determined to pursue a nuclear deterrent. So, the main enemy to China now is South Korea. Therefore, something must be done to pressure South Korea. China is South Korea's main economic partner. Lately, China imposed a series of limitations on trade and tourism which are quite damaging to the South Korean economy.

Results of Kim Jong-Un's Strategy

Indeed, the strategy of Kim Jong-Un is working! On the one hand, he is developing a nuclear weapon to deter external enemies; on the other, he is forcing China to adopt a hostile attitude towards South Korea’s deployment of THAAD. In this sense, the numerous economic actions of Beijing towards Seoul can be explained as a response to the deployment of the THAAD batteries.

This tactic has been used by NK for several years. It resulted in the recent economic crunch between the China and South Korea, and also indirectly led to ending the reign of the corrupt leader Park Geun-hye, an ever-present puppet of CIA. The pressure that NK applies to bilateral relations between China and South Korea increases with each missile fired, which is the logic behind those missile tests. NK feels justified in urging China to step up actions against Seoul to force it to compromise in a diplomatic negotiation with Pyongyang without the overbearing presence of USA pushing for war.

Anonymous said...

Kim Jong-Un's Strategy of Countering The Big Bully USA - Part 3/3

Devil Disguised As Angel

The main problem in the relations between South Korea, NK and China is caused by US's devilish influence and her need to prevent a rapprochement between these parties. As already stated, the US needs to demonize NK to justify its presence in the region, but in reality aiming to contain and dominate China.

NK has been isolated and sanctioned for almost 50 years, yet serves to secure China’s southern border in the form of a protected friend rather than an enemy. This situation, more than any UN sanction to which China adheres to, guarantees a lasting relationship between the two countries. Xi is well aware of the weight of isolationism and economic burden on NK, which is why Beijing is symmetrically increasing pressure on Seoul to negotiate.

The US tries to remain relevant in the regional dispute, while not having the capacity to influence the Chinese decisions that clearly rely on other tactics, specifically putting pressure on South Korea. In military terms, the Hawks in Washington cannot start any military confrontation against NK. The consequences, in addition to millions of deaths, would lead Seoul to break relations with Washington and seek an immediate Armistice, cutting off the US from negotiations and likely expelling US troops from her territory.

Ultimately, South Koreans have no ability to influence the political process in the North while they continue to be screwed by the US in terms of warfare (extremely and blatantly aggressive three-nation joint military exercises aimed at invading North Korea) by the coordinated attacks of the combined forces of South Korea, Japan and the US. The influence Washington can exert on Pyongyang is zero, having fired all blank shots with fury over half a century of sanctions, locked and loaded or not.


The bottom line is that the US cannot afford to attack North Korea without starting a Nuclear World War. Kim Jung-Un will continue to develop his own nuclear arsenal, with the covert blessings of China, in spite of her public condemnation of North Korea's nuclear developments. At the same time, South Korea is likely to persevere with a hostile attitude, especially in regard to the deployment of new THAAD batteries.

China and North Korea have a long-term common goal, which is to break the submissiveness of South Korea to the United States, freeing Seoul from Washington's Neo-Con programs to contain China. To China, the main problem to peace in the Korean Peninsula is South Korea, not North Korea. Therefore, each time China agrees to enforce further sanctions on North Korea, she will also step up more trade restrictions upon South Korea.

As long as South Korea is able to absorb Chinese sanctions, little will change. What will lead to a major change in the region will be the economic effect of these restrictions that will eventually oblige Seoul to consider its role in the region and its future. Seoul's leadership is aware of three situations that will hardly change:

1. NK will never attack first;
2. China will continue to support North Korea rather than accept the US at its border;
3. US is unable to bring solutions but can only create greater chaos and a worsening economic situation to the region.

Time is on the side of Beijing and Pyongyang. Eventually the economic situation for Seoul will become unbearable, bringing it to the negotiating table with a weakened and certainly precarious position. Sooner or later, South Korea will come to a breaking point as a result of further trade restrictions imposed by China.

The US does not offer any solutions to South Korea, either in the short or long term. The only thing Washington is offering is a fixed presence in the country, together with a stubborn anti-Chinese policy that would have serious economic consequences for Seoul. On the other hand, Seoul sees the NK offering peace, stability and prosperity based on a framework agreement between Seoul, Pyongyang and Beijing.