
Fear not, Singapore is an infinity

I read Chee Soon Juan’s rebut to Lawrence Wong’s optimism about the unending building programme of Singapore. Lawrence Wong’s position is that Singapore is still building and a lot more could be built. Sure, just pull down old inefficient buildings and build higher in an unending cycle of build, pull down and build. Chee was worried that Singapore’s land is finite and there was just so much that could be built, just so much concrete to be poured onto this piece of rock.

I think Chee should not be too worried. Singapore is an infinity. Though Singapore is only 800 sq km, it has unlimited capacity to build and to populate. Chee must have heard of the sky is the limit and the Tower of Babel. Singapore not only can build towards the sky with today’s technology, it can build downwards to the core of mother earth.

Singapore’s land or space is unlimited. That is why some of the very clever people are saying Singapore can house 10m, 15m or 25m people, or may be the whole world. Nothing is impossible if we can buy all the foreign talents to show their talents and make this an infinite island.

In Singapore, everything is infinite. You think the salary of ministers is high? There are plenty of rooms for more pay hikes. And this applies to the CEOs down to the workers. We can pay all our workers higher and higher salaries than the beans of the rest of the world. Our productivity can go up and up and up to justify the high salaries of our workers and still be very competitive. They deserved every cent they are paid and are very productive.

And our properties, see how people are grabbing HDB flats and willing to pay a million dollar for them? This is the other infinity in Singapore. Property prices can only go up and up to high heavens. 99 years? Not to worry, something will happen and the property prices would still go up and up. Soon HDB flats would all be fetching millions of dollars if the trend continues. And private properties would be in hundreds of millions of dollars with workers being paid in the millions to pay for them.

What about the cost of living, the cost of everything? Sure they will go up as well. But not to worry, fear not. Singaporeans would be able to afford all the good things in life no matter how expensive they are. The salaries will just go up and up to match the up and up prices. There is no limit to infinity. Singapore is infinity.

Chee Soon Juan should not be too worried about the limitations of this little piece of rock. Everything is possible when you pay millions to the talented to come out with their miracle solutions. The impossible will become possible. Miracles would be a normal occurrence. Singapore will be a miracle city with towering blocks swinging in the clouds or winding deeply into the caverns of earth. Have faith in this miracle City of Infinity. Everything is infinite. In Singapore, everything has no limits.


  1. Hi Redbean, Singapore is a marvellous city with good governance and talented people. Some of your buildings and infrastructure are marvels of the world. Fear not, Singapore will shine and astound the world with its new image and great architectural icons. Your city will be one of the best in the world. Swiss standard of living as promised by one of your leaders will be achieved in the future. Fear not, fear not, Akan datang.

  2. Chee Soon Juan should not be too worried about the limitations of this little piece of rock.


    I think Chee Soon Juan is worrying about the wrong things.

    And I think Chee Soon Juan should be worried about the following:

    1. Why is SDP and which he is leading for more than 2 decades not the strongest opposition party?

    2. Why Presidential material Tan Jee Say left SDP after losing?

    2. Why he is not even close to winning a by election against a minority PAP candidate in a Chinese majority SMC?

    3. Why he is not upgrading from his 3 rm HDB flat to a bigger one when his 3 children are all growing up and becoming adults soon?

    4. Besides PAP, what Singaporeans think of him and SDP, especially where voting is concerned.

    1. Because pap, and pinky loong , according to his sister, is abusing and had been abusing his power for selfish and personal gains?

  3. If I remember correctly, in one of the televised panel discussions in which Dr Chee and Lawrence Wong was present, Lawrence even embarrassed Dr Chee with a personal question!

    So you can imagine what Lawrence thought of Dr Chee. Perhaps the same or even worse for other PAP ministers.

  4. Lawrence Wong is right.

    With GDP growth so low compared to the other ASEAN countries, what other way to grow the economy than doing construction by going skywards or downwards. So, building and more building, rebuilding and unnecessary building, are the only alternative left.

    After all, the Government already 'farted' that we can take the population to 10m and the building program is on track to cater to that end. When they 'farted', it is to gauge the public response. And when they 'farted' you can be sure the 'fart' will go down the throats of the dafties. There was hardly any 'fire and fury' opposition in the MSM, only in cyberspace. So, it is all systems go for it because 70% will surely agree.

    Red Dot government is going to tell the dafties that going forward, all they need to do is to rent out their flats to foreigners, sit at home and do not have to work. Foreigners, another few million of them coming, will do the work and push up demand for housing. All sinkies will be landlords, sorry lesseelords, because the HDB flats still belongs to the Government.

    Going forward, everything is going to work out like a dream. Like the dream of 'Goal 2010' or 'Swiss standard of living'


  5. when people cried about 6.9m population and went to HLP, I was asking why

    what 6.9m......only 6.9m I was thinking why kpkb and kpkb

    we should go for 20m population......a large enough domestic market.....growth


    20m.....who say not possible

    all buildings at least 100 storeys high with mega and complex networks of infrastructures

    not enough land?.......not to worry....we can always go underground and over-the-sea

    yes! go for 20m! 20m! 20m! We are the global village.....we are the world.........


  6. The name Sink-ka-pore already tell u that this tiny red dot is a 'City of Sinking-Land' , it's not a city of infinity at all. Sinkieland haven't reached its physical limits doesn't mean it has not reached. In fact, Sinkieland is now buckling on its physical limits, if Lao- Lan Wong couldn't see he must be sleeping in some La La Land, look at the MRT breakdown almost everyday, the foreign influx, the sky high COE, ERPs, & never ending of crowds in trains & buses, sooner or later the garment going to charge or tax u for spaces..

  7. Once upon a time MRT breakdowns was a rarity.

    Now, MRT breakdowns are the norm, a day without breakdown will become the new 'rarity'.

    But, not to worry. They will just drum that situation into the heads of the dafties and everything will be just fine. Just like the floods.

    Dafties are like that. Can never change. So, the Government also no need to change.


  8. Now our kids have grown up with a degree but a 3000 salary staring into the half million hdb flats if buying direct with a 25 to 30 years loan with compound interest, u looking at a million dollar debt. They give up getting married and have family.


  9. l suspect the Pappies are going for broke so that Sinkies will vote for Oppositions. Whence that happens, the Pappies will pack and migrate with their clans and cronies to live their live of plenty and luxury in the safety of their new santuaries.
    The Elected Oppies will have to clean up thr Shits the Pappies created.
    This shall make the Oppies cuckolds.

    So, vote for Pappies to stay in power infinitely as infinite as the Piling Shits that are happening everyday.
    Oops, every hour in fact.



  10. Hello anonymous 945am you don't know meh.

    Our mrt breakdowns and delays are new normal.

    No choice! Living in Singapore is like that lah!

    Why not happy? Why?

    Don't forget 70% of you voted for them!

    This is their gifts to you.

    Well done!

  11. "Those who can make you believe in absurdities;
    can make you commit atrocities."
    - Voltaire

  12. "GST is to help the poor"

  13. We still will not be able to escape physical constraints. Once the place gets too crowded people will move to other countries. Right now, the benefits of living in Singapore still outweigh the costs. But when it reaches a certain limit the costs of overcrowding will be too great and people will leave. Those with the ability to leave will be the brightest and the richest. Hence, the governments policy of retaining talent is counter productive in the long run. A poor NEET type person like me cannot leave, but the talented person can.

    The reason why the government is doing this is that it wants to be relevant geo politically, in order to be a GDP powerhouse you need warm bodies.

  14. "If you look at our history in Singapore, we have never failed in restructuring our economy before."

    "It would be more accurate to say that the PAP has failed far more times at restructuring Singapore's economy than it has succeeded.
    I worry that the ignorance that our politicians display about our history is having a real and very negative impact on their policy making."





    With you.
    For you.
    For Singapore.


  16. Build,build, build.

    Wah, the Contractors who specializes in building bollards will be a multi millionaire soon.

    New contracts for bollards all.over Singapore.

    GDP plus 80% with new Marina Bay Phase II.For the 10 millions.

    My 40 plus HDB can sells over a million and time to have additonal holiday condos and Apartments in Matalnd.

    Safest still in Genting Resorts with its enclosed tight security by itself.


  17. Khaw Boon Wan sets new rail network reliability target as MRT becomes three times as dependable as in 2015




  18. "Those who can make you believe in absurdities;
    can make you commit atrocities."
    - Voltaire

  19. @ Anonymous August 18, 2017 10:56 am

    Tot Ahgualand has 3Ms healthcare scheme?

    Medisave, Medishield Life, Medifund?

    Cannot use?

    Only works on PAPER?

    Maciam fighting war games and on PAPER?

    In real life is maciam the outcome of SEA soccer like ahgualand vs mya mya & ahgualand vs matland tigers?

    Kena trashed until tails between "young lions" legs ..... oops pussy cats legs?

    Wait till their match against the minnow minnow cambland?

    They will ya ya then after an academic win the (kongcum) MSM will trumpet until like win the WORLD CUP?

    This type of mentality u think ahgualand got hope or not?

    Got any future (prospect) or not?

  20. Li Shengwu says he left Singapore because he feared he might be detained
    SINGAPORE - Mr Li Shengwu, the nephew of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has said in an interview published on Friday (Aug 18) that he left Singapore because of concerns that he might be detained by the authorities in a contempt of court case.

    In the interview with Reuters, Mr Li, who is the son of PM Lee's brother Lee Hsien Yang, said: "In Singapore, it is possible that one can be detained and interrogated for some time without a lawyer."

    "My friends had warned me that they were concerned for my safety if I remained in Singapore," he added.

    Mr Li left Singapore on July 23 for the United States, more than a week sooner than he planned, the Reuters report said.



    No sweat lah?

    The garbagement lao za bor (like clockwork) will throng the seaside restaurant in pasir pj vicinity as usual this afternoon and leisurely enjoy their 3 hours lunch lah (at the expense of taxpayers funded salaries?)?

  22. Years of ponzi on population growth through immigrants from Malaysia, Chennai Tamil Nadu, Philippines, Indonesia, China, (only English speakers need stay), what have born in sinkingland learned?
    End result is: wealth ie jobs mainly is spread thinner. Poor never have chance. Rich CEO can claim higher by a million a year is common.

    Sinkingland indigenously born, Nsmen and women, are paying more and earning less. This is the end result. Paying more on GST to benefits the millionaires collecting huge salaries at civil service. At civil service, there are foreigners who had printed papers on streets and got thousands of salaries a month for doing unknown things considered worthy. There were examples needed not to repeat here.
    In sum, ponzi adds headcount on the same pool of workforce: the output is the same or worst. In short, the same sinkingland produce the same old products now added with additional 2.5 millions. Who buy Sinkingland products? Mainly China, Thailand, Korea. Thai May export was 13% growth to China. Therefore, the China market is Sinkingland depending on.

    Will Sinkingland and China sustain trade in long term when Sinkingland take up 10 millions population? From 3 millions to 6 millions now, Sinkingland can do it within 5 to 10 years. To achieve 10 millions, by next 2 terms when Ah long s old enough to give up at 75, the 10 millions problems will exist for future team to solve.

    Why are they doing it?
    1. must fill up the properties, the developers need to make millions more. CEO salary increase by bonus of multi millions dollars is a norm not a surprise. The ponzi in population is to increase sales for properties for the rich to collect their cash as guarantees to bid for higher land prices.
    2. must fill up the pockets. GST will be higher taxing on higher prices. Headcounts more lead to demand for more goods. Elites can continue to increase millions of salaries and expand the civil service, indirectly to sustain the power to rule.

    These ponzi will further lead to rich and poor division become irreparable.
    Why ponzi population make average Nsmen and women poorer?
    1. cost in medical, education, transportation, foods, water, electricity, gas goes up with no possible control
    2. flat prices go higher because elite cannot borrow more cpf to sell flats at lower prices, less born citizens, less cpf, eventually, cpf may be broke
    3. average salary stay stagnant while installments and debts grow higher (now 270 billions household debt), household spend less on shops

    The economy is already showing sign of low purchasing power dragging by high debts. Other cities at Malaysia are pulling back population. Those at Mumbai Chennai Tamilnadu are ever ready to dash to Sinkingland to grab income from jobs. The likely new immigrants are poor and hungry from the same group from sunny land.

    Look at the new demographic. Sinkingland elites are expanding to grab the last dollars out of past prosperity. There is no likely future boom.

    Solution: Not to vote for present elite to continue the ponzi population to cause greater divide between rich and poor. Vote for WP s blue paper to stop ponzi. Nurture young to grow with children to unlash their potentials. Whatever local born potentials are better than Chennai and Mumbai immigrants. Do not hope Steve Job kinda to repeat in Sinkingland. If Steve were to survive, he said it on his last video, he would not want to work till his last breath.
    Sinkingland young men and women, Steve jobs words means they should vote for a team to lead them to balance life between work and love life. With wealth distributed to them and not CEO and COO, and civil servants pockets.

  23. Anonymous 1056am

    Any problem? Why cannot?

    In Singapore.,,,,,you must 3Ms and got plenty of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to survive here!

    No $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ no talk!

    Can die cannot sick!

    You die your business!

    Life here is like that lah!

  24. (like) rats leaving the sinking ship
    - used to describe people who leave a company, organization etc when it is in trouble



    Wah, own FamiLEE member also scared until run?


  25. “Singapore belongs to all of us”, which he said included “Singaporeans, new arrivals, people who are on permanent residence here, people who are on employment pass here.”


    Come home Li Shengwu.
    All is forgiven.




  26. // Thus, Singaporeans, who in the best of times, are the most stupid people on earth...

    "6. Like every economic policy, a single major policy can distort the entire economy, like in this case of deliberate overpricing of HDB public housing flats. Housing is always a major component of every economy and exaggeratedly so in a tiny city and tiny economy like Singapore. Given that the almighty, omnipresent and omniscient govt can control every single behaviour and policy in this tiny, over-governed city,...........

    ..the Singapore Govt also expertly [as always] 'managed perceptions' of the people, through heavy papaganda by all his controlled medias as well as every organ of influence. Thus, Singaporeans, who in the best of times, are the most stupid people on earth, bred and made that way for easier control and management, discouraged from criticising the govt and therefore all critical thinking, believed in certain fallacies:

    a. that HDB flats prices can and will keep rising as promised by LIE KY and his entire govt for decades, promoted by all the state medias who also absent any information that may contradict such beliefs

    b. that this is actual fact, that HDB prices keep rising, never mind that released selling prices represent ONLY SUCCESSFUL SALES while the vast majority of flats are either unsellable, cannot fetch high prices, or that owners cannot sell because they would have to pay even higher prices for their new replacement flat. For example, in 2010, only 32, 257 HDB flats were sold as Resale Flats while there were 1,007,229 HDB flats built altogether by 2010, giving 3.2%. Even if this ~3% successful HDB Resales fetched humongous profits over and above their original prices, it is stupid and incompetent of the govt and people to believe that this experience of the 3% represents a Reality for all 100% of HDB dwellers. But, thanks to relentless papaganda, the absence of critical thinking and even information, this is the prevailing reality. Singapore and the LIEgime are Myths and Illusions, cleverly and relentlessly papagated and usually believed..............

    This, then, is the Psychology of HDB Owners. Like all irrational beliefs, it cannot stand up to a moment's logic but logic is never strong among sheep or "sheeple" as termed online. Keeping people stupid is key to stability and stability is good for the LIEgime because with stability, nothing changes and if nothing changes, then the LIE Dynasty rules forever. Hence Stability is the key virtue for dynasties.

    // link,
    I came, I saw, I solved it.: Stupidest govt of all time

    Singabloodypore: Legitimized Corruption Understood

    Veritas: Singapore asset inflation 1: PAP the wizards of bubbleland


  27. Anon 8.29


    You never know what you get the oomph until you try them.

    See that what Chee Tat hoe or hoe tat speak in a forum.

    Most of the helicopter audience seemed to be disbelief of him

    Like a small boy talking to his grandfathers and grand cho kong.

    So, daft sinkies, get those still with ooomph like brand gas in soft drinks and beer like CSJ and TJS and not that tired out of gas PAP clowns.

  28. 11:51am
    he also said:
    " the PMO said Mr Li's points on detention and interrogation are "not accurate".

    No need to run road. Sinkerpour is safe at home or at changi.

  29. 'Sinkerpour is safe at home or at changi' unquote

    He thinks he is giving candy to a 3 year old and tells him to belief. 70% Sinkies are daft, but not all are daft.

  30. Is there an underlying reason why Li Shengwu is being targeted?"

    Why is the POWER going after Li Shengwu? On the surface, it is the AG charging him for contempt of court. But why the Judiciary never say anything? If the Judiciary has not even said a single word regarding contempt of court, where is there a contempt of court?

    In my humble opinion, I think the "contempt of court" is just an excuse.

    From my point of view, there is actually "NO CASE TO ANSWER" because Shengwu's Facebook post was a private post. He did not make it public. It was the AGC that made it public, followed by the Straits Times and other newspapers of the world followed suit, picking up from there. From one source, it simply proliferated throughout the world. This is not Shengwu's doing.

    The proliferation of his private post in the Facebook should not be taken against him. It will be very unfair and unjust if he is found guilty of this.

    Actually, the main culprit who leaked or initiated the proliferation should be charged and the news outlets that published his private post should also be charged too.

    I sincerely think that there must be another underlying reason why Shengwu is being targeted.

    Please note: Anyone charged in court and fined $2000 or more cannot participate as a candidate in any General Elections.

  31. As long as this pee-sai is terror attack free many many many would want live here.

    Once this clean record is broken, this pee-sai will not be the same again.

    It would be ITE!

  32. In Li Shengwu's case the main culprit who leaked the proliferation probably is a mole working for the establishment, who ratted on him. Why would a friend take the trouble to report to the authorities what is written in Shengwu's facebook and risk being called up to 'lim kor pi'? Probably someone posing as a friend but actually a spy told to keep a close watch on his intentions and movements.

    Remember Tang Liang Hong's case. It was also a close friend, a PAP MP, who sold him out.

    I wonder whether in any other democratic country, anyone fined $2,000 are barred as a candidate in an election.

    And what of the AHTC case against Low, Sylvia and Pritam? Was that also a ruse to disqualify them from the next GE if they are fined $2000 or more? I was just wondering!

  33. Regarding build and build, I think Lawrence Wong is 101% right. If Lawrence Wong is the son of Wong Can Sing, who was 100% right when he said, "He is either inside Singapore or outside Singapore.....", when asked about the whereabout of the limping Mas Salamat, after he escaped from the high security ISD detention cell at the old Police Academy.

    If daddy has been 100% right, the son must be at least 101% right. If Chee Soon Juan cannot believe him, Chee Soon Juan should go and ask Wong Can Sing.

    Frankly speaking, Chee Soon Juan is a goner. It is better for him to retire completely from politics and become a Professor at Harvard University. He should think of his children's future first. That is his primary responsibility. If he does not know his primary responsibility, how the hell can he be seen as a responsible politician in the eyes of the Singaporean voters?

    SDP was an up-and-coming party to challenge the PAP, until Chee Soon Juan came in to destroy it.

    We (my wife, one of my children and myself) took so much pains, sufferings, and hardship struggling against all odds, day and night, for so many years, together with Chiam and Lena. Slowly and steadily, despite all odds, managed to establish a foothold, form SDP. grew and expanded. Chiam managed to get into Parliament. SDP then increase the number of seats in Parliament. The SDP brand became a household name.

    Then came this Chee Soon Juan. The next thing we know, Chiam was ousted. Under Chee Soon Juan, SDP went down the slippery slope. At one stage, only 20 members left. Until today, despite new blood being injected, it is still unable to make any in-road to Parliament.

    I have avoided criticising Dr Chee until today. I have refused to talk about SDP even. Why? Because it pains me deeply to even talk about it.

  34. Sg politics is built on the concept of feudalism. ''Broadly defined, it was a way of structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.'' Someone is either a noble, clergy or serf. Majority of people are serfs.

  35. The solution to such a state is to leave and go to a better place. Check the list of liveable cities.

  36. No one can fight a feudal state unless fully backed by bankers.

  37. The young one. Come back for his old one s funeral.

    There is a rule by nature.

    Without this rule, the whole world would have been chaotic.

    If the headwind is strong, stay away for sometime. Young one will have to attend old one s funeral. No guarantee no arrest at funeral. But the winner is the young one, according to rule of nature.

  38. hi the dragonfly

    your 3.00pm comment is rather touching

    like to read your comments in uncle rb blog

    all the best


  39. Gerald Giam asked Cow if the former s experience on mrt breakdown was unfair. WP is not right. Mrt broke down yesterday and today was due to signally fault, not Mr Cow s fault.
    Media reporting the fault must not mention Mr Cow. How can Gerald mention Mr Cow?

    Signalling problem is hardware problem. Nothing to do with CEO s 2.5 millions salary and Mr Cow s silence.

    More breakdowns will come with more new citizens riding with heavy weight. No one can control the new citizens coming in. Nothing to do with Mr Cow.

    Mr Cow takes private car, Mr Giam takes mrt. Why not Mr Giam take car? Mr Cow will never dare to take mrt. What s problem for mrt break down?

  40. One country if u see there is no/zero problem then of course its potential is 1 divided by zero, that is infinity tio bo?
