
The Lee Family Feud – petty or grave

Singapore will not be dragged down by Lee family's 'petty disputes': ESM Goh

'Grave concerns' about how Lee Kuan Yew's last will was prepared: PM Lee


Above are two headlines in Channel News Asia online appearing one above the other on 17 June as if the editor intentionally placed them there to let the readers see the contradiction. Whether this is petty or grave is a matter of opinion, and depends on whether one is a party to the feud or just a bystander watching with disinterest on the sideline.


Many have been saying that this is a petty family matter and should not be out in the public as it concerns the inheritance of LKY. Is it that simple, about whether his family home should be demolished or to be gazetted as a national monument? Or perhaps it is like what Lee Sheng Wu said, if one’s million dollar salary depends on not understanding an issue, then it is petty to them. The second issue would be of public interest for sure. The squabbles between the siblings could be private and personal that the public need not know.


The open joint letter added a few other factors to make it a public concern, ie the abuse of power charges, using state organs and threats or fear of personal safety. What would these allegations mean to the public?  Petty or grave? The PAP likes to talk about the intent and purpose of an issue. The allegation of abuse of power is no petty matter, or is it? The abuse of state organs too is no small matter. What about the fear or threat of personal safety? This last part is more a digression from the main issue.


Hsien Loong is going to Parliament to defend these allegations. So, do you think it is petty or grave? Hsien Loong even lifts the whip and encourages all the MPs from both camps to question him vigorously. Not sure if the format of questioning is still the same, that MPs must submit questions one week in advance or something like that, or would they be allowed to throw questions at him off the cuff, on the spot?  Whichever, this is the first time that a PM has volunteered to be challenged and questioned vigorously, ie giving permission for the MPs to ‘tarok him jialat jialat’ in Parliament. He must have believed in the saying ‘genuine gold not afraid of fire’ or 真金不怕火. The MPs can light all the fire in Parliament but he would stand out unaffected.


See how grave is this matter? Hsien Loong even apologized to the people. Now who is saying that this is petty and the people are tired of it?


The next big question, would Hsien Loong dare to sue his brother and sister, the children of Lee Kuan Yew, or put them behind bars for whatever charges? The loyalists and the old guards would not allow it, the cabinet ministers would not allow it, the people of Singapore would not accept it. Doing so would be the downfall of Hsien Loong and the PAP, I think.

There is a stronger message in the joint statement that was made public. What did Wei Ling and Hsien Yang want the public to know that is more important than the status of the family home and the family squabble? What is the message?  I would not venture further than where the angels fear to tread. Obviously Hsien Loong and those that could see that this is not a petty family dispute can see the picture very clearly.


  1. //There is a stronger message in the joint statement that was made public. What did Wei Ling and Hsien Yang want the public to know that is more important than the status of the family home and the family squabble? What is the message? //

    LHY want all the world to know how despicable his elder bro is--by using the state organs to override his father last Will so as to gain political advantages & keep his party power 4ever. By not honoring his father last Will is similar to a dishonourable son ( that's why LWL spokken bout his elder bro)...


  2. I feel very very sorry for LKY that this had to happen.

    How people viewed LKY will be very diffirent after this episode.

    Whatever the final decisions be, the name LKY can never be the same again.

    Sad. Indeed very very sad!

    A straight forward and simple issue of carry out his last will/wish regarding 38 had to become such a complicated mess!

    There many many ways LKY can be remembered! Please lah!

    Now, there is no U-turn! What will the final decisions? We shall see.

    Again, I sincerely feel very very sorry for LKY for all that he had done for Singapore.....HOME!


  3. Read the State Review and you get the clear picture.What's sold for a dollar Market valuation plus 50% extra for donation to charity.

    After which, formed a What's ministerial committee to stop the demolition of what LHY own property.

    Why? the message is that they want to preserve the landmark for all future Singaporeans to remember LKY and his legacy.

    So, as gratuitide still beholden to vote for the Pay And Pay.

    Same time, Li Hong Yi be back to form the 3rd Generation.PM

    You cannot decipher the plans of the Empress Dowager? ?

    That's why LHY's wife not happy. It still boils to MONIES, MONIES MONIES.

    We already paid so much,wants to demolish it and same time as filial son fellowed Father's will and same time in market for millions, millions after that.

    My elder bro had already a lot of fortune.
    Me still below par


  4. Hi Virgo49 954

    Money No Enough!


  5. The next big question, would Hsien Loong dare to sue his brother and sister, the children of Lee Kuan Yew, or put them behind bars for whatever charges?

    Hahahahaha. Of course not lah, because no matter what, blood is still thicker than water, tio bo?

    And most important of all, I think Hsien Loong is very confident that PAP will still win again the next election, and win big too, even if he did not sue his brother and sister. And I share his confidence.

    So why sue own brother and sister, u tell me lah? Sue Chee Soon Juan, yes of course, and by all means.

  6. Of course not lah, because no matter what, blood is still thicker than water, tio bo?
    10:11 am

    I would think so too.

    Because if by now Hsien Loong still have not announce that he will sue, 93% chance he will not sue lah.

    Just as if by now the Sinkie opposition have not announce that they are ready to be govt, 93% chance they will never be ready lah.


  7. It will be a great mistake to blow this up further in parliament.

    LHL should just let this die a natural death.....at least behind the public ears and eyes.

    The people are so very busy with their own things, they do not have the satmina to follow through.

    Do any legal processes behind the public eyes and ears.

    Soon will be forgotten.

  8. /// Not sure if the format of questioning is still the same, that MPs must submit questions one week in advance or something like that, or would they be allowed to throw questions at him off the cuff, on the spot? /// redbean

    In an open court of law.
    Do lawyers submit questions to each other one week in advance?
    So that the other lawyer got time to prepare a model answer?

  9. @ June 20, 2017 11:06 am

    The last time I asked my big boss a question (off the cuff) during his presentation;
    I had to look for another job 12 months later.
    I was made to feel very unwelcome in the company.
    True story.

  10. The last time I asked my big boss a question (off the cuff) during his presentation;
    I had to look for another job 12 months later.
    I was made to feel very unwelcome in the company.
    True story.
    11:10 am

    U are lucky that it was 12 months later and not earlier.

    But then hor, I was much luckier. I did not have to look for another job even though I asked my big boss inconvenient questions in front of others. Also true story.

    So it really depends lah, maybe whether you are indispensable or not to the company.

  11. Anon 10.52

    Already full blown in public, how can don't refute the allegations

    Concerned the credibility of the ruling government and also the future reign of the Third Descend nets.

    The Parrots both white and blue will herald in support of LHL.

    Think of the future disposable incomes. My God Chak bey liao.

    For LHY, one time big gaina and migrate. For LHL, forever power and honour and can be written in history as the Great Dynasty of Lee.

  12. So it really depends lah, maybe whether you are indispensable or not to the company.
    June 20, 2017 11:29 am

    Good point.
    It took them 12 months to make sure they could carry on without me. Ha Ha.

    So do you think all our PAP MPs, Generals, Admirals, Police Chiefs and Air Force Chiefs that have been selected and then elected to be the voice of Singaporeans in parliament.
    Do you think they are indispensable or not?

    What keeps all these PAP MPs in parliament?
    The votes of Singaporeans or the decision of the PAP to field them as candidates in the General elections?
    Tan Cheng Bock - what do you think?

  13. Since LHL has openly invited EVERY SINGAPOREAN to express his opinion via his MP. Lets register your opinion : 1. To demolish 38 Oxley Rise OR 2. To retain as monument.

  14. Since LHL has openly invited EVERY SINGAPOREAN to express his opinion via his MP. Lets register your opinion : 1. To demolish 38 Oxley Rise OR 2. To retain as monument.

  15. From Pingtjin Thum
    14 hours ago

    Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang accuse their brother, the Prime Minister, of abusing his power for personal gain, by convening PAP loyalists in a political body to cover his decision with a veneer of legitimacy.
    Lee Hsien Loong responds by denying the allegations, and to prove it, he will convene PAP loyalists together in a political body to legitimately absolve him.
    Good job proving your siblings wrong, Mr Lee.//

    Well said above lah.
    That's why Tan Cheng Bock also say the Parly is not the right forum for absolving this issue since not everyone has the facts on hand.

    But can the siblings trust the court of law when the alleged personal-lawyer-turned-AGC will equally give them a free trial?

    Between rock and hard place.

  16. But can the siblings trust the court of law when the alleged personal-lawyer-turned-AGC will equally give them a free trial?
    June 20, 2017 1:22 pm

    If you can't even trust 70% of Singaporeans to know how to vote wisely .... is there any hope left in the country?
    True or not?

  17. In the first place, why does a Committee ie govt of today need to convene to decide on the fate of the house?

    If LWL has no intention to move out.
    If LWL intend to live for a long time.

    As long as the two conditions stand, the issue of demolition is moot! Why the rush?
    Even if say 20 yrs down the road in 2037, either or both siblings are no longer around, but as executors, trustees and now-owner of the land, their descendants can decide what to do with it, there and then. The govt-of-tomorrow (whoever it might be) may have a very different sentiments and take on different decisions. So again, if a committee wants to be set up then, it still can.

    Of course, you can see that as a stalement. But sometimes, doing nothing is better outcome untill all heads and grieving hearts have the time to cool down.


  18. When you questioned why the 5th & 6th wills have no demolition clause, but now re-appeared in 7th will, you might as well ask why 5 out of 7 wills have demolition clause?

    Is clear if LKY is unwavering about the demolition.

  19. I have been absent for abwhile. But this one, I cannot keep silent.

    For all the absolute and unfettered powers that Lee Kuan Yew painstakingly and craftily obtained and held during his whole life time, it only requires a rebellous and treacherous son to destroy it totally and completely it one single swerve and swift stroke, for whatever hidden agenda we the public can only guess.

    It is terribly tragic and pathetic for a Statesman of fame and respect like Lee Kuan Yew to go down in flame by the Fire of Hell ignited by his own beloved off-springs.

    Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely, until the corrupted person doesn't even feel that he / she has NO CLOTHES ON.

    The public of Singapore and the people of the World, especially China, India, USA, Malaysia and Indonesia are watching very closely and eagerly a real life display of a Self-Confessed Self-Proclaimed Natural Aristocratic King totally naked and cornered by himself and his own Will against the Will of his own dead and knuckle-dusted father, and most probably also by an INSTIGATOR wuth the NATURE OF EVE behind the scene, a well-known Jinx who weilds immense power over the everyday lives and money of millions of commoner Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and Forigners who earn a living in the Little Red Dot.

    Red Bean asked whether this family fued is PETTY (as happily and disinterestedly publicly stated by the Happily-and-Unconscionably-Collecting Multi-Million Dollars of Taxpayers Money ESM GOT-CHOKE TONG) or is it GRAVE (as seriously and matter-of-factly publicly announced by the Happily-Collecting and Unconscionably-Dushing-Out Multi-Billion Dollars of Taxpayers' money to maintain and sustain his absolute and unfettered powers of a Self-Confessed and Self-Proclaimed Natural Aristocracy?

    In my view, Grave only if you make it grave. Petty only if you don't want to get into the cross-fire of the waring parties. Because eithet way you get shot, you are going to get injured and bleed.

    However, the abuse of power, the misuse of state organizations and agencies for personal or family or political party gains, and the dishonourable conduct accusations MUST NOT be trivially and pettily dismissed as "none of our business", especially so for those who are drawing millions of dollars of Taxpayers' money and elected to represent them. They have no choice but to speak out for the people. Otherwise, they are shirking their role, duty and responsibilities as they have been sworn in in front of the President and Public to carry out without fear, favour or ill-will.

  20. Chin Dynasty.
    China's first Emperor.
    When Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi was alive;
    Nobody dared to ask whether the Emperor was medically fit to make decisions of the state.

    Thousands of years ago
    That was the giant pink elephant in the room.

  21. Where is President Tony Tan?
    Can mediate or not?
    Say something please.

  22. I have been absent for a while. But this one, I cannot keep silent.

    For all the absolute and unfettered powers that Lee Kuan Yew painstakingly and craftily obtained and held during his whole life time, it only requires a rebellous and treacherous son to destroy it totally and completely it one single swerve and swift stroke, for whatever hidden agenda we the public can only guess.

    It is terribly tragic and pathetic for a Statesman of fame and respect like Lee Kuan Yew to go down in flame by the Fire of Hell ignited by his own beloved off-springs.

    Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely, until the corrupted person doesn't even feel that he / she has NO CLOTHES ON.

    The public of Singapore and the people of the World, especially China, India, USA, Malaysia and Indonesia are watching very closely and eagerly a real life display of a Self-Confessed Self-Proclaimed Natural Aristocratic King totally naked and cornered by himself and his own Will against the Will of his own dead and knuckle-dusted father, and most probably also by an INSTIGATOR with the NATURE OF EVE behind the scene, a well-known Jinx who weilds immense power over the everyday lives and money of millions of commoner Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and Forigners who earn a living in the Little Red Dot.

    Red Bean asked whether this family fued is PETTY (as happily and disinterestedly and publicly stated by the Happily-and-Unconscionably-Collecting Multi-Million Dollars of Taxpayers Money ESM GOT-CHOKE TONG) or is it GRAVE (as seriously and matter-of-factly and publicly announced by the Happily-Collecting and Unconscionably-Dishing-Out Multi-Billion Dollars of Taxpayers' money to maintain and sustain his absolute and unfettered powers of a Self-Confessed and Self-Proclaimed Natural Aristocracy?

    In my view, Grave only if you make it grave because of your own agenda.

    Petty only if you don't want to get into the cross-fire of the waring parties. Because in either way you will get shot at, and you are going to get injured and bleed.

    However, the abuse of power, the misuse of state organizations and agencies for personal or family or political party gains, and the dishonourable conduct accusations MUST NOT be trivially and pettily dismissed as "none of our business", especially so for those who are drawing millions of dollars of Taxpayers' money and elected to represent them. They have no choice but to speak out for the people. Otherwise, they are shirking their role, duty and responsibilities as they have been sworn in in front of the President and Public to carry out without fear, favour or ill-will.

  23. ... is there any hope left in the country?
    1:30 pm

    Depends on who hopes what lah.

    So need to be more specific, OK?

  24. Depends on who hopes what lah.
    2:19 pm


    If it is Chee Soon Juan, still got hope meh?

  25. The dispute highlights some issues that are not as petty as it looks.

    Firstly, what is the purpose of a will when it can be varied in administration just on the grounds of national interest that warrant the setting up of a ministerial committee to over-ride it. For the man on the street, I believe personal interest transcends national interest, no matter how loyal or law abiding a citizen can be. How many will do national service for national interest sake if it is voluntary and not compulsory?

    Secondly, if this a precedent, what other aspects of life will this affect us, in particular can our CPF nomination be differently construed and administered, slowly and discreetly, on the grounds of, say, national interest. Not every citizen is well aware of the CPF rulings at present, so slow and discreet changes can be made without them being the wiser. There is therefore the question of confidence in the system that the dispute is clearly trying to tell us.

    Thirdly, we all know that laws have been changed discreetly over the years to favour the powers that be, and rights have been trampled upon. The whole public service is at the beck and call of the ruling party. Rights and privileges enjoyed by PAP control wards have been denied for opposition wards, while taxes, national service liabilities have been levied on them for decades.

    What else is to come when absolute power is in the hands of a few if given a total 100% mandate further down the road?

  26. Aiyoh, ask the FamiLee siblings go fight in the Hague Court or International Court of Justice Lah.. Whoever wins will have the right to tell the other to honor & follow the Law Lah, no need waste public resources & time la...

  27. Anonymous 202pm, do not disturb me lah!

    I am eating KFC!

    Wanna join me?

  28. The issue is about abuse of power lah, about appointment of mediocre but loyal people to important positions until there's no check and balances, instead of the most talented people as under LKY's legacy of meritocracy. At the onset of his FB postings, Hsien Yang questioned what happened to LKY's values.


  29. l will not be surprised at all that there could be shock and heart attack happening as the Feud progresses further.
    The Damages could be devastating as well.

    There are many readings of the Issue and as a whole, it is invariably link to the Politic of Sin. lt is intricate and therefore neither simple nor petty. OTHERWISE PRIME MINISTER LEE HSIEN LOONG WOULD NOT HAVE TO MAKE A FORMAL NATIONAL APOLOGY TO THE PEOPLE.

    However, by insisting to take the Issue to Parliament shall complicate matters.

    The Sin President Tony Tan seems non-chalant about the Matter and has remained numb and dumb.
    Thought Tony Tan as the President could and should have do his best as Head Of State as well as someone close to the Lee to have played his role as a mediator or peace maker to the Children of his Late Friend.
    Alas! His silence is too obvious to be missed.


  30. His siblings have learnt from amos yee and are trying to claim asylum. Better to live as refugees in usa than as royalties in crowded, expensive, hot, small sinkapore.

  31. Wait long long, or Tan Ku Ku for KFC Tan to mediate lah!

    If I were him, why bother? Just counting his millions and waving hands on National Day is taxing and strenous enough already.

  32. Lee Hsien Loong making a National Apology for what purpose and for what real reason?

    It is better for him to go in front of his father's and mother's graves (urns of ashes) and kneel down and feel really remorse and sorry, repent and beg them for forgiveness!

    At the same time, he should resign and appoint a capable (not favoured) senior person to be Acting PM, and announce a date for an Extraordinary General Election to be held within the next three months.

    This is the only way he can be excused, forgiven and accepted back as normal human being.

  33. Lee Wri Ling will have to stay at 38 Oxley Rise for as long as the Power allows her to stay. So that NOBODY can do anything to that land and building.

    Lee Hsien Yang and Family may have to go into exile in USA and join Amos Yee. Ten years later, they should come back to fight for Singaporeans through the rigged political system.

    How they do it will have to depend upon USA's Shadow Government, the Deep State.

  34. Sorry for typo error. Should be Lee Wei Ling.

  35. No matter how powerful Lee Hsien Loong and Ho Ching wanted to be, can be and would be, it depends on the DEEP STATE.

    Once the Shadow Government decides that they have to be replaced, they will be replaced in double quick time.


    No wonder, during the last 12 years, there has been one cock-up after another continuously without respite and the citizens have been suffering one blow after another.

    This must also be taken as part and parcel of LKY's Legacy. Because he made his son the PM to succeed GCT (the happy go lucky money-minded Chair-Warmer),

  37. "Over the last week, Singaporeans have been disturbed and confused by news of the private dispute between my siblings and me. I deeply regret that this dispute has affected Singapore’s reputation and Singaporeans’ confidence in the Government.
    - PM Lee Hsien Loong


    Just imagine.
    One family can affect Singapore's reputation and Singaporeans' confidence in the Government.

    Do you not find this troubling after 51 years of nationhood?

    So is it true?
    When the Lee family sneezes, Singapore catches a cold?
    When the Lee family catches a cold, Singapore will die of pneumonia?

    So is Singapore a fully functioning democracy with separate parts of government capable of independent decision & leadership?
    is Singapore an Emperor system of government where nothing can move without the Emperor's approval?

    What do you think?

  38. LHL said he has lifted the whip so any MP from either side can question him. Do you honestly think any PAP MP would dare question him too vigorously? Maybe not, future front bench seats could be in jeopardy? I fear questions from the PAP MPs if any would be pre-censored and orchestrated.

  39. This issue is getting very exciting. It's fairly complicated in the sense that the government will probably wanted to talk about the dispute on the house where others wanted to focus on the abuse issue. The WP remains diam diam for Long time and based on the questions posed also covers the not so critical issues.

    Our committee is of the view that these issues are beyond us so we will no longer issue any more press briefings in the future on these issues and leave them to the MP to addressed.

    Our members should focus on the recreation aspect of the club which is Kuda riding.

    Michael Tan
    Singapore Kuda Riding Club

    Vice President
    Asia Pacific Kuda Riding Club

    Board Member
    international Kuda Riding Club

    cc David Gan
    Press Secretary

  40. This issue is getting very exciting. It's fairly complicated in the sense that the government will probably wanted to talk about the dispute on the house where others wanted to focus on the abuse issue. The WP remains diam diam for Long time and based on the questions posed also covers the not so critical issues.

    Our committee is of the view that these issues are beyond us so we will no longer issue any more press briefings in the future on these issues and leave them to the MP to be addressed.

    Our members should focus on the recreation aspect of the club which is Kuda riding.

    Michael Tan
    Singapore Kuda Riding Club

    Vice President
    Asia Pacific Kuda Riding Club

    Board Member
    international Kuda Riding Club

    cc David Gan
    Press Secretary

  41. Workers' Party MP Png Eng Huat is asking the wrong question in Parliament July 3.

    He wants to ask what rules are in place to prevent the abuse of power and the influence of ministers on the civil service?

    He should be asking what rules are in place to prevent the abuse of power and the influence of ministers' wives on the civil service?

  42. @ June 20, 2017 7:19 pm

    PEH of WP should just ask both questions.
    - is there a limit to the number of questions that can be asked in parliament?

    Anyway, isn't there one week to prepare the model answers?

  43. When a government is ruled by a group of sycophantic self-protective self-enriching, self-glorifying, self-praising incubated, silver-spoon-fed, Paper Generals and Cowardly Colourless Faceless Shameless Balls-Carrier and Door-Opener Psuedo-Politicians, how can any wise person believe that these smae group of minions have the courage, conviction and gumption to question their own Boss-cum-Paymaster vigorously and impartially on behalf of the common people, when their easy-come world highest salary is at stake all the time?

    This present System of Government is actually similar to the Chu-Kong System of the Suharto Era of Indonesia. It is actually corropt to the core, except that no one is able to bring justice to bare because the corruption is "legally" backed by the Undemoctatic, Lob-sided Unparliamentary Parliament controlled and commanded by the Prime Minister, through a Proxy called the Speaker of the House and a Party Whip-Master, whose appointment and well-being is in the hands of the Secreatry-General of his political party?

    In addition, the General Elections are rigged in favour of the ruling party in a cunningly engineered Electoral System fully commanded and controlled by the Prime Minister for the SOLE purpose of perpetuating his power, position and reign.

    Everything is Wayang. All state organs, civil service, admin service, statutory boards and other official agencies are all well-grilled-and-drilled automatic and robotic actors. Even the Press and Mass Media are also habitually robotically playing the tunes of the ONE who calls the shots.

    Only Divine Intervention can rescue Sinkies out of this TOTAL-POWER STRANGLEHOLD. So, pray more than five times a day!

  44. The divine has intervened. The big tree had fallen. The monkeys would scatter.
    Things will happen swiftly and before you know it, it will be all over.

  45. There shall be casualty wayang or not.
    Karma is a bitch, when it bites, it bites deep and hurts badly. Maybe even few generations will get affected.
    Dont play play.

  46. Questions posed by the Workers'Party

    The Workers' Party believes the crux of the family issues surrounding 38 Oxley Road is for the family to resolve privately or in Court. We are only concerned with the allegations of abuse of power and the harm these have caused to confidence in Singapore and our political institutions. WP MPs have filed the following parliamentary questions to help clear the air on the allegations

    Pritam Singh: To ask the Prime Minister whether the Government would consent to a resolution to convene a Special Select Committee of Parliament, comprising Members from all parties, with public hearings that are broadcast live to look into allegations of abuse of power by the Prime Minister made by members of his family so as to allow his accusers to present all the relevant evidence to Parliament

    Sylvia Lim: To ask the Prime Minister (a) what rules are in place to ensure that Ministers and senior public office-holders with personal or pecuniary interests in the subject-matter of government decisions do not influence or participate in the related deliberations and decision-making, and how are the rules enforced; (b) as regards government opinions or decisions relating to the estate and assets of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, what conflicts or potential conflicts of interest did the government identify to exist from among the members of the Cabinet and with regard to the Attorney-General; (c) how these conflicts or potential conflicts of interest were or are being managed

    PNG ENG HUAT: To ask the Prime Minister (a) what clear rules and directives are in place to prevent Ministers and other political appointees from abusing their positions to access, influence and direct senior civil servants on matters beyond their professional course of work; and (b) how often are these rules and directives communicated to the senior civil servants and in what form

    Chen Show Mao: To ask the Prime Minister what mechanisms are in place to prevent, limit, detect, and address situations where ministers or other political appointees use state organs to obtain information not related to the performance of their duties, advance personal interests or punish detractors, critics, or political opponents

    Chen Show Mao: To ask the Prime Minister when should a minister or political appointee go to court to defend his or her reputation and when should he or she refrain from private litigation and seek instead to address such allegations publicly, such as in Parliament

    Leon Perera: To ask the Prime Minister (a) under what circumstances Ministerial committees whose existence is not made public are convened to address issues; (b) how many of such committees exist and can their terms of reference and composition be publicly announced unless forbidden by national security concerns: (c) in the case of the Ministerial committee reviewing the fate of No 38 Oxley Road, will independent heritage experts and processes for public opinion sensing be engaged by the committee

    Daniel Goh 吴佩松: To ask the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth (a) whether Deeds of Gifts executed with the National Heritage Board may be shared with third persons, and if so, under what circumstances they may be shared, (b) whether the Deed of Gift of items from 38 Oxley Road was protected by a confidentiality clause, and if so, why did the Board release the Deed to the Prime Minister

  47. Ask LHY to parliament to prove his allegations about abuse of power etc etc etc.

  48. Lao Goh has the same thinking as mine as it is indeed a petty family matter,common in sinland n elsewhere .
    When some one say it's grave it's be cos he is speaking as a family member so where got contradiction.
    When one offer apology that does not mean one is guilty but just to appease the dafts and do damage control.
    I even go court to PG even I commit no offence ,not be cos I guilty but be cos I want save trouble and time.
    Apology or PG does not necessarily mean one is guilty.
    Not easy to have leader with" big heart" and can see the better picture.
    I started to admire him.

  49. I started to admire him.
    June 21, 2017 8:20 am

    Wah! So quick you open your chee bye already ah?

  50. Lau Goh and Lau Gong, of course, have the same thinking.

    One is senile while the other is 'gone gone' already.

    I have already started to disbelieve their unwisely thinking, big time.
